r/Madlads | understandable

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hey mick can you reply to this comment so i can brag to everyone about it no there he is [Music] how's it going ladies and gents welcome back to mk i hope you're glad to be here because i sure am that's right it's me robin i'm back what did you think they fired me or something no no no absolutely not at least not yet anyway today we're going to be taking a look at r slash mad lads oh no these guys are always too good without much further ado let's get in there the university of oxford says yes see you in october who said i was gonna accept some people are far too cocky the fat acceptance movement is the only movement that doesn't involve any actual movement i'm from ireland and i'm posting here what are you gonna do about it not much i feel like our slash america isn't really used that much i mean your post has one upboat in 22 hours this is literally the worst music i've ever heard i am the artist yeah and i'm the victim holy crap is it just me or is there a sudden influx of awards on every post now i swear 90 of the posts on my feed have already had one award and i feel like this has only been true very recently edit bruh what's something you're good at that's absolutely not useful at all giving awards i have to thank you for showing off so well what huh i just want one brand to tell me that we're not in this together and that my health is their lowest priority kevin we're not in this together and your health is our lowest priority yeah it would be steakhum huh i'm honestly surprised it wasn't moonpie this time those guys are pretty gnarly nothing some mr clean magic eraser sheets can't clean up how the hell are you verified what do you mean how a good marketing department will recognize that you gotta get that social media everywhere we just waited an hour to see our pediatrician as soon as he walked in my toddler took his hand and pointed to his watch and said this is a clock which was the most passive aggressive thing i have ever witnessed damn little genius huh i'm 13. colorblind and just solved a rubik's cube on my own for the first time ever yeah this really is a post huh good for you though what borders on stupidity giving awards to comments look at that someone gave you an award oh boy it's an ask reddit post straight men if you had a son and he told you he was gay how would you honestly react and what would be your first line of words to him hi gay i'm dad i don't know what i expected honestly i really don't also that guy's name is scottish twink excuse me how does that work i'll legally change my name to daddy imagine your teacher calling you daddy it'd totally be worth it yeah i feel like it would be worth it for about five minutes and then you'd really really regret spending all the time and money getting that done you can have sex with one real person from all of human history who's your ultimate lay i'd like to have sex one more time with my wife who passed away from cancer 9 years ago my body yearns for hers the ultimate downside to finding the one is she may die young and leave you wanting i also choose this guy's dead wife holy freaking crap my dude oh honestly one of the best comments ever left on the internet giving this award to a person with three months free of self-harm i'm deceased award call an ambulance i'm laughing too hard jesus christ also can we put that title in title gore please why do they have negative two because when posts get down voted they no longer display a positive one but rather a negative one allow me to be a demonstration ah yes perfect there you go an electric lineman was fined for riding without a helmet cuts police station's power supply as revenge jesus christ just gonna keep getting worse and worse and worse until eventually they're at full-blown war and it destroys the entire country fap like to gain entry or yes they require a specific fluid all right that was just nasty let's move on a 55 year old gardener believes he set a new world record by traveling at 44.6 miles per hour behind a wheelbarrow but but why though i mean really why guys i recently bought a 256 gigabyte iphone 11 pro my son dropped it and the screen shattered anyways i'm doing a free giveaway the kid is eight years old cute thin and not really tall well he's eight mr d gotta give him some time when you see this comment twice when you see this comment twice ah yeah me after logging in on my second reddit account to give myself gold did you really did you really whatever man whatever floats your boat you do you oh good a snapchat story i'm playing gta at one in the morning and i have school later don't tell mom holy crap dude no way oh bro freaking hell berry's on a mad one i bought poundland's nine pound gucci trainers and now i'm drowning in [ __ ] what the hell is this publication i really gotta start reading it also bro won't lie those kicks are kind of sick i want them indonesian it worker arrested for hacking into a jumbo billboard to play hardcore porn and it's from the daily mail too click at your own risk i suppose you thought twitter for iphone was cool behold twitter for covid test kit what this is the worst year in history come on how do you piss off an entire fandom if you say anything bad about jon the unordinary sub is going to downvote you so bad to the point that mods will delete your post anything bad about jon the what sub see i'm just confused what the hell are they talking about for one night all crime is legal me goes to mcdonald and ask for a water cup and fill it up with soda well yeah but if all crime is legal then crime doesn't exist you can't commit crimes if everything is legal i climbed 400 feet up in the air just to change a light bulb i see your 400 foot light bulb change and raise you 1200 feet i see your 1200 feet and raise your 1 500 cheers good god i really hope those jobs pay super well today i learned famous playwright henrik ibsen probably saying that wrong after overhearing his nurse assure a visitor he was doing better spluttered his last words on the contrary you ever just die to flex on medical professionals not yet but i plan on it also fun fact we learned in class today michelangelo carved a sculpture of a roman god broke off the arm and then buried it the sculpture was dug up and was considered to be an authentic roman artifact until michelangelo came along with the missing arm and called shenanigans on himself just to prove he was as skilled a sculptor as the ancient romans honestly mike chill yes you go artists i don't know why but it tickles me hearing someone refer to michelangelo as mike when a girl tells you she lost her virginity so you offer to give her yours my mommy raised a gentleman does anal virginity count because i lost that becoming a mod my uncle just sent a message in the family group asking for money i privately messaged him asking for banking details so i can deposit it he responded saying he doesn't actually need money he asked for money so that nobody in the family would ask him for money how the turntables someone's thinking with portals ah yes the cast of monsters inc james p sullivan boo