r/Crappydesign | what on earth does this say?

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goody beauty salon buy one free one by two free one oh we missed the sale god dang it [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today i figured we take another look at our slash crappy design it makes me kind of sad that there seems to be limitless content for something as simple as designing something okay-ish okay without much further ado let's hop in shall we ah sounds the same in every language oh oh it's coke so they meant not ah wow this coming from one of the most valuable brands on earth come on you guys got the money airforce or airf or say air forkey seriously whose brilliant idea was this ah the original magic bag it makes your torso really really weird looking and your head very large but hey at least it's a limited edition pattern bad photoshop job aside that's the saddest looking bed i've ever seen i'm so happy my mom got me canopy hut wow that is just beyond embarrassing it looks like a fancy crib after atomic fallout a bench that you can easily drop your phone into it's also extremely uncomfortable oh god dang it come on worst part about this image for me is that chin diaper that dude's rocking though bike stand at the local metro station is too narrow to fit a normal wheel into oh oh come on did they really make this with the expectation that everybody had road bikes with super skinny tires because that just ain't gonna happen this bathroom covered in carpet no what have i said about carpeted bathroom i mean holy cow it even goes up onto the sit on the suit how coca-cola makes the cherry and cherry vanilla look exactly the same i bought more vanilla cherry and i hate it yeah what the heck is up with that again coke you've got all the money oh jankies oh wait no that's velma oh creepers uh jeepers i i can't remember it's daphne who cares i mean let's be real daphne was only cool in the live-action movies the switch is on my lamp i can't see or feel them in the dark so i need to turn on a light to turn on my light really those don't glow at least a little bit oh i bet you that lamp costs a lot of money too die oh diesel diesel yeah not die that would be ridiculous i respect the effort but i don't think those dreidels are gonna spin all right let's take a look yeah those aren't gonna spin at all i mean they'll spin once maybe if you're lucky these paint brushes with dyed hairs why would you do that come on why why would you do that someone who's colorblind like me who's at least trying is going to have a significantly worse time now this wheelchair access building has an elevator that stops in the middle of the stairways how helpful thank you thank you so much said no one ever go further without consent excuse me how do you mess up this badly what were you trying to get across with this phrase if they didn't mean what this says i have no idea what they could have possibly meant oh look it's a photo of me or sid the sloth or me ah what a helpful mirror and by helpful i mean absolutely not at all come on we didn't need this bubble bath bullcrap on the wall i want something that functions fart superior written with flames red splash fart superior i genuinely don't know what to say here does the car run on farts our newest modern sink is completely flat which doesn't make all the water go down into the sinkhole alright that is pretty dang awful but i just want to let you know it's called a drain not a sinkhole white grape is usually sold out in my local supermarket except for this bottle because people think it's apple juice i can see why who in the world names their brand apple and eve to sell anything but apple juice my school yearbook that put gray text on a gray background yes i see uh i really don't i don't see it all i cannot make out what in the world is supposed to be going on here the worst part about this is i know for a fact that yearbooks are expensive my senior yearbook was like 70 freaking dollars dude the 4200 handmade heirloom california design gross it looks like somebody went poo poo on it these guys must be out that dang mind if they think i'm going to pay 4 200 for a poopy mattress this picture of holiday ham looks like a tortured and partially flayed lizard and i don't like it you know that is an incredibly apt description although if you ever say flayed ever again i will hunt you down and punch you in the face it is easily one of my least favorite words my other least favorite word degloving there is no way that little kids won't try to bowl their hamsters oh why why it was easy enough to pick out before you put bowling ball holes in it dude come on please sort your waste feed me landfill feed me plastic and cans oh don't worry i'm sure we already are somewhere in the world guys although plastic bottles and bags are exclusively reserved for the sea life the size of the hood on this otherwise well enough fitting newborn hoodie holy cow how big is your baby's head supposed to be if it's basketball sized you might want to leave him at the hospital until he's better discovery ideas how do different planes fly with a stack of paper in their imagination your child can build airplanes all on their own there's always so much to discover with teddy step one paper step two fold like this step three now you've got a paper airplane have a great day okay i'm gonna try this one real hard car spa pan yeah okay what kind of hobby lobby monstrosity is this garbage this map has an agenda against peninsulas and islands and scale oh that has got to be the worst representation of the world i have ever seen i mean what happened to north america this mcdonald's that looks like a concrete child [Laughter] prison what has been going on with mcdonald's marketing lately honestly can't wait for them to drop the act and just start saying you know you want it you fat we meowi you a merry christmas yeah that rolls off the tongue real well such brilliant wordplay this sponge that looks like it's covered in mold you mean to tell me that it's not covered in mold it's not covered in cottage cheese and mexican blend is it not that's just what it looks like marge simpson has two mouths on the official