Two faced gossiping narcissists #narcissists

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this is another highly requested video on this channel so we're going to dive right into this topic and begin so we're going to talk about two-faced gossiping narcissists and maybe even gang stalkers because they both fall under the same category if i'm being real if you were hanging out with somebody say right maybe even two or three or four other people and these individuals are always talking about other people they're always just thinking about other people they have other people on their mind all the time it's all they can ever talk about or think about they can't just be in the moment they can't just have a good time in the moment you guys are showing each other nothing but love you guys are in the moment you guys are doing your thing these are you're in a flow state moment having a good time that is what you want those the type of friends and those the type of people you want to be surrounded by not other people who always has somebody else's name in their mouth because what do you think they're doing whenever you're not around they're gossiping about you for whatever reason and nothing good is ever going to come out of having friends or anybody else that's in your life that is like this trust and believe they are not your friend they are not your pal they are not your buddy they are a narc they have small shallow minds they can't think about anything else that actually makes them happy they can't just they're it's it's like superficial stuff it's very superficial stuff because they're usually gossiping about somebody else's appearance looks look at this person look what this person did today look what that person did today blah blah blah do you see how much of an idiot this person is oh i hate that person it's all the stuff like this that you're gonna hear and it's the most annoying thing you will ever hear in your life i hate being around people like that i can't stand it it drives me nuts because it starts to make me not be able to think in a flow state moment which i always want to be in i want to be open-minded i want to be creative i want to feel that love feel that good energy feel that peace just being in an all-around flow state you could be playing a sport with each other you could be doing anything with each other it's just good vibes but you can't be in that state if you have these two-faced gossiping narcs that are very superficial that are around you that are always talking about this nonsense stuff that makes no sense that serves no purpose that is doing nothing for anybody else they do this because they're insecure they do this because they want to convince everybody else how to see other people to make themselves look better whenever they're wasting their time who are you looking better for who do you want to look good for and for what it makes no sense this is why it drives me nuts being around these people they are not secure they are insecure there's a big difference if they were secure they'd be in a flow state if they were secure they wouldn't be thinking about other people 24 7. they got themselves they're doing their own thing it just puts you in a bad mood being around people like that all the time every day and you can think nothing to yourself but i want to get the hell out of here and if i'm ever like in a situation like that that's exactly what i do i distance myself from people like that and i did not want to be around because it's bad for you it's bad for your brain it's bad for you because it brings you down it starts making you it makes you feel some type of way it's hard to explain it like stuff like that will not make me do stuff like that which it can do it to other people and it can do it to some people i'll never be involved with that stuff but it can just make you start to think more negative for no apparent reason and it makes you think more negative because you're not in that flow state which you want to be having a good time it's like dark it's very dark energy it's not good you feel like there's a dark cloud over your head and you feel that way because these two-faced people that you are around it's because they feel that way and they're only talking about other people is because they feel that way they feel threatened by other people which is why they have that dark cloud over their head and it all revolves around in a circle all these things are happening because they feel some type of web you don't feel that way that's why you can't relate to what they're saying you just you're just happy you're just doing your thing you're in that flow state but they can't be because there's something that is setting them up there is something that is hurting their ego and they always have a problem with somebody else that is doing something better than they're doing how do you fix that start doing something yourself stop worrying about the next man stop worrying about the next moment stop worrying about what other people are doing with and in their lives do something about your own stop talking about other people in a bad way it makes no sense and you just look like an idiot for doing it you sound stupid for talking about other people so much and that is honestly how i feel about all these individuals and even whenever you're in schools and stuff like this you're going to see a lot of this stuff you're going to see a lot of this stuff in school it gets better when you get out of school you actually figure out your life and what you want to do you're going to start to not be around these people and these people are going to venture off and they're going to do whatever they're going to do and you're going to do whatever you're going