Monorail, Train, Metro, Ferry, Bike, Taxi, Bus & Heli Hubs in Cities Skylines!

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so now we've got access to the ferries to buses to taxis and to train in this area [Music] hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffa here in the city of new zealand now at the end of last episode i asked you to pick one of three areas that we're going to build in i haven't got the results of that back yet but we are going to put transit lots of mass transit hubs around our new areas so we are ready to expand and build uh option number one uh if you wish to vote below that would be very helpful option number one was over here to finish off the no problem at our island option number two was over by the bentley train hub that we put in and option number three was to come over here and build in a brand new area so yeah head down to the comments but in preparation for that i would like to put in extra mass transit hub so if we take option number one if this was to be chosen we have lots of access through the rest of the island of course we have this highway we have a nicer intersection over here which will work really well i am sure we've added a little bit of lane mathematics to it over on this side we have our ferry network with our buses that ties right into our trains and there's walkability that goes all around the city so something along those lines uh we need to try and help over here and i picked out this sort of area right here i just put a district down and it came up with oak so it's going to be the oak transit hub it's going to take this little spot here access off the highway access to the trains that is going to be something we're going to do there and then secondly if we zoom all the way out turn around and come over here to bentley park so named because of shape of this and i know lots of people have said this isn't quite realistic and stuff whatever i don't care it's a game where you can do what you like it's a sandbox game we can have fun and people are already queuing up to come down here so if you came in here on a train where would you like to go well you'd probably like to get over here to our airport our metropolitan airport and he'd probably like to get down here to washington park and all of this so we're going to set up extra mass transit options through here on top of the ones we already have we've got like metro and stuff that comes under here and then finally if we zoom out again and we come all the way around here whoops there we go if you guys and girls pick this new area uh to build in here i've just put a little district down here we're going to use this little bit that sticks out here i just got named birdsong to of birdsong transit hub so yeah any new names for these new little transit hubs of course always let me know now i know a lot of people are going to go i'll be for your choosing the best land value and putting transit hubs on it and stuff like that this is the land value so basically land value is like zero or low everywhere when it gets near to the water you sort of get medium value and then as we build a load of stuff we're gonna end up with high value everywhere anyway so i'm really not fast but i think with this bit sticking out here we can have a nice sort of transit option either side of this and then we've got this highway access as well so that is the plan for today so let's head back over to area number one so let's get to work on this new area and there is a heck of a lot of rocks that are going to need to be saved so we're going to grab all of those first of all some of these just don't want to be safe do that we're going to just drag all of them into the middle out of the way [Music] okay there we go that gets things started so this section along here i think is where our main uh ferries are gonna come in so i'm just gonna straighten this out a bit so if we go like that like that let's bring those down all dancing around and i think we can get all those lined up there we go excellent that will give us a nice little straight section to work off of um so then for our ferries i'm thinking we're just going to go with a nice large ferry pier smack bang in the center of that there we go that is looking good so that can connect up to this network over here so let's get our ferry pathway and see what we've got going on so we've got the one way in one way out thing happening so let's get that going as well there we go excellent and then we'll just hook it up with our normal ferry pathway yeah i'm just thinking where to come in here so fairies are coming up this way and going around there if we're going to extend our ferry network we probably want to come in there and then come out this way so yeah i'm going to follow this round let's just go back onto here i don't feel like we've got nodes on yeah there we go i didn't think so that's better and then we're going to come up here and maybe go like that so they can come down this way and then when they come out um where is our ferry network is then back down here if we add any more over there we can always add to that a bit later but we'll just come straight down oh no that's our cargo that's our ferry oh getting this mixed up hang on hang on let's delete that one yeah we'll come into this one over here like so excellent and then any fairies that need to come out and join this new network if they need to they can do that x and x and excellent so let's just hook this thing up before we forget so we've got one route got two routes that come around here so let's add cannot find path i probably know what that is let me just fix that there we go so we're gonna have let's have that one that side it looks like there's two lines here but i don't seem to be able to drag the blue one up here okay let's do it this way then let's turn off our ferry lines and then find out which one this is so we've got that one yeah there we go okay we can drag that in