I Was Shocked How Much Money this Amusement Park Made in Cities Skylines!

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here in our city of new zealand and today we are branching out to a new island we're going to make the beginnings of an amusement park which i'm really looking forward to and we may even tackle a new transport hub as well i just thought we'd start off with a lovely view a nighttime shot of our city looking fantastic and the area that we're going to unlock is this point over here which is looking a bit dark at the moment so let me just click my fingers there we go let's get some light on the matter so we can unlock another square let's jump up into this one so we're gonna unlock this one here 14 800 absolutely no problem at all and yeah this is where our amusement park is going to be this little section here so we've got some excellent access to the highway that runs through here that gives us access to this junction that's already pre-built for us all the roads going off in each direction what is the name of that sort of junction intersection there i really like that that's nice um and yeah we've got some nice little spots i like this little beach here with the rocks looking very nice there's another one over here actually i'm not sure we've quite unlocked this one yet no i can't quite get there let's use the camera mod there we go but yeah liking that looking good looking good so anyway let us decide what we're going to do over here we're going to look at our part tab and we are going to build an amusement park sort of pier over here so the first thing i really need to do is to put some key wall around this so we've got something nice and flat to build against [Music] okay so that is our key wall in there i would like to get this all the same height and preferably the height of this one here so what we're going to do is zoom out a little bit we're going to use the move it mods there we go we're going to use this option here double click on nodes and now if i drag that out there that is only gonna grab there we go the nodes of this and nothing else and then control h can i make all of that the same height as that i can that is fantastic and then we're just gonna take this one here let's just do that hold alt and just bring that smack bang into that one there and that should all be the same height perfect absolutely brilliant and then what i want to do is just flatten out the land that's in the middle here so let me just quickly do [Music] that [Music] okay there we go that gives us a good start to build off of now we need some road access to this area and let's come across here and have a look we've got our junction here which we spoke about we've got this sort of fast road so let's grab that one there let's turn on that let's turn on that and i want to sort of have that one come alongside this road here that's a sort of a local road let's put on our snapping tools nope let's not put all of them on we'll turn off road guidelines oh oh don't get too close to the road otherwise it is going to snap so we're going to bring that one down here and then at some point you want that to change into a local road and this spot here is like the perfect spot for a train station so can we get underneath here oh yeah we've got sort of like a nice bridge here that we can go underneath it's a bit overgrown and we could also go over the other way under here into this section so i'm thinking a nice roundabout here would actually work quite well so let's see what we can do let's grab some of these roads see what sort of space we've got here let's go like that let's go like that and like that and then we'll grab the roundabout mods where's the roundabout mod no it's got to be here there it is the shortcut wasn't working so that is probably a little bit too large let's bring that out the way yeah it's probably a tiny bit too large just making that a little bit smaller so we're gonna go with that yep two lanes i think that'll be okay so that means we want this to sort of hook into here so let's grab that road we're going to upgrade this one let's just see if we can get these to join up oh dear gotta move the rocks hang on a sec oh auto save quit super t [Music] lovely let's uh hashtag save the vlog save the rock save the rock cool and then we're just going to run this one through the trees here and then it's going to disappear underneath sort of over there and then we'll just stop that one there and that'll end up going to somewhere over this side excellent and then i'm gonna have to some of these things here don't act nicely when you're putting roads through them so let me just sort these out there we go that's much better and then this road that's coming off down here we're not going to need that one so we'll get rid of that and then this one that's coming down here we are going to use a more let's have a look what sort of size road are we going to use i think a local roads um i think one of these actually let's go for a slightly bigger one can we fit that one under there oh that is too low there look um okay yeah we're gonna have to change this slightly let's use the movement mod again we're gonna pick that node there and lift it up and then we're gonna use the move it mod control h to set a few of these the same height as that and i'm hoping yeah that'll be fine so let's upgrade that put some anarchy on there we go that one can come under here yeah and then we can monkey around with these a little bit there we go and then we can slope this down so we'll select that node that node and that node and then we use this option here to slope very good and the rest of this is probably okay we can work on that train line in a bit good so now we've got this road coming through here let's just move it back a bit and then this one can go to a couple of different places um let's just move that out the way that back a little bit to give us some space so this is gonna run through here so i'm just gonna put it there just