Why Tea Made Our City over 40K Per Week in Cities Skylines!

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here he comes look at that i can't believe i've never seen these before oh that is fantastic [Music] hello everybody welcome back to their next episode of city skylines with me biffer and here we are in the city of new zealand surprise yes same city that we've been building in for ages and we're loving it aren't we the expansions the growth and i've got more planned for today now we're just looking at this junction because i did the last episode we put in these reds look at that that car didn't even stop for that cyclist what the heck yeah i put in these red lines there for the cyclists which i think are pretty good i've not seen the comments in the last episode yet so if you've been going oh my goodness before that is just not the way it's done in real life i think i know that already don't worry um but yes so if you put a load of comments and i don't sort of get to changing anything that's because i'm actually recording ahead i don't think i've mentioned it yet in a video but on the 28th of may which for you guys would have been last week i'm having a little operation on my tongue i've got a bit of a small lump of something on my tongue which they're going to remove they said it's nothing to worry about nothing nasty so but i just need to get that removed so i'm sort of guessing i'm not going to be able to talk for a while so i pre-recorded ahead for about a week and uh yeah so by now i think you're watching this on the the saturday a week saturday after i don't know what the date is anyway a week later seven eight days later i'm gonna be relaxing and talking again which would be nice so uh yeah but there we go so if i don't get to any comments or suggestions that is the reason why let us dive in to what we've got planned today right here we are all the way over in tranquility point and here is the university that we'd set up before that we callously closed down in the last episode to encourage more people to go to our new as yet unnamed university all the way over here and as we've seen in previous episodes we can increase our districts our university zones districts whatever you want to call them campus area that's the correct name we can extend these look whoa and then we can cut it off we don't need all the extra bits in between and it all counts as the same district now i can never remember whether these old universities there let's have a look their capacities and let's actually click on the university there we go whether their capacities and things will actually add into the capacities of the main university so we can test that let's put that on let us get our campus area and we are going to draw that all the way through the mountains you want to avoid any parks you set up because it will rub those out um can we get over there yes we can we're going to go straight through here include that in our campus area do you know what actually i'm gonna not include it in the campus area because i want to check the figures here first so we've got a capacity of 2726 okay then let's do the test let's include that in here there we go so that's all the same campus area sneaky sneaky all the way across and it's still two seven two six so no that will not count towards these um and it will not count towards getting more people in our figures over here okay well that is good to know so what i'm thinking of doing then is replacing this university um because if i leave this open more people are going to come here than go there huh what could we replace it with i'll tell you what i'm going to do is i'm going to delete that we can always put it back if we need to but i'm going to delete it for now and see what university buildings we could possibly use there i mean we've got our liberal arts dormitories which give a capacity of 300 so we could pop a couple of those in and make it into a nice park area we've got a liberal arts study hall actually that could be pretty good because that is nice and large if we popped in something like that i mean it's not as imposing and not as nice and big i would say as the other university building but that would definitely count towards our figure so as we can see it's inside the campus area let's um pause the game to update come over here to this and that's now gone up yeah and that's what we want and also that means that anybody over here only has to travel to here and doesn't have to think about going all the way over there and we can do that as well we can do another remote campus over in this area so let's just see if we can pretty up this one first okay here we go so this is the sort of look i'm going for some nice big tall imposing trees as we come in there we go we've got a nice little rock garden there and then it's one-way rose you have to come around this way no left turns carry on round got some nice flowers and then as you swing round outside the building you've got a nice big study hall with some parking let's duck underneath this tree there we go and some nice big trees on the side as well i think that looks okay trash news oh excellent there we go yeah i think that'll be good so that's going to help the people over here i like these trees i like these trees very nice let's zoom out of this view what there we go yep so i think that looks okay very nice so we can then do something similar to that over here by no problem at all i think this let's have a look at our space i think we're going to stock up the space here until we unlock more space that side so i might just leave that for now knowing that most people in orlando heights are going to go to work down here because that's how we've set it up so maybe we'll come back to doing that another time but that's definitely going to help anyway let's just have a look i think i just placed a bush in there yeah more people are coming in more capacity so good let's just make sure we we've given enough grants yeah