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hello there i am an artiste that does not mean that i can create a logo t-shirt or business card for you for free thank you for understanding ah shadow for exposure then nope hey you saucy tartare sauce which i guess is just dart air sauce welcome back to another video my name's jack one of the various shape-shifting voices on mk by far the best one that is actually australian and named jack and today we're looking at some choosen beggars so sit back relax and learn how not to be a cheapskate this is how bad sony's has gotten for customer appreciation for your birthday club they went from years of offering the pit master meal to a cheap sandwich and drink oh so very disappointed oh just how selfish of them to no longer give you free stuff everyone definitely needs to hear about this on your facebook feed tried no thank you please my cousin has cancer oh sorry to hear still no ah it's gotten worse oh can you do me a little wolf hello you can commission me through my etsy okay but can i have one if you pay to commission one through etsy oh so no wolf oh if you want to work from artists you need to pay them i'm happy to take commissions and then they hung up and snapped their skateboard in frustration because i'm trying to make it a full sleeve is that the font you want you want it all in capital letters yes and yes please oh thank you so much i'm actually shocked and happy because i never thought i'm actually getting a reply from you ah no problem do you have paypal oh no you've made the devil's suggestion yes awesome that will cost fifty dollars you require me to trade for this service well that's expensive thought it was gonna be free see look i'm sad now this emoji means i'm sad that means you have to give it to free because i'm you're guilt you feel guilty free you have to give free now with that face and that name i i think of his voice completely as nikki can you draw for me me thank you yes i can i take commissions i'm sorry brain's not computing what is commission well an order it requires money just like any other job take the hint take the hint take the hint take the hint oh you pay taxes you're registered under government what not really i do this as a hobby and earn less than 300 a month from it so i don't pay taxes for it and then they start thinking that obi-wan kenobi you know that is illegal how much do you charge per draw you can draw for me and my wife for free not paying you since you aren't registered i don't draw for free but you can draw for practice boo you suck you suck and you know it okay if i ever want to practice and have no inspiration i will message you okay i need it by april since my wife's birthday so do it by then i'll do it whenever i'm free i can't promise doing it before april and so the conversation ends there they went their separate ways and lived happily ever after where do you live why i am calling the police on you feminine pop you think you can get away doing illegal stuff female puppy dog oh okay i'll do it before april [Music] [Laughter] got scared of police yeah good stay in your senses you for real and it keeps going it's not done done can i see the progress i haven't started hurry up you're not even paying me do you really think it is fair of you to boss me around like this it is quite rude if you really want a drawing that fast i will give you one really quick but do not complain if it doesn't reach your standards okay do asap even sketch is okay and it's just too stick for your faces oh it is beautiful yet for some strange reason the choosing beggar their their keyboard gets locked on caps lock what the [ __ ] is this what the freak what is this what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this reply back we do not look like this are you blind reply back now i'm calling the police you know i can see when you see my messages right do you think i'm stupid i will report you to the police for not giving taxes freaked you reply back hello police this person drew a stick figure for me online after i threatened to call the police on them for a tax evasion why are you laughing stop it reply back so you've just finished doing a very heavy project for a client who's completely skimmed down the price that you've forcibly accepted because hey you need food on the table and you're trying to think of some thankful gift to send them for you know hiring your service might i recommend delivering some delicious cabernet merlot wine specifically the choosing beggars brand and look only nine dollars cheap as them it's a match made in heaven 25 year old female looking for a home hello i'm a 25 year old white female country girl single looking for a place to call home preferably in a private place mountains i like to have a big garden in the summertime i want to learn to hunt the fishing all by myself i have no form of transportation very little money i love the outdoors bluegrass music jamming looking to find a trustworthy friend to blaze fires worship the lord and make music with i love animals hate electricity really cooking to get out into the country thank you if you want people to want to live with you don't mention you have very little money and especially don't mention you're into bluegrass music i'm that alone i'm kidding it's okay you can like telling people you have little money i was struggling to make a living working as an artist people only wanted to pay me with exposure and the only kind of exposure that pays the bills is the kind you see at a strip joint but have you heard of only fans does anyone have an iphone x or newer 128 gigabytes or more and unlocked i've been looking for a phone but everything is 64 gigabytes or expensive i mean my budget is 450 but i would prefer to keep it under that price if possible maybe i would pay more for the 11. okay sounding good so far he's not demanding it for free and he's got a budget to stick to bit of an unrealistic budget but let's see how it goes i recommend the new se it's amazing and budget friendly oh the thing is i want to be fancy and have the face id and no home button i appreciate the suggestion though uh the reason why these businesses get so much money so easily if you weren't so insecure about hiding your financial hardship you wouldn't be in such financial hardship remember kids being cheap isn't always cheap so this is a sort of meal planner for a wedding reception name let's just write in check i'm going to a wedding so that we may prepare your preferred dinner please circle your gift level and indicate a meal choice for each person in your party loving gift up to 250 dollars wow roast chicken or swordfish silver gifts 251 to 500 above choices or a slice steak in a pitch salmon golden gift 501 to 1 000 oh my gosh or filet mignon or lobster tails and if you're bill gates or just really done with your money a platinum gift one thousand one to two thousand five hundred above choices or a two pound lobster plus souvenir champagne goblet ear of these options technically costing you probably no more than maybe a hundred and fifty to two hundred dollars oh my the vegetarian meals are only available if you pay at least a thousand one dollars for a gift wow way to just alienate anyone who is an omnivorous in your family you know you can tell when they're trying to be extra fancy when they write the date with words remind to people that weddings can cost as little as like 70 to 140 dollars you just go to a government building fill out a form get two witnesses to see you commemorated and you're done anything more than that is completely on you no one else in your family or friendship should have to compensate for your spending habits free knob shot just pay 8.95 shipping