Build a Transit Hub & Super Park Pier to End ALL Piers in Cities Skylines!

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[Music] hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here in the city of new zealand and we are expanding into a brand new area i'm thinking we're going to start off by setting up as much of the transit as possible the road connects it looks like grass appearing and disappearing it's like growing instantly and then it's gone again the road connections the rail connections yeah there's all sorts of connections that we need to do and then we can start deciding what we want to add in here so this uh barge is heading over here i'll just show you where we are this is new zealand oh yes you've seen it before but over here is one of the areas that we were going to expand into and a few episodes ago we put this down here so we've got this bypass train station which isn't being used at a bypass it's just been put here because it looks nice got some taxi stands bit of parking we've got a ferry bus terminal to help get around in the area we've got a helicopter here so we may get some helicopters going and we've got train access um so yeah there's a lot of stuff going on here i am sort of thinking about see if we look at this area overall here so our train lines i think this is going to be made a one-way loop like that and then it's just going to connect to this line that goes through here somewhere because we've got a station over on this side uh and we've got stations over this side as well in fact let me do that first while i think of it [Music] there we go i think that's all okay then that can connect together up to the line there we've got this road down here as well with this teeny tiny uh roundabout on there which i think we're gonna have to just have a little bit of work on this because i think this area here is gonna get super busy i mean this you know that is a similar size tranquility point in fact if anything this is slightly bigger and how many people do we have in here uh eight and a half thousand and that's with a massive roundabout in the middle so i reckon we're probably gonna get up to ten thousand over here uh which is fine you know um but yeah this let's have a look at this so what have we got coming down the highway so it's two lanes coming all the way down the highway so rather than mess with that and go two lanes minus one lane down to one lane it'll start looking a bit wonky um what am i looking for highway we're gonna go for the three lane yeah highway there and we're gonna add that there and there so you've got a dedicated lane now for coming off and then when you come on you've got a dedicated lane for coming on and then you can merge and we'll do the same over there and over there and there's enough room to fit those in excellent um let's make sure that this is all set up so it's going to work okay so they're going to get a lane each when they come out and the same over there and then let's have a look the rest of this that's fine there that's fine there that yeah this is going to be upgraded it's like a junction the other side of his not going to worry too much about that this is going to be upgraded at least i mean if we leave the one lane coming in then this roundabout at least needs to be two lanes and i think i'm not gonna delete anything by accident if we do that no that's okay and one laying on one lane off yeah that'll do and then we'll do control shift left click there we go so we've got dedicated lanes for coming off yeah giveaway signs all the good stuff uh there's two lanes coming up right next to each other there huh i mean if that gets too busy i could always move that one back to down here we'll leave it for now that'll do okay and then i might just as we're here set up the lines on here just make that look a bit nicer [Music] yes i'm going to add those in like that and then i'm just going to do a little bit of work here so i'm just going to move some of these things if we use the move it mod take that and that actually no i'm not going to do that we are going to use the node controller is that the one i want and i want to sort of line these up a little bit better um so yeah where these two lanes carry on down they're gonna be the same two lanes for here carry on down and then this one from the right merges in so i want to line these up i can never remember which way around to do this i think it is click that one and then hold shift no it's the wrong way around okay hold shift and then click that one and it should budge that over excellent so now these two lanes go straight down and this one merges in that's how it should be so then we can do the same on here so these two lane to go straight down so let's grab that node we're going to hold shift and say line up with that and that does line up not too bad and then this one sort of goes out and then what we can do as well is um with this one again yeah there we go so we'll line that up we're gonna just make that nice and long so you've got a nice long lane coming off over there so 22 i think that's okay we'll do the same for over there and how does that look it's a little bit close there aren't they because they're doing that weird overlapping thing i'm just thinking i might need to move use the movement mod just to shift and that up one and that down one just a little bit something like that i think that's okay isn't it yeah there we go so we're getting a nice long lane coming off there and then going up on the highway and then that merges in there excellent and then we do this little bit here as well whoa what's going on here i'm just doing this and we got