Grown Woman vs Grown Girl

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hey Tony guys is here you know what today is video for the fellows but got a question from a young lady that kind of played right into it and she asked what's the difference between a grown girl and a grown woman now I'll tell you this you know I don't really understand women the way that I understand me because I'm a man and a lot of times you would think that's common sense but you'll have women telling women all about men and the women that's telling the women about men don't have a clue what they talking about when I listen to them and I'm like so that's the same thing so I don't typically try to tell too much about women but we all have a general understanding of the opposite sex we have a general understanding so me being a man and having found a wife with a woman's influence I understand what a grown woman looks like because I found a grown woman and so I know as a man a lot of men come and say listen you know how do I pick my wife and I did a video on this I thought kind of similar but a lot of times people can't really infer and take the message if it ain't titled what they want it to be titled and what we don't realize is that a lot of the information and some of the videos can apply to several other things because I'm talking a whole hour so hard to stay on just one topic for hours so in an hour I cover quite a bit so I want you to understand that when it comes down to a grown woman versus wrong girl they may have to understand something now see the wrong girl is really going to be influenced by today's society so when you listen to her talk it's going to sound a lot like the reality shows so you're gonna use some of the same lines as some of the ratchet reality shows the basketball girlfriends or basketball ex-girlfriends lust and music these different reality shows Ilana you know ex-wives ex housewives Ilana come up wives all the different shows that's out there 90 day this 90 day that love is blind that's all talking about on Netflix she's gonna be cackling some of the same things that you hear on a show like that and that's gonna be her mindset so what the grown girl she coming in and she's looking to be taken care of she just focusing on can a man provide do you have the money to pay for my lifestyle my hair need done my nails need done my rent need to be paid I need help with my car note my car insurance that's the wrong girl see a grown girl she's gonna come in as a girlfriend and she's gonna expect you to cater to her and treat her like a wife so a grown girl she's gonna expect you to be helping her pay bills while y'all dating and she'll see nothing wrong with it because it's so many other grown girls that's advising her and telling her that you're supposed to be helping pay bills but not realizing that the only you have a covenant that she's not your wife that you only responsible for your wife not for a girlfriend that you getting to know that you don't even know if you're gonna marry her and if she don't know or feel comfortable that you're gonna marry her then she needs to be on her way out the door but see a grown girl she's not gonna have those kind of standards to where she says okay it's been a year you ain't talking about marriage I'm gonna move on with my life so your grown girl had a kind of stamp shield a 2 4 5 10 years but she wanna play house see a grown girl wanna play house because she don't she don't mind getting prey so she could get some child or she don't mind and when I mean child support either the literal thing meaning from the government you know or from the courthouse or you giving her checks every month she don't mind getting on a bike getting pregnant before marriage so that she had that security of having a baby so that you can to make money she finna make money that's what that's a part of her gold now something happened we can't say this by mistake because you know what you doing when you get on your back you know what you're getting into you is sitting you you lying down and you saying whatever you got give it to me HIV alright or be alright damn it alright gonna rip all right sperm for this it alright whatever you got and so that's what you're doing when you lie down and she understands that so we can't say oh got pregnant by accident no you didn't know you then you're not mother Mary Jesus ain't put the baby in his stomach you got on your bank for that so understand that so she's gonna be cool with that I see what you have to realize is that she's looking for this is a difference this difference a grown girl is looking for financial security yes she won't emotional secured yes he says he won't emotional security but if she had the tools she'll choose financial security y'all gotta forget about the leave I've been talking to monthly our videos every day she gonna choose financial security now I see the grown woman she wants emotional security because a grown woman she gonna secure herself financially and she wants you to have the ambition and to be able to have financial security but she's not basing her decision all for that so if you amazing man and you work hard you bust your butt but the feel that you in you just gonna make 3060 K 30 to 60 K guess what the bone one minute she looking at your heart she looking at your work after she know that yes you own his job doing construction you getting thirty five thousand a year but you show up early you lead late you outwork