r/TIHI | tooth brush

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hmm lava [Music] hello all you cool cats and kittens welcome to mk for those of you who don't know me my name is jack i'm the snack that speaks back yum yum yum yum yum yum and today we're going to enjoy things that we equally and unanimously hate in thanks i hate it and straight off the bat we have something that definitely does not belong in this subreddit how dare you i'll have you know that doctor strange as a dj would be awesome could you imagine a literal wizard being your birthday dj like come on look at that intense face he knows what he's doing i'm here to make party magicians cool again oh looks exactly like my dog thank thank you little girl for drawing my my beautiful boy okay now i'm seriously tripping out with this one this is it is so uncomfortable to look at nothing beats eating the reward snacks after doing the dishes hey this is god here listen son i'm gonna need you to stop that when your mom buys off-brand cereal so no one told you cereal would ever taste this off no but seriously props to whoever managed to find all these photos by far the best discount reunion we could ever have hey uh could you give me a hand oh yeah sure buddy i grew some this morning the secret is to add children to the compost father i crave cheddar mickey here also perfectly displaying how i feel trying to get up after watching netflix for over five hours straight yeah i was called donald trump but now i'm donald grump as in don't talk to me i'm grumpy the fake news never understood me someone on facebook used that snapchat filter on their cat i cannot breathe thank you i now know that a cat looks sexier as a man than i do are you trying to shatter my self-worth through memes because it's working hey so i heard you like feet [Laughter] well how about i ruin that for you too i'm ruining everyone's enjoyments here my mom said i could be anything i set my mind to and you know what your mum was right you succeeded congratulations madam oh might i say lord oh you shaved yes yep when you shave apparently you'd lose your chin as well in your jawline that all just disappears well at least in a girl's eyes oh you're a big snack fan that's cool did you get flaming hot cheeto dust permanently tattooed on your fingers today though what why come on man why oh oh daddy i'm off to the baker to get your breakfast in bed so don't get up and little timmy did in fact go get the breakfast and nothing terrible happens to timmy he was completely fine and his parents rested soundly for the rest of their days she sees he's in a better place now everything is blue her dirt her jump her shoes i hate it her job just makes her look like she's got a butt on her chest and i mean i mean look don't they always look like that anyway i guess hey can i pet your seeing eye dog oh that's actually my smelling nose dog pre-cracked egg saves time no messy hand oh family i enjoy yeah i bet you dude giraffe kid what the hell's with your neck seriously let's stop this out for a second and just notice this kid's weirdly long neck oh is this not a disgusting product includes one egg no it includes chicken period that's what this is [Laughter] how many crunches did she do flip the picture upside down oh i am scared too i kind of don't want it because i'm scared it's gonna be what is it it's it's a ninja oh oh no no it's too weird no thank you moving on no never mind meanwhile in an alternate reality where poker is played using the remains of your enemies i'm gonna place down five pieces of gary in uh seven pieces of my brother at least i think that one's my brother hang on oh yeah that one's my brother hey krillin how can you breathe without a nose europe but europe colonized it i feel out of the loop on this it's what it's just all neatly squared i don't exactly get it i knew i should have taken those geology classes for something can jake stretch his gums i i'm glad they never decided to find out you know i think if anything this just proves how possible it would be for adventure time to actually be a horror universe leg hair moves slightly my brain yup that's a spider i'm i'm dying now that's yup i'm dead i really genuinely hope this guy went out of the way to stick himself to the wall as well a plus cosplay it deserves to be in a hall of fame i spilled milk on my cat oh poor cat it has so much contempt for you you are not going to be alive tomorrow morning i can i can assure you that hey you look different yes i'm an irl image now you look more [ __ ] now yeah i know so sonic how do you manage running at the speed of sound without wearing any goggles are you kidding me they're right here what you think i had one great big eye or something oh god mario run oh my god oh that is horrifying i want this as an actual game i want this to be the new official mario universe i would play this god damn look at the goombas the char a two week old lemming in a spoon and of course someone's i don't hate this as much as i'm genuinely curious what this would taste like would it taste like thousands of people crying out in horror at my actions yes and that would be delicious imagine if children had baby eyeballs that fell out like baby teeth do no no i'm not going to think that i will stick to eating baby lemmings thank you very much could you imagine a series like this though surely dan harmon's got something like this up his sleeve just a [ __ ] cranky smart morty and a dumb and friendly wreck come on nick we got we gotta go save the world