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[Music] this is a sponsored post iphone iphone iphone attention only iphone users can enjoy this keyboard giant slabs i miss you and see you tonight what if someone sends me a long text huh what then i support lgbtq liberty guns bible trump barbecue nice shirt ombre cool that's not crap a design that's actually a real animal you never heard of the two beak toucan it's a real it's a real thing twice the squawking power he doesn't have a beard sexy bearded man sorry this girl is taken by a sexy bearded man and i'm cheating [Laughter] yo is that cumbatch listen if you're such a fan of comebach name at least three of his songs oh hey look it's uh it's blue ilsh those capital eyes no it's just yeah boo else on an advertisement for a laptop cooling pad i think they forgot blue fire is hotter before my laptop is burning after it's still burning but the fire looks cool i mean you know trade-offs i guess blart sampson is that world-renowned tv character and childhood idol blart sampson consume shorts this is not how bows work [Laughter] don't worry she has a plan you don't just print braille well they did good luck reading it stupid just use your eyes i guess look the braille's there just gotta look at it oh oh yeah forgot the whole blind thing yeah oh god buzz buzz are you good man why do you like like every distressed dad in an animated film you know what this the the face is reminding me of the dad from inside out just ever so slightly and it's giving me the heebie-jeebies how do we weed out the smaller players what if we do this show us coach what are you gonna do [Music] [Laughter] it's a full body dry off man i love it music connects people i don't like how it's connected those two you'll be honestly it seems like a fatal connection wheelchair ramp available please ask and counter good luck getting up there though maybe if you had a friend with their walking legs did you come up and come up and ask for the real chair ramp ooh you good are you light you one of them free bleeders i've been hearing about this artistic expression can you keep doing you the plants are just trying to walk what's the big idea you got a problem you got a problem with some flora trying to cross the street safely i didn't think so two seconds to become french hashtag french baguette but your two-face [Laughter] how do you how do you not angle that correctly it's easy you cut the hole out after you've printed it that isn't a window that's a hole door is too short balls oh boy that's going to be an air conditioning bill all right couple what sliding glass doors yeah automatic all right go right in go uh uh okay you know it's all good it's all good so one opens and one slides huh don't know why you did that bud but you know what it's automatic so i guess i can't complain dresser drawer pull that middle one open which but it's got it's got three handles you deserve the worst punishment yo monster house two's looking kinda lit i'm not gonna oh man that he's got such a concern he's like hmm he up to no good over there i could see i'm the house drink pee i mean listen is it a game or girl that's uh is that my source if that's the case then you know fill me up another cup jack going for round two the dye of the water to look more like real water and it ends up looking disgusting bro that's fortnite shield [Music] drink up guy you gotta get back into the tilted towers stop chilling around in lazy lagoon and get back into the action homeboy i don't like your face at all why does it look like your whole head's on the fisheye lens facebook shows these auto-generated ads based on your name my friend's surname is whiteman never underestimate the power of a white man i don't think you want to wear that shirt and i don't think you want to stick your head through those holes either just a thumb maybe christmas time you shouldn't show old jackie and tammy pictures of them inside the uh the cardboard cutouts there they give them nightmares love sick interactive stories you could do everything in this game who's the father of my baby he is or she is what's your choice yeah are those tesco active flushable toilet wipes oh they're harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects hey but they're bleach-free you thanks honey appreciate that happy anniversary my new shower curtain has 51 states welcome to the fold long island ah yeah long island finally recognized as a state is that john flouvog generic holiday message with a subtext oh john you shouldn't have hey bro it's a hundred percent juice but it only contains 27 juice because they're liars i'm tired of being lied to you by big juice by corporate juice tired of these lies my keyboard lights up but you can't see any letters at night oh bro the letters aren't backlit feels bad man the white switch right behind the pillows in my hotel room one moved during the night and the light goes on why would you even have the that's just a logistics question to me why would you place it there it looks like it's against the bed that's weird secret at live off is not doing not doing what your job correctly because that seems like what you did here worst africa ever what a lot of the a lot of the state the globe just looks weird in general why is it all different colors the logo of my boyfriend's high school it's not cropped that's the entire logo our curriculum yeah what happened to your logo though is is that literally is who did you show this to the school board they're like perfect maui you stop giving me that look right now young man okay your dancing tattoos won't stop you from this one okay i just need you to stop giving me that face hey just in case didn't know this is where the handicapped people go thanks for the heads up wow whoever sat in this seat must have really enjoyed the movie the horn on the narwhal hits you square between the eyes when you take a sip go ahead idiot drink up keep america looking like nic cage that is that's just straight up nick cage what what is going on with that yo that is weird it's kind of gnarly though too my bank's website rogers was down so i was given this nice message that i couldn't read something went wrong please try again later especially when your corneas aren't burning from the sun that's clearly just an all-around print of a cat on a pillow huh it's kind of weird but i'd buy it assuming i'm just an old lady was your first mistake cause i'm actually a grown man [Laughter] snickers get one for the price of two wait dude it's cindy wait no it's paris i'm sorry look sometimes it just gets a hold of me and i want to write the word plenty on a big old air balloon dude this is what my parkinson's meds came in this month just what people with tremors need fiddly packaging what a cruel world we live in that's so much unnecessary plastic too bro why are these peaches looking red hey dog i think your peaches is tomatoes i'm going to be honest with you dog your peaches and avocado that's not even the same shape [Laughter] i don't like those doorknobs or those cabinet knobs those handles whatever you want to call them i don't like them they don't match it it's ugly burn your house down that's your punishment the salt and pepper kept getting all over the table once placed down not to mention the salt has three holes while the pepper has one then just guessing what people would want to have more of and the answer's salt more salt destroy me with salt the way you have to put your pin in all right show me that pin baby please enter it all right one three three [Music] seven you're correct pin idiot this is why we can't take you out anywhere also by the way that was a completely arbitrarily