r/Crappydesign | please move out of the way.

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hello belgium or hell belgium what's going on in belgium you guys doing okay [Music] how's it going ladies and gents welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today i've been tasked with taking another look at r slash crappy design oh good god it's gonna make me pretty mad isn't it i can already tell let's get in there huh oh i see we're starting off pretty strong here what the hell am i even looking at looks like we got a blanket covered in completely random words night and morn are every every morn are born to delight some sweet wow absolutely beautiful oh how handy what time is it absolutely no idea any time of day seriously it doesn't matter what time of day i have no clue what time it is that clock sucks that is the creepiest looking thing in the world you put that on your food truck [Laughter] this heater vent placement have to stand mostly on it whenever i cook you best be careful or you'll be jamming your toes into the side of that vent cover forevermore why would they put it basically in the middle of the goddamn kitchen what is this this sub has always made me more mad than any sub that is designed to make you mad anal malaysia wait what the hell is anal malaysia i'm gonna need someone to explain it very very carefully to me is it a party i'm invited to am i not invited i would like to be invited the new apple gift card is here from iphone and ipad to apple music apple arcade and everything in the app store one card does it all nothing beats everything i'm not 100 sure what you're trying to say there apple this bathroom door in the hotel oh how nice it's set up perfectly for you to give people a show nothing on tv come watch me take a dump a bench to stare at people that enjoy a sit or it's there so people can sit across from each other and have a conversation facing the correct way it's a little awkward having a conversation with someone who's next to you black exterminator excuse me oh oh black tie exterminator holy crap you really need to have the tie a little bit more out there you know what i mean otherwise people might get the wrong impression and you do not want the wrong impression right now shelves in the fridge don't go all the way back now i need a new carton of blueberries oh man frigidaire you can go [ __ ] yourself well you can't get a more perfect place to put a telephone or power line pole than right in the center of the sidewalk am i right of course i'm right didn't know the numbers were that close oh wow yeah very very very close wow just by the skin of their teeth hey man um you're supposed to be looking at your computer screen if you want to actually be able to use the computer also you're not even touching the mouse i don't know what you're doing here seriously what the hell is this guy supposed to be doing who doesn't love a nice tall glass of chocolate chip cookies excuse me oh extra wide diameter so that you can suck your chocolate chip cookies right into your big fat stupid mouth buy our straws you idiot cube or spa no seriously what the hell is this the cube the cub the the pube q pube i'm done i'm sorry oh god not another one um uh uh i'm sorry i'm not gonna try i gotta move on these are gonna give me heart attacks oh god dang it uh mug of t t spoon solves everything i think i got it as close as i possibly can on that one this remote record is the r button and the red circle is delete wow they're really trying to rewrite the book for no reason on what it should be that is so stupid i don't think they know how to use a venn diagram no matter how you play it's a great year for gaming happy national video games day everyone yeah they've got no idea how venn diagrams work really do they i'll let you in on a little secret i kinda don't either but it's just because i'm stupid practically no visual difference between 40 and 200 megabit internet speeds by country 2020 yeah there really is no difference between the two honestly let's be real doorway entrance to my building's laundry room i'm six foot three what is that doorway meant for someone who's four foot two i really have no frame of reference so if you could hold up a banana to the door frame i would be very much appreciative this is not edible it's a scented sachet for draws etc why is there a picture of a cup on it i almost drank it for god's sake some companies are so out of touch with reality it's quite scary and a little dangerous as it turns out believe in your elf guys believe in your yeah yeah god dang it emergency telephone dial 999 for coast guard police fire or ambulance am i supposed to do some kind of countdown-esque math problem with the numbers you gave me on the phone empty wash dry your fold pockets repeat i'll do my best um what exactly am i looking at here i oh that's that's just a poor design choice that's a very very poor design choice on their part fire just waiting to happen yeah i'm speechless i got nothing i've got nothing constructive other than i hope you guys survive that bio fork looks like it's super dirty is it not super dirty ugh i wouldn't want to use that at all oh you can use my fork what do you mean oh it's my poop fork my local halloween store sells fake hand grenades they had enough space to put grin but instead of not spelling grenade they chose to put the aid super small on the last square wow brilliant design choices guys absolutely brilliant although let's be real for a second those halloween stores aren't exactly known for having high quality anything this halloween countdown calendar that only goes to the 24th no halloween for you idiot upcoming period your period may start any day in the next two weeks gee thanks it's really really helpful also i'll be highly concerned if i start my period ever 100 high risk safe risk index high risk 100 high safe i am so god damn confused heim that's it that's it man heim heim again but with california instead okay am i crazy to think this is actually kind of impressive i'm sure it's not structurally very sound but it is kind of a nifty concept you get bigger