Officially the WORST Traffic I've EVER seen in Cities Skylines!

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Wow 3% officially that is the worst city for traffic I have ever seen hello everybody welcome back to city skyline let's fix your city where we take a city and we solve the traffic problems this city was sent in by Wally on Twitter thank you very much for sending this in if the city is called land land and he said I've got traffic hell what am I gonna do and we're gonna take it look at this and sort it out for you you've got some horrendous traffic coming in here you've got traffic there it's backing up all over the show so I tell you what let's take a look at what the traffic is at at the moment 15% and getting worse yeah I would say definitely traffic hell's we've got a lot of traffic coming off of here going around there and then they're all backing up along here and then they're coming in there and they wanting to head into the city so straightaway I can see you've got this Junction here that everyone comes off and they've got to drive through this area before they can get anywhere else yeah you want to give your guys and girls more ways into into or out of the city then we come along this way for instance let's go from the other direction you've got like a little thing here but that's an underground Road aha so this comes off your highway and it goes all the way through all the way through there's no other road coming off of it and it goes all the way through to the other side there we go I like this a lot you're feeding your entire city's water it's coming from this little muddy puddle here it's fantastic I love that I love that just a heads up the traffic gets as low as 4% it's going down I was gonna say 5% but as we're watching it's getting worse oh my goodness meat so what my thoughts are we've got this industry here we've got some industry at the top here and I believe let's have a look industry and then you've got offices and he's got some industry so even this industry here has to go down all the main roads round to this roundabout and then all the way back round again to get back onto the highway we need to add more highway to give these guys and girls a way in and out of the cities just a little insight into what I do as I prepare to fix your cities I'd like to get a little in to where the traffic goes and I've what i've done is i've deleted each end of this underground tongue to force the traffic to go through the highway and it makes it really easy to see where problems are like look all of these guys here look like they all want to come off of here and because of this lane problem here look you can see it's causing an issue i bet if we change this and did our normal fix that i think you guys and girl should know by now a fix this one up here put some four lanes in and I've used the lane management tool here so we've got a lane for the cars to go off and I want you to upgrade this one as well but it's outside the city limits it won't let me upgrade that one look I'll show you know outside city limits even with Road Anarchy on little trick if you use move it mods will grab that bit there move it into the city limit so this entire piece of rose inside the city well upgrade that to a four lane and there we go and if you go back to move it modern do controls ed it will do undo so there's the node being and it's jump back over to there again so now we've got four lanes here which is good and that is gonna help because we're gonna do the same thing here and so you can come off eventually once the gained AI has moved on these guys here blocking the lanes look the other ones will move on let's see if we can give these guys some more entrances and exits into the city so let's add a highway intersection here and what I'm thinking is we're gonna have a highway intersection here that breaks off gives these guys and girl some access to the highway that snakes around here give these guys and girls some access to the highway and then joins up again over here that is the plan so let me just put something in this is what we've added so far just the north in a junction that comes in the game I'm the highway down here I put this normal vanilla junction into an island will probably change how this is set up in a moment and then we're just gonna run that load around here somewhere and connects up to here now I have had comments before about removing the whole loads of areas and putting in roundabouts and things like that sometimes that just needs to be done particularly if let me just follow up looking for three lane highway particularly if the way things are built aren't the way that you really need them to solve the problem so something like that we're gonna lose a few businesses but nothing that's going to give us huge amounts of problems and also as always we want to just give the roundabout some breathing space so let's remove a business or two from the roads right next to it there we go and keep that area clear there and then this is where the highways gonna connect to over to here so let me just run that a mod that can really help we're doing this sort of stuff is the power low road tool mod if you want to lift that up I'm not going to go through how the whole thing works but you can see what I'm doing at the moment it allows you to draw roads in parallel so like I am here huh let's just see we can get this to line up well there we go let's allow me to put this Highway in with a nice gap in between exactly the same all the way along and that's now going to connect up to them okay there we go so on the west side of the city I suppose we're going to call this we've got one of these now and you can see most people are coming in and going that way instead of coming through the center of the city and then they're going to come along it to the junction up here so let's