to know what i'm doing and then also i want it to run off down here as well but this is going to be a smaller road that comes this way so we're going to grab this one with the trees that is going to come off say there yeah like that and then that can just we can follow our nose through here and that is going to lead us to the amusement park okay so that's a good start for a bit of a junction let's just quickly set up this roundabout before we forget to using the traffic manager control shift left click we've now got dedicated turning lanes giveaway signs all of that good stuff and i'm also going to put giveaway and control left click to get dedicated turning lanes there excellent now i'll just move a couple of these clusters out of the way good good good good good so let's paint this in we'll grab our zone we'll grab our painter park area and you guys and girls are going to have to come up with some really fantastic tv related amusement park related on the end of the peer points whatever related name i'll leave it up to you because you really know what you're doing with all that sort of stuff let's just go out like that okay at the minute it's empire park um so where we're gonna have our entrance i think our entrance could just be literally right along the front here so we're gonna change this to two lane with grass yeah we want a little bit more space because i want to put some parking in here so if we go up like that and then we're going to go along like this let's turn off our guidelines there we go excellent that'll be great and then we'll grab our amusement park main gate and that can be right in the middle there and there we go it's now mickey park oh excellent what a great name for an amusement park and we've unlocked all of these fancy items which is good and we're going to have some guy at the front here there he is hugo has decided to have a new job another one this is his side hustle he dresses up as a green alligator and waves at windows cool okay excellent and i've also downloaded you'll be pleased to hear some car park assets um we've been making car parks haven't we using the in-game stuff we've got this car park here and we've got this car park here there we go so i quite like these i like this one with the trees around it we've got this little basic one here but i think to be honest for now we're going to use this one and i'm going to put two of those in let's have a look what that looks like with one either side yeah i think that's okay i like it i like it a lot cool and then we're going to start running our little amusement park down here so when we come in i do always like the path with the trees so we're going to get that one there now there's a lot we're going to have to fit in once we get to building this let's turn that option off there there we go so once we get to building this there's going to be a lot that we're going to want to fit in but let's do the best we can and we want to get it up to the levels as high as possible what is this here amusement park plaza that is the one i want so i'm going to pop a couple of those right behind here where you first walk in so at the minute we're aiming to have 500 visitors to get to the next level and to get the entertainment up to 250 was it 218 at the moment so we can add a few items in and certainly get up to that got this little spot here i'm wondering whether we could fit something in there uh we've got any small amusement park souvenir shop that would be the thing that would be right by the door wouldn't it so let's add that in as well and also we've got the restrooms which i think would be right by the beginning as well let's just pop those where there's not a tree there we go and what does that take us up to park wise 2 38 that'll probably go up in a minute and then also i believe we've got let's just scroll through here i want this amusement park ground tiles let's put those down to singles and see if there's a good way just to fill in these gaps and line these things up try and do it by hand and see how good it is yeah that's not going to be quite lined up there what i'm going to do is i'm going to put those in unfortunately we've got grass sprites coming through and then we're going to use the movie mod to line that up there like that and then can we do the same over here look at that we haven't even got power and water plugged in yet and our park fix some uppers whatever they're called are coming here to boost the park and is this our first visitor no it's not our first visitor yet i think this is looking okay coming through the gates there we go we've got amusements on the left chirpy brothers souvenirs and gifts we have amenities on the right side for the kids to play and then we have our little plaza with even more hugo's cousins have popped over to come and play as well so i think that is a good start to chirpyland we need to look at the power and the water mickey park uh so there we go look we're over the amount of entertainment we need so now it's just getting the visitors and the business is already turning up and using the car parks are they going to come into chirpy land though that is the thing we'll have to see i tell you what we're going to do to help out we're going to use some policies so we're going to do an advertising campaign draws 20 more visitors cost 200 a week we can afford that one 2.8 million we're going to set this as our main park so more visitors and we're not organized fireworks we'll leave it on uh fireworks every night yeah we're definitely gonna have that uh night tours 30 more videos during night time because 50 a week we're going to have that even more fun boost the entertainment effects yeah we're definitely going to have that recycled garbage that's for nature reserve buildings and that one's for the zoo so we're really going to push this one and we're going to up the price which uh conversely enough actually attracts more people so there we go so now we need to hook in our water and our electricity