everybody you're gonna be the foreman one day and making eighty ninety a hundred and you come home we married you treat me right you do me right you take care you're a great father you playing catch in the yard after being in a hot song for eight nine hours ten hours you're an amazing man the grown woman don't see that and appreciate that not a grown girl she's gonna sound like that viral video going around with the girl you know I can't deal with a man I work a regular job oh not a five man I cannot deal with that I need a man who gonna if I say I needed he got it and he got to be like oh I gotta wait until I get paid on Friday that's right there this what you got to understand buddy grown girls that is what that woman said in her voice but it's women saying that in every language in patois and proper English you know you know I really would like a man who really is financially able that if I decide today I want to book a vacation I could book a vacation and we don't have to get out the envelopes look at the budget and plan it out six months ahead of time I could just book it today Tahiti see you tomorrow so in every language that's being said there depend on where she from so it's grown girls in every race religion culture color height shape weight everything and just the thing see with a grown girl she's gonna put preferences over standards so the fact that you six four will mean more to her then you have in pristine character the fact that you got a 8 pack and the chest and arms and you look like an athlete but Jeannie never caught a ball in your life but you look and built like one of the pro athletes that she can't get because she live in podunk Tennessee so the athletes not checking for her but you look like a knockoff athlete the fact that that's the case nah she'll get with you she'll get with a man and don't worry about if he got a job if he won't play xbox all day she okay because he looked like Odell Beckham joinha you said I mean because he looked like ultra sinker this man over here that man over there he looked like her Instagram huh what y'all call that MC young the grown girl won't demand that look like her MC young see this a thing not a grown girl y'all him I'm not the top of my microphone oh now I see the grown girl what she focus on she focus on funding she focus on flossing so what flex and what she wants to do her net her number-one goal is to be able to flip that facebook status from single to take him and then her focus is monetizing their relationship so the grown girl she want to come in and before she secured a relationship she wanna secure and make sure y'all got a YouTube channel together make sure y'all doing great Instagram photos shoes make sure y'all got a great Christmas car see the chrome girl she has fallen in love with the idea of love but don't know what love is so she's not looking at a man character she like do he look good in my pictures is he tall and handsome for our Christmas card 5 Instagram photo shoot for tick-tocks that's what the grown girl focus on the grown woman she coming in and she wanna keep her relationship on the hush to the world until she secured that relationship until she no see the grown woman she got standards so she gonna come in with you and she gonna say listen like I don't really you know you gonna ask her why you not posting about me on Facebook and Instagram I'm like other women do she's like well it's just not time yet I just don't feel ready to do that like we're still working on us and you're gonna get in your feelings you're gonna you you're gonna be butthurt but you got to get over that you know and realized that a grown woman got standards so she gonna move differently she got intelligence he didn't been through some things and I see this other thing now see the grown woman she have been through some things so what she's going to do is she's going to heal so if that's reading her Bible if it's praying if it's talking to her best friend talking to a family member listening to podcasts watching YouTube videos the grown woman she's gonna do what she has to do so that when she meets you and she's talking to you you cannot tell that she was abused in her childhood you cannot tell that she was taken advantage of as an adult you cannot tell that her father was not in the home you cannot tell that she had tried her trauma and all of those things because she is doing the work and she has increased her emotional intelligence so when you're innocent and you're not doing anything as man she's not accusing you of cheating she's not accusing you of lying when you're completely innocent because she has addressed her pain so she's able to love as if she's never been hurt before but see a grown girl she's gonna bring all of her pain into the situation now see this the thing wrong girl is not and just like Ron boy it's not a derogatory turn you know it's not like calling somebody up you know the B word or something it's just a difference between how you had like are you maturing are you emotionally intelligent are you wise are you using intellect you know and intelligence about your decisions so with a grown girl when she comes in she's not emotionally intelligent she started arguments wait where was you where were you give me a nice day from different cultures where was you and where were you they grew up different sides of the track and she going in so she had she wanna argue you happen to be at work finishing yo TSP reports which I don't know what