r/Hmmm | where he go?

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oh how lovely burn it time for mr dosie [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk today's episode of delicious confusion contains dangerous amounts of r slash hmm so if you live in a constant state of confusion don't worry you'll feel right at home hello viewer you know what you did you know what you did oh you know what you did this is less confusing and more anxiety-inducing when your friend tells a joke so dirty you have to go do them like the laundry wait that came out wrong that came out wrong don't put that in the video oh this is so cool they finally got a picture of the hotel california's balconies you know originally i was inclined to think that they had like redone the building and moved the window or something like that but but no there's lighting fixtures up here this was somewhat intentional balconies for spider-man i guess i i okay okay are they all assembling to make one giant rolling ball cause that is a level of sentience i am not okay with them having this is cute i like this this makes me happy aha yes i too can make the banana bread actually that's a complete and total eye if i made it it'd be on fire ah yes the american healthcare system oh one second uh what's the max withdrawal again i love beer beer loves me barney's an alcoholic count two three okay this looks weird but my 50 pound dog still prefers the tiny bit we got her when she was a puppy she doesn't seem to understand like how big she actually is hey wow all you guys have such snazzy uniforms are we going to go meet emperor palpatine i wonder if we can be friends i guess you shouldn't have taken your keys back john i like the jingly tom where the hell am i supposed to put my groceries you filled up the car with so you say all of your beef is hormone-free yep are you sure yep well alrighty then here's your organic label uh for fred fred i think you've tanned quite enough fred ah just a bit longer fred i'm not sure if you qualify as jerky or ash at this point just gonna park my car right oh my god why is she coming after why is she so giant run little chrysler run oh no oh i can i can barely tell what that is but i i think that's a stingray oh oh wait i think that makes the joke even funnier i was right it was a corvette stingray gleefully returning to nature now tell me what do you see in this picture carol what the frack this better be photoshopped hey you yeah yeah you right there you and the beamer come over here just just for a second just can you come over here for a second just back up i need to snip your butt such a lovely place for dinner actually there was a road outside a summer music school i went to and for legal reasons i cannot say whether or not my chamber group posed for a photo in the middle of the road because i don't know it was a quiet road or something and we were dumb i say were like i've made any better decisions since i am i i don't think you understand what these do this is like leashing a lion with a line of link sausages hello darkness my old friend i won't be seeing again welcome to nvidia's sky rendering rtx off rtx on enjoy your games with unnecessarily detailed boiling skies that that's just that's just cool i i ain't got a joke for that that's beautiful when you were born in edgelord and then you grow up and you have grown-up money i really hope this belongs to a funeral home so like really hardcore bikers can get like the funeral parade they deserve oh oh dear god oh dear god they're all the same neo we must leave immediately agent smith noises oh cute it's pandemic bunnies it's like playboy bunnies but for somebody but i'm not going to stop writing are combos worth more in tony hawk's pro skater if you're depressed that's it that's the post this is cute i'm sure this was done for a staged photo but don't feed your animals mcdonald's this guy this guy really up here cooking a whole freaking breakfast ah i would be friends with this man so freaking quickly just all the bacon coated in maple syrup just all the bacon and maple syrup i'm sorry i got distracted next most when your inner puppy just bursts out wanting to play or you're birthing a xenomorph it's a little fuzzy literally you know i haven't really been one for mixed drinks especially the ones with the fancy umbrellas and everything but you know what this one has convinced me give it to me all of it what geese we don't know don't keys there are no geese in this area of town honey could you put the wash out uh one second i'm just making breakfast i said now alrighty then genius that's the only word for this this is genius i love it chunky nap the best kind of nap well he's almost flicking but wait wait wait wait wait one two three four five six one two three four five this man has twelve fingers i'm being quadruple flipped off hey bob we're about three hours early for that delivery of explosive feel y'all want some lunch hell yeah alrighty i'll get the grill fired right up unfortunately the remains of bob were never found coincidentally a small town in north carolina also disappeared that day sheep pig big sheep shig peep welcome to the counts of the frogs who can we crook for you i wonder if there was a slap or if it was just more of a squish pro gaming esports waits for no one screw my broken foot poor girlfriend's just like trying to take care of him he's soft like esports i'm barely in the game ah yes the gays you do have to be careful about them i would know i see nothing wrong with this geeks come at any age any size any gender any lifestyle all geeks are welcome here now careful timmy don't go down that slide too fast is that how grandpa died no that's how you meet grandpa he's right there wee timmy welcome to heaven it's like seeing a lion with like male pattern baldness that's a chunky hdmi point when you measure your graphics card in horsepower uh sir sir sir that was a very impressive landing but you're not allowed to do that again please leave yes a refreshing cooling scoop of concrete you all know concretes are supposed to be shakes right right oh look it's infuriating art don't think i've ever seen a wall outlet get diarrhea before but this is what happens if you feed your house too much chipotle while i understand this post accurately describes lexi's balance also you all need to pick which window you're gonna actually use and put the square there i need this like right now ah yes the legged ball hopper thing perfect for a 2 am playground horror show long live the king hey honey do we need to