r/Choosingbeggars | can i have free intro

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Samsung Galaxy s7 32 gigabytes black zero pounds it's not free literally just said that 170 pounds if you I'm from Pakistan when I come here I was told everything was free zero pounds been showed you're a stupid one aren't you 170 pounds so it's not free what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damien today we're looking through our slash choosing beggars look here blank you weenus suckas how come every time I try to read a damn article it cuts me off halfway through what article says thanks for reading it's starting to piss me off and you got me marked as a top fan wTF is this cramp the reason you can't read our full stories is that you're not subscribed or a registered reader or if you are you're not logged in as for that top fan label that's something Facebook determines not us we certainly wouldn't choose to give that designation to someone dressing us as wiener suckers a girl I considered a plate was playing games constantly last time she was making an attitude not getting back to my text quickly hard next I blocked her everywhere disrespectful women aren't worth any sex the lover offer a few months ago I started a pressure washing business I put a lot hours into studying the market and practicing my techniques so I am confident in my pricing based on my competitors and my own skills I've also had several paying jobs with happy customers insert Karen a couple of weeks ago I got a call asking for a price estimate I was wondering what you charge for pressure washing well it kind of depends what do you wanted to have washed my house driveway and back patio wonderful well here are my prices small price difference for a single story versus two story well it's a two story I also saw a sign someone advertising ninety nine dollar house wash well ma'am that wasn't me I have a business to run and can't afford do your size house for $99 well do you have the number for the other guy no ma'am fine I'll find it be sure to keep me in mind if you change your mind fast forward a week and a half hello yes we spoke a couple weeks ago about pressure washing my house yes ma'am have you changed your mind well no I called the other guy and he did a terrible job I need you to come out here and fix it all right well I believe I quoted you ex prices yes but I already paid $100 to have it done so we need a discount I'm sorry you had a bad experience with someone else but you haven't paid me or my business any money and my prices are set I can't give you any kind of discount well I wasn't asking I have people coming over this weekend and eating my house cleaned you need to come clean my house and I want to discount for the hassle ma'am like I said I'm sorry you had a bad experience I'm also sorry to inform you that my schedule is full until next Thursday well what am I going to do about my dirty house in patio MA I suggest calling the $99 guy back TL DR folks be wary of the guy that charges an unbelievable price for a service he's probably garbage also be wary if Karen that is willing to pay the $99 got to do a $400 Plus job she isn't worth your time on to the next post boys context we run the largest food bank in my city processing a whopping 60 to 70% of all parcel requests what is unique about us is for an hour every day we convert our refectory into a drop-in cafe so regular crowd of people just turn up for free tea and coffee each parcel regardless of family size is designed to last three days which is to say it is a decent amount of food typically anyone can get three parcels within a three-month period I'd assume there would be 10 to 12 pounds worth of food in each single person parcel and with it being so close to Easter the old kind of chocolate egg today someone came in asking for food I started to process the iPad system he said he was super hungry right now and asked if we could make up something to eat straight away he waited for the parcel and sandwich to come is they say I'm sorry this all the food you gotta give me sir that should last you three days I'm sorry to say but beggars can't be choosers but I want to eat this crap he stands up and starts to walk towards me shouting about how unsatisfactory our service had been he was making demands for a hot meal to be cooked for him straight away when he got towards me he raised his arm and said come on then I stood out of my chair I'm a six foot four bloke hey same here brother who quite frankly could not be a bouncer at a nursery well my size got in the bag down my frog-marched him off the site without any food happy to answer any cues about running a food bank most people are very thankful for what we offer but I do come across some ungrateful blokes my parents live far away but my mom is in town fixing up a rental property that our tenants destroyed even though the one in small claims court the state's award them it wasn't enough to pay for everything so all my parents money is being spent fixing the house I'm getting married at the justice of the peace and a few months an offer to pay for my dad's plane ticket 480 dollars to have them here that weekend since they have no money my mom tells me what day she wants so that Dad can also spend time helping her work on the house I buy the tickets both morning flights save me higher in 50 bucks and send them the itinerary my dad says thanks but then I get a text from mom asking if I can change the departure time I said no it'd be a two hundred dollar fee she starts yelling at me that since the return flight is in the morning dad's missing out on working on the house that day I told her it's not like he's gonna be doing construction 20 minutes before the flight and that she can always pay the fee she tells me that he have no money and I said yeah that's why I come for the ticket she got mad at me for a fact talking and hung up I get the tensions are high because of the whole ordeal with the house but beggars can't be choosers begging came from requesting certain days in the first place hi hi hello loser hello hello rude STFU can I free intro I can't make you one but you can find a custom Interop android.com it's a good website for beginner youtubers no I want custom dude I don't do custom no you say in video that was my friend