r/Crappydesign | uncomfortable memes

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honk love if you jesus remember kids don't jesus and drive [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexi and welcome back to mk we are gathered here today to feast upon the poor decisions of our slash crappy design but first you know we gotta get in some love for that beautiful fan art today's fan art is brought to us by wings over peria made a fiery pixel art i'm new to pixel art and it was a bit rushed so it isn't my best work you all keep underselling yourselves you guys do awesome work and behold the fiery pixel hand of fate with burning embers of upvotes flying in all directions absolutely epic thank you so much for that fan art wings of peria and now for our future presentation r crappy design aka who approved this also i managed to cut my lip earlier because i am that skilled at life so please excuse any weird s's i work at walgreens every time a customer buys one of these starbucks drinks i have to risk the bottles shattering into the floor as i try to scan the package oh come on starbucks you couldn't put it on the side of the package as well i guess they assume that every single place will have a flat scanner but that's not true for a lot of places if you flip the image the species changes on the right we have a sarah poseidon but on the left we have another tall dinosaur so we'll just flip the images it'll be fine nobody will notice it's just another long-necked dinosaur it doesn't matter let's put the sleep button right there yep right in the middle of the volume controls oh i used to have a laptop that did this i hated it i never even got the point of the sleep button when you could just close the lid and put the laptop to sleep this fancy design makes the plate look super dirty minus the crumbs oh that oh that fills me with french if i somehow got my hands on this plate like if i was gifted it or something i would i would just re-gift it to goodwill or donate it or give it to somebody else because i couldn't handle that no no way luckily kovit doesn't spread sideways wait here wait here and wait here yeah you only need to maintain six feet of distance to your front not to your sides that's not important this brand new duster has a design that makes it look extremely dirty all the time why do companies do this like is the tip of it supposed to change a color when you need to buy a new one or something or is it just a ploy to make you buy a new one because it looks dirty this ad is for a cloth diaper insert however the baby is wearing a disposable diaper somebody went to shutterstock my daughter's homework we have a whole bunch of numbers that i do not have the time to decipher and then some sort of key thing which spells out volunteers are good for nothing wow y'all pushing them paid jobs early great extra step from a wheelchair adapted restroom [Music] please have an accessibility specialist or an actual disabled person use your restrooms or facilities i'm legally blind and a building i worked in put up printed braille cards like no bumps at all i'm fortunate enough to not need braille but i have friends who do need braille and i really don't want them like stroking the walls trying to find the fire exit it looks like a sticky mess and it's not something you'd like to see in a restaurant chili's house of ribs slow smoked tender ribs covered in six fantastic sauces of the six people we killed in our basement seriously this is the cover of a horror movie or like clown makeup gone terribly wrong and the one in the center of their nose just looks like a giant zit this is just who approved this carpet that looks like the carpet what oh oh carpet that looks like the carpet was bleached or worn away or started sprouting mold the same design is repeated in the elevator i had to stare for a while to convince myself that it was on purpose oh oh that's on purpose oh that is some swamp algae green that i would expect to have some vacant house must oh god i already see where this is going a donation bin for n95 masks that looks like a trash can okay i realize everything relating to the pandemic is last minute and we're all working with what we have but just decorate it up with some brightly colored tape or something like that indicating that it's for medical donations this is a great idea in theory but it's been ruined by people not thinking which people just don't think sometimes so you know what do you expect whoever designed this baby grow has never seen a human child ah that that's for a dog that is that is a dog onesie i'm not sure what a baby grow is but that that onesie would easily fit my dog oh oh i thought they were shorts at the bottom oh god oh those are the what is this for chibi enderman can you imagine a baby like this just like two little squat nubs of legs and then just spaghetti arms oh i'm taking that image to my grave temperature control cool normal and cooler is is norm wait is normal normal cool or is normal i do i can't no who approved this oh minions are even worse now thanks i didn't expect crappy design to make my insomnia worse but here we are i just want somebody to come through that door