that is I heard that on the movie the office I think was called but you had work finishing your report and so it took your extra 30 to 45 minutes you get home the grown girl now accusing you of sleeping with next-door neighbor I know you would that be I thought you were looking at her when we went on our walk the other day you don't have clue who's she talking about but see her ex-boyfriend slept with her a roommate or her old best friend or their old neighbor and so she assumed you trying to do the same thing she did not heal before she deal because he she need a relationship because she needs a man as a band-aid so she coming in and she using you as a band-aid so what a band-aid gonna do a band-aid got to catch all the blood gotta catch all the pus got to catch all the scalp falling on a band-aid is gotta be you soak up all the infection and blood and pus and then be discarded that's what a grown girl uses a man as a take deal with all my pain did what I and and not dealing with pain in a healthy way cuz because a grown woman I'm gonna have some little issues and as you get to know her you dig deeper you're gonna see her insecurities but you're gonna see that she's managing them and she's not weaponizing her insecurities to lash out at you and to make you a prisoner of her pain but she's working on and she's gonna have her struggles and that's where you're able to step in and help her because you want to help her because she's helping herself but she would have grown girl she gonna take all her pain everything she been through and she's going to weaponize and use it as an excuse and say listen I have the right to yell at you to curse you out to talk to you like this because I've been beaten by men and I've been cheated on by men and when I was four years old this happened to me and then at six this happened and then an eight this happened and so you have to understand that I have been through things and I have the right to feel the way I feel because every man I've met in my life has been a trash hole you know and she's gonna bring that kind of energy and I don't hurt women say stuff like that verbatim I don't have women write that in my comments that they got the right to be nasty and you know this Wachtel because of what they don't went through that's still a grown girl what I mean is she has not confronted her pain she has not done the work she's not interested in growing instead she wants a sob story she wants a sympathy take it you know I have to tell my family member you know I have family member and I have to tell her I say and she common you know you know I just need some help I didn't need some help it's like don't nobody want to help you everybody being a single mother you're not taking kids and they did it sorry and then I have to sit there and say um didn't it old man forcibly get you pregnant no but that's not the point everybody make mistakes do you made the same mistake three times with three different men then none of them married you and then not you want me to make your problems my emergency when you will have fun flipping and toss them in a bedroom in that fornication now you want me to sacrifice and I've been trying to little sanctify and hold it and you've been prancing around in all kind of fornication you can find and you want me to take my bless money and so on to background when you and you're willing sin and fornication supposed to save it cuz I ain't got the time you said I'm saying so a grown girl wanted taken weaponized their choices their pain stuff that happened to them and then make you the bearer of bad news now you've got to pay the price for everything they went through and that's the same thing a grown boy do and so that's what you got to realize he would have grown woman and see that she's not taking that my wife has a father that she talked to but he wasn't in the home with her he didn't marry her mother he married another woman that he had two children with that woman and he was in the home with them so my wife had to see him on the summer's and on breaks that does something to a little girl as she's growing up when she and she made never my wife would never articulate that she would never admit that she won't really like talk about it but I sensed it when I met her and she didn't weaponize it but as I got closer to her I could see you got daddy wounds like you heard him from that but she didn't try to weaponize that and so that's what that's the difference was so it made me want to help her and want to work with her you know wanna be there for whereas you know others will take and they will use that and the wrong girl she'll use that is he gonna make you pay for her daddy making a decision to move on with his life and be with another woman and start another family outside of your household she gonna make you pay for that like it's your fault like you did it and that's what you have to realize so I always say you have to help a woman heal her heart so that you can have her heart but see here's the thing that women have to be trying to help herself because it's another quote that says the worst thing you could do for somebody is something they should be doing for themselves or for themselves or something that they can do for themselves you see what I'm saying so that's what a lot of people don't is this a team effort like yeah I want to help you heal I want to help you grow but you gotta be trying to help you I gotta see that you trying to exercise emotional