r/Choosingbeggars | Sorry, I don't have cash

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Quine expectation client bunch those pineapples what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is damien and they were looking at our / choosing beggars I only have cash but I have half an hour how much you willing to pay can you pay more than 100 unfortunately not I have $100 cash on me right now oh okay I kind of want more since I almost paid 200 for it oh yeah I totally understand no worries I'm moving since I don't have a bunch of extra money hope you find someone can you not afford like 120 or 110 you listen to it what you listening to that you can't just then immediately haggle upwards after someone says they're interested to whom it may concern it has recently been made clear to me that Jo company promised my son a free board and then retracted that promise I understand that blank acted out of line and requesting something other than the 8.5 inch board you offered him that was wrong of him and after speaking to him he is willing to accept the 8.5 instead of the 8 he desperately wanted also I want to apologize on behalf of blank for threatening to sue you he is a blank year-old child he does not have the resources do not worry he will not be suing you let me know how we can proceed in getting my son the free board he deserves thank you I blank I do not remember promising your son a free board do you have any evidence that someone in our company may have offered this to him hello yes I do there is this conversation between your company and blank on Instagram his username is blank I am sure you can find it on your end as well as you can see he was clearly told he could have an 8.5 for free please let me know how he can receive this board for my son he is a good kid he deserves it thank you blank Wow yes that kid sorry we will not be providing a free board for him under any circumstances you can buy one for full price directly from our website if you still want one they are $40 plus shipping of course shipping is free if you buy more than $50 of merchandise I really think it deserves the free board you promised him not a giving blank a free board would be fraud and I would hate to report your company as fraudulent also think about how many people blank will get you a product in front of when you give it to him you'll be making so much money from all the new sales he brings in when you think about it like that you should be paying him to ride your board Thanks no we are not giving him a free skateboard under any circumstances this behavior cannot be rewarded as a company we expect better from the skate community than the way your son spoke to us Wow you are such a frickin a-hole he is a child that made a mistake and now you are refusing to give him what he is rightly owed please forward this to your supervisor we are going to get you fired also we're still going to report fraud even if you give us a board just to teach you a lesson unless of course you give us an addition to the free board perhaps a hat thank you report ass ass fraud then I do not care I am NOT giving you any free gear we will not be responding further to your emails also I owned the company eat my kuchi little bra boy thanks Mikey you still signed off with some civility please note this promotion is for children of the twelve years of age John Ball Z was teaming up with Nature Valley on Fridays between June 14th and July 26 every Friday from June 14th until July 26 is Nature Valley Friday present a Nature Valley romper the admissions booth on Fridays and receive a free child admission with each paid adult admission so not free for all kids just one child per adult that's not much of an offer still costs a decent amount to bring our family same have seven kids right right on okay ask the girl behind the counter for a recommendation caramel brownie concrete and it was basically a vanilla concrete I asked the girl working at the register for a different flavor and the girl said no I'm sorry but we can get you another one if you pay for it give me a break you have more custard than you know what to do with it's about making your customers happy and satisfied instead of losing returning customers 1 star review bar owner we would love to have you perform at our bar on Friday we can't pay it but it would be great exposure for your talent musician I'm having a few friends over on Sunday I'd love to have you bring some beers and wings for us we can't pay you but it would be great exposure for your bar tit for tat my friend I am on the PR list of numerous brands Anastasia Too Faced makeup geek coloured raine to name a few and whenever there is a new product they send it to the people on their list prior to the release so that we can use the products and promote etc I've been trying to do that with you because I'm just trying to support a black-owned business so for you to tell me I need to stop all I'm trying to do is be sent a pallet to promote for you for free to help your sales is the biggest insult I've ever received because I've done nothing but try to support you I was working with you and using your things in my videos before you guys started receiving all of this popularity so how can you be like that towards someone who's done nothing but support your brand I really hope that you reply because at this point I'm actually hurt because I've done literally nothing to deserve how you're acting towards me right now it's not like I'm asking for some sort of payment I'm literally just asking to be sent the palette to do