When he comes back! (Ego vs Heart)

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hey hey Tony guys is here popping in for a quick video now I was only live and a young lady acts funny can you explain the difference between a man coming back out of ego and out of heart now that terminology that phrasing is something that I made up in a video where I said sometimes me and come back out of ego and sometimes he comes back out of heart and really kind of was just trying to give a label to the different types of ways men come back and so let's let's start with ego what you need to understand is that as humans we hate rejection it's like if you text someone and they don't text you back that can burn you up if you call someone they don't call you back that can burn you up like you can go through some things and let's say you get fired from your job it may burn you up when you get fired and you like what what did i do why me and you may lose sleep for weeks but think about it if you get fired from your job if you get cut from a team and you keep going back up to your job what are they gonna do they're going to they're not gonna look at it like a relationship they look at it like business so they're not gonna say oh she really or he really loves us oh let's entertain him or her at the door and just have conversation no they're going to call the police on you and say that you are trespassing because you keep showing up after you've been fired so we don't really have the control to do that in our lives but in a relationship what do we do in a relationship we'll take and when you leave a man he is hurt he is appalled he cannot believe you had the strength to walk away he cannot believe that you feel like you're better than he and when it's ego he comes back and he's coming back because he hates rejection he hates failure and a woman is the only thing in his life that he can get to accept him again a job they're calling the police you know a guy friend he probably getting knocked out a woman is the only person in the world that is going to entertain him and look at it as if oh maybe he misses me and so it's tough because if he's coming back out of heart it may look the same in the beginning as a man who's coming back out of ego so how do you tell the difference see what you have to realize is with ego a lot of times it's it's always ego when a man left you so that's that's one if he broke up with you if he decided you weren't enough and he left you and then he comes back that is out of ego because a man operating from his heart will never leave you if he feels you're his wife a man operating from his heart won't leave you and allow you to go through that pain and worry and ynx and all of those emotions and feelings if he feels like you're his wife but a man operating from ego will say you know what you're not good enough for me let me go over here and see if I can find another one with a better but better brass better smile more money nicer car nicer place to live better neighborhood and he is looking for an upgrade and so he's operating out of ego now here's the thing when a man comes back out of ego he's coming back because he wants the last say so he wants the last lick as we call it when you plan you know when you hit and then you got to get last lick or you playing tag and you got to get the last let he wants the last lick he wants the last laugh he wants to prove to himself that he can have you that you are not better than him that you don't know who you are what you want and that he has control over you and the reason why he wants to feel that is because he doesn't have control over himself so when a man doesn't know who he is when a man is a grown boy then he seeks to control and have say-so in the life of a woman so if he what happens is he feels worthless in life he feels less than in life he feels unaccomplished in life he feels inadequate and insecure in the world he may have millions of dollars but if he feels less than a man of another race or he looks at other men who have more money than him or in his career he's less accomplished as some of his colleagues and comrades then he has some insecurities and so with that insecurity a lot of times a man wants to make himself feel good by having a woman who what I wanted to say it come off a little too too blunt by having a woman who will lick his balls basically and what I mean by that is you know the picture where they showed the lion or the doll you know licking that on their scrotum that's essentially what a man is looking for for a woman to stroke his ego you see what I mean stroke his ego and if he can have woman it's like the world is beating him up he feels inadequate he feels insecure and then he comes to this woman and she just you know now he just like okay yeah I'm the man so it takes and it makes him feel like he's somebody because as long as he has one fan if TMZ does not know his name don't care for him they're not chasing him he has no fan he had no paparazzi the world treats him like a peon like a scrub but you you you're gonna be ready on demand whatever he needs from you when he wants you he want to talk to you he want to be with you you right there and you wide open you right there you wide open you ready to lick on you something and so guess what that's why he keeps coming back to you now how do you know that it's ego its ego when it hurts you it's ego when him coming back still causes pain still causes stress it's ego when he comes back and he doesn't want to change he's nice but the deal breakers the things that really irked you about him the things that really annoyed you about him they're still there he's still condescending or he's still distant or closed in or he shuts down when it's time to have a real conversation or if he's the type that flies off the handle and he yells and he curses it's still there he's still stubborn he's still arrogant you say well I think we ought to read this book entitled a woman's