you'll be rorty i'm still doing my thesis for college real pert the tv is acting up just hit it again i can't i ca i can't crack my knuckles guys i can't finish this this comic i i need i can't crack my knuckles dwayne the flock johnson i am so sorry it's okay we forgive you just just look look out into the distance buddy just enjoy it enjoy it fred ladies and gentlemen a horse mouth those pretty ponies that you love hey they are nightmares literally nightmares oh clever me didn't even plan that one four ways to make nut milk there's almond milk uh cashew some other nuts and other nuts i don't know about nuts at all really i'll be honest there is another shut up what do you do with that white ball after drinking mozzarella wait what what why have people awarded him the flower and i are friends the flower gives me energy i find sunlight and water for the flower the elder remembers more than anyone he says the humans made us and then they disappeared he says the humans are made of flesh and bones and powered by red water i'm sad that they're not here anymore they build statues of themselves but all that's left now are pieces sometimes i think about what the humans must have looked like a random act of kindness softly kiss the postman's fingers when he puts them through your door to let him know that you were thankful for his gifts is it a puppy i'll be your puppy why did you make what a terrible day to have eyes when you try to have a personality but everyone only refers to you as the guy with the big ears so you decide to resort to that oh wait is that actually real no jack oh i am never eating a pomegranate i was like teeth you know what i i don't find this terrible okay it's nothing like the pomegranate so i'll accept the loading afro over fruit teeth when you hug a guy and you smell his cold it's meant to say cologne they're all meant to say cologne when you can still smell his colon on your pillows even though it's not i love when i can smell a guy's colon as he walks after you hug a boy and you smell like his colon i smell like his collar now if you don't know what a colon is you're gonna google it i'm gonna leave you to google it that is your punishment ah i'm such a fool i was cutting some cake and it was my arm the entire time curse me for being such a tasty looking slice inside willy wonka's chocolates factory willy everything you see in this room is edible everything looking at willy's fat butt everything you know the rules and sucks oh your cologne smells so good oh my god are you serious you did it who grants my minecraft face i swear this took me like hours oh my god tired of stubbing your toes be smart be like an echidna just just break them apart you're no monkey you don't need those little philangelies at the end of your feet dad red wine is the blood of jesus me after realizing what white wine is okay but is this expression him liking it or disgusted by it because it kinda comes across either way hey mario what's on your mind oh nothing just some very just a few things just a few things dude that's messed up that now did you learn your lesson john and what was it come on spit it out look cuz dude your son community events on craigslist good boy bad boy beluga whales from below look like humans in costumes oh the muscle looks like some sort of skin suit that's forget the existence of the loch ness monster i want to know if beluga whales are legit presenting the new crocs high-end fashion range socks now that's what i call a scooby snack there are many things that i have voiced and this is by far the most uncomfortable okay spider-man here comes the baby oh no let's get a selfie oh we look so hot together no way i feel so fat why is it that animals look immediately horrifying the moment you give them human face kentucky fried listerine original recipe antiseptic mouthwash nothing smells better than the smell of chicken that's acidified in your mouth found a plumbing group i'm in someone's dentures fell in the toilet i i don't even want to know what all that grout is around it i'm hoping it's just normal grout just the normal grout please diary of a wimpy kid action figure okay what about this cries action come on babe let me see no it looks silly roy oh yeah play koi with me oh frick is there any reason why i shouldn't dry flatten and use my pong algae as a sushi paper okay i follow this guy on youtube and i can be for certain that he's gonna suddenly make a video about whether or not he can turn his stuff into sushi paper don't question i did a thing standard he will he will rise above them or in this case below them very very far below them toothbrush or something i don't know i'm british [Laughter] i don't not all british people are ones of crooked teeth but why is that such a common trope not trying to defend them i mean they they give us all the worst people here in australia but come on some boots are made for walking some that's just what they'll do but one day there'll be boots that shouldn't be walked not even by you two-piece sexy sonic painting eighty dollars looks like somebody needs to check out the body pillow industry like you know what if i was single i would actually buy this put it at the very front entrance of my house just to test anyone i date to see whether or not they are willing to look past that it could also be a determining factor into how underlying of a furry your date is japan is going to allow scientists to create human animal hybrids what we want yay cute cat girls what we'll get always remember sweetie it's one