Be willing to leave!

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hey Tony gas is here you know I got a quote that I posted yesterday on Instagram and Facebook and it said you have to be willing to lose them in order to keep them and really it will say him but sometimes you know God's getting mad or what about losing her and some people don't understand that quote when I say you have to be willing to lose him in order to keep him and some people say oh well that's a game you're playing games and some people say oh well by then it's too late and all of that is untrue because that is the case in every area of life just like on your job if you go to your job and you have a job description and the boss start bringing you stuff that's outside of your job description if you don't say anything like listen this is not in my job description so I don't feel that this is fair that you're asking me to do this and I'm still being paid the same if I got to do the work of the manager and the supervisor then I need to see a difference in my pay unless you call that meeting and you had a meeting with your boss then guess what you're gonna have to do that work and your boss won't keep adding on and on and on before you know it you're doing the job description of three different jobs for the same pay the same thing in your friendship you in a friendship and if y'all go out to eat and you and you pay for then the next time y'all go out to eat your friend leave her wallet and you pay for it then your friend lose her job and you pay for it before you know it you're gonna be paying for 70% of the outings because your friend assume that you just got the money and she'll just be happy go-lucky just the happy she wanna be she won't feel like she's doing anything wrong people say oh well that ain't your friend well oh that job don't appreciate you it's human nature it's just human nature if with your child if you raising kids if you will let your son or daughter eat Oreos for dinner every day instead of brussel sprouts or broccoli guess what they don't eat for dinner Oreos if you got a dog or cat or whatever you got if you let your dog get in your bed and sleep in your bed yo dog gonna sleep in your bed every night instead of in his crate or in the doll house you see I'm saying in every aspect of life you're going to have to show somebody what you mean Point Blank period in a perfect world you would like to hope that you don't have to show somebody what you're not gonna tolerate but you have to let a person know what you're not gonna tolerate in every aspect of life and so all these women hollering about oh well by the time it gets to there I'm done it's over I'm gone stop lying stop lying you've been dealing with that same growing boy for years this man had come in late time at the time he didn't told you he gonna call you and don't call you time at the time he's a cheated on you he didn't curse you I stopped lying or you ain't never been in no relationship to even be able to say what you will and won't do stop lying because it's just the nature of a man he gonna try you in one way or another it's human nature they don't mean that the person is a bad person it just like with me when I got married with my wife when I first got back with her when we was dating I had went to the streetlight I had went back to the street life that I was in before her and had got out met her dating her I wasn't dealing with the streets we broke up I went back to the street life when we got back together six months later then I had got back in the streetlight she told me I got to get out of streets when we got married I'm thinking because we married she locked in she can't go nowhere divorce ain't easy she didn't let her friends and family know so if I go back in the streets Devlin dabbling it's not that big of a deal it's not that bad it's just we it's bout to be legal soon she's not gonna trip it's to put extra money on the table food on the table for my family little did I know she said nope I'm not gonna be here I got to go so when she told me that she refused to be there she loved that night after about a week of dealing with it trying to give silent treatments trying to look at me sideways trying to see if all that was gonna be enough to work that weren't enough to work I needed a real chess move to let me know that you really serious about me being in these streets like prove to me that you really don't want me in these streets that's human nature that's that's living being nature that living being nature your tree try to bust through your your outdoor screen yo your weeds try to crawl up the pole on your house that's living being nature everything tried to impose its will your dog gonna try you over and over you can't gonna try you your goldfish gonna try you that's living being nature not just human nature and that's what you got to understand and so you're being unrealistic to think anything other than that the same thing happened with with a woman but one we might not try a man by cheating but she might try a man by overspending on certain items whether it's grocery she might want to spend two hundred and and the budget is 100 she might want to buy $800 sweater instead of her budget is $100 sweater or $12 sweater she might want to tell little lies about where she spent this money or where did this money go she might loan something to her friend or to a family member and didn't tell her husband