we've done the grant for that yes okay let's see whether we can upgrade the second year right the next thing that we have planned on our list today is i would like to work towards getting our next factory unlocked now if you remember the next factory on the list is the electronics factory which does need glass and metals which are already making but also needs plastic and plastic is only going to come from our oil industry but i think we can place this down here and just uh i think this is like a perfect spot let's turn off anarchy yeah look at that right next to the metro i think that looks cool with the metro going through the middle there like that yeah very nice very nice got access off the main road here which is fine i'm just wondering actually where to change that ever so slightly yeah do you know what i'm gonna get some money back for that what a waste of money that was i'm gonna just put a little road set back off the main road here instead of doing it like that yeah i think that'll work better let me just grab this one-way road they're coming up here i'm just gonna go back like a tiny bit we might change how far back that goes uh let's move this along just enough like that and then i want to change this little road here we've got that as an asymmetrical one so they can go up here and you've got dedicated lanes for certain things oh i don't get confused uh i would change this then so we've got four ways you can have asymmetric as he can have dedicated lanes in both directions um and there's gonna be one down here somewhere here we go this is the one four lane two-way road no parking yep that'll do there we go and then we'll just do control left click with that and we'll do it with that excellent and then i'm also going to grab that load there and pop it there turn that round that way because that goes in that comes out so that's fine yeah that's okay let me do control left click there again excellent excellent excellent that definitely doesn't need to be as long as that cool so then let's put the factory against there can it still butt up yeah there we go still butt up against there we've got some extra stuff for storage and things i might just add a tiny bit of extra road there just to make it look correct we'll grab the normal industry one just go yeah perfect that is exactly what i wanted there we go and then up here we can then draw this road up as well uh let's just go to the end and then we're gonna need some storage for these guys so i'm gonna turn that off for now because we know we're not making plastic so metals have already been delivered look at that so a metals glass oh i can't put that up because it's turned off let's put it up now come on and then we'll turn it off yay excellent so metal glass and plastic um let's just pop in some storage for that i'm thinking that this is quite big and this is gonna be making doesn't actually give us an overall figure does it how much it needs for them all no okay so let's just go for some big warehouses yeah i'm just looking here we are now starting to encroach on this little road junction thing here that i've sort of been loathed to do anything about um but i think we are just going to change this ever so slightly i'm going to grab that does that have a oh it's the waste transfer facility um do you know what actually that could come down here because that's going to affect nothing there that's fine and then we're going to grab this road and i wanted that to come out hmm it's gonna come out at an angle that came out straight i'm trying to sort of keep it straight with this one if this makes sense so that goes like that and then that came across how does that look boy we just came straight out from there and then went up to there that is not too bad actually we'll do that and then what have we got here we've got the police headquarters so that can actually move over here uh we've got our fire helicopter depot i don't want to go up here because that's where our storage is going to be going off of this one i'm going to just change that one round to go like that yes that's good and we'll come back to this bit here okay you may continue doing whatever you were doing and then our storage here i'm thinking of going for the medium warehouses we could probably fit we can go one two and then three yeah that'll be okay let's add some paths in here as well right and then let's set these up for what we need so it was um i'm gonna do fill with glass and fill with metals nope that was glass again filled with metals and then this one filled with plastic now as you will see on the screen cannot be imported has to be produced locally can be exported for money so yeah we need to make our plastics ourselves so yeah let's get to doing that down here so if we have a look at our oil industry click on our natural resources we've got a tiny amount that comes through here but what we can do is oil can be imported so as long as we set up some things to get this oil eventually we'll be able to get out into the water when we've unlocked those things but let's just start our oil industry off we've got this road coming through here we've got some rocks that need to be saved they're all getting in the way these rocks will find a permanent home one day today is not that day so what i just want to be careful of is while i'm doing this let's grab that i don't want to go over that oil i want to keep that oil as much as possible um all of this stuff down here is going to go let's get rid of that let's get rid of that all the little grassy things oh and then get that thing there so i'm just wondering whether this is going to be a case of trying to get this road to sort of snake around here somehow something like that so we can sort of build off of the side of this and really get access to this oil so this is our biggest biggest amount of oil here let's just keep that on please thank you very much so if i literally put a road how am i gonna do this if i do a road like that how's that