influence and just go through one chapter a week and discuss it and he says no we don't need to read anybody's book they're probably a fake couples in Hollywood couples they just do it for the book deal they're just in it for the money we don't need to do that you say well I think we ought to go on this guy's site Tony Gaskins Academy calm and take real love University together no we don't need that he's probably cheating on his wife or you say hey I think we ought to visit my mentor dot life and book a session with the coach it's like no we don't need a third person in our relationship we can figure this out on our own we don't need a third wheel third leg that means he has come back out of ego because he still wants to do it his way he still wants to be in control and that's where he gets his sense of control by controlling you because he feels less than he feels inadequate you may think he's a boss you may think that he's macho you may think he has money or he has looks you may look at him and say he has no reason to be insecure he's not insecure at all but that's all a facade it's all a front if a man can't come and be gentle with his woman be submissive with his woman then he's insecure because a man's strength is in his gentleness so if a man can't come in your life and lead with love and lead with service and be compassionate be passionate the understanding be giving before giving be loving be sacrificial be selfless a selfless love if a man cannot do that then he's insecure he is weak he is immature he is lost he is hurting he is misguided he was not correctly raised that's the end of it that's the end of it so when you get back with a man and you give him another chance and you say hmm I'm feeling stressed I don't feel the trust I don't feel the love I feel some resentment then he came back out Ito and you still feel and abrasiveness you still feel that he's insensitive you don't feel that he's truly learned a lesson or that he's truly changed he's just kind of wiggled his way back in your life and just taking his spot back without really doing the work and he lured you to sleep with other things laughter or gifts or some quality time but it's not healthy time it's not pure he's not truly a lover then that means he's come back out of ego now see when a man comes back out of heart when a man comes back out of heart that's when he's going to come back and he's going to be repentant so just like the word to repent from your sins in the Bible he's going to be sorry he's going to be remorseful he's going to be open to change okay what does it take what do we have to do if you say hey we need to do some coaching with this guy named Tony Gaskins and he says okay we can do that how do we set it up and if he has money meaning he has a job he says okay I'll pay for it and then he gets on the call and on the sessions he is open he's honest he accepts responsibility he admits to his faults he talks about the things he needs to do to change now this is how you know a man has come back out of heart he's come back out of heart no no that doesn't mean he's perfect that doesn't mean he's not gonna make a mistake it doesn't mean that he won't go back to his old ways but at least for now he's operating from heart from a place of love because a man who came back out of ego he's not gonna do that he's gonna talk you out of any and everything that you want to do that's going to strengthen the relationship by exposing the holes exposing the voice and calling it out and requiring that you all grow and get better he is going to run from all of that but this man who come back out of heart he's gonna feel different so when you talk to him whatever he used to do wrong in communication he has worked on it and he's doing it differently he's doing the opposite if he if he used to shut down now he's expressing himself if he used to yell and curse now he's cool calm and collected if he used to storm off walk away now he's sitting down he's present he's locked in he's in the conversation so understand this understand this the man who comes back out of heart what happened with him is it looks different with his time away his time away from you he sat down and he looked at his choices and he looked at his mistakes and he said you know what I was wrong I was wrong I pushed it away I didn't understand what I had I was immature I was a grown boy and I made a I made a mistake I made a mistake I was trying to have my way not realizing that my way is not the best way and that I need love I need to be held accountable but I was trying to make her change and become puppy dog become a human teddy bear becoming a person which I'll do another video on the human teddy bear that's another concept that I you know kind of just made up in talking I talked about that and he'll say you know here I was I went about it the wrong way and if I get another chance I'm gonna do this thing right I'm gonna change my ways I'm gonna you're saying right where's the man who came back out ego and his time away from you he was what he was saying that old stupid be who she thinks she is oh you think oh you think you better than me or you think you just gonna walk off from me oh you think you're gonna get on Instagram and just live a lavish life or you oh you traveling huh oh you want to show that you all that okay watch this watch this something to come back in told you why I'm finna come back and hell you sucking and ducking and tipping and flossing in flipping and glossing off in a way you white girl and then I'm gonna cheat on you then I'm gonna look at you laugh at you and walk off so he comes back the man out of coke now he comes back and hey how are you you know really miss you and been thinking about you just want to know if we can talk the man out of ego he said the same thing the man out of heart says the man who coming back out of heart he's saying the same thing so remember it's after that when it comes to the work okay now here's the thing a man