r/Choosingbeggars | 1 MILLION CHIPS FOR FREE?

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free event solar eclipse party most kids go back to school that day can it be done on the weekend did this lady just ask to reschedule the sun [Music] hey how's it going ladies and gents welcome back to the show i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking a look at choosing beggars oh this one's got to be one of my absolute favorites so without much further ado let's get to it shall we hi looking to trade my nintendo switch light for an ipad pro hi i'm looking to upgrade my wife to scarlett johansson oh why'd you go do your wife like that man that's not funny why'd you do that to whomever posted my status asking for help on reddit thanks for making me cry also no one has sent me any help in the form of money or gifts for the upcoming semester i just wanted a freaking iphone so i could feel accepted and not a single freaking person going to buy me a new one i don't want your poor people androids to make things worse my loan payments for my business are due and none of you have even freaking inquired about doterra and the amazing products i sell thanks a lot [ __ ] i hope you all die i got way too carried away on that one i soaked my pop filter too high a price because that 100 needs to include the pads and the rotors it is literally impossible to make any money whatsoever to include the pads and rotors in the 100 okay i am in poverty and i thought that you will show compassion to the meek and the poor i apologize but the pads and rotors themselves go for at the very least 150. i'm offering considerably lower prices than other shops would ever sorry but i cannot afford it jesus would have showed compassion well he's not jesus also to my recollection jesus didn't sell used car parts on facebook marketplace when the cast of tng decided to lobby for salary increases will wheaton's first offer from the producers was to instead have his characters rank raised to lieutenant his response was so what should i tell my landlord when i can't pay my rent don't worry i just made lieutenant if that story is even remotely true for one second that is the most pitifully embarrassing goddamn thing regarding pay in the television world i have ever heard that is just pathetic clams on the side wow that's some great artwork thanks do you do commissions sure do sweet how much for a custom portrait 15 jesus does it look like i'm made of money uh uh i want to be your customer but you charge way too much well i want to be your nail tech but you're way too broke you see how offensive my comment was that's how offensive your statement was to me be mindful that although you may not understand the way a professional charges it doesn't necessarily make them too expensive i can't afford a mercedes but i don't get to go to the shop and tell them they charge too much i personally know that i can't afford it just yet again thank you for your time and unfortunately i'm not accepting any new clients at this time now you mean you ain't accepting them screw em if it's for food tell me your local grocery store and i'll email you a gift card send me the gift card wait you actually need food what's your local grocery store chain i just need 50 steam or itunes card those aren't needs yes i need it yeah man cyberpunk's out they need it large tall palm tree you remove you keep lmao these are 2500 plus to get removed wow can you come do it for free that would be amazing sounds like you are up pro sounds like you're a trump supporter looking for a handout yes i am a trump supporter but your analogy is ridiculous lol i think i just got cancer from this one during working during payment uh oops no one's home that's why you never give them the full product before they've paid at least get a deposit or you know send them the commission with a giant watermark or make it low-res you know something like that looking for a free play place for my kids i refuse to shell out 500 at home depot for one it must have a slide swings attached a higher and lower platform ropes to swing from delivery only please this saturday would be the best day to come to my house and if you could install it too i'd treat you to some lemonade also make sure there are no nails or sharp objects that could hurt my boys thanks in advance all right i got one for you call me on my cell so we can arrange delivery hey you gave me the wrong number that's lowe's that's a hint honey they'll help you with what you need just fine i'm reporting you no don't report me please hi everyone i have horrible news my mom well she hurt herself pretty bad and her last wish in her favorite switch game pokemon sword was to get a shiny male medal and the doctor said that today is her last day to live so please make her wish come true so i can tell her that she is the number one shiny hunter she has all shinies except for the two oh please delete this you're too young for what's probably gonna happen in these comments hi i love the look of your product if i was to give you a five star rating and recommend your product on social media and give it a good rating and review would you consider giving me the item free of charge thanks aaron no guys i need help i need a ps4 that must be pro for free it must be slightly used or unused at all and must be in good quality and also have three games with it fortnite spider-man and gta 5. don't be greedy i really need it lmao [ __ ] off don't be greedy i really need it hi i was interested in buying your collection can you give me more information hello sure what did you find me on not sure how much info you had but it's basically just a massive collection that i've been adding to for almost five years now and continue to add to five links 500 plus files and it's twenty dollars one time everything from solo to not solo to really not solo once you send the payment i will email you the links and when i add new content it'll update automatically