now there we go excellent that's much better turn them back on we should have one on each side very good okay so this other one's decided this is just a quicker way to come oh we've got this down here haven't we that makes perfect sense okay good so we've now got that added in uh then i want to add something in with this train line that we've got over here as well so i was looking at some of the other options we've got we've got our public transport hubs we've got our content creator pack as well and i want to just use a different train station that wasn't too big so we follow this line along here we've got our ground bypass train station if we go a little bit further over this high speed rail we've got the elevated jewel island platform train station so instead of those two i was thinking of using uh elevated island platform train station so instead of that one there and i think this one will fit in here perfectly well so let's just see if we can get this lined up and what both can we use let's just grab that one for now we can always upgrade this later there we go that's fine and then if we grab this and pop that in there not quite in the middle but that's fine and then i want that to line up to this so what we're going to do now then is remove those oh auto save equity [Music] i love the way we're making so much money in this city we're getting well up over 100 and i've seen 175 000 odds a week which is just amazing um so let's grab i'm going to remove those so if we grab that and that and that oh there's another note there that should be fine and then we can just shiftify that down and we know we get this lined up that should be perfectly straight through there so let's see if that is we might upgrade this rail as well to the super speedy rail but for now let's just do this oh come here you there you're okay there we go yep that's looking good all lined up plenty of parking very pleased with that so this can all connect together and then i was thinking of putting something sort of in the middle here um making some sort of plaza type thing um obviously with more mass transit built in so what i want to do is i'm going to take these roads off here they're all going to complain about lack of all sorts of things until we get that all hooked up so i'm going to take this out let's take off road guidelines 10 that way and 10 that way and then we'll go 10 down and 10 down and if we sort of go out like that could we just move this over slightly i think we probably could it's gonna mess up everything there we go ended up moving it over in the end anyway that's fine and then in the middle here i think it is some sort of plaza type thing let's get a nice little thin one new road yeah this one here so i want that to come in that way and then we'll straighten all that up when we can oh i need to redo this road down here could i just add in so let's unlock that first could i add in a node right in the middle oh now am i going to just try and guess where this is or is there going to be a way i could mark this out see this node here is a bit weird i'm going to try and guess and just hope that's okay and then we're gonna have this one on there come out a bit and then curve around to there so we've got nice little one-way road that comes up that way excellent and as we've unlocked this road we're going to upgrade that to the same one we're using cool that's good and then in here just need to flatten out the land [Music] [Music] there we go i think that's worked out well excellent and then what can we put in here i mean there's going to be a lot of people here i'm thinking this is going to be a lot more high density this area down here so we're going to want something set up for buses so buskers could come out the top come here and then we've got this road connection they're going to have to get to so i'm just thinking what's going to be the best way to do that if they come up and over the top and join to i think around about here would be good we've got this little road which is only one laying up and one laying out let's just have a look what's going on here so yeah let's just do a bit of lame mathematics on this highway we'll leave it as the two lanes going along but i want three lanes just before so we get the dedicated road off and then here so we get a dedicated road coming on so we'll do that so if you go there for all of those and they'll sort of merge there that's fine um the same the other side would be good so that's coming on coming off there we go and if you go there for all of those dedicated lane coming off there and then when they come down here so this is one lane this is two but one of those is going round and one's coming off and what we don't want is them going up there like you can see that's happening there so if we do that yeah that's probably okay i mean if it gets busier we can upgrade this middle one to three which means we can then make this a two but we'll leave it as it is for now but then here i feel like we do need a tiny little roundabout unfortunately the smallest inbuilt one is too small so it's too small it's too big so we're going to go with this one let's do that one again so we're going to go 240 then another 240 then that gives us a center node here let's not bend and then we're going to go 240 and 240 and then hopefully we had to hook this up with no problem there we go and then we'll change that to a correct sort of road actually this one here would be good let's upgrade upgrade upgrade upgrade upgrade very good we've got a lane going off elaine going round all the other good stuff and then this just needs to be hooked up over there um let's have a look what we're going to do here so we grab this one and if we go up and over there actually that will probably be okay it's going to be a bridge right by the end and then hook it into there let's see what we can do just thinking whether that looks whoa way too high okay let's lower that down because then