r/Choosingbeggars | GIVE ME BURGER

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hi is anyone kindly gifting free fan free computer desk free cross-trainer must be from a pet free home please send photos thank you asking for a lot lady [Music] what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damian today we're looking through our / choosing beggars okay I've got to put this out there looking for a full time time I am in need of a min of 10 an hour my beard a hair I'm not going as they have meaning to me in a way I don't care to explain I can't afford to make six trips to town for interviews I am very honest when I say I'm clean drug wise don't waste my time with making me play the newbie game I will not waste yours I work hard not afraid to get dirty or work till job is done I had a major surgery on my stomach last year so I can't do a lot of physical stuff I am also a veteran of the army also please don't fill my hands with rude or unnecessary comments when a homeless person asks you for some money but you broke AF - I know I haven't posted in a while but been busy with school and I hate to ask this but I need to pay for my Netflix and Hulu help a brother out thanks I'll give someone a shout-out in my video Monday if you pay me $35 here's my email to get in touch yeah yeah I know our slash choosing beggars this is an article that came across today source and comments edit this occurred april / May 28th judge ruled in favor of parents who resorted to legal action when their adult son refused to leave her home after 8 years 5 notices in office of monetary compensation a state Supreme Court judge on Tuesday granted parents the right to evict their adult son choosing beggar son after he ignored multiple written requests for him to vacate their home and the first notice the couple told their son who had lived them for 8 years that he had 14 days to leave shortly thereafter when he still did not vacate they reportedly decided to seek legal counsel on February 13th they serve their son with another notice this time giving him 30 days to leave the property before they would pursue enforcement measures when that too was ignored they offered him $1100 to find a new home and offered tips about managing his property finding a place to live in securing a job their jobs available even for those with a poor work history like you the note reads get 1 you have to work in a March 5th notice the ratandas reminded their son of the earlier 30-day deadline on March 30th the couple asked their son to remove his looking down vehicle from their property and offer to help pay for repairs finally the dual moved forward with an ejectment proceeding in previous responses followed by choosing beggars son he argued that he should get six months notice before being required to leave the property and that proper cause for his eviction and not been given he also argued in the filing the Hijaz quote never been expected to contribute to household expenses or assisted with chores in the maintance of the premises and claims that this is simply a component of his living agreement choosing beggar son called the judge's ruling on tuesday ridiculous and told reporters he planned to appeal the decision was a big news story a while back wasn't he still looking for a home after that babysitter needed for three children in blank from care calm your resume is a match we need a babysitter for our three children in blank and we're looking now pick up or drop off park doctors homework help assistance if needed schedule details due to weather conditions I'll have to stay at work pay it's $5 to $10 watch my three kids for me here's a Hamilton good luck is there a fee hi no fee well you possibly be able to drop off a mail Kitty tomorrow and blank or tonight I've been searched for a mail Kitty for my cousin for a while she's been one-one and tomorrow is a birthday I don't think so I'm waiting for other people to come pick up other kitties I have been searching for a male kitty for my cousin for a while she's been one-one and tomorrow is a birthday what about tomorrow any time before 7 p.m. wall you just told me just give me a catch come on I'm gonna be a cat for free and spend gas money just come on it's okay hey are you up is it okay if here's the blender sorry I forgot how freakin loud that is I'll blend at night now it's fun and I go up in 30 minutes anyways hey utilities from last month were $70 and still to be paid to the apartment people do you need me to do another rent breakdown I know you said you weren't going to pay utilities and your email and I don't know what that means I'm not gonna pay that $100 for the one you just sent me until we figure it out but I didn't know I still at $70 sorry no worries hey just a friendly reminder you still owe utilities and I don't want to get a past-due from the landlords when we're trying to lower the bill for this month I'm sorry I'm waiting to get paid I don't have enough I'd greatly appreciate it if you're mindful of paying utilities on the date they're due which is the same every month in the first and planning accordingly I send need a bill every time I get it and this is the second time this has happened in the last three months and I don't like having to text you about paying bills yeah my bad that me and my family isn't rich and I had to help my mom with the water but because I land low and shut it off you're right I'll let it go without wanting time tailor I pay all my own bills and work my butt off all I'm asking is you plan and pay your bills so my credit score isn't affected not that much to ask you do understand it's frustrating to want you buying multiple bottles of alcohol over the weekend and leave the price stickers on eat out multiple times a week and by unnecessary plants when utilities are due I manage my money