r/Crappydesign | wheelchair up stairs?

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it's serena williams [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk my name is robin and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash crappy design oh boy here we go this little machine's battery requirements what the heck why why a disabled toilet and shower with a step no no no not a step a challenge you want a shower in here dude you better have one nice vertical bunny hop ah our customers will never use our fan on a hot night so let's put bright led indicators on it that can't be turned off i had to put on electrical tape over them or they'll light up the entire room six sigma training showing process with gears that don't mesh with each other that's gonna be a yikes and a half from me bud every single gear is different what the hell face mask with a smiley face that's made out of non-breathable material right over the mouth making it impossible to breathe impossible huh i don't think so little harder maybe but i believe in you you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose you can breathe through that smiley face i mean i don't know if you can do that but i'm just gonna assume that about you this bottle of hand sanitizer is made of hard plastic so it's near impossible to get out hey man let's give all of these companies trying their hand at hand sanitizer a little bit more credit okay they've never done this before but they're doing it for the good of mankind and to stay in business so they don't go bankrupt and have to fire all their employees and blah blah blah blah add for clear ice maker that shows people drinking with cloudy ice ah that's a good way to sell your product by not advertising what it can do it should be aso but the o should be the heart care news.i.t no i think they've got it pretty fine a shower designed to be as hard to stand in as possible that and probably incredibly slippery after a certain point you ever tried to stand on a wet rock before because i have so now i need wire cutters to not kill turtles with bottle rings i think it's great that we've all universally accepted that things like this are guaranteed to end up in the freaking ocean where they shouldn't be killing many animals there a-10 warthog first produced in 1972 pictured on a book about world war ii wow that's a serious oversight and incredibly embarrassing netflix had to ruin the nice cover art not a sticker oh screw you netflix sorry guys i'm getting a little bit heated i gotta take deep breaths to make it through this one who com zen don't kill anybody they're just posts they can't hurt you wanted to charge my apple pencil while on the go you wanted to do what idiot you're not allowed to do that normally so saith apple i've accidentally hit these buttons with my sausage fingers so many times and i hate that i can't customize them oh roku gets a lot of money to make sure you can why would you make it red and coming out of his neck because clearly his throat was slit this isn't a park for babies it's a park for men this possible subway map for the world looks worse if you look at the labels ah yes the way they've reshaped the earth's continents is actually quite freaking hilarious found a ghost dog while looking at dog pools also this pool is supposed to have a diameter of 63 inches the material on the mesh back of my chair is abrasive so it acts like a cheese grater and wears down my shirts really hope you didn't pay too much for that one my friend okay i actually kind of like the concept because i feel like it would actually work but is that covering up the camera no i don't know look i can't hug every cat but i sure as hell want to try and take a selfie with every cat let's be real watch your step well given his current predicament i'm sure telling him now was too little too late ah they did the old switcheroo okay non-scratch sponges this product may scratch oh come on scotch do not disturn i'm playing ortnite population by age group not even remotely gonna happen we're moving on yeah yeah you'll have your own private balcony with a view and everything it's gonna be awesome governmental and military moro islamic liberation front or milf i can't possibly think of a better way this could have been done nope not below the floor that's too easy you know when you have to make something surrounding a very popular ip but you don't have the actual rights to do it well this is what you get or they vaguely knew about it and genuinely did not give enough of a rats to do their studying adobe just updated most of its apps to all be the same color oh come on adobe's been making stupid decision after stupid decision for the past 15 plus years yeah you'll have like this tiny little balcony and everything seriously i hope that window slash door actually open still you best watch out little girl you about to get dunked on it's a gert it's a what it's a gert you mean girl no i don't mean a girl notice two occupants of flats covet 19 precautions to help with social distancing please walk on the right hand side of the stairs going up and walk on the left hand side of the stairs coming down thank you excuse me what perfect place for a stop sign wonder how many people have died there your come dreams true wow that sounds kind of naughty work out on your out on your term your terms work man you convinced me i'm gonna come in and sign up right now it's everyone's favorite cartoon characters robert the sponge and patty the star-shaped being avocado soap it changes your skin tone what the hell is that a light switch who the hell thought that was a good idea wow i've got nothing guys that's ridiculous happy easter what it's one thing to screw this up but it's another thing to put this out on the floor you know someone read it and went i don't get paid enough are they advertising headphones or the worst vr headset in existence i really need to know this i don't think that's how you're supposed to ball i'm not gonna kick it i'll break my foot he'll i'll give him a pass cause this is clearly in japan but what's a tex [ __ ] mex tale train your brain how exactly is this training my brain also whatever i'm just gonna relegate myself to the idiot side of the spectrum all right let me give this a try here your one stop diy shot wow if i can't read your sign while driving past at 40 miles an hour odds are i'm never gonna go in there do you want it to be louder or do you want to completely reverse the sound sending it back into your speakers making your computer fatter wow just wow man i'm absolutely beyond impressed with that work bravo everybody let's just give him a round of applause in the comments why don't we that's beautiful absolutely beautiful not many people go full winchester house like that and i respect it after thought do it in post style architecture will always be one of my favorite things to look at and this is why just look at it it's glorious that