r/TIHI | chickenless bone

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whoa i was not expecting that to mess me up as much as it did but this just feels so wrong [Music] how's it going ladies and gents welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash thanks i sure do hate it oh no why does this keep happening to me all right whatever i can suck it up without further ado let's get right in there my body after doing absolutely nothing all day oh i feel that quite literally god what is wrong with me manga anime netflix adaptation wow i could have gone the rest of my life without seeing that image again but here i am meanwhile in an alternate universe [Laughter] oh i guess it's true if the alternate universe theory is real well this is incredibly possible holy crap babe you look like an angel really yes as a matter of fact you look like the highest tier angel there is look there's a reason angels always said be not afraid whenever they appeared because they're freaking horrifying looking how biblical angels are portrayed how biblically appropriate angels look yeah seriously they're horrifying it would be incredibly easy to mistake them for a demon extremely distressed by this mood ring toilet seat i just saw on a craft facebook group imagine if you lived on your own and you came home to find evidence of a butt on your toilet and the butt was angry would jesus be arrested like this or this i don't know how he would be arrested but i certainly can envision how you should be arrested no seriously how does he wipe his butt he doesn't he's rich enough he's got guys to do that for him so is anyone coming or no oh man look if no one shows up at least you got one heck of a party to yourself looks like it's time to binge the heck out and watch some gravity falls how many toes you got you mean in my mouth or blocked have a horrible day i fully agree with that 100 is it blood or pee excuse me the liquid you're filled with it's kool-aid i know but is it your blood or your pee oh i see what you mean it's my blood thanks oh no if gaming has taught me anything it's that four men need to pee in these urinals at the same time to unlock a secret boss level i don't think it has to do with a boss i think it's just some kind of easter egg unlock maybe an achievement at most you know starfish have mouths in the middle of their bodies yeah so what mermaids use them as bras oh oh god are you telling me that starfish are nipple cleaners i bet british people be having sex like yes splendid ah indeed scrumptious carry on good heavens i'm arriving i do not think my significant other is going to appreciate that joke pool water touches the buttholes of all who enter said pool yes but there's a lot of chlorine in there so i don't mind as much also it's a lot more water than say a bathtub you've heard of boneless chicken but i present to you chickenless bones wow i'm actually impressed beyond belief i ain't even mad dude the philippines has vowed to give free guns to members of the public so long as they promised to use them to fight drugs and crime they bought the usa dlc now they did something completely different we ain't giving them out for free here we just give them to people that really shouldn't be getting them at all we got more horrified reactions than i expected and won a contest wow i'll give you an a plus for creativity but y'all are messed up the teacher's copy what the student gets look man crap's expensive and by expensive i mean not at all expensive we just don't put any money into schools you understand what i'm saying oh no it's this guy uh oh son of a that's just beyond impressive sleeping with your pikachu cute sleeping with your machoque weird wait weird why why is it weird unvaccinated kids after climbing out of the ball pit oh oh no ugh jesus man not even that would get through to their parents it's likely i could lose my job soon i should have a backup plan let's see what i've got in oh well i guess at the end of the day that's worth a lot of money and you're never really gonna run out of clientele on that one the demand is never gonna stop yo guys i have this girl's nude should i keep him she died so i don't know since i haven't been she's dead they're kind of like rare pokemon cards discontinued by manufacturer type crap whoa ah that is not where i thought that was gonna go also dude it's 2 am go the hell to sleep bro so cute what's your name cutie why am i always selected for torture i don't get it this ain't fair when i grow up i'm gonna be a dragon you can't be a dragon jeff 40 years later oh yes i can if dinosaurs never went extinct over 65 million years ago they might have evolved into dinosauroids holy god i guess i'm real thankful for that meteor now this is what every youtube family looks like this is so accurate it kind of hurts like physically hurts so in psychology class we got to learn why foot fetishes are so prevalent basically your brain stores the structural information for your body generally in the correct order i.e the info for your ears is stored next to the info for the head which is stored next to the neck etc but the info for the feet is stored right next to the info for the genitalia and so sometimes these two sections of information can overlap and make you want to lick some toes thanks i hate it ah this sounds fake as hell but i don't know enough about biology to dispute it so you're not gonna put your seat belt on nah you're such a fleur plant i'ma wave my genitals in the air humans fragrant i don't really have anything clever to say here but smells good it smells good genuinely not sure what to even say my girlfriend always told me that her mom kept her deceased grandfather's ashes in a butter container i just laughed and thought it was a joke but mom was out of town and we stayed at her place and while looking for a shirt she says oh there's grandpa so i regretfully present to you i can't believe it's grandpa wonder if he'll taste pretty decent on some toast no beans also hammers cost 500 if you want one i would love one unfortunately that does not really fit into my budget right now so i'll take some beans instead even though they're not allowed i know you holding out on me the trees can't be harmed if the lorax is armed and armed to the teeth he is jeez looks like he's gonna go scp hunting all we have to do now is put the magic hat on hello children yeah let's take that magic hat and put it right right in the fire perfect absolutely perfect sound proof home learning