A BIG mistake women make!

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hey you told me Gaskins here want to pop in now listen I can't talk as loud as I normally would talk because I'm in the hotel and I'm on the road so this hotel chronicles I'm out working with one of my college basketball teams I told you I'm a team life coach for some college and pro sports teams so I'm working with a team today and want to pop in really quick though before I go speak to the team later today and share it is this lesson I got a question and I want you to understand a lot of these topics come from if I get some time to read the comments I'll see a question in there and being that I try to do a video a day that's 365 videos and I won't literally have one every day but I try to and so and if I want to do this for the next 10 years that's thirty six hundred and fifty videos so when you have a question just drop it in the comments and I just might see it if I don't respond to it it either was a question that I can't speak to or I didn't see it now see think about this now it's mistakes that men make and women will know those best because you're on the receiving end of a man's mistakes this mistakes that women make and men we will know best because we're on the receiving end of that now the thing about this is most men will not tell you the mistakes you make because he doesn't want you to know if you know your mistakes then you're gonna stop making them then he stopped kidding he stopped being able to take advantage and so then he has to man up and do the right thing so most men will not tell you by the time I was 22 I hadn't been through all around everything done everything had a lot of miles on me okay I had more miles then a 67 Chevy and here I was sitting down and decided to write a book now I wrote that first book really really wrong it's a roll book the updated version probably would be mrs. right my book mrs. right the purple and white when someone y'all have ready now I was talking about in that first book what daddy never told his little girl really about the mistakes that women make and how the things that I was able to kind of get away with the lesson that I learned but not all the way my dad wrote a book Tony Gaskins senior some of y'all have his book and maybe thought it was mine some of you once you got in there and started to read and the foreword written by me you realize it was his but it's called 8 mistakes women make now I don't know the 8 mistakes that he put in there and I have not read the book and I know that sounds strange but I don't read any relationship books because I don't want to teach anybody's message other than the message God has given me and that because we all have a work to do so do me no good to be teaching somebody else message because that's what he or she is teaching we all got to add our own voice to the world and so I don't read relationship books I read business and all the other kind of books that I need stuff that I don't teach on per se so innate mistakes women make I don't know what the mistakes are in his book in my dad's book but a lot of women have read it and they've told me that it's a really good book so you might want to try it out but a lady asked me a question and she said on she said Tony you mentioned on yesterday's video she say you talking about dating multiple people and so should a woman tell the man that she's dating multiple people and that's what triggered this here now how many men do you meet that say hey I just want I just want to let you know you one of many okay let that sink in I just want you to know you one of many okay what's today Thursday you Thursday woman you okay you Thursday tiffany tiffany Thursday that's who you are now tomorrow man how Freaky Friday then on the house sexy safety then I'm house sanctified Sunday how many men come to you and tell you that it's a few and when a man tells you that it's because he does not like you he really don't want nothing with you now I was recording a video yesterday okay and I was at home at the home base and I was in my office now my office used to be a bedroom and just like how you see this bedroom I'm in the hotel where if you take off that back third of the room if you cut that off that's what my wife did to my office and so that back third that whole back third right back there would be a walk-in it's my wife walking in closet now she cut off a third of the room and made it a walk-in closet so it's the length of a bedroom and when I'm doing my videos if she her closet she is not eavesdropping and she hurt me now I'm in a hotel at night this ain't this ain't my house but my video from yesterday why do men date multiple women that was the name of it so she heard me talking then when I got done talking I went into the room and she was in the closet straightening up stuff moving stuff around really in the eavesdropping and she like oh I heard about the other young lady he was talking to when you met me why don't you go back to her that's how you really want it and she was joking and I you know got us a good laugh but she didn't know nothing about that because when I met her now she knew later like yesterday when the first days he just was joking when she brought it up but when I met her I did not say to her yeah you know I just meant for other women within the last two weeks and I'm kind of judging all y'all against each other to choose which one of y'all I want to date for real that did not come out my mouth did not come out my mouth never would have come out my mouth because when I sat down and I saw her I saw a like her and I talked to her I saw like I