long way to enter your pin a surprise plush inside oh boy i wonder where it'll be maybe like a bear or something i wonder how many people have tripped over that ledge like there's walking carrying the items not looking walking right around bam just complete face plane onto the tile floor they're crying sniveling drooling maybe you just gotta let them be there they didn't want they didn't realize they're at the bad store if i was a pro i got the infinity gauntlet however if i'm asian what does that have to do with anything i don't like the meat chairs i get that's a stone but it looks like meat old sandwiches yum yum yum say no to drugs by the way here's a syringe you could use for oh no whatever you want drugs maybe oh dude go down that slide is he coming down speed of sound hell yeah there he is and oh oh oh poor guy he wiped out hard at the end too oh yeah is it going to do that thing where the soap just falls right down yep there it is every house has one of these there's no way actually put it because it's at an angle and that soap it'd be slippery good luck how much is 75 plus 26 only a sociopath will pass this test how can you tell if you're a sociopath or a narcissist well it depends on which way you're looking at the camera sweet cheeks [Laughter] stop that's a very eloquent stop i like that stop bring your vehicle to a halt my girl when she sees i got tech decks in my pocket [Laughter] it's going through the glass too what purpose is this i stubbed my toe every single day you'd think you'd get used to the fact that there's a little bit of a ledge there bud some more i love some more oh boy my favorite season some more oh it's supree remy i love super remy my favorite brand and that's my favorite light switch let's just dig out a part in the wall so that light switch could sit there yeah okay one [ __ ] should never do is literal doggy style one thing you shouldn't do as well as ride a bike but that doggy style thing that's more important i'd say we plan to cut all homeless people in half by 2025. if you're homeless now is a good time to move go time travel agency are you telling me there's a time travel agency oh bro toe jam oh yeah what do you got down there man toe jam the ultimate toe stepping machine oh man do you want to go pp stub your toe why do they do realize that this is never used the save button is right next to the undo all work button i've clicked the wrong one so many times oh oh goodness gracious i'm so sorry i don't know what program that is but they should stop the home theater watching match video game no one plays it how okay number one why the rep in the west side number two [Laughter] number two who plays a playstation like that third story hotel room overlooking niagara falls wall blocking entire view welcome to your stay maybe if you paid more money you get to see the niagara falls ah yes all of the floors in perfect order a sideways keypad because you know what why not i'm not quite sure is this the wheelchair ramp you wanted like tony hawk pro skater off the ramp hitting ollie in a grind i like your style i think the game lagged now they just want to make sure you know what's your zip code stupid five six sec hey come on stop that calm it down wait a minute wait a minute i just realized what's going on now i know it's the a55 but can i just pretend it's not the branding just is too perfect [Music] [Laughter] this basketball sign with a soccer slash football field in the background some people want it some people wish it others just make it happen yeah i guess if you really want to play basketball on a soccer field you've got it made dude cowabunga my fellow trees seriously who thought this was a good idea consume my pentaloons this bird that fell off a snowman ornament for some reason it has two beaks hey look maybe he was just born that way you don't gotta make him feel bad about it his name is little johnny two beaks why was he called that nobody knows would it have been too much to ask a random model to put your product on i mean don't don't get me wrong i know this is a scam and you're not actually gonna ship out any product more than likely but seriously how hard is it to have someone wear something for a photograph for you you know i never realized until just now how badly i wanted all country's flags to be flown on the tops of giant glow sticks not a twist off just their logo on the cap [Laughter] not all heroes wear capes to praise frontline workers who aren't wearing masks over their noses yeah if you're dressed like that you should definitely understand how to wear a mask properly otherwise you're not going to be working that job for long for real if you're about to go under for surgery and your doctor walks in wearing his mask underneath his chin like it's some sort of beard protector you might want to find a new surgeon police car oh my god you had one singular job look the helicopter is cool and everything but i wanted police car what the hell i really hope these chairs can't swivel and they're all just fixed looking these random directions warning this product can expose you to chemical name here a chemical known to the state of california to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm oh boy gotta watch out for chemical name here very dangerous oh look at the fluffy yellow chicken nugget if only there's a letter that resembles the shape of a christmas tree oh oh no seriously were those clocks added afterwards or did they just decide to put the window around it i'm just so confused but it's actually making me happy online con ert oh convert okay well that's a really really really really bad color scheme huh do not try this at home craft it yourself swipe up to subscribe no i don't think i will clean the air in the car using this little pill thingy it works best when you have your roof down though and and have access to the big wide world of air already these stickers are supposed to cover screw holes in the shelves i just put together well yeah that much is obvious it even says screw hole cover right there dude best have a pretty decent vertical if you want to cross this street you know call me crazy but it looks like the brand of this particular piece of footwear is called cockyland cookieland all of the ink washed off this measuring cup well i hope you memorized the measurements dude don't play this game it's addictive all right i want sometimes that reverse psychology doesn't really work out the way you think it's gonna ha can't wait to be a doctor don't the basement entrance of our house oh man as someone who's six foot three that would suck a lot okay what engineer does not realize that drains are supposed to be at the lowest point in order to work huh huh this is why you're not getting a raise again this year tommy come on it's only fair oh how cute a little tiny electric kettle looking thing what's the brand urinal urinal i feel like that's exactly how i would look if i ever put on makeup of any kind i mean my eyes already kind of do like to go opposite directions sometimes what the hell's wrong with that guy's face where's his nose what's going on here it's actually quite terrifying someone in the comments right a quick little creepy pasta for this guy i feel like he deserves one oh only 6.99 huh how do i put it on my goddamn face that's the fence placement of someone who just wants to piss civilians off hired someone on fiverr to make a vintage travel poster of one of my friends houses this is what i got welcome to college station texas well i'm assuming you paid five bucks the sh are you complaining the flamingo's legs are backwards ah but it doesn't look as weird as it should it actually kind of works have