Respecting the Topography with Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in Cities Skylines

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whatever done whatever done oh oh dear what the heck [Music] hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer and today we are going to be working on an area of outstanding natural beauty some of you may be familiar with that term the mayor of new zealand has been lobbied by a group of new telandites if that's what the people are called that live here and they would love to see this beautiful beautiful mountain range that runs through the middle of the main island here on new zealand marked as an area of outstanding natural beauty can you imagine going hiking in this area there are some amazing things to see which we'll take a look at in a moment now for those that don't know what an area of outstanding natural beauty is it's basically an area of countryside in england wales and northern ireland that has been designated for conservation due to its significant landscape value so let's take a look at this mountain range in the middle here and see if there is anything that particularly stands out to us as being somewhere that people would like to visit now you can imagine if you were living down here you've been looking up at these mountains for all of your life for all of your life they are so amazingly huge and i think we can get some fantastic walks and views set up on these mountains now if we just move a little bit further around we've got sort of like a mountain you know normal sort of mountain type oh that's quick also say that normal sort of mountain type setup but then every now and again you've got like these little areas of water that run down here now i think this is one that we could work on here and it stops right there but in my mind that should come down from all the way up the top here we'll sort of meander this around and make that something that you would walk up to the top to have a look at we can somehow turn that into a waterfall that would be great and then if you come over here we've got some amazing rivers they just look so so beautiful i could imagine coming to sit on these rocks over here and just looking down at the view watching the world go by that is just lovely and then round here look at this so we start from this end the river here comes up underneath the road under the railway line and then as you follow this around i mean it just looks beautiful anyway and then we get here under this rickety old bridge that's not that we can see lovely looking bridge and then look at this look at this here can you imagine going swimming through this let's just sort of sneak up through here oh the map maker has done a fantastic job in episode jump up or you did that the other way around you'd be one of those adventurous divers you'd dive into there and then go swimming through here and come out the other end into this lovely looking pool and you could come on a picnic oh there's already a few parts and things sort of darted around here and now we're around the back of the island there we go so on the opposite side and i was thinking you know depending on how the time goes we could get some sort of community starting to build in this area here nice sort of flat area i think that would be nice got lots of road access then we've got the airport down here and of course over here we have the dam that's holding back uh this water over here now because of the way the game works this was outside the map when it was first built it is making um electricity but i don't think it's counting towards this figure here and i can't touch it at all um i don't think i can use i wonder if i can reset it with the move it mods let's just actually see if i can do that i mean there's all these different parts here rather than it being one part um let's just see let's select these i think that's it just looks like those parts there and hopefully i'm not going to just break the whole thing so we have reset those come out the movement mods yeah still can't touch it if there's a way of of doing that i mean we can add that in i'll tell you what let's just see let's just see this makes a difference so producing 1078 if i just hook that into our grid over here we'll use the anarchy mod and just see whether that goes up tall no see it doesn't actually look like it's working because these would be on these would be blue if it was working if there's it was gonna be one that but yeah we can sort of build something in here as well we've got this road access so what do you think now i know that we named this area and you know me being me it was so long ago that we named this area that i just cannot remember what it was called actually do you know what i'm thinking of doing do i want to make this one big park or do we have it split up it's such a big area what we could do is put a district over it with whatever the name was i've got a sneaky feeling it has something to do with technique i will call it like the techni t hills or if you can let me know in the comments below what it was that we named this area that would be great wow this must be the biggest district i've ever drawn just so we can get this name onto this area here there we go popular hills it is at the moment we will rename that area of outstanding now hang on i can't remember what the blooming name is now i've been talking about it for the episode everybody stan that's what this because the o of r isn't counted area of outstanding natural beauty to be confirmed so you let me know what the name is on that at policies we do not need this this i don't want any policies on here let's take all of those off city planning and that one there and that one there i think yep that's fine there we go so let me know the name oh we still got did i oh i know what that is yeah we can't change that and we can't change that that's from the stadiums okay and then what i was thinking we'll do is we'll add little parks in so for instance like let me turn that off there and do that again there we go so for instance this would be one park that you might come to park up enjoy the pool you know might be some shops and things down there um we then perhaps have this as its own little park area down here that could perhaps take in the river as well something like that we've got this one here and again i think we're taking most