we know what we're doing lower let's see when a train comes along that's going to be okay any trains oh there we go excellent so let's just go down a touch what we don't want is the electric wires getting caught in it so i think something like that would be okay yeah that'll be fine that doesn't sort of impede anything that's going on excellent and then we'll have this one here and go straight into there then this one here can just curve round to go into there something a bit like that and then later on we've got access if you want to build out this way and the other way as well click click the click to there and to there excellent so that's going to give any buses access to the highway to get around the rest of the city right what we're going to do in this little spot we could actually fit in here with a bit of anarchy this bus station but i'm actually wondering whether we could fit that round the other way um if we take let's come out of that view take that off let's turn off that one put that one back on we could put that up against there and that would just be perfectly in center with that and then we could put a load of bus stops off of there coming out all over the place i think that would be just great and then this road here we're gonna grab that i want that to come straight across the back and then i want this one to go straight into there let's put that back on and then i'm going to change that to be one that way and one that way because why not and then this one at the end here i'm just going to change to that yeah there we go just so you can go either direction and yeah i think i'll be okay and then just behind this i would like to also put in this one here some taxi stands just a couple where would be the best place i reckon one there and one there that is just perfect so now we've got access to the ferries to buses to taxis and to train in this area okay that's a good start we'll come back to this one so over here at bentley park so people are coming in by train at the moment but what i would like to do is i'm just thinking if you're coming off of this train where would you like to go so you're perhaps heading over there which you can walk at the moment so you know that could be okay you definitely could be coming to or from the airport now we do have if i remember correctly yeah we've got a metro stop here so i don't think we have a connection from there do we no we don't so that is actually something i'm going to add in we're going to have a line from there to here and i hope that that works and back again complete line excellent so that is going to be let's grab our name and i'm going to copy that there we go so that is going to be t to bentley oh whatever fantastic i was going to say then deleted the letter there we go cool and then we'll change the color of that just to something other than yellow and what are we going to get on there one i think one for now will be fine but then getting over to here i would like to upgrade this road coming down here so we are going to go for something a little bit different we're going from monorail and now i know that this road going down the middle here is a bike friendly road so i am wondering whether we could just take a monorail track this one here and add that just down the middle of the road i don't think that's going to work is it the cars i'm really just going to drive yeah look that is sticking right out in the middle okay let's just do a bit of thinking here what other bike roads do we have we've got this one here four-lane road with bicycles and it's got a part in the middle so if we go back to this one ah now that one would be perfect so let's just upgrade this basically i'm just trying to keep uh the bicycle lanes that's what i want to do i'm gonna go all the way down to there and then all the way around here with this one as well because we are gonna come right up to the end excellent excellent excellent so i could you know you're probably thinking well you could do a bit different i could use this one but i'd lose my bike lanes down the side so now if you come back into here um yeah so we can try hopefully to get this lined up down here let's just see how this goes oh no darn it we've got light stand up okay this is not gonna work this is not gonna work right let's do a little test let us just pick a piece of road here we're gonna just upgrade this to the normal monorail with four lane road that we've got um and then i'm gonna go into here and i'm gonna select our bicycle path let's just do the straight up we've got this one here we of course let's pick our pnb pavement that's bicycles and pedestrians and then i'd like to get that to run alongside here and there is a tool in our network multi tool i think we can make use of so create parallel mode so what you can do is you now would select let's do it this way between this node and this node there we go it's automatically put in whatever network we have selected now you can adjust that as you can see on the screen change the offset change the height do all sorts of things let's just press enter and that has perfectly lined that up alongside our road now what we can do let's just delete that again and try it again so we're gonna do between here and here puts the same one in i'm just wondering whether we could change the offset yeah there we go but if we go right up to there we haven't overlapped into the car lane so no cars and bikes are going to be in the way and then it's taken away all the zoning yeah i thought that was going to happen that's a shame but nonetheless a fantastic tool for putting networks or other items next to each other so i'm sure we're going to be using that a lot in the future okay much better fix went to the steam workshop and got waffy's four lane road with monorail and bicycle so that this should be just the fix to everything there we go bicycles monorail four-lane road everybody's happy i think we'll go up to the end i'm not quite