and wanna hide it guess what if the man catch her and he just all right she gonna keep doing it but if she's telling little lies that could turn into big lies and he catch her and he say listen I refuse I refuse to be with a liar if you're gonna tell lives I don't care if it's dis beat or is this beating I'm not gonna be here I refuse you tell one more lie and we don't because I cannot build an empire with a liar so guess what when that man checks her she comes she didn't really see it as the issue she looked at it like it's just a little white lie like I'm just trying to keep things under control like I don't want to let him know that I love my cousin $100 because I know he's gonna get mad so I just pretend I needed to do my nails and you know I actually spent 20 on my nails and he gave a tea to my cousin like she just convinced herself she keeping the drama down she picking her balance he sees that as a kingdom offense that you're a liar you're a deceiver and I cannot trust you because if I can't trust you in the small things I won't be able to trust you in the big things I refuse the bill with you so even a man in different ways have to check his woman because she trying to impose her will she trying to get away with what she want to get away with which may be excessive in one area or another the same with a man it might not be cheating it might be gambling it might be nasty movies okay hands are low it might be a female friend and he's just too chummy chummy with you see what I mean people going to try to get away with what they want to get away with so I really couldn't understand you know what was so hard to understand about that and it's it's crazy to see how ignorant some people are to relationships and to human nature oh well if it is by that time is too late no it's not actually too late in a relationship almost every relationship you got leave you really don't see a relationship that you get together and y'all go straight through without a hitch 99% of relationship you had to leave if it was for a week it feels for two weeks if it was for a month ninety-nine percent of relationships you had leave my wife when we started dating and she left me at the two or three month mark then when we got married she left me at the - Montmartre in dating it was because I was trying to be controlling and jealous and insecure in marriage it was because I went back to the streetlight she had to show me once in dating and then she had to show me once in marriage and I had ly her one time it not leaving but it was not talk for two or three days and it was because of a little life did lie to help do anything with infidelity or anything like that but we both had to make a stance to say listen this what I will and won't tolerate point-blank period that's relationships our relationship 100 percent happy today but you have to go through that because it's not like leaving like break up the make up break up the make up and I think that's what some people think that when I say you have to be willing to lose a person in order to keep a person all that means is that you got to have your deal-breakers and you got to be willing to leave over something it gotta be some things that you will leave over because when a person see that no matter what they do you're gonna stay they won't have respect for you but when a person see that they could push you to a certain point that you'll leave that's when you get that respect in every every arena we got a little dog got a little doll come but most the youngest son he wanted all it's a girl dog her name Bella and I see how with my wife because my wife strict with my wife want her to sit down to eat she gonna sit and eat she tried to walk away with group my wife pulled right back Lou put her right back pull it right back pull the right back she knows now don't play with my wife now my mother-in-law she yell and scream at her she she be all that my mother long punk AHA telling her what to do what not to do and my wife put in that crate because she hasn't went outside and use the restroom and when they take out ceiling use the restroom she put her back in the crate so she don't use it in the house so that she learned when we go outside that's where you use restaurant man if not you're gonna sit here in his crate because you're not gonna be bullying on my float my mother long or let out the crate so not she know if my mother-in-law is no screaming yellow this animal this animal that cannot speak no English its animal what you think a human gonna do to you in a relationship when a human finai what they could do to get over the gate day way across the board and ain't nobody innocent ain't nobody anything my six y'all he know how to get a new toy he know how to get a new toy my wife she know how to get something new I remember the first dog we got a long time ago my wife wanted a dog so what she'll do is when I coming in she'll be on the computer looking at dolls when she get up she'll lead the screen dolls all images are dolls just sending little hints just sending little hands that's what human to do a human know how to get they way they and I remember one time you know why we go in the store and she want something she'll make a certain little face make a little face oh my goodness I would love to have this I would love to have this anytime she say that I'll say Cory Anna get him oh no don't had to get Fame she had gone ahead and getting all read