intelligence which is people always keep asking me what is the emotion to tell you what is the emotion to tell it's really just being able to control your emotions being emotionally intelligent meaning being intelligent with your emotions is exactly what it sounded like so you fill in your emotions yeah you not everything down on stuff on the wall Lord and bottling all the way close y'all forgiving waiting at no water on my counter you see what I'm saying not look what's your deal now you got coffee everywhere that is emotionally unintelligent but when you emotionally at Ellen you could be angry and then you go okay so alright so okay so let me understand this you see what I'm saying that's emotional intelligence now you're not pointing the blame I'm all in his soaking-wet trying to get y'all there's a sound flaw I got to do less y'all forgiving now and so that's what I want you to understand now we're not wrong girl they tripped me I they tripped me out and it's several different versions now you got one type of longer I got what on my laptop know if they don't get fried now you got longer is buy time for a new laptop anyway unclothed hey I told y'all Duty video up top of the head now this week flowing now now see with a grown girl I don't heard wrong girl say listen I need a man that made 2 million a year I said so essentially you won't have to leave because it really ain't nobody making that kind of money just on a regular job I ain't nobody regular job maybe the CEO of Red Cross or FEMA getting 2 million a year but everybody else you believe you would be blessed and highly favored you making up meet a man make 250,000 yeah so 2 million what do you need were to me do you even know what 2 million look like feel like spin light well no but I just know that's kind of lifestyle I want a lil and I just want to be a book vacation when I want to book a vacation I want to be able to buy a person I want to buy a purse I don't have to put no loan in and be charging up credit cards I said well so how much do you make right now well myself hurt me myself and I okay well if you count bonuses and everything I'm at like 45 and so then I'm like okay so you made 45,000 but you want a man that makes two million so what makes you think a man who make two million one a woman who made forty five thousand and she has a stipulation that a man makes two million that's never gonna happen so see now is different if a man who made two million and you go and you find a woman and she's a waitress but that's not her that's not her preference like it's she don't have on her list he must make X amount of dollars and you just happen to find her but she cool because her ex-boyfriend made less than she made as a waitress waiting tables you said I mean so you see she's not out here trying to what y'all keep using that word hedonism hypergamy I don't know what y'all be throwing at me all he words I'll be fine on on YouTube and then come ask me Toni how do you feel about laptop sim dramatic drama and I'm like what who would you listen to now on YouTube but that's that type of one that's a grown girl who looking to be taken care of she wanna be taken care of and she she coming in exhausted she coming into Malaysia carry me carry me hold me okay let's see a grown woman she walking in she walking into the relationship hi how are you great to meet you oh yeah all right yeah I would love to build with you love to get to know you yeah would love to be teammates yeah let's do this together so the grown woman she says she coming in with a mindset of um just what you got to understand a maturity continuum where you go from dependent to independent to interdependent so depend that's a child college student somebody that's being taken care of by somebody else independent is when you're making your own money and paying your own bills interdependent is when you got when you get with somebody who is independent like you independent and y'all join forces and now you interdependent and that may be monetary monetarily at first but then it may go to interdependent in the sense of you may make the money and they may take care of the house they may manage all the bills manage all the going and coming to whereabouts and whatnots and so y'all still interdependent but it's not somebody just coming in of real not being independent not being able to provide the lifestyle they won't see listen you need to be able to provide the lifestyle you want because a relationship should complement you not complete you because if a relationship completes you then that means you empty without that person or without a relationship a relationship should complement you you see what I mean so if ain't got no ketchup but I got a hot dog I still Khalil that ketchup don't complement this hot dog but pushkar the show ain't throwing out the hot dog bun just think I don't catch up no I'm finna get its nourishment nothing that nursing but that's just an example you see what I'm saying so you can come into no relationship and you got one leg dragging you draggin one leg hey help my help excuse me do you have money for rent do you have money I know huh can you help with childcare yes they daddy don't do nothing and so you can't come into a relationship like that because who won't you that's a grown girl so what you gotta understand when you trying to find your wife you got to see has she done the work has she worked on her the same way you working on you if you working on you and you doing you