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freelancer has died of exposure press f [Music] what's up guys and welcome back to ma my name is Damian today we're looking at our / choosing beggars a while back this one some background though I had once driven a friend who didn't wear their seat belt and copped a 300 dollar fine for it to this story a family friend's son need a lift to the airport early one morning for a long planned trip I lived about 10 miles from their place and the 30 mile trip I was taking to work the opposite direction took me right past the airport so it was a bit extra time out of the morning 15 miles to the west to pick up the sons then 45 miles east instead of 30 East but the beg did both phoned me and I said I was good to give them the lift I turned up in the morning loaded up the gear and the sons both in the car and said goodbye to their parents and we took off drove a few miles up the freeway my seatbelt alert starts pinging son one in the front seat has taken off his belt - didn't put it on he goes nah I don't do seatbelts so I pulled over looked back at the other son in the back seat which didn't have alarms and sure enough he'd take it off his belt - then the arguing started I was blunt as I could be that I'm not risking my license and my money so he could get a free lift I didn't care one way or another about it roughly as follows paraphrase because it was years ago but you were both in on it I'm not moving this car unless the belts are on I've been fined once before not doing it again I told you I don't do seatbelts dad's okay with it I'm not in you son - yours on - not moving until they're on do you have any idea how dangerous they are in an accident son one then puts is behind him and clicks it in know though it goes around you doesn't count you'll turn the alarm off go you'll see we need to get going we can when you put the belt on I don't give a crap about the alarm I care it's a 600 bucks fine if you two don't have belts on come on we'll be late your flights not for another hour and a half belts on Sun one then calls his dad complains we stopped dad asks why son one explains then his dad tells them to just put the belt on someone says okay but didn't notice I'd hurt his dad's side too and said his dad says I need to get a move on me not until belts are this goes back and forth to the point I'll be late for work if I don't get going Sun one is all fine then dawn around I'll get dad to drive belts on then no I told you already Finn we're not moving I'll get out my phone and browse idly showing I'm not moving until their seatbelts go on son one phones his dad again his dad sounds really pissed what agrees to pick them up both sons get out take their bags one slams the door in boot and I Drive off choosy beggars Left Behind I get to work then get a phone call that son to left his main luggage in the car and they want it dropped off at the airport urgently they're flying out soon and they need it now I tell them to get a taxi and I'll meet them out back at my work Lee decided to argue it's my responsibility to get them the luggage and again argue the point half an hour later one turns up in a taxi to get the others luggage I should know here I really don't know these guys well at all I know one's name for sure and I think I know the other but I might have mixed him up with a cousin for the same supper later that afternoon I get a phone call from the dead that I've wasted his son's tickets they weren't able to fly out couldn't rebook quickly and they'll miss half their vacation time now and it was all my fault for stopping so long I try to explain as clearly as possible that I wasn't going to risk another huge fine and piss off my employer just for the inconvenience of a couple ungrateful idiots but ended up just hanging up on them I'm still friends with her mother who was the original front of the family but things are a bit strained between me and her husband and sons sons were about 21 and 24 at the time it happened I thought those seat belts you idiot you could you're allowed to vote you don't wear a seat belt [ __ ] old garage to be torn down you are buying the building 400 cash I'm not paying anybody garage to tear down $400 cash to me before you start must get down and hauled off in seven days no excuses why you can't not liable for getting hurt on my property Garage Door electric service everything goes you are buying the building and hauling it off condition is used good why would this man ever think I was gonna date him stop playing yourself ugly looks for the pizza wow that feels bad man details it's official we are thrilled to announce the grand opening for blank on Friday May 24th at 10:00 a.m. get here early we're serving our delicious seven rolls for $1 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. only open for business all day one dollar roll per customer per visit all the ditional orders are regular price must be present at the time of purchase ages three and up three and up for it they given a three-year-old a cinnamon roll no : orders until 6:00 p.m. what a waste of time to go there with a restriction of one one per person per visit this place sure knows how to take one off they could stick their buns up their buns it also says you could buy as many as you like at regular price I'm ensuring that everyone has a chance to get a bite and not having people just buy an entire load of $1.00 buns because it's cheaper it's a great opening not a moving sale hashtag