get more cat at the store no this one is a double roll just keep pulling it there should be more on it oh okay cool thanks ah yes getting married during a pandemic i i i yes i guess this parrot is a fan of the color blue sure well if i uh if i wasn't confused before look i know it's october and spooky season and halloween but you're supposed to use a pumpkin not a watermelon and it's not supposed to actually go on your head oh never mind maybe we are using watermelons this year maybe that guy was an ad for this bus that makes so much more sense sir that is a microwave you cannot run what have you done is that st did you install steam on a microwave it better run doom i am i i i think if this man just came running at me i would just drop my weapon and run in fear cause clearly he knows something i don't it's a cow costume i have so many questions and i want none of them answered oh oh that that that gave off a very different first impression i will give you that now that i know you're blinding yourself with wine and not blood i no longer deem you a serial killer just an alcoholic how damn look i am a fan of cheese sauce but you do not put jesus just anywhere this is an affront to several gods and probably the state of alabama oh perfect i know exactly what this is supposed to sound like yeah sorry they didn't cover waveforms in conservatory training dude that looks like a bear costume and i would not wear that in some areas of the country i'm just saying might want to check your local hunting regulations i want it i really want one i have no idea what i would do with it because i can't get a driver's license but i want one ah yes just enough ramp to give them a false sense of security makes it even worse that this looks like a pool area or something yikes oh look chameleon careful honey he has a knife what what no i don't no i will not stop making asdf movie references and you will have to deal with it uh rat mobile uh okay all right um no i won't bring out mr toasty for this oh look i was merciful to the rats and they've made me ratatouille that's concerning and lovely okay i uh this is just gonna turn into shopping for me i want an arbor-plated guinea pig this is great i see no problems with this and they were roommates no but seriously i hope this was actually on purpose ah yes nothing quite like some saggy sacks uh i i don't know what's going on here but this looks like an hr violation possibly three is this real does the raf actually have like a screaming ghost paint job on a plane somewhere because that's absolutely rad ah fracking hell my credit card is not going to recover from this i want this and i want it now i don't care how clanky these shoes are why why why why why just why ah yes the correct way to cook any sausage shove a fork up there nice and good and electrocute it did i say that in my outside voice oh crap i mean oh wow cook hot dog with electricity spooky christmas skeletons yes we need more of this well that's one way to do it in case you were trying to find a reliable supplier of sausages for that cooking experiment i just want a tiny bit i just want a tiny bit give me a tiny bit of the burger that's so cute i would just let them have it honestly osha safety what's that you know why building codes are so strict it's not necessarily because they have to be it's because of people like this oh well that's uh that's a unique sunburn right there yes indeed this one confuses me i'm not sure if it's like some sort of weird flotation thing or like a water therapy i don't i have no idea what this is supposed to be for it's either something medical or kinky or both and i i have no questions that i want answers to hey chris could you grab the carving knife yeah sure i need anything else oh yeah sure could you get the cheese knife too oh this this is the cheese knife anderil flame of the west cleaver of cheddar oh what's he drinking there brad this is diet tea i'm sorry what it's diet tea you have a good day brad i mean if you gotta go you gotta go and sometimes you just haven't finished the match so here we are yum yum yum is that an aircraft fuselage mounted to a bus chassis that is gl another thing i want to buy what would i do with it i have no idea do i want it yes kind of outlines all my spending decisions really turtle bug turtle bug was probably really expensive and actually quite impressive turtle bug oh huh nice i guess see even the seagulls can respect the lines if a seagull can socially distance you can too you should not be more of a jackass than a seagull it is a wonderful day in a lovely village and you were a terrible goose but now you have a loving family is this is this literally a shower of sparks holy crap that's beautiful it's also the same temperature i prefer my showers to be mount doom man math classes have gotten weird since the last time i was in school it's not even halloween yet and this person has already won the best costume this is glorious and i love it oh puppy airlines where do i get a ticket i need to go up here um sorry a jet engine strapped to a shopping cart a jet powered cart shut up and take the smoldering remains of my credit card and that brings us to the end of our slash lexi pretty much bought everything oh wait no sorry r but if you thought you were going somewhere you better not because we got some fan art to show off coming to us from chaotic joy 763 i kind of relate to that username hey guys i've watched for a long time but never been confident enough to come post i finally gained the courage to draw and make this post so i hope you enjoy lexi may be the best fit for this reddit a simple coding and what's up sexy i'm lexi and welcome back to mk this is really freaking rad and i absolutely adore it thank you so much chaoticjoy763 totally made my day and if you want more chaotic buying sprees go ahead and hit that red subscribe button if you smiled at least once hit that like button and my name is the lexi kitty y'all can call me lexie have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 838,779
Rating: 4.9439197 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/hmmm, r/hmmm best posts, r/hmmm top posts, reddit hmmm, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages top posts, r/blursedimages best posts, blursed images, reddit blursed images, blursed images emkay, thanks i hate it, reddit thanks i hate it, thanks i hate it emkay, reddit funny, r/hmmm emkay, hmmm emkay, emkay
Id: 0ZTh8m4EwZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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