me on one time I was like all right ain't falling for this I know what she'd be doing so we went through the stove we wanted from stoller stove she's doing her low face she's looking at stuff stole the stove I'm just by thirst o she said you don't love me anymore and just I I don't know where and I did laughter than she just laughs and she said you don't love me anymore but really what it was is she saw that what she normally do that get a certain response from me I was ignoring him so cuz I knew what she's doing the whole time but this whole time she thought that that's when I do this he's gonna say go ahead and do this so she got to a place to where she never asked me for anything she just mentioned it me being her husband me being her king if she mentioned it imma get it for what me studying human behavior I said let me see when I don't do it if she respond to it so I did that and I realized that was her way of asking I had to learn that because she's an independent type woman and an independent type woman doesn't like to ask anybody for anything so what they would rather do is kind of you know just mention it my oldest son that's his same way he really don't ask he just kind of say that would be nice that would be such a cool game to have like I kind of always wanted that game that's how he'll do it versus just saying hey Dad can I have this now he'll ask me cuz he realized you got straight A's no eight minuses you don't get in trouble it's nothing you can ask me for that I'm gonna say no so anytime he acted so I say yeah because the way he behave yourself in his grave so now he knows I share those examples to show you that this is just human nature and if you really study yourself you're gonna see where you do it to you won't see what you do to try to get your way you're gonna see what you do and so one of the ways that we may do this is we may guilt trip somebody you know we may try to guilt trip instead of just asking cuz to ask puts you in a vulnerable state but to guilt trip it kind of gives you a power trip because it's like you're making them feel inadequate you making them feel insufficient and you in attack mode giving them a guilt trip and then they're like well all you had to do was ask you know and we do that back and forth so you have to understand the little stuff like that what I'm mentioning that is like no big deal like if my wife kind of want to hear that song versus delivery the asking for it or my sons they hinting at the toy they want versus deliberately asking for that's no big deal but see what you have to realize is when that same type of stuff starts to happen on in a serious matter like with the man trying to cheat or to lie so remember and I'm taught this before how with men specifically I'm a man I may use this example from a male perspective what we would do as a man when we a grown boy and what you got to realize 70 to 80% of men you meet our grown boys it just it's just the way it is it's like our world Riaan our world does not build grow man a man typically becomes a grown man going through hardships accountability something in his life that forces him to grow but other than that so a lot of women on the post I made about you gotta be willing to lose them to keep them like oh I don't want that relationship oh that sounded like a game no that's what you're dealing with that's the man you date that's the man you date and you might not even realize how he try on you so with a man it's gonna go just just a little bit it's gonna be very small the first thing he's gonna say I'm gonna call you at 9:00 he's not gonna call you at 9:00 you're gonna leave you sitting and waiting and feeling anxiety and anticipation and make you yearn and long for his call and he said he might be sitting on his video game he might be sitting out watching TV he might be sitting out on the phone with another woman then he's gonna call you the next day like nothing happened if you just brush it under the rug and you don't mention it he's like oh I was waiting on you last night I was like oh man I miss you so much don't do me like that and that's how you take it that was a test you just fail if you say listen why don't you call me an I like you said you were oh well I fell asleep that's unacceptable because when you feeling tired then you should have called me then but I'm sitting there waiting on you and I don't know if something happened to you or what that's disrespectful and I just I don't tolerate I don't play those kind of games you're wrong man you don't have upper lip see you did not I don't know if it's narcolepsy epilepsy y'all forgive me you ain't got to correct me is it what it is and you don't have that disorder you could have called me so when you check them like that don't you just stop that cuz see it's just like what I told you like your dog like your child like your pet whatever kind of pet you got like your student if you a teacher your student in your classroom it's that child of a horrible child no the child a bad child no but if they posed to be doing a lesson and heat whispering and you look up you saying wish me you don't say nothing he's gonna keep whispering next thing you know they're gonna be having a floor conversation next thing you know they're gonna be throwing spitballs next thing you know they're gonna be throwing big balls next thing you know they're gonna be fighting that's what's gonna happen your classroom so this is human