would never tell her about another woman so a man wants you to think that you are the only woman and see this how men are men so selfish that a man will tell you that hey let's be exclusive you're the only one that I'm talking to you're the only woman I'm going on a date with you can't be dating other men you can't be talking to other men are you talking any other man and then you say no and you may actually not be talking to any other man and he will ask you that to get some comfort in his heart to know that you're not talking to any other men but then he talking to saying juice Sally and everybody and he would never tell you that and a lot of men are selfish on that level so that's why I come in and I said so really my whole work is about leveling the playing field leveling the playing field without stooping to the level of an immature boy so take some of the things that men do well even if they do it wrong or they do it for the wrong reasons some of the things that that you should do or could do that's not compromising listen to what I'm saying not compromising your self-worth or your self-respect I'm not saying go sleep around because me and sleep around that's something that men do that men should not do that's not a good thing yes men do that and so what happens is a lot of times women confuse that and they say oh well if a man could do it I could do it I remember that's what my ex-girlfriend in college told me after she slept with five of my teammates because I was sleeping around she said to me her roommate told her well if he can do it you can do it and so she says she took that and decided okay if you doing it why don't I do it and I'm like what are you kidding me but I deserved it but the thing about it was the stupid thing about it was is just because I'm hurting myself because I'm hurting my body because I'm creating soult I don't mean you should stoop to my level two wrongs don't make a right what you need to do is leave me keep your class keep your dignity and just leave don't go in it this way women take the act like a lady think like a man too literal and a lot of women now are starting to think that that means okay I'm gonna do just what a man so if a man can have one-night stand I'm out one-night stand man could use use a woman for money I'm gonna use a man for money if a man could you know sleep with all these people or do all of this and all this Hill oral and you know sing on the microphone in peach cobbler on the first night in the first week oh that's what I'm gonna be doing and so hear us there's so many women today that I don't heard from and talked to even at seminars choking on microphones it does so many women choking on microphones and don't think nothing wrong with it so what I want you to understand is that one of the number one things that women do wrong is talking too much talking too much that's that's that's this number one thing I'm gonna go through some some some other things and other videos but in this what I mean is this also goes into play with emotional intelligence my wife's and showed me this you don't talk too much and and and that's why we write in his book a woman's influence cuz this woman here really she wrapped me all around her finger there might a Howell she read my first book what daddy never told he's a little girl that's tight a little book I really don't want you to buy I rather you buy mrs. Wright because that book is published what dad never told his little girl published with somebody else and he's stealing all the money but mrs. Wright I published that through my own publishing company and it's pretty much the same thing very similar not really but my wife read that first book and I have not been able to get nothing past her since I mean she's a studier she's studious she's a straight-a student okay she got a master's degree in medical sciences got a bachelor's degree in biomedical sciences if you ever tried to go down that science route you know it is not easy she's very smart when she read that book she took it word-for-word literal and had me wrapped around her finger ever since that is why I'm trying to help you all understand when you wonder Toni why and how are you who you are today and your wife happy and not being cheated all you saying no jump-offs inhale and you know jump all popping up behind me jack-in-the-box okay my wife got a man to herself and I'm gonna tell you why cuz I gave a way to gain just like I'm giving away the game on all these videos the thing the different thing about my wife is she didn't try to argue with me about me she didn't come and say oh that's not fair that's not right how me and ooh she said okay this the game okay boom gotcha all right watch this she without without losing herself she no sleeping around she become loose booty she didn't stoop to my level what she just did is she showed me I'm not gonna let you play me like a fiddle I'm not gonna let you use and abuse and dogged me out because I now now I know this is all the game now I know men playing games that you're not really about that life I'm gonna call your bluff and you're gonna be a man for me so that's what she did differently so when I say don't talk too much when men talk too much in the sense of you come in and you tell all your business you tell all your business on the first date I tell people all the time like with my mama my wife was so shocked after she met my mama you sit down for my mom and you know the middle name or the last man she slept with and she just talked that much and that's how a lot of women are you tell your whole life story you I see women in the comments on YouTube a public platform