of the river and which was the one that we were going to bring all the way up to the top here it is this one here so in fact i would have all of this as one and that's going to come all the way up to the top like that whoops let's do that again oh my god we've ended up with like 14 parks have we no it's all the same part there we go that's fine like that and then we could even have like a big long trail that sort of comes down the middle you know has got a big walk over the top that takes in sort of these places this would be the one that you do if you love walks so i was thinking something a bit like that rather than one big massive park i think that would maybe do better then we can sort of treat all these little areas as individual little parks yeah i think that would work quite well so i think we're going to start on this park here so as well as the name for the hills i'm sure it was technically something let me know let me know i want little names for these parks so we've got this little they've got the dam here we've got this little pondy sort of area which i think looks really really nice plus this one's got road access as well and we're right by the airport so you know it's going to be you've got planes going overheads you might get a little bit of noise but they tend to sort of go in the other direction which is good although he's going to turn around and fly right over the top no he's not he's going the other way he's going higher and higher which way is he going he doesn't know where he's going it's that way come on you can do it is he off by the time he gets overhead he's so high up in the air you can still enjoy this lovely little area so let's see what we can do here now i'm thinking when you first turn up you're going to follow this road here which sort of loops back round there through the mountain and you're going to get to the end and you're going to want somewhere to park so i'm just thinking a few little parking spots or something over here would be good uh let's just grab the picker picker mod and pick that road and just see what we can do let us as we do meander something through here hopefully i'm not destroying anything no we're okay and then we need to get some sort of car park in here which means maybe just flat what i'm going to try and do is not flatten things out as much as possible i want to sort of keep it with the terrain as i'm flattening the road what i mean is i'm not gonna like go in with um landscaping and take out sways of the rocks just to do things but somewhere like this we do need um some parking so what i'm gonna do is just remove some of these little trees and bushes here and we are going to just flatten a little area here let's give it that brush size strength down a bit bit smaller there we go and we're just going to push these rocks you can imagine they would come in here perhaps dig out just a little area that's just enough to get some parking and maybe just along the side here and then after this it's going to be walking paths you're just going to walk to where you want to go so let's grab that road there i want that to go across but i don't want to oh there we go that's fine you can go around like that and we can maneuver that there we go that's going to be the end that's it excellent so let's have a look for some parking um something small something not too complicated what's that one look like something like that that just looks perfect we can add these sort of around here as well and then at the end here i would like some sort of you know i'm thinking in the uk we have something called the national trust so you can pay a yearly fee to the national trust this is beautiful this map doesn't it i love it and you would come to an area like this and you would just show your membership card and say yep you know i pay my yearly fee they would let you in and that would be fine for those that didn't you would have to pay a small price to get in and i'm just thinking if we could add something on here that looks like that so looking in our hmm let's see let's see yeah what i'm looking for is just a very very small building and i think this hunting cabin would be perfect i was going to pop some trees around it as well so it's normally just you know somebody working in there you might be able to buy a packet of crisps a few little drinks things like that before you head out so we're going to have that there and then we're also going to just pop in some restrooms so just before you go off for your walk there we go you would nip into the restroom and then you would be ready to head off into the hills i'm thinking rather than just sticking to this we're going to have some of the walk go up into this area as well now something i've just realized of course with the big park areas over here to add in the park entrances and exits we do need access to a road don't we so that is going to be interesting how we're going to get that working somewhere like this will be okay because we're going to add it right onto the edge oh water can we get some water up here for our lovely people let's just quickly do that there we go that should be plenty of water for these lovely people we'll work out about the electricity in a moment uh so let us pop in a park entrance um and again i want to sort of go for something that really fits where we are i mean the nature reserve stuff is really the best sort of stuff and i just want a really small nature reserved side gate in here because that's so big that's so big yeah it's going to be the small one let's just drag this road out actually now we're not going to do that let's undo that we're going to use the touchit mod and we're just going to grab a teeny piece of road just add that there there we go and then we can get our entrance on the side here so let's go back to that area must have a main gate oh that's the side gate isn't it that's the one and we're gonna destroy anything no it's fine it's all built into that that's good in fact that we just shifted fire that over so there we go you pay over here then you go through maybe show your ticket or something there excellent right so let's do some work with our parts now one of the things let's just turn that off again this is the toggle it mod up here by the way i've got one of these keys f over here to turn off i'll move that over for you there we go the automatic info views which pop