just good morning oh god that's not that's not a usb port that's not no no what usb port are you using that has seven ports run with triangle on your back alternatively run while scratching your bum alternatively play with jetpack with your third leg dangling in front oh i can't make that joke oh oh sorry the scientific question to prove my sexuality exists presented by dr weidman somebody clearly not knowledgeable about bisexuality waste paper packaging glass i don't i don't oh oh come on it's the same on the opposite side which means that depending on what side you approach it from why can't we have nice things flip the design on the other side so they all line up you incompetent rutabaga bewasu akiwarith i wait seriously what is this supposed to be oh beach why wave surf beach wave surf wow that is uh that's worse than normal usually they try to line up at least one element but this just doesn't even try if you are coughing stay home in social gatherings if you are sick so stay home and have a massive party you got it don't don't actually do that please don't be dumb oh god kill it kill it i'm just imagining it trying to talk like pikachu let's talk ready moo music wait wait wait wait wait no no no i've got this let's rid e taut emu sick i know it's let's ride to the music but at this point i'm just gonna make fun of it oh oh god okay i can't see too well hello fool again who approved this ah yes football my favorite game makes you wonder what baseball would be called coninor indian cuisine hey look he's repping the mk channel and is possibly a very misplaced stock image oh my god the goal of a face mask is not rhinestone lip armor the goal of a face mask is to stop you from spraying everyone else with your diseased moist lung slime but i digress under normal circumstances this would actually look kind of cool hunting people wait did the season already start off frack i forgot to get my permit hang on i'll be right back phew got there right before they closed there we go all in order ah what okay um i can't see the back of this so i can't see if there's a pipe behind this but to those of you that haven't seen a split system before there's a pipe that's supposed to come out of this to go outside to an error handler compressor unit otherwise it just blows the air around because it has nowhere else to put the heat so you've essentially installed an extremely expensive ceiling fan srs e-i-v-e-c we pride ourselves in readability this is particularly bad because there's also a vertical line down so i can see sevik rise or civic rye s every part of this deserves to be dipped in spoiled milk including the designer oh god that is a shark acorn and i do not like it i appreciate the attempt but you're fired then eggs drags i have no idea what this is advertising or what it's supposed to be saying or if this person is like selling drugs out of a coffin or saying that coffins are made of drugs or he's refusing an intervention is this guy married to drugs i'm concerned but i also don't want this to become my problem so i'm just gonna move right along okay um we need to have a talk why is his crotch more damage than the rest of him why does he have a rusty crotch i don't want to speculate anything but the police are here and they're asking questions and i'd rather just get it quietly resolved so just answer in the comments which of you did the thing with the shrek so we can get the police to leave and get this whole thing cleared up also you're now banned from mini golf everywhere not just here just everywhere forever do not please enter well if you insist a whole day starts from i hate breakfast i've never had my toast made so aggressively oh it's the brand of the toaster it's an argent sounds like an incredibly caffeinated german sneeze there's a bunch of how to measure instructions up above for clothing that i'm not going to read but the main issue here is that whoever made this diagram clearly was homeschooled and didn't quite figure out which parts of the body were which and i say this as somebody who was homeschooled for a few years ah yes shoulder busts because that's where humans keep their breasts on their shoulders shrests although hip elbows would become hell bows and that just sounds really cool from the creators of extreme commute to roadkill boogaloo bike lane if you dare brought to you by red bull it gives you wings red bull is not responsible for any stupid crap you do here this message not actually brought to you by red bull at this point it's no longer a locked door it's just an intelligence test if you still want to go out that door you're welcome to quonk oh this belongs in thanks i hate it hey robin do you want to cover this one ah yes the bright light in the center of our solar system rockets sponsored by spacex oh my god okay okay somebody needs to bring a green screen behind this and make this car look like it's going really fast and just add constant screaming just constant screaming like i mean all in just go for it just ring girl ten mooshores four oh this isn't a different language not even gonna try but what dimension did this designer go to i don't even know if it's supposed to be an english word