got your name I got your face out there your coworker could be working it could be watching my videos the videos circulating okay I checked in at airport today and the security at the TSA security before you go through the security line she knew exactly who I was and she said hate any of you watching this y'all later hate how you doing god bless you a thank you for watching the video she'd know exactly who I was and she told me she watched the videos and that they helped her when I got on the plane a lady was walking down the aisle I told your own miss nothing I look at everybody I'm looking at everything and I'm looking right at the lady she walking down the aisle Sheila stewardess you know they're doing the instructions they're getting ready I'm always looking out for them anyways cuz they tell you to put your phone out playing mold and I still be texting so I'll be looking out for them and so she coming out I seem to come down I look at her she is stewardess or flight of flight of this flight attendant whichever the name that they called she walking down the aisle and she said hey Tony I say what in the world is going on so listen to me these videos they starting to circulate your coworker could be watching the videos reading the comments and you in the comments talking about all your business don't tell all your business like that because if you will tell all of your business on the comments on a public forum with your name and a picture I already know you're telling too much to this man I already know you you the reason the Caged Bird scene I already know you hit me and so dis what women doing you coming in to the relationship is norm and you reading a man your entire script you read him your entire script so now when you read him your entire script I'm time I like a movie script he picked the star role he picked the hero he picked the star role I chose script he said okay mmm rap my whole script I know what role i'ma play so he come in and he called a plan and roll because you just told him everything when he asked you so what kind of man are you looking for oh my goodness you wait for that you waiting for that Oh what kind of man are looking for it Oh okay okay um excuse me I don't have a list or anything but give me one second let me get in this here purse okay so I want him nice kind a man of God humorous outgoing well-spoken well-read loves to travel can cook a little bit on the side and you're going down a whole list and he like he Denis respect the answer so now he like oh okay okay so he listening and if he was talking and if what he was saying was coming out of his mouth it would say this it would be now this him looking at you he's looking at you like just what are you doing why you talking but what he's thinking is got a deer-in-the-headlight didn't want me he'll slap crazy didn't want me telling me oh oh yeah okay I can't cook a lick but often to me Chef Boyardee not okay what else okay I'm going okay until I couldn't plan that's the skydiving trip for next week I'm scared to death but that's what we finna do and he okay god-fearing okay so did you finished talking woo sundar oh excuse me ma'am I just oh my goodness it just you were talking in and the spirit when the flowing through you oh no if you really oh and so now you like oh my goodness Amana God oh my goodness is a met of God and you sitting up in you and so now you thinking you didn't so not you thanking God talking to you so you leave the date you go home for you even get you want you on the phone with your girlfriend oh girl look I'll let me tell you girl this is the one this is the one I just met him listen I just want to tell you this keep your head up keep going keep believing and trusting in God girl what God has promised you he is coming God showed me my husband tonight girl listen to what I'm telling you keep your head up and so Jenny had a man 6 seconds you went on one day and night you a relationship coach for your girlfriend who's single and stressed out and you thinking there's a man of God no you just talk too much you talk the whole date didn't even realize it you just told him everything God so now he know everything to do where is when he sailed so what kind of man you looking for well to be honest with you I know him when I see them and he'll say oh well have you seen then you say well the jury's still out oh wow okay oh you're slipping huh okay you got a hole - okay okay miss Prince so not y'all just going back and forth he tried to pull your car you just showed him new buddy uh-uh ain't doing all this talking let me hear you told so what kind of woman you looking for guess what because you didn't spill all on your beans now he might spill all hills well actually what I'm looking for in a woman is dis this and this this and this what I learned from away that's why I wrote the book with her a woman's influence because just want me here see me I'm like my mama I'll tell all my business y'all know all my bids and then Here I am telling my business and then people got the audacity to use my business against me Oh Oh well Tony you talk about keep your legs closed but gene keep yours closed you and your wife can keep your clothes I'm like you wouldn't even know that if I didn't tell you and that's why I told you because I made the mistake so keep your legs closed I later came in the calmness of the day sex is not your only power and people do not judge you just because you have sex quick your and your wife has sex before marriage but you're telling everybody else to wait duh that's why I'm telling you to wait because of my sins and transgressions and yes to a man okay you