r/Choosingbeggars | kinda fresh doe

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my neighbor decorates for the holidays it's nice but it's the same decorations for the past 20 years how can i nicely tell them we want something else [Music] hey how's it going ladies and gents welcome back to the show i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking a look at choosing beggars oh this one's got to be one of my absolute favorites so without much further ado let's get to it shall we i want to became imposter every time please then i will give you five star it your choice if i not become imposter then i will stay to my friend to give you only one star my amongst name is oh my god whoo that run-on sentence was gonna kill me hey adam i heard you've made mobile apps before i was wondering if you could make one for me yeah i have hate to ask but i've had some people ask me to do it for free you can pay right i charge 20 to 75 bucks an hour to people i know and based on how difficult i think it is i was thinking we could split the profits of the app 50 50 so you could make a lot more money overall sorry man i need some guaranteed money here come on dude you should be grateful i'm offering you 50 50. you could even add to your resume that you made my app how about this you tell me the idea and i make the app and get a hundred percent of the profits then you can put it on your resume that you came up with the idea for the app that i made goth i love apple please send me one apple iphone dot free of cost and any transportation charges because very poor economy of my country india thanks in advance dear apple i'll send you apple share your shipping address please you have only to pay for shipping apple iphone 12 mini please send with prepaid shipping costs too god dang it dude oh i got a funny feeling he would have actually gotten a literal apple not that he deserves anything more of course hello price with that service you will sell nothing dude you messaged me at 4am you have to be available 24 hours a day suck my balls i would if you didn't take so long [Laughter] is this still available can i get the frame only the mattress is available the frame is not included why are you keeping the frame because i was given a firmer mattress and still use the bed i don't need this mattress anymore can you please deliver i don't have a car right now unless i ask my parents i have no clue where blank blank is back up only i have no clue how far you are i live in blank gps says 40 minutes dude wait you're keeping the frame what is wrong with you you idiot congratulations you just lost yourself a customer i'm never coming back here again me bye oh no no this customer said that we just lost their business says the guy working at walmart as if anybody cares can we normalize the price being the price i'm one of your biggest fans so i hope you don't hate me for saying this even with twenty percent off the cake is fifty dollars shipping fifteen sixty five dollars for some cake is a bit ridiculous i've been to some fancy places before cake is basically flour sugar eggs etc shake my head thanks for commenting and following with all due respect no one goes to the bmw dealership and complains that their prices are too high just because their prices are too high for you doesn't mean they need to lower them you're not just their ideal client match and that's okay my pricing is usually based on my value not a person's budget again i appreciate you following i love people that say stuff like oh it's basically just this oh if it is then just make your own should be easy enough right takes you like two seconds i mean after all it's basically flour sugar and eggs comes with a cd player does it say anything in the description about a cd player how else am i gonna listen to it go out and buy one so the five cds don't come with one i can get it from a different place for cheaper okay do it then so i had two coats to give away then had car troubles anxiety on max trying to get these two winter coats to the ladies in need i was so upset to hear that one of the ladies said oh that's the one i don't like and told her to take it back i figured anyone who really needed a coat would have taken anything just to stay warm i guess looking good is her priority anyways if anyone knows someone who needs a winter coat size 2x or 3x let me know it's one of the warmest coats i've ever owned if not i'll donate it to one of the places who supplies these things to those in need kinda made me not even want to be giving almost like a slap in the face but i know the other lady really needed hers and is happy to be warm this winter god can you imagine being such a loser that you complain about a free coat oh god this one's gotta be good hey i noticed that you do weight loss diets and the like i think you might have found yourself a new customer that is unless you're not available for clients at the moment which i totally understand i'm taking on new clients at the moment and i'd be more than happy to help you out what is it you're looking for i offer plans to build strength and or lose weight etc well actually the plan isn't for me it's for my 18 year old daughter she put on a few pounds over kovid and i'm worried that it's going to start seriously affecting her health soon that's fine by me i can draw up an exercise and meal plan for her if you'd like i can get started within the next few days if that's okay with you yes yes and yes i can give you her biometric data if that'd help you in any way just get started on an asap please but how much is this gonna cost me the total cost for the diet plan and exercise plan is 55 euros as for her info all i really need to know is her weight height activity level and any significant medical history after that i should be good to go is your price firm i think 45 is a bit steep if i'm being honest well the price is 55 and it's pretty firm i can provide the diet plan separately for 40 if you'd prefer i need you to lower your price otherwise i won't be able to pay for this my daughter is going to be mocked when she comes back to school if her classmates see her like this i'm sorry about that but my prices are final i can point you in the way of another dietary consultant if you prefer [ __ ] you you're literally soulless you know that i probably make 10 times what you do in a year and you're here arguing over chump change a true dietary consultant would care more about the welfare of his patients than money your daughter isn't my patient you have a nice evening though wait you probably make 10 times more than them in a year but 55 is too [ __ ] high right dude if i had a butt ton of money i would be overpaying for everything all the time oh your price is 150 for this art commission how about this i'll give you 400 you have a great day i am livid blank has been babysitting for me for seven months now a hundred dollars a week the hours are easy nine a.m to five p.m like a regular freaking job and the kids are