who was coming back out of ego who happens to bump into a video this video now he's gonna do some of the work so that's why when a man calls back you can't just jump back in you can't just jump back in and boom you own your back no two weeks that's too fast you already slept with him in two week that's too fast oh my that's too fast two months that's too fast three months that's too fast uh-uh that's too fast no you need to go you need you need to put him on ice y'all got to start all over and you courting all over again six months is conversation it's pure love it's days and the most y'all don't if look kiss on the lips y'all ain't even tongue it should be all it all of that you got slob all over your face no mmm you didn't call in nineteen cuz y'all tongue kissing none of that look kiss on the lips now listen okay you could wet your lips night you could wet your lips and get you look kitten and turn the inside of your lip back the well nice a little wet enough but not no tongue and all that and then so some of y'all just what y'all do some of y'all say well we didn't have intercourse but we did other stuff guess what when you sang on their microphone when you sang on their microphone that's worse than intercourse that's worse that is actually worse yes a lot of women don't understand don't know that a man will let a hooker a two-dollar hooker sing on the microphone but he will not sleep her he will not like down and have intercourse with her so what I mean by that is you degrade yourself more when you get on the microphone and I hope everybody know what I'm talking about when you get on the microphone you degrade yourself more then getting on your back because a man will let any woman from a $2.00 street corner woman sing on the microphone but he won't lie down and have intercourse with any woman so you actually worse for that what are some men try to do when you trying to abstain and see if he really committed if he really bought that life for it maybe you have changed your life and you're not abstaining just to test him what you abstaining because you feel like this is the right thing to do what some men will do they're gonna try to come at you and offer to eat the peach cobbler okay they don't want to eat a peach cobbler okay understand what I'm talking about okay he wanna eat the peach cobbler because he knows that's is to get you to drop your guard you relax your mind you relax your body okay it's a different type of release then intercourse because you might not even have a release and of course so with this right here he really getting you all the way calm so some man and it could be a man who he didn't used to do that to where you wanted that but he really wasn't with it you know he was on the the DJ Catlett with a cattle prod like us I tell by his TV line he'd be down at an all kind of peach cobbler but he just thought it would be lame to say that publicly that he do that but it's like come on wrong wrong man we grown man died here but anyway so he probably used to didn't do it because some men don't do that now now another reason a man don't do that because he don't love you cuz a man will never do that for a woman he don't love okay so your man will do it he don't love you he don't love you point blank period point blank period don't love okay now you could have other issue down there but if you got other issue down there then he gonna lead you anyways he gonna be down there it's smelling like a lot spoiled fish market and you know you got the realm in the bush down yeah you know you got such a bush down that day when he get in there it's like he putting his head in 107 these afros he gonna lead you anyway so that is not the case so if he didn't used to do that but not he come back he won't do that or let's say he used to do that and it just just knock your socks off this how you gonna try to get you so see a manner get that thing that really he want to do that thing that's really gonna get you down it definitely that's what a red wine get you going oh he got a bottle of red wine here day ere week he got a red wine I'm trying to get you to drop that guard your bag if a bag gonna get you going oh he on here go over time he Oregon Kong he got all he getting any kind of bag he could get if sword gifts is your love language he getting kills if physical touch is your lovely know him back massage yeah yeah words of affirmation oh he blowing your head on your head like a hot air balloon you floating around the house even blow your head up so much yeah what's another one quality time oh he's giving you all the time in the world see a man who come back out of ego and he'll come back out of heart they're gonna do the same things but when it comes down to the true test so a man who comes back out of go he's not going to be able to be perfect and to fake it for six months and that's that's that's beyond the point any man could pretty much fake it for 90 days now a man who comes back out of ego can fake it for a year if you pleasing him meaning you own the microphone you let him eat eat peach cobbler or y'all going all the way okay and of course if y'all if you given him that release then yeah he could fake it he could fake it as long as you give him that release when you're not giving a man a release meaning that could see what you don't realize is that when he died on that peach cobbler you may say oh this for me no he still could get a release from that so when you're not giving him any kind of play in that sexual arena then guess what that's when you see his true colors because he's gonna start to get sexually frustrated and so now what you got to understand this stuff none this termina only tomorrow and go to visualizing your ex and how y'all used to get down now you are but your body chemistry change and why you listen video think about your ex calm down fan yourself wait chill that's no doubt we don't activate adjust soul time you getting out of hand now this to me not when you with