as a woman don't think sex your only power but listen to me to a man that's the only power he kept by he don't care about your mind he says he's not thinking about your mind you don't care how fast you can read you don't care how good you could cook you don't care how many backflips you could do what do that mouth do and what do you do on your bike when you meet him that's all he's thinking about that is all he thinking about hurt my dad to say that one time he said me and think about three things it was coming from a daddy night and he was nowhere near me he was nowhere near like I was my dad and in little like that I live I was nasty you hit me I wouldn't a steed that's why I tell you what I tell you cuz I've been there done that okay I'm not one of the men that ain't never done nothing and trying to tell you everything the reason why I could talk an hour a day it cuz I hadn't been Dell okay listen to me my daddy said me and think about three things six six and six now guess what not before you lose hope hello my goodness honey I am just I'm so depressed now I just after hearing this it just feels like no hope listen keep the hope alive hope against hope keep the faith okay God is real what God has for you can't no man take away that's one thing you got to understand okay I'm just giving you some reality but God is supernatural he going to live to you was for you regardless of what the numbers say regardless of what it looked like regardless of what your girlfriend's going through what your mama went through your aunt to your grandma if you talking to the man on high you gonna get what's for you and that's why you here today because he's gonna cross your path with the knowledge you need to get and so when daddy said that now what I want you to understand is now yes after a man gets beyond that that desire that's the first thing that a man won't but after he get beyond that in the sense of not that he does it with you but he just not now he's talking to you so now that you talking now he started to see your mind now he starts to see your heart now he started to see your gills now we start to see who you are but when y'all ferment y'all just came together listen to me he worried about one thing and then what between your legs that is it listen to what I'm telling you it's not that deep it is not that deep so what so when the young lady she said you know sex is not your only power listen to me to a man that's your only power there's your super power until he get to see two other ones but that's the first one and you get on your bike guess what you you have given all your power don't get that twisted don't don't think you could get on your bike fast but see what I what I realized with the young lady I stepped on the toes cuz like Branca like my mom used to say hit dog Hollow only way you finna get in the comments arguing and debating with a man by what men think and feel is if you just got your feelings hurt you check out off your bike you just got off your bike last night the last week and it was too fast and nine you trying to convince yourself that sets ain't your only power now you trying to convince yourself that a man don't judge you because of that he gonna tell you that he's not judging you but I'm here to tell you he lied he not gonna tell you you know what I've come to the conclusion that you are a loose booty and I am disgusted with you and I am appalled that you would get on your back that fast you ought to be ashamed of yourself that's yes he did the thing that is what so many men and so many women want to hear a man say nobody finna say that nobody phen to tell you that because that's a benefit for him so what he gonna do is use you for what you gave him your superpower no I don't when you got a bunch of powers okay but don't know he don't care about that you and your mom and God care about your other powers he killed by their power on your bank okay and that's what you did so he gonna take that he is going to take that and then he is going to judge you if you did it too fast periodic which he decides in his mind what he think is too fast you could decide in your mind what you think is too fast you might say well one night is too fast but two weeks ain't too fast ok that's your right to feel that way but everybody got their own right to feel their own way that's why they say perception is reality because it's saying how you perceive the world that's your reality see the world is not as you don't see the world for what it is you see it for what you are so listen what I'm telling you when you get on your bike too fast a man you mean okay a man is judging you and then from there he gonna let you stay right there and he gonna keep getting that out for you keep getting that all for you and then what he's going to do is go to another woman because remember he date multiple and so when when you get on your bike now when he dating this one and she not on her bike all of a sudden he put her on a pedestal coz he's like oh okay because you know what meaing have been told may have been told ain't nothing special about you Playboy but by other men I thought I was special because I was getting them and then oh look challenged man told me I say boy we was young oh look challenged we're gonna tell me man any none you could do I can't do we both grown man and then he showed me what he could do and I say man you looking like that and you doing that I say well you must be right there now I ain't the best looking thing in Aurora but I know he was a little more looks challenged than me well he way more look challenged than me and I'm like and you able to do that so then