sure what's gonna happen with this that end so we'll leave that but along here we're going to grab all of this there we go and then we're going to go all the way up to making sure we're not messing anything up as we do this all the way up to the ends um i'm going to ana key that in yes is that going up over the top oh yeah that'll be fantastic coming in on your monorail just about going underneath that but i'm not quite sure where that's gonna go afterwards so we'll we'll work that out um so we're going to hook this up going across here from one side to the other it goes straight now x and now we're doing things properly it's all working okay so we need a monorail station in here for sure so let's delete all of that and we'll go for the one with the roads yeah there we go and we're gonna need to get this lined up so what's gonna be the best way to get this lined up in the middle and tell you what we're gonna do is we're gonna plunk it down and then we'll just use move it ah yes love the mods i absolutely love the mods um so that is gonna go i think that's okay and i'm just wondering whether we could grab that road under there uh with uh the changed order again why'd you keep doing that with the unlock segment mode do that and we'll grab that road and upgrade this one oh there we go yeah excellent gets a bit difficult for the bicyclists when they come along here i think we might just sort of walk away and ignore that and just just go with the flow um so at any point in the future we could add more monorail stops along here as we build and expand this area but then how are we going to add one in over here okay what i'm thinking of doing actually is moving this from over here to down the end there we go so you still go underneath it when you head into this area down here yep i think that'll be good and then right down here let's just pause at this for a second i'm going to delete that section and that section and this is going to be the last piece down here which means we just need to slightly readjust the road or will that just meet up there okay let's just give that a go we went like that do you know i think that would be okay and then we can just unlock that road the same boom bomb bomb where we going in here upgrade and do that so then we've got access for the bikes onto these bike lanes and we've got monorail and that would just work fantastic won't it go in all the way down there what i'm gonna do is add a line from there to there and back again there we go just for now just we can get those monorails going where are they going to appear from probably nowhere because we've messed up the electricity okay let's just fix that that is going to be anarchy right over the top everyone's going to be living their life dangerously getting from one side to the other okay turns out if you use that mod to unlock the road underneath and change it um you can't put a line in so maybe don't do that so there we go we've got our monorail line going from one to the other now and that's okay people can still walk and cycle just over the normal pavements to get from one side to the other there we go so let's just follow this through and see what the view is like [Music] there we go right up to the airport fantastic and let's see yep fits under there with no problem at all that one is going to be called uh bent how the heck did i spell bentley bentley too metropolitan meteopolitan yeah i think it's something like that anyway we get the idea oh how many has it put on there two vehicles and we're not expecting any passengers at the moment that is fine excellent excellent excellent you know i'm just looking at that yeah we'll add some more when we need them that's fine what else do we want over here i think we definitely want so this is going to bring you all the way down and cover this area so i don't think buses will be needed here definitely a couple of taxi stands i think would be nice let's just put a little bit of detail in here first we're going to take this one without hook into there without any problems yes it does excellent so what was that one two three one two three so that was that one there and we can just use the move it mod just to get that a little bit further up like that excellent very good and then i think just a couple of taxi stands in there and maybe just that path again going whoops going across the back there we go excellent i think that is an as yet undetailed fine looking area for lots of mass transit for our option two so now let's head over to option three actually just before we head over there i was just looking at these train lines here which i said i was going to upgrade to this super fast uh train line let's just see what that is actually called this one here high speed rail viaduct now it is meant to be uh just a bridge but i'm just wondering i've just upgraded this little segment here uh it doesn't actually make any difference to the speed of the train so if we look at our speed it's all just top speed anyway it's just the look of it i'm just wondering whether if we just took this here and put that right down low on the ground let's go as low as we can how's that gonna look i think that's gonna look pretty smart actually i like that well let's upgrade it we can always change it back if we don't like to keep it but yeah um so what we're gonna do is put it for that one yeah there we go and then that'll work i obviously just need to lit oh destroy the rock just need to do a little bit of land smoothing around here as well but i think we'll be okay like flipping out i don't know what to do and i'm going to bring that bit up to there so i'm going from the fast rail to the normal rail and i think that will look okay then i'll just do the same down here as well right let's head on over to our new area so the bird song as it's called at the moment transit hub and i was thinking of just taking this area around here and turning this into something again we've got a load