Will "Free Public Transport" Bring Chaos to Your City in Cities Skylines?

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[Music] hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here in the city of new zealand today we are going to be starting building our airport i want to go for the biggest airport that we have in game and see how much of a difference that makes to traffic and tourism and all those sorts of things in our city i also want to try out today free public transportation for everybody in my city and we've got a load of name suggestions from you lovely people as well which i've been culling from the comic so thank you for those we'll get to those in a bit so we're sort of looking around thinking where can we put this now of course we've got down here our team angela station i want to sort of build around this i want to get this utilized as a hub but actually trying to fit an airport into here with this great big mountain next to it i thought maybe that is not the best place but over here could be quite good i think this is a nice spot we've got a nice sort of low ridge over the top of the mountain there nice and open on all of the other side almost getting right up to the edge of the map so this would be good so that is where we're going to put that but before we do that let's just take a look at the option for free what is it called now let me just get the exact name we go into our policies here free public transport no ticket income that is it it is that simple we said we were going to try that out a while ago and i've been trying to sort of get a rough idea of how much money we could lose uh by doing that we can see our total profit is already minus 33 000. uh this is our profit we can sort of perhaps add that up in your head up there to see how much money we're going to lose i roughly worked it out before i started the video at about 45 000 a week something like that and if you keep an eye on this figure down here you might even see it get as high as 50 or 60 000 a week uh as we know with the industries dlc it does tend to sort of go up and down um but i have been making that much money um so we're eight million it's the start of the episode why don't we turn it on now and then hopefully i don't notice i don't miss and we just lose all of our money um but we're gonna put that on for the entire city and see if we can actually still make money if i get down to six million we've hardly builded anything we'll know it's all gone terribly wrong and we'll see what happens oh and also check what our traffic is our traffic's at 80 percent um so we'll see i mean the main little bits of traffic is still around the industry over here generally okay i mean it's generally okay a few little red spots where it's busy so i'm not expecting oh we need a bit more electricity i'm not expecting a sudden um leap in traffic to sort of you know get up to 90 percent or anything like that how's the water doing you know we're gonna up the water as well but we'll see what it what it does and whether more people are gonna use it that would actually be worth seeing as well so what i'm going to do is take a quick screenshot of that there there we go and we'll see whether that figure changes so four point seven thousand and another one thousand one point three thousand uh taurus so four five see six thousand we could just say six thousand people using our mass transit let us see what happens okay so back to this area over here let's have a look at our airport now we have built into the game we have the very small little airport like this uh we also have the cargo aircraft airport and then we've got the cargo airport hub which puts trains in there as well we don't want to go for those under our public transport hubs we have the international airport which is pretty big but i want to try and put down the metropolitan airport so that's going to cost us 300 000 upkeep 8 000 a week which is a heck of a lot isn't it flipping egg but that is like the biggest one i like that one it's got a lot of other things built into it as well if i remember it got metro air transport method yeah integrated metro and helicopter and all of that so i've been sort of trying to think what's the best way around to line this thing up and if we did that we've got one of the lines going this way sort of over the mountains at one of the runways i should say and then the other one is sort of going down this way which would be fine so i think if we just delete that there and i'm sort of lining this one up on the right always with that coast there i think that will actually work quite well look at that so you can come over the top and then you can come down here as well over the city i think that would look good would look good could we even fit the other one in as well oh we've gone down to 7.7 oh we just spent a load of money didn't we um would this one sort of fit in here as well i think that'd be too much what i'm going to do is save this one and maybe the other smaller ones for somewhere else in the city over here because we've got plenty of other places we can build have i ever shown you this on the far side of the island look at this this like fortified castle that's in here what a great place to make that into a park and as we sort of go along the front over here there's almost let's let's find it down here a nice little bridge which is good got a nice little bay area over here got some old gunning placements from world war ii protected new zealand from invading armies there's some trenches over here as well so much detail on this map so much detail okay so back over to our airport over