from that point in I said all right air man is equal air man could do what every man could do regardless of your height you'll color your money this right here is crazy out here so from that point on men know that men know that so guess what when you give into a man too fast and he has not really worked for you he has not earned you what he then says to himself is okay well if she'll give it to me within our mind then she'll give it to every man she meet within a month so if she meet two men in a mine three men in a month so now he doing numbers that might not even be the truth because you might have gave it to him because you felt something but he does not know that because he's not giving himself that credit so he's looking at it like okay that means you with 12 men a year this how is being read whether you like that or not this is how it's being read so listen what I'm telling you so you're going in here and you talking too much you telling all your business and when I say talk too much I mean even down to hi I am like my mom I'd be on the phone I get a phone call right I get off the phone and I'm on the phone yeah yeah yeah yeah blase blase get that third get off the phone my wife sitting up I say yeah that was such a such and he said this this this or that was such she said this is it I tell her every syllable but I thought that phone call I just had I tell her every syllable and I started to know this early on she'll get a phone call she'll get off the phone I'm sitting over there waiting I'm sitting over there we driving I'm over there like a deer in headlights under my ear is there like a satellite dish I'm just waiting here what was talked about on the phone and she would just sit over there go about our business and I'm like so uh who was that the you know ten what you talk and come to find out it went he nothing it sometime kind of hit a voice but I can't make out the words oh that was my mom she was saying she went to the Jamaican restaurant and they raised the prices on oxtail so now I'm feeling stupid because I want the think I caught up in some but then didn't process ok tonic that was up a boyfriend another man calling she when they answered the phone but I didn't think about that and so now fellas 200 ok tell her get us oxtail so we can have us off there you know I'll tell the dumpling on Sunday so now I got to play it off like I'm not insecure and she's sitting over there and in every time into this day I probably count on one hand how many times she have volunteered the information that was shared on the phone when she hang up the phone and I'm so thankful I'm out the state doing this video and my wife don't watch my video cuz she live with me so she don't need to sit here and talk to me cuz I'm talking to anyways everything I'm telling you on all right oh ho oh I tell her so she don't watch my video and I'm so thankful because it is because then she might keep on being quiet but I could count on one hand how many times you know volunteered information guess what I realized that's us that's a superpower when you not when you don't have diarrhea of the mouth see it's so most women got diarrhea of the mouth and you need some pepto-bismol ok because you tell him all your business and now all he got to do it's just counteract all he got to do is get in where he fit in just played a role so you want to love a man who listened to classical music and this day and then the next day you call him he answer the phone his classical music blaring in the background and he's like Hello and you like Hello it's kind of loud over there can you hear me oh oh yeah hold on one second um I was just really sitting in the moment hold on turn this down I was just basking in Beethoven and you like oh really Wow why didn't you tell me that I love a man who listens to classical music you had diarrhea mouth so you forgot you even told him that look tidbit he took all the knows so now this is what a man does okay and what's happening is you came in like this but then you went to telling all your bidness so now you like this just like that you came in you was on your gang telling all your been you can drop your guard they knock out the part not on your bike because he didn't hit all your points man I got classical music or whatever kind of music it might be old-school R&B he outgoing he hated man ain't been out the house in last three months now he got doing walks in the park every time you call him why cuz you told me your whole game now I said another part of this night let me hurry up cuz I got to get onto my tinea soon okay nah it's another part of this now you had it right there where you telling all your bidding everything you want in a man the other part of this is when you telling when you trying to be overly honest listen you don't have to tell a lie but Jean got to offer up information okay and guess what it's no ain't no harm if you are you against lying I'm against lying so if a man say hey are you do you go on other days you're asking me why are you why aren't you worried about it you sound like a guilty conscience like what kind of question is that you could do the Jedi mind trick on him that he fell at dawn he feeling stood he feeling insecure now he's like oh yeah you right just become say so I'm just asking well okay well every question I had a good question and that's the thing that a lot of women do wrong there's a lot of women come in and you so passive well you know actually now that you ask you okay give me a give me a second okay all right I've been listening to this guy on u2 named Tony gasps have you ever heard of them okay now I don't agree with everything