up which is that white screen just makes it easy to see what we're doing now i'm not sure whether these paths here will self level or not let us just sort of run they do excellent so something like this we could sort of there we go look it just levels out a piece of land either side and here i would like to go around uh this piece of land so let's actually go up to there okay and then we'll go up there we go look at that all right good page down down that's up press the other button before okay that's as low as it's gonna go i'm gonna have that come round to there and then go back to down again yep so this is gonna meander all the way along the front of the river and we can always add in some extra pars in a moment yes let's just continue this all the way around [Music] just thinking how far round do we want to go do we want to make it a circuit or just a walk there and back i think once we get round here this is getting a bit tricky isn't it although i think we could just maybe branch off this one's going to go up here somewhere so we'll just pop that up there and then we'll just have this one maybe just branch off a little bit down here and i'm thinking we could have some have some fishing or something right at the end something maybe nice and quiet yeah we'll go there excellent so how big did we make this yes we've got this one going up quite high up here i'm thinking we need to add somewhere you know for those of you that are avid walkers you wouldn't just want to walk there and back would you that would be like my that would be like me i'd be happy to walk around the end here avid walkers like my wife she'd be like nope come on we're gonna head up here and then we would walk up here although to be honest looking at this it's not too difficult is it it's not that steep come on come on let's give it a go let's pop this path up here and see what it ends up looking like yeah now we're getting now we're getting a bit steep so where would we go here now what is possibly going to happen is as i start putting a path like if i put a path up there actually it doesn't self level as much does it when you go up over the rocks i don't want to mess up what we've got here i feel like maybe it would split off over here a bit as well yeah that's not too bad it's winding up there we're suddenly getting a bit steep here so i think we might just need to work on that yeah now we're really digging into the land aren't we let's just see if we can get this working [Music] and then what i could do then with a path like this although i've got to be careful because as far as i know there's not an undo feature on this um set slope oh we just have an auto save with zipper t so if it really messes it up let's do another quick auto save i'm going to try and see what it does although to be honest it isn't that bad is it let's see what happens i'm going to add here we go let's do that again we're going to go to this one here so we're going to grab that one there and i'm going to go all the way down to here so hold shift oh don't hold shift do i just select all of those press enter all right okay it's let's have a look so it's really dug into there it's left that one quite flat do you know what that is not bad actually i think i'm gonna leave that like that that actually looks a little bit more realistic doesn't it yeah okay i like that and then this one up here i want to get it up i want to get it up to like a lookout tower at the top if you were coming to this park let's pop a destination for getting up here we are going to have so there's a look at town number two i think this is the largest if we have a quick look yeah yeah this one here so we're going to have a path which is going to come along here and we're going to have lookout tower number two here we must have main gate ah yeah okay let's adjust our here we go that's fine we'll take that in nope that wasn't it was it where was it here yeah this is the one we'll have that thank you ain't your and then we'll grab this and we'll pop that right at the top i mean there's another top over there but you know we've got other parks around here so this peak each of the peaks would have its own name wouldn't it i'm thinking this is almost a little extra hill you can climb but this would give you look at that for a view of new zealand i am thinking i want to just move it a bit higher i want it along this ridge i want it here yeah okay slight change of plan we're going to delete that and we're going to have this go up to there and then we're going to move that over here and then we're going to remove some of these trees so you can get a good view there we go yeah we're going to remove some of these trees we'll have some low bushes and things so you can look out see the airport watch what's going on look at the other mountains over there and a fantastic view of new zealand oh i'm loving that right now we've got to get this path connected i'm thinking if this one this one here could like wiggle and join there and then this one here could switch back and join there then we've got a cool extra route so you can take this route here route one or you could take this route two and if actually you know what there's walking tours in this game as well if we get this set up as a fantastic place to be we could get like walking tours and things in here couldn't we okay so we're gonna see if we can just sort of switch back this around here and see how the game treats it [Music] okay yeah let's go up here just slow the camera down a bit follow this around here i mean this is a bit sticky you gotta have some steep bits haven't you that's not too bad come round this way swing it round the corner up to the top i mean the views you'd be getting while you're doing this would just be stunning wouldn't they and then up to the top and then yeah i love it i love it i tell you what i might do is just use the tool just to smooth this bit out um so from here to let's untick that one let's do it again from there to there yeah there we go that's not too bad and then i'm going to do this switchback thing from there to there oh oh what's it done there oh actually yeah that's not too bad that's okay oh oh i love it okay and then we've just basically got to get this one to connect up to that one um so let's see how we go here [Music] okay that one definitely cut into the mountain a bit um do you know what i'm thinking