here so we're gonna have to add a lot of parking in we've got this small amount of parking in the middle here um so let's just see what we can do whether we can expand over here i'm going to just take a normal road with no parking because i do not want people parking and we're going to sort of utilize at this spot here and see if we can do something with this it's not quite a thin road there isn't it i want that to be the same as that one um what have i upgraded it i know what it is that's got parking on it isn't it uh i tell you what we'll do that in fact i'm actually gonna put grass on it and then we're gonna use the touch it mod to touch this road around here so we can upgrade that road uh whatnot yep there we go that one that one that one i may change this to one way at some point but at the moment i think that's okay and then what i want to do is make it easy for people to get around and what about one of these how's that gonna look yeah it's gonna look quite well actually one two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven and then if we went like that i'm doing the same here one two three four six seven and then went like that so i want to get parking in here uh let's see now i mean at a big airport like this some good queef come on man type that's a big airport like this you could sort of perhaps imagine underground parking or a big sort of parking facility like this right by it is that going to be just too much yeah we've used that one already a couple of times yeah i think i just like to lay out the parking if we can i know i've got this one here which is a similar oh man that is just a bit too big let's just pop it there and see hmm could i use the move it mod and will that go in oh that's gonna need a path to go one back all right let's do that let's move the path one back yeah i think we can get that in there and looking nice shane we can't sort of delete that one yeah all right let's just do it this way let's pick it up and actually move it in so it fits oh hang on okay let's turn off that thank y'all let's try that again excellent we'll get that lined up smack bang in the middle that's better and then we're going to copy that so we use our picker picker mods grab that again and we're going to line it up right there then we'll pick a picker mod and that's going to go there what do we reckon for parking that is not too shabby should be interesting to see how many people actually use it as we remember we've got the parking ai so once this is all hooked up we do have metro that will be coming in and out and yeah i'm just wondering how much difference that's going to make let's hook up our metro before i forget because we all know i do like to forget hooking up my metro um where should we have this one i want this one to go to here perhaps where's this other one gonna go that could end up going over somewhere different yeah okay well let's just do this one first yeah something's telling me that this line has dropped down here quite a lot might need to sort of readjust those a bit um i'll tell you what i'm going to do for now is i'm going to get the move it mod and i'm gonna get that node that node and that node and just smooth the fire out there we go and just actually i'm gonna drop this one down a little bit further and just hope that that is enough to get the metro work in there excellent oh and also before i forget because i'm going to forget again is let's just put that on so we can see i'm going to have so that's this one here we're going to have problems again create new line no there we go that's where i want it i've got the mod overnight so i can put my lines wherever i like by holding shift that one's going to go there and that was going to come up to here and back again so when you guys and girls give me the name i'm just wondering i can move that over is there's only one line in here i thought there was two one either side or is that like a different that's a different line altogether i think there's just one on the outside here okay that's fine i'm sure they'll work together no problem so as soon as you give me a name for this metropolitan metric you know what i'm just going to name this one myself met meteopolitan met metropolitan i'm gonna have it the metropolitan but it's tree instead of tea yeah if you come up with something better let me know in the comments below but that's what we're gonna go with at the moment okay so let me just see if we can finish off this road here um yeah i'm gonna take those out i'm gonna grab this let's get that above ground where it should be going there we go we're going to mirror that shape over there and then we're going to put some trees or something different in there okay now we want this to connect up to this road so i'm wondering whether we can actually have this as a way in and if this did end up being one way we could because they're coming in on the right hand side we could just make this two lane going around that way and then they come out again that actually might work out much better let's grab this so if that went like that yeah i think you know what we're going to change this as we're going to take this one here and we're going to add yeah bikes on it as well we've got people cycling all this way there we go have they all gone the right way i don't think they have let's turn them around got people cycling all this way why not give them access and then that comes up here and that goes out again yeah there we go give them the ability to cycle in and that's what we want two in two out and that just fits perfectly and then we can just line this up with over here [Music] there we go