that he says all right but he said a lot of good stuff but I don't agree with everything that he says so he says that you shouldn't tell a man that you're dating other men and then but I don't fully agree with that and so I just been conflicted with it in my spirit and so it's so ironic that you asked me that now and then so he like I'll be honest with you I cannot stand those relationship coaches online oh my goodness like I'll tell you the truth and now he's gonna tell you a bold-faced lie I went to school with one of those guys I'm not gonna say his name but he's big right now could it be the name you just said but I'm not even gonna say it but he's big right now and this man cheats on his wife every other day but yet he's making millions of dollars telling all the relationship secrets and it's not living it but but guess what though now because this show boom because he listened to classical music he's outgoing he's a man of God now because he checked off all your boxes now you sitting over there then told all your business then told all your resources all your allies I tell women all the time I'm my secret weapon keep me as a secret weapon he already know who I am because especially if he black cuz ain't I mean a black people in in the US and my facebook in 2015 and 2016 was reaching 20 million people a week that's 80 million people a month I don't even know if we got that meaning black people in the US okay and it's a reaching around the world so trust me he know who I am if he don't know my like a household name Toni Gaskin he didn't see my video on Instagram Facebook or YouTube or he didn't see one of my quotes okay if he got eyes he doesn't seen it so he already know he's gonna act like he's never heard of me he's gonna he's never heard of me and guess what not you just told him you tuning in not he tuning in he watching every video just so he could count an eight just so he could do the opposite if not he's gonna watch every video and he's gonna start to grow he's gonna start to grow but his growth will be cut off or inhibited by your ignorance if you're not growing so if you get knowledge and not applying it then knowledge is not power applied knowledge is powerful so you've got to hear it so now if he hearing what I'm saying and you hear what I'm saying now he know you know the game so he got to tread lightly but when you go in there and you show your whole hand you know some of these relates of course they say not to tell a guy that you're waiting until marriage because then the guy may go into game mode and just kind of stay there just to sleep with you or the guy was just up and leave so not even toll all that he already know that and he already knew that's the truth that you shouldn't have told him but not if you just told him now he doesn't check please ain't gonna do it right then and wait about 5-10 minutes when if you hadn't opened your mouth y'all could have got to know each other could have built and he would have fell in love with you but you can't expect a man to fall in love with you when he don't know you and then you tell him from the get-go ain't no prize in this for you and any hard work you got to let a man come do the work just like Jacob when he had to go work for Leah Rachel or Sarah or whatever name was he what he had to go do the work the daddy didn't tell him on day one hey little Playboy hey I'm gonna get this seven seven years I didn't Maggie looks challenged daughter how about that eh you like that if this ball the daddy didn't do that he told him oh yeah seven years you know seven years you do the work got you you got her my daughter's yours he did this seven years uh yeah he go he went in seed ain't high electricity so he dented the liver that dark okay he took a right on in the house then how electricity then he had candles it couldn't see tonight he feeling he just fulfilling climb on on top of did what he had to do the Sun came up next morning he look up he ran over that a the Laban man what did you do this this is your looks challenge daughter I've been working put an other daughter sown in labor like oh oh sorry oh-ho young fella I saw her about that man I didn't tell you I did not forget to tell you that we don't do that like that in our culture the older daughter goes first but oh my goodness so you wanted the younger daughter okay um when that's gonna be another seven years of work young y'all felt a it's gonna be alright so now here heels working again Jacob another seven years that right there is a lesson that's a lesson that we missed let a man do the work let him do the work because when he do when he does the work he falls in love so because he hadn't worked so hard he could have said you know what man forget this man I'm gonna take your looks challenge daughter and I'm just going about my bid of me and her gonna ride off into the sunset no but because he work see a real man knows that it is of the essence that he works for your heart so you can't go into a relationship telling all your business telling him everything you want in a man telling him every time you have been abused all of your hurt and pain because let me ask you this if it's if this has not happened to you I guarantee it happen to somebody you know where they come in and they want to tell a man so yeah well okay yeah you know what angle do the woman voice right then but this is serious topic they want to tell the man dad they were touched when they was young he doesn't know you he don't know you it's not your friend okay it's not your friend this you don't know this man from a can of paint why why are you telling him that you was touched under