r/Mildlyinfuriating | ARHGHGHSDHFHGHSFDGH

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this is the syrup bowl at my boarding school breakfast they call me crazy for bringing my own bottled syrup but now they understand why oh yeah they they need they need a ladle i i at college they had a ladle with a big fan of syrup but yeah no can you imagine also fishing the spoons [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexi and welcome back to mk today we're having another go at r slash mildly infuriating also known as real life trying to harass us let's get started what's up sexy i'm lexi and welcome back to mk today we're having another look at r slash mildly infuriating because there's nothing humans love more than looking at somebody else getting irritated let's get started this advertisement my kids school slapped on my daughter i i'm sorry they what in all seriously seriously that like they couldn't just send up a flyer like they don't need to turn your child into a walking billboard wait is that a company oh i thought like the school was making pizza and they were doing oh that's even worse this one tall eleanor shower i'm not like other tiles i'm annoying and out of place when people put the toilet paper like this oh this is gonna start a fight but yeah i agree i don't understand like what the logic is behind this this weird underhanded toilet paper it's closer to the wall it sticks the wall because of static electricity in the winter why what's the actual logic besides just being a rebel being a rebel i can respect doing something for absolutely no reason at all i can't respect yo uh google uh what is 20 in spanish 20 in spanish is 20. i i that that that's not helpful my phone storage was full because i took 273 burst photos of my feet while walking through walmart i mean this is the internet somebody might pay for those i don't know also how did you do that tried to support a small online bookstore even though is more expensive than amazon seller up charged me just to purchase the book from amazon and have it sent to my house wow that's a whole new kind of scammy i am a dishwasher and this is how the bakers cut the brownies and leave the rest okay i this is going to be contentious for several reasons one food waste although they're probably trying to go for a specific portion size so you know the pan might not line up fine i'll give you a little bit of that but two i know people that love brownie edges like think it used to sell an all-edge's brownie pan this is probably like you get somebody pay you to just sit there and eat just the edges out of the brownie pin all of this this entire stack also that looks like hell to clean i i hate dishes to begin with but that no why isn't this thing centered uh i don't no i mean if it's for a teacup the handle might stick out this side no no that doesn't work either no idea they forgot the chicken in my chicken biscuit oh wait is this kfc i'm not sure i can't no no that's that's mcdonald's never mind kfc had a fried chicken donut yes i know america we're proud of our junk food okay and i went to go get one to review and i waited a very long time and paid a good amount of money and got the box home opened it and it was just a donut like there was supposed to be donut and chicken in the middle they just gave me a donut it's a very nice donut but like that completely negates the point of it being excessively terrible and the funny thing is i complained about this on twitter kfc sent me 10 i went back to the kfc to actually order it again and they didn't carry it anymore anyways i didn't even know mcdonald's sold chicken biscuits but i'm so sorry you are missing your chicken today go buy a chicken nugget and stuff it in there it sounds cliche but every year christmas decorations do come out earlier than the year before photo taken at lowe's 9 30 21 i hate this with the birding passion like i i thought halloween was supposed to be our backstop it was the the guard it was the big scary guard against all the freaking christmas trees christmas is my favorite holiday but like halloween is my second favorite holiday and heaven forbid you mix the two i do kind of want that mailbox thing is that mailbox thing for sale i don't know what i would do with it but i kind of want it on november 1st the nails alone are infuriating enough delete if this is a repost well i haven't seen it before and i look at a lot of these subs but uh this is a real first date y'all uh yeah those those nails look very uncomfortable um also did you spend 741 dollars on a meal you should not be sinking that much money into a first experience with someone focus on them my first date with my wife i think cost each of us like six dollars what did you even eat a graphics card uh down neither looks particularly bad they just need to match because you shouldn't be allowed to enjoy things teen earns all 138 boy scout merit badges give him the 139th no girls badge and i'm sorry what have you accomplished in your life we'll give you the 140th badge a mediocre life that once over nobody ever thought of again my boyfriend who is a chef by trade