take this area first and see if we can sort the traffic out in here because obviously we've got a bit of an issue so let's take a look so they're coming in the first thing I would want to check is that this roundabouts rinse out correctly Yap to the wall giving way as they come on then I would use the juncture restrictions and see if they've been set which they have that's fine so most of those are coming around and then coming along here and then coming down this way enjoying with all the other traffic and hits in this section here I would definitely stick around about in here to keep all of this moving a bit smoother it looks like these guys here also coming through there to get on the highway there we go now that's a good start now something you'll notice here look you've got all these people walking down the bridge they were happy to walk from over this side of the city to over this side but now that we've used these highway roads they've got no way of getting from one side to the other so what I'm also gonna do is just stick a few little bridges in here to help them get over to where they want to go there we go we can see the people are coming along here walking up on the bridge and that speeder thing out the makin walk anywhere round the sides which is really good so that is gonna help you want to make sure people have at plenty of ways to walk around your city talking about alternative ways to get around your city what do you have for your mass transit so you have buses no trams couple it very well one very well used metro line one not so much you have one train route and nothing else okay so like we saw people love to walk so let's give these guys and girls a bridge to get from one side to the other and then we can just connect that up over here somewhere there we go so they can start cutting across there we could have another one over here somewhat yeah let me just set up some of these along here I think that's really gonna help with people getting around the city like I put a couple more paths crossing over we've got this one here which is starting to be used which is good we've got the one that we've put in before and then a bit further up the river there we go we've got this one here and that's starting to be used as well so that is definitely less traffic on the road so going back to this little highway we built here you want to kit how this little roundabout I mean you want to keep things moving on a roundabout like this so any junctions next to it so we come along here you've got a nice amount of space between the highway and this Junction but you want this Junction coming in to give way and you want this one to give way as well just to keep the main road moving and I would perhaps do the same there as well and then it keeps moving around here so you've got your main road acting as a main road there we go and it will stop things like this where it all starts backing up again I would normally have so around about at the other end just to keep because that is your main way into this area so as you can see things will move smoothly until it sort of blocks up yep there we go we could just fit one in the buildings are disappearing that's good and if we just check the roundabouts mortars automatically set all those things forward so that's going to keep that moving coming across the bridge and let's follow us along and see where they're slowing down so we've got this little Junction here again I would do the same thing I would say you have to give way keep this main one moving there we go keep the main road moving these little side lanes these little side lanes here and that one and that one give way and then you come onto roundabouts like this so this little roundabout here it's good you've got plenty of lanes plenty of loads you've got crossings and things everywhere so actually I'm going to leave this roundabouts in and I'm going to just make sure that the people coming on have to give way like that there we go and then we're going to use the junction restrictions and say you can keep moving you can keep moving we'll do that on all of these this Junction here which is right next to the roundabout so I'm gonna say you guys on the side give way done that side that's quite a way down that's fine I'm going to just do the same on that one and then what I might do is you can see every time somebody crosses over it's slowing down the traffic so again instead of rebuilding this or changing the roads and all that sort of thing I'm just showing you something a little bit different we could just put a little and we go we'll just put that in there and then what we can actually say is if we grabbed a junction restriction you say don't cross over so we're turn off all these crossings I get all of those yeah and then the people will start using there we go we'll start using our crossings instead and just leave that look already we can see it's moving along nicely nicely nicely let's grab some of these junctions down here come on what are you waiting for you're waiting for something I don't know where are you going so you want to turn into there that's what it is so we've got a dedicated turning road and straight on I bet this guy wants to go straight on now he's turning where are you going you're going straight on yeah so depending on how busy things gets as that seems to be a bit of an issue because of the busyness of the road it is don't have that a straight on anybody want just go straight on has to go in there cuz not many people are going left there's only a small little road there's nothing much down there but this is like a bigger Rose coming through here so lots of people are turning lights there we go look so already people are pulling out and coming along here and going straight on which is fantastic and we could maybe do a similar thing going the other way as that is the