dome can we talk about the bucket with the toilet paper next to it the math is also wrong i'd be doing math wrong too if i was stuck in a bubble running out of oxygen you get oxygen when you solve the problem i mean at least the kid's got a bucket and toilet paper you want to buy honey how do i know it's real honey oh my god yes i'll take a six pack please mirror mirror on the wall do you think i'm cute at all i'm just a mirror dude but if i were a human i would screw you so hard oh thank you mirror drawings made by people with mental illness dang it p rocks out your pee hole hey kid want kidney stones you can't defeat me monster girl i drink water congratulations to the two winners of the doggo drawing contest remember that the winner of this contest was chosen through likes i'd be pissed i'd be so pissed remember littlefoot this is him now feel old yet no i don't keep trying though this is what wild bananas look like they have seeds so we've been eating boneless bananas this whole time that's right oh god just imagine biting into a banana and hitting a seed oh oh oh i never noticed that before idaho montana as you know santa only comes once a year unfortunately this year it was on your card wow please tell me this isn't real please i'm begging you my wife yelled from upstairs and asked do you ever get a shooting pain across your body like someone's got a voodoo doll of you and they're stabbing it i replied no she responded how about now wife bad me most dust is human skin flakes therefore roombas are carnivorous robots and one day the dust won't satiate them anymore so they'll rise up and devour us all therapists can we go back to discussing your childhood me one sec yeah come on therapist i like where this is going it's like a completely different version of terminator oreo oh and reo oh no oreo rio ri re-re-re-re-re oh oreo orioriori ri-re-ra ro oh jesus oh this is starting to hurt name peter parker last name please taste the penis the what what can't you read you know damn well what it says just failed no poop november never mind i was able to put it back bravo absolutely bravo to you no one's ever been able to do that before mickey rourke and axel rose look like a lesbian couple who own an antique shop in portland that's what a lot of plastic surgery and decades worth of drugs will do to you it'll give you an antique shop in portland cashier puts protective glass to protect themselves against coronavirus customer i'll never get why customers think this is an acceptable thing to do it's there for a reason you dumbass oh it's reverse medusa what would you turn into instead of stone i don't like thinking about those possibilities insane to know that there's free serotonin floating around in my brain and my receptors are like none for me thanks oh god it's true but why why must it be true thinking about a very short hot dog you see that's what blender is made for having visions like that come to life can i get a short hot dog please is that shrek and why someone with actual art skill made this but why did they make this god spider gf catches you in her web oh no no no oh stop sending me spider hentai oh it's your own freaking fault no no one stop sending them that oh that son of a he killed a cloud a poor innocent cloud oh no it went to hell if i could give you one thing in life i'd give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes only then would you realize what a you are i don't need your freaking eyeballs to see that i'm fairly competent okay i may be an a-hole but i'm competent i've got that much going for me a toucan skull i was not expecting that i don't really know what i was expecting but it was not that yikes that tree's kind of scary and sad looking all it needs is a little lumberjacking my psalms are sweaty knees weak cross is heavy last supper is ready it's lord spaghetti i wonder what the rest of the pope's album would sound like it's that time of year again warm scrambled egg take one bag of sprite excuse me a bag of sprite is that what they do in canada with their sodas i know they do it with milk think about trading places with a turkey this thanksgiving imagine if you were the one being stuffed for thanksgiving dinner oh god i want to get stuffed on thanksgiving please peter kuhn really no one at peta saw what this was going to turn into not a single one i call bull crap also can't forget the obligatory screw you peta it's so soothing to lay in bed and listen to the raindrops tapping against the window unless it's not raindrops jesus indian snake charmer plays flute tapeworm in my butt your baby is so cute he should be a model oh you think so a model airplane really hope that baby don't hit no building this is gonna sound messed up but i love tight grapes you know what i mean when the grape is nice and tight and your incisors pierce through them like needles popping a balloon surface tension is literally the most important quality of a great end of discussion god thank you for giving us a better term for when the grapes aren't soggy and crap instead of saying freaking tight grapes [Laughter] telling my kids this is the tooth fairy that's definitely a really good idea tell them when they're young and they'll learn to fear the tooth fairy until they die see that's what we should do make the tooth fairy a scary fantasy character that only appears if you don't brush your teeth birth 8 weeks 20 weeks projected growth based on trend please know we already got clifford we don't need this monstrosity smell of vanilla extract taste of vanilla extract yeah don't do shots of it like i did he looks like a fleshlight it would have cost you zero dollars to not say that and yet you did yeah it definitely did and now i can't unsee it the united states has a freaking series about a talking sponge working at a fast food restaurant is japanese anime really that weird i come from a long line of quasi-lesbian ghost killers yes my first mk fan art and hopefully not your last because that looks pretty dang fantastic if i do say so myself and on that glorious note we've come to the end of another video ladies and gents always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this one to drop a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 915,484
Rating: 4.9602122 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, thanksihateit, r/thanksihateit, reddit r/tihi, tihi, r/tihi
Id: kDz4I9RMqHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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