and you taking care you you need and you got a mindset you need to make sure she had your same mindset cuz he I know man I mean not this the thing about it this interesting thing is I don't really know I have not met but I'm not looking for me so that's probably why I have not met but if I was one I probably it probably something different but y'all ladies who's sneaking and watching this video let me know if you have met a man who was a good man like a good man god-fearing upstanding citizen will wait until marriage for intercourse and he has money I have not ran into that kind of guy now I had know guys who are good men but then they're not making six figures you know or like plus and like setup to where they could go buy 3-bedroom 2bath house you know and a nice car like a you know a luxury car something they may want or dream about and and is a good god-fearing man that's willing to abstain until marriage and quarter woman I'm not ran into that guy yet now we need to find old guy so we get those examples and I do know guys who good men but they still in the grind like they still building maybe maybe thirty or forty sixty thousand a year some may still be living with their mom pursuing a dream you know working on their business or building their business you know but it's good character and so that's where the issue comes in is then as you're looking for your wife women kind of get a little perplexed and they like okay mmm okay why do I have to choose and they start having conference calls with the Lord you know Lord okay the man that look like a chocolate drop everything that I ever won't got me slobbering out the mouth he's a tall and like the control and like to put hands on people so can't do that even though he putting that vitamin D down and that vitamin D good for my soul but can't do that Lord cuz I'm trying to help staying until marriage and live by your word so she got that issue then she's saying okay well this man over here which could it be you you know he's a good man and he knows you Lord and he trying but he barely can't afford you know all his bills he got to be on the envelope plan and we walked him into the grocery store for a date with an envelope and Lord we at the register and Lord come on not this man pull out an envelope with his weekly budget in it lawyer but he's a good guy but if we get married and then I have children I want to be home kadhi daycare is giving air by the kid hand foot and mouth disease and so I want to beat that with my chair in the fall to the first two years Lord we're gonna be living out of elopes and baked beans and rice and I don't believe that this way you sent your son the down across for this floor and so she's crying out to the Lord and she trying to figure out but see and that's the issue and that's where women go to struggling with wrong girl isms and grown woman isms that's where she finds herself stuck and so that's what you gotta realize as a man - but she had the thing about it is that's when as a man you got to step up then you got to let that character be so loud you gotta let your energy and your effort in the relationship be so loud that she's not worried about that your money ain't where it's going to be because you love her so well and you take care of you so well your mind your body your spirit that she realized that you might be making 40k a year now and others that's a tight living if she got to sit down with the kid but you going to hunt a cake and that could happen within the next 2-3 years and so see what a grown woman gonna realize though and that's the thing just and this where things get a little tricky and this where you really get to see a grown woman see what a grown woman gonna realize what's she gonna do she's gonna come in this thing and she's gonna say okay if I'm not okay living on a budget and getting our necessities and having to forgo some of my wants my vacation to Atlantis and Bahamas and my rural tour you know I want to do six weeks in you're like the Gaskins dead because I seen sherée Gaskins stories and it looked amazing and if he can't provide that I want to be with that's a grown girl what the grown woman gonna say she's gonna say you know what I have met a man that talks to me like a queen that is a man of his word that its own time prompt he's thorough he's kind he's god-fearing he's loving he's compassionate he's thoughtful he's not insecure he doesn't have a fragile ego fragile masculinity but his money is not at a place to where we can live in a gated neighborhood send our children to private school if we want to and drive to nice cars without me working but you know but with his work ethic and the way he's working he's gonna climb the ranks and if I take and I put off children for a couple years at the marriage keep working beyond the budget save money we come together we save money we pay down our student loan we pay down our debt we attack that together as a team and then we put enough savings now if I need to sit down if we have children now we gotta save and that give us some cushion then she gonna say to herself if I support him and I'm there for him I'm encouraging him and I bring my brainpower to what he's doing I'm gonna be able to see some holes and help him level up in his business or help him get off that job and we start our own construction company we start our own insurance company we start our own whatever company for me being there for him helping him being able to support him cook some good