you ever wanted to be someone cosplaying a giant frog well now you can i guess you best have some big ass tires on your jeep if you want to park in that far right garage i know it says god bless america but i'm going to go ahead and read it as godless america because that's where we're at aqua tots swim schools performance swim clinic maybe while you're teaching the kids to swim you can also teach them to actually put the goggles on their eyes oh another brilliant piece of artistic design yeah just dribble a little bit of paint on accident on the damn thing and we'll sell it for like 50 more we'll call it art the confetti motif of this reusable drink cup just looks like grime yeah isn't it supposed to be colorful confetti just looks like a bunch of moldy milk was stuck in there for far too long and you probably shouldn't drink out of it anymore nothing good happens when you're distracted at the pool always watch kids at pools and spas uncle roy there's a guy [Laughter] that's not just a guy what the hell ah it's good to be hame happy earth day central heck caching and payday loans by man hell sunshine i don't think the sun shines in hell if there's one thing that probably shouldn't be the backboard for a basketball hoop it's some random person's window whoever said diamonds are a girl's best friend horse congratulati class of 2020 on i can't for the life of me wrap my head around why this was considered to be a good enough idea to make even one of them i just don't get it i don't think anybody asked for ninja stars with their food another quality job by gecko green energy concepts k o construction is this really just sitting in a public park somewhere wow great way to traumatize children and adults alike a figure in a textbook that i'm studying low rates are the same shade as high rates and all the middle range rates are white there's also a particularly dark shade of blue in the 2015 map that doesn't even appear in the legend i there it's good old mikui mouse seriously why does he look so sad it's like oh no my name it's all [ __ ] up i'm struggling to come up with an explanation for why mickey has his head in his pants that isn't disturbing you're never gonna figure that one out why do people try to make them look more horrifying than they already are dude have you seen them you don't need to do anything else holy crap she's got one long neck the daily scoop cafe ah nothing says delicious ice cream like a toothpick with an olive a little pickle and some cheese this outlet on a staircase wow they did a spectacular job on that didn't they jesus do you think we should put the painting somewhere else nah just chop it in half it'll work out fine well if that ain't the cutest little freakin nature i ever did see where can i get one how are the adults shrinking and why is it horribly photoshopped in a bathroom oh wow that is quite strange i will give you that i mean honestly that's got to be the largest bathroom in human history look at how big that sink is in relation to that adult woman pineapple all right well i think you got it all wrong because nothing in here is even remotely close to a pineapple also does it just say text underneath pineapple there hmm if only there was a more convenient place that made sense to put an entire telephone pole well i guess we'll never know blessed are the poop in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven okay nothing says good design like a guy coming into the office and saying it needs more pubes that has to be the most intimidating public bathroom i've ever seen in my life seriously somehow this is worse than no stall doors at all straight up i'd be more comfortable in a giant room with toilets everywhere than this what why is this a puzzle why did it need to be a puzzle dang it you got the two right eared configuration dude come on you got to pay attention when you're buying these things this rug design makes it look like there's poop on it oh how lovely let's fight keep us corona safe virus huh oh my god sandy no no sandy please if you say king backwards it sounds like sausage what great job your shadow the hedgehog is identical to the real thing movement without limit god again why is it so hard for you to just take a photo with someone on the product balancing kit the balancing kit should only be used if there is an unacceptable amount of wobble after completing all the steps in your owner's manual under attach the fan blades one turn the fan on and set the speed control setting to as oh god guys i can't i can't do it holy crap i can't read that fast especially when there's no spaces what is wrong with people if only spongebob was say an easy shape to create merchandise toys pencil sharpeners whatever the hell you want around like say a rectangle dude it's summer time the best way to advertise your product is just don't why would you need to have the models wearing the sunglasses when they could just be a group of generic looking people that'll make me think the sunglasses are quality s is usually small l is usually large when it comes to tampons s is for super l is for light wow ooh this one's making my eyes freak out a little bit what is taconic toinic tauntic tonic what the teapot cap melts off when it gets too hot wow is quality assurance just something that doesn't exist anymore is that gone is it dead 15 water pick replacement hose promises amazing results damn i might pick one of these up ah sample text how inspiring where do you want to go to eat let's go to the they you what will you will say you never made forget and did forget them what forget they how feel take time good things what inside the is that xbox jesus nostalgia nerd together we care to our nhs we stand we clap we thank you this toothpaste can't be used completely leaving a lot of paste on the end when you can no longer press it because of the stupid tube in the way brilliant brilliant design bravo now that hat is pretty i almost want it just so i can say that i have it i'll bring people up to my room and show them the most hideous ball cap in the world they'll love me for it okay let's give this one a go thing eco i really don't think they thought out the color design on these panties here when my car is in drive the gear shift blocks the air vent beautiful cause screw you that's why the nestle water bottles have little people drowning just like what nestle wants in real life okay i see they left a watermark on there wow guys you stole an image screw you i don't like the threatening aura of this image are you gonna beat that woman to death with the bluetooth speaker we are ryoni jesus christ i can't even be mad at this crap anymore well chloe ecom back oh thank you son of a [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] okay i'm trying to read it but i can't quite decipher what language it's in if anybody in the comments can read it i would be very appreciative x-men first class why did they put his face down there why did they do this this is terrible unique action game your grandma you're i've got to play this game now the company is called ape not the font to use oh as you know as soon as i read what the company name was called in the word font i knew where this was going but at the same time imagine wearing this out in public and having to get into a conversation about that it's gotta be an awkward dinner with grandma hi grandma adoption not abortion two letters can save a life shirt a.d adorption and now listen listen just a second here what is adorption what is adorption sir and how can that save a life i've adored three kids oh i've seen this one before oh wait no i haven't i thought i've seen this before wait just a second here what's