Using Commuter Tracking & Designing a Beautiful Transit Hub in Cities Skylines!

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[Music] hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me before here we are in new zealand and we've got a fun packed episode for you today we are going to be taking a look at a brand new mod which can help you make excellent decisions when you're working on your mass transit setup i'm excited to show you that uh there's a change in the model already using that i want to run past you as well and also we're going to be setting up a new little transit hub ourselves expanding the city we really really really need some more people and maybe start an industry as well if we get the time so much to do and it's fantastic i am absolutely loving our little city so let us dive in and see where we're going to start today so let's start over here here we are with our beach volleyball uh little setup over here and parkify has been updated so it now no longer shows the parking around this um little thing here so it used to have like parking around here used to have like a concrete border so you now can literally place these right on a beach and it would look so much better tell you what i'm going to do as there's no park here i'm going to get that i'm going to extend that out there we go to put that there and then we're going to move that down here so it's going to look i think everyone everyone's running over oh look that looks so much better actually looks like a proper veach beach volleyball or a beach volleyball there we go with all the sand fantastic that was the first thing the second mod that i wanted to show you today which you can go and download yourself is called the commuter destination mod this is fantastic it's very early uh beta i think it's in so you know you might get some bugs your mileage may vary all the usual caveats but i'll put a link in the description below if you go to your transport hub and i've been using this to look at my trains so i've got one train line uh that's running through lots of passengers i've got tons and tons of people that are queuing up waiting for these trains let's go to this one here here we go so now that i've got this turned on if we zoom out a bit look we start getting these little symbols over here so that is showing that stop where all of these people are wanting to travel to so for instance here so we're over here by our amusement park area all the people are waiting here for this train that basically runs from there to here and then goes over to the main island but a lot of those are just using that train backwards and forwards to get over to here and also some of them are using it as it goes all the way around to come over here look they're going to get out they're going to go over and visit this big park area and the larger the symbol the more people are coming over there so obviously we've got this hyper market here lots of people go in there no sort of figures on it at the moment it's just the size of the icon and then some are even coming all the way over here to the furthest reaches at tranquility points so yeah lots of people are using it but you can start making decisions so for instance as you can probably see from what we've marked out here we are going to use this area we're going to have low density residential in there and i put uni because what we're going to do is and i'll come back to that mod we were just talking about in a sec we're gonna put a theme in here of using at university city so we'll come back to that uh i want to start an ore industry and there's not many places that have got all on the land um in our city that we've got a little bit sort of down there that's mostly oh it is all of that bit there oh ah i didn't realize that all under the trees okay there's a little bit along here so i'm thinking low density perhaps cheaper sort of housing or industry along the front here we've got excellent highway access and then we can build up this side over here and then we've got all these people that are getting from here to here and back again we could add a little bus hub in because we want all of these people around here to have access to the train station to have access to the ferries and then a little teeny tiny bus hub to bring people all the way to different parts of the island so that is the plan but that mod is fantastic it's the commuter destination mod by jkm so as i said link in the description so i mean it works on everything so we go to a bus line and we'll say let's have a look lots of people waiting now let's pick the biggest 177 where are these people all going so this bus line is taking people all around here and that's basically it they're all just going around here so i mean that would tell me that maybe we could help these people get around without using the bus because it's only a really local thing that they're using it for could we perhaps add more walking paths in or something like that so that sort of thing it can help you make decisions but it's helped me make the decision here but i want to get a little bus going because also if we come down here and have a look there's tons of people walking along here i mean walking is fantastic don't get me wrong let's just zoom in a little bit but look at them all there is so many we just whoa zoom along here they're all walking down this road they're all coming over here they're crossing over then they're walking all down this road there we go and they're going all through this built up area right so offices and a couple of commercial buildings they're coming all the way through