gonna work let's just start our oil industry off um so oil industry we need to put in our oil industry main building space ready occupied there's no oil there is there gonna be so no there isn't okay yeah that'll be perfect right there there we go so now we get the smaller oil pump the pyrolysis plant and the oil tank farm and we want our oil pump to get yeah and it has no main building did i not oh it started a whole new oil thing wow thank you very much i should remove the oil industry that i set up and we'll go with the one that you've set up okay fine let's keep this on here so we can see yeah there we go so all of this all of this so you're gonna have to let me know some names for this some cool oil tea related names something to do with being by the coast yeah you put your brain caps on you let me know so that'll be there yeah so if we go back to this again let's leave that on and we'll grab our oil pump small oil pump so 4800 per week i think it says that oh no it does change look 912 144 so actually anywhere within this sort of area looks like it's okay what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna put one there one there one there see if we can start doing that and in our tank farm tank storage that can go like here because there's hardly any oil there forget the ore not interested in that and then our pyrolysis plant so that's going to take the oil and turn it into petroleum so we're not even towards the plastic yet no i think that's the next unlock after this one and that is a tiny little thing so what we're going to do here is we're going to grab this road we're going to go straight out here we're going to put anarchy on how's that going to look so what we're going to do we're going to change that that is going to go there yeah that's good and then we'll put our little pyrolysis plants not in the industry area we'll put that on the other side there we go i'm gonna go with two and we'll see how that goes and then that i want to get filled with oil which i know it's going to anyway we're going to making so much oil and this will then put the cooling to get from there good okay let me add in my water pipes [Music] now also worth keeping in mind oil can be imported as well there we go it's starting to come in at a cost can be exported for money but yeah i want that to be filled up to get our petroleum and then i'm going to want to store that petroleum as well so i think what i'm going to do is just extend [Music] let's just put snapping on i'm going to extend that to sort of here come on let me grab the thing thank you very much set that to the same height as that oh it's the key walls a little bit higher um control h yeah there we go that's what i'm trying to do and then i'm going to restore the petroleum as well um if i remember correctly that is just stored in a normal warehouse so let me just pop one of those there for instance and then put petroleum yeah there we go and i'm gonna put that on i'm gonna put that on the field because i know i'm gonna be using that at some point they're complaining about electricity aren't they uh sorry guys sorry guys let's get your electricity in we've got no nothing to connect these up so we'll just do we'll just do that for now and then we'll do i don't want to mess up those trees there we go we'll connect that to that excellent that'll do for now so they're going to be humming away there we go oh academic year report oh yes we've got the academic works we need now we've unlocked some new stuff the liberal arts cafeteria liberal arts fountain the liberal arts gymnasium the liberal arts outdoor study and we've got our academic works tales of cher padella chippadella is about to turn into a human and there's no turning back good grief joe padella and from zed to a the classical abc book with a modern twist wow i never saw that one coming and we've got some toga parties nice nice nice so if we leave this humming away we might struggle for workers that is the only thing i'm worried about so we've got a capacity of 239 workers we need to just get to 150 and if we have a look at our population we've only got one percent unemployment so we'll have to see how that goes and then the resources will just tick away and we will make those this is probably costing us a lot of money at the moment because we're not selling there for anything we're storing it all up just gonna just have a look at our bus lines before we jump over to our university because i want to see whether we can just yeah we've got this bus line here so i'm going to drag that down to somewhere just randomly in the middle i want it to get in the way of all of that stuff we're going to do it here and then they can walk to where they need to go that'll be good and then we've also got the metro of course here and what we could do to help is just add a little walking path can you just let me get in there we're going to add that from one side to the other so can get off the metro walk over here and get to work excellent we'll see how that goes right let's come back over here then to our crest international college and let's see if we can add some more upgrades to this oh i love lovely lovely upgrades so let's just have a quick look at these the liberal arts outdoor study just basically gives us more student capacity and increases attractiveness that is pretty big um i quite like that and if that could fit in here that would be stupendous i do have anarchy on so i'll tell you what we're going to do before we try and put that in we're going to move this say to over here that would be nice and if that could fit there can you imagine coming to your outdoor study area right by the park here ah yeah look at that right by that water's edge and that fits in nicely doesn't it that all nicely joins up oh lovely lovely excellence that's going to increase our capacity over here and our attractiveness we're definitely going to have that one then we've got the gymnasium again more capacity what is our let's