meals and just how good loving and support in our marriage he's gonna have the courage and the excitement and the confidence to go ask for a raise to go ask for that promotion to apply for that higher level job and I'ma encourage him and influence him to be his absolute best now see that's what a grown woman gonna see she's gonna realize that this money that's 40k a year 50k a year 60 K a year that she may feel like can't do everything she won't done she gonna realize that's temporary but if you have character she's gonna realize your character is forever that your character gonna grow and I'm a living witness I'm gonna live it Whitney that's exactly what happened like my wife got with me and she could have looked at the fact that in my industry based on my major I probably would max out at sixty-five thousand a year and if a woman need to stay at home for a period of time with the kids or she wants to be a homemaker so that her children have her full attention and she could show up at that school for all the recitals and everything going on so that they know I'm an act of mother don't play with mine and that's how my wife feel like don't know about it at my son's school play no games they don't play no game with our kid could they already know she does she does she in your face and she me I excuse me um yeah I need to speak with you about this and she does so guess what my son get treated with respect and they get taken care of whereas a lot of times boys who look like them will be overlooked and not really tall and not really help and teacher won't go that extra mile because the parents don't be involved so if a grown woman say I want to be that type of mom because she she has been a single mom she a single mom now and she know what it's like having to work 40 50 hours a week and you can't go to that even that event that played at your child having at 10 a.m. because you got to be at the job and so if she meets a grown man who got character and he's working he has ambition she gonna see that okay I'm at 40 K you at 40 K but you got character worthwhile okay together we had a tea cake you see what I mean you compliment in one another and you become interdependent and then you get to a place to where you building together so that's what a grown woman's gonna do a grown woman she's gonna have foresight she's gonna have vision she's gonna be able to see what you can't see she's gonna be able to like like my wife she she appoints stuff I sell we need to do this let's do this all right let's pay this off now let's pay that off now okay let's do this you know lady bless me well I was telling y'all about Holly who sent a blessing to my cash out she blessed me I mean biggest blessing I never received from a supporter online and my wife said a pay that pay that to a credit card pay it to a credit card like a no that's wrong woman a grown girl would have been like Chris here we come whoo yeah yeah you know roofers doing takeout I know we're warranty but route Chris got takeout and so a grown girl would have been on that my wife is like a pay that on pay their credit card you know gonna work that balance down and I said okay yeah so holla god bless god bless it that that's you sold on good ground I did the right thing with it now next thing my wife we got a little chat from the publisher from from a book publisher gotta look check she said hey that padey padey taxes so me I get a little check I'm thinking life hmm what I could do to my old school caught it I want to work on the payee tax get what I'm dropping off build a tax off that's a grown woman she's gonna have and my wife used to win kind of finance used to have grown girl ways but it was because of growing up with a scarcity mindset and not having everything she wanted so after she grew and then she coming thirty so you got to realize - it's it's a growing process a grown woman ain't perfect Sheen perfect just what I tell y'all all the time tell the women all the time a grown man is not perfect he's still a man like a grown man still might try to sleep with you before marriage it ain't me it grown men don't mean he Jesus you okay grown woman told me you juicy know Jesus II know you know don't don't mean it mother Mary who ever was a good woman in the Bible yes sir I don't know that's what that good cuz you had a man hair cut off but you know a roof I don't know work roof were trying to drop it like it's hot when she went to lay at the foot of Boaz I try to get a benefit of the doubt but I really don't know what rules going to do so you know a grown woman ain't gonna be perfect all right and then what you got to realize so she's gonna have vision and she gonna push you she's gonna encourage you and she's not looking for a meal ticket like my wife we got together my wife was working I was working a group home they used to advertise in the school in our College University these are advertising our Newton in our newspaper and so I went and applied and end up working in group home my wives reading the same newspaper after I got with her and we was together for probably you know a little bit couple weeks of son she told me she was going on a job interview come to find out she and you got the same place i working at she come in now we got together she come in the dog I'm on knock at the house she coming the job they take off from knife at the owl to 1350 owl I'm sitting there like not be doggone I hadn't been here and y'all got me not bit dial did she come in