throws his dirty dishes to the side of the stove when he's done with them regardless if there's still food on it or not ew and he just like leaves them there like i can see this being ingrained in like you know being in a busy kitchen but like uh it's it's your own kitchen like nobody else is gonna clean that up and also there's you're gonna get bugs dude you don't want bugs especially if you're a chef and willing to cook all the time my email is well written reviewed and ready to be sent my email is sent attached file uh there's actually a gmail extension at least there was a long time ago in gmail labs uh that would look for you know something attached in your body and if you didn't have an attachment it would remind you be like oy you forgot to attach the file in that accent and everything it was great this my next-door neighbor accelerates at 60 miles an hour in my tiny arse neighborhood he almost hit me the other day does he have does he have a lamborghini why if you have a lamborghini just take it to a track or something if you can afford a lamborghini you can afford a track membership and this is how you end up like hitting somebody or hitting somebody's dog or something just because of your laziness and recklessness i hate it grandma was admitted for pneumonia oh no i hope she's okay wanted to take a shower in the hospital room's bathroom this is how the shower head looked all right i'm gonna be easy on hospital staff because the panorama of pancakes has been rough on all hospital staff and their short staff etc they should get that clean it's probably just water deposits and stuff but they should still get that clean but i appreciate everything healthcare workers and the cleaning staff at hospitals and everything is doing are doing right now they are probably working on something that is far worse it was supposed to look like they were standing on the hovering stripes i assume uh i mean it works for me i don't uh the illusion's working for me oh is this about the guy like second from the left yeah there's always one who doesn't quite get what the group project is he didn't understand the assignment it's okay he you know he's just magical okay he's actually hovering and this blue is cover that's my head cannon and that's what i'm sticking to but well that's just that's that's more than mildly infuriating this is design dan thinks i hate it because now there's metal shards and the ice cream everything about this is so many subreddits all in one actually probably crappy design because i don't think they intended for it to fall apart like but still yeah officially diagnosed people like me with autism and adhd are pissed that it's cool to have a mental illness what the frack internet oh i have opinions on this too not to be that one-uppy guy but you're about to be that one-uppy guy aren't you but i had a landlady once who told me she wouldn't believe if schizophrenia unless she saw a doctor's diagnosis then when i showed it to her she just said well they'll sign off on anything i can't tell if the second comment is the mildly infuriating thing or the landlady is the mildly infuriating thing but every part of this makes me angry i have adhd and i didn't get medicated till i was in my 20s because my parents thought it was a fad disease and the first time i got medicated i cleaned my kitchen in like an hour it was amazing i got promoted like three times at my job i got like my entire life together because because i actually you know got what was wrong with me treated and yeah some people just just think it's like an accessory or like you know a little label they get to stick on themselves and no don't do that my predictive text suggests the incorrect spelling is this swiftkey i'm not sure this might be swiftkey um mine does this all the time and it's because i've mistyped the wrong one and then gone back and fixed it and if you do that it adds it to the library and that's the most frustrating thing ever and i should fix it i should just nuke my entire library but still ah actually this might be the native keyboard i can't tell my grandma's lunch at her new senior living residence that's three thousand dollars a month residents can't go to the dining room to eat because they don't have enough staff so it's deliveries only what the frack is this that's the sad that's what what is that supposed to be in the top left-hand corner why is there a blue raspberry broccoli piece what is that dude this looks like school lunch food and like not from a good school from a place that cuts their taxes way too much yikes i let my cousin borrow my gamecube controller once and he choose the rubber off both sticks ew lasted in near perfect condition since 2003. i'm done letting kids use my crap oh if he's a kid yeah don't don't give kids stuff don't ever just don't if you care about something buy like a really cheap knockoff version and give that to them if you don't care about something you can give it to them but you'll probably never get it back and if you do it'll be damaged i left my backpack unattended for five minutes and some freshmen put a random lock on my backpack and