of rocks there we go so we'll grab all of those let's try that again there we go excellent we'll bring those over to alien rock park and yes hmp guilty does look like the millennium falcon i've had a lot of people mention that to me there we go we're just going to pop those there and i'm actually gonna reset their height there we go excellent and then we'll pop those into the park when we get there right so that's most of the rocks teeny tiny pebbles down here i'm gonna forget those um i'm thinking what i'm gonna do here if we grab our brush let's make that a bit bigger i'm gonna clear all of this out there's a lot of stuff going on here and we're gonna get rid of all of this and i'm thinking we might just square this area off i think that's going to work much better [Music] so what i'm going to do is square it off like that and i'm going to see whether now this would be interesting could we we grab a road like this so any old normal road get that as close to the corner as possible and i'm going to put this one on there we go and then i'm going to make that 90 degrees 90 degrees and 90 degrees that way excellent i will set all of that to the same height so i use the move it mod for that grab actually let's not do that let's just grab nodes there we go control h and i think this height is the one i want it to be yeah there we go excellent that's all flat and then i'm just wondering whether we could use that tool again so if we go into here go into here and select key or should we have one of our nicer keys okay let's go with the basic key because then we can always upgrade it can't we so if we just have that as our last selected network we can exit out of that then we'll come back into our tool up here changed order again network multi-tool this one here quite parallel we're going to go from there to all the way around here no we'll do there to there there we go oh let's put it on the right side excellent that's the way i want to go and then if we do minus and just bring that in a bit i wanted it wrong this tool is just oh i love it i love it i love it do you know what actually i think let's just cancel that i am going to pick one of the other key walls because wrong button again because the width i think is different yeah let's go with this one okay that so that's our last selected then we'll go back into here select that that's fine go from there to there that'll get it on the outside then we'll do minus to bring that in and if we get that so it butts right up to the road let's go this view so like that and we'll sort all of these little bits out i think that should be fine we'll do enter and then we just need to get rid of the land that's around it i love that tool i'll keep pressing them okay let's get rid of this land not quite sure what's going on on this one yes i am it's put it the wrong way round okay we'll use the picker picker tool to pick that and then we'll upgrade that whoa can i upgrade i think it did upgrade it yep something weird going on there but it's upgraded it that is fine is this the right way around that is fine as well oh there we go that is looking sharp let's unpause that and make sure we haven't completely destroyed our entire city no i think we're fine i don't think we need to go any higher that should be okay and then what we can do over here which we're not going to do until the water sorts itself out so darn it should have done it before i am pause is we could put perhaps some of these on the end or we can still do it so like that section in the middle and in fact these ones either side as well add that extra sort of slopey step thing down and then what about these is that going to make much of a difference oh yeah we get like the top layer and the bottom layer i quite like that i might add that in all the way along in those sections so we go there there there and up to the corner yeah that's about the corner piece as well oh yeah that's nice look that butts right up against the steps and then that is going to flood over a little bit i don't know whether that needs to be a bit higher but now i think we need to just remove some of the land i'll tell you what i'll do as i'll fiddle around with this for a bit and then i'll be back with you once it's all done there we go i think that is looking almost perfect and then what i'd like over here is one of our big transport hubs like we had before so if we go into here and we've got where is it i think it's in this one yeah here we go so we've got our ferry and bus exchange stop um which we can put there we might just need to do a bit of jiggery pokery uh to get that to fit in with our road system let's do that and then let's turn off this up here i'm just wondering if i pop that there i'm gonna downgrade yeah i'm gonna downgrade a bit of this key wall that we've got along here so let's just pick a standard c wall it was this one here wasn't it yeah simple city key fenceless that's the one i want um yeah if we do this bit here that'll be good and then hopefully we could put that in there oh it's sort of jumped down as to where it hooks on to tell you what i'm going to delete i don't want to delete that road there let's plop it there and see what happens oh it has hooked up to it oh nice nice nice okay that's exactly what i wanted so let's grab that and then draw that into here nice and then we can use the touch it unlock it whatever it's called section of that unlock that segment and then grab that and upgrade it yeah there we go excellent oh that just sits on there perfectly doesn't it look at that it looks like it's the right height and everything brilliant so now we're starting to get buses come out into this area and then i'm just looking so we've got our ferries that are coming through here coming through here and then coming round to here but then you want to continue them up to this area as well and we don't have any ferries in this area at all um i might come back to adding ferries to that i