going on this is the no it's the fan i'm trying to understand okay no it's that it's the hand dryer i'm trying to show what was going on there dude you're reaching max speed on that lid you need to calm it down animal dominoes i love wait just one minute this is all fruit there's not any animals on these dominoes i feel a little ripped off i'm not gonna lie to you what's your brand zero zero two this is the second edition and you've already messed up twice the fruit dominoes have the monkeys on them if this app will ruin my life why would i download it oh i love those advertisements so something about them so funny to me they need to get more extreme this app will send you into debt and have you mortgage your house [Laughter] and it's just like frogger but in 3d oh i'm too tired for this man i'm too tired everything's gonna be funny to me yo i don't know who you are but you are ripped head to toe my dude is just jacked and i love it you said something about my dinner just ripped the shirt full abs come and get something you ruffian so what do we got going on oh oh that's i don't think that works i'll be honest with you i like the balcony but i also really like how you gotta sneak out of your house to see the balcony it's a real nice touch can someone in the car oh wait is the crabbing design on the side of the walls i'm not like oh the steps aren't even i'm just like there's so many layers of this photo i want to kind of break it down you know like like an onion like shrek so the steps are uneven number one once you get to those last two steps you really gotta hike your knee up to get up those last two uh and then the sidewall something just doesn't seem right it is a very strange aurora and energy real men wear black but you're wearing yellow you're wearing yellow sir bodyguard soft defense peppa spray defense she's holding that sword by the blade too she's a badass look at her she is hardcore as hell she's oh there's a stoic face on that lady too as she grips it by the blade like eat bread and like eat milk all part of a balanced breakfast okay we got some drawer those are not drawers those are that's a cabinet that's so weird yo well no you can tell they're not hold on if you don't see the hinges i think you're just dumb because i feel dumb now there's hinges there that's so weird though why wouldn't you just redesign the the drawer the the cabinet rather that's so that is that like i'm weirded out by it but i'm also like grossly fascinated prom cake with graduates photos that looks like a cemetery russia time to mispronounce this city crash new york's crass noirsk chris new yorks that's the best you're gonna get today we've come to celebrate the lives of our graduates it's not a good russian accent but it will do the job they're all [ __ ] like tombstones too jesus it's a little festive those kitkat bars are toblerones what's on the cake there's nothing wrong with this photo this is just how people look if listen when i see a hot babe walking down the street and she's giving me this look i'm head over heels i'm falling i'm swooning you know worst comma ever china flood death toll hit 61 million 350 000 evacuated ministry damn that sucks damn dude that bites as many as 61 people have been killed and 356 000 wait a minute that's a badly placed comma the op is completely right i feel like i would have heard about it if the flood death killed 61 mil me and the boys i don't like this look neither are the looks they're giving me buzz looks like he's up to something nefarious and woody's like i heard about his plan but i'm not gonna do a thing about it and why is buzz standing completely did they go to toy story 4 dressed up like this please don't tell me they did oh god back to back that's even worse look at woody's face woody just heard a secret that he's really excited about and buzz the face on buzz he's seen something he's why why are these things that god i really hope those are just statues if those start moving i'd pee my pants i really would i have youtube on dark mode and every time i open the app it hits me with this blinding logo oh my god that actually hurt me imagine you're in bed okay and you're like uh you know one youtube video before i go to sleep you open up youtube and your corneas are immediately singed off the front of your face [Music] [Laughter] my 50 pound fan slowly moves over time see oh nice dude i love this that's not crap but design the fan is sentient it needs to go to the store it's got to get some milk some eggs no hate [Laughter] home is where the heart is dude i love all these little drones look at that one son you see him coming towards you with his white background that's the last thing you see boy the last thing you see is a jpeg goodbye son no orange cap you store water in the magazines wow wow wow wow pretty sure that's a hazard like safety wise for the kid using this toy gun that's good that would end very poorly i wouldn't buy that one bit discovery ideas how do different planes fly ah yes that is my favorite plane how does it fly simple it don't that's a bunch of pvc pipe and you're trying to that's just like there's no forethought or planning why would you do that only the jazziest of men can use the middle urinal don't plants are be friends a prick yeah yeah that's right there is no flag like red white and blue there are quite a few actually real men love bow hunting geez the attached image jesus is carrying that cross and this dude's like you some [ __ ] i'm gonna get you dipstick you know what i recommend three four five six man my man's got seven fingers on one hand what do you recommend sir i'll do anything you want please hide your gross alien fingers oh i love these lights we got green red blue yellow and white but they're not in the way they need to be rearrange them now why are all those rooms like that that's weird why do i have to like jump three and one over to get the 302 when i was just in 301 why am i running halfway across the hall for that i don't like that one [ __ ] this rose themed bedspread looks like they have like freddy krueger went to go to sleep with you pulled you right into the middle of the bed and just splatted your blood crushed everything but the center he doesn't want to be too filthy sorry that's not correct correct answer 15.826 seconds your answer 15.83 seconds okay enter your response as a real number rounded to two decimal places hmm i don't know math so i'm just going to assume that the machine was right we put the s in fun i loves fun my favorite thing is fun oh hell yeah sample text delicious what a beautiful pillow been to this guy's place twice and have on multiple occasions fallen victim to the shin blast the [ __ ] the shin blaster 2000 oh it's one of the [Laughter] oh the shin blasted 2000. holy crap stop looking at me like that guy i'm not going to buy you projects if you look at me in the face like that [Applause] [Music] it looks like he's pulling snot out of his nose don't say that don't say that oh it does oh god it goes all the way too man put that back where it came from no he's getting out again i love playing video games too bad i can't walk around because my weird foot my weird foot dude i love all all these planets we got mercury venus earth the moon mars jupiter saturn uranus and pluto damn mars been looking kinda thick lately not gonna lie [Laughter] a save water add which makes you spit on the poor kid's face while brush [Laughter] stop looking at me like that stop why do all these posts have just people looking at me in a weird way i don't like it once i hit next post oh god hit the spot don't wink at me sir [Laughter] you like what you see hit the spot come on hit it oh my