other way into this busy road so let's grab that and say you don't go straight on you go left and then this guy goes this Lane here goes straight on and lights and that just keeps that traffic moving that's a good idea to do that on busy junctions just taking a quick look up to 35% traffic flow so not bad we're getting there we're getting there okay so taking a look again at the areas that we've worked on so far so we put this roundabout in here coming along the highway over the river to here this is moving nice and smoothly it's no longer backing up down this main road here this is quite busy here you've got your cargo train terminal normally I would not put those lights smack bang on a road that leads without access right to the highway I would perhaps move that up here and give it its own little access to the highway that would normally be a good thing but it's not too bad and then the main traffic's moving that's moving nicely across the rivers moving nicely this is moving nicely it's just sort of snarling up a bit along here I tell you what we've probably guys people turning left and going straight on let's grab this tool down here the change lane yeah we're gonna have that as left and that's straight on there we go look guys are diving out to go straight on keep that moving pretty sure we've already put give way you're thinking about which lane to go into aren't you're gone you can do it yes there we go you're waiting to turn left but you're now not holding up all the other traffic which is great this is freeing up let's have a look here so you don't gonna do the same thing here as well I'm gonna say to you that's it right and straight on only and then I'm gonna do the same here so left and straight on only and then it's all snarling up at this bit because they're waiting to get round so this is getting pretty busy we want to get this going okay well let's do something here there and let's just stick with using the lane restrictions as that's working so well so we're gonna say you can be left and you can be just for turning right and then this side here you can be for left and you can be straight on and turn right this one here we've literally got all these guys and only two lanes I mean again you've got this as one of your big three roads here so rather than traffic lights there I would definitely say you've got to give way and you've got to give way just to keep this moving and then we'll take junction restrictions so you carry on and you carry on and then once it's sort of all got move in a bit like this little connection here I would say no we don't want that let them go through down into there let these ones go over here and just not have that connection because some are trying to sort of bypass what's going on yes let's see how that goes after a few minutes running ah this is why so many cars are coming down here you have this Expo Center attached to this little tiny road here and it's bringing all these people down with tons and tons of visitors do you have any see this would be a perfect spot to have a metro and you've got no metro there at all you've got a metro running down here well I'm ready two things where's it going there it is you've got this one over here that's our high interest Tower that gets tourist this gets tours you've got a big sort of tourist area here I would move this so it's not off of that road and I would put it off of this road down here there we go instead so people are coming this way this one here is joining to that road that's fine so you need a metro like smack-bang around here so let's take this metro here now let's put that light in front of it we're gonna have one there I'm gonna have one there and then we're gonna have one this is the entrance to squeeze in here somewhere you can have that one there and then we're gonna connect those up there we go we've won a line from there to the ends you've got this area here with the whatever it was the aquarium the interest Tower the Expo Center and as you go along here you've also got this the Science Centre over there and you got the hospital here so I put this Metro sort of looping through there which would be good but then we want access to this so what I'm gonna do is add in an extra stop over here and just make this area let's just see how we're gonna do that yeah I'm gonna delete these ones here let's pop that one in there that can connect back up like it did and this one like that that's fine and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna put an exchange we're gonna have oh we've got this metro line here darn it completely forgot this one let's connect that one up as well there we go you can add some more stops in if you like so what I'm actually gonna do here is drag that one to the end there we go and then we can add two more stops in there so we'll do man that's a stop on each direction there we go so we walked into here to get from these loops here to this line that goes up there and I'm gonna connect them across the middle and I found that works quite well so this is gonna be our station where it changes don't worry these lines here will automatically kick in which is fine so we're gonna have that over this sides and then we're gonna have another one by this one and over this side and we're gonna connect those two together I'm just gonna bring that round to there there we go we're gonna have this exchange line one to the other that's all that does is gonna get backwards and forwards and get people to swap over then we want to make sure that they can cross over well they can come out of there and cross over got a bus stop right by that which is on the face of it looks good and we're just gonna move that along to here so it's not white next to that Junction and that one and I think that's the only one yet there we go is they're gonna walk along to there so keep keep your