nature this does not mean it's a game this human nature it's not a game does not mean that the relationship is over when you got to flex your muscle when you got a letter person know that if this type of situation continues this is a deal-breaker I will be gone if you actually have to leave this what you got to understand it's two sides to leave it if you love a person you're leaving and you know that you want to come back you know that you want to be with them but you know you need to leave you need to get distance so that they can feel your absence and so that they can process their thoughts and feelings and emotions and their since with your absence so you know that you may be gone for three days seven days 14 days but to the person who you left you don't say to them I'm taking a break I'm leaving in three days give me 72 hours give me a week give me two weeks so to them it feels like it's over and this could be over a lie this could be over the third time he or she didn't keep their word this could be over them yelling at you for the second time third time this could be for them cursing at you this for them for this could be for them gambling again for them smoking again getting drunk again them talking to that person that is toxic and negative in their life that they said they were gonna get rid of because they keep ruining y'all relationship affecting your relationship in a negative way it could be over any of that it could be over cheating they cheated and you don't want to leave yes you should leave but it's just not realistic a lot of relationships go through cheating so my thing is is I try to be realistic should you leave is somebody T absolutely now you should absolutely leave do you leave do you break up for good nine out of ten times no 9 10 times no I'm a relationship coach I know 9 or 10 times they stay in the relationship you have the man cheated it's just where it is so guess what if you're going to stay anyways you would have been better off leaving for a period of time an indefinite amount of time without him knowing the amount of time and having him work work work work work for you to get you back because to him you gone for he should not know that you love him with all your heart and that you want to forgive him and that you want to make it work he should not know that he should feel like it is the end of the world he's so stupid he made a idiotic decision now he has to settle for loose booty 9:01 you go about your business and you never coming back that is how he should feel because only that feeling is gonna push him to change push him to grow we are human humans makes mistakes human made mistakes now every human may make a mistake but you might not have to deal with their mistake they may make a mistake and they deal with it on their own and they heal and they grow on their own it's mistakes I made choices I made things I said things I've done that my wife has no clue about I worked on me between me and God so she didn't have to bear the brunt of my mistakes and so of all my mistakes and that happens as well humans make mistakes so now if you find out about a mistake now you have to look at every relationship is different because what is what was the mistake what was the choice let's call it a choice it's a bad choice versus a mistake what was the bad choice every bad choice may have different consequences so if the bad choice was getting drunk or getting high that's gonna be different than sleeping with somebody sleeping with another person if the bad choice was gambling or telling a lie that's gonna be different than sleeping with somebody so you got a look at what the bad choice was then you have to look at what offense was this so was it the first offense or was it the third offense that's a big difference if it's the third offense versus if it's the first offense so this what you have to realize you can't take your situation like when you see a quote like what I posted yesterday and apply it directly to your situation because every situation is different so it's for who is for but not everything is for you you got to get what's for you so if you've been cheated on five times then three times four times two times then you might be alright I'm fed up it's over with you get cheated on one time you may say well I made some mistakes in that same area but he doesn't know about it or she doesn't know about it so let us confront this let us address this let me make this Kingdom issue like go silent for X amount of days and then let's come together and let's work through this because neither of us are innocent but he or she just don't know what item did you said I mean sometimes that's the case now if you've been 100% faithful you gave everything you didn't dealt with you know so many different forms of mistreatment in this relationship and then this right here happens like physical infidelity and you like you know what this that's the straw that broke the camel's back okay be gone be gone ain't nobody mad at you and nobody mad at you anybody telling you the play of mine game this what you gotta realize you leavin you getting distance is not a mind game that's not a mind game that's you respecting yourself and getting separation getting some distance because you also growing learning thinking and processing yes your heart may want to come back and you may have intentions of coming back because you really really are in love but that's not a