the age that's not his business that's between you and God ain't his business he don't need to know that so what he does he'll see a lot of times a grown boy can pretend to be a grown man and because you talking so much you don't get to see the grown boys signs but if you would be quiet and let him talk you'll hear grown boy all through his mouth it'll be on his breath his cologne or smell like a grown boy yeah when I'm telling you and so the wrong boy hears this also mmm that's really sad to hear so have you have you gone to therapy well no because my insurance doesn't cover you know and so no well what about life coaching you know it's life coaches you heard of this site called my mentor got life have you gone on that site and booked the coach no just because you know I really don't have the money for that I don't have the extra money to invest in myself in that way so I just consumed free content when I can but I can't afford spending extra dime oh so he over there like oh okay okay okay so guess what he hears now guess what he hears now he wasn't born yesterday what he hears is trauma pain insecurity weakness gullible nyeeehhh frustrated desperate lonely that's what he hearing that's what he hearing so if this a grown boy who was posing as a grown man but you don't know it yet cuz you've been talking too much guess what he fainted put you on your bike because you haven't healed from that trauma because you haven't gone and learned that what happened to you didn't just happen to you would happen for you to make you wiser to make you stronger and that you are not property you are not a piece of me you are God's daughter fearfully and wonderfully created and he allowed you to go through that because he knew that Joe share your shoulders could carry that burden and he knew that you could take that pain and birth purpose that's why it was allowed to happen to you because you will save thousands of others by in by educating mothers and fathers about protecting than young daughters educating mothers about listening to the warning signs that's coming from the daughter from when that man looked at her wrong and she went to tell mama and mama oh mama gotta have a look too mom I gotta have a boyfriend I gotta have a life too so you trying to tell me my boyfriend like you oh you sorry no girl my gonna you just like your daddy you are a compulsive pulse' liar and chilly know how to say the word you was a pulsing liar just like your daddy you is at the logical liar and I don't hurry at all I have heard it all trust me what I'm telling you do what mom was telling I know it's pathological okay I know it's compulsive I'm telling my dis what a mama saying okay so don't y'all get me confused now I know I hit you with a vocabulary word trust me now it's intended so now you preparing mom's you start your foundation now you able to help but because and see God knew that and that's what that's what you was gonna hear in coaching you can't afford coaching you just heard it today that's the message that the Lord been trying to get to you about your pain about your trauma about everything you done been through turn the pain in the purpose stop procrastinating write your book stop procrastinating start your nonprofit organization which you still can get paid from lots of time people hear nonprofit and they think that there's no money in it no a church is a nonprofit did he pass a look broke a church is a non-profit okay what I want you to understand is you could do the work of the Lord and still be kompis it still on a living that's what the Lord wanted you to hear but you ain't go to coaching you didn't go to therapy so you didn't hear that so then you go to the strange man on y'all 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th of date and you using him as a therapist but don't realize that he don't have your best interest at heart because he's a grown boy posing as a man but you don't know that because you haven't shut up long enough to hear him talk so you tell him your business next thing you know he using it against you because you still under the mindset that if I'm in a situation with a man where the act of intercourse could happen I gotta give in because if I don't things could get physical forceful you still under that mindset you're still under that guilt that fear that shame so he takes and he uses that against you because he realizes you haven't gone and gotten the knowledge to learn that you are powerful and that you could create boundaries and that you can say no and that you can stand on your own two feet that you could keep your legs closed and that a man will walk you down the aisle and ain't even sniff nowhere near that peach cobbler you hit me ain't had a will foot and you down the aisle with a ring with a down payment on the house with a good man because you don't win and God acknowledge but if you ain't got the knowledge he's ok gotcha then he get you on your bike and because you still have not worked on yourself then you come in the comments arguing with me so now you arguing with me who can't touch you don't want to touch it when I say touch I mean lie down with can't touch it don't want to touch it but you want to get mad with me but in the groan boy you own a date with Finn the user and abuser mop you up like some dirty water on the floor and you want to come argue with me but then let him have his way do what he pleased when I tried to tell you I tried to tell you what he coming [ __ ] what he dare to do what he trying to do but you weren't in the art Oh sex is not the only power and a man does not judge you because you sleep with him fast that is