doesn't know the combination i mean it's a twisty combination lock a soda can i'll get that open uh but still that's wildly rude and just weird like this isn't is this supposed to be some this isn't even like an inconvenient spot like you could technically just cut off that handle that's like the most useless handle on the backpack why this edge piece doesn't interlock with the rest of the puzzle so moving the puzzle even slightly dislodges it i like the flare glue it why why did they oh i know what happened they took a normal square or different shape like a cutting pattern and they tried to shoehorn it into a uh to a circle or they messed up with their software and uh made a piece that was impossible well done they should have just yeah glued i would glue it to the piece to the right of it and then just make that one big piece kind of cool to have like a circular puzzle i wonder what this is a puzzle of school lunch like i said actually this looks better like this is chicken nuggets and some mashed potatoes and some milk like i i'd eat this over whatever was in that senior living facility and the senior living facility was three thousand dollars a month i walk past this twice a day every day makes me mad each time dude i know it's frustrating i i know it's a problem and it's really stupid but let it go there's so many other things in the world to be mad about let this one go it's okay you can't do anything about it ordered a medium rare steak this came out cold and mooing that's uh that's that's approaching blue i've seen worse i've actually heard they do this on purpose a lot of steak places i love steak will undercook what you say so if you say medium rare or rare you'll get blue rare and if it's too rare they can heat it up and cook it a little bit more if they overcook it or cook it right to the temperature and it gets just a little past um then they have to make the entire steak again so if this is takeout the whole theory kind of falls apart but that's probably what they're used to for in-person orders apparently someone has been munching my donuts and it was supposed to be for my kids after work wow they weren't even like stealing what they literally took bites out of every single one find this person and stuff the rest of the donuts down their throat all at once i've never seen donuts used to commit a war crime and today is the day to change that i bought this box of fruit loops and this is how my roommate opened it well yeah that's that's like lightning lightly infuriating it'd be worse if like your roommate ripped the bag down the center and like all the fruit loops went into the cardboard box and went stale in six hours i don't know what stresses me out more the fact that 26 somehow got 13 or the fact that the correct answer isn't even an option two plus two times four well pemdas four times two is eight plus two is ten oh the right ten isn't on here what the frack i hate these price tags that are perforated which prevents you from peeling it off cleanly yeah me too i know they do it for like inventory control and so that people don't like put on a new price deck but still i have to go find the goo gone now it's somewhere in the basement i have to clean this crap off now trying to actually get a real person on the line ah what magic sequence of numbers is it this time i remember there used to be a website where it showed like maps for every single major like provider and i think one of the companies tried to get it taken down because they were like it's interfering with our call center well hire more people i ordered this with my girlfriend and got scammed i was supposed to get a bigger portion but got the same with a bigger packaging wow wow i think your girlfriend might have actually gotten slightly more because the base is wider on that one i can't tell maybe it's a optical illusion but still not even close so this is my purpose in life what's the right answer thanks my boy i i'm not doing more math uh it's two o'clock in the morning i'm not doing more math but apply pemdas and and it do like if you're a mom don't send your kid weird math memes off facebook and if you're a kid give wrong answers just to incite chaos i'm a bad influence next most to whoever is missing this piece to their cardinal puzzle i have it oh no you've got two of them oh no somebody's gonna be really mad somewhere probably within your distribution area there's a marriage that was already on the rocks that is now ending because somebody is convinced their partner knocked the puzzle piece off the table and vacuumed it up when they weren't looking and their puzzle was just their last source of joy and that tiny piece of cardboard broke them but then they got taco bell and made up family doesn't replace rolls or even finish them this drives me nuts this just from an inventory control standpoint this drives me nuts from a practical standpoint this drives me nuts from every standpoint this drives me why would you not finish the freaking roll about to sell my iphone 12 pro max and this happened carrying iphone 12 pro max in same pocket as iphone 13 pro max and sapphire camera