just have a look at what we're at at the moment so to get to the next level we need attractiveness of 450 and we need 800 800 students we have a capacity of 3524 so it is literally getting more over here but we need our attractiveness up to 450. so if we could just try and do that without putting in too much stuff um that does attractiveness liberal arts cafeteria studio capacity zero increases land value and campus area attractiveness 256 a week actually that could be quite good uh let's pop that over here will that fit in if we do a bit of monkeying around here we can get us to fit in so we're gonna move the drama club over oh there we go wouldn't let me move it let's put that right in the corner there and then we'll have this one right in there that fits in good and we're going to move the ground's keeper let's move the groundskeeper into here as well there we go and we get like a nice little area there let's pop in some parts i'm going to do one straight through the middle maybe not i'm going to do one right down the side here space really occupied come on now there we go excellent let's just maneuver this a little bit all i got yep don't snap it on there we go that looks okay nice nice nice so that's definitely gonna beefed up our tracks in this what are we up to three two five oh we're not there yet i think this is gonna help the liberal arts fountain attractiveness and land value that is quite small actually but that looks like the perfect spot for that oh that is the perfect spot for that look at that right next to our main building i'm liking that let's just add a path or two around the back here let's just okay with it this way do you mind not snapping please thank you i'm gonna do that then i'll use the anarchy mod to join up to their sort of yeah that looks good is that taking us over oh man we're still not quite there oh i'm gonna put one more of those fountains in because they're quite good where would be a nice spot i reckon just the other side you know if we have one either side that's just gonna make that look amazing isn't it i think that is the perfect spot let's just do the same thing here yeah there we go look at that that really looks nice either side of the building there very good very good yeah that just fits in with the whole park area doesn't it nice nice nice is that taking us over i haven't been doing the matters we've been going along oh four two five out of 450. we are so close ah something we haven't added in yet is our varsity sports and i'm sort of keeping this area free up here i'm thinking the basketball let's have a look well that will just fit in there i'm pretty sure that's still within our campus area yeah so has that added enough uh oh it's hidden under here now the name yes that's taken us well over our attractiveness excellent so that's good and now we get our varsity sports team crest international college buccaneers i think we can change the name of those yeah if we go over here oh and we can change the color the buccaneer oh okay what are we gonna do here t color has got to be some sort of brown isn't it for t the name i think you need to let me know the name what we're gonna be and then we can change our name oh it's gonna line in with whatever our campus area name is so keep this in mind then using one of these along with whatever t related name we're gonna have and let me know in the comments below i'll be very interested to hear ticket prices i'm going to put up because the way the game always works it seems to be the higher the ticket price the more people come and the more they like it which is good cheerleading budget oh wow okay cheerleading also increases the varsity sports attractiveness so how much is that going to cost us is that like 500 per arena per week all right yeah going in and this one here coaching staff not instantaneous increases of naught plus one percent per coaching staff member oh okay so we can add in 25 coaching staff this is now costing us 28 700 a week new we're not going to be doing that let's have a coaching staff and let's have a budget of 50 50 tea leaves or even that's like a lot in it 20 tea leaves for the cheerleading staff and we'll see how that goes um and also to get to the next level we need i was doing the right thing another academic work so we can just give what have we gone for we've gone for that cinematography that's literally let's go for music this time we'll do a one-off grant for that we'll leave everything else as it is and we'll watch our money slowly drip away as we try and increase yes all of this here let me just pretty this area up a bit here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay there we go that is looking inviting people are already turning up what have we got here i didn't realize you're gonna get depends on what we've got it set to oh look at that i've never seen those before that is hilarious uh what options were there let's just take a quick look um so that was the buccaneers and helicopter spartans let's have a look see what they look like here he comes look at that i can't believe i've never seen these before oh that is fantastic oh we've got to check out the other ones now the lions okay so they've all disappeared we're gonna wait for the new ones to come out here comes the light oh it's like yeah okay still doing the old tricks the lions what else let's have a look the eagles oh yeah look at that great eagle fantastic eagle yeah very good very good some of these we've probably seen already the chirpers yeah i think we've seen these before they just look weird don't they somebody in a tight lycra blue suit with their head on the buccaneers we just saw those the broncos oh i don't have seen these ones all right let's zoom in oh oh there we go press the right button differ hey he's like a unicorn without the horn yep also known as a horse and then the alligators we've seen those before we'll have a quick look anyway we've seen these because these will be in the uh these will be