r/Crappydesign | images that hurt you

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all right we have a much younger cheeto what the hell does that say in the top right though read cooper news yeah that's incredibly easy to read what's even better than the fact that you can't read those freaking words unless you really try is the fact that their official logo seemingly is a profile of trump's head how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash crappy design oh i don't know why they do this to me well they could have put two extra biscuits in there nah come on that costs like an extra few cents with g things odd all possible r oh that is a nightmare of a bumper sticker this bank has a pillar on the wall ain't that just incredibly interesting i got these bluetooth headphones with the charger and the charger doesn't fit oh god that really is the pinnacle of horrid design good lord why not just make the fin the a in both words yeah what the hell the city commissioned artwork has impossible anatomy what you think twisting your spine 180 degrees is impossible come on it's always disgusting glitter o'clock here what the hell thank god it's only five bucks love the bird poo aesthetic yeah that's gonna be a yikes and a half from me guys where is this pier one imports i guess the grass isn't getting watered yeah they gotta make sure that fence grows as much as possible after all a short fence is a pointless fence the interior design of this new mug if that design was a little bit more consistent throughout the entire mug this wouldn't be as bad but no they went with the random coffee ground a stack domestic stop violence it can stop.az.gov okay um what this neapolitan mix seems a little unbalanced almost like the judicial system in the united states 224 through 248 kitchen cleaners 201-223 kitchen store what what the hell happened to this poor dog did some did you give him too much weed again what have i told you about doing that come on jesus how many ibuprofen can i take to kill me order now [Laughter] creative sign design wait is that what your business does and that's what you use to showcase that you have creative sign design for god's sake make one word all capitals the other two completely lowercase it's brilliant i like the idea of a standing desk with a chair that allows you to sit at the standing desk look i know plenty of people that could benefit from that chair me included but that desk is a joke hi haters you see me i mean i guess we see you the hell's wrong with your rims haim store i can't even imagine what they could possibly be selling here put down in the comments below what you think this store be selling i would like to know exactly what they were trying to tell you not to do on that left sign are they saying no windsurfing or what because that doesn't quite look right also why does the stick figure on the left look so much more proportionally strange than the generic one on the right although i guess to be fair the one on the right doesn't have a neck and his head is levitating off his body why did you give two eyebrows to the creature with one eye why level one is g level two is one and level three is two can't believe they had to go in there and re-label their elevator whatever you do don't push that button you might think it'll lead you somewhere interesting but no no see that button goes straight to hell heart saver first aid tampering with this card will alter its appearance what i mean no [ __ ] please mask where don't understand i left my mask in the car though is that okay all right we got the alphabet a couple of kids oh wow ass toys huh ass toys you trying to compete with bad dragon huh jumping diving running oh wait they'll say no why would you make them yellow my favorite season of the year is summer summer time is great i think you guys completely forgot how these pump lids actually work or you didn't and you just wanted to be kind of funny come on down to the reek broom i don't know what the hell that means but come in anyhow it's fun in here the fact that the handle is not in line with this blade is so much more infuriating than it has any reason to be i guess i'm just a little bit of a perfectionist for crappy spirit halloween looking props made you in sa america of united states whoever designed this deserved not to get paid oh what a lovely day time to peel back the curtains and okay no i understand screw you too is the pocket upside down for the sake of the design are you guys for real right now who approved that [Music] no i don't feel like this is quite right although if you got a smart car or a motorcycle sneak right on in there i don't know a single human being on earth that would reasonably approve a design that's exclusively in the armpit area let alone actual beads or a bunch of them that's gotta be incredibly uncomfortable if you ever rest your arms well they probably saved a whole four dollars in labor and materials by just leaving it there i don't know what this is but it looks absolutely horrifying and i recommend if you ever see something like this in the wild or at a carnival or at a state fair please don't touch it because it might actually curse you and i'm not talking zoltar makes you older or younger curse i'm talking a real curse 70 polyester 30 pu 56 polyester 44 viscose if that's how that's pronounced and a hundred percent polyester i they just sort of threw a bunch of numbers out there didn't they as a tall guy this would be my least favorite bathroom ever to use but hey at least the toilet paper is probably the easiest to reach i've ever seen i've seen this image like a hundred times so far and i still can't believe that they thought yeah this will make a great photo op in this house we leave each other that's right l-e-o-v leave i've got an easy solution waterproof curtain for that window you know unless you're a bit of an exhibitionist in which case you go i'm sure people will enjoy the show where in russia is this please tell me so i can make sure never to travel there sale service center for independent life oh they were so close on that weren't they i'm genuinely curious as to how the hell they got that piece out of the pan from that particular angle also it says non-stick but i have never used a non-stick anything that didn't stick way worse than any of the alternatives land of the because of the brave usa free how much did you pay for that shirt i really need to know because i genuinely hope it was over twenty dollars is there an underwear brand out there called sniff or even better sniff sniff come on you can't make this crap up is because whale starts with a and octopus starts with b what you never learned the alphabet idiot all right which floor we go into 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 or p or void void or void seriously we got to make this decision now we've got 20 incense sticks and then something else right underneath that oh they smell like vlolet ah yes thank you i really needed an obstacle course in the middle of my daily walk only for unix oh that's not necessarily a good look um are you sure you meant unix this is a very cool superhero series products a variety of styles fun justice league huh all right let's take a look we've got superman spider-man and