here impromptu first-person tour and then they get over here turn left to the amusement park which we're going to name in a moment so i'm thinking if that was me and i'd come over from all the way over here to here on the train you know let's go over to the amusement park let's not get the ferry today we'll get the train and then if i haven't got off the train over here and walked i've got off here and walked and it's so far actually they can't walk across there because it's highway roads then i would expect a bus but what i want to do is just slightly arrange this a little bit so let's get to building some stuff i want to get a bus road four lane two-way road bus lanes no parking i think that's the one i want let's just check no that's not the one i want it's this one yeah so it's got four lane in the middle the same as this and it adds bus lanes and it also widens the the path down the side so i think that's quite cool and then we're going to add that all the way along up here so in my mind our bus is then going to get better access on the road all that sort of thing and then we want a nice little thin one to go down here i'm not sure if we've got let's just widen that a bit a thin bus road yeah the best we've got without doing it with mods and stuff is we've got this one it's an asymmetrical but it's only got bus lane on one side or this one which let's just change that there yeah so actually that's not too bad so you still get the two lanes like this road would have but then you get the bus lanes as well so i'm thinking even though we've got all loads of trees and all of this stuff i am going to upgrade this all the way around here and then it's going to stop outside and it's going to go around in a big loop like this uh oh that road isn't very straight there is it okay let's just use the anarchy mod let's put that on there we go straighten that out like that yeah that building laugher just rebuild itself that can go all the way around there like that and like that there we go i'm just wondering whether to make this one way that in my mind would actually make better sense which would be this one here these are all from the vanilla plus plus mod so um so that would come down here and go this way wouldn't it yeah that way that makes sense yeah let's go that way uh anarchy on to go that way let's go that way to go that way turn around please to go that way there we go so they'd come in there go around there and what i'm gonna do just they don't get confused is we're gonna do that so everybody comes in goes this way everybody going out goes that way cool i like that that's good so then we can get a bus stop right outside and then over here i'm thinking of doing the same down this road um so which way would they come in they come in this way let's just pause a minute so we don't mess anything up too much we'll have to get oh it's facing the right way already like that we're gonna use the touch it mod to touch that road you've been touched now we can upgrade it there we go so they can come in there come out there go around there and then what i'm gonna do as well is do this so they're coming down here they only go straight on if they go in here no actually that is not right so the bus lane is going to come around there this one is going to go around there and that one is going to go straight on so this bus lane here isn't actually going to get used is it or is it hang on let's just finish off what we're doing here so that's going to go straight on i basically don't want them crossing over the traffic unnecessarily so that's going to go up there that's going to go up there and then when they come out the other end the bus lanes going to go up to there this one's going to come to there and there and then he's going to ask but yeah if we have another bus lane coming off down here of course that would use that won't it yeah that's the idea okay good job i'm pause we're fine good continue um and then in here i'm thinking about just like well you know we've made a little bus hub before like this it's got the tram the buses the ferries the parking all sorts of stuff in there so i'm not thinking where are we that complicated but just a little something something just looking at the options we've got how about an inter-city bus station so coaches to travel to and from the city requires a highway connection intercity bus station doesn't require in city bus lines but allows the placement of regular bus stops on the bays that is what i want and that is going to fit in absolutely perfectly there that is just the thing i want so we're going to get some intercity buses coming into here which we haven't got yet and then they can jump on our trains to go around the city plus we can add some normal bus lines as well let's just check we haven't messed up the electricity uh that's connected no that's all fine um yeah so let's just add a bus line in and grab this so as we've said before we've got this little bus hub over here uh the slightly larger one with the ferry that is going to provide buses to this island so this bus hub is going to provide buses to this island it's almost like i planned this stuff you know i'd like to say i do i do i do i do i do um so we're gonna have that one i don't want it right outside right by the junction it's going to go there which is no problem for people to walk from here to there because by jove they're walking from there to right over here so you know then they're going to come down here i'm going to come down here and i'm wondering whether just to make it a complete just a shuttle from there to here and that's it so we'll stop