we're going to give some dedicated turning lanes there and that may end up do you know what this is going to be around about i'm going to just do that straight away um that is going to be a three lane with bike lanes what's this one here four lane now let's go with that one two lane road it hasn't changed it is it going to change it right pick it again two lane mode no okay we'll just upgrade it ourselves don't worry i'll do it myself it's fine uh let's make that a little bit bigger there we go and then we'll upgrade that i think that will work much much better excellent and then we'll do ctrl shift left click with that all the giveaway signs all the things yeah excellent then we've always got this road here which can come out to another little area excellent excellent excellent let's get some water pipes over here for these lovely people [Music] just pause the game there to show you still making 73 000 a week is that even more people using this i mean it's gone up more tourists are coming in so oh maybe free public transport is the way to go [Music] okay i've got this turned off at the moment we'll turn it on when we want some more people coming in so just look at our infrastructure that we've got over here so we've got the roundabout set up that's okay as it comes up to here this needs a little bit of work so we've got two lanes coming up in each direction so this certainly needs to be i mean we just keep it with this one here can't we four lanes then this needs to be two lanes in and two lanes out so now let's switch to our highway roads excellent then we need to sort of sort this little section here and let's see we can do that with node control these have all changed around again what have we got here node controllers got a new icon okay let's get that one sorted no let's just make that a little bit bigger yeah that'll be fine and then this roundabout definitely needs more lanes i would for a certainty make that three lane have we got a thinner three lane with no parking yeah let's go with that one rather than the highway one i'm gonna make sure we're not destroying anything as i do this yeah that looks better and then if we do the standard roundabout setup like that is this a different road here no that's fine so two in yeah i think that's okay and then we've got one lane going up there which takes you back on the highway again and this one goes up and joins this up here so i think that's going to be okay for now i feel like even though this is one lane coming down here i'm going to upgrade this to two lanes because i know a lot of people are going to be using this let's go like that and this one here is coming off the highway i'm going to do the same there this one's fine it's too up to a long okay any other thing i want to do here stop people doing any u-turns so you do that and then we can do some intersection marking tool stuff there a bit later and then this highway probably needs a bit of adjusting so i've got two choices here we've got three lanes one going off i could just downgrade that to two all the way through here and that would solve that problem in fact no do you know what i'm going to do i'm not i'm going to put that back to what it was i'm going to do something a bit different this time so instead we're going to have an extra lane for going off uh four loans this one here yeah nope that's not the one at all that'll be this one full lane there we go so it's going to spread out from three lanes into four lanes and then we've got one lane going off and three going on so then when it comes back this way three plus one is four so they'll get a spot each you go through to four and then they'll downgrade to three so that's the only downside of doing this if it's super busy there's a merging point here they all get their own lanes coming on but then i've got to merge again whereas if you go from three down to two when they merge again at the other end it's just two plus one goes straight back into three and you've got no problem so it really does come down to how busy f ink is and you can adjust it later if you need so there we go what's that car doing and that will work there i think that'll do for now so that gives access to down here and into here so around here i would like some sort of offices or shops or that sort of thing we need to also try and get power over here how far away are we from power we've got this over here we could maybe hook into for now and we know that as things grow and expand uh we probably won't need all of this but we'll just do that there okay so yeah i would like some shops in here and i'm thinking again of making like a one-way road maybe some offices as well but it's going to be a touristy area isn't it people are going to come out of the airport they're going to want to spend their money perhaps they've just arrived in a new country want to get some of those new new zealand goodies and they're going to want to spend their money on that so let us have a little think a minute we could make this area here tourism specialization attracts tourists uh leisure yeah let's go for tourism in there rather than leisure and then see what we can get together okay so i'm thinking of making a little complex here and having this at its hub the shopping center um it's got a visitor capacity of 450 so we're definitely going to need a load of parking outside the bat even though we've got all of this here as well so let's see how this goes let's see how this goes i'm still trying to sort of get to grips with the parking mod to sort of see how it works and so i'm just going to put that on every 10 just so i can sort of okay thank