gluttony hi is it still available $200 good work contactable yeah not for 200 good look elsewhere wow that's exactly like the lawnmower my grandfather was using when he had a heart attack and died man that sucks $500 hello guys I'm 21 years old I have four kids in the air six years four years one year in five months looking for a guy who is working and will support me financially also send my kids to private school thank you [Laughter] I'm in genuine disbelief that's a real post a real person made that I'll pay you whatever your rate is because I love your heart and understand how hard you work and that's giving me goosebumps just saying that we're talking for looking for people to do their job for free in Chicago I am a photographer and since people are always looking for free shoots I assume that they must also do their job will provide their services for free I am looking to hire all types of people to do all sorts of jobs for me as long as I do not to pay anything just think you will gain more experience and I will put the word out for you and let everyone know what wonderful work you do this opportunity will bring you a ton of unpaid work but everyone will love you so if you have a job or service you provide we'll do it for free please let me know because I am sure I have worked for you we'll hire you in a second feel free to email me with a service you can provide when you can start and please include references I look forward to your free service so a guy bought me a drink when I was out last night and I give him my number and clomid is officially retiring from nights out hey who's this we met an addict last night oh yeah denim dress that's the one nice one could you transfer me for those drinks I bought you last night because we didn't go home together wasn't really worth my time was it lol that's gross I mean fair enough that's what he was after but it's gross this is yucky hey is this still available oh hi yes this is still available are you interested yes but I was wondering if you get lower the price a bit umm sorry but the ad was listed is non-negotiable the price is $200 either keep it or leave it break you I wanted this for my daughter she really wanted this but I can't afford it yeah and I can't afford losing a $200 makeup bundle selling never used devil headphones can I have it mine's broke it has a headphone jack yeah it's good for me okay just making sure so 20 bucks uh what price you thinking I don't know even is it old old no like Kim my iPhone SC which I got in 2015-2016 never used do you need money for it cuz I'm broke I think well I'm selling it for money because I'm also broke lol I can drop down to fifteen if you want well both of us is broke so I don't know man yeah I don't know lowest I can go is fifteen otherwise I'm ripping myself off I'll take you for free but I don't know if I can get the money I don't know about that because I had to have before he literally took it move school so I never saw him again oh but yeah but it's so old and it's link of those exact headphones selling for 39 bucks that's not how it works though well then I don't think I'll take it cuz paying is gonna be hard for me okay you can contact me again when you have the money and I can sell to you if I haven't already okay thanks no problem but can I see it like out of the case to see if it's worth it I never took it out since I never took them out of the wire I've been to how it was originally all you have to do is straighten them out with a white pole and it's all good can I just borrow it please I don't know if we'll get a new phone no the whole point is selling is to trade in this case money and headphones can we trade what a trade for a trade trade what anything 15 bucks oh no though last time someone gave me the same thing for free that was someone not me well it's just old headphones well they are still worth money just allow me allow you what you're just gonna waste the money what are you talking about you are buying the headphones off me that doesn't make sense because the money would be mine so it wouldn't matter to you what I do with them never mind bro yeah nice try I wasn't trying to trick you bro like crap comb I know bro okay but would you give it to your friends for free and you don't need it so give it for free ask your parents for money bro what do you mean I'm not giving it to you for free listen kid this is how business works I have a product you want it so you are you going to go to a store and tell them that he would give his products to his friends for free you must be dumb to think that because I'm gonna giving away things that I paid for for free so stop begging and told me to take money from my parents and if you truly wanted it then buy it I'm not buying it from you because you think I'm a kid when you're the dumb kids so when you just want to hug it for yourself instead of just giving other people like crap what are you going on about I actually don't want it anymore I'm not dumb for selling a product and I'm not a stupid kid sure if you don't want it to stop texting find buy stupid okay by choosing beggars can I have this for free sell know choosing beggars but it's a hobby my kids are sick and more have a Christmas Korean restaurant near me had its fair share of choosing beggars please note if you order the food you had to pay for it no exceptions thank you management ran in coming undone being taken advantage of absolutely no more free photos anymore period I'll probably lose a lot of business