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this coffee grinder fills its base motor and circuit boards up with grounds in order to make good coffee you have to bathe in the coffee you have to become the coffee user onion baby 23 says for robin how cute i always have been and will forever be the birdman how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be perusing through our slash crappy design oh boy never gets old does it without much further ado let's jump head first into the deep end of this pool of crappy design zero to three is a no no eight plus yeah what is this product the co-owl pit hmm i wonder what this place is is it a restaurant is it a bar is it a fancy salon what are we talking about here is 14 15 am meant to be 2 15 a.m or p.m uniform shop opening hours yeah 14 15 a.m to 15 30 p.m what the hell ah yes my favorite detail ass detail yeah well that's going straight down his throat i hope this kid knows the heimlich maneuver genuine first aid brought to you by [ __ ] what [ __ ] corporation excuse me this basketball sign with a soccer slash football field in the background some people want it some people wish it others just make it happen yeah i guess if you really want to play basketball on a soccer field you've got it made dude cowabunga my fellow trees seriously who thought this was a good idea consume my pantaloons this bird that fell off a snowman ornament for some reason it has two beaks hey look maybe he was just born that way you don't gotta make him feel bad about it his name is little johnny two beaks why was he called that nobody knows would it have been too much to ask a random model to put your product on i mean don't don't get me wrong i know this is a scam and you're not actually going to ship out any product more than likely but seriously how hard is it to have someone wear something for a photograph for you you know i never realized until just now how badly i wanted all countries flags to be flown on the tops of giant glow sticks not a twist off just their logo on the cap [Laughter] not all heroes wear capes to praise frontline workers who aren't wearing masks over their noses yeah if you're dressed like that you should definitely understand how to wear a mask properly otherwise you're not going to be working that job for long for real if you're about to go under for surgery and your doctor walks in wearing his mask underneath his chin like it's some sort of beard protector you might want to find a new surgeon police car oh my god you had one singular job look the helicopter is cool and everything but i wanted police car what the hell i really hope these chairs can't swivel and they're all just fixed looking these random directions warning this product can expose you to chemical name here a chemical known to the state of california to cause cancer or birth defects or rather reproductive harm oh boy gotta watch out for chemical name here very dangerous oh look at the fluffy yellow chicken nugget [Laughter] if only there's a letter that resembles the shape of a christmas tree oh oh no seriously were those clocks added afterwards or did they just decide to put the window around it i'm just so confused but it's actually making me happy online con ert oh convert okay well that's a really really really really bad color scheme huh do not try this at home craft it yourself swipe up to subscribe no i don't think i will clean the air in the car using this little pill thingy it works best when you have your roof down though and have access to the big wide world of air already these stickers are supposed to cover screw holes in the shelves i just put together well yeah that much is obvious it even says screw hole cover right there dude best have a pretty decent vertical if you want to cross this street you know call me crazy but it looks like the brand of this particular piece of footwear is called cocky land cookie lamb all of the ink washed off this measuring cup well i hope you memorized the measurements dude don't play this game it's addictive all right i won't sometimes that reverse psychology doesn't really work out the way you think it's gonna ha can't wait to be a doctor don't [Laughter] the basement entrance of our house oh man as someone who's six foot three that would suck a lot okay what engineer does not realize that drains are supposed to be at the lowest point in order to work huh this is why you're not getting a raise again this year tommy come on it's only fair oh how cute a little tiny electric kettle looking thing what's the brand urinal urinal i feel like that's exactly how i would look if i ever put on makeup of any kind i mean my eyes already kind of do like to go opposite directions sometimes what the hell's wrong with that guy's face where's his nose what's going on here it's actually quite terrifying someone in the comments right a quick little creepy pasta for this guy i feel like he deserves one oh only 6.99 huh how do i put it on my goddamn face that's the fence placement of someone who just wants to piss civilians off hired someone on fiverr to make a vintage travel poster of one of my friend's houses this is what i got welcome to college station texas well i'm assuming you paid five bucks the sh are you complaining for the flamingo's legs are backwards ah but it doesn't look as weird as it should it actually kind of works have you ever wanted to be someone cosplaying a giant frog well now you can i guess you best have some big ass tires on your jeep if you want to park in that far right garage i know it says god bless america but i'm going to go ahead and read it as godless america because that's where we're at aqua tots swim schools performance swim clinic maybe while you're teaching the kids to swim you can also teach them to actually put the goggles on their eyes ah another brilliant piece of artistic design yeah just dribble a little bit of paint on accident on the damn thing and we'll sell it for like 50 more we'll call it art the confetti motif of this reusable drink cup just looks like grime yeah isn't it supposed to be colorful confetti just looks like a bunch of moldy milk was stuck in there for far too long and you probably shouldn't drink out of it anymore nothing good happens when you're distracted at the pool always watch kids at pools and spas uncle roy there's a guy that's not just a guy what the hell ah it's good to be hame happy earth day central heck cashing in payday loans by man hell sunshine i don't think the sun shines in hell if there's one thing that probably shouldn't be the backboard for a basketball hoop it's some random person's window whoever said diamonds