not true it is so many women who slept with a man on the first night and not even married do you live with them do you know for a fight she happy do you think he faithful okay just can you see her Facebook post Jessica you see that the job you don't know what kind of hell and how what is she going through with that man that she got on her back on the first night [ __ ] so because she might feel shame about what happened she are coming to comments enegry which inside with you yeah girl listen do not listen that Tony gasps guess I got on my back on her first night and we've been married 20 years yeah he'd been t9 for 20 years yeah he'd been sleeping with a man for 20 years behind your back listen to me don't know man don't know man that is heterosexual Wow on a woman that get on her back on the first night and I advise you if that was you and you married instead of getting mad with me trying to defend your relationship to me getting your prayer closet and start praying and casting down every demon his stronghold that the devil got on your marriage stop don't come arguing with me go to the Lord for your transgression cuz I'm here to tell you I don't know man respect that even if he was a dog and that's the that is a double standard but you know what about that double standard my daddy said just to my sister when we were growing up she hit me she hit me and I hit her back but I'm stronger than her bigger than her two years older than her she started crying she ran to him he said well what happened so she came hit me I just hear the pain and he said I'm I saw these eight teeth you can't hit somebody and then get mad if they hit you back harder you know what I apply that to a relationship the way I applauded in relationships is you can't stoop to somebody level of immaturity and immorality and then get mad at them when they judge you for it because that's what you did so yeah he laid down with you but you can't get mad at him if he get up and turn his nose up at you even though he was down there in the mud wallowing with you and both of y'all filthy cuz guess what he got the right just like you've got the right women come to me all the time and say I do not understand so let me get this straight okay this is love so let me so let me get this straight let me try to understand what you telling me so you are telling me that he could sleep with me on the first night but I'm the loose booty I'm the one got to pay the price that's what you're trying to tell me that is not fair life ain't fair life ain't fair so stay off your bank life is not fair so stay off your bank because yes yes he asked you to get into bed and yes he don't judge you if it was too fast that jet that is life that's life I can't change that I can't reach every man I hear say listen stop tricking these women into the beam stop asking women to get into the bed because guess what the one thing that he chasing is what's between your legs he don't care about what's coming between my teeth he could not care less he care the least that he could care the newsflash it is he couldn't care less you hear people say I could care less that's not the same cuz if you could care less they don't make no sense it's I couldn't care less okay new flat he know what's between you Lee so I could talk to him till I'm blue in the face but if you don't have standards if you don't have some stipulations if you had your policies and procedures for your brand guess what you go how you swing from chandeliers because this what you got to understand women try to tell me Tony yeah talk to the man talk to the man you got tough to the man listen to me I'm a man I'm a man that won't waste too much time talking to me in cuz I'm a man I know man man spit in the face of God this time I'm telling you pastors who gotta talk to God every day is cheating on their wives and sleeping with a congregation man spit in the face of God a man is not about to listen to me if you gonna be on your bike but see in the fairy tale world that a lot of women live in just what you want to happen you wanna get horny tell a man come on rip this man down and then you want this man that excuse me excuse me I'm 14 we're not gonna be able to do this because I've been listening to Tony Gaskins and you know he was telling me do not sleep with a woman before marriage and so although you want to go there I've been listed Tony Gaskins and I'm not gonna be able to do that that's what y'all expecting to happen that's what you want to happen wait for it wait on it wait on it you're here your eulogy first it won't happen so you got to have your own standards you got to know what you stand for you got to know who you are you got to keep your mouth closed keep your legs closed keep your ears and your eyes open that's gonna tell you everything you need to know so stop talking so much set your standards and stick to him and you're gonna see everything you need to see listen to me it is Tony guys I got to get going 59 minutes I can't go over out yet ain't Lord and called me beyond our mark yet make sure you click the link in the description go to my mentor that life and book your coaching session with one of the coaches if you are a coach or consultant make sure that you sign up just need your nice headshot make sure you join us write your bio and start helping the world this Tony Gaskins god bless you
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 286,422
Rating: 4.9112091 out of 5
Id: cgKnJPAyC-c
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Length: 59min 30sec (3570 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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