it i wish i could do it in the middle but i'm gonna go there and it's just gonna go back again and that is literally gonna be it so where is that gonna go in can i move that stop oh they're going to do that weird swinging about thing anyway so that's fine are you there no i i'd like you on the end please thank you [Music] so that is going to go from there to there so what can i call that one i'll tell you what we need to do which is going to help us is we need to name mickey park we've had some fantastic names that have been suggested for mickey park that makes upwards of 10 grand i've seen it isn't today but let's have a look at my list and the top one suggested by nathan stamer i hope i pronounced that correctly was disney park so trying to be disney disney but you know what that was the top one and i'm sorry nathan but your choice hasn't been chosen because we were so close disney park just didn't sound right to me but you know what did sound right was disney world so you get you get the disney feeling anyway and that was suggested after nathan's suggestion of disney world and that was by matthias prevet disney world i like that one so thank you very much matthias that was good so whenever we do name suggestions be sure to vote up your favorite but then make other suggestions as well because you never know so there we go that's good so now we know that's called tease new world we can go into here we can go into here and the one we've just made is this one yeah it's flashing so that is going to be the t's new world shuttle i guess about that right let's see five vehicles you know what i'm gonna leave it on five wow look at that it's been mere seconds so now all of those people instead of walking are now waiting there and look we can see where they're all going look at that this mod is fantastic so immediately we know where all those people want to go they all want to go to the park look one of them's even going to come as far as down here look a bit old and decrepit on that walk-in thing don't make no offense um and then the other stop over here it's got 160 people waiting and they want to come i guess down here and then they were oh it's going to show how far they're going to go look at that oh that is great so they're coming out of the park getting on the bus and going over there or they're coming all the way over here i love this mod this is a fantastic mod so hopefully now the five buses on there are gonna do a great job uh let's just go back to here disney world shuttle passenger where are the buses oh they all coming over from okay there's one there where why is there okay hang on i'm wondering whether they're all coming from a bus hub somewhere and they haven't got a yeah let me find out what's going on oh oh oh here comes the first one let's just follow it like this instead there we go turn that one off here it comes here it comes yep lots of traveling i'm assuming that's another one behind him as well that's going to come along and pick up these people let's follow this guy [Music] he's gonna come from around the back here and look at all these people outside the amusement park so many of them that want to get on this bus and here's the next one that is great so those five buses i think are not going to be enough so i tell you what i'm going to do i don't want people waiting for this i want them getting on these but only 30 each we're going to up that to 10. there we go it's gonna take a while for them to get over here and we'll come back and check that out again a little bit later [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i am absolutely loving how this turned out that just fits in there so well with this little park next to it over here look at that lots of visitors over in the park and a little bit of parking over here i think that just looks spiffing everybody's in there using that no traffic um i use the node controller to put some crossing and that's a lot of crossings crossing there across in there across in there but it isn't that busy at the moment but i wanted people to walk up this path and go straight across to get into the bus stops uh talking of which how many people are oh look tons of passengers tons of passengers only got nine on there i thought i put ten but yeah not too many people waiting couple of empty buses there i think we've probably got that just about right i'll leave it as it is because as we expand this area more people be using in coming in so yeah that is really good i'm very very pleased with that right so let us move on to the next thing we have planned for this episode and just before i do that i get a lot of comments asking what this abcdef thing in the corner here is that is the togglet mod and it enables you to quickly turn things on and off in the game um the one that i got it for the most was to replace the toggle whiteness mod which stops that happening um so when you're trying to place some stuff down you go to a park i want to place that and it's got all this white hue over the top you can press this one here which i have set to automatic info views and now if you go and place one of these you don't get that white hero reference it makes it easier for building now if you go into your options so if we come into here you'll see some of the mods that i've got which are all in the collection that's in the description you can change what what each of these buttons will do so you get a whole list of things that they would turn on and off and that's what i've got mine set for and then you've got shortcut keys for each one as well so that is basically it i've got mine set for toggling