for this one yeah i'm gonna delete that let's take all of that out and unfortunately the mountain will come back again i am gonna do something different with this one ah there we go that's what i want i want some nice big pillars and we can sort of have this hugging the mountain side like that yeah we're definitely gonna need to adjust this a bit but where could it go sort of up here up there yeah something like that something for the adventurous and then we could come back down here again and then connect those two up hmm i've definitely got this idea in my head but we'll we'll work on how it looks there we go that can connect to there but yeah that'd be so you go this way it's hard hard work a long way this way is a little bit shorter but then you've got a walk on this thing yeah i mean this is like uh this is like a crampon climb look how high this thing goes like a roller coaster that just ain't gonna work is it [Music] okay so what i'm thinking here is if we use this tool again uh if we start from here and just go all the way down to there what will that do okay so it's sort of smoothed out but then you've still got this like weird lip thing so what we could use there is node controller if we grab that node see immediately it makes a change i'm going to delete that put it closer together no okay but if you make it sloped anyway and then on each of these nodes that's a middle section there's a node we'll make that sloped uh there's a node we'll make that slope immediately it looks so much better doesn't it make that sloped what the heck yeah i've messed this one up haven't i um yeah i don't know what we're gonna do we'll delete that section there oh i'd see that's why it's all facing in a weird way hold on [Music] okay let's check this out then i mean this is pretty steep i'm thinking we need a couple of switchbacks on this definitely this isn't too bad let's have a look and then suddenly this bit here it's this bit yeah this little section here let me have a little think okay let's let's go with that and then let's try the tool again there we go so we'll grab that one there and go all the way down to that one there and do enter and see what that looks like and we've got some massive massive oh we got the weather one i've known that for a while massive towers there but you know what actually i don't think that's too bad and i think if we actually use the move it mod and do our selection i'll tell you why the weather's on let's just turn that off there we go that's for messing around with the snow map oh yes i mentioned doing a new vanilla series let's just set that to nodes that would be let's try that again double click nodes that would be in between uh my new telon so you wouldn't lose any episodes of new zealand but yeah i've been looking at her looking at a snow map which i found that's really nice so we'll see about that we'll see about that so i'll tell you what i'm just going to spend a minute or two finagling with this and then once it's done i'll show you what it looks like so back in a sec okay the path is done a little bit steep in a couple of places but i think that actually works really really well and then we get all the way around up to the top and i've just moved the lookout tower a little bit further forward there we go to get a good view of the city so i'm very pleased with that um so maybe let's have a little bit of detailing in let's just swoop down here back to over here so right back at the beginning again um i've just added in i've just asked the guys and girls on my discord if there was a way to unlock this damn and not have to rebuild it uh see what they're gonna say and i've just added in the earthquake sensor as we like to use because that's going to jump the electricity over to these items and i think you know you would have some sort of i always think it looks like an electrical substation or something like that so i think that looks just fine so over here you've parked your car um let's maybe put a little bit of detail around here i feel like i want to move that one to have it sort of more straighter on there let's just ever slightly flatten out this bit just a squeege just a touch and i don't mind that one being at a funny angle like that in fact i'm just wondering if i turn that one around and lined it up will it still count as being connected to the road it would and then what i could do you know what i'm going to just straighten this out there you go look so you can get in i think that looks yeah that looks fine okay let's add some detail here [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so here we go we've got the parking set out i've got some fence in here just to keep all of this separated you're not allowed to get into the park until you've paid and then after you've paid maybe bought a few little snacks or on the way back if you really want to want a rest you could sit here on the tables and chairs and enjoy the view of what you've just walked up look at that or you could uh yeah gather your energy before you head out so what else can we add around here right i've just had the suggestion as well to use the move it mod to delete this and then use the undo button to put it back again and i still can't select it so i think i might just have to bite the bullet and build a new one yeah it's not going to work is it which is rather annoying but there we go um so actually i think these roads here are actually yeah i'm not even sure this is the proper full working damn you know i think it's just parts that have been added in yeah okay let's see what we can do i mean that's the shape that it's giving me like that so maybe we will go like that one estimated production it's gonna sort it's not quite in the right place is it um but we might be able to just monkey with that a bit do you know what i'm just gonna place it there let's just place it there and we've got a lot of land that's in the way as well but let's see how that works and surprise surprise we've started a flood heading down the river here i'm not sure that's going to cause too many issues yeah if you're on a plane maybe watch out get some napkins ready okay so we can select this one it is actually got a power output and i think it's probably gonna work a lot better if we remove this land around here as well so let's give that a go okay well we definitely have some leakage going on here uh which