for you military discount uh i mean i like to think that twenty 20 is kind of really low already it's a lot of content and a variety of different things but sure i guess 15 don't matter how low most businesses here in the states give discounts to men who served on veterans day just passed you can't take 10 what just got surgery on my right leg tapped out no that's too low sorry you're fat anyway he's got a real job so broke you have to sell itself for 20 dollars god reading this hurts my brain i fought for you to work go back to mexico don't disrespect those who fought for you trump will be president again and send all you wet back hoes back over the border oh oh i think i've got a sneaky suspicion as to what he was trying to buy from this person too it just makes it all the more sad on his part oh boy video editor we're looking for a talented video editor to edit vlogs and create video content for our social media accounts in addition to editing vlogs created by our social media team you'll also be responsible for creating short instagram stories and videos that align with the underlying message of the company as a video editor you will know how to present a compelling story through creative video footage qualifications ability to generate engaging video footage for facebook and instagram on a weekly basis familiarity and newest trends in social media and digital technologies cool so you're already not doing your job enthusiastic and able to work alongside with the rest of the social media team join an amazing team and help make a difference in the community part-time hours five per week zero dollars a year you know what i've done professional editing for a little bit but i'm gonna let the editor of this video say what they want to say here you guys always like skipping steps zero percent financing save hundreds with a promo enter current giveaways ask for a free pc yeah linus tech tips just got so annoyed by this they decided to do it once and for all they gave someone a free pc and they're never gonna do it again we'll swap for ps5 only 48 rolls of top quality toilet paper thank god people can't get away with this crap anymore i mean they couldn't really get away with it when all the toilet paper disappeared but we all knew that we could kick their asses right like you know that right reminds me of that guy that spent 25k on playstation 5s about like a month ago and within 24 hours someone stole all of them from him morning ladies i'm looking for a handyman to put up a heavy mirror into brackets on a brick wall located in my dining room i was quoted 20 pounds so naturally i'd like to pay 10 pounds as it's a simple straightforward job i don't want anyone who's not a professional to do it as i don't want it falling down after a few days time lol if we make an appointment we stick to it and communication is vital also tree fell down in storm last week if you come and get it you can have it for a hundred dollars oh how nice i get to pay you to put in 70 plus hours of labor to remove this tree by myself i'm losing money not doing it i would rather this turkey go to a family and true need thanksgiving turkey for anyone in need would you mind cooking it with stuffing so we can pick it up in the morning would about 11 work for you jesus freaking christ looking for a babysitter who is willing to come to my house and watch my kiddos one is almost three and one is a year old must be 18 or older must have transportation and must be able to work anywhere from 6am to 6pm 20 a day 2-3 days a week wow just wow just a little food for thought so a little disheartened on this veterans day it is supposed to be just that veteran's day meaning previously served retired in one capacity or another but while trying to go get lunch for my veteran we were last in line because of all the very young active being first we were instructed to wait an hour or more i'm not discrediting active but veterans day is about that veterans not i just enlisted yesterday folks we were able to get a free car wash thank you god we have two dogs in the car and even there the only thing they asked is if we were military affiliated not are you a veteran three cars a very young active military guys and very new chargers were allowed first i know they were active because i heard them say so sure i hope every pow-vietnam war korean war or whatever war i missed person got at least something because we didn't and my veterans served in a war too again this is not discrediting active military i just don't think folks fully understand veterans day i don't think you understand veterans day also yeah you kind of are trying to discredit people that are active duty so kiss my ass but but me was it first so they don't get veteran day your song in a film four hundred dollars we'll put your song in the film blank in either the beginning credits or the closing credits criteria the song must have music and lyrics we must have written permission from you to use the song and it must fit the genre and mood of the film this will be determined by our composer included terms and imdb credit dang i think my favorite types of posts are people saying you can pay me to work for me it'll be so good for you i present to you the mk angel i'm rather proud of it oh and it's biblically accurate too holy crap as beautiful as they are there's something disgustingly horrifying about them that was a lot to get through but we did it and we did it together so always remember folks if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really liked it well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll be seeing you you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 504,043
Rating: 4.952785 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, r/choosingbeggars best posts, choosing beggars, reddit beggars, reddit funny, r/choosingbeggars emkay, emkay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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