here and she 1350 I know I ain't really kill cuz we was together but I was like wow now see that what a grown woman gonna do she can she went and she worked and then when we got married you know she was pregnant she was still working she was still going to work and then after she had our son she couldn't go to work right then she had to sit home because he came two and a half months early and he was in intensive care unit the NICU so she wanted to be there every single day so I was going to work get my look 950 and she was humble and she lived off my 950 she give me no stress she didn't complain about Bill she didn't complain about what to do she looked at the bills and she was like okay this one could be 30 days late we already 30 days on late on this one let's pay this one cuz we got a final notice all right we got some time on this one she got in there and I was bring home $1,200 to $1,800 a month our bills was $2,500 a month she got enough she got it in finances and she staggered the bills to where we could afford the $2,500 work four bills a month on the $1,200 a month income because if you got four weeks in the year I was getting paid every two weeks and I was getting paid six hundred and eighty dollars so some months it will fall on that week of that paycheck will fall on and then you get another one and that we five weeks so I get three checks in that month and I get 18 huh but still in the deficit 700 on the bill to my wife see a grown girl would have been you know what I just how did my live like this oh my goodness we robbing Peter to pay Paul and it's just like I went to wipe my behind and wait using Scott's tissue my friend went through tissue anxiety went why me that's the wrong girl she gonna put that home and you feeling like crap you like you punching wall ain't nothing man I'm failure ie you walk around there like that but guess what wrong one CC character she gonna see that and she gonna speak life into you she gonna have service with a smile she's gonna love you and that's one thing about my wife any matter how broke we was she never complained she never complained it could be every bill collected in the world called her she didn't complain I got a relapse coming by the cry just thinking about it and I'm gonna tell you something let me tell you something now you might can't him come a Michael look get away from bar got to calm down a little bit because I I'm getting too worked up you know her crying think about the one he'll you ain't read the book along the influence you living in sin you need to get that book okay you need to get the book telling you you're gonna you're gonna learn something men help out a woman want his influence I'm gonna tell you about this one he'll let me tell you something this is what grown girls don't realize is that God don't take you from the valley to the mountaintop overnight me and my wife had been married since 2007 it's 20 20 it's 20/20 my wife get a check from our companies and do you know that she don't have to leave home and she get a check from our companies and when I tell you her check is substantial it's substantial it's substantial you hear me it's a full-time living and she don't have to leave home now we got a corporate office that's on the 33rd floor overlooking the city not so much here you go it's a humble brag and I was later wrote me with that hey deal with it but cuz I'm gonna tell I'm gonna get a lord thank you I'm gonna get a Lord praise cuz listen I this is a grown woman right here and see that's what a grown woman gets she gets a man who can go from a two dollar man to a two million dollar man she a grown one man and that's just figure of speech a grown woman will get that kind of man because she sees what matters she sees what's important she not caught up in status symbols and trying to compete she trying to floss and show off she trying to compete with Instagram and Facebook she don't care about what her relationship status say she don't care about what you know about what she got you know what kind of caught my wife drive not unless you know the interior of a car and you seen her on the story and you can recognize what kind of seats in the car but cuz you but you know you're gonna Instagram you see a lot of women taking piece of what they cost taking piece of what they call because they want they haters to know what they in but a lonely woman she not worried about flossing in front but a world she worried about taking care home she worried about she hide her relationship when she secured she's gonna post that relationship she wants you to know she married or that she taken but she's trying to floss him flesh in front you something she talking on the ground for intense for attention she trying to bake nobody she got a man but still trying to get the likes and admiration of other men she's satisfied that's the wrong woman and so that why right now egg listen I give my wife everything everything I can afford the girl spiritually emotionally physically financially socially especially specially spoken ly you hear me ever kind of leap out there I'm giving it to her you know why because this is a wrong woman who was with me when all I had was character integrity and ambition the CIA I didn't have no money but I had God and she say if you got God and you're gonna live like his Holy Bible tell you to live and you got everything you need see a wrong girl can't get past that fact she got oh well when you got with your wife your wife was 20 