the same ones as the parks won't they yeah there we go oh one button no go on there we go yay that's fantastic i'm gonna put it on the spartans i think they're my favorite one with a big face so if you can think of anything that ties in with tea and spartans and something like that that'd be great if not i'll be interested to see what your suggestions are but there we go so let's see how that helps us as we're expanding this and let's go back to our info so yeah just needing to get a few more students another academic work uh how are we doing student-wise for university so eligible 3900 uh capacity is not enough really 3524 is the student capacity am i looking at the wrong thing university capacity 2992. what okay i'm not quite sure what that is but anywho we'll leave it like that whatever i'm doing wrong i'm sure you'll let me know how is elk oil area doing yeah struggling to get the people over here well i think we're gonna leave this running for a little while then i'm gonna come back to it and see whether we can hopefully expand this area and get more people in so i will be back with you in a bit ah a year has passed by we've got five academic works but not enough students i don't think to take us to the next level which is a shame which is a shame hopefully we'll get some more coming over let's take a look yeah it's just our students that are holding us back the academic works are fine so i'm gonna drop that down because yeah we're spending a ton of money when we don't need to so yep good good how close are we i think we're getting really close to this now over here more people are coming in oh 96 out of 150 okay let's keep it going i've just decided to set this on empty to sell all this petroleum we're storing so much petroleum and a whole fleet of trucks is just heading out look at them there they all go selling our petroleum and we're making what's that 66 000 a week i don't know how long that's gonna last for sixty seven thousand sixty four thousand that is absolutely brilliant we needed a boost of money but we're getting closer we are getting closer uh what are we up to 129 over 150 which is great it's the fencing you see it's the fence i just put down my little oil pumps here made all the difference [Music] [Music] [Music] oh i found out what the problem was with the capacity we're now up to a larger capacity i'd run out of electricity over here because i deleted and removed some things i've just added one of these little earthquake sensors in just to bridge the gap uh it doesn't mean these buildings are going to have to re-grow again but now this is being counted towards our overall total but i think we do need to expand to the other island and find some space when we're almost at the end of the year yeah so we need to just put something over here somewhere no problem at all i wonder even if we could we do have spaces here let's squeeze something in down here we've got plenty of access for these people to drive around and and things i just don't want to squeeze it in there yeah let's put something down here we've got this little spot so and let's pause the game let's grab our industry uh campus area not industry at all and let's turn that on and do that again there we go so we want this to come this one here all the way down here all the way through here there we go i think you can just about read what that says i'm trying not to add anything extra to the letters yeah there we go and then that's gonna come oh my messing things up ah hang on hang on hang on okay let's continue we're gonna go up here we're gonna go down here and there we go we've made it in i solved the problem um so yeah let's just draw a little oh darn it that's just ah i want this one what are you doing what is going on right this one thank you i want you to come up here and i want just an industry area there and then we can just get rid of all of this and it will zip zip zip zip uh yeah let's keep that bit there let's get rid of all that let's get rid of all this don't need all of that and it is done yay i'm in a silly mood today i'm in a silly mood today trying to keep myself happy and buoyant and not worry about going in to have a small operation tomorrow which they've told me it's nothing to worry about it's perfectly fine and i'm like are you sure are you sure okay how about a liberal arts gymnasium can we make everybody travel all the way over here for that or for the cafeteria ah the cafeteria does that actually that does not give us any student capacity does it no does this one yeah can we fit this in here let's just turn that off so we can see what it looks like would that just be not fitting for this area okay let's plop it in i just think it looks like a cool sort of hub type thing yeah why not why the heck not so let's just maneuver this around a bit so it fits in here yeah there we go i think that fits in nicely right by the junction there i'm liking that maybe we could just sort of pretty this up a little bit [Music] [Music] yeah there we go i'm liking that just a few little trees excellent excellent excellent how many people do we have coming into here let's have a look 29 particularly in that building um yeah so i don't know how much that's going to help let's swoop all the way across new zealand come all the way back over here just take a look yeah i don't know what i think is going to be a push to get everybody all of our students into here what we could just do if we just do a quick pause let's have a look at our bus stops and things so is there any we've got this buses sort of goes around here and then stops at the train station then our train brings people over to here and they can walk from there to here so it's not a stretch i'm just wondering whether we could just run a school bus let's just have a quick look on here let's use our brain for a minute so university students uh that is not the one i want to look at yeah that is the right one i'm looking at so if we look at this little chart here graduated