are a girl's best friend horse congratulati class of 2020 on i can't for the life of me wrap my head around why this was considered to be a good enough idea to make even one of them i just don't get it i don't think anybody asked for ninja stars with their food another quality job by gecko green energy concepts k o construction is this really just sitting in a public park somewhere wow great way to traumatize children and adults alike a figure in a textbook that i'm studying low rates are the same shade as high rates and all the middle range rates are white there's also a particularly dark shade of blue in the 2015 map that doesn't even appear in the legend i there it's good old mikui mouse seriously why does he look so sad it's like oh no my name it's all [ __ ] up i'm struggling to come up with an explanation for why mickey has his head in his pants that isn't disturbing you're never gonna figure that one out why do people try to make them look more horrifying than they already are dude have you seen them you don't need to do anything else holy crap she's got one long neck the daily scoop cafe ah nothing says delicious ice cream like a toothpick with an olive a little pickle and some cheese this outlet on a staircase wow they did a spectacular job on that didn't they jesus do you think we should put the painting somewhere else nah just chop it in half it'll work out fine well if that ain't the cutest little freakin nature i ever did see where can i get one how are the adults shrinking and why is it horribly photoshopped in a bathroom oh wow that is quite strange i will give you that i mean honestly that's got to be the largest bathroom in human history look at how big that sink is in relation to that adult woman pineapple all right well i think you got it all wrong because nothing in here is even remotely close to a pineapple also does it just say text underneath pineapple there hmm if only there was a more convenient place that made sense to put an entire telephone pole well i guess we'll never know blessed are the poop in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven okay nothing says good design like a guy coming into the office and saying it needs more pubes that has to be the most intimidating public bathroom i've ever seen in my life seriously somehow this is worse than no stall doors at all straight up i'd be more comfortable in a giant room with toilets everywhere than this what why is this a puzzle why did it need to be a puzzle dang it you got the two right eared configuration dude come on you got to pay attention when you're buying these things this rug design makes it look like there's poop on it oh how lovely let's fight keep us corona safe virus huh oh my god sandy no no sandy please if you say king backwards it sounds like sausage what great job your shadow the hedgehog is identical to the real thing movement without limit god again why is it so hard for you to just take a photo with someone on the product balancing kit the balancing kit should only be used if there is an unacceptable amount of wobble after completing all the steps in your owner's manual under attach the fan blades one turn the fan on and set the speed control setting to as oh god guys i can't i can't do it holy crap i can't read that fast especially when there's no spaces what is wrong with people if only spongebob was say an easy shape to create merchandise toys pencil sharpeners whatever the hell you want around like say a rectangle dude it's summer time the best way to advertise your product is just don't why would you need to have the models wearing the sunglasses when they could just be a group of generic looking people that'll make me think the sunglasses are quality s is usually small l is usually large when it comes to tampons s is for super l is for light wow ooh this one's making my eyes freak out a little bit what is taconic toinic tauntic tonic what the teapot cap melts off when it gets too hot wow is quality assurance just something that doesn't exist anymore is that gone is it dead fifteen dollar water pick replacement hose promises amazing results damn i might pick one of these up ah sample text how inspiring where do you want to go to eat let's go to the they you what will you will say you never made forget and did forget them what forget they how feel take time good things what inside the is that xbox jesus nostalgia nerd together we care to our nhs we stand we clap we thank you this toothpaste can't be used completely leaving a lot of paste on the end when you can no longer press it because of the stupid tube in the way brilliant brilliant design bravo now that hat is pretty blossom i almost want it just so i can say that i have it i'll bring people up to my room and show them the most hideous ball cap in the world they'll love me for it okay let's give this one a go thing eco eo oh i really don't think they thought out the uh color design on these panties here when my car is in drive the gear shift blocks the air vent beautiful cause screw you that's why the nestle water bottles have little people drowning just like what nestle wants in real life okay i see they left a watermark on there wow guys you stole an image screw you i don't like the threatening aura of this image are you gonna beat that woman to death with the bluetooth speaker we are rioni jesus christ i can't even be mad at this crap anymore well chloe ekehm back aw thank you son of a [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] okay i'm trying to read it but i can't quite decipher what language it's in if anybody in the comments can read it i would be very appreciative x-men first class why did they put his face down there why did they do this this is terrible unique action game your grandma you're i've got to play this game now oh thank god we've come to the end of another video ladies and gentlemen i could feel my blood pressure rising and my heart rate beginning to go off the charts but luckily we're done always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it then why not get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon come on you know you wanna until next time we'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,850,875
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, r/crappydesign, crappydesign, crappy design, crappydesign best posts, crappydesign top posts, bad design, awful design, diwhy, diwhy top posts, diwhy best posts, diwhy emkay, bad diy, bad life hacks, life hacks, crappydesign emkay, r/crappydesign emkay
Id: Gh_r6CZZnOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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