these guys what the where the heck are you going who are you taylor finch visiting hmp guilty what seriously i think you're actually going to prison what are these guys do let's just have a quick look out of there where are they going they're just going to like run across the road oh my goodness me yeah i think that's what they're doing they're just running all the way over in a nice straight line to hmp guilty in prison i would follow them but they're going so slow look forget it forget it okay so we've set these two up and i just need to change the direction of the chevrons on this one so if we go into here and go to fillers that's that one there invert excellent as the traffic's coming down this way the pointy bit goes towards them that looks much better excellent so i'm going to copy what i've done there and add that to the other side as well so here we go this is before and this is after excellent that is looking fine very good and i'm just wondering we could just add a little bit of sand in here just down the middle here there we go just along here i think that just adds a little bit of extra realism there we go just up to that part yeah all of this through the middle yeah there we go that's good excellent right so now this road coming off here is certainly going to have to be upgraded and i'm just wondering what to do here so we could do let's just have a look at the area i mean at some point this might connect over here actually i think we're going to keep them as two separate areas whether we want another road to come off of here the fact that we've got those two that go up there i think we might just do that and make this roundabout is going to get some heavy use i'm worried that that's going to cause a problem if i do that no absolutely fine good good good so that could head that way this one could head this way and then could we have another one coming out of here oh man we are over stressing this roundabout let's add a not node controller this one let's add another node in there no the other ones are too close i can't delete that node that's where it connects okay we'll have to just go with the flow and maybe come off of there and head out in this direction as well and i'm thinking actually now i've done those roads they're gonna actually be four lane roads and we don't have a four lane road with trees do we know so we're gonna go like this up to the last segment and the same for this one and then this bit at the end is i might as well take the trees out and then we'll go like that there we go so at least got two lanes going into the roundabout cool okay let's just set this up correctly again there we go get rid of any lines that shouldn't be on there no we're fine so let's see where our connection's going to come through here again with probably i'm going to stick with the the tree lined road and i want this to be in the middle which i'm assuming is going to be about there we're going to have this one let's make that a bit longer coming into there so you can go either way and then i'm also going to upgrade this one and that one so now you've got dedicated lanes coming in going out or you can just carry on and go straight on excellent and then we go back to our normal treeline road this one here and that one is going to connect up to here yeah something like that and i'm thinking actually now that i've done that this is going to have to be a four lane road just because it's such a busy main road through here so we're going to go right up to the end and then we're going to actually change it for that one without the trees there we go uh this one at the end here like that no actually you could just be exactly the same piece of work yep there we go that's fine excellent excellent actually that one could as well there we go sorted sorted sorted this is gonna put traffic lights in so let us remove those um do i want give way signs just like that would that be okay i think it probably will we'll just see how that goes it's gonna be a lot of traffic it may be now that i'm looking at it that we make this all one way i'm gonna make this all one way yep let's do that [Music] there we go so now the roads and the trains all go in one direction around there excellent that's good right so let's see where can we hook up our train lines across here next so i'm trying to sort of see if we can integrate this train line somehow in here if i went up to there i don't know i'm gonna delete all this bit down here like that oh one one sorry everybody all the way down to that excellent and then connect these two up to there and then that could come straight up this way i'm just deliberately drawing over the top of the road just to get a rough idea of what's going on and then when it gets up to here it could split to go in both directions i think that would be okay so if we bring that up to say here let's just see we can get over the top as usual i don't want to be using tunnels i want to see what's going on so if we do that actually we do that over there and then it can split from there can't it and this one can join here [Music] and then this one can join it's going to have to go i think over the top rather the merge on top of the bridge that would make more sense to me [Music] i know what's going on with this i'm trying to place it and get it even with the other one and it's like jumping around all over the place so i'm gonna do that and then we'll just use the move it mods to get this the same height as the other one yep there we go that's fine uh we'll get this the same height as oh let's try it again that one the same height as that that's the same height there that's fine and then