this man he may be dealing with Angelo okay he may be dealing with Angela but guess what his body knows the handler is not real the handle is artificial so hence Allah cannot do what the hot pocket could do okay y'all know what a hot pocket is okay we talking about a hot pocket hand Allah cannot do what your hot pocket could do okay it's a different feeling and the body the brain knows it it knows it because it is wired to reproduce so it knows if this in artificial stimulation or if it's in the real hot pocket okay so understand that so what you have to realize is when you are allowing this man to court you he's calling you every day he texting you every day y'all talking for at least an hour a day if y'all live in the same vicinity y'all going on at least one date a week oh he all he is getting is a kiss a peck on the lips that's all he getting he can rub on the Barracuda he can't row up on your booty he came rub on he ain't getting no physical skin okay him getting could see a man could get going get up on auntie thing okay so you know he got in a little fetishes you came fulfill that he might want to suck on toes nope nope the one thing that ain't gonna get him born is that peck on the lips that ain't gonna do nothing they ain't gonna do nothin he might get go to feelin something but it ain't gonna give no kind of release okay that's a little Peck on living run that's it and so from there now his true colors gonna start to show a man who came back out of ego he brought start trying to use the tactic manipulation by guilt or coercion by fear taught by dr. Gary Chapman in the bull I love languages now he's gonna start trying to make you feel bad the man who came back out of each oh you know I just don't understand why we have to do all of this why we have to go through all this it's like it's almost like you don't even want to be with me like you just want me to waste my time like you want me to come back and give all of this and do everything you know you're not perfect you got to do some stuff too you got to do something too you got to give something to it takes to to make it work it's not fair I'm not the only one who made mistakes yeah I broke up with you yeah we we didn't work out yeah I made some mistakes but you're not perfect you know so you need to give some stuff to and it's like I'm coming back to you you know I'm a sexual person you know I like to you know be sexual and be intimate and here you're telling me that you're one of these Sullivans and now you want to be celibate until marriage like what is this what is this you like this is hogwash and in what you don't even realize is the people your list to online they're telling you to be celibate and they're having all kind of sex they're sleeping with all kind of people I know for a fact because you know what I got a friend that hired that guy Tony Gossett and she told me he hit on her so he's not even living it right and so now he telling you all this right here so he's trying to manipulate you he trying to coerce you and see he knows that you love him that's why you entertaining him so he know you love him so he's gonna he's gonna try to bluff and he's gonna try to pull pull your car because he know you decane this video and I don't put a battery you back but Duracell don't last forever the Energizer Bunny don't last forever so he know eventually the battery gonna die and I'm a ghetto oh my god oh and so what are you gonna do the man who come back out of ego he gonna do everything right for 30 days but in 30 days and I'm 6 today he gonna do 60 90 120 days work for work in 30 or 60 days I mean he's gonna law you down he might get you a gift every day or a month even if it's only five or ten dollars he does spend $300 on you that money even if it's a rose a day he gonna be so extra one hour phone call he talking you to three hours so you like oh I don't need listen no videos no mo sorry guys guess who ma'am I'm a has come back oh whoa he's back oh I must gotta bang on me who he want me so 30 days in you loved to sleep he had you rock you rock oh my baby so you just you not not cuz he didn't got you home cuz why you didn't have standards you didn't have any stipulations put in place to say I'm not doing nothing sexual with this man inside of six months I don't care if he literally bring the moon into my house and say dis your night life I am NOT getting on my bike for nothing ain't opening my mouth the sang on the microphone he ain't getting down the nipple oh no peach cobbler we ain't doing nothing here only letting his hand touch my bad skin you hit me when you have standards and stipulations some boundaries in place now you foolproof now you can't play the fool naughty not gonna be able to play you but I'm telling you he's gonna knock your socks off if he come back just whispering sweet nothings and you give in he ain't happy and had to pull a nun outside his sleeve he had for nothing outside of sleep if he coming back and he talking good and you real ain't budgin now you got to pull something out of sleep okay let me get some roses she loved roses okay let me order bye okay let me order the new Dino shoes that jet dry oh she loved it oh let me spend money more than I ever spent before or let me get more quality time and I ever gave a faux oh let me new words of affirmation to tell her how beautiful and sexier okay let me test the breakfast lunch and dinner and a midnight night okay let me take her own two days three days in a week okay let me do so he don't he gonna ramp it up then that second 30 days that second my he ramping it up to see if that's gonna get you to drop your guard and most women 99% of women gonna drop them guard you be right on a bite or have a mouth wide open like pac-man and she just swaddling microphones and so most women that's what you're gonna do and then boom he got you he got you boom it worked now you'd have been a lot of sleep he got you boom come on for my five months six where he should have been