the notification icons which we don't really like these ones over here in the distance abandoned buildings don't see those anymore um for the district name so we can turn that on and off for the district icons so for instance let's have a look we've got a district there we go look there's a district over here so we can hide that hide that turn it on and off although that one's got back to front there we go that's fine uh border lines so if you don't want to see the white dotted border line uh contour lines which is quite good for when you're building doing roads to get it in that view and then the other one that i told you about already so that's that oh no the amusement park do you know what we've had so few fires um since oh just look at his lines stretched all the way along there come on stretch that line is he gonna make it all the way he's got the longest hose ever no he's given up he's like no it won't reach that far either that or the tree he was heading for was that's already gone oh man i don't think how much money is this place making for me now with the oh the helicopters are coming in oh look at that still making absolutely tons of money despite the fires yikes let's hope they get this thing sorted quickly [Music] i wonder if the people on the roller coaster are getting worried that there's a fire slowly creeping towards them now we'll be fine we're going so quick it's no problem at all should we name it the burnt eyebrows roller coaster look at that it's literally worked its way through every single thing in teasing park come and see the child remains of teasing park we'll give you a five percent discount there we go sorted excellent so i've just added in a new fire helicopter depot over here not too far away but of course what we don't have over here which would be very helpful is a fire watch tower so if you notice at the end there it says forest fires can only be put out with firefighting helicopters but you need one of these to tell them where to go well the fire's gone out now but we don't have one over here so i am gonna pop one you know what the middle of that roundabout looks like the perfect spot for one of these so that is going to go there and then what's going to happen now if we just keep our eyes on this that is going to tell the helicopters there's a fire over here and they will come over there right by the water there they go pick up the water and they will come and put out this fire and it will stop just spreading up and down the roads on the side of this highway look at that [Music] right now we're going to build up on low density i would say more affordable housing over in this area knowing that it's going to run alongside this ore industry that's going to be down here we do have this road that comes underneath off of this which gives access to this road to the highway which is good we also have access to the highway this way so we can bring that round as well i'm wondering whether we keep this one for the low density housing and have this one for the ore and have some all business over here as well i think that might be a good idea so let's grab to do what i'm going to do is i'm going to get rid of this one down there i'm going to get our industry paint industry area and that one is going to come all the way along the front all the way up and take in all of this all all the way around there and then it's going to come up to here and we're going to have all of this section as like an industry area there we go and then this one in here is just going to be a normal yeah as we've got it there residential sort of place so let me just tidy up these this zone here there we go that's looking good because one thing i've been finding particularly on this map if you have industry setup like over here even with lots of options to travel over here it's still saying not enough people that's all they're complaining about not enough workers so the buildings are coming and going so you really need some people right next to an area that we're gonna set to say that they are gonna work there and that is it what we're gonna do is we're gonna put a policy on here and we are gonna say for you guys and girls that live here that is it under city planning nope it's under services schools out they will prefer working over education that's what they're going to have here and then also under the city planning and we're only doing this for this uh zone here we are gonna put in there was one all the way down the bottom here workers union so slightly increases adult citizen happiness reduce residential tax income so we're gonna try and help them to be happier even though they're living right by an oil sort of industry area that is the plan so this road over here is now going to come into here and what i'm going to do is use the move it mod and i'm just going to just sort of i want this to come in a bit like that i'm gonna have a little roundabout on the end here so if we just grab and scroll the scroll up there i want this one there we go and we'll just give something for the roundabout to build off of so i want the roundabout there let's turn on the snapping turn i'm snapping right and i want that to be let's have a look two way road do you want any anything else trams buses no nothing like that just a bog standard uh one you two-lane one-way road that is quite thin isn't it how about this one here two-lane one-way road no parking yeah that's the one we want roundabout mods that's got the one yeah we're going to go a little bit bigger there we go fantastic it's accidentally upgraded a bit of the road so we'll pick that upgrade that excellent