and mike mike wazowski the person in charge of the pictures hey dave you're known as the nicest man in rock but if you could pass that title on to anyone else who would you choose screw you oh come on netflix make this happen i think he'd make a quality ben 10. i can't even cap what y'all think no oh well the man himself has spoken he's kind of busy right now i feel pretty your beauty cannot be described in words that's true but in numbers i'd say two out of ten militant vegan wearing a cow onesie is mocked and chased away from a mcdonald's and kfc by a man waving a chicken drumstick wow that is one hell of a headline never in my life did i ever think i would read the words militant vegan today i learned an orangutang in san diego zoo kept escaping his enclosure so that he could walk around the zoo and look at the other animals as well as throw feces at his ex-enclosure mate that he didn't like omg here's a picture of him flipping someone off damn i relate to this dude painting with an m1 garand why for god's sake double sound half a video not related to drift piece of crap peace dude imagine getting pinned on a two-year-old video and getting correct changing movie names to prequel quotes until my boss notices day one i am the senate good evening all this was going to be about our schedule and online meetings but honestly i have no idea how to teach this class virtually and i've decided not to try besides most of you who take this class are stem kids looking for an easy a or philosophy majors who show up high i can smell it i've always been able to smell it regardless just do the one survey i send you each month and you'll get an a ps if any admin sees this i'm tenured you can't fire me see you next semester bye-bye oh god tenure is such a valuable weapon i'm gonna un-ironically review rage shadow legends i will not be sponsored by raid shadow legends please do not pet the raptor he's not friendly and it costs a lot to repair him guys it's my first edit please be gentle rich redditer good quality memes on this sub i had to replace some floorboards so i left a little surprise for whoever removes them next i made a meme with my memes i'm playing both sides so that way i always come out on top i connected my phone to the school speakers and rick rolled over 500 kids thank you rick for letting me have this moment of superiority for anyone asking or confused my school had a play and i was the only sound guy on the backstage team when the show ended i played never gonna give you up instead of the ending song yeah alright downvote this comment if the meme sucks and i'll flip the meme when i was little my brother convinced me it's a fingerprint sensor spent hours trying to open the computer with it i always hated that little mouse nipple dogs only no seagulls oh come on dude can't you read oh right a restaurant in my hometown got a review that said the server should show some skin so the owner added a potato skin special to the menu and all the proceeds from the special go to the west virginia foundation for rape information services that is exactly the appropriate response i'll say who the hell leaves that on a review freaking loser dead people have read it how'd you learn how to read sign language and regularly of course deaf people have read it how'd you learn how to read dead bro stop it was a typo yeah but we still think it's funny so you can suck it they swore 307 times that's it holy crap that's gotta be some kind of a record for an uno game i mean after all those are rookie numbers you gotta pump those way up next time bruh teletubbies is the most boring show on earth it won't be boring when your family finds you dead in a ditch holy crap guys no stop i posted a class cancelled sign on my history class door everyone saw it and left i had made the decision to party instead of study for our midterm exam in a last-ditch effort to rectify it i arrived at class early and posted a note that read class cancelled meeting in progress i watched as students came up to the door and quickly left i waited until right at class time and burst through the door like i didn't see it my professor and i waited with one other student who apparently didn't see the sign he had a puzzled look on his face and went to the class door when he saw the sign he informed us the test would be rescheduled of course i moaned and said i have to study again i did that two more classes before i stopped for fear of them getting wise damn all right dude school computers flash games unblocked flash games oh yeah come right on in they blocked the word unblocked so i had to put unblock to bypass the system man those systems really were bad huh i'd rather watch alinity kill her cat with a knife than watch your unoriginal content unoriginal you stole that alinity line from leafy you took your name from super mario broth's fat yoshi and donkey's big yoshi your profile pic is literally a meme template that you obviously did not make yourself the unoriginal person is you not me i guess you should stick to watching alinity on twitch because the content here requires the viewer to have a brain bigger than your one singular ball if i'm ever popular enough to do a big scavenger hunt the prize is gonna be two dozen flash drives each with a different rick roll video does the usps have an only fans let's really get them some coin wet ass postage can't you just buy a book of stamps every month or something like that russia is saving the world the vaccine against covet 19 will be provided to different countries is that how you're going to bring it is it just in one big syringe one time i had a thought process that didn't end logically i was horny and i thought vaginas are good because they're warm fire is warm a big fire is too warm a little fire is little warm i have a small lighter i'll put that to my penis i burned my penis in 2004 a group of yale students pranked harvard by posing as a harvard prep squad and handing out place cards to over 800 harvard fans at a football game the harvard fans were told they would spell out go harvard when it actually said we suck oh sucks to suck harvard libyan president however you say his name once angered an islamic terror group who threatened to kill him the group believed they would be sent to hell if they were killed by a woman so he replaced all of his bodyguards with women oh damn alright this legend in my zoom class yeah legend ah look how cute it's my cake day gimme free karma oh no it's [ __ ] no awards though use that money on charity i tell you the minute i learned it was my cake day my life didn't change at all and honestly you couldn't have asked for a better note to end this video on ladies and gents always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 831,394
Rating: 4.9616728 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/madlads, r/madlads top posts, r/madlads best posts, madlads, madlads emkay, emkay madlads, r/madlads emkay, reddit pranks, pranks, prank compilation, reddit pranks gone wrong, pranks gone wrong, funny pranks
Id: WCUgXlFEz-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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