years old okay I'm 59 okay I'm 46 okay I'm 39 I need a man help mo being a little see I ate it look care of integrity ambition ain't gonna paint nobody feels okay I need a man they're gonna pay my bill that's what a grown girl is hotting back that's all she could see that's all she could see and so it's like okay all right that's why you're in a situation you win because when you meet a good man you judge him for the wrong things when you just can be patient see what God do he allowed you to run the marathon he allowed you to climb what the rough side of the mountain because it's the most lessons on the rough side of mount if he put you in a trolley with a pulley system let you in at the bottom of mountain and pull you up a smooth slope you ain't learned nothing oh you got as a scenic view but when you climbing up the rough side of the mountain oh yeah when you climb not the rough side of the mountain guess what you can't holler see the view could you got so much sweat in your eyes you're working so hard you climbing so hard you ah you got a call out on his name lord give me Oh give me strappy women eight guess what you getting stronger you getting wiser you understand gratitude you grateful for that cool breeze that calm you grateful for the rain cause it's washing off your sweat you hear me you grateful for every season of your life because you had to build something special with somebody you need walk into no ready-made situation that was financially laid out and and you played because you financially laid but you had to come in this thing and y'all had to come become interdependent and y'all had the bill together but you character and your integrity and your ambition you only telling you yes know what I'm telling you this one I'm telling you you got to realize that you can't go crazy trying to please no grown girl you can't get stuck talking my oh I gotta be financially secure cuz you never financially secure doesn't there's no such thing as financially secure there's no such thing as that there's no such thing as that because it don't matter how much you got in saving inflation going up inflation gonna kill your savings okay you could get up you could get injured and it drained your savings in one day your medical bill wipe your savings I there's no such thing as financially secure you can have all your money and you're in the market somebody else tore it up I got $400,000 in the market and in the market crash I had 400,000 I got 200,000 how am i living off of that from 65 to 95 oh my goodness what is gonna happen you ain't financially secure cuz there's no such thing as but enough security that's why you gotta have character and you gotta have integrity and you got to have ambition because no matter what's going on in the financial world you gonna be able to make a way you're gonna be able to find a way in the midst of this hill situation god bless me more did not never been blessed in the midst of the hill situation so you know what I'm telling you it's been a journey it's been 13 years it's a 13 year for my wife to realize and get to this point and she threw in the towel 10 years ago cuz I wasn't well she wanted me to be financially and when I mean by that is what your heart desire if she would have thought in tower called me a sucker called me a chump cuz I couldn't make X amount of dollars to do this and do that and do this and do that guess what she wouldn't realize this day or being blessed to be able to have the dangers that she bought and that she needs metal songs want and need and be able to take care of everything wanna be able didn't reach this day but see that's what a grown woman a grown woman gotta be is she a grown woman got foresight I looked and I said baby how do we get to this point being founders of multiple businesses she said I always knew it was coming she's I try to tell you she said when you want to go do multi-level marketing when you want to go back and get a regular job when you want to somebody to hire you full time I try to tell you know when you want to go start a church so that you got a regular salary for getting up and preaching every Sunday I told you no I told you no state of course everything gonna work out your time is coming that's what a grown woman did a grown girl you better do something I don't know what you're gonna do but you better get up out of here you tryin to be a life coach gentle speaker what you think you ill tdj it the Construction Yard right out y'all you need to go do something no I can't do that she's okay you have 40 K you have 40 K yeah as a life coach on the speaker okay god I gotta you gonna go it's gonna grow gonna be right hey understand the grown woman she got emotional intelligence she got vision she got ambition she got integrity she did it with her issue she working on herself she'd go out fear you mean she patient she loving she understand she compassionate she don't tear you down she don't try to rip you a new one she's not cursing you out she's not calling you out your name if you a good man she loved me and she supporting you hey that's it there between the bra girl and wrong woman I hope you got this far if you got help put be blessed I made
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 121,468
Rating: 4.9090624 out of 5
Id: f1GR22pMmNw
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Length: 59min 10sec (3550 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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