looks with it I cannot believe your response thank you stay blessed are you serious yeah I think they're serious build the PC with the budget of $2,000 and send it to me I want a PC now so you build me one so I don't have to buy one is this our slash using beggars I'm confused no I'll the computer that could play for at night and you want someone to buy it and build it for you or just recommend parts yes that'd be great thanks for Father's Day we took our dad out for dinner and one of my father's mates wanted to come when we arrived at the restaurant he complained that the cake was too small and orders another cake but rather than eating it he asks for he take out he leaves just before paying when we asked him to pay he said he thought we were paying for him otherwise he wouldn't have ordered the extra slice of cake when he finally agreed to pay he said that we should pay for the extra slice for making him think we're paying just to clarify he tagged along and we didn't invite him so we weren't gonna pay for him used used carpet maybe 800 900 square feet total I haven't measured it but it's 3 bedrooms living room hallway and 4 closets you help me pull it up and haul it away and it's all yours for a cheap price the free bedrooms carpet is in pretty decent shape and could be used to redo some bedrooms the living room carpet is stained pretty bad from years of dirt so not sure someone want that section but would be good for a den a pet room maybe I am willing to deliver if you live close by if you pay more for my time and gas but you can still help me pull it up first sorry I don't have cash ok I have come you take card [Music] suppose we refund your money give you another dinner without a charge close the restaurant and have the chef shot would that be satisfactory yes it would actually back in 2004 I worked at the front desk for a large mountain resort 90% of the properties on the mountain were under our umbrella and our front desk was open 24 hours the other 10% were part of a different resort entirely but since it was small the only had employees on-site from 8:00 to 6:00 and calls to their front desk would reroute to ours after hours in case there was an emergency situation I was 21 years old making seven whole dollars an hour in working a 12-hour shift on Christmas Day because the resort was extra busy for the holidays and anyone who refused to work on Christmas was fired it was the first time in my life I hadn't spent Christmas with my family and I spent the day getting barked at by entitled vacationers so I was in a great mood already then at about 11:00 p.m. I answered a call coming from the other resort resort this is me how may I help you we didn't get new towels today I'm sorry we don't do that it's a condo so you're basically renting an apartment for the week housekeeping only comes between guests unless you make a special request are you kidding we're supposed to use the same towels for a week yes who doesn't reuse temples do they all wipe their asses with them beds disgusting we already used them then dirty have housekeeping bring us new ones I'm sorry housekeeping has gone home for the day I don't even work for your resort their offices are all closed for the evening and we only take their calls in case of emergency I can't get any towels to you you'll have to use the ones you have for now but we need clean towels now this is an emergency I'm not going to wake up your resort's manager on Christmas because of your towels there's a washer dryer in your condo if the towels are too dirty for you to reuse how dare you we are on vacation we don't do laundry well I'm so sorry that's not what you wanted to hear you have ruined Christmas great have a nice night happy holidays move hashtag fact I know people who charge less I have clients who pay more oh I like that I like that confidence that was a good that was a good reply why aren't you replying on whatsapp Oh SARS I hardly go in there what's up can you watch over Lily Ann told me she'll pay 30 bucks if I watch over tonight I said okay but now I have plans with Ryan and Airy I'll give you like half so 15 for you 15 for me if you watch over Lily defeat EF shouldn't I get the whole 30 if I'm watching over no I really need the money just do it free this once please no I'm actually going out with dad today so I can't maybe ask someone else there is no else to ask oMG please I really need this I can't okay I'm sorry you should have asked me earlier that's not my fault DTF I freaking hate you you're such a dumb brother sister Frick you don't bother talking to me either okay but you're still earning 30 bucks I don't see what the problem is maybe you should the maid playing stupid is it okay can you do $5 I'd buy it for $5 deal yay we can we meet preferably tomorrow are you willing to drive to blank I could do tomorrow in the afternoon can we meet in blank by the blank I'd prefer not to drive all that way I'm sorry my truck doesn't get good miles per gallon and I had to pay for my gas I'm still in high school I understand can you at least meet me off highway 7 by the freeway I give me to a blank and blank by the Walgreens that is the farthest don't go are you able to do that you know never mind it'll cost me $4 in gas just to go there it's a 30-minute drive from where I live I understand sorry I didn't work out yeah I'm sure you are oh that's Ned why would you say like that I am the seller the buyer comes to the cellar I am a very busy student with not a lot of money in time it would not be worth my time or money for $5 to drive where I