still proving himself and I he back to his old ways now he the same condescending rule nasty arrogant immature and secure ignorant man that you was with the first time around or the last time around this might you might be on your third fourth time being back with him and still playing the fool looking like booboo the fool looking like who shot John I forgot to kill her then toll out front of flora look at broke busted and disgusted you still you still playing a fool there might be the second time third time fourth time fifth time so guess what he said yeah he like yes God so this what do you do the man will come back at the Eagle you thinking you want cuz gonna spend some money on you you thinking you want because he didn't got none an eight-piece copper like he ain't never had a meal in his life you like what in the rural is it a tornado down now you wonder what the world hit you but guess what he came back to play you came back to play gotcha yadi so now you see now and see this what a man who come back how to ego gonna do he gonna come back the first time you made it out alive first time you made it with no real scars meaning you didn't have his child this next time he come back about to put one in you about to put one in so because you didn't have any standards and because you didn't say listen you already rode a bicycle so you already know how to ride a bike now you gonna have to show me the trophy in order to get back on the bicycle so what I mean by that is you telling him listen we're not resting up together you already know this thing is fine cuz that's why you bite because I filled with whack you wouldn't be back so you'd already had this before you get this again you're gonna have to put a ring on it we're gonna have to be married cuz I'm not I'm not lying down with two because the first time we were together we broke up we had no children so I'm not about half no check with no man that I don't know is really my husband and this how you got it out leave man it's how you got Toby men and they feeling gonna hurt they're gonna they're gonna be upset but listen if you ain't giving no man no sexual favors he's not gonna be able to fake it for long he gonna fake it for long now I understand this it's a man that's so lowdown and dirty that they marry you the dog you are they'll marry you just to win because they don't care about the war they don't care about their life he read by savages ain't got no standards ain't got no morals so yeah yeah he'll marry you and still dog you I cheat on you and leave just to get their last loud that's how me and are you notice a movie called tag and it's Hannibal Hannibal Burres who Oh Hannibal follow me on Twitter I say man it's the real Hannah be say yeah yeah it's a movie called tag I think it's called tag I think Hannibal didn't know but it's a group of mandel innate 30s and they still playing tag and they've been playing text and they were kids and they would not stop playing tag because they want the last lick they do not want to be the person that's it and that's stuck being it so they play tag and this is the most epic game attack you're never seen in your life that's how me and are me and want the last lick so this man will come back out of he go see there's a thing you can't just look at what he's doing you gotta listen to your heart you can't listen to your desperation you can't listen to your frustration you can't listen to the tick-tock of your body clock okay with your merely rock see now you sitting there and you hear that tick talking it's so loud and you did hear and you thinking 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 48 no kids so you listening to your body clock so now [Music] you own your bike spread-eagle and now you got a grown boy but now you having this child then when you're pregnant that's like being down because you waddling like a duck your back hurt um what's that called your herniated disc your disc pressing on your sciatic so you and all kind of pain you waddling like a duck to a man that don't love you look like you're growing an alien stomach and so why are you down he kicked you he kicked you for something you would literally kick you right in the stomach put hands on you why are you pregnant for somebody is little others of you is figuratively speaking metaphorically speaking you pregnant he'd go cheap with another one yeah go cheat on you with another one and now you like oh my goodness what did I do I got praying from a man that's not my husband and he's still a dog what in the world just happened yep that's the story of so many women so guess what if that's not your story right now you got a chance you got a chance to make the right decision you got a chance to make the right decision and remember go back and watch my video I think it's called thinking about your ex it's your ex for a reason so if a man come back guess what every real man knows that it is of the essence that he works for your heart so every real man knows that when he come he got to put in work so if that means that he got a date you all over again courts you all over again and he don't get no funny business until y'all married that is what it is now you should not tell him that you gonna make him wait until marriage I know I said that earlier but I just was kind of you know ranking you don't tell him verbatim literally that you gonna make him wait until marriage because he a man with ego who come back out of ego if he don't know that's what you're doing then he'll play his self because he'll think that okay I gotta keep giving he given keep giving keep giving keep giving and then well he doesn't realize is that by this six-month mark you'll already peak gang and then you you leave he don't realize that that you got a time line if y'all especially if y'all already been together more than a year now if y'all been together less than a year and y'all broke up and he come back you can give him a year if you feel like he's the one the moment