god walk up them steps one two three and four all right you did it what now you've been duped you've been tricked i've become the thing i have sworn to destroy taking your eyes off the road too long or too often could cause a crash resulting in injury or death to you or others focus your attention on driving hey it's a dog toy that floats and squeaks but why has it got teeth and a smile please pick one or the other hello there tesco could you please explain this expiry date please if i'm honest matthew i have no idea 2nd of january 2040. can you send me the product's barcode number i'll have a chat with my support team about this and find out for you thanks sharon here you go sharon thanks hi matthew just to double check did the relish come with the burgers thanks uh yep v was like a set you get two burgers two buns two cheese slices and a sanchet of the relish hi matthew i've had a response from my support team they've advised the date code on the relish only is the julian date 20140 is the 140th day this translated into the gregorian calendar is the 20th may 2020. thanks maggie okay maggie are you serious surely that's not a legitimate way to dating surely that's not a legitimate way of dating products that still don't help me like do you have a copy of this hi matthew i fully agree with you if i had received this myself i wouldn't have known what this meant what i can do is pass this through to my support team to ask why they date it this way i'll come back to you asap thanks maggie maggie i got a pack of the tesco falafel but the best before date appears to be in roman numerals can you help carpeted bathrooms looks a little cozy i'm not gonna lie that's one weird-looking duck i think that was supposed to be a pelican before you are your vote is you or you your is our vote you so this isn't daniel's do these guys in the back just choose to ignore the weird hologram lady that they have up here unleash your white power [ __ ] [Laughter] pure white energy that is weird i don't like that ah yes a zipper a zipper in a place where zippers are needed the most at the collar perfect i work at walgreens every time a customer buys one of these starbucks drinks i have to risk the bottles shattering into the floor as i try to scan the package oh come on starbucks you couldn't put it on the side of the package as well i guess they assume that every single place will have a flat scanner but that's not true for a lot of places if you flip the image the species changes on the right we have a sarah poseidon but on the left we have another tall dinosaur so we'll just flip the images it'll be fine nobody will notice it's just another long-necked dinosaur it doesn't matter let's put the sleep button right there yep right in the middle of the volume controls oh i used to have a laptop that did this i hated it i never even got the point of the sleep button when you could just close the lid and put the laptop to sleep this fancy design makes the plate look super dirty minus the crumbs oh that oh that fills me with rage if i somehow got my hands on this plate like if i was gifted it or something i would i would just re-gift it to goodwill or donate it or give it to somebody else because i couldn't handle that no no way luckily kovit doesn't spread sideways wait here wait here and wait here yeah you only need to maintain six feet of distance to your front not to your sides that's not important this brand new duster has a design that makes it look extremely dirty all the time why do companies do this like is the tip of it supposed to change a color when you need to buy a new one or something or is it just a ploy to make you buy a new one because it looks dirty this ad is for a cloth diaper insert however the baby is wearing a disposable diaper somebody went to shutterstock my daughter's homework we have a whole bunch of numbers that i do not have the time to decipher and then some sort of key thing which spells out volunteers are good for nothing wow y'all pushing them paid jobs early great extra step from a wheelchair adapted restroom [Music] please have an accessibility specialist or an actual disabled person use your restrooms or facilities i'm legally blind and a building i worked in put up printed braille cards like no bumps at all i'm fortunate enough to not need braille but i have friends who do need braille and i really don't want them like stroking the walls trying to find the fire exit it looks like a sticky mess and it's not something you'd like to see in a restaurant chili's house of ribs slow smoked tender ribs covered in six fantastic sauces of the six people we killed in our basement seriously this is the cover of a horror movie or like clown makeup gone terribly wrong and the one in the center of their nose just looks like a giant zit this is just who approved this carpet that looks like the carpet what oh oh carpet that looks like the carpet was bleached or worn away or started sprouting mold the same design is repeated in the elevator i had to stare for a while to convince myself that it was on purpose oh oh that's on purpose oh that is some swamp algae green that i would expect to have some vacant house must oh god i already see where this is going a donation bin for n95 masks that looks like a trash can okay i realize everything relating to the pandemic is last minute and we're all working with what we have but just decorate it up with some brightly colored tape or something like that indicating that it's for medical donations this is a great idea in theory but it's been ruined by people not thinking which people just don't think sometimes so you know what do you expect whoever designed this baby grow has never seen a human child ah that that's for a dog that is that is a dog onesie i'm not sure what a baby grow is but that that onesie would easily fit my dog oh oh i thought they were shorts at the bottom oh god oh those are the what is this for chibi enderman can you imagine a baby like this just like two little squat nubs of legs and then just spaghetti arms oh i'm taking that image to my grave temperature control cool normal and cooler is is norm wait is normal normal cool or is normal i do i can't no who approved this oh minions are even worse now thanks i didn't expect crappy design to make my insomnia worse but here we are i just want somebody to come through that door just good morning oh god that's not that's not a usb port that's not no no what usb port are you using that has seven ports run with triangle on your back alternatively run while scratching your bum alternatively play with jetpack with your third leg dangling in front oh i can't make that joke oh oh sorry the scientific question to prove my sexuality exists presented by dr weidman somebody clearly not knowledgeable about my sexuality waste paper packaging glass i don't i don't oh oh come on it's the same on the opposite side which means that depending on what side you approach it from why can't we have nice things flip the design on the other side so they all line up you incompetent rutabaga bewasu akiwareth i wait seriously what is this supposed to be oh beach why wave surf beach wave surf wow that is uh that's worse than normal usually they try to line up at least one element but this just doesn't even try if you are coughing stay home in social gatherings if you are sick so stay home and have a massive party you got it don't don't actually do that please don't be dumb oh god kill it do it i'm just imagining it trying to talk like pikachu let's talk ready moo music wait wait wait wait wait no no no i've got this let's rid e taut emu sick i know it's let's ride to the music but at this point i'm just going