ideally i want this to be the same height as that but then we can have it sloping did you know what actually this isn't going to end up being the same height as this anyway isn't it so let's do that yeah i think that'll be okay so let's do all of these along here there we go all the same height as that one there and then we can just connect these up [Music] [Music] we go and then we just do a bit of this on here so we'll set those ends as straight just expand that 20 maybe a little bit less i'm just trying to get rid of that little weirdness in there there we go so 22. yeah that works okay let's come down the end here see what we can do on this one this one's actually going into a bridge so that 22 works on there as well very good and then the connection here yep oh uh let's straighten those out oh we're gonna get something funny happening here aren't we oh man yeah i'm gonna delete these before i break the game like i did last time and we'll try that again [Music] yeah i think that's looking okay that's good and i would imagine that this part here would actually be on the ground i don't think they would have that up in the air with it being a more complicated junction you should just shift this again come on turn that off let me shift that over just a bit there we go [Music] i think that's okay let me just make that hair that's a slightly bigger there we go it's all working now excellent then we can smooth off this land let's just bring this out here just to feather this down a little bit okay excellent that looks good to me i might even bring this one up here as well let's grab that i feel like the bridge should finish there and then it goes down that makes more sense to me there we go smooth this bit out there all good oh no hang on a sec no this needs to be a bridge doesn't it we need to connect this up down here oh yes uh let's just try that again then so we take this part here um i'll say bridge i mean a raised piece and then we're gonna just upgrade all of these to a raised piece this is gonna come through whatever building we've got through here and then we'll just raise the height on those let's select nodes all of those nodes apart from that one control h the same height as that yeah that's perfectly good and then these two here now need to connect on to this one i've just realized as well these could be one way that was coming in no that's fine how it is there's going to be a sort of crossover point at some place isn't there but yeah it'll be fine so i'm just wondering if we could just use one of our mods to get these connected up evenly so let's take a look at network multi tool let's just zoom in a bit here we're going to use this one the create connection mode so if i select that segment and this segment and it will freak out and do the wrong thing then we select this end piece and there we go it's nicely curve that in so that's 50 and 50. do you know what i think i would just leave that like it is but then i want to do the same over here from here to here excellent change the end piece and that is 50 to 50 as well so we've got all this bang in the center we'll worry about the tracks going in the wrong way in a minute oh man oh am i going to just completely destroy this and have it disappear into the ground like we had last time i stretched this out it's really not liking it no doesn't like that at all um [Music] darn it i'm just wondering actually while i'm thinking it let us quickly change these to go in the right direction and that might so these have got to come in that might fix it and then these have got to go out so that's going out that's going out that's going out or if i delete this one because they both connect they're okay don't they so then if i go from there to there no all right might just need a little bit of maneuvering with the move it mod so if we grab this piece here and do that and do that that's all connected yeah and then we could maybe just straighten those up and hopefully they'll end up still being equal oh darn it i thought i had that on i think that's okay that's like that that's like that how does that look i mean that looks pretty even to me doesn't it we just got the height to worry about but that's okay we can fix that [Music] there we go very good let's just remove some of these trees are a little bit too close excellent excellent excellent that comes in that sweeps around that goes back out again may just adjust this height over here that one can be the same height as that which is the same height as f in the outs going out and that one can be the same height as that excellent then we've got this main row that then cuts through over there but it could also have a connection coming up over to this one i might accidentally raise that let's pop that back down again there we go all right i think we're getting somewhere so i like this because it's nice and organized here but then our road network is going to be a bit wiggly piggledy yes definitely okay right let's take this one here and see if we can get this to come out of here so let's put that back to normal so if we go like that and then that could meet up with this road couldn't it yeah like that which will be good and then we could also have another one off of here connect up with that right let's continue down here i'm not sold on this road layout out there i'm probably going to change that at some point but i think i'm just going to concentrate on this area here for now so when you come into what is currently known as birdsong at transit hub we want some things to visit and we want i want this to look really nice down the middle it's going to have some buildings but i'm