you feel like he's not the one you got to get up and leave you got to get up early stop wasting time don't waste another second you got to get up and leave you hit you you hit your body clock get up and leave don't waste another second the moment you know he's not don't want okay so then what you're gonna have to do is if a man come back how to eat go and he don't know your game plan he don't know your timeline then he's gonna be over exerting himself because he think he in a sprint and so he all I mean he doing everything he flowers calls days for nothing he rubbing feet sucking told run late didn't fit been told him if he doing everything he'd gonna push ups in front of you trying to turn you on he letting the Sun hit him way glistening with sweat I mean he trying to walk sexy he walking like Suns nothing but trying to look sexy he living way he working not he reading book he doing all this fake stuff trying to get you where he wants you but he don't know that you got standards and you got you got a game plan he don't know that so what happens is he ends up playing himself because when he wrote a reading this here book he can't learn and it's gonna hit him hard and not only do he read it but when y'all talk about it cuz he disdained I remember a man out of ego may do some things that a man out of heart will do so if he say no I'm not reading a book you know I'm not getting a session boom there you go conversation over you gone if he see that you finna be gone and you won't we said well what we wasting our time if you don't want to get help from professional we're wasting our time if you don't even want to read a book wasting our time so thank you so much for your effort for the attempt but please don't contact me again you going back to business he will have to jump over the moon that same day to get you back if he let you walk away and he give you a few days what I calling you it's a wrap all the way it's a wrap all the way it's a wrap all the way all the way listen you need to be calling anyways but a lot of y'all you you just leaving to play games you just leaving the scare and then you sit now twiddling your thumbs sitting still wondering when he gonna call you you playing yourself why are you waiting on a man that don't want you why are you waiting on a man that you got to keep leaving that man don't want you so get ain't going about your business why are you trying to play games and y'all be writing me Tony how to effectively use the 72-hour rule I call this him to our rule but my wife wasn't using seven to our rule she was literally gone idiot took me 72 hours to get a bite but she was literally gone see y'all just I'm Elise them throughout but you don't intend the lead you waiting for him to come chase you and beg you you're doing the wrong way it becomes 72 hours or it become a 14 day break but the intention is to be done the intention is when you leave you're not coming back and what his job is is to convince you be the reasonable doubt to come back so when you leave listen to them you have to be in this one of my quotes in order to keep a man you gotta be willing to lose him so you got to be willing to leave him for good in order to be able to keep him if a man don't believe you will leave him you will never have his heart you'll never have his heart if he does not believe that you will leave him you will never have his heart Point Blank period ain't no way around ain't no way around it so now listen to me here Matt okay this man out of Ito he gonna expose himself he gonna show his true colors because he won't be able to fake for long the man who come back out of heart you got a set of timeline a realistic timeline okay like six months is the vetting period it's the probationary period to where you came back what you put on probation just because if you slip up you can't terminate it for real so the six months is the probationary period so the man will come back out of heart he's gonna do everything he's gonna do the sessions if he got the money he's gonna pay for it if you don't got the money he at least go half with you he gonna put some money up if he don't have a job and he don't have any money then you need to question what you done with him anyways because it's tenth workout here so if he ain't going hop on the back of the truck with the man that's undocumented and that's how they get their money to feed their family because they don't have a documentation so they got to work for them men of construction companies and they picking oranges because I remember that my family used to do that people in my family to get on the bus and then go out to the orange feeling and pick oranges and it'd be a lot of undocumented people on now and then it'd be people on there who didn't finish school like some of my family members and people who was out of work they get on that bus and they go picking oranges for the rich man who the orange roll to go pay the mortgage and so it's tent work out down so that's first time don't be with no man you got no job and then gonna go do no tent work ain't gonna flip no burgers at McDonald's and he shouldn't do go do nothin illegal not scamming and and serving a hustling no don't be with him either but he need to get a butt up and be working on so that's the first time so he gonna at least go half if he can't afford the whole thing he gonna let go he'll mess with y'all tryin to book me nice other coaches on my mentor die like that 25 miles out thirty-five dollars fortified all $50 okay all right my daddy is on my mentor doctor $100 out so that's affordable and so all right he gonna put that up not a man who come back out of heart he doing that the coaching he doing the books you a Christian you go to church he going to church if y'all can't go to church right now if it's in this season and it his 19 not done he watchin he watchin sermon online okay you sent him my Sunday sermon he watching it and giving you feedback on it y'all talking about it when