on the inside that counts cause inside you my special little guy there are three malignant tumors oh come on sweetie it's not all bad wasn't it funny seeing mom do the fortnite dance come on where's that smile where's that smile [Applause] oh there it is look she's smiling sweetie why can't you be happy like her diglett you scratch well okay here i come here's hoping you have high speed little guy i'm gonna make you more than faint oh hot damn okay this is fake but man if it's not really well done i don't hate this at all this is creative top layer pure hot dog water jello middle layer hot dog water jello with chunks of hot dog suspended in it bottom layer hot dog jello [Laughter] i don't think i'd even need to say anything with gordon ramsay's reaction iphone lover i'm not sure why but i can see your nose through the hole in the cover almost like as if you don't actually have a phone there and you're just doing it for grout do you ever wonder if this is how food sees us just dismembering and cutting up their loved ones and intimately devouring and rubbing them all over our body and in our mouths i am going to be weirdly self-conscious when i eat from now on oh look even worse than plastic shelled eggs nothing weird here just an anatomically correct chicken they are dinosaurs so you can't say i'm wrong any face on sucks face sucks okay no i don't hate this i love this i'm buying this and i'm gonna wear my face on my socks even worser yet okay laughing before even explaining it i want somebody on their next date where they've met someone online to grab a picture of them put it on socks and wear their socks to the date i know it's really gambling on the fact they might actually want to date and go out with you but just just commit to it please do it for me how old were you when you found out that the reason spongebob's dad is brown is because he's an old sponge wait are they do they usually always turn brown i mean sometimes mine just decay i think i'm using sponges wrong oh no no oh oh i don't like this parallel universe jewish veggies no why is one of them completely cut off too oh my god well now we know where people get their urination fetish from gosh darn kids shows influencing our children at a young age no don't do this to your cats come on it was an innocent puddi cat now that's a dirty puddy cat okay no this is far too specific i feel like you're trying way too hard here to make this connection this is like conspiracy theory levels of uh linking logic welcome to the states of america breathe in that patriotic freedom when you whip it out and you say you might as well just finger me feels bad bro i mean is this still a bad interpretation if we can still clearly tell who it is in this case beauty truly is on the outside rtx off rtx on okay scary as hell designed still super awesome but why the hell are the human heads on its thighs like where in the original design was that suggested hey babe so i heard you like pancakes well uh i was thinking if maybe i could ruin that for you oh what a cute possum i want to know who made this and i want them unalived color code your infants so strangers know what their genitals look like well when you put it that way it just sounds freaking weird not if you love children well that's a good point hang on ratatouille controlling linguine in the kitchen oh how nice it's it's true [Laughter] now i know to be extra uncomfortable if anyone excitedly says they want to watch ratatouille with me or worser yet play it oh quickie before we go we've got some fan art from philippo's polly who made this with their friend not sure if it counts as fan art but as judge jury and executioner of such things i'm gonna say it is ooh very nice i'm going to assume you didn't use any cheating modding stuff that makes building in minecraft super easy and fast but uh either way it still looks really cool minecraft artwork is definitely something i could never bother spending time doing because i'm lazy so love it well done thank you for the artwork of course guys remember yourself that if you'd like to post your artwork or let us see your fan art at any point make sure you post it in the mk subreddit so we can see it and put it in the next video now that does in fact do us for today thank you so much for watching as always if you did enjoy today's content please leave the like on the video and comment your favorite bits that i can then argue with about and say that you're wrong and i hate you i'm just kidding i won't say that or will i only one way to find out and if you're not subscribed already be sure to subscribe and click the notification bell so you're always updated on the latest videos and heck while you're at it why not check out some other videos on the channel we have plenty more thanks i hate it for you to check out as well as other videos you may be interested in so while you do that i will say my farewells my name has been jack you've been a wonderful person to rant at today i look forward to seeing you next time bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 826,856
Rating: 4.942018 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, tihi, tihi best posts, tihi top posts, thanksihateit, thanksihateit top posts, thanksihateit best posts, tihi emkay, thanksihateit emkay, thanks i hate it, makemesuffer, makemesuffer emkay, cursedcomments, noahgettheboat, r/noahgettheboat, noahgettheboat emkay, ezpz
Id: Y0mWvW3Lcfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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