is the most intimidating shower head of all time but that's not what i'm concerned about i'm concerned about short people having to call in their tall friend to turn on the shower for them because those are like eight feet in the air all right let's give this one a try bornt o love yuda earling now what could that mean i swear to god someday we're gonna do this just like blue's clue style where i walk in front of these posts and ask you the audience where to find the meeting in all of this ah yes i too am a subscriber of the anal magazine hey whoa excuse me you said this was not actual size well it wasn't true that is the actual size what do you mean get a light hello hello please let that be just horrific designs on the bed sheets or maybe paint or something like that don't let it be stains of what i think it is don't worry she'll grow into that watermelon of a head within the next 10 or so years i can't guarantee that but i can put a reasonable guess out there for it are you kidding me who the hell thought of that okay i don't know who that's supposed to be but i would buy this thermos in a freaking heartbeat and i would use it every day oh looks like i found my new bedspread hell yeah freddy fazbear's pizza no that's just my room that's what a magic happens baby where are you going there's more to prime a truck dad more what's a truck dad is that what they call truck drivers nowadays oh we're going back to those unlicensed products again and man this one is one of the worst offenders yikes yeah those hyper-defined teeth and that little mouth pikachu what did they do to you he's not supposed to have three eyes stop letting him play in toxic waste plants please tell me that yet again this is just another hideous and misguided design women waist trainer hot neoprene shirt sauna suit sweat body shaper jacket top zipper long sleeve whoa what's going on with this image uh-huh okay i understand i think no i'm completely lost what do you want me to do and lastly pick something random just for fun these bracelets these earrings this necklace these sunglasses what's this for really what buzzfeed quiz is this i might try it myself you wanna wipe your you're gonna have to work for it i feel like there should also be a drill sergeant posted in every one of these bathrooms to watch you and coach you so that eventually you'll be able to wipe your butt all by yourself you know he's gonna have to boost you up there at first it's gonna be a whole thing i'll pay you a wow price for your car i want to buy your baby wait do you want my car or do you want my child just what are you doing what are you doing man i too am getting rather tired of all of this horrible horrible packaging i don't know who started this trend of using zip ties and everything but screw you dude he just couldn't take it anymore [Laughter] there's no way this is a marvel legend series anything what am i looking at right now [Laughter] special k's chocolatey delight naturally flavored with other natural flavors that sounds a little suspicious special k i feel like wearing a jacket that when unzipped says horror semen is probably not the best fashion move anybody in particular could or should make oh so you guys finally added handicapped access to the building well yes but actually no you know i always forgot that in elementary school when we learned how to count they also taught us that 83 isn't a real number there's 82 and then 82 the sequel wow the inconsistency of the design of this one is absolutely maddening did you really try to replace the letter c with a starfish really really what's going on with this floor it's incredibly gross looking is it corkboard what is this one-way trail do not enter enter here oh goody more mixed signals guys is this supposed to be a slide a slide that tests just how pain resistant you are i guess that's the slide that separates the boys from the men or something like that well they were kinda close but not quite on this one just when you think you couldn't hate the police anymore they go ahead and put comic sans on the side of their cruisers family also known as frick my life i do like me the cigarette aesthetic a good 2.4 of the water or whatever coming down that pipe is gonna make it into that drain by public service standards that's pretty darn good it's an a plus in my book a deslexia friendly friendly what is the wall friendly is the fence friendly and why is it friendly guys we need to get to the bottom of this okay ah yes highly accurate you guys did great what universe do they think we live in this is not the wizarding world we can't just push play inside of a book is this guy playing fortnite on a wii okay all right makes sense to me wow i really wish i could read this light is impossible to clean and ugly as hell did it actually come like that did someone pay for a light that looks like that this useless clock at a german train station where the hands don't light up but the hours do what time is it yes you you have to open your other eye [Laughter] this feels like me playing a video game and having someone tell me what i need to do ad for a barber shop in switzerland what the hell's going on here my bathroom door doesn't have any locks and is the only door in the house with a window what you don't like giving your roommates a show god prude you can see to the men's bathroom through the mirror from the outside virus restrictions are very generous now only 63 people allowed insi oh ground floor and cool yeah the average person's definitely going to read that properly this four dollar swan pool float from the dollar store what he's just looking at the person sitting on his back you wouldn't be a little curious if someone jumped on you measuring spoons and cups labeled with ink that washes off after the first time they come in contact with water you better memorize them quick when it rains too hard the water pours down over the sheltered pathway now that's just a shower for when you're running late a light switch inside the shower wonder how many people have died taking a shower in that house and thankfully that is all she wrote folks just a small taste of the design that continually gets approved and put out to the public on a very regular basis always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really liked it make sure you get yourself subscribed and click the bell icon really helps us out in creating new content on the regular until next time we'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 529,693
Rating: 4.9541783 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, r/crappydesign, crappydesign, crappy design, crappydesign best posts, crappydesign top posts, bad design, awful design, diwhy, diwhy top posts, diwhy best posts, diwhy emkay, bad diy, bad life hacks, life hacks, crappydesign emkay, r/crappydesign emkay
Id: NZu24bRiuso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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