you get on the phone alright he doing everything now see it not here's the thing caveat some nuance the t-shirt under the video now I see here go to caveat some nuances not not and now one thing I learned the I said caveat but the white man say caveat here's a kind of a caveat what I say caveat they say caveat here here's a caveat I'll listen YouTube video and I hear the guy caveat I said okay that's how you say it no it's a caveat okay so hit go to caveat and nuance and not what you have here is this man if y'all were together for less than a year the man who come back out of heart he don't do all the work but it should take him it could take him up to one year to propose to you up to one year if y'all were together for a year or more the man who come back out of heart he need to be proposing to you within six months six months to nine months is the absolute max if y'all were together for a year or more some people always I read I mean another day somebody's and it was the me me saying like it's people who slept together on the first night and they celebrating their 15th wedding anniversary it's people who waited on till marriage to sleep together and got divorced after a year that is all true time I ain't no recipe or ain't no what's called today's do what make you happy that's the dumbest thing in the world because it is a recipe to it and it is a timeline to it and it's exceptions to the rules people who start to get on the first night you don't know what they've gone through yeah they celebrate 15 years but with lumps and knots and bruises from beating on each other the whole 15 years and yeah people waiting until marriage and got a divorce but they don't mean they did with the foundation of God they don't mean that that mean they ignore the red flags they still did it the wrong way yeah you wait until marriage but that's all you did you ignored all the wrong the red flags are insecurity immaturity arrogance you know condescending inconsistency you you ignored all those red flags and you settled because you got with this short ball head man who when the Lord told you your husband tall dark handsome with a headline and and here you get an anxious and you get antsy and you questioning God and what God told you God told you your man tall dark handsome with a hairline but here you go get with it short bald head man who insecure now he could be shortened ball here as long as he a good man with a good heart but this man to settle for short bald head and secure so that's why y'all waiting until marriage and got a divorce within a year because you ignored all the rest of the red flags you ignored that he had a little man syndrome you ignore he had Napoleon syndrome you know what the other man from Germany that was short you know you ignore he got that same spirit on and so yeah he waited on till marriage but everything else was wrong with him you see what I'm saying so understand this is the timeline to it it is a recipe for success and and what this means is a man who knows who his wife he's going to be intentional he's not just gonna drag you along he's not gonna waste your time he's gonna come you're gonna do the work he's gonna put in the work and he gonna make it official you're gonna make it official if he made an honest mistake by pushing you away or by running off because he just did not fully know what he was looking for when he come back he gonna do it the right way and he gonna have been decent in order and he's gonna make a move and get on one knee in a timely fashion and he's gonna go - he gonna jump through every hoop you put out there you could put the hoop bike down you spray that igniter light it it's on fire he's jumping right right through there like he in Barnum Barnum & Bailey Circus you mean he jumping through the hoops he doing what he got to do because he knows you're his wife and he was stupid the first time around he usually took you for granted and he messed it up and he cannot let you get away because he miscalculated he misjudged you are the one so he coming back and he doing all the work he doing it your way on your timeline and he fennel popped that question marry you get you a lifetime commitment then he wanna get you pregnant and get a house together in both of y'all name he want to do things decent and in order because he's serious when that man come back and he told my he praying in what y'all ain't married let's get a house and go to get apartment together but y'all ain't married and he trying to put the cart before the horse he coming back ego he's still a grown boy he's still immature so now listen this video probably just shot all kind of holes to your look hot out belong you just was just floating you just think you just had your ex back and you did was so excited but the video just bust your bubble because you like wow he's still the same man and I've been ignoring his red flags I hate the door to you but I'm glad I did it to you so that you would know do not take and slip up and slip and fall in the bed with a grown boy who came back out of he go it'll cost you everything hey it's Tony guys a nice on y'all man autumn of the shirts under the video I really am NOT a t-shirt man and it's made by T sprained really don't like t spraying Church but I think y'all for getting me cuz I know you probably getting to be like come on T sprain y'all need work on the hill ain't but thank y'all for getting them shirts and reason why I say that because I think last we like 30 people bought a t-shirt and I got an email from teespring and I some what is it no 43 people bought a t-shirt I said wow okay praise the Lord a thank you thank you for watching these videos all the way to the end god bless you we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 399,114
Rating: 4.9195046 out of 5
Id: eGjEvIIx5vE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 24sec (3204 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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