basically angels they sleep most of the day anyway at this age i get a text from her saying she's applying to walmart and that she can't afford to work for me anymore she's not paying me anything i'm paying her what do you mean afford have fun working longer hours for less pay you ungrateful and now i'm stuck without child care all the daycares in my area are super expensive and every time i posted an ad on a local buy and sell people have left really mean comments i'm getting desperate i can't believe she'd put me in this spot this is risking my livelihood i thought she was my friend friends don't underpay friends simple as that okay so i have huge huge self-esteem problems i get told all the time how beautiful i am but i just don't see it i was wondering if anyone could draw me so i can see me the way others see me oh that's clever except that it's not clever at all we see exactly what you're doing so get bent does anyone have a drone i can borrow next weekend heading up to albury on friday morning back sunday night something half decent not a cheap ebay one alright you can borrow my mavic mini for i don't know given your attitude i'd say 100 bucks a night friends don't ask friends for free work amen friends should pay full fee friends should tip the most why should we expect a complete stranger to treat us well and pay our fee while people we know get to force us into discounts in shanghai they now have autonomous kfc cars that roam around and allow you to buy food without human interaction this is nice and would be even nicer if no human but robot was cooking it and no animal meat but lab grown meat or vegan meat was used also it should be free also it should give me a also it should do a also it should stimulate my also it should give me 10 million dollars per meal hey the bot isn't working hi thanks for letting me know it should start working soon what a waste of time this is bull what is both are you gonna make it work today or not dude i'm working on this project alone in my spare time after my day job and i'm paying for the server from my own pockets so all of you 10 000 users can use it for free without me asking anything in return so you want to play good cop bad cop i'll tell you what i ain't playing bye bye are you serious it's free bye i'm genuinely confused as to what in the world this person thinks good cop bad cop is will you take 60 no [ __ ] you then cry me a river nope thank you girl at least i don't have to draw in my eyebrows at least i have a fridge would i be an ass for kicking my friend out of my room so i live on campus in college and a first year and my friend can't afford accommodation so he sleeps on my floor the thing is i have no privacy and i'm starting to find it annoying he also cooks and destroys my kitchen and told the other lads that it's not his kitchen so he doesn't need to clean up i'm thinking of kicking him out no hard feelings or anything but i'm paying six thousand dollars a year for accommodation and i'd like my privacy am i an ass i think this is one of the few rare times on that subreddit where this person is absolutely not an ass i mean you're at fault for letting the untrustworthy guy in your room in the first place but i think you've learned your lesson by now yo you stay in my place for free you do whatever the [ __ ] i tell you you can stay as long as you want but you doing pretty much all the chores the hardest realization which is a recent one is that friends don't really know what it takes to support a single mother here are three cheap and consistent ways number one offer to babies of the child for a weekend every few months number two help with a monthly expense number three ask her how you can help exactly nowadays friends just be calling themselves friends for no reason it's like with my car none of my friends have ever offered to take on the monthly insurance or petrol they don't use the car but that's beside the point they should understand that it's hard you'll pay my bill raise my baby musician needs woman to drive me around to gigs hi i'm a musician singer needing an unselfish female to drive me around town to giggs just friends i'm black in my 50s please respond i can also help with gas somewhat why do you need an unselfish female what are you gonna do you creepy boomer piece of crap i love my kids but mom is tired emotionally physically and anything in between i wish we had help like everyone else does everyone else we have said bring them over two hours isn't much help well it's better than none dude why doesn't anybody wanna help me will you take 400 sorry but no they're a thousand dollars brand new and i'm asking 700 for a lightly used one in near-mint condition i'm open to offers but 400 is too low i can do 500 max please i need it for christmas for my son sorry i can't give it up for that i'll drop it down to 600 though for christmas but i absolutely cannot go any lower so you're not even willing to help someone out during the holidays i literally just took 100 off my asking price you never mind good god just because it's the holidays does not mean some random stranger on the internet has to do anything for you dude hey my sister is birthday is coming up can you draw her for me please i will send you her photograph then you draw her sorry if too much to ask hi i do commissions if you want something realistic i'll charge 45 bucks for anime style i'll charge 35. i can draw your sister for sure is there a due date yes actually her birthday is tomorrow but you can finish by tomorrow evening so i can give her the drawing by 9pm or something like that i tagged you on the photograph in my account but ignore me i am on the left with white and gray shirt she is on the right please draw something like that i will take cartoon or realistic but i don't have any money can you draw for free for me please make an exception you want a free drawing i can't do that sorry selfish you have a talent so you should share it people dance on the street if they're lucky they get tipped you're an artist not scientist so don't act like you're entitled to money oof wow that really opened up my eyes i'm so sorry for being selfish i'll draw your sister by tomorrow 9pm for sure i'm really sorry oh it's okay sorry if it sounded rude can you actually finish by today in two hours i'm going out so i can print it and give it to my sister in morning tomorrow yes of course okay four hours please send me picture i am still outside oh wowzers dude that was a lot to get through but we did it and we did it together so always remember folks if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really liked it well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 322,205
Rating: 4.9719925 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, r/choosingbeggars best posts, choosing beggars, reddit beggars, reddit funny, r/choosingbeggars emkay, emkay
Id: Is-lnBBRQk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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