isn't great i'm just wondering whether i could change the water sources here so this one's okay it's running through we're getting like 160 megawatts which is absolutely brilliant there we go so making more power than we're gonna need it's taking out some of the highway down there i think we just need to maybe move some things around down here to see if we can stop this leaking out so much oh my goodness me i can't see what the heck's going on what have i done what have i done okay i just wanted to stop it running out over the banks here there we go and then we can work on getting this at the right height yeah still 96 megawatts that's fine and oh dear oh oh look here come these sucky trucks to suck all this stuff up oh we've caused a bit of an issue oh dear yeah the sucky trucks are out in force yikes oh my goodness me and it's like funneled all into the highway and it's still overflowing the banks down here which is really weird this is not i don't know why so much i'm wondering whether we even need this water source in here now this is coming through because before it wasn't coming through was it let's just delete that because there was land all in the way oh man oh no we've hit the airport it's flooded over the highway and it's now oh get away get on your holidays before it's too late and now it's reached oh my goodness what started out being an area of outstanding natural beauty is now turning into the disaster of new zealand what is the year 2146 oh yikes are these people this looks a bit damp here it might have just been raining are these people going to get hit by the floods eek they're trying to escape look they're trying to get out but the floods are stopping them from leaving they've got other roads they can take take the roads that aren't flooded oh dear yep it is hitting the run for your life look at that special submersible beetle car oh he's on his motorbike i'm gonna go for it this is this old guy hey it's him it's hugo where he's back again he remembers him from the live stream look he's rolled up his shorts oh the water's stopping the water's subsiding have we managed to fix it let's yikes yeah i know we haven't what the heck why did i start down this road what are we getting now 80. okay all right we're going to get this fixed we are going to get this fixed okay now we have a substantial actual working dam down here i'm just widening the river and deepening the river as well there we go until it gets out here don't start flowing backwards up the flipping river like a bonehead thank you the water's coming down there we go so it's a lot deeper hopefully oh my goodness me just turned it just started off as such a simple thing how can i just uh sort this road here and it's turned into a flipping disaster okay just want to get this lined up a bit better there we go good gravy oh i think oh i thought i'd found the depth then that was needed to stop the water running around the corner it almost did this is just unbelievable i should have just left it why why why i did actually make a save before i did this i might go back just use that because this is like the higher i build the sides and the deeper i make the bottom of the trench it's just not flipping look what am i doing with my life it's coming on well the area of outstanding natural beauty is now bigger than it was before i mean i think i know what is going on um mr needs to just put in my discord there are two universal rules to life one you were born and two never mess with city skylines bodies of water i think that's it i'll tell you what it is it's the height here is being dictated by the height of this here you can see it's counting i mean it's gonna sort of affect every single body of water it's the way it sort of highlights it but i think that one is affecting this one particularly look there we go i think we've got i've just lowered this down ever so slightly and i think it's lowered it enough here that it's not now coming out and bothering the rest of the land although it is a problem when we get down here i'll just leave it for a few minutes we'll see if this dries out hopefully it will oh and then we can be back to terraforming the letting all the traffic go okay yeah i think we've uh managed to solve it although there's now a huge backlog of trains and traffic and what are we at what have i done 74 as all this sorts itself out i'll leave that so what's the damage over here uh we end up with a little wiggly road going in the water's dropped down a little bit but it still looks fine yeah i'm happy with that and we've just ended up with huge look you can see now it's dropped all the way down to here and it's not running through anymore okay i think i found the correct level of the water to actually get some power out of this darn thing and for it not to flood uh yeah we're gonna need to do some serious um where are you going are you just like holding up everybody because there's a speck of water on the you are look let's you'll be gone you'll be gone you can move along now look that train just gave up because he was slightly damp uh these guys are still out in force sucking up all the water so that's fine yeah we're gonna need some serious terraforming around here aren't we but at least this is working and we're getting you know a decent amount of power through it i don't care for getting millions of power yeah there we go excellent so we could even drop our budget down a bit if we wanted cool okay i've made a few changes around here done a little bit of detailing i've run a bus line up here as well i'd imagine there's probably nobody in this bus at the moment but how about a little time lapse to take a look at some of the detailing i've set up [Music] so there we go we've made it right to the top and we have this fantastic view of new zealand so let's enjoy the sun setting thank you very much for your support maybe subscribe if you're not subscribed to my channel leave a like if you enjoyed it as well and i will see you all very soon have a great day take care bye you
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 172,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines nature reserve, area of outstanding natural beauty, AONB
Id: DyoJuwyoFtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 12sec (2412 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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