even suggested but I was being generous so yes I was sorry I have also been very kind in all my messages what you said was uncalled for you were being difficult if you had sold it to me for $3 I would have came out to you but your price gouged me and that in the business world is not cool I can sell that record on eBay for $15 I wouldn't sell it for $3 I was being generous selling it for five again I am the seller the seller isn't expected to drive far for what's convenient for the buyer yo want to join blank as an editor we're looking for editors to be able to edit team dodges montages top five episodes introducing edits if interested let me know thank you hey so you'll need top 5 montages team dodges intro adits are you willing to pay $600 to $900 a month no what price are you willing to pay not a paid position at the moment and you think I'm in the position to spend hours and creative original contents lunch ideas to hype your team for free because you DM me I assume you know my work however I feel quite offended just for the fact that you thought I was considered doing it for free as I take a lot of time and pride in my work and I won't search for someone to do it instead as to many new editors are deceived into taking big jobs with no pay I'm going to tell you this now so you are prepared for the future but you will never find anyone to do great work by paying with exposure as I warned all editors in my community never to work for free especially with such a big task like you're offering I'm sorry but I won't be advertising this have a nice day and good luck hello I'm interested in your newest thumbnail how much does it cost hi it's 5 euros can you send it to me for free without the watermark no sorry I spent a good hour and 30 minutes to make it plus the watermark is for people not to steal it and claim it's their own well I can't pay now I could pay later and can you change the color from blue to red one no sorry yet to pay now two that would cost a little bit more Wow you selfish frequently doing this because of money shame just give it to me for free nobody want to buy this gotta love them got to love the quick flip that using beggar does does this exist in Houston I wish there were more places are like modern offices that were free where people can just come in and do work like a coffee shop in an office environment this exists weworks rents out Martin all those places in Houston but obviously it costs money free that's what the library is for just keep the noise down in store calls outside unless they have private rooms man all wants to go to a freakin library gtfo with that BS I want a free office I want an office space for free huh your name's not on our list of course not because I don't belong here you're looking at a guy who asks artists to work for exposure extra he'll I do like how they're holding hands that's a little cute at least the devil holds hands does anyone know of any places that are hiring for full-time not restaurants or fast food no offense to anyone who works in these places but I never have and never will I have more credentials than that and would have liked to move further up in a company must be professional workplace and decent pay probably message me if you know of anything Thanks no need to say no offense and basically degrade anyone who's in that industry just simply put that you don't want those suggestions and end it it sounds like you could use some tough food industry love anyway no offense I blank I was wondering if I would be able to use your staff discount for Evans hi I'm sorry but I get a yearly cap for my staff discount was planning and using it soon and really don't have much left if you have a yearly cap on it and don't have much left means that you have used loads already and find a very in consider that you would keep it to yourself should treat a family friend better I'll make sure to remember this what do you mean you keep it for yourself it's it's to his your it's his discount its his staff discount how is it inconsiderate you're not working there Dumbo you dunce put on your dunce cap stupid stand in the corner I never realize saying free to a photographer was such taboo I understand completely that gear is expensive and I personally normally do TFP shoots but I needed a photographer for a pre-wedding family shoot and thought hey I could try the group I'm in with photographers and models and I'm sure they'll help and all but a few it said some rude things regards to asking for a free shoot my family is on a tight budget even with the wedding for my dad and everyone just seems so rude I expected more from that group I did find one it was just hard because everyone was commenting should I go to the grocery store and ask for free food should I stop my day job and ask for free stuff this is the only time I've ever asked them for a free shoot I found it unbelievably rude of them as people are trying to make some Sh money man don't hit on the grind and that brings us to the end of our slash choosing beggars and that is one heck of a doozy if you liked the video leave a like down below and you want to just subscribe for more content how about that just subscribe for some more content as always I'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,107,869
Rating: 4.9285712 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, r/choosingbeggars best posts, choosing beggars, reddit beggars, r/choosingbeggars emkay, emkay
Id: O6GWlpFC7cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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