r/Crappydesign | straight path? no

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how much are you selling the demon duck thing in the bag for how much dude deal i'll take it no it's not creepy at all what's poppin it's robin and welcome back to mk today i figured we'd take another in-depth look at our slash crappy design because after all you really can't ever get enough of looking at this garbage right all right i digress let's jump in [Laughter] what is that even supposed to be [Music] my favorite cooking spray i'm just gonna spray it in my mouth why make a road reflector out of something you can't drive over without breaking it i don't know man i just work here you've heard of shin buster 9000 now get ready for thigh slicer 8 000. oh just put pieces of foam around every corner and edge of your bed and you'll be fine this was shortly after thomas realized that we live in a society dude wait a minute oh boy i'm gonna give this my best table manners wait for others before eating stay swallow when you're before you speak see clear your dishes eat your vegetables say thank the cook and please chew with thank you your mouth excuse yourself closed no elbows on the table don't play with your food be grateful for this meal wow that was a lot to take in thought this might belong here says orange flavor with a purple berry as the picture and it's green wtf oh and the dinosaur looks like he fell right out of the fugly tree yummy i had to pick up this abomination for science [Laughter] i'm really really glad you did holy crap i love me some rike up bit bear burger whatever man i don't understand anything anymore designer bed leg or shin buster 8000 oh yeah good god that is gonna break your legs every week screen protector is so cracked that the crack goes out of the screen protector excu black one is salt white one is pepper oh don't you absolutely love that who approves this crap everybody's favorite kawaii little character hell kitty hmm don't trust her she'll kill you i sure do love me that company down the road what's it called oh yeah rem 4 star ovals oh god they're all upside down it's a demonic company what in the why who approved that design god damn it did spongebob lose his job cause i don't think this is something he really dreamed of doing when he got out of school see how this dad won big by playing this new app on his phone yeah he won big and he looks real thrilled about it yeah we've all been there man an extra 30 000 pounds that's so goddamn obnoxious right my local gym that has the tagline don't waste your money on fitness [Laughter] colorful cutting board yeah colorful in whose circles exactly i want an honest answer oh no see you see if i found this in my house i would find the contractor and i would beat him up with a fire hose this bottle looks dirty but it's just the design when are companies going to give up on making everything look cool because this was an ultimate fail in my opinion come park plaza are you guys for real you're gonna go with that you're gonna stick with that for years the queen of hearts is now the three of clubs oh well isn't that nice [Laughter] they were given everything they were giving it all all right which wise guy put shrinking dust on the stop sign again hell yeah extreme wheelchair ramping dude oh my god can you imagine a 90 year old woman on her rascal going down that thing what the hell is this what's this for is this some kind of math problem you learned in middle school because it's all messed up i can't tell what's going on hell i could barely keep up with the math problems that involved johnny buying 46 watermelons and eating 1.6 of them on the way home holy crap are those stairs good god how many people have died trying to go down those oh oh well that just makes me feel bad poor thing it's like they sent it to the ugly corner [Laughter] i'm all too familiar in there [Music] i sure do love designs on random objects that make them look filthy and disgusting as someone who's a clean freak really helps me out i heart social distancing wow now the companies are trying a little too hard to cash in on the epidemic the world is your oyster or crab either one you know what go with crab jeez wonder woman's looking a little bit mad what'd you do to her dude welcome to ass what a wonderful vacation spot everyone's favorite canadian city tudor now yeah what an incredibly useful usb drive it forces you to lift it up so you can do bicep curls while googling i'm pretty sure i've seen that thing peeking over my windowsill and my nightmares oh boy here we go inky wall errs at wig alrighty then the message has definitely come across i suppose borland espresso hey what the hell is expresso now now come on inside and get yourself a three-piece basket of deep-fried dookie hey what the hell guys everybody and i mean everybody needs a built-in ankle breaker in their home it just makes life so much easier view oh yeah absolutely you've got your own private balcony uh it looks right into your neighbor's dining room yeah yeah it's a great view no really it is where are you going choices choices hmm hey uh what time is it yes stay mighty stay six feet apart but only if you've got two left feet okay all right why did you guys put a demon monkey statue in front of your place of business ah it's another one of these sup women poor women ting yeah man i agree what is vivitrol i don't know go ask your healthcare provider leave me alone it could be phone i wish this store was mine what what the hell is going on think outside the box yo we'd call that cheating look the only thing i'm gonna be thinking outside of is the bun live moss my dudes oh good god okay wow really great design here i think this might be the first store in history to have a cry sale do i get better discounts the harder i can cry