thinking some sort of part but up here i would like to add a couple of items so we've got here the locomotive halls which would fit in here absolutely perfectly what about sideways uh no let's do it this way there we go so you can come and visit some old trains and things down here i think that just fits in there nicely that is a nice asset attract some people over to this area and then something for the kidly wink is over here i was thinking we've got a few things we've got the traffic park which could go right up against the edge there there we go look at that they can practice driving their cars learning all about hugo there before they're allowed out driving in the city at large excellent and then i'd also like to just move this helicopter stop i'm thinking what we're going to do with that let's have a look around here it's thinking maybe somewhere in the middle here but for now let's just grab what have we got here two new roads i'm going to sort of stick with the 2u road theme in the middle here let's bring that all the way down to there and this one down to here we'll connect those up i think our helicopter stop is going to go this end so it's going to be nice and noisy down here i think that is in the middle excellent and then this place here we're going to put the disaster memorial and i'm pretty sure we can line that up let's do it this way smack bang in the center i think one two three four one two three four five one two three four five so it's gotta go like that but the road doesn't seem i wanna line it up with the road which is coming in there so as we come down this road here that greets us excellent and then we're going to build up a lovely park around the back i'd like to make use of these flowery passages again that we've got here by vilgard because they're fantastic and you can mix and match these together to make something look really nice and i'd like that to run down the middle uh to be able to do that we're going to need a park area so let me just paint that in there we go excellent and then alongside here i think we're going to have our park entrances so let's come down to here what's the small parkside gate so this is the small main gate so we have that one there and that one there excellent they can come in and out that end and then i'm also thinking the same down here well thank you very much same down here and then we might as well pop one halfway down as well which will be there as good as any that one's going to be there excellent so then if we've got some park paths in here we can then build against those let's just oh that isn't straight down there okay let's just do that and let's just do that okay and then we can put these items uh should then just go in the middle quite happily and there's all sorts of nice ones here some corner ones so let me just i'm probably gonna do what i've done before place all these out and then we can pick and mix which ones we want [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so i'm barely finished adding details to this and there's so many people coming in to visit already i didn't realize i'd had anything set up here to allow people to come in but i think this is set up to allow intercity trains so let's just take a look at that yeah so people are coming in via the intercity trains to check this out and um yeah i've sort of mixed and matched a few little buildings here so we've got the restrooms the info booths and the restaurants from the three different park types um i've also decided oh let's also say by the look of it quick sympathy [Music] ah and i've also decided to put the organic and local produce uh low density commercial buildings along here we're getting quite a few different sorts which i think is good you know people come here to to queue up and shop and enjoy the park that we've got as well which is great we've got this for people to visit up here if they wish to so this place has suddenly become a destination as well and then for the kiddies center we've got the traffic park over here we've got the skating thing skating park and then we've got this here from the amusement park so the souvenir store and a building from the zoo as well and i just think they look great [Music] [Music] i am loving the way that this place has turned out i was having one of those days you know i was thinking i don't know what to build i don't know what it's going to turn out like and i just started placing things and it's come out like this and i'm really really pleased of course we've got to get our trains hooked up we've got to get our ferries hooked up uh the helicopter thing i took out we've got so many trees and parks and people walking around in close proximity it just didn't seem like it was a safe thing to have in here uh we could put some things on the side i think we need to move these up a little bit because people are supposed to be able to walk down there although i'm just assuming they're only going to walk on the top one if they could get onto them um but yeah any ideas or things we could pop over here let me know but i'm loving it i'm absolutely loving it so thank you very much for watching be sure to subscribe if you are new check out the other video on the screen as well that is always very helpful and i will see you all very soon for the next one have a fantastic day take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 151,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines mulligan, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines mods, city builder gameplay
Id: Y_QkqyhUGR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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