you very much see what we do in here with our grids there we go yeah still getting to grips with the parking mods seeing trying to sort of work out exactly how the game works out what is going on with the parking uh so this one is going to come in i want to add another node in there oh man it's going to take me a while to work out which is which um okay yeah perfect almost i'll just ana key that in and come down there how does that look yeah that'll be fine uh what is the length up here so if we go like that okay let's go along there so where would that would actually be there so can i go along there instead would that fit down the side um oh do you know what it would almost be like the curb is being taken in oh it's like they're just cutting in overhanging the lane there darn it i would have liked to have made that fit in i don't want to make this any bigger here okay let's try this i'm going to use the move it mod and i'm going to just dab that back one pixel and that actually looks much better in there and then i think that is gonna nicely line up over here um so can i just move oh i can't grab that node yeah there we go if we put this on how much problem is this gonna cause come on let me okay i'll do it this way line that up to there let's see if we can go through yeah there we go excellent that's much much better and then what maybe we could do with these parts let's do that yeah and just try and sort of oh hang on let's turn off snapping if we move that up ever so slightly i don't think we're going to notice that and then if we add a tiny bit of concrete underneath that will hide everything let's just make that a bit bigger make that a bit bigger there we go everything hidden nobody knows excellent cool right that is a good start then let's take those roads out so how big are we gonna have this i think maybe up to here is probably plenty large enough and that's gonna go around in that circle there cool okay right so maybe we'll add some more roads on there we shall see so let's have a look at the size of this thing i want that almost smack bang in the middle it's probably going to be off set a tiny bit uh just because we've done everything so evenly so that's 1200 600 would be there like that oh what have i done too many roads let's get rid of that i drew one over the top of the other one but anyway we know where the center is now so that went through like that and that could go this side oh is that one two three one two three four oh darn it okay we're gonna put that up against there deliberately go for the offset look and then i think see i could fill all this with parking in and it never uses all the parking so i'm thinking maybe just a car park down the side here and then we'll see what happens so how about this one and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna move that up to there and i'm going to move this over so it's right next to it we've got a bit of space down the sides and we can sort of pretty fire this up a little bit right just looking at the themes for this area here let's have a quick check with our theme manager so we're basically only going to be doing uh let's do none we're going to be doing what's this one here low density commercial high density commercial perhaps and let's see all the offices is all the way down here what's that one high tech so that one that one that one and that one just to have a look uh we want it to display all those that are included so this is what we're going to get with the european sort of look if we just sort of roughly scroll through that yeah i don't want these commercial block houses and once we get up to level sort of three unfortunately that's what we're gonna get so yeah not that one european suburb is no good it might just end up being international they're in all the ones aren't they international yeah because this is the sort of building i want see these ones here these sort of shops but i'm going to put a high-rise ban on as well so i mustn't forget to do that just scrolling through yeah definitely these ones here and we've got some offices as well and there's all sorts of different sizes yeah that's what we're gonna go for so international and then before i forget let's grab cedar again city planning we're gonna have high-rise ban shall we go for high-tech housing no let's leave it like it is that'll be fine and then we just need to sort of mark out what we think we're gonna have around here i mean we could just put some of these in like this and i've gone for all commercial on this side see what we get but this side i'm thinking is where the offices are going to be or we could sort of mix and match them let's see what we get first let's see what we get first i'm going to put some roads over here as well so let's grab this road and do a similar thing over here okay so let's give a dedicated lane for coming in they can come down here pick their lane although we probably need to just delete that so these are still go right pick their lane and they can go off and around or they can come straight down here um that'll be fine they can merge in over here again we'll give them a dedicated lane for coming off oh that sticks out even further over here with the helipad look darn it okay we'll look at that in a second and then over here we want that to be give way that needs to be give way there is some quite high buildings there but then this is coming in this way and it's coming in this way it's nowhere near this all right let's just leave that going uh this here i think we're gonna have to deliberately make this offset let's just set that to nodes grab that node there and how one two