in case of fire use stairway i bet you a hundred dollars that braille reads you're screwed sorry ah the tour bus that takes tourist hating to a whole nother level they force you to jump off they don't stop the bus at the depot again you gotta jump ship dude teenagers only 30 dollars first 50 orders receive a free sticker kind of makes me want an mk hoodie they were a little confused here but they got the spirit at least right red vines made simple naturally flavored with other natural flavors okay i don't know what that means red vines but i'll take your word for it dude what happened to you donald that ptsd really do that much of a number on you stay anything glad you close to that makes you are alive all right yeah i can't believe nike's selling tie-dye shorts that make you look like you pooped your front bottom and people are buying it just as a reminder white text with a black outline can be read on any background ah perfectly aligned you're safe don't worry go ahead and cross everything will be fine that freaked me out i thought the image was completely warped there for a second where do you want to go let's go to the kudi antker building alright i don't know what's there but let's do it friend drug facts continued yes but actually no how is it legal for companies to use paper-based stickers for things like this they're required to post ingredients and facts on the bottle on the label but they can use paper-based stickers that absolutely make it pointless 99 of the time come on playing around the world on this chord is expert mode oh boy another one all right let's go give me oh no reason i should listen toy our negativity when i oh for god's sake this is just bad come on if the hit shirt design that you're trying to sell is literally just a block of text maybe you should go back to the damn drawing board oh oh it's just printed like that i thought someone was doing that party trick where they yank it out from underneath all the food and embarrass themselves because they didn't practice it enough and now the food's everywhere and everyone's pissed off what does love stand for london tokyo new york barcelona ah yes i can see that that was greatly needed what if you're having a conversation you want to be able to keep having it even though you're in the bathroom right right all i do is turn to my right lock eye contact with the guy that just came in and oh i would try to make as much noise as possible look poop and fart jokes are always going to be funny you just have to deal with it utah versus no huh yes i see as a colorblind person i can definitely understand the differences here get your graphic design degree online i don't know about that i think i'm going to find somebody else to get that degree from hell sunshine isn't that what they call the sunshine down in death valley wow yeah that's all i can say wow guys come on holy crap ages three plus now we're gonna change that around to ages 26 plus because at that point we'll really be lowering the risk of them developing some kind of issue later on in life that's your bathroom sign really you're gonna go with that you creepy [ __ ] a better paint within your reach i don't think a baby's supposed to be painting anything aren't there child labor laws that prevent this kind of thing now we take your selfie and give it a cartoon effect bravo that is fantastic everybody give them a round of applause just real quick yep just yeah there we go yeah whoo they sure did a good job on this piece of spyware absolutely brilliant bravo on your new home go this way no wait the other way i'm just going to go straight through them i too like to utilize the bathroom in the open area for everyone to see welcome to my home i need to poop really quick yes you are going to watch and you will enjoy all right so this is clearly some kind of emergency landing instruction set um no shoes allowed no glasses allowed no abstract art that you got from a museum gift shop allowed all right cool got it oh holy crap that actually jump scared me a little bit when i moved to the next image oh my god oh i'm sorry i'm not even gonna bother to try and read this one i mean look at it a mask or face covering is strongly recommended in this area because it's the right thing to do and if you don't the family of shark monsters is gonna come after you and eat your limbs off one by one starting with your left leg yes your left leg is hello kitty sucking on her own thumb how old is hello kitty now you know what i'm gonna get to the bottom of this here real quick oh my god hello kitty is 45 years old you shouldn't be sucking your own thumb you're middle aged now this bus seat was clearly designed either for children or amputees full touch screen design what the hell it's huge scrabble coasters tees iced chai mugs okay fan art for the amazing people in mk flamie's upvote and droplets down vote i suppose oh thank you jesus we've come to the end of another video that one was going to give me an aneurysm okay or rather it was going to cause one of my aneurysms to burst i know there are a few up there i read reddit stuff all day long i've got something wrong with me always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed this video well then make sure to get yourself subscribed also click that bell icon and hey until next time i'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 348,075
Rating: 4.9725137 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, r/crappydesign, crappydesign, crappy design, crappydesign best posts, crappydesign top posts, bad design, awful design, diwhy, diwhy top posts, diwhy best posts, diwhy emkay, bad diy, bad life hacks, life hacks, crappydesign emkay, r/crappydesign emkay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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