to make fun of it oh oh god okay i can't see too well hello fool again who approved this ah yes football my favorite game makes you wonder what baseball would be called coninor indian cuisine hey look he's repping the mk channel and is possibly a very misplaced stock image oh my god the goal of a face mask is not rhinestone lip armor the goal of a face mask is to stop you from spraying everyone else with your diseased moist lung slime but i digress under normal circumstances this would actually look kind of cool hunting people wait did the season already start off frack i forgot to get my permit hang on i'll be right back phew got there right before they closed there we go all in order ah what okay um i can't see the back of this so i can't see if there's a pipe behind this but to those of you that haven't seen a split system before there's a pipe that's supposed to come out of this to go outside to an air handler compressor unit otherwise it just blows the air around because it has nowhere else to put the heat so you've essentially installed an extremely expensive ceiling fan srs e-i-v-e-c we pride ourselves in readability this is particularly bad because there's also a vertical line down so i can see civic rise or civic rye s every part of this deserves to be dipped in spoiled milk including the designer oh god that is a sharkicorn and i do not like it i appreciate the attempt but you're fired then eggs drags i have no idea what this is advertising or what it's supposed to be saying or if this person is like selling drugs out of a coffin or saying that coffins are made of drugs or he's refusing an intervention is this guy married to drugs i'm concerned but i also don't want this to become my problem so i'm just gonna move right along okay um we need to have a talk why is his crotch more damage than the rest of him why does he have a rusty crotch i don't want to speculate anything but the police are here and they're asking questions and i'd rather just get it quietly resolved so just answer in the comments which of you did the thing with the shrek so we can get the police to leave and get this whole thing cleared up also you're now banned from mini golf everywhere not just here just everywhere forever do not please enter well if you insist a whole day starts from i hate breakfast i've never had my toast made so aggressively oh it's the brand of the toaster it's an argent sounds like an incredibly caffeinated german sneeze there's a bunch of how to measure instructions up above for clothing that i'm not going to read but the main issue here is that whoever made this diagram clearly was homeschooled and didn't quite figure out which parts of the body were which and i say this as somebody who was homeschooled for a few years ah yes shoulder busts because that's where humans keep their breasts on their shoulders shrests although hip elbows would become hell bows and that just sounds really cool from the creators of extreme commute to roadkill boogaloo bike lane if you dare brought to you by red bull it gives you wings red bull is not responsible for any stupid crap you do hear this message not actually brought to you by red bull at this point it's no longer a locked door it's just an intelligence test if you still want to go out that door you're welcome to oh this belongs in thanks i hate it hey robin do you want to cover this one ah yes the bright light in the center of our solar system rockets sponsored by spacex oh my god okay okay somebody needs to bring a green screen behind this and make this car look like it's going really fast and just add constant screaming just constant screaming like i mean all in just go for it just ring girl [ __ ] ten mooshores four oh this is in a different language not even gonna try but what dimension did this designer go to i don't even know if it's supposed to be an english word i think this is just an exercise and find the stroke philadelphia water ice premium italian ice okay this one wasn't immediately weird to me because i've seen it called water ice before but yeah it's like a soft shaved ice kind of thing that they sell in in the frozen section but yes it has some really dumb regional names okay the only instance in which this is cool is if the clock broke first and then they added the fan because that would be kind of nifty actually actually make the hands bright yellow or like bright red or something you might be able to get away with it then say cheese no no i do not need big brother surveillance toilet paper thank you very much i've seen this before i'm isaacs and isaacs and my forehead is a mailbox a well-ventilated mailbox confirm do you want to quit the game no no you do not no you do not what in the fresh floofy hell is that you've heard of pickle rick now get ready for sheeple rick those eyeballs could easily be used in a game of pool there's a solution substance abuse 833 not sick drugs were always the answer the i i wait wait why the diagonal steps are kind of cool but why did you put a railing just right there maybe it like detaches for winters i i i still don't see what the benefit would be i want there to be a reason but i'm afraid there's not wow this is like somebody's first lego building and they suddenly realized they were like a floor off and just sort of like threw some tiles down i mean screw gender stereotypes but i also don't think you planned the toy very well oh a home docs electric pressure washer high pressure washer compact upright design with axle-mounted wheels allows easy roll-away mobility pistol style grip with trigger spray 1 dispenses for efficient pressure washing don't worry baby i know he doesn't live here i don't know why he keeps showing up and cleaning our car but it'll be okay he'll be gone soon what in the forced merges this i logically know this is just a poorly sewn stuffed animal but this also makes the insinuation they are compensating for precisely nothing or they're compensating for something that their doctor should be looking at immediately candy sucks you take that back right now never fresh frozen beef i realize wendy's is trying to make some sort of point here but i i'm not sure what that point is and the fact that the burger is on books just greasy books are not a look wendy's i jeep jeep good joining you deeple jeep sheeps how about a nice warm mug of gp um this this is oh this is intentional this is not crappy design this is intentional you know exactly what you're doing and we are going to move right on away from that and preferably 50 miles away at least i've never seen a train look high and bloodthirsty at the same time but there's a first time for everything here we are oh oh spongebob what happened to you we need to get spongebob to the hospital like immediately we will have a moment of silence for all the structural engineers watching right now and then a moment of screaming for them as well because they are probably in pain what the wish yoda is this this is like sid from ice age and a basketball having a child and it running headlong into a train as a kid this is a public service announcement asymptomatic carriers are still stop the contagious spread now stop going please out now just wear wear a mask wash your hands i think my tongue just resigned reading that snow excuses dare yourself i know snow is scary but i believe in you you can conquer snow what the oh i see i grew up in florida they didn't put sidewalks anywhere you were expected to just safari through the brush if you wanted to get somewhere use our blanket for a picnic sun protection an outdoor sleeping mat the beach a tent for your daily diet consume the blanket you fools or it will consume you you are allowed