r/Choosingbeggars | Free????

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hey guys anyone have a Netflix paid subscription and won't mind sharing with me I want to see sacred games DME please PS I don't want piracy link if don't have better ignore do not suggest me Falana dem kana what's going on guys and welcome back to ms trailer readings south of the Equator read by a man north of the Equator and today we're doing a deep intimate dive into our / choosing beggars without further ado let's just dive head in PI Navy run you have an absolutely beautiful amazing voice is it true that the gigas $5 for 60 seconds or is there some hidden costs yes it's $5 USD for 60 seconds of my vocals that's amazing I am happy to promote your gig on my Facebook page which has over 300 followers usually this promotion is $60 plus but for you I'll trade it for only ten minutes of your vocals on my tracks what do you think I'm so sorry but I only accept payments in cash and not trades damn bud you really are one greedy son of a B let me know when you can change your mind you ain't getting any orders with your current promotion level clearly you know what I lied your gigas crap and nobody will order from you ever good luck on here without being willing to spend anything on prop motion I'm sorry I couldn't help you thank you for the advice I just got my first three orders today by the way and even ended it with a smile what an absolute professional hey my friend told me you do commissions yeah I do cool what are your prices a bust lion artists $5 a bust colored is $10 a full body line art is $15 and a full body colored is $20 I take half upfront for everything but bus line arts I want a full body colored but 20 is way too much will you do 10 sorry I don't do discounts the price is take it or leave it that is ridiculous no one's ever gonna spend that much for your crappy art I mean my backlog of orders might disagree with you if you can't pay for the full-body I new colored busts for $10 I don't wanna bust I want a full body I know but you can't pay for it you could pay for a bust can't pay for it hello well I make more in a day than you do in a month be well in that case take all the art you want Your Majesty I had no idea I was dealing with such a high-class individual as you fu jerk I don't know why anyone buys your crappy art I'm giving you one last chance to accept my offer then you're getting blocked it's a no from me love fu jerk you sure do love naughty words don't you f ons no you that's it you're getting blogged you're Oh hit him what a Simon Cowell will know from me and a spelling correction okay so I want logo for my youtube and tick-tock channel when I upload mostly some csgo in Minecraft edits my username is blank so I want to have a big black B with some glow and some particles flying in the background send me at least five logos that were differently made so I can choose it will also be for Twitter and FB fanpage sure but keep in mind that since you want five of them it will be more expensive okay no problem I will pay more oh if you make it today I will try to do that ASAP but I cannot guarantee you that it will be done today man please look I was playing to give you 6 bucks one dollar for every draft and one for making it blank that is my paypal now tell me yours now pay you 7 if you make it really quick 8 hello where TF you at I've spent a 6 years studying graphic design it cost me over $5000 to go on them I have also spent more than 2k on my hardware for GD and licenses of course and you are offering me eight dollars for five drafts yeah but it only take you about an hour of your time $8.00 per hour I'm sorry but that is more than effing good oh you you're probably right I'm sorry for the messages above I I'll do it within an hour that is what I'm talking about I was thinking about it $8.00 is probably way too much I'll do it for 50 cents 10 cents for every draft done I've really tried my best the actual F is that this is garbage no my choosing beggar friend that is not garbage that is a 10-cent draught you have four more on the way your cheesecake look great on Saturday well thanks so much I hope you checked out the recipe to recreate it ha ha what are you making next I don't know yet to be honest but definitely some kind of kink I'm gonna do regular this time no Kido can I have it I mean if you live in slush near Los Angeles and want to meet me in a public spot I'd be down I'm in Georgia well I'm afraid that confuses things but if you're ever in LA let me know I can whip you up something can't you ship it I don't know the rules about shipping food to be honest plus I just signed up the donate cakes to foster kids and I think I'll go with that for the time being but try out the recipe and make it yourself it's really fun you don't need everything you make I don't I actually don't eat what I make typically I give it to friends or work but there's donate anything I want to try so I can keep baking liar you fat F not watching you stream again I have no words man that's just it that's just an [ __ ] that's just an [ __ ] Wow you won't give me this for free never watching your stream again by the way thanks for all the free content hey blank can I have this for free I could pick it up tonight or tomorrow sorry no I can't just give away my xbox one now you've had the night to think about it can I have it for free still no come on man it's a beautiful day for charity I just gave some guy at the Torino a ciggy when he asked for one it's time for you to pay it forward when is a good time to pick it up how is selling a cigarette equivalent to what I'm selling and more importantly how is you giving someone worth maybe 50 cents mean I should give you something worth seven hundred and thirty five dollars cost is all relative man if you have 1 million dollars then seven hundred and thirty five dollars is pocket change if you have $20 then giving a cigarette to someone is a sizable donation when is good for pickup bud I like that guy just stays right on target all the way through he is unwavering the entire time this just happened this morning I have an old Atari 800 XL computer in my home office I've owned it since 1984 and play with it pretty regularly the past 26 years I've had a Magnavox CRT monitor plugged into it a few days ago said monitor finally gave up its last ghost rather than pull it apart again I decided to stick it on the shelf for later and replace it with something a bit newer it didn't take me long to find an old 20 inch four by three aspect ratio LCD television set on Craigslist for twenty dollars the Citiz Koch steel cable inputs as well as composite component in s-video Wow so would be a nice upgrade from the end was twelve days old so I emailed the owner to see if it was still valuable it was so I made arrangements to pick it up this morning I head over to his house and average suburban house smallish in need of a little landscaping work out front about 15 minutes from where I live and he greets me at the door and invites me in he's maybe 22 or 23 years old and pretty slovenly unshaven kind of dull looking dirty white t-shirt and jeans no shoes but whatever I'm not here for a date the TV is on the table and I asked him if I can look it over and he agrees I turn it on in the screen