mind game you know that's that's like pain that's not like games no that's not games when you respect yourself enough they get you some distance so that you can process and consider the ramifications of going back or leaving that's not games that's a part of a relationship in most relationships 99.9% of relationships are gonna go through a period of where you gonna have to have that what I've talked about in the warm is influences you don't have a book you need to get this book now you're gonna have a 72-hour rule or the 14-day rule if it's something that's small like you consider a smaller issue it may just be but it's something that if it continues it'll be a deal breaker like lying that maybe the 72-hour rule where you don't say nothing you just get distance and you say you know what I'm gone you don't explain you don't say I'm on a break you don't say I'm taking 72 hours I'm gone and you just radio silent for 72 hours you might in that 72 hours come to terms figure some things out and it might be something like he smoked weed again or he lied or he went to gamble or you called him watching Pern and so now you got that 72 now y'all been together and see this a thing a lot of times when we're being realistic if everybody is tough in the comments everybody tough in the comment oh you need to just leave if that happened to me oh I am gone everybody tough in the comments when you get in relationship let's see how tough you are in their relationship when you two got married or Univ being with a person for five years y'all had one two three kids and then you catch him cheating you got a house together you got marriage together the kids in school you're all going again the community actually looking up to y'all then he cheat that's a much different dilemma than being with a man for six months and he cheats six months you already cheating oh don't you miss em gone for good but the woman who was giving her entire life to this man she might not even be working she might be a stay-at-home mom and then catches him cheating her decision has far more implications and ramifications then the woman who was cheated on inside of one year with no real ties so this woman over here she may say I'm gonna do this thing a little differently she may say okay he cheated I hate him right now I want to be done with this I want to leave but we got children together we got a house together we got a business together all of this got to get split up some kind of way I got up in my children's life they absolutely loved their father to death they don't know the difference if I tell them he cheated they might not even care they might be like mom that's just men that's what men do mom toughen up put your big-girl panties on he's not perfect okay you didn't marry Superman she might be thinking like that and guess what if some kids dislike that if some kid that's like that if if the man ain't did nothing else if he don't yell he don't scream he not physically the okay Conor McGregor in the relationship then the kid might be lying okay mom that happens it happens to my friend's mom too all right we love dad we love this house we love this school we love riding in his car get over it and so a lot of Mom's face with that so who are we to look at her out from the outside looking in just you should just leave yeah she probably should leave but it may take some planning if she's not in physical danger physical horn then she may have some time to plan her escape and guess what he's going to have to know that she willing to leave if she don't immediately when she found out he cheating if she don't eat me dee Utley go stay with her mama I'll go stay with her friend or she can't tell nobody she go get a hotel she let the kids know I'm going to a hotel and they of age your dad cheated on me wants a hotel now on the flip side of that the kid may rip their dad a new one they may rip him a new one how could you do that she loves you with all her heart what kind of man are you I am disgusted with you they may rip him a new he may feel this big guess what there are couples that have gone through that and they were better on the other side of it they got stronger they grew together they'll be in the comments telling you about their story do I condone it that's not my life if my wife cheat on me you hit me I'm gone so soon you know like the commercial not the commercial it looks show we used to walk with the road one if my wife cheat on me well going so fast baby I don't care what my son is talking about a you gonna be all right I'm gonna see here we can go 50% you're gonna be a um but somebody else that's your life you do what works for you if I cheat on my wife she's gonna be going so fast you hit me you telling my getting her bank most men already got to do to get a woman back to come to one coaching session with me and they get they wanna bang if I cheat on my wife um I have to create a tool a machine that turns Jesus from a spirit back into a human and teleport him to earth and sit down and how 50 to 60 sessions one-on-one with Jesus Christ in the flesh yeah I come up at this stage of my life having affair on my wife nah it's different when you 20 21 22 we met when we 21 9 what we went through 20 21 22 when you young 23 the first couple years of marriage you're going at each other you back and forth what you tolerate then different than what you're gonna tolerate in your 30s 40s 50s after Univ in together more