lens scratch screen wow okay i read the text and then flipped over to the image and i expected it to be like a tiny scratch or something like that like that no that thing wow i appreciate that the camera lens being on the photo video geek myself that it that it's hard and it is durable but oh my god heaven forbid you have to like stack these or i.t deployments we stack devices all the time like we get 10 ipads sitting on top of each other yikes russian cursive that's that's all the no no that's all the same letter no i don't i don't care what you think that is no that's all the same no now that is bs you are making that up when my shoe does this oh yeah i hate this too i used to wear converses literally everywhere and uh and they do this occasionally because i was lazy and didn't use the little center eyelet on the on the tongue when i replaced the laces yeah that is i know it's entirely my fault but it's so annoying the roads in the uk are so smooth actually i recently got an electric scooter and i can tell you a good portion of new york city's main roads are just like this too mainly because apparently they don't have enough time to like close down the road and repave the entire thing they just like do potholes and it snows and salt and yeah probably the same problem in more densely populated areas of the uk too it was a tight squeeze but amazon managed to fit all of these into one box overdone you know amazon's pretty bad about this sometimes but you know who's worse if you've ever bought computer parts from newegg i bought a neoprene laptop sleeve once and it came in a box i kid you not larger than my desk like the box my alienware desktop from like years ago came in was smaller than this box and inside was just this little you know floppy laptop sleeve and 40 pounds of packing peanuts they switched the peas oh they oh they did oh oh that hurts my eyes oh why did they do that this has to be a prank or something like that but it's just like but why this is how my fiance set up the tv dude you all need paint on your walls and uh is it just that it's off center because that's how they do it at ikea and it annoys me there too but i think they're probably just emulating that i hope but yeah just drag it across a little bit not that hard of a fix thanks uber eats oh my god what's that was that supposed to be a pizza oh oh that's a salad now that's a meat cheese and bread salad i got the rarest pokemon oreo but it was crushed and now has no value i'm sorry um wait wait wait wait wait wait people are trading the pokemon oreos i think i pre-ordered a thing i don't i don't know if they're here yet uh but they're tr they no don't buy and sell the cards don't buy something or oh my god it's gonna be so gross in like nine months what is wrong with you people eat the cookies this package of foam letters ah i hate this so a co-worker of mine bought like a set of magnet letters and it was the exact same problem like we would have had to buy another set to make any words longer than like three letters so it just ended up being like a playspace of really weird haikus accidentally ended up with half a fracking gallon of ketchup didn't read carefully before ordering groceries i live alone well in some states mainly the ones all the heretics live in uh they use it as a spaghetti sauce so you know you could you could use a decent amount of it with that in all honesty it should keep for a good long time when a hotel deletes your review for mentioning the bug infestation hello central pa your opinion is very important to us we appreciate you taking the time to write a review for your stay at holiday inn memphis downtown beale street unfortunately your review did not meet our guidelines for posting on our site outlined below the highlighted sections contain legally sensitive content bug infested dirty and worn out unless the bug infestation is a matter of an ongoing lawsuit in which case you probably should have been more transparent about it and or you know not rented out the rooms ah i'm pretty sure that needs to be said and that brings us to the end of our slash mildly infuriating my microphone tells me i hit red at least once so so yes i was sufficiently infuriated but you know what's not infuriating some lovely fan art and today's standard is brought to you by user coco likkeon lucky on i'm sorry if i completely just destroyed that but the gods growth to the throne of reddit i like this i approve i really hope this is this is the artist's favorite memes from like videos past thank you so much for that lovely fan art coco lickion and sorry for butchering your name if you were infuriated by any of these posts hit that like button and if you want more r slash mildly infuriating in your subscription feed hit that red subscribe button as always my name is thelex kitty but you all can call me lexie and you can find me on youtube twitter or tic tac have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 689,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: qW5Ga58x6-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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