one circle of nature that's it just one constipation try the cayenne tablet no constipation no bloated stomach no gas now that i've read all of that with a straight face somebody's right hand has been very busy and i don't know maybe the left finger too i don't judge why add the k after if it already says the total amount 5 350 votes 2.855 k 707 1.788 k yeah i go back and forth on this this doesn't bother me as much i think they just should have given the exact total for each vote or shorten everything to like one decimal place teenagers smell better no they don't feel free for up to seven days what is this a commercial for total odor protection if it lasts seven days i'm vaguely worried about the chemicals being used in it i hate this i hate it when it's not zero one two and i realize they do this because it's easier for wiring's sake but oh my god it's annoying the bathtub at a hotel i stayed in looks like it's always dirty hey if it always looks like it's dirty why would they clean it wait body full no weight is too light for him no because he stuffed them all inside his skin suit even pillars like to look into the mirror somebody find this place put googly eyes and a smiley face on the backside of the pillar facing the mirror so that the next guy that comes along looks up into the mirror and just sees that face staring at him departures and security south how busy is security north three people south three people i i might be dumb i i i don't i don't see what's wrong with this both the security lines are busy yeah i'm too blind or dumb to figure this one out i'm sorry oh god oh no thank you no thank you i don't know what terrifying void realm you crawled out of but they probably eat hot dogs on hamburger buns there this ad for sudoku is unsolvable whoops somebody literally didn't do the math on this one this door slides shut onto a light switch hey honey can you open the darkness oil babe oily medic bomb i'm assuming this is for some mlm bullcrap and y'all got trolled whether or not it was intentional this snow white looks like she was allergic to whatever she just ate and is just depressed enough to resign herself to her fate she's also still sad about the fact she lost her chin three years ago the cover for my new yearbook is like a hairy cyclops it's supposed to be a hawk the curved text is the school but i didn't want to show it oh that is some dislocated ethereal eyeballs just floating above a beak i hate it see that white part yeah it's plastic impossible to breathe oh my god oh my you are no oh my god oh my god they are literally trying to kill children this is the only mask the cairns can be right about size comparison for the cereal box where the two objects aren't shown to scale with each other so helpful so informative the right and suitable size yeah this makes no sense but i also see it all the time it's super annoying this is what the email with my shipping information looked like i threw it away because it looked like spam yeah you know what i would too nzxt you can do better heat gun melts itself it's so hot it even works on heat guns nothing is immune they compare their fresher for longer bread bag with a normal storage bag using exactly the same image but with some green photoshopped onto the ladder this is outright fault advertising oh my god that's wow that's not crappy design that's intentionally fraudulent design design with green stars looks just like mold and bread oh gross oh i know they were going for like a star firework shape but ah that no you all need to go back to the drawing board on that one i legit just noticed this today the six is smaller oh i could not live with that microwave in the house anymore that is infuriating i feel actual rage from that you need this screwdriver to tighten this screwdriver now this is just how they get you to buy two landlord didn't see the problem and yes that is a gap between the shower and the wall decided to pass up on this place that's that's a good idea that landlord has no idea how much damage is being done underneath this shower my metric measuring tape has its case sizing in imperial oh my god are you serious for those of you that might not know a case sizing is a writing on the tape measure that shows exactly how long the tape measure itself is so you can put the back of it up against a wall so this company literally bought mass-produced imperial tape measures and just changed the tape inside of them windows behind a window for double greenhouse action a pic of this pole in my city was posted left i got a decent amount of fame this is how they fixed the issue just the other day this comes to us from tusla bosnia i hope i said that right so instead of actually fixing the poll they just took away one of your lanes fine you want to complain we'll turn this into an alleyway problem solved this calendar that i got for my birthday which shifts some of the date lines making it hard to tell which day each date falls on okay this is initially a really cool idea but every other week doesn't actually line up with a day and you have to like follow the lines back up to see which day is which visually interesting design terrible execution ah yes my two settings for light no and off oh look a lovely box of shoes oh i'm a hoe i didn't need a box to tell me that chocolate bars that make it look like they are for dogs but are not eat milk chocolate play milk chocolate milk chocolate love hebert is that your company name hebert don't you dare mix cute fluffy puppies and chocolate these are both good things puppies are better fight me but if one dog gets hurt because of your misguided advertising i will come to your factory with three bagpipes and an accordion and i will not stop until you change your boxes do not tempt me well i don't really see this as a crappy design i'm gonna be honest with you this one i don't see is crappy design purely because this looks like it could have been renovated this one's fine the bottom windows here kind of oh no i feel about those but you know it's the answer to their own ah yes the reese's bat but you put it under the heat and now it's just the reese's glob is your package properly sealed all packages must be sealed before being presented for shipping at the counter well is it just telling you how to seal wait a minute i see what's wrong here hold on a second what about this stuff up here chief is your warning properly printed as to his school second floor e2 is education second floor s1 is school first floor and e1 is education first floor and exits to parking lots sp school basement but what's this no we got no buttons there dude there's nothing it's nothing there's nothing subway is for 13 to 15 year old teenagers to make money online fast popular legal ways for teenagers secrets methods for extra money thanks tasha totally not fake huh 1903 we had the airplane 1926 we had the television in 1936 we had the computer what's this timeline this timeline is kind of all over the place okay i think this guy's seats are just super far back aren't they like this can be remedied it's just the seats being far back yeah that one's the weird one if this is you you're an a-hole driver move over uh sir you realize that's pointing at you you [ __ ] ah yes the baby zone drop them right in [Laughter] well this is quite a this is quite a predicament huh you know the sync ones always confuse me because it seems like there's no forethought or planning right before they install it you know like they they put it in and then they're like oh uh this is a coinky dink show me what you got another weird sink uh yeah there you go not a powerful stream at all and just leaking over the side oh that's a scuff