three four hmm okay let's grab that that and that one two three four do you know what actually that looks okay that deliberately offset thing there and then all i'm gonna do is just rebuild this so it matches up nicely there we go that's working okay let's take the opportunity to add yup add some paths in over here so these are no longer going to be exactly matched up but that's fine so if we grab that and that and that turn off snapping and we can just move that down over slightly to get that lined up with there and then i'm going to put a crossing right there excellent and we're going to make that a traffic light crossing bing and i feel like over here we should have had some way of getting in as well although we've got these buildings appearing here now what have we got this is what i don't want i don't want any of these in there but these are okay although of course these are gonna oh they don't upgrade do they that is it once they appear that is the size they're gonna be okay that's good because that means then i can get rid of these and if they appear in as a bigger building we know that is gonna stay even if it upgrades that will work out okay so we'll let that carry on and actually let's just pause a sec i'm gonna add in a path over here which means all of these need to rebuild again sorry fellas sorry fellas uh yeah let's just line this up there we go right please continue with your growing again and we're gonna have crossing in there we're gonna have another crossing over here and then we'll stick traffic lights i think traffic lights on both of those i'm expecting to get a lot of people coming into here let's just move this out the way yeah there we go let's just hook that into here instead that's close nearly destroyed a rock there we go and then we'll put offices over here and i think we're just going to get standard offices and we can think of doing something about this little bit in the sec at this little section in the center once all of this is filled in and around here as well i'm gonna turn this on now as we've got things hooked up and going oh look they're all suddenly unhappy i built my big nice hotel right next to this airport and now the airport started working what the heck like they were surprised anyway uh dedicated turning lanes i did give way down here didn't i yes we did excellent so we'll leave that going for a minute or two and i'd be interested to see how many people we get if any coming yeah look the trains are working there's a bit hawky bulky lumpy bumpy it's working um our money's going fine considering we've been spending money i'm sure that's gone up by about 300 which is great um oh yeah water pipes and probably a little bit more parking as well i'm just thinking as you drive up to this area here a big sign would be fantastic here wouldn't it with the name of whatever our airport is but also uh we've got which we can add on here let's see if i can find this thing this here the city arch would that snap over this road it does there but not up here oh it does there oh yeah look ignore the electric wires stuck under those i think that looks nice i like that yeah we're going to have that right here isn't there like another arch as well there's two isn't there in the game if i remember correctly there's the other one business park arch oh you know that's just like a yeah a business park thing okay and what i'd also like to try and do over here is to utilize some of these items from the content creators pack uh there's the station department store and the rail yard shopping center and which of those is the looks the nicest from the road over here uh this one here i think that'll be pretty good so if we put that in the middle on there that is a lovely looking building there we go and then we can see that from the back we're going to put some access to that as well and then i think over this side we're going to use the rail yard shopping center down here let's see if we can sort of centralize that it's not going to centralize totally but we'll go with that and i think that will perfectly fit in with this as well oh we're getting some nice buildings in here fantastic and we're also getting some nasty ones let's get rid of these oh hang on no um do you know what you can stay oh look using all the parking that's what we're expecting to happen this little one's okay that little one's okay all right you can stay what else have we got these are all going to be yeah far too big yeah none of those yeah maybe a couple more we've got the downtown hotel which i think you know it's the sort of one where you've got a you've got a plane to catch but yeah you want to sort of stay somewhere overnight and then jump on the plane straight away the next morning let's do that and that would fit perfectly on the end there and then if we get a little bit of parking in here as well so maybe a couple of these if we can one and or just about get that in there two that is a really nice model as well i really like that very nice very nice and then maybe the other one over this side so let's grab that road again how big is this one this one here resort hotel that is pretty large isn't it i think we could fit that in there we managed to get a road actually i don't know whether i want to save that to actually make it into a nice resort somewhere yeah i think we will we'll save that one that one looks quite good actually yeah we'll get that one in here then we'll get some offices along here as well there we go so just fit a little bit of this parking around the back here around this road around and put that in which i think looks really nice and this one here