the higher you go actually now that i look at it it kind of looks like something you'd see in a pub g battlefield what am i looking at here what's this supposed to be is it like a little hulk or something like that he's missing half of his shorts his butt's just hanging there love is slow this love absolutely romantic and beautiful call me crazy no seriously call me crazy don't call me carson but this couch is a must-have i need to find out where i can get it because ours is kind of bland and comfortable and matches the room i would rather have this one my kettle wasn't actually designed with heat in mind i still use it what do you mean not designed with oh my god what in the world who made that kettle and furthermore who makes a kettle that melts and falls apart like this it's meant to boil water green is in the lead is it though be great no full hiding please and you share stay calm dream patience big speak kindly say love you tell truth the love inseparable deeply be be proud happy of ourself oh god just when i thought those weird word scramble ones weren't bad enough you throw me this monstrosity [Laughter] i thought we outlawed the use of mannequins with human souls trapped inside of them a long time ago was that not part of the geneva convention i know i wouldn't really enjoy eating this minion but i really just want to bite his head right off looks like he's seen some [ __ ] look at that thousand yard stare he's got going on this tiny mirror that's too high to actually use well i'm six foot three maybe it was intended for people about my height sucks to be short i guess five below and george washington has a very big nose all of a sudden little green dragonfly why must you fly so high because mr frog i know you eat little green dragonflies for a treat i may be colorblind but is he green is that dragonfly green look it's just not fair whenever they give me a post that's about color all right giving up is simply an option i know i did it a long time ago and i feel like i'm better off for it oh yes the penis curtains can we get those drawn please vitamin d hurts my vampire skin what type of pokemon is this i see a little bit of pikachu in there but then i genuinely can't identify the rest of it in any way shape or form when the tv isn't plugged in no it's a new battery-powered wireless tv don't worry about it or someone accidentally dropped some lsd into their chinese food and they are having the time of their lives watching the void hey what do you know a pair of pants that'll finally fit me i want to be skinnier this chunk of stairs that pokes out of the wall at my work wait a minute they couldn't just cut that down a little bit they really couldn't do that that was too hard okay whatever that's not gonna be on my mind for the next six weeks or anything this wheelchair ramp in poland no boy wow what a great ramp they want to teach people how to properly bunny hop in their chairs relax oh relax ah okay well technically rel racks but let's not really get into that there's a subreddit that's just for crappy typography and also crappy graphic design right all right on a scale of one to ten you're my 2020. oh no oh man you might want to dump that thing somewhere although i'll be real it does look kind of tasty these frames are designed to scratch the lenses wow flawless design is that from ray-bans you want me to drop your delivery in front of what door it says what okay man tall people problems am i right not only does stuff like this happen but i'm expected to grab things for old ladies from the top shelf come on what do i look like sellers of huge expensive homes in a terrible location try to increase interest by the addition of shutters but the windows are too close together wait hold on uh architects or interior designers whoever designs bathrooms and buildings of any kind i hate the vast majority of you because it's easy enough to get a woman's bathroom going right just stall stall stall stall whatever but a men's bathroom it's almost like they're giving us a pee arena you know you got to be touching butts with other dudes while your pee-pee's out i just want to pee and get out of here man what is this crap would you look at that it's robert the sponge he's a sponge that doesn't have sex these air francis silverware do look very nice but are extremely bad to use especially the knife and spoon i'm shocked i mean they're cute but i'm shocked at how stupidly designed they are do i what makes your squill shine oh no do what makes your soul shine yeah that took a second great design look you know what's good when your target demographic whoever that may be has to read your stuff several times to get what you made putting the stove hood over the sink and the stove near the window oh yes that is incredibly handy it's not like the stove hood is meant for doing anything whenever i'm reading through a file at work i always make sure to flip my tie over the far end of that file [Laughter] so stupid using a picture of a traumatized girl is the best way to improve sales oh my god what are you doing to this poor child leave her alone can we start a gofundme to get this girl out of wherever she is blete prepared for an unforgetta commended by bib gourmand michelin guide 2011 through 2013. okay god dang it i just got into photoshop notice me senpai please love your vids you just got into photoshop oh my god you've got one bright future ahead of you i can tell and on that glorious note i have got to stop things there okay i'm starting to get a splitting headache trying to read some of this live laugh love-esque bullcrap always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed the video well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 224,643
Rating: 4.9649515 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/crappydesign, crappydesign, crappy design, crappydesign best posts, crappydesign top posts, bad design, awful design, diwhy, diwhy top posts, diwhy best posts, diwhy emkay, bad diy, bad life hacks
Id: rpGUO8ewByo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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