think we'll just concentrate on this for now yeah i would like to add a train connection in here because we've got the train line that comes in from this side and that side and if we could sort of branch it off and bring it down here and this one bring it down there and see if we can sort of loop it through the middle whether that would work or not would something like this give enough room um i mean maybe what about what have we got here that is pretty large and got too many connections that's a weird angle that's raised that's raised that no so let's try this one here and then what i'm gonna do is use the movement mod and keep that lined up and just see if we can shiftify that over a smidge no okay let's turn that off let's undo that and i want to move it over enough so it's in the center i think that's about as near as in the center as we're going to get it yeah cool okay and then if we grab our rail lines how is this going to look if we sort of come out i mean even up against the sides like that would be okay so i tell you what let's put the straight piece in first how we're going to do this so that's trying to snap to the node but if we bring it out there and just sort of go to the end and then we'll grab all of that so i'll get this straight so that'll make it a lot easier there we go and we'll bring that right up against the road and we'll do control h make it the same height yeah and then if we bring this one out from here we can turn off move it that'll be good and go up to there i think that's fine isn't it i think that is absolutely fine so i'm gonna do the same over here so let's sort of bring that down here we know where to start and then we're gonna go there all the way down to there oh excellent look at that lined it up for us we'll delete that one use our move it mod to grab those nodes control h set it the same height as that move it bang up against the road i think that was one step away wasn't it but do i want it right up against i tell you what i don't i'll leave it like that so we can put a fence through there i think that'll be better and then this one here is gonna go into there so it's got the two sides to it which seem a bit unnecessary but actually i really like the way that looks and then these can come and connect to both directions over there however we want to do that nice nice nice okay just putting a little train connection over the top here i'm just going to bring this one back and we're going to calm down want to go as far okay let's stop no jumping please stop doing that it's so annoying i want you to go straight ah it was working fine a minute ago okay now you can connect to the node i want to go down okay i'm going to turn off row guidelines oh this is so frustrating let's just turn everything off and i want it to go to there there we go as far as it will go we've been straight and then that one can hook into this one flat yeah that's okay just gets a bit of slope out of the end i'll do the same with this one here we go that's okay then the only thing that's missing is let's grab this is this can i just copy one of those and pop that over here let's turn off the snapping thing i want that right there there we go and we'll add one the other side and that's going to go right there as well excellent so now the train can get in and out and now we've got road access in the middle if we so wish and i'm thinking this is going to be possibly a very big park in here but i want some sort of other option so we've got ferry we've got train we've got buses and i want one more thing in here yep i think we're going to pop in here a helicopter stop i just think that is going to be absolutely brilliant we're going to take this road here that one there and that is going to come out oh let's put on those excellent uh how many gaps did i leave there one two three four one two three i think that's here there we go excellent we'll do that we'll just turn that around and that around very good and then we'll pop that up against here and i think that's in the middle is that in the middle almost not quite in the middle that's fine we can fix that excellent there we go i think people are going to absolutely love that for getting around the city we could have that there and then have like another stop over here by the airport it almost seems rude not to have a helicopter stop over here by the airport so where could we bring that in i think for now i think we're just going to put let's go for a 2u road this one here we're just going to pop this road coming out of here and that's going to be our helicopter stop and then i don't want to rush it but i'm going to pop it there for now and then we'll work on where that's going to go another time when we get back to detailing all of these lovely transit hubs and of course we're going to add some taxis along the front here as well let's just move that one up so it almost looks like it's in the same place as that one i think that'll do there excellent so i'd love to detail all of these new hubs right away so we've got that one there which is looking fantastic we've got this one over here with all of this extra options to get around the city and then we've got this one over here and no problem at all but i think that is going to have to be the next episode oh this is taking so long to do but i'm really looking forward to building around one of these so get your votes in get your names in and i will see you all for the next episode have a fantastic day take care everybody bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 112,446
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Keywords: cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines mulligan, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines mods, city builder gameplay
Id: 5yq1SuKQyQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 56sec (2396 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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