screw off gay how did you get cool logo make me free please I give you shout out this isn't mine it's a logo I downloaded from pyrocynical shirt design go die dude why are you like this shut up you pathetic elbow respond fast I'm blocking you by all means please do ok so way back in 2017 my spouse and I were separating and I was moving across the country since he did not find a place to move until a week before my movers were arriving we ended up with a bunch of stuff some Vic quite good stuff that I did not have room in my new place and he had nowhere to put including a lawnmower a table saw and a bunch of other tools and stuff we considered selling it but since we were in a time crunch he said he didn't care and I decided to just give it all away I posted on a few different places a short list of the major items and that I would open the garage door at 10 a.m. no earlier no one would be allowed to hold anything I still had dozens of people asking if he could just stop by and grab that table salt or I really need a lawnmower one guy was really persistent on the mower several email messages basically pleading to get this free thing he told me his name what he drove in a description I guess expecting he would get dibs tonight before I had some good friends coming that their lawnmower had just died I have one you can have I was just going to give it away but you're my friends come grab it they did then I thought I better update the posts some people are gonna be driving a long way and I don't want to inconvenience them I the very nice apology to anyone that was lining the mower but explained that of course friends take precedent holy crap this guy lost his mind he railed at me you said you said no early Pickers you lied it you lied to me I was first I'll be there at 10:00 for the table saw he even commented on the posts I posted a reply free stuff for everyone except this guy because this stuff is mine and I can give it to anyone I want to this is my gosh darn giveaway and I have that right and if anyone is rude the door gets closed and I'll throw you all off my property everyone got it no read trucks that day and everyone else was polite and kind someone even brought coffee okay next post so this actually happened to my husband but I was present for the exchange this happened a little over a year ago my husband was working part-time as a graphic designer slash a videographer slash photographer at a church at this point he had apprenticed for over a year had just been put in the part-time position for about six months he had plenty of experience but needed more pay he could have gone somewhere else with better pay but Church is important to him when he enjoyed working there because the pay wasn't great he was also into a lot of freelance work most of the time this was a really simple process except for when it wasn't so an old friend from high school contacted him saying that she was currently in school for photography and wanted to hang out and talk about it since they were interested in similar work and they did hang out once or twice a few weeks later she texts him and she says she has some opportunity for him to do some freelance graphic stuff because someone she knew was putting together a web site needed some logo design so he gets the contact info and here's how the phone call went down H is my husband CD is cheap dude hello hey who's this CD yeah it is this H yeah man friend said you were looking for some graphic work yeah that would be awesome let me tell you about what we're looking for I went a low good looks like XYZ and we also need a banner but we don't know for sure what's though we won so could you send us like four or five drafts we were also who was we oh it's me and my partner we're doing this project together oh okay well if you're up to it we're also interested in getting a website designed for blah blah blah and we would like it if you could edit our videos a few days a week and send us the preview for we post and yadda yadda yadda it's a lot of work did it's gonna be awesome so the husband was on the phone with this guy for almost an hour while he just drone on and on about what he wanted my husband being the good guy he has his taking notes and trying to ask all the questions make sure he understood after an hour of conversation this happens so an excited man when can you get started well for the logos I could start in a day or so once my workload is a little lighter the first couple of drafts should be ready by the end of the week I don't require full payment until you receive the work but the deposit is X and I'll send you my paypal for that as for the other stuff I'm not sure how long it'll take but I usually charge an hourly rate of X I am interested in doing your video editing too but I'll have to see how it works with my current job because that's a lot of time to spend I was thinking maybe we could work at a flattering for the first few edits and if you want to stick with me as your permanent editor we can come up with a weekly rate instead but anyway send me the reference pics and I'll start getting to work on it dude I'm really excited to work with you thirty seconds of silence I don't think we can do that man I'm sorry well like we don't have anything we can give you like right now but maybe in a few months since we have videos up and a Kickstarter I think you could help us out man because you know what you're doing and we could really make it big with the right guy producing our stuff but like we don't even have the channel up yet bro in shock wait I'm sorry am i understanding you right you want me to create you a logo for a product in Channel you don't even have yet with no followers no investment and no support and you're looking for a full website support and full time video editor for free well yeah I'm only 22 dude I'm not made of money I'm a film major just help me out me and my buddy are great entertainers it's gonna blow up No you expect a professional work full-time for a college student for nothing no offense dude but I don't even know you and you're into film and you should probably be able to figure out a lot of this yourself ask your classmates do it don't waste my time and tell a friend none to have people contact me with these offers whatever dude screw you you think