to do but being around them all the time it just takes something out of you i always felt like my energy was being sucked dry out of me in school to the point where it was making me mad like i wanted to start to hit people i wanted to start fighting people because they're making me mad they're doing dumb [ __ ] they're saying dumb things and it makes me want to slap somebody very hard that's all i can remember like my last year in school just annoying ass dumbass people and me wanting to get away so i can continue on with my life and my back that's exactly what i did but like i said guys nothing good ever comes around being around these people so your best option is to be alone be by yourself rather than being around these people there's a lot of places guys that like i could have worked like even in the past like where i come from but i avoided a lot of places where i could have worked because of the people that was there because of what i would have had to deal with on a day-to-day basis and it's like i i i'm the type of person that i don't deal with other people's [ __ ] where some people they they crave to find individuals that they can just like bully around but i'm not that type of person and if you try to do that to me we're gonna end up fighting and i'm gonna put a bad bad beating on you and let's say i decide to fish with somebody because where i come from a lot of people fish if i get on a belt with somebody and i'm with somebody that's being disrespectful i'm probably gonna throw them off the boat and continue driving it myself or tie them to a damn lobster trap and set one off i just can't stand these people they literally make you want to harm them like what do you expect there's certain people you can push around in this world and there's certain people you can't push around in this world i'm a hard-headed individual and i don't take that stuff from nobody you can be andre the giant you're not going to say something like that to me you're not going to disrespect me i will get you some way somehow i will get you and energy never lies whenever i show up and there's two-faced people and i show up they get pretty damn quiet they had a lot to say behind the scenes but when you show up everybody's energy changes the whole room shifts ain't nobody got nothing to say no because now the situation's real they're not in their little fantasy world where they're making each other's egos and stroking each other's egos to the point where they just feel like king [ __ ] when really like i said it's just a fantasy world whenever they come into real life [ __ ] when they're in real life situations they cower away like the cowards they are like to spawn those cowards they are and will forever be for the rest of their lives and for the rest of eternity they are not [ __ ] they wish they were [ __ ] which is why they have these big egos and talk the way they talk behind everybody else's backs but really in real life they're just dust and that's it so guys your best bet is to stay as far away from these people as possible because they will cause trouble they will cause trouble for you because they will set you off to the point where you smack them silly and they will get you in trouble with the law because you put your hands on them they're very very snaky like this they're nothing but snakes they just want to set you off they want to do something that's going to get you in trouble they want to take you out of your frame because they're not in their own they are not in their own masculine frame they want to try to take you out of yours they want to try to get you emotional and riled up in things like this so the best thing you can do is not deal with them because you will get riled up you will you might put your hands on them you might harm them that's the way i am anyways that's the way i think it's the way i always was you have to respect me because if you don't i'm gonna make you do it you're not gonna disrespect me that's for sure so if you're not gonna it's either one of the other you're either disrespecting somebody or you're respecting somebody respect doesn't mean you're bowing down oh no respect is just like you respect the person that just walked in the room you're not disrespecting them you respect the fact that they just walk in the room so if you're disrespectful i'm gonna make you respect me and if you don't we're gonna fight a hundred times until you do and that's just how it is this is how everybody should be do not let anybody walk on you do not let anybody disrespect you like i said i don't care who you are i don't i really don't you will respect me so i'm going to end the video there guys i've got nothing to say in this topic we just covered it all so i'm gonna get out of here now and i'm pumped for tonight and i'm pumped for right now because i'm gonna eat a big meal because i'm hungry as [ __ ] but i'm pumped for tonight because ufc 262 is on and it's going to be a baron burner there's a lot of good fights that are flying under the radar on this card it's going to be good so i'm going to get out of here now i hope you guys enjoy this video and i hope you guys enjoy the rest of this day i'll be back from some more videos guys until next time peace out
Channel: terryjoeljunior
Views: 1,621
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Two faced gossiping narcissists, narcissistabuse, narcissistawareness, narcissistabuseawareness, narcology unscripted, narcissistparents, narcissistsurvivors, narcissists, Dr Ramani, surviving narcissism, alpha male strategies, Darius M, anthony spade, stephiscold, mjgetright, narcissistwomen, redpill
Id: 5jjiccGsD5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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