i guess batman although wait i guess that's not spider-man i guess wonder woman just got a new look please our c keep free plastic i will try my best okay before use after use uh what exactly happened perfect way to advertise a pre-built pc is to have a bunch of dark creepy smoke coming out of the image one day sale 40 to 60 off and remember this one day sale lasts the 17th through the 19th yay cancer that's the tweet is that what dinosaurs really looked like because i'm kind of vibing with that creepy little freak oh my god i'm gonna try my best shaven accommodation for god's sake did they really pay for that quote-unquote logo well i guess they tried at least a little bit um uh i can't read this although i guess it says for social distancing you should keep one centimeter apart from each other i guess at that point you're basically just making out with every stranger you come past which i can tell you right now most of them are not going to be fans most of them remember to follow good social distancing recommendations while at the fairgrounds just like these [ __ ] that absolutely did not do that at all love wins i need this shirt this shirt is a true sign of the times both in a positive aspect and a not so positive aspect this thing's gonna be a relic in just a few years hang on just a minute you mean to tell me no matter what direction i'll go i'm gonna end up at the supermarket really are you sure about that um i'm not even gonna bother to try and read this because i feel like at least 30 percent of it is straight up impossible and i feel like they might have done that on purpose because their specs aren't so impressive waste only waste where can i find restrooms yes okay what about the information desk also yes you could have done something at least slightly interesting with those first few stairs maybe put a banister there made them shelves that you could put like succulents on or something i don't know just anything that isn't this that lion has seen some crap look at that thousand-yard stair he's got going on the albion rooms eat relax drink fun meat beer this way whine fish enjoy i don't know what you just told me but i'm gonna do my best what the hell is this some kind of demented foreign version of veggietales bob what'd they do to ya shirt and laundered what are you saying that you clean covid out of people's clothes when you set your password as password one finger chicken good wait a minute that doesn't sound like the saying just show the states it would be so much easier to read states with mandates for mask wearing in public ah yes for some strange reason we decided to format this like a weird periodic table yeah much easier to read for everyone also i'm proud to say that since this image came out colorado is one of the states that's now requiring you to wear masks in public no you don't have a breathing problem you're just a [ __ ] karen put it on whoa spill resistant mats it's totally legit look at this image of coffee being spilled on the couch i'd like to believe that this wasn't photoshopped in any way and they just sliced directly into some woman's eyeball with a postcard it's a bike path but with extra steps i've said it before i will say it again what's so hard about showing your product being used as you actually intended it you know like getting an actual goddamn cat the rope is all black so you can't see where it crosses to tie the knot what helpful directions you want to look at directions that are great go read an instruction manual for a lego set that is the standard for all instruction the middle part of the sign encourages social distancing yet shows two people who are clearly not doing so well they had to fit two people on there somehow i guess the headphones have touch control on the side that can call someone skip music pause music every time i try to adjust it one of the things happens at random i really enjoy that there's no way to get a specific command going this wall at my grandpa's house oh come on dude this stoplight in milwaukee i've seen so many near accidents from this why did they turn it sideways why would you needlessly complicate something that people have been used to for oh so long i found this at a kids store why does this exist for this exact purpose i really really really hope you bought it or bought their entire stock because i would love to get a hold of you and pay you for one of them customize your logo just like we did here because our logo is the word logo see micro b's hidden on a maple leaf with this digital microscope that just so happens to run on ios android windows and os x also has eight leds 50 times to a thousand times zoom wi-fi and it has 1080p whoa fap well i mean i do minecraft is literally on everything bolder faster and it has games that others don't yeah that is a perfect example of games that are exclusively on your goddamn laptop alienware lego mario after being turned off won't scare kids at all oh my good freaking lord what the hell is this supposed to even be oh it's just gross the word free was in the same shade as the label so it's just gone now this hotel shower i'm five foot nine oh my god as someone that's six foot three showering in that place would be awful but why would you put that on a plate gee i don't know maybe i'm just an idiot but i have no idea how to make my refrigerator a little warmer yeah you're definitely an idiot this is a perfectly user-friendly dial this phone case has the cutout for the aux cable cut so small that even the earbuds that came with the phone don't fit through i had to physically modify it myself wow that case looks really old and stained and gross already dude the display doesn't indicate which tire is which and according to the manual the numbers are displayed randomly each time you drive how helpful safe service is not wearing a mask properly yep gotta keep people safe by covering up my chin just below my spit valves known as the nose and the giant gaping mouth this chocolate you can't properly break come on use your imagination you can make it happen i believe in you it's barely big enough for one singular finger to fit through drinking out of that mug has got to be at least a little bit of a chore four and you've done it this connect four box suggests a move even though green already won a nice opportunity to finally force myself to paint hands instead of just hiding them behind something else that is very pretty that eye is insanely detailed we've come to the end of another video folks i know it's a sad moment for the both of us i was having such a good time always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really liked it consider getting yourself subscribed and clicking that bell icon really helps us out and until next time we'll see you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 266,785
Rating: 4.9360666 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, r/crappydesign, crappydesign, crappy design, crappydesign best posts, crappydesign top posts, bad design, awful design, diwhy, diwhy top posts, diwhy best posts, diwhy emkay, bad diy, bad life hacks, life hacks, crappydesign emkay, r/crappydesign emkay
Id: cn7gDJ4f4io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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