because these guys here they don't have either so let's just sort that oh for the for the power we're so close here to getting something hooking up i'm just wondering whether if we stuck a shop or something down here just a few little small shops whether we'd get it whether we'd get it hooking up let's just do let's just do that and see what happens let's speed things up a bit and the power might just jump across there which would be great look at all these cars coming up so many people visiting already no no visitors they're just like using the car park that's what it is let's have a look i don't think that's going to quite jump over there how about we just stick in an advanced wind turbine as well there we go there we go why not i think that fits in okay and now they're coming in our first visitor who is it edward hancock thank you very much for visiting our park i'm just going to see if i can get rid of these little sprites that are in here bear with me a second there we go they've gone for those that want to know how to do it i am using the hide it mods here we go hide it i've got seagulls turned off because you get millions of seagulls all around every single park and if we just scroll all the way down you can turn off your grass decorations there we go there's other options in that as well yeah that works really well good okay so let's put in some other items as well i've decided to use the path without the trees it just seemed to work a little bit better so let's see what other options we have get this thing leveled up get some rides in here do some cool stuff so that is just going to come down there like that and i want that to go down the sides just a little bit i might just use the move it mod just to grab that and that and just [Music] slightly not do that just move that out just a tiny touch excellent and i think we could have definitely some rides around the back here so that's gonna have to come out to there and this is gonna go down to the end there this i don't know where it's gonna end up going but that's gonna come down to the end there right what ride could we fit in here first of all so we've got our plaza side gates we've got amusement park we've got those that we've used here we go the game booths i like the game booths so we're gonna have that one there and i like sort of putting these into pairs let's just do that a different way let's delete that and have that one there right up to the corner and that one there right up to the corner of that one nice and then we could grab this here and sort of finish off this little spot like that and then what i'm doing just sort of the gap in between is i'm just using surface tool and using the pavement and just sort of running that up to the end there like that i might just take out that last one there we go and it just puts that little gray border in as well oh it's so hard to try and get these things to line up perfectly but i think that's good enough you can always add some trees in as well if you want and then what about over here let's just do the same over here because this is a similar spot isn't it why not why not so let's get this one here and that one there and then we'll grab this for here that really was not in the right spot my finger got all excited and clicked oh that's a treat thank you thank you tree uh it's snapping even though i'm not snapping on that's a bit weird but anyway we'll go with that and then we'll try a little bit of concrete along there there we go i like the way the trees sort of border this as well with the uh with the car park oh which is looking nice this is looking nice um i don't want any high rises sort of along here in this section uh what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna put a little small zone on there for now and policies and city planning and high rise ban yeah just for holly hills just so we don't get these building up too like big farm building there what's oh they've been good oh it's a car wash you've got to have goods in your car wash wow so many people are coming to mickey park 141 already we haven't even got any buses or anything like that which reminds me yeah we want to help people get over here don't we so how shall we do that well we've got our train over here so certainly we could do something with that so let's just take a look at this road here let's just straighten that out a bit let's grab this i'm just going to draw that in down here the train station's going to be there for sure so let's grab that and how much room do we need but it's almost not quite enough room so let's just grab oh look at the people pouring in the people are pouring in which is great let's grab all of these nodes and we're going to shiftify that down just a little bit like that and that should just about give us enough room and i want that to be sort of here and i'll tell you why because we're going to have something over here in a moment oh look at that that is almost almost perfect there isn't it so all we need to do is just move this down just a spot there we go excellent if we got enough room to join that in there do you know what i'm going to just move this along a bit i'm going to move that along to there right so let's hook this up let's grab our rail line let's have no bending so if you can do that that would be nice that is going to look rubbish so let's try that again let's go like that and let's go like that that isn't far enough along is it hold on one second yeah i think that's more like it as we've seen before we want to make sure we've got enough room on these little runoffs here so if a train stops there and doesn't enter the station it's not blocking our main line going through let's have a look at our line so we should have a line that comes in over here let's turn that on we do let's just pause a second so i'm going to grab that line at that stop i should say and bring it all the way over to there and then we're going to just make sure we've got a stop uh yeah i'll stop in here