I deserve money to edit crap anyone could do that PewDiePie puts out content every single day so what isn't that freaking hard until my friend that you're a nun charitable a-hole PewDiePie puts out that much content because he has a team of editors that you can't afford goodbye we both just sat there dumbfounded by what happened and friend texted a chelator saying he was an a-hole for not helping out her friend H had to explain to her that the free and freelanced not imply he works for free so yeah moral the story as people are dense back in college I rented a pickup truck No trailer to move stuff from my hometown to my new apartment at school 100 mile drive when I went to pick up the truck he said he had a trailer they needed to go to my destination study as well and as somebody willing to take it along with me initially I said sure although I didn't have much experience driving larger trucks with trailers at the time they proceeded to tell me that the trailer would need to be dropped at a location on the other side of the city requiring me to navigate the busier downtown area with a vehicle in attachment I already wasn't too comfortable driving on top of that they asked if I would like to pay for insurance on their trailer so that I wouldn't be liable for any potential damages during the trip long story short I did not end up taking of the trailer so many year ago I moved about 80 miles from my old town Lou my boyfriend get off the ground with professionally tattooing college town is good for business since I posted that I started tattooing many Facebook friends have asked me to tattoo them for free since I'm new and I'm expected to come to them even my best friend's have commented asking if they get the family discount of free since the supported my dream by ignoring my messages about hanging out when I come down to visit over the last year when I tell people the prices size plus $2 per Inc Cathy go oh I thought it was free and I lose a sale however my boyfriend's friends are completely different hey let me know you want to tattoo of me I have so many ideas that fit your sound I'll pay you whatever I'm so excited this is so cool now that's what I call supporting my dream that's right that's proper support my brother works 90 when one of his acquaintances asked him for some help for some hardware installation my brother works in IT when one of his acquaintances asked him to help for some hardware installation she contacted him at his work so all of charges were registered in the system after he finished installing the choosing beggar stuff he handed her the bills she refused to pay for the service and only willing to pay half for the hardware since it's in her words not a good stuff she asked for that Brandon had refused to pay for it in full price and her very word she said and then we weren't close but I'm sure you wouldn't mind a dinner with a hot date for the service he knows the choosing burger since high school and she knows he had a LTR but long-term relationship know what LTR is he refused her and she still refused to pay she insisted on going on a date saying things like he's missing out on this if he refused one of his friends told him after she'd been talking about him before saying some stuff about him the thing she likes him 1 to date him but too proud to tell him hence making all this plan so he takes the first steps god she's awful and she's not hot like at all barely a 6 out of 10 any he'll he called his manager knee by in deal with her six ps4 games charged at $6.75 hi I'm Jose 25 and toucans Arizona juice No Deal dude you don't need to do that 25 is enough for you to have a nice time at home come on I was originally selling these for $90 altogether so 60 is reasonable however you all do 50 with no juices what are you missing the good things bro how about orange juice though you like it better Jose wants to give you some juice in search of kitten hello we are looking for a free kitten mail only do not want a kitten older than 12 weeks wanted to grow up with us won a baby kitten must be used to let it box and indoors no outdoor wild bond cat will give a good home with two sweet boys to love I'm also considering a housebroken free small breed dog young dog no more than one year old must be excellent with children not a bar cannot abide a house trained a must spayed and neutered a must absolutely no pit mix of any kind I have three acres in the country to give a pet plenty of running and playing room lots of love to give please text me only I do thank you no thanks hello ladies I am looking for a babysitter Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5:30 to 6:00 p.m. at my house has to have car to take my daughter to school of the street and bring her home has to have a clean background and driving record in license pale be 150 a week I have a 5 year old and now almost 9 months old they have everything need a home food formula toys diapers I have everything provided for you you may also need to watch my almost two year old nephew who will pay 104 depending on what my brother says so if you watch all three in total there will be 250 a week but if not for my girls it's 150 weekly Monday through Friday only and I'll need to meet you by this Friday holding interviews from tomorrow until Friday please message me if interested again y'all are missing a huge concept I am supplying with diapers formula food for my kids in their home with everything you need to take care of them those are things everyone normally supplies anyway no sitter brings diapers a formula with them it's 16 to 17 dollars in our fund nanny unless you can use an in-home licensed daycare there's some for about that price and that brings us to the end of our slash choosing beggars and I hope you enjoyed and if you did leave a like down below comment down below what you want to see us tackle next on m'kay and if you really liked it subscribe for more content and as always my friends I'll be seeing you you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,602,597
Rating: 4.9421148 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, r/choosingbeggars best posts, choosing beggars, choosing beggars emkay, emkay
Id: Wg8dtlGV3CM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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