than a decade so you can't judge every situation the same what a 20 year old woman 21 year old woman put up with or deal with gonna be different than what a 41 y'all want me to put up with so this what I mean by you it's no cookie cutter approach there's no one-size-fits-all and that's the problem with advice online sometimes people don't have the the sense to understand that not every quote is talking to you not every quote is addressing your situation not everything is for you and so sometimes you got to stop making everything be for you and you got to go get the coaching that you need to learn what's for you and what's not for you to learn to get your strategy your plan of action and that's what a lot of people just don't do they want to make one size fit all and relationships is different so my conversation with a woman who've been married 10 years and got three kids and they in private school and living in a 4,000 square foot house and they didn't and she part on all the business and they didn't built this whole life together that's gonna be a different conversation because she's gonna have her plan of action if she's gonna leave is gonna involve you know alimony spousal support that's a different conversation then the woman who with her boyfriend in an apartment with no kids and all they got an eighth name together is just a little raggedy lease in an entry-level apartment and he goes and he cheats on her and they've been together less than two years that's a different situation then this woman over here that got three kids with this man so should both of them leave if they get cheated on yes if they feel that that's what they want to do and that's what they should do but they may have to go about it different ways the girl in her 20s she might you know it woman over here her twin is she I'm gonna break the lead bought that credit bought that credit I go to bright begin and credit repair get my cred fit and buy this woman over here in her late thirties forties she might say okay okay this is like I think he got me Whataya noways okay watch this whoo whoo yes attorney Brown how are you we got some work to do whoo are you ready for this this is gonna be a ride you hit me that woman oh yeah she also Mel's she got a different plan she might have a piece in her spirit and she might stay in that situation for six months 12 months her youngest might be 15 to get ready to graduate she got a plan teen put hands on him he's just having an affair okay go ahead chief in to cut off that supply them left and to go from this the just like that and so guess what she's gonna cut off that supply she finna let her baby girl graduate virtually this month on zoom and come June July August they finna virtually put a kid in college and start off freshman year all right attorney Brown it's go time okay what I want okay 150 percent of every business okay I won't fit the but we're gonna sell this house whoo it's paid off and get 50% of that my kids grown so they ain't got no emotional trauma not so they finna be they go understand they've grown my dogs then got cheated on buddy little raggedy boyfriend so they've noted that at the doll so yeah the ester hit the fan the strata broke coming back I want it all all right we'll talk some similar paperwork she in a different situation she's gonna move differently you said I'm saying so but here's the key you gotta be willing to lose them in order to keep on anything in your life you got to be willing to lose in order to win think about in a boxing match think about it in a game think about it in a competition if you going that boss man you too safe you to say you just gonna get water they gonna start picking the holes in there but in order to win you're gonna have to let your hands go and when you let your hand go guess what you open if they quit and they could catch it uh you smell but guess what in order for you to win you got to be willing to lose that's the same thing in a relationship Devon I'm trying to get y'all to understand everybody don't understand you know some people just got there's a comment warriors and they got the spirit of beg to differ and wanna come and just try to make everything apply to a little raggedy situation everything ain't talking to you everything ain't talking to you okay and people are here one thing this this what this what this way see this the thing this this what a lot of women and men don't understand it's the power of social media so you have an account right you're having social medium it's explaining y'all this hi this work so I post that quote yesterday you have to be willing to lose them in order to keep now if they know that you'll stay no matter what then they'll never respect you but when they realize that you're willing to leave that's when you get that respect that's what the quote said all right what people don't understand is is the power of social media so some people will say oh that sound like a game that sound like you playing games ain't got time to play games ain't got time to play game so what you just saw what you got time to just get cheated on what you got time for what you think you just friend to go up to this person get them your list everything you want everywhere you post be treated and they just puzzle ok this your list ok all right cool this is a key what I'm gonna do exactly what my ok how do you want me to sit again oh ok ok like all right and I hurt now let me see your