and i'll stop in there go in the other direction excellent so that's gonna bring people in by train unless they're not stopping there and they can go straight past oh another auto save and we've also got a ferry and bus stop over here uh the other bus stops that we've got available are going to be for this island i'm not going to have buses go between islands so over here um i would also say we need a ferry stop so let's just grab along here actually let's just put one in let's just have a look at the size of the island it's a pretty big island i'm gonna make this yeah i like this one here the ferry pier and that can fit in right there grab the rock there we go save the lock uh we're gonna pop that right on there excellent accent excellent and then we're gonna just join up this road [Music] very good and then we'll just do giveaway signs on each side of that i'm also just going to upgrade this little bit here uh to an asymmetrical road uh what have we got what have we got this one here asymmetrical three-lane road i think that's the one i want just so we've got yeah there we go dedicated left and right turn dedicated left and right and then we'll also do control left click there for dedicated lanes coming in here comes our train all the people going in they'll come out of here in a minute there they go and they're walking they are happy to walk let's just see where they're going stop where you going amusement park restroom going to game booth number two so they are literally happy to walk from there all the way over to here and that tells you something that just shows you how far people are willing to walk how we doing in mickey park or lots of people lots of people right let's get our ferry hooked up to here now what i'm thinking with this one is we've got our train coming in this blue line that goes all the way around i want a direct connection straight across there as well and we need to fit in our ferry path so let's just connect that [Music] there we go like that and then we're gonna run this from here is going to go straight across into there and back again so that is our main hub hashtag save the rock that we've got over on this side and that is literally going to go straight backwards and forwards over there to whatever this area is going to be called so let's just quickly take a peeky peek at that so that is going to be fairy line number four we can't name it just yet what have we got sort of green red blue let's sort of go pinky purple there we go that will do oh how many ships did it have on there three yeah you can always keep an eye on how that's going excellent excellent excellent excellent i'm liking the look of this i'm liking all the traffic that's coming over and using this right what else could we add on to here while we're here let's take a look all sorts of little detailing things what other rides do we have we literally have the carousel and i think that is it for ride so far it is how big's the carousel not too big so if we pop that there how would that look just sort of on the main drag you've got the plaza and then you've got the carousel i think that looks okay could we move that along a little bit let's see what we can do i want that to be centered in there because what i'm going to do next is grab this and we're going to sort of go up like that okay let's connect that i want that to be even so i'm going to do that do that hold alt and we're just going to move oh no i'm not going to hold alt i'll do that one and hold alt and then i'll do that one and hold alt do them one at a time it's more likely to line up there we go and it gives us that little border around there what could we pop in here so let's get amusement park sign oh these are teeny tiny teeny teeny tiny signs we're gonna have one there and one there i've got amusement park benches yeah let's add in some benches so we're gonna go bench there bench there there we go what's this one here amusement park table set yeah so let's pop that there and that there i want a little something in the middle here we've got street lights museum park sign amusement park signs gonna go this side actually we're gonna get rid of that pop that in oh man there's all sorts of little things in here coin game oh cotton candy carts definitely having a cotton candy cart right there i think we could probably have another one of those over here but any other that's a coin game let's pop a coin game from that corner and then what i'm gonna do then is i'm gonna get a little concrete filler in here that we've been doing and just fill that in and what i like about this you can go right up to the edge it doesn't mess with the path at all just do that just for that section yep and then we'll grab some trees just something not too big yeah this has been these have been the sort of trees that we use at the beginning here so this is going to be the style of tree i think for our park what is that tree it's the corsican pine and the chinese windmill palm oh fantastic name there we go it just adds a little something something to that area i wonder whether we need something in the middle there no that'll be okay so that's the camera cell i want to put something over here we want to wait until we get up to the next level and we're well over the entertainment so we're going to jump levels no problem at all we're making money so it's just a few visitors so let's just hang fire till we get some more visitors and unlock some more things i barely took a second oh and there we go congratulations level two rotating teacups oh yeah my favorite and the piggy train brilliant so we can add something over this side so let's do that let's scroll up here we go carousel piggy train how big is that that sort of goes that way and the rotating tea cups that's actually quite small isn't it i was hoping we'd get something that sort of size so i'll tell you what we could do we could put both of these in here so if we put that one there and this one over here like that let's just move this