budget it eat up once a week so that I pay my bills in full and on time I suggest you do the same and stop making excuses oh well I shouldn't even dignify that crap with an answer I found out Monday night that she needed help but of course you wouldn't understand that with your rich but family and all you have a K shion's of family homes everywhere what's lowest you will go or will you do payments I live off Social Security and in need of a car I lied I have no income bruh thumbs up what's the thumbs up mean never mind I know why I'm broke stop selling things that I want that I can't have I have two cents on my name not if you broke my boss is a huge choosing beggar drives me nuts because it trickles into everything we do in the shop little things and big things you name it we have a small lunch room that is kind of open concept near the offices water cooler microwave toaster oven I sometimes use the toaster oven for a quick snack normally just toast and jam or something we are a small crew so I normally bring enough bread for everyone just in case the hungry too there's just one catch I'm celiac so my bread is gluten-free hey celiac brothers rise up it's not a big deal I have delicious gluten-free bread from a local place you can't even tell so there I am making toast and cream cheese and choosing bigger boss comes out of his office that smells good man I could go for some toast and peanut butter right now wouldn't you know it but I happen to bring peanut butter today with my cream cheese because I didn't know which one I wanted what luck sure boss you want a couple pieces I had peanut butter too I thought this was an awesome situation what are the odds someone would ask for what I had without knowing I had peanut butter okay yeah bring me two pieces to my office okay a little demanding but maybe he was busy hey what kind of bread is that oh god I can feel it the choosing beggar is coming out i inwardly groan my gluten-free bread from the bakery choosing burgerboss waves his hands dismissively at me no no no I don't want that bread do you have any other kinds of bread instead of that cardboard crap why would I buy regular bread that I'm allergic to No I only have this bread well I don't want that bread no it's fine I won't have anything next time you bring bread you should bring bread we can all enjoy I brought it for me I'm just sharing if you don't want it that's fine yeah but now my office smells good and now I can't have any and that's frustrating I don't know what you want me to do about that just be a bit more considerate next time maybe bring something we can all enjoy choosing beggar boss walks away and my co-workers proceeded to make communism jokes for the entire rest of Break about our bread and sharing with everyone I have the needs of many outweigh the needs of the few it was a good laugh of course this means I'm gonna be making toasts every day for the remainder of this week because I'm also petty how dare I bring food for myself that is allergy-friendly and share with others clearly I'm the a-hole here no doubt about it I should have considered that choosing bigger boss would want regular bread and definitely gone to the store to buy a loaf just for him because that was what he preferred what was I thinking the moral of the story is to always bend will the choosing beggars I would love to make one at 70 an hour if you don't want to be charged an arm and a leg what budget seems reasonable to you for two kids ten hours a day I don't want to spend more than $120 a week each no altogether what do you think I'm just crazy beggars are pretty common downtown here I was running errands between shops and a woman approached me excuse me can you Spanish some money for bus fare me already suspecting the story is bullcrap by doing exactly how to piss her off you're in luck I have a spare bus ticket here you go hands or a bus ticket choosing beggar with a look of absolute defeat oh thank you walks off to beg someone else I continued with my errands then sat on a bench nearby a few minutes later at which point the choosing beggar approached again excuse me me having no tank left you already asked me and I gave you a bus ticket yeah but do you have any money I need to take a taxi screw off and I leave it would feel more like a victory if she wasn't already flagging somebody else down they still missed that bus ticket this happened in a calculus 3 course in university we were required to have a graphing calculator for the class even though we hardly used it I had a ti-84 that I used most of the time but also kept a regular scientific calculator with me for the classes that did not allow graphing calculators so I needed both during a test some dude goes up to the professor saying he didn't have his calculator so the professor asked a lot if any had a spare I knew this guy would be boned without one so I raise my hand alone and borrow my spare when he got close the following whispered conversation ensued oh actually can I use the ti-84 if the one I'm used to using so yeah no I prefer this one as well here take this other calculator dude come on I don't know how to use that one I'm gonna fail this without the graphing calculator you're wasting my time borrow the spare or ask someone else okay can I just keep it since you have to law what Oh actually this one isn't working right now weird but spare calculator away what what the Frick dude no ask someone else continues test I think he ended up getting a regular calculator from some other poor soul hopefully borrowed not for keeps well that's a big way post here we go summary most men have no problem making decisions about how to spend their time and money when it comes to essential tools hobbies and the like but for many men all logic goes out the window when it comes to women don't forget