junctions clean there we go look we already see people crossing over from one to the other which is great you could put a little path in there to help them do that so they don't cross over on that Junction but it's not the busiest Junction ever we can see them look underneath waiting for the metro train then they're gonna come up over to here and what's it like to cross over here they can cross over like there yeah that's fine that's not too bad and then I can start getting round over to that area now as well as the highway Edition that we put around the outside of the city here to try and sort of give these guys a chance to get onto your highway you also need to give them access to the highway in more than two places I think we found this place as one and then right at the other end was another one so all of these people in the middle here need to be able to get up and onto the highway so let's take a look and see if we can find any good spots there we go we can have a road like that going in to help them go in but what you have to give people the ability to leave as well right so this little roundabout you've got here I just told you about this and I wasn't recording this gives access to the highway in both directions but it's Oni comes all the way down to here and gives you know it's basically only gonna be used by people along here I want to give these guys some access to it as well so I flattened this roundabout out I've removed this highway I'm then gonna just and say we're gonna take this height and just sort of do that along there and then we're gonna grab this road so we go this one here and we're gonna go straight across from this island to this road up here there we go so that now gives people in here access to this island to come up and join the highway here and then I'm just going to connect these two highways and back up again and this road that you've got cutting across here I mean you could just add some little little slip lanes onto here there we go so you've got another on and on off way there which is good people using this road yet yeah there we go got cars coming down here so that's giving all of these access to that there's some look at our traffic up here it's moving a lot smoother there we go look at that this little this little section here that we had all the traffic going into our Expo Centre has just disappeared and there's not even that much traffic outside because as you can see look they're all coming out of the metro so that's the metro that does this little area up here and they're gonna cross over there they go and they're gonna dive into this Metro over here watch the crowd there they go so that gets them into the metro for this area down here fantastic and we should move along here a little bit and we can add also a few more slip lanes off the highway into here which will definitely help so we're gonna have one there let's have another one again it's gonna mean getting rid of some buildings but for the Oval betterment of your city I think it's definitely worth doing and you can you've got this like no we'd run it along here that's crying out for some sort of connection from the highway so let's go like that help people come off and get onto this road which would be handy there we go and this was getting super busy here because it was this main road attaching to this main road it was just too many main roads all coming together so I've just put a little highway in there a little highway roundabout and then a crossing for the people as you can see look they're very happy to cross over there and get from one side to the other and I'm just thinking about this little connection you've got coming down here it actually connections in a whole load of other places so I'm just gonna make this road here one way and there we go facing out the other way that's it excellent just to keep things moving along smoothly and just a little bit further along you've got this busy roundabout here which is taking a lot of traffic from this industry and bringing it down into the city so what I've done I've left the loads that you've got again and I've just gone through to make sure way metropolis excellent we're growing your city as well you can hear that little ding you can hear in the background if you don't play city skylines very often that his house is upgrading so or buildings upgrading that means that people are getting what they need they're happy there we go ding ding ding and they're all upgrading which is fantastic so we're doing a good thing so yeah this is pretty busy so I've put the give way coming on I've done the junction restrictions but still things are going slow because people are stopping so I'm just gonna add some paths on this bridge as well there we go and turn off the crossing as well so once the last three people have crossed there we go this traffic here should keep moving they keep stopping there even though I've set everything up correctly so let's go here and have a look at the junctions look at that we've got a stop sign a sneaky stop sign we've got another one over here let's get rid of that for that shoot now look at that that is cleared up so much better that is moving nicely I've also made this load coming on give why kept everybody moving along here that is cleaning up nicely and you've still got quite a lot of traffic again you've got another cargo train terminal right by a main road I would perhaps run that cargo train terminal off the side of here so it's got its own roundabout to decide where to go without clogging up all of this traffic but I'll let you do that if you want to now the traffic hotspot in this residential area lots of cars are coming down here and what's going on at this Junction yeah so let's just work our way along here and do a similar thing I always started it here yes I'm very giving why these are going straight on