lights up prepared I pull out my old iPod Classic and composite video cable hook it up and in about a minute it's playing a video on the screen last night at the Avengers end game trailer and put it on my iPod for exactly this test good enough I reach into my pocket for my wallet and a conversation like this happens okay I'm happy you wanted $20 right how did you do that do what get did you show the movie oh it's just an old iPod with a composite video cable but how did you get it on the screen the video is stored on my iPod when I connect my cable to my iPod into the television the aiya pod will play whatever video I select on to the television screen it also works with pictures and music I didn't play the beginning of a Billy Joel song to demonstrate I didn't think anyone could use this TV anymore pulls out a $20 bill from my wallet well it's older tech it's not high-definition and is pretty small in comparison to what you can buy today but it's not useless at home I have a really old computer and I'm gonna use this as a monitor if it's still useful then I think it's worth more than $20.00 you were asking for $20 so here's $20 no I didn't think this is worth anything if you get to play videos that it's still worth something I want $50 are you serious yeah give me $50 and you can have it this isn't worth $50 sure it is you just showed me then no what I showed you is that your twenty dollar television works as well as a twenty dollar television is expected to work it's not worth fifty dollars with every man fifty dollars or No Deal seriously you've had it listed on Craigslist for almost two weeks and got no offers on it now all of a sudden you think he can jack it up to $50 and the offers are gonna come pouring in I just didn't list it right I didn't know he could do all that video stuff it's a television set what kind of video stuff did you think it could do but that's different it works with new iPods I didn't know that before God the Lord fine No Deal you're lost man sure it is thanks for wasting my time I put the $20 back in my wallet and let myself out disgusted as I'm walking out the door another card pulled into the driveway and the driver was getting out a middle-aged woman she greets me with a genuinely friendly smile and asks if I'm here for the television I tell her that I was accepted shooting beggar jacked at the price by 150 percent after seeing the TV actually work now I'm not willing to spend $50 on a 15 year old television set her smile never left her face but her eyes lost the smile for a heartbeat she asked me what she man wait in here for a moment I told her I would she grabbed a bag of groceries told me she'd be right back and headed into the house I heard nothing for about 15 seconds then a huge shouting match I was shocked the woman who I spoke with couldn't have been more than maybe 5 foot 3 and about 140 pounds but it sent away Mount Vesuvius had just erupted this woman was loud I heard words like lazy crap in drinking with your friends and get a job and wasted life and a lot more I busied myself with my phone and waited about 2 minutes later and it went quiet and shortly afterwards the door reopened the woman in choosing begger came out choosing beggar holding the television along with the power cable and remote control the woman came over to me and ever so polite they asked me if I'd still be interested in the television for $20 I said sure I gave her the $20 in choosing beggar put the television into my car without saying a word or looking at me the woman thanked me very much and told me if there was a problem when I got it home to let her know I thanked her got into my car and left with my television part of me feels like I should feel bad for choosing beggar but somehow I don't Wow that wraps up like a Disney movie climax the resolution it was all there delivery is on US national burrito day hmm for burrito day you think there would be some sort of discount free delivery is a discounted usually costs something the choosing beggar here is my cousin who in her early 30s decided to go back to school she asked our grandma for help and grandma generously offered to pay our tuition for the first year only problem was that grandma trusted her so instead of wiring the money to the school account she gave cousin cash a week before school was to start cousin called grandma saying she's $5,000 short because she freaking bought herself a car another cousin I confronted her on grandma's behalf because grandma was really upset about it and she said how old's am I supposed to go to my classes there are plenty of buses to and from campus honey y'all are selfish I'm broke so what's the problem you taking a little money she grandma doesn't spend her money anyway yeah definitely grandma's responsibility that you are unable to secure a job spend what you earned on vacations totaled two cars in three years and are totally broke at your age best part was she called me heartless because I'd rather spend money on my child and help her out quote if you could afford kids that you can help me maybe I can but I don't have to and I don't want to long story short she didn't get any more money from my family some backstory my mom sold some stuff online that lady choosing beggar why I had to buy a lamp my mom was selling because we didn't use it anymore she came to pick it up but my mom wasn't there so I had to take care of it hi I'm here because of the lamp you're selling hello yeah that would be fifty bucks choosing beggar actually paying without trying to negotiate alright have a nice day could I get your Wi-Fi login what no I can't just give away our password why not I can't find my way home otherwise I come from name of town that is literally just ten minutes away from where I live oh well I can just tell you how to get there if you want no just give me your Wi-Fi ma'am I won't give you our Wi-Fi password you little crap just give me your Wi-Fi and I can use maps to find my way home again I won't just give you the password as I said I can give you directions also you can literally just take the same way you took to come here what is your goddamn problem actually you should give me my money back ma'am you already paid and also why would I give me my money back this is robbery and I'll call the police if you don't give me my money back alright then good luck with that choosing beggar knocked on the door and rang the doorbell aggressively I obviously didn't open after about ten minutes she finally left some days later she waited by some other things we ignore all of her offers since that day and that brings us to the end of our trip through choosing beggars and I hope you guys enjoyed and if you do leave a like on the video and if you really enjoyed if you loved every part of it do us a favor and subscribe and you guys have a wonderful rest of your days I'll be seeing you [Music]
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Views: 4,206,228
Rating: 4.9207907 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggars, r/ choosingbeggars, reddit choosing beggars, r/entitledparents, r/choosingbeggars top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, funny, emkay
Id: WMgH_2l5Pm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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