tree cluster there we go that's not too bad then we can run our paths a little bit so i'm going to sort of change this a bit let's grab that that's going to go there that's fine there that's fine at a dead-end par so let's grab this one here it's going to come all the way along to there that needs to go a bit further that needs to go a bit further because i want to hook is it gonna let me oh i'll do it here then i'm gonna go through here wait come on like that all right and then i use the movement mod to line it up like this like that like this and then what i want to do in here is let's get rid of these trees so a tree there i think that's part of this i want to add these plaza pieces uh so we've got so that's too big isn't it um i want to add these into here and sort of fill this up there must be some way of doing this with like the line tool but it's like oh immediately i almost completely perfectly line it up and then i mess it up let me see what i can do there we go just popped in a couple of little assets from the city park that we've got as well so we've got the cafe and the restrooms just to add a little bit of interest uh get some trees around there as well do you know what i really want to add the bottom of those trees is let's have a look let's have a look some of these little clusters uh that's quite big that doesn't really fit in what's that one there yeah something like something like that yeah sort of make it makes it look like they're in a pot or something so yeah let me just add those in you know what i mean tree in the pots treating a pot.com keep your eyes open for my new merch coming to you soon look at this place it is humming i am loving it uh what is the amount of people that we've got here now 904 out of 2500 we need to get to the next level our entertainment is certainly there no problem at all with that people are using the car parks got a bit of a trash problem how's the traffic no problem at all oh these haven't got water and stuff well that ain't gonna help is it let's just add some water in over here for these [Music] guys now while we're waiting for this to reach two and a half thousand visitors uh we do have a great big need for industry or offices so i was just thinking of making this little section over here just a small little office area so let's just grab some of our roads uh see what we can do here we can squeeze something in that can make good use of this space which is probably going to be harder than i thought i was hoping just to back it right oh there we go that is what i want to do like that without destroying anything how far over could i move that choose to move it more that can go right up to the end let's just move these clusters out of the way yeah that should be fine and just some normal bog standard offices are gonna fill that space there maybe this one here this one down here yeah why not i have all these ones as well and maybe even these couple of ones here yeah why not let's see what we get yeah probably going to change that so we've got our little district here let's expand that district to take in all of these that's holly hills still and we're gonna go to themes and what office ones do i normally like and let's have a look themes international yes so let's grab that themes and enable and international and that should hopefully not mess up all the shops as well and then just along here by the pier we're just going to add a few little services so i think we might be able to fit in one of these a medical clinic and then a fire station can i fit in the small one just about there we go we'll worry about the police and stuff later yeah there we go excellent so i think that's going to help growth in this area as well look at them all upgrading they're loving it they absolutely love this little spot as soon as i put these in they've all upgraded themselves to the level two and i don't think it'll be very long before they get to level three some of them already are which is brilliant i think that looks okay just a few little high-rises there looking over our absolutely bustling chirpy land i mean we could rename this whole thing you know so if you've got any fantastic names i'm desperate to hear what we could call all of this and then yeah we'll rename it we can't change the sign but there we go aha there we go mickey park has reached level three we get the swinging boat the house of horrors and the bumper cars and i've just popped a police station in you can see and hopefully here everybody's upgrading there we go you're upgrading you're upgrading look at that all the little green arrows i love it i love it okay so let's see how we can fit these items in man we've got so much space here we've got more space than i thought although we do have still quite a few of the larger items to unlock or we can't even click on them yet so bumper cars not too small house of horrors and the swinging boats yeah they're not too bad are they so i'm just thinking maybe we'll have another little plaza let's see if we can put something over here nearer to the water's edge i think that'll be good so let's turn that off and let's use the move it mod actually to move that right up to the end and we'll do the same there get as close as we can and then i want to join those two up is that a straight line no it's not so if we do it like this i mean i could just delete all these trees first could not let's get rid of all of those there we go and then let's just join this up there we go give us a nice little area that looks slightly a little bit different and then what have we got we have got the swinging boat i think what's going to fit in here i think this one could be quite good i like the spinning pumpkin head on top there we go and then bumper cars can have its own little section over here so that's going to connect to this is that gonna connect over there as well no so we have the bumper cars in here where's it going where's it gone bumper cars it's gonna be off that one and then we've