so now we can get we might not use this one here in fact i don't think we will it's going to just be these two or do you know what i'm going to do actually yeah i'm going to grab the move it mod set it to nodes only i'm going to grab that up to there make sure i've not got anything i don't want i'm just going to move this over a bit here and then we can use all three modes let's it's going to take up a bit of the space but we do that we've got this road coming down here and these two going up there we might even then hook that up to our industry a little bit yeah i think that'll do let's pop that there like that and then what roads are we going to use going through i want this to be a larger road so we're going to take this here we're going to just take this four lane standard roads and i have actually made a mistake on that roundabout i actually want that to be a three-lane road that is what i would normally do there we go three-lane one-way road no parking just that's not the one is that the right one no parking yep there we go uh that's going to work much better yeah excellent we're going to use that one around there and then this one here we'll grab that that is going to come sort of through here so what we're going to do is we're going to go like that and then we're just going to follow our nose yeah now i'm still not going to use that road up there am i unless i connect that under there to there which would seem completely pointless then to have this road um yeah i think we've got this sorted now let's move that rock out of the way let's come around here that is going to go up and down whoa that was close that was close i would have seen a million comments about that there we go that's going to run up like that so we can use this industry four lane road down here i love this little industry detail that you get then we're gonna have these roads running through the middle and this one's gonna sort of come along the highway we may i don't think we're gonna have any connections onto there but that might join somewhere around here we'll see that might end up being a dead end but that is what we're going to do to start off with um we need you to set up this so we're going to grab our traffic manager tool priority signs control shift left click selects the roundabout now you've got dedicated turning lanes giveaway signs no crossing all the good stuff um we do want people to be able to walk from one side to the other so what i might just do before we start building houses and things is just grab ourselves um i'm gonna go for the cycle and walking path and we're just gonna go like this straight through from one side to the other there and we're also going to go yeah straight through from one side to the other quick quick point there we go we're gonna do that i'm gonna go like that excellent and i'm gonna put crossing in there so no controller yeah we'll put traffic lights on there we'll see how that goes and then this one down here we've got clusters of trees all over the path thank you thank you thank you thank you for your service move that out the way and i won't add a crossing there or shall i shall add a crossing i will i will add a crossing just seems a responsible thing to do and then people can get from one side to the other we might add a few more of those do you know what i am right okay so we are getting there this is more like what i wanted so in here we want to make sure we set our theme so enable theme manager we're going to have university city you can check out what is in these themes so if we go to university city display included there we go so everything that is ticked with a little blue tick and in this list is this hover over so you can see all of these are the types of houses that we're gonna get all sorts all sorts all sorts all sorts so basically you can see it's low density uh commercial and low density residential so that is what we want so we're going to make sure that's kind of that make sure we tick that very good so we've got to keep that in mind we can't sort of add offices in here and expect them to grow because uh they won't i'm just wondering actually whether we could just extend there's so much space down here i think we're just gonna extend this to take in this area here and just take out some of this industry yeah we're gonna keep the industry this side of the road yeah i think that's going to work better so now we need some of those that we're going to build of off of and we're going to stick to i think the bog standard two-lane road that we get and try and put some grids in here although they're not gonna be too many of them let's just see how this works if we go from there to there that's not too bad and if we literally come off of here i mean we're gonna sort of end up going like that and then just having houses in there and then we're gonna get some little spaces without housing yeah maybe something like that will work let's just see if we can do that along here and we've got these sort of rocks and trees in the middle here i do want to sort of save these a little bit so again we're going to grab our move it mod double click on trees and maybe we can just sort of move some of them all together over here make it look a bit nicer take those into there just a small little area that we can build around nothing cute whoops nothing huge but there we go okay so just done a little bit of detailing nothing much just some trees alongside the bicycle parts that we've got here i may remove the ones on the industry side we'll see but i just thought gotta get some trees in here somewhere uh we also want to add