i would like to turn it around there we go excellent and then i could probably just slim that road down a bit there yeah excellent we've got a bit of space for some more buildings if they wish to pop in all this is getting busy now what are we getting 223 people already in here uh traffic's looking okay yeah nothing too bad excellent excellent so along the front here we are also going to add some taxi cabs i'm going to just take a road up like this there we go let's have a look taxi depot that's going to go right against there and then we're going to have let's make this a bit longer actually let's take that up to there let's move this oh all the taxes flooding out and then we're going to have that there and that there so people can come along to these they can hail a taxi and the depot is nice and nearby so that should really help as well maybe add one more just for the symmetry i think that'll be [Music] good [Music] so [Music] tell you what you know there's nothing that tells you the cycling parts are working as intended when you get a whole load of people cycling into your city that is absolutely brilliant i don't know where they're going to because at some point they're going to meet a bit of road boy scouts day out isn't it that doesn't have any cycling attached to it all right let's see where they end up [Music] yeah they're gonna cause havoc on the roundabout excellent then they're going to go they're just going to cycle for miles aren't they [Music] this is like the tour de france look at them budging each other out the way trying to get first good grief these people you're gonna stop at the metro no not stopping at the metro they are cycling all the way to newton oh my goodness feel seasick with all the weaving around okay oh look at this guy overtaking the ball look at him oh he's so quick that's absolutely brilliant [Music] order coming out to a roundabout with no cycle paths on it they're still cycling these are hardcore cyclists this is the roundabout we put in over by our forestry industry i want to say no farming industry we moved our farming they're going all down to the farming industry oh my goodness this is just like amazing watch out for the trucks okay let's see where they end up next they're now cycling alongside are farming they get a cycle all the way into the city all the way down the side here oh they don't know they're waiting to cross uh these trees are accidentally in the road sorry about that we'll fix that is that it are they all going to stop there are they ever going to cross oh oh traffic lights that's what it is they're off again who do we follow the group on the right the group on the left i'm going to follow this group i think this is my original group look they've all got the t-shirts on this is absolutely nuts they're still going down here they've come in via the airport oh oh now they're going over here doesn't this just show you how good a bike network is in your city i'm pretty sure we're still following the same person this one up at the front here yeah there he goes wow this is nuts i want to see where they're going to end up okay here we are his name is sterling finch came in by airplane he's wiggling along and he's taking all of our bike pathways all the way into the city i think he's heading into this area over here he is so he's gonna go around this way oh man i really hope you're not eating your lunch while you're watching this apologies if you are he's heading into this way where is he gonna take his bike in the ice cube area oh that's it you just cut right across the traffic there don't worry about anybody else they will all yield to you because you are on a bike oh he's going into the parking garage look at that he could park his bike oh he's going round and round he can park his bike anywhere but he's gone underground oh that's it he's oh my life look how far he's gone they've cycled from all the way over there all the way down here so even with metro we don't have buses from over there but all these other options for getting around people will still cycle if you have a cycle network set up that is just brilliant [Music] [Music] i am loving the way this areas turned out still lots more to do around it but we're going gonna get to that um let us check out what our traffic percentage is to see whether that's changed at all 81 percent so what's 80 percent 82 so actually that's got better so maybe more people are using our mass transit let's take a look at what did we have before so when i took the screenshot it was residence was 4732 so it's actually gone down and taurus was 1330 so that's gone down what right so what i don't get that so now it's free less people are using it but are we still overall making money it's hard to say i mean we're down to minus 75 000 at the moment so i don't know whether it's actually worth doing that um let me know what you think in the comments below let me know a name for our new metropolitan airport here and i don't know if you saw on the time lapse but the planes like to reverse at this section down here which i think just looks brilliant so there we go thank you very much for your support thank you for watching have a fantastic day maybe check out the next video on the screen as well take care everybody bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 175,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines parking AI, cities skylines airport, cities skylines metropolitan airport
Id: i3eSTkQkG0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 21sec (2421 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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