list okay okay now how did you say you wanted me to eat oh okay like what am i oh okay okay all right now how you say you want to be treated that's not how I work in the real world ain't got time for gang oh that sound like a knee let me tell you what happened this hot is this how this comes about okay it's scrolling online they go on Instagram and they see a quote that says you shouldn't play games and relationships anybody who's playing games is wasting their time a relationship is not about games it's about honesty trust respect forgiveness so they'll read this quote that's written by a grown boy or a grown girl and a lot of times this written by man because a lot of the quote pages that's out here is owned by men it's owned by entrepreneurial men I know a lot of a lot of people think it's a woman page because the quote sound like they talk to a woman no it means running the equal money quote pages nine out of ten of them it's me and running the page so you got a grown boy behind the keyboard infiltrate society and so the reason why I grown boy says this is because the reason why he called the games is because when he do something wrong and his woman leaves that time when she left he never lost his mind he'd never lost his mind you him he was ready to get on in PI state building just show the swan dive he lost it because he he thought he had her pegged he thought he could manipulate a deceiver control user use the door wrong but when she came here and got this here knowledge she knew how to move cuz now she understand man cuz one of the worse to do it gave the game away so now she's dealing with peon player okay I would play a front of Himalaya okay that's how I could get on him talk for our date cuz I really was I yeah doing it way worse so what P on player doing she like woo okay alright that's that's your move alright watch what I do hey watch this and so a well she took and she got that distance and she put him on a 72-hour rule he was over there okay okay listen all right I'm sorry please answer to follow the he called aback listen what is going on answer your phone me okay I'm sorry the last message I got beside myself please forgive me he mom so he going through all of that in that 72-hour rule she might not even realize that he realized that so guess what he gets online makes a mean relationship should not be games you shouldn't be playing games and relationship you need to be real and straightforward and honest and and it sound like it makes sense but what the person who wrote it actually me is don't make me work for you don't make me fight for you after I do you wrong just suck it up and just take it don't make me deal with you that's what the man who right knee means me it ain't really is it ain't women right and memes its man you know what let me tell you let me tell you why because online they started with Twitter man was making six figures on Twitter six figures a year running mean Twitter accounts and parody accounts so they would get before Dave Chappelle got on Twitter they took and got a Dave Chappelle Twitter account he wasn't on there all the Dave Chappelle fans started following the Dave Chappelle account they linked up to the advertising site that allows you to post ads so they got 500,000 followers and then they posted ads the tweets that where when you click it they get paid they're literally making over $100,000 a year running this parody page when man started doing that I know because I knew all the guys because I had a viral page that was my Twitter was more viral than they mean pages and they quote pages and a parody pages so they were clicking with me linking up with me and you know what they used to do the boy um spectacular from the group pretty Ricker pretty Ricky he made a whole business out of it you could google him he made a whole business out of running his social media stuff his account was hooked up to my account my Twitter account and if you go to spectacular back in the day if you went in spectacular Twitter page every single tweet was my tweet but it'll be my tweets from my five days ago so because my papers so viral he just connect his paid to my page and it just reposted all my tweets nothing was original but he had his totally separate following because magic did Pete the people following pretty ricky grew not following me so his audience thought that was his tweets and I'm saying his name cuz that was slimy you know I not knowing we wouldn't talk since then and all that but they were young they were immature and he product claimed he know it was doing because somebody else was running it tell what they all used to say that's how I know these men make any means but you going and today and that's why people saw my own social media any real social media social media running your whole life it's people making whole life decisions off of a mean people making whole life decisions over me I don't see you mean let's say if if your marriage or your relationship doesn't have fights like cats and dogs then it's not real a relationship is intended to be break up to make up and fighting like cats and dogs that's when you know it's real and there's people in our time at putting all 200 signs yes that's what I be trying to tell them yes that's what I be saying you got to go through it if you ain't going through it if y'all ain't been an oafish fight it is not real don't come to me with that little play play fantasy fake stuff