into here some services so it's going to be nothing too complicated look we're going to use the highlight mod we're going to turn that off what's this one here contour lines i don't want those off yep yep and we are going to go for some healthcare i'm just wondering whether we could just pop a giant hospital in here somewhere it's a little bit closer maybe to this side i bet we could squeeze one in here we really tried there we go fantastic so that's gonna help all the people in this area uh we want some death care so we'll pop in a crematorium we're probably gonna just do with a couple of those so i'm gonna pop one save that end which i'm gonna put this back on again so we can see the distance there we go and i've won that end that's pretty much everything we need from there uh firehouse we could just probably get away with that one in the middle and then we'll have another one down here for industry i'm sure and then the same for police we're going to go for let's have a police headquarters there in the middle and that will cover that nicely we need our water pipes oh my giddy aunt we don't have any of those let me just do that [Music] and then we do want some sort of park coverage in here and i would normally perhaps make this like a nice big park area but we're just trying to cram in as many houses as possible so i'm going to go for that one there which covers that half and then i'm going to pop one here opposite the hospital nice little small dog park yeah i think that will do for now so let's pause the game as it already was pause and let's just put in where we're going to have all the housing we are going to have some low density shops and i think this little section in the middle and maybe actually do you know what no not there i'm going to do it here along the main road just a little bit there and a little bit down here and then we'll maybe do the same the other side and that will probably be enough for all of this area and then all of the rest is going to be low density housing so let's just fill this in right i think we're nearly ready i've expanded into down this section as well as that is going to be part of our residential area of course i completely forgot about the schools so let us pop a couple of those in um what is the smallest size elementary actually i want that on so i can see all the area this is going to cover so i think we are going to put one in here by the hospital and then we're going to do another one down here as well and then what a high school i'm going to pop that opposite that one there and this one opposite that one there i think that should be okay with buses and everything we should be covered and then the only other thing are these we've got the child health care center and the elder care which have a huge area of effect if we get one of these in the middle here i'm gonna go there with that one there we go so that's gonna keep more people having more children and people living longer i think this is looking good so what we're gonna need from you guys and girls watching is we're going to need a name for our bus hub down here so if you can think of something t-related that fits in with what we've got going on and then we're going to need something a name for this area over here but first of all i want to see what is going to grow in this area so let's have a time lapse okay so while our area is growing it's going to take a while i think we do need to add a bus route in here to help people to get around so we are going to grab our bus routes we're going to add i'm actually going to change our shutter one let's change that from blue that is the wrong button let's change that from blue to something else green just so we can differentiate there we go so we're going to add another line i'm going to do that here and what do i want to do i think i just want to loop around this and pick people up and so that's going to come in there and be on this side of the road yeah so if we start i'm going to stick to the main roads that might mean actually i end up changing these to bus uh roads we're gonna sort of go every few blocks and they're quite close together but as we've discovered on numerous occasions there is an area of effect sort of thing in play here so as long as you don't go too far it's going to affect all the people around actually i'm going to take those two out these are then going to come down here where we are going to have our businesses there we go like that and that little bit that middle bit is going to get missed but then that's going to come all the way back over to here complete line excellent so depending on what the name of these areas is we can rename our line that is number seven i'm going to change that to be red there we go very good so we'll get some buses coming out to there i don't see how many buses one there line seven two vehicles three eleven vehicles let's go for six that'll be plenty so they're gonna take a while to get over here and no power of course let us hook these guys up we do have a power line that's running through here so can i just go i can straight over the top and hook that in there and everybody then should be good to go got a nice little excess of electricity good excellent so now it is just a waiting game as you can see we've got a few things going on here so these are saying not enough workers well we will have workers because we've got all of this in here and also we have other needs so we've got more needs for a uh rule that's gonna say industry i mean commercial so we could do with just maybe adjusting these a little bit so i'm going to take out some little spots