I've done the thing here where we've got the left-hand Lane and this one straight on and all the junctions along here I've given priority to the main road but we've got a lot of turning issues like here again so let's grab our lane tool you can go left you can go straight on and we don't have a light so we've got to straight onto one left I will do the same actually we've got a turning lane there we've got a second turning lane so we're Mabo for those straight on in stairs so that's only lane four turn right we don't want that to go straight on we'll keep that move in mmm you've got little roundabout there I would in fact have a roundabout here get rid of that connect yeah this is what I'm gonna do let's let's do this we're going to pause we're gonna get rid of this we don't need two junctions go into the same place then we're gonna put a it all round about in and there yep let's go like this into there okay so that comes into there then we use this highway junction and then we've got like giving away that given why yeah so that's good so we just keep these guys going through the junction leave that one and that one that's taken out one of the junctions there I would even to go as far as to take this one out just to keep that moving we've got some bus stops there let's just see where they can go to just not having too many junctions right needs were an Ireland and yeah I know a lot of the time it is pretty nylons in and I've had people saying to me do challenges where you don't use any islands but Islands really do work when you have in this case two massive big main roads teaching each other square in the jaw and then everybody's looking at each other saying where do we go where do we go there we go that's all gonna start throwing up hopefully and like this one here it's like a massive big road and a massive big road here that is just crying out for an island just to keep all of this movie and I you know I'll show you it works we'll stick one in and three lane highway yeah errors occurred thank you very much whoa what's up now let me fix that up yeah this is a this is a particularly busy route this one so I'm just doing some the lane stuff here so we've got the roads using the lanes there we go got a lane for left right and straight on so they can all sort of spread out a bit left right and straight on and not get in each other's way so let's have a look look at that it's flowing it's moving I saw comments saying they didn't like roundabouts because they're deliberately made to slow cars down I disagree with that I think if you had a traffic light here you're waiting much longer than you would just with um roundabouts in Ireland you guys here are all switching lanes yeah we need to let this run whoa what is going on there you want it to be giving why but you're deciding should just absolutely go for it what we're gonna do is turn that off and turn that off because obviously diving across getting stuck yeah they used it to cut through down to the other side over here aren't there where you've got another little roundabout where people have stopped it look I bet they're stop signs a go go on this thing let's have a look there is stop sign can go stop sign can go and actually the man about to stop working this one yeah and yeah so once you still got crossing there but um I'll let that one slide I like that one slide and then we just worked on this road and say yep you've got to give why you've got to give why you've got to give why you've got to give why and suddenly everybody's moving you also had your bus stops right here right then I think there's even some more bus stops there yes there is so I've moved those back a bit they were here and I've moved them back to here you've got your bus depot right there that bus step is gonna move to somewhere where it's not so busy that he's just nuts let's just pop that over here there we go also just trying to find some other ways that we can help people get in and out of this massive area down here is I'm gonna attach this road that you've got down here they're not quite what you were going to be building but we're gonna grab that Road and connect that up to the highway here I think that would be a good idea well imagine to hit the 7576 sort of percent it's moving it's moving it's getting there so what I would give to you as a big suggestion is the main roads that you have going through your city like these ones here don't have loads of little roads coming off of them all over the place have one load that then feeds an area and comes back on again stopping all these little cross roads cross those crossroads right next to each other also bus stops don't have your bus stops I mean I would avoid having them on the main road have them go off onto a subsidiary Road then the bus is during the road or if you do have them on the main road don't have them right next to a junction it just slows things up allow them whities to get on and off to the highway much more than we did before as loads of little places you should go through and just add ways on and off the highway which would really really help let me know in the comments below if you would like me to fix up your city follow the instructions in the pinned post below and then maybe check out the next video in the series on the screen - thank you very much for watching I'll see you all soon take care bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 889,601
Rating: 4.9087243 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, biffa2001, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, cities, skylines, cities skylines traffic management, how to fix traffic, cities skylines meteor, cities skylines tornado, cities skylines tsunami, city planner, cities skylines, cities skylines tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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