that women are just another luxury and require this same logic when it comes to the setting how much you want to spend a whole I can already feel the insole leaking out of this post body as humans we spend a lot of time to study how to allocate scarce resources and free societies many of the sit-ins are left to each individual every day we make new decisions and live with the decisions we've made in the past the resources available to each individual can be simply boiled down to only one or two things time and money yes money is a representation of time spent but simple to think of them as two things so how might one decide to allocate to some money a sensible person make a list of things he wants things about the things he would have to sacrifice to make the allocation and eventually decide how much he is willing to spend most of the time you get less than you want and spend more than you want that's life but you can always choose whether to do the deal or not when it comes to a car I want something fast something reliable something a good running order something practical and something cheap to run I understand that if I buy the car off to sacrifice other things maybe I can't travel as much so okay I'll sacrifice some of that but I still want to eat so my price is set what can I get I can't tick all the boxes at my price point but I'm sure I can find something that will take most of them probably a small Japanese car I'm not sure that seems so basic but for some reason for most men all that logic goes completely out the window when it comes to cootchie but women are a huge resource sink for men and you should treat women in exactly the same way decide what you want and what you're willing to pay here's what I want from a woman your list might be different it might things like children and love but this is mine something attractive something reliable something in good running order something that is great to have sex with something cheap to run Jesus notice how the list is quite similar to the one above it might not make sense as some of these points apply to women but let me break it down attractive the obvious one reliable I want to have sex whenever I feel like it simple as that good running order no diseases basically great sex that means she's more than just a sex robot no starfish is I want a woman who wants me cheap to run also known as low maintenance I'm not gonna spend money on a woman and I don't want to spend much time with her I don't like women and I only want to wow this guy's a full insel I love women I don't like women and I don't want to hear about their problems I only want sex and I'm only prepared to spend time that leads directly to sex ie foreplay in a bit attend after sex essentially paying ahead for the next lay Jesus oh god this guy gives me like the worst kind of feel when you break it down this way it's easy to see where you stand in the marketplace there are two broad categories of women on offer once you have to seduce and once you have to pay for with cash the latter type are often called prostitutes but there's really no distinction the ones you pay cash are probably less likely to be clean and much less likely to give great sex because they won't want you but they have their virtues as they won't demand any of your time the ones you have to seduce are much more abundant and more likely to be attractive clean and give great sex the risk is that you spend too much of your time and money on them now unfortunately your place in the sexual marketplace isn't entirely under your control what you bring to the market is your time and money but also yourself of course you can get lucky and find a bargain but generally you'll be looking for women close to your level of attractiveness your price point will essentially be you plus or minus your time and money as soon as you can't control this I think it's only worth talking about what you can get in relative terms ie is the woman's price higher or lower than your own I find that I'm able to spend no money in little time and get women only slightly attractive to myself who are reliable and give great sex I suspect many you might want to spend more of your time and get something more attractive choice is yours though conclusion be illogical in all areas of life including your pursuit of women that was soaked in insell juice from top to bottom cap so I used to work in a chocolate fondue you store about five years ago to make it simple we sold white milk and dark chocolate which would be covering fruit of your choice in addition to sundaes and fruit with whipped cream etc on this specific day a woman came up to me to order she will be crazy lady CEO and I'm me hello welcome to place how can I help you give me some pineapple bananas Apple may I know what kind of product do you want first I'm telling you the fruit first I understand that but I can't start your order if I don't know what product you want and want sighs no I'm gonna tell you the fruit first continues to list fruit and my job we at least need to know what product you're getting because sizes and prices vary so let's say you want a fruit sundae we only have one size for that which happens to be the size of a large chocolate cup with fruit which costed more I really didn't feel like arguing with her so I pulled out a notepad and wrote down what she wanted we'll explain to her I could not fill the cup with the fruit yet because she wouldn't tell me what she wanted in what size so after a couple of minutes I finish her list and continue I won't the white stuff you mean white chocolate no no a doll want chocolate I want the white thing whipped cream no oh my god the white thing vanilla ice cream while pointing at the ice cream machine behind me yes that I want that okay great a sundae it is so she insists she pays me