here and there you go you can hear them upgrading let's see if we can see the little green there go little green arrows popping up that means they're upgrading because they're really pleased with all the amenities in the area there we go including the uh bus lines yes we're going to add a little bit of industry in a few little spots around the place just so people don't have to walk so far and hopefully once all this is filled up these guys will be saying we've got plenty of people that want to work here so that'll be good just have a quick look at my tax rate actually what i've got 12 i'm gonna uh no do you know what i'm not going to drop it there i'm going to go here and just for this area policies taxation tax raised tax rates tax rates tax rates tax relief for low density residential so just from this area it's going to have two percent less and for low density commercial no that will fill up anyway yeah let's see if that helps get this area filled and also while this area is building up let's just pop in some give way signs and some dedicated turning lanes as we go along here on these junctions particularly this one here this might end up being a traffic light because actually it is going to be a traffic light let us get a time traffic light control click quick setup because this is going to be industry traffic coming up here as well so we want to make sure we keep an eye on that so let me just pop around and do these this is also going to be a traffic light no it's not because it's only small roads coming in so we're gonna do that uh yeah the best we can get with the dedicated turning lanes right couple of things i've done we've added a waste transfer management uh building here to help with all of the waste collection and i've also upgraded the roads that go around the outside this big loop has now got bicycle lanes and any road that cuts through from one side to the other uh this one almost cuts all the way through do you know what i should upgrade a couple there to keep with my idea so we're gonna upgrade that one that one and that one so you can cycle from one side to the other as well and yeah that will work out fantastic so these houses are coming in and looking pretty good looking pretty good i'm liking the way this area has turned out we're getting lots of houses upgrading to the next levels and we must easily have over a thousand people in here i'll check it out in a second a few houses in amongst our park area here i like that that's good and we need to keep an eye on our schools and this is definitely going to be a fantastic workforce for our industry that's going to end up around here let's just check what we are up to yes complain about the trash uh we are up to nearly 2 000 people oh that is brilliant so we're past 20 000 now then what the next target is 30 000 is that right yeah because we've been sort of hovering we're going up going down with our population but that is working out really well let's just see how that bus line is that we've popped in if we go into here bus line seven six buses we've got a lot of people waiting here and then a few people sort of spotted around the place and a load of people waiting at this one hurts they're walking all the way down here to get to there excellent i love it that's probably the nearest one isn't it for these people because there isn't any along here so do you know what i could do yes this is what we're gonna do we haven't put any bicycle lanes in this section let's grab this bicycle lane there we go let's upgrade that that that that that and then connect that yup down there excellent we're gonna do giveaway dedicated tournament oh i know why i didn't connect that i didn't want trucks going through there um there will be a way to sort that we'll see how it goes they'll probably take the faster roads round anyway so i think we're gonna be okay and we might even force see because we're gonna have trucks possibly coming down this bit but there's not many houses on the front so that'll be okay anyway they can come through there and let's just check our bus stops so we've got this one here let's move that down a little bit yeah we might find i come and use this one and we've got walk-in and cycling parts connected all over the place i just want to connect one more into here between these two buildings there we go excellent oh so i'm really pleased with how many people we've got in here and how it is beefing up the population which is going to really really help our or industry when we get there fantastic so yeah we need some names let me know in the comments a nice name for this area it's got to be all related and we'll have whatever the name is with a residential slant and then we'll use it again for this industry with a industry slant and then we need a name for this little place we built over here so there we go let me know what you think in the comments below subscribe if you're new maybe check out the other video on the screen as well but whatever you do have a fantastic day and i will see you all very soon take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 214,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, cities skylines top mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, urban planning, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines what mods, cities skylines mods, cities skylines how to start your city, how to, commuter destination mod, cities skylines intercity bus hub
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 16sec (2656 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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