i think this is just an exercise and find the stroke philadelphia water ice premium italian ice okay this one wasn't immediately weird to me because i've seen it called water ice before but yeah it's like a soft shaved ice kind of thing that they sell in in the frozen section but yes it has some really dumb regional names okay the only instance in which this is cool is if the clock broke first and then they added the fan because that would be kind of nifty actually actually make the hands bright yellow or like bright red or something you might be able to get away with it then say cheese no no i do not need big brother surveillance toilet paper thank you very much i've seen this before i'm isaacs and isaacs and my forehead is a mailbox a well-ventilated mailbox confirm do you want to quit the game no no you do not no you do not what in the fresh floofy hell is that you've heard of pickle rick now get ready for sheeple rick those eyeballs could easily be used in a game of pool there's a solution substance abuse 833 not sick drugs were always the answer that i i wait wait why the diagonal steps are kind of cool but why did you put a railing just right there maybe it like detaches for winters i i i still don't see what the benefit would be i want there to be a reason but i'm afraid there's not wow this is like somebody's first lego building and they suddenly realized they were like a floor off and just sort of like threw some tiles down i mean screw gender stereotypes but i also don't think you planned the toy very well oh a home docs electric pressure washer high pressure washer compact upright design with axle-mounted wheels allows easy roll-away mobility pistol style grip with trigger spray 1 dispenses for efficient pressure washing don't worry baby i know he doesn't live here i don't know why he keeps showing up and cleaning our car but it'll be okay he'll be gone soon what in the forest merges this i logically know this is just a poorly sewn stuffed animal but this also makes the insinuation they are compensating for precisely nothing or they're compensating for something that their doctor should be looking at immediately candy sucks you take that back right now never fresh frozen beef i realize wendy's is trying to make some sort of point here but i i'm not sure what that point is and the fact that the burger is on books just greasy books are not a look wendy's i jeep jeep good joining you deeple jeep sheeps how about a nice warm mug of gp um this this is oh this is intentional this is not crappy design this is intentional you know exactly what you are doing and we are going to move right on away from that and preferably 50 miles away at least i've never seen a train look high and bloodthirsty at the same time but there's a first time for everything here we are oh oh spongebob what happened to you we need to get spongebob to the hospital like immediately we will have a moment of silence for all the structural engineers watching right now and then a moment of screaming for them as well because they are probably in pain what the wish yoda is this this is like sid from ice age and a basketball having a child and it running headlong into a train as a kid this is a public service announcement asymptomatic carriers are still stopped the contagious spread now stop going please out now just wear wear a mask wash your hands i think my tongue just resigned reading that snow excuses dare yourself i know snow is scary but i believe in you you can conquer snow what the oh i see i grew up in florida they didn't put sidewalks anywhere you were expected to just safari through the brush if you wanted to get somewhere use our blanket for a picnic sun protection an outdoor sleeping mat the beach a tent for your daily diet consume the blanket you fools or it will consume you you are allowed one circle of nature that's it just one constipation try the cayenne tablet no constipation no bloated stomach no gas now that i've read all of that with a straight face somebody's right hand has been very busy and i don't know maybe the left finger too i don't judge why add the k after if it already says the total amount 5 350 votes 2.855 k 707 1.788 k yeah i go back and forth on this this doesn't bother me as much i think they just should have given the exact total for each vote or shorten everything to like one decimal place teenagers smell better no they don't bo free for up to seven days what is this a commercial for total odor protection if it lasts seven days i'm vaguely worried about the chemicals being used in it i hate this i hate it when it's not zero one two and i realize they do this because it's easier for wiring's sake but oh my god it's annoying the bathtub at a hotel i stayed in looks like it's always dirty hey if it always looks like it's dirty why would they clean it wait body full no weight is too light for him no because he stuffed them all inside his skin suit even pillars like to look into the mirror somebody find this place put googly eyes and a smiley face on the backside of the pillar facing the mirror so that the next guy that comes along looks up into the mirror and just sees that face staring at him departures and security