the color highly graduated all the way at the end the blue all of these are graduated they've obviously been traveling quite happily all the way over to crest international college these ones aren't graduated because if you remember we have schools out so we could get people over to orlando how is that doing so the next level yeah we need a load of people so we're going to be doing some building and upgrading i'm sure at some point so basically it's just a case of we need more people in our city which is something we are definitely going to get to and while i've been recording this another year has gone past on the school calendar and we didn't hit it okay well that's fine i understand but we are getting closer and closer i am wondering whether we're going to get 150 in here we're so close could we put in i don't want to put any people in to live down here because this is all going to be industry stuff so i think it's just going to be a waiting game for these two to level up hey there we go we've done it we've got the petrochemical plant the small oil drink small drink yes that's what it says the household plastic factory the oil industry industry workers barracks and the crude oil storage tavern fantastic so which is the one of these that we need to get the stuff that we need to do the thing that we need uh pyrolysis plant is going to make the portrait what is this one we had here before uh parliament's plan oh okay yeah i thought i recognized the name petrochemical plant there we go producing goods like plastic and what is that going to be using just oil yes it is yeah okay excellent how big is that it's not too big uh we could fit that one in let's just turn that off so we can see i thought that you could see we've done a little bit of building here make it look a bit nice oh that's where our oil is isn't it we don't want to sort of build over the top of that we want to come over here somewhere so how about we extend this road out uh like that you might just need to maneuver that back a bit okay let's just turn that off there we go excellent and we could probably fit it in there let's get that one again yeah perfect not an industry area an easy fix zip the industry area has been extended and we'll pop that right next to our storage there make sure our power is still hooked up yep excellent so that is now waiting for oil to make our plastics and i'm going to change these to store plastic so that's going to store plastic we're going to leave it on empty it's going to be a buffer that is going to store plastic and be empty on a buffer and then if we fly across here oh by the way yeah i just put some houses in we needed more people so i just threw some high-density houses around our industry area they're not going to stay that was just so i could get the people in to unlock the stuff to do the thing we can turn this on we are going to get plastics coming over here so fill up with plastics academic year oh we still recognize never mind oh we won a sports trophy i've just spotted that so we've got plastics filled metals filled glasses filled and then this thing will soon start pumping out and making us a ton of money that is the plan let's just check out our basketball arena uh we won a game and we lost two games but that is giving us a nice influx of cash which is fantastic we could do um free transport on match days to make it easy for fans to get here high security staff 500 a week per stadium we can afford that 9 000 per week multiplied by number of stadiums in the city new they could train themselves i think we'll just do that one i think that'll be fine that would encourage the people to come here and support the team and give us some more muller excellent so now we just need to keep an eye on these guys getting all the stuff that they need it's going to take a while for the plastic to be made i'm just wondering actually because that's been made by the oil we've got so much oil i think you know we could add another couple of these on i think that might be a good idea that is still connected and get these things humming away oh there we go we've got a bit of plastics in there production value ten thousand material cost three thousand that is a profit of seven thousand and something whatever that is absolutely brilliant i think we've got a local storage for our electronic products our unique factory products can be stored over here if needed plenty of space in those and then they will get sold and make us a ton of mueller which is absolutely brilliant oh and of course these new houses we've just put along here none of these people have graduated yet so we might even actually be able to get this up to 800 we're so close and then we can hit level three i threw a few more houses in the back there to try and help to upgrade our university but i don't like the way it's looking i'm going to rip that out and we will work on that in a future episode but this thing here is humming along and making us a ton of money 27 000 it's been up to nearly 40 there we go 36 000 a week that is absolutely fantastic oh there we go don't know what that was a sudden solar eclipse but we're back yes so this is going to be churning away earning us lots of money helping our city to grow so thank you very much for all of your support i do really appreciate it i will see you in a few days with the next episode have a fantastic day and if you've enjoyed this one please consider leaving a like as well take care everybody bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 194,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, cities skylines top mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines how to start your city, cities skylines train stations, cities skylines bridges and piers, cities skylines campus, cities skylines oil industry
Id: jnhvPqS2XjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 49sec (2509 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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