got the swinging boat i think i want that in here as well both sort of next to each other yeah nice nice nice let's just detail these up a little bit [Music] oh and it's been a long time coming but we are going to actually place a rock i know i know it's been like whoops it's been something that we always did in our last cities so we've gone from hashtag save the rock to hashtag place the rock i just feel this little spot here could do with a couple of locks at the back here let's just pick a different one for that side i'm gonna go like that and like that yeah nice so people can walk in there they can walk in through the front here they can enjoy playing amongst the trees they can enjoy look at the queues look at the queues absolutely brilliant everybody's loving this area i think it's looking pretty swish myself what are we up to let's take a look entertainment through the roof almost at the next level level four oh level four drop tower ride and pendulum ride which is great you've just caught me in the middle of putting a nice path i think i'm gonna run this all along this key wall over here so people want to take walks and enjoy the views across to our city over there hustling bustling city they can so let's have a look at these ones what have we got so we've got the drop ride tower that is looking pretty big i like that one and the pendulum ride which is nice uh yeah bumper cars you know i accidentally put two bumper cars here but we switched that up so that's good um so i mean i do want we've got the ferris wheel which is pretty big and we've got the roller coaster i want those over at the end there so maybe this drop ride tower would be quite good here because that would give us a good view of the whole park so let's pop that one in there oh yeah look at that that is going to give you a view of the entire city oh that'd just be that would just be fantastic imagine doing that at night as well let's just change our whoops no let's do that imagine doing that at night and the views that you would get of the city and the fireworks going off as well oh look at that that would just be and then across here as well during the main part of the city you can see that in the distance yeah that looks good i like that i like it a lot so let's change it back to some sunny times there we go um so we can do some detailing around there and then we've also got the pendulum ride and i wanted that maybe along the water here maybe just sort of there i think that would be good yeah nice and then we can put some parts and things around there let's just maybe straighten this one up a little bit for right in front of here yeah almost that'll do good good let's see what we can come up with and finally we're now up to level five with the roller coaster and the ferris wheel uh so we're gonna do that in a minute i was just placing some trees around the edge here hang on hang on hang on there we go it's a little bit of a tight squeeze i just wondered what they would look like if we had some nice trees along the key wall and the path let's just do them up to the end yeah that'll do i think that looks nice doesn't it sort of sets it off yeah i think that looks really nice i shall carry that on around there in a bit so we've got this space left here i've done a little bit of detailing as you saw on our swingy swingy thing and our uppy downy thing so that's looking good let's see how big our last two items are scroll scroll and here we go so we have the roller coaster oh look at that i'm so pleased i've got enough space to fit these in and the ferris wheel nice um what do you reckon i reckon the roller coaster can go right on the end over here let's turn that off and do that again so we can see what we're doing so this bit over here i think would be the perfect spot so if we do that and we save that lock first that lock is my favorite rock he's going to go all the way down there and that is going to go as far into this little bit as we can like that oh man oh man look at that look at that it's whizzing around so quick nice okay we'll do a bit of detailing on that as well and then our ferris wheel is going to have its own little section in here let's grab some parts i've gone from sort of the gridded parts here to a bit more winky wonky the further along that we've got and i think it's worked out quite nice so we're gonna have that one go like that and where's our ferris wheel there it is that is pretty that is pretty cool i want that against the side here as well so what we're going to do is we're going to grab this path here we're just going to do something we're going to go up along and down and then we're going to grab our ferris wheel and pop that in its own little spots that and then i'm going to do some detailing around those it needs electricity oh really can't that jump across it can now there we go you can't be complaining anymore nice nice nice [Music] [Music] [Music] so what do you think of our peer bill today let me know in the comments let me know some names as well we've got to name this at maybe in the next episode hopefully we get some cool names coming in let's see how much money mickey park is making for us wow more than double what it's costing to run that is absolutely brilliant that is pushing our bank balance up over four million wow i am absolutely loving this let's enjoy a view of the city and thank you very much for watching watch the next video on the screen subscribe if you haven't already and whatever you do have a fantastic day take care bye you
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Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, cities skylines top mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, urban planning, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines what mods, cities skylines mods, cities skylines how to start your city, how to, cities skylines amusement park
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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