and handling here's your order sir oh thank you and here's your knob shot oh my knob so it's not free well the shot itself is free the 895 shipping and handling fee covers the postage and packing fee for this product well just charge for shipping and not handling to make it cheaper okay do you understand what the handling entails exactly that's like that's them literally grabbing it from the shelf and packing it into a box to ship to you thanks for your purchase but you didn't uh order the handling so we'll just we'll leave it there it's up to you to grab it now thanks hey i saw where you have more decals can i order a customized one but not from etsy but through you yeah that's fine what are you wanting i was wanting a monogram for my car maybe 4.5 inches wide and i want the harry potter font and how much would that be and i want it to be black yellow and white okay well that's three different colors so it'll cost more since it's considered layered and you're wanting a specific size and font so look i will charge you seven dollars and i'll bring it by the morning if you want or you can come pick it up seven dollars well why that much i'm your friend i only pay for material oh my dude it's only seven dollars come on yes that's what i'm charging you well just because you're my friend doesn't mean i have to give you a special discount i'm charging you for material the time it takes to design it the time to cut it and the time to line it up i understand that you probably don't like it but i can't let my generosity cut into my profits i'm sorry oh you're such a that was like the theme of today isn't it how are you going to call me your friend and charge that much that's crazy well a friend wouldn't feel that entitled over a monogram i hope you have better friends whatever wow imagine only being friends with someone just to get benefits off like you've been using them this entire time just to get close enough so that you can get something in return it's honestly pathetic donate to mac and pin then text me on a seat and have a fist tammy and there's his phone number on twitter he's tweeted his phone number what do you think is going to happen okay stop donating a flashing is that a campaign donation in your hand are you just happy just oh well geez you're really happy from a nursing group my mother-in-law belongs to flick the doctors of blue hospital some of you know but for those who don't my mom needs a knee transplant she's been using a cane for two years now and had a fall in september at mcdonald's while ordering her breakfast we rushed her to the doctor who had her knee x-rayed and with tears in his eyes he informed us she needed a knee transplant this serious surgery has cut to the core of our family and we can't see this family moving forward without her we told the doctor that under no situation would we allow the knee of a gay trans homo or lesbian be put into mom's body oh there it is i've been wondering where this was it's the last bit of respect i had for this person yeah i lost it ages ago anyway into the bin do you know what the doctor did he laughed he told us that there was no way they could ever discriminate between sexual likes when it came to using body parts then he lied to us and told us they would use an artificial part we have declined the surgery we cannot risk mum getting a body part from a gay lesbian what is a gay lesbian is that like does that not cancel it out we are seeking out to the opinion of several other doctors and the advice of our priest what has this world come to this is one of the ways trans homo and homosexuals are spreading we will not be subject to this if anyone knows a doctor in blue county please let us know hey you little sack of turd monkeys amongst the myriad of things wrong here i just wanted to say that knee replacements do indeed use artificial parts my father had both his knees replaced your mom will be fine blue are you serious do you really think your mom's need could be gay think about how stupid that sounds you're suggesting that her mind and body will be attracted to men but her knee will get horny for women she's just walking around and all of a sudden her knee just starts giggling and then dancing around towards the women in the area well nice moves grandma no it's not me it's the knee saying no to gayness lol this is a joke right where is the community spirit my very elderly parents nearly 90 are surrounded by young families who all own lawn mowers and are regularly cutting their grass i'm downpounded that not one neighbor has volunteered to cut their grass my parents call me daily to ask to have it mowed they both have dementia and don't remember that the grass company from their aged care package cannot come out i normally don't rant on social media i'm simply stunned i don't own a lawnmower as naturally i would have done it myself weeks ago i won't simply ask the neighbors if they have the time or patience to be able to do it as well nor would i even offer to borrow the lawnmower from them no no no that would require effort instead i shall complain on the internet and it will be solved for me yes i am an adult hi all myself and my husband have recently moved and found ourselves being hit with a house that needs more tender loving care than we originally thought we were just wondering if any handymen plumbers electricians would be able to offer their services free of charge in exchange for some good publicity i have over 2 000 instagram followers and my husband has 178k on tick tock please get in touch thanks wow that is rare seeing actual handyman being offered the whole exposure route in terms of exchange of currency well glad to see all professions are being taken advantage of equally hi i'd like to buy this cash or card cash but can i offer 30 dollars because i'm pleased i'm just a kid no i only sell to adults bye and the kid said very understandable i respect that thank you i'm just learning to bargain but unfortunately he just didn't translate it very well instead it came across as him saying frick off and you get reported ooh looky here's creative windy pedestal create work time so i got bored and created this i don't even know what i created you you created cuteness that's what you did i love the little touches you've done to keep it mk related though the um the background it's incredible it looks exactly like the youtube profile picture honestly incredible recreation there oh and the foxy all avatars q2 i guess thanks for the work there shadow mirror be sure to give them a lot of love peoples and remember if you'd like to see your work seen in a future video be sure to post your artwork on the mk subreddit because that's where we see them and grab them for future videos now look here you're at the end of today's video hooray well done you i applaud in your direction be sure to like this video so we know what we're doing right and subscribe if you haven't already with that notification bell clicked on because otherwise how else are you going to always be updated to see the goodest of good contents when it comes out while you're here want to check out some other videos by robin and lexi oh links to things of the descriptions in the description down below i word's right and uh that really does it my name's been jack i'll see you guys for the next one love your faces as always you're amazing bye [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 670,298
Rating: 4.9611139 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, r/choosingbeggars best posts, choosing beggars, reddit beggars, reddit funny, r/choosingbeggars emkay, emkay
Id: OpOBlkXvIwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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