south how busy is security north three people south three people i i might be dumb i i don't i don't see what's wrong with this both the security lines are busy yeah i'm too blind or dumb to figure this one out i'm sorry oh god oh no thank you no thank you i don't know what terrifying void realm you crawled out of but they probably eat hot dogs on hamburger buns there this ad for sudoku is unsolvable whoops somebody literally didn't do the math on this one this door slides shut onto a light switch hey honey can you open the darkness oil babe oily medic bomb i'm assuming this is for some mlm bullcrap and y'all got trolled whether or not it was intentional this snow white looks like she was allergic to whatever she just ate and is just depressed enough to resign herself to her fate she's also still sad about the fact she lost her chin three years ago the cover for my new yearbook is like a hairy cyclops it's supposed to be a hawk the curved text is the school but i didn't want to show it oh that is some dislocated ethereal eyeballs just floating above a beak i hate it see that white part yeah it's plastic impossible to breathe oh my god oh my you are no oh my god oh my god they are literally trying to kill children this is the only mask the cairns can be right about size comparison for the cereal box where the two objects aren't shown to scale with each other so helpful so informative the right and suitable size yeah this makes no sense but i also see it all the time it's super annoying this is what the email with my shipping information looked like i threw it away because it looked like spam yeah you know what i would too nzxt you can do better heat gun melts itself it's so hot it even works on heat guns nothing is immune they compare their fresher for longer bread bag with a normal storage bag using exactly the same image but with some green photoshopped onto the ladder this is outright fault advertising oh my god that's wow that's not crappy design that's intentionally fraudulent design design with green stars looks just like mold and bread oh gross oh i know they were going for like a star firework shape but ah that no y'all need to go back to the drawing board on that one i legit just noticed this today the six is smaller oh i could not live with that microwave in the house anymore that is infuriating i feel actual rage from that you need this screwdriver to tighten this screwdriver now this is just how they get you to buy two landlord didn't see the problem and yes that is a gap between the shower and the wall decided to pass up on this place that's that's a good idea that landlord has no idea how much damage is being done underneath this shower my metric measuring tape has its case sizing in imperial oh my god are you serious for those of you that might not know a case sizing is a writing on the tape measure that shows exactly how long the tape measure itself is so you can put the back of it up against a wall so this company literally bought mass-produced imperial tape measures and just changed the tape inside of them windows behind a window for double greenhouse action a pic of this pole in my city was posted left and got a decent amount of fame this is how they fixed the issue just the other day this comes to us from tusla bosnia i hope i said that right so instead of actually fixing the poll they just took away one of your lanes fine you want to complain we'll turn this into an alleyway problem solved this calendar that i got for my birthday which shifts some of the date lines making it hard to tell which day each date falls on okay this is initially a really cool idea but every other week doesn't actually line up with a day and you have to like follow the lines back up to see which day is which visually interesting design terrible execution ah yes my two settings for light no and off oh look a lovely box of shoes oh i'm a hoe i didn't need a box to tell me that chocolate bars that make it look like they are for dogs but are not eat milk chocolate play milk chocolate milk chocolate love hebert is that your company name hebert don't you dare mix cute fluffy puppies and chocolate these are both good things puppies are better fight me but if one dog gets hurt because of your misguided advertising i will come to your factory with three bagpipes and an accordion and i will not stop until you change your boxes do not tempt me and that brings us to the end of our slash crappy design if you enjoyed that cavalcade of poor choices go ahead and hit that like button and if you want to see some more questionable decisions by corporate go ahead and hit that red subscribe button my name is the lexi kitty but you all can call me lexi have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,181,438
Rating: 4.913146 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, r/crappydesign, crappydesign, crappy design, crappydesign best posts, crappydesign top posts, bad design, awful design, diwhy, diwhy top posts, diwhy best posts, diwhy emkay, bad diy, bad life hacks, life hacks, crappydesign emkay, r/crappydesign emkay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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