that is not real and people were literally and the guy who wrote it that's what he's doing to his girlfriend and then he'd get on their Twitter fingers mean mean man and then he'd make up a stupid meme on his page they got a million got a million followers posted then the guys who run the mean page they only 500 800 1000 because once you'd be a 1 you could build a second one because when you build a next page you just repost it on this page then people who follow this page follow this page they think this page is giving this page a shout-out don't realize it ran by the saying wrong boy sometimes it's gave me giving relationship advice to hitter or sexual couples oh no yeah yeah sometimes is single women who ain't never had a relationship yeah I met a couple of old giving relationship advice and never had a relationship ain't know how successful relationship and got all the memes in the world got all the relationship quotes in the world all for the sake of going viral and so that's what happened so what a real person who living what they teach make a statement from the field you feel from the field from the trenches from the real life then this what we got to come back meme monsters mean madness mean mania mean man we gotta come back the ignorance I wanted to put idiosyncrasy right now woo only know what that means sounded good right that's what we finna use that we got to combat that idiosyncrasy but he means that just sounds good right that's old if it don't mean what it post me we're gonna make it mean that all right and that's what I got to go through so then I got to come and do what our video and so some people they get mad they be like oh my comment was deleted your comment was deleted because you causing confusion because you living off of a meme and I'm trying to help people you come to sow discord and confusion so not somebody who coming to my page cuz they know that I live what I teach not it confused cuz yo but living on the mean so some people who know my message might have flagged your comment and once you're calm and give hit flag two times three times the network gonna delete it it might not have been me but people oh my comment don't my comment delete it but that's what you get spirit of beg to differ that's what you get coming to with you mean wisdom trying to call confusion when we are trying to bring clarity and you come trying to bring confusion so that's what you got to be aware of out here okay as you making the citizens in your life make sure you ain't making decisions and it's all for me and make sure that you not reading stuff online and trying to make everything fit you I have coach people who have said well I did this cuz you made a post that said this and I'm like that post was not talking to you that post that's why you need to do one-on-one coaching that post was for a woman in this type of relationship that post was talking about this so see this the thing when is for you you know us for you it gonna hit you but not when you got to make it fit when you got the squeeze into the shoe you got to you that little thing that you stick on the back of the shoe so your foot to slide in there or you got to get some toilet tissue and bottle it up and put it at the toe of the shoe so the shoe fit when you got to force it to fit it's not for you but and so pay attention to this you go on my post but you're going my post on Instagram on Facebook well you if you have known one of those oh if you have one of those site if you don't just just look in the comments on YouTube and you're gonna see what I mean you're gonna see people who like wow I needed this it's like I woke up this morning open this after praying about this and hey there's your post you're gonna people you're gonna see people say that and then you're gonna see spirit I beg to differ oh well if you got to do all that in a birthday now what relationship have you been in now what relationship are you in okay and okay now what successful relationship do you know of okay and when you talk to a successful relationship do they tell you that they never once had to Lee had to get some distance to send a message and get their head clear okay and if they told you that they never once had to pull back for a second let the person know that you try me that you got me messed up if you think I'm finna deal with this if they tell you that they never once had to do that then guess what somebody settled they get done any kind of way and they just like yes bring it I don't love myself anyways who take advantage of me I love myself they just didn't gave up so that's why it was that way but in a real relationship you teach a person how to treat you a man teaches a woman how to treat him and a woman teaches a man how to treat her it does not mean that what they doing is malicious it could just be ignorant ain't nobody perfect but everybody want to be the wisest comment warrior in there were and they never went through this in real life could real life don't teach you a bit Toni guys and I ate the whole hour up I had it going on in a day god bless I hope you got something from it if you got this far put be blessed I made it god bless we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 120,351
Rating: 4.9316659 out of 5
Id: iGuaLp24h68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 31sec (3571 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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