looking road bud that road okay it just doesn't look good at all oh that's it that's an infograph how else just tell what's what you don't print and color idiot chevy colbet's have the worst cup holders ever and it's not even close i was turning less than 10 miles an hour oh so i guess you're gonna turn is that's gonna spill over you there it goes sucks for you man i got this brochure advertising christianity and something looks off religion wait wait wait hold on that's the first thing i noticed is the religion being if it's advertising christianity why not letting religion in and also i like the icon for drunk you see that he is that's neo dude neo is just having a drink and someone tried to shoot out i mean did that cool bullet dodge thing ah yes cucumber yummy is that david shreerden's the killer well he was the killer how was he i don't understand what the crappy design is here why was the uh why is this crappy design this just seems like the end of the movie and it's just popping up you know the credits i don't get it hey there you go get your shoes dirty right on the grass idiot the design sign in a building for art and design students that's gross that's terrible design like actually god awful direct mail is 5.1 that that what kind of bar graph is this is it only going to seven percent what is up with that hey i don't know what this is but i don't want it in my store you understand that there's a humble request that i ask if you just don't want to see it in my store i don't like the way donald duck's looking at me i don't like that he's doing it to me i don't like what he's planning i'm not into it open that up show us what you got oh oh okay why are you keeping your mayonnaise in the cupboard open 24 hours entrance 200 feet to your right thanks thanks i guess please touch your card below place card here he did it so what's the what's the problem oh wait a minute hold on you have one too many fingers sir let's see we got two three four five six seven you got three extra fingers where'd you get those babies i found my prince i call him daddy you know i really truly wish that uh i was able to paint again get through these turn stills but there was some way that i could just not have to pay maybe like an entrance way that was cleared open the window right to disappointment that's all i need in life and you gotta chair right by it with a view right to the disappointment drive drunk thank you i'll do just that that spawn point i'm pretty sure these are always spawn points you know i'm i'm 95 to 100 sure that's that that is just a spawn point and that's 200 iq this looks like it's right at a gary's mod it looks like someone just spawned an office chair on top of the bike that's 200 iq to stay comfy when you're riding play america's favorite quiz show play jeopardy while you drive alex trebek you're gonna get me crashing dude i'm gonna crash because of you alex trebek jesus sevis nice landmark in my town was gone for over two years due to restoration this is what it looked like when it returned oh you could take him back how has the crime impacted your confidence oh you know not not great these stairs with what looks like a step but it's really just a random line for no reason i fall into it almost every time wait wait oh yeah right there oh that's interesting yeah wow that is that is some eye trickery everyday loans for everyday surprises oh she seems real surprised but i don't know if that's a good thing oh i've seen this before i can't open the door yeah i know can't open it bud but guess what the guy who installed this door is an idiot you know what you can do there you go sneak your hand through 200 iq plays could of arms of madrid before and after why did you make it less detailed adidas men's running men's performance training yeah is that all you got okay all right i guess okay i didn't like how donald's looking at me and i especially don't like how these minions are looking at me and there's three of them which makes it even worse and do their eyes light up oh sweet lord have mercy their eyes light up mud flaps that blind while you're driving [Music] oh that's a lawsuit waiting to happen bud just you wait i can already see the headlines essential catholic tradition never graduates high school thanks thanks no entry oh they did it anyway bud what are you gonna do about it what a ridiculous way to advertise plus sized undergarments that is a real dumb way to show off uh plus sized undergarments have the you know non-plus size model showing off look how big this is to compare to how small i am this should fit you idiot no i don't like the message that gives i'm a plus-sized man i don't want no skinny man wearing my shirts unless she wants to i mean [Laughter] hey look she's got a pool pass that's sick a power button on third-party keyboard that instantly shuts down the computer without warning oh and that's third party that's ridiculous why is that a thing it can do and that's where number lock normally would be too for at least yeah that's where number locket stuff would be right something would be there i've never seen that before non-selected i could choose quebec or not quebec though huh real beauty is we to step on the impermanent encourage you plants thanks hey uh who's this guy who's this wise guy right here i don't like it i don't like the look he's giving me [Laughter] he's watching me take a dump is that shoe town what do they sell oh it's shoes hey take a shot oh you know i will but all the basketballs are on the other side the side dips down so the ketchup pours out on the side oh that's terrible the lengths you went for a fancy plate huh that's so dumb over 10 million people use this every day to stay protected online yeah they press it down like that the weird way you're here pressing control okay bud caution slow kids on road with no shoulders dead end is that is that so no smoking in auditorium no cameras or recording devices no standing on chairs or in niles no bottles or cans and no leaving or returning so if you're here you're here whoa that is a funky flight of stairs it seems like you would really just bust your butt walking up these though that does not look safe for anybody that is gnarly oh my god sniff scissors kids are gonna cut their noses on these things dude why would you make scented scissors [Laughter] all right who wants who's my homie who's going in this with me who's gonna go take a piss in the in the double urinal we'll hold hands the entire way through because we're just bros like that sometimes you gotta get your stream complimented dude looks over like excuse me the track point on my keyboard touches the screen when the lid is closed oh it feels bad buddy that feels bad hi i'm wearing a real watch yeah aria looks like you're wearing a real watch buddy what is that toilet seat that is a weird looking toilet seat that is gnarly looking this is the winner of an art contest in lore germany it is supposed to be snow white and has been casted in bronze costing 110 000 euros wow that is the worst thing i have ever seen but you know what at least he tried and the one hey sorry bud our elevators are kind of weird if you want to go right press that button you want to go down press that button and that brings us to the end of our slash crabby design if you like the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from mk and as always i'll be seeing you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,632,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: yCws1605V4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 59sec (4199 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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