before I start the order so okay she pays me and so I fill the cup with the fruit she warning to proceed the pour the ice cream on top what are you doing hey excuse me I told you I wanted the white thing I'm sorry ma'am I asked if you wanted ice cream and you said yes no oh my god I meant base she proceeds to walk to the other side of the store and points directly at the white chocolate fountain oh that's all right we can definitely change your order and the sundae costs the same as a small chocolate Cup so I just need to switch the cups oh no no way I already paid for that Cup you giving it to me in that Cup I'm sorry ma'am but this Cup is the equivalent to a large chocolate Cup if you want this one I can reimburse you and you could purchase this size instead no way no no give it to me and that Cup now I cannot do that so I can either serve you the small cup or refund you but you've got it wrong way why you charging me for your mistake she keeps screaming at me about how this is my mistake and she shouldn't even be charged at all etc etc she obviously asked for our manager guess who and I was alone got even more pissed when I continued to refuse her the larger Cup when I finally told her either she takes a look help I'll hand her back her cash and she needs to leave she agree to take the small cup but it doesn't end there she walks away with her cup and a nasty look and not five minutes later she comes back with a half Hindi cup and drops it in front of me you forgot the bananas me looking directly at the banana pieces the bottom of the cup they're right there at the bottom that's pineapple I seriously wanted her to leave before I went ballistic on her so I filled the cup a tiny bit with more bananas and handed it back to her Wow I gave you dude dries and you screwed it up both times and she walks away thankfully this was a seasonal job so I wasn't there for much longer but I was pissed about it for a while very thankful I don't deal with people in the food industry anymore I always knew it would happen and it has happened before but man people can be brutal just got abused by a stranger because how dare we charge $2.99 for our game when it's a piece of crap when he can get Conan for free this month on PlayStation it's times like this it's hard to be an independent developer we can't give away our game for free yes it's small but it's challenging and fun as heck should we get back a small reward for two years of solid hard work hell yes we should realizing just how hard this journey is gonna be say to those who have supported us thus far on mobile sorry for any formatting issues so my friend Group hands what I like to call an open eating policy meeting 90% of what's at the lunch table is open for sharing we obviously have boundaries and specify what food we want all for ourselves it's it's pretty great and we all know that if someone takes but doesn't contribute that day look a tribute some of the other day I feed you you feed me sometimes some of our other friends or Mutual's comes and hangs at our table for a bit or for the day and then you take some food every once in a while we don't really mind because it's not often and they don't take any food that was brought specifically for the group but recently a friend of a friend a mutual to the rest of us has come more often never really sticking around more than five minutes but always taking food I tried to brush it off but I could tell my other friends were getting a bit peeved but none of us want to make a big deal out of it cut to this Monday yesterday my friend Mary brought us cookies she likes to bake it as good at it but made them specifically because the SAT were taking the next day she knew we were all a little on edge so she made some peanut butter cookies they were very good and we were all very thankful are choosing begger isn't quite as thankful what do these oh there are peanut butter cookies oh I don't like peanut butter mary shoots me a look that says ask me if I care oh yeah you should make some chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies next time Mary made these for our table was nice enough what you have won even though you didn't ask I was just saying like other cookies more my friend Sam also choosing Victor's friend laughing awkwardly hey CB wanna come with me and get a soda from the vending machine choosing beggar shot me a dirty look before leaving with Sam Sam came back later without choosing beggar and apologized to Mary apparently Sam told choosing beggar that was kind of uncool to take food without asking complaining about it choosing beggar got mad and said no one said anything before and left in a huff saying she wouldn't come to our table anymore none of us cared and we were just happy she wasn't taking our food anymore we ate the rest of the cookies and Mary was happy we enjoyed them didn't have to deal with her today because of the SAT but hoping she doesn't come back or stir up any drama oh hey we got a recipe everybody recipe time one cup crunchy peanut butter 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1/2 cup of chocolate chips mix it all together and bake for like 10 to 14 minutes at 350 degrees and then serve to one choosing beggar and that brings us to the end of our slash choosing beggars do me a favor and like this video for this trudge and you know what more than that subscribe this isn't this isn't a bet this isn't a question this is a demand do you have to now as I speak you have to do it and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,671,012
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, r/choosingbeggars best posts, r/choosing beggars, reddit choosing beggars, reddit beggars, emkay
Id: qMwYXafmxbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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