simpsons pajamas i didn't know they had official simpsons pajamas but you're right she does indeed have two mouths homer you're a lucky man marge you know dang well you could have done better i'm just kidding that guy works at a nuclear power plant he's making bucks never up don't worry i never will i mean to be fair i spend most of my life downing if i'm being honest these four letters are supposed to spell out nova where are the letters ah yes all the numbers in the exact order that they should be 1 8 2 3 9 5 6 10 14 7 11 20. on elevators like this they should always include a button that's just a question mark what's gonna happen are you gonna go to floor 42 or is the door gonna close what's gonna happen you don't know oh god that is absolutely awful why do they bother doing things like this this seating is one person only but there's two people dear what are you talking about the design on the christmas coke makes it look like wet paint again coke again really santa is your baby and you couldn't make him look better we'll always have pars stand face to face with a total stranger while you pee and why shouldn't you that way you can catch up on last night's game that much more efficiently that thing is disgusting though pentagon well i'll give it an a plus for creativity i've never heard someone call a starfish a pentagon pentagram maybe oh look it said the sloth again this arch in my hometown where pigeons can easily poop on people well they gotta get a little revenge on us somehow so i'm not gonna complain about this one too much just a daily reminder for y'all the birds will come for us eventually oh god why did they color code it like this i mean i can read what's going on here but i hate it pregnancy test early five result day sooner pre-game pre-cum this is actually goddamn hilarious and i'm going to buy this for someone for christmas this year mark my words damn you're so ripped you've got two completely different torsos stitched together in the middle keep getting asked why i have old milk i live in queensland 100 old milk i'm done i spent 15 minutes looking for a plug in my hotel room the only one is behind the radiator i wouldn't try using that one if i were you you know what i mean curbside voting available request within again we really got to stop expecting the wheelchair bound to be that good at bunny hops i feel like it's a safety hazard no that's absolutely fine i'm sure it's only caused a few lawsuits and maybe only three people have ever broken their ankle on this trying to go pee-pee at three am this display at a hair salon i passed by oh oh megalodon shark comparison a new study claims megalodon sharks that roamed our oceans millions of years ago could have grown to over 50 feet and may have eaten their siblings right uh this doesn't seem to scale at all either the smallest golden in history or the feeder is for storing a lifetime supply of food automatic pet feeder for cats and dogs i'm gonna go ahead and assume that the dog is somehow part chihuahua now what's going on with that spoon you're supposed to eat the cereal off of it not eat it with the spoon also can we talk about that serving size do you think for one second i'm going to measure out one and one half cup serving into my bowl no i'm gonna get out a giant popcorn bowl fill it up pour the entire gallon of milk in there and eat it like a big boy in all honesty though we absolutely need to have a serving size revolution in this country because this is getting out of hand i mean who in their right mind thought a serving size of bread should be one slice you absolute psychopaths this man is unsure about which sport he's playing now that's fair i'm often unsure myself i i have seen one of those before and used it not proud of it what is the store's name what do they sell uh oh uh let me try life mario i can't i'm sorry they probably sell tattoos didn't know it tanned your torso too oh yeah you didn't know that it's a reverse farmer tan text and barber just don't text and drive text and barber what i'm definitely not reading this right but it's not entirely my fault what if we photoshop a usb on a macbook with no usb good idea oh that looks absolutely fantastic oh and trustworthy too google says the new icon is a wallet how is this supposed to be a wallet that is an excellent question but don't blame it on google they're probably the absolute worst at designing anything at all no really google's ass terrible at that don't worry people won't get confused just so long as we use the same colors on everything you either wet your shoes or do some exercise to cross this bridge okay seems a little odd but i'm down for a little bit of exercise to get across let's up the ante though and drop a toaster right at the beginning of the bridge i genuinely don't understand what in the world they were thinking when they did this this whole thing is terrible there is nothing good about the design of this staircase let alone the rest of the house that we can't see she already won and three pieces are floating epic oh these measurements they mean nothing to me i can tell you they don't mean anything to me either i'm just as confused as you man we all are number 34 yellow gotta stop giving me ones with color guys at this point it's just mean i texted two zeros multiple times before i realized that was an o oh god i really hate that crap there's a reason we very often put a slash through a zero it makes it a little bit easier to tell mki demon holy cow well i have to tilt my neck to fully see it oh yeah that looks fantastic great job and on that glorious note we have come to the end of another video ladies and gents always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and hey if you really enjoyed it make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 437,993
Rating: 4.9673586 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/crappydesign, crappydesign, crappy design, crappydesign best posts, crappydesign top posts, bad design, awful design, diwhy, diwhy top posts, diwhy best posts, diwhy emkay, bad diy, bad life hacks
Id: jl6kOWLOrBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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