because my photos aren't good enough for the 98% of the cloud chases around here anyway but them's the breaks I'm through feeling unappreciated and worthless if you want to shoot it's a hundred and fifty dollars for a set of 25 edited shots at two locations don't like it too bad get your money up unless I volunteered then I'm not free any more time and equipment cost money you can't pay bills with exposure people these days will apply much from their favorite celebrity and support the business someone who doesn't even know they exist but God forbid they pay full price for the services of someone they know personally just because you know someone and can name-drop doesn't entitle you to a discount I get doing photography for fun I once did if you're trying to make a living out of it I get some extra income don't accept cloud as a form of payment you won't keep the lights on in your house a gas in your car I am absolutely not the best photographer my niche in my area in fact I personally believe I'm kind of overrated but I'm tired to cns artistic types not being compensated accordingly for that time and effort I'm done with my rant for now but I hope you other photographers agree with me and start charging for the amazing content you create your timing your investment in photography is worth just as much as anybody else's efforts get paid we deserve it not something you can take home to everyone that's a true fact if you really really love something you will actually spend money to do it instead of expecting getting paid to do it choosing Bega's lul hi can you take me today let me know asap otherwise I'll have to go elsewhere hello can you please answer me you're my first choice but I'll go elsewhere if need be I guess you don't want my business as a longtime client I am extremely disappointed I will not return as a client do this behavior on your part hide I'm sorry I was sleeping I'm off today but if you'd like I can see you tomorrow can you take me today no I'm off today I have tomorrow Thursday or Saturday available I need it for today can you make an exception for me no I'm sorry I plunged my kid's day I can refer you to someone wise I don't want to go elsewhere I can bring my daughter she's 16 she can watch them for the hour if you need I really can't today I can come right now or anytime maybe when you get back it's important that I get my lashes done today my day with my kids is very important as well and I won't know when I'm coming back and don't want to cut the day short you're making me very uncomfortable continuously asking me when I keep saying no bra worst customer service what's the point of being a loyal client if it won't pay off such a bra I need a mild today ASAP you pay $70 cash up or paypal you pick the color and I pick the design let's make this Monday magical 3 looking for a small dog nothing big don't have money to pay for one as I need to get shots and meds check animal control an adult for like 150 dollars neutering and shots included also consider not taking on the ongoing financial responsibility of an animal who depends on you if you can't even afford its basic medical needs and someone please bring me chick-fil-a to work I haven't had it in literally two months and no I don't have no money to pay you back so it could just be a little gift from you no it can't be a little gift from me I'd let you stop contacting me how much for Yeezys I saw you was selling what size do you have a 5 a 5 and a half size 5 how much are you selling for I really want a pair and where did you get them adidas New York and I want 950 dollars that's way too much I can get them cheaper elsewhere I might as well go to flight club for that price thanks anyway and then it's $1,500 at Fight Club I'm sorry flight club ok go to flight club a-hole you should be giving girls good prices you're why I hate men oh sorry what do you still have them no Pig what is this girl's problem she used to have the shoes that I just insulted you about not giving me a lower price for I don't understand why do people not like sharing their Netflix passwords it's not like you pay per watch you don't understand why they won't give you access to something they pay for for their own personal use just go from a recent freelance job check it out just a piece of paper the united states of freelance iya its exposure bucks i love it north korea refuses food aid shipments smaller than 300 tons food shortages loom in the regime begs the UN for food while refusing smaller donations got'em do you still do minimalistic logos yep are you interested let me see some of your work first what do you think okay I'll have one with the initials eh black and white okay it's $8 PayPal the Frick ain't paying crap I thought this was a nice person making logos plus them giving you exposure cuz I basically got your watermark permanently on my page I'm sorry I misled you have a nice day and that brings us to the end of our slash choosing beggars and that is one heck of a doozy if you liked the video leave a like down below and you want to just subscribe for more content how about that just subscribe for some more content and as always I'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,693,379
Rating: 4.9470673 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, r/choosingbeggars best posts, choosing beggars, reddit beggars, reddit funny, r/choosingbeggars emkay, emkay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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