How to Fill the University Demand with a Perfect Campus in Cities Skylines!

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[Music] hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here in the city of new zealand and today we are going to be working on this area over here here we go that we unlocked in the last episode we put in one of the brand new train stations we've started a metro that comes down here and around to our industry area and yeah we've got some good ideas that we're going to do over here we've been talking a lot about building this up to be a nice high density area but i want a bit of a transition i mean this area down here isn't finished we are going to have some more oil industry some more businesses in between our farming areas expanding nicely we're going to have a lot of high rise over here but there's a need in the city that i've spotted so if we just come over here and have a look at our education tab our university in the entire city we've got eligible 397 wonder what happened to those last two people and a capacity of 4 500. so on the face of it we're doing okay we're filling you know we've got uh capacity but the only university we've got is all the way over here by tranquility point uh yes university this is it this is the only one but there's only 699 students going to that university because it is so far away from all the other people a lot of people here like well these one schools out over here they're all just working in the mines but load of people here load of people down here we're going to have tons of people up here so we need to build our first proper university campus and i would like to take this area here and make something special make something that looks cool and it's also going to help us to transition into all the high rises the big you know buildings that we're going to have the high density stuff over here so that is part of the plan for today and i've also upgraded now to node controller three i was having a couple of issues with it before but we've sorted those out and effort it's working fine so i just wanted to do something along here line some things up so what i like about mode controller three you probably saw in my videos we can line these lanes up so at the minute we could probably show you with using traffic manager there we go look these don't quite line up straight so i'd like to visually line these up so we get our node controller pick the node hold shift so i want to align that so select the corner you want to align click now i let go of shift and i want to line that up with that there we go it moves it down a bit i'm also going to do it over here so hold shift that one let go shift click that one so we could keep that going back but that will do for now so now these two lanes are lined up with there and then we can also do that as we come out the other end to hold shift that one let go click that one and it just actually moved it up instead oh okay maybe we'll move it up let's do that so we'll go back the other way say shift let go of shift that one actually that will probably work out better so shift let go and shift that one and then shift let go and shift that one there we go that will just line this all back up where it was before remember that there we go start up here and work backwards so there we go so now these two lanes line up nicely and this one is merging in and then of course we can use our intersection marking tool there we go and fill these nice bits in we do have some presets don't we i can never remember which one it is two to three in a slip lane this is a three to a two i think that's this one here that looks like it applied a preset then we just gotta inverse the order hey there we go yeah we'll apply that no that's not the right way round is it hang on hang on hang on let's inverse the order again and let's just turn it around we're going to get there we go that's the one i want so this outside lane has the bid it has to come in so then we'll right click apply and then i want to make that node bigger back to elder node controller there we go we have that flat you haven't have that flat and then we want that offset to be more so let's go to say 20 there we go that looks much better so these can carry straight on and this one here can merge in and i can also do the same for these as well there we go both sides of the highway's done i think that is looking nice and i've done the ones down here with the slip lanes excellent okay so let's dive into what we're doing over here so what i'm thinking is when you come out of this train station here where you're possibly going to be jumping on the metro and heading out into the wider world of new zealand i want you to see something amazing here in front of you and i think one of the nicest assets in the game park wise is central park so we are going to pop that here and the reason i'm doing that is i'm trying something different i would normally in the past put central part down and build a load of houses around it and sort of do it like that but i would like to pop this down here and using my eyeballs i think that is that is the center there we go police car coming to check out and it's going okay excellent there we go so if we're inside here let's just zooming through the wall we come down the escalators come here at the front and you're greeted by all of these lovely trees look at that you can look left and right across the road and you can come into this amazing thing down the steps plazas pavilions roads all sorts of things going on in here so zoop love it okay good good good and then what i am going to do as well as i am going to use the node controller mod i want to add in there a crossing there we go and we are then going to pop some lights on there there we go excellent so people can safely walk across and enjoy this area so that gives us some roads already built into this and there's people arriving please don't live here that was not the plan that was me testing out some things please please leave so yeah that gives us some roads i might just see if we can upgrade that road we're going to use the touch it mods yeah i can take that one out and we are going to change that for i want to get a lot of cycling through here two-lane road with bicycle lanes i think that is going to be the one we go for so let's upgrade that nice excellent and then we're going to just start following our nose with this road and see what we can do so i feel like if we bring this out i would like this to go up around the side here so let me just add some roads in here and there we go that will give us a good start we'll certainly play with those as we go along and then we're going to have to paint in our campus area now i've been trying to sort of decide uh which which uh university style we're going to go for and i'm hopefully picking one that we haven't used i think we've used it before but we haven't used it for a long time let's just go up to there for now that will do campus area because the choices we have are a trade school campus so that gives us this style building actually if i use my togglet mod there we go turn off the whiteness view that pops up we have our trade school style building and we have used that quite a lot we have the liberal arts college campus there we go that's that sort of style and we also have the what i would call sort of the standard university campus now i have to be honest out of all three the standard university style campus is my favorite but i would like to go for the liberal arts we haven't used that for a while it's got a different style of building and i think we're gonna try and make that fit in nicely so where do we want that now ideally perhaps i would have liked that at the end of the park here as it sort of follows on down and would you even sort of see that yeah you would wouldn't you so do we adjust our rail line a bit to fit that in i think we do so let's try and get this straight first of all i think that is the middle so i'm going to anarchy that in with the anarchy mod that's why my little chirper at the top disappears when it disappears anakin mod is on if i actually adjust this guy i think put him at one of the basic ones and then do anarchy mod he'll go red yeah there we go but i tend to have him on the other one um and let's just see if we can maneuver this rail out of the way a little bit there we go that will do for now and i think that fits in with the look of this asset here as well and that asset up there that is just fantastic view isn't it when you come out the train station love it love it love it so that has now changed this to the quest international college so we're gonna need some names for this so get your thinking caps on and uh let us know as we uh go through the episode so we do actually have a very large building the school of education provides all schools with an influx of substitute and student teachers which allows classrooms to have higher student capacity educate more effectively blah blah and more blah and also campus attractiveness not so much blah we need that so that is a pretty large building and i think that is going to fit look at that almost perfectly in fact yes that will fit perfectly on that side as well oh man this is turning out to be an even better build than i imagined oh look at that look at that lovely lovely lovely okay so we need to add that in fancy and then we've got some of these other buildings here as well so we've got our liberal arts dormitory let's just take a look at that yeah we're gonna need a few of those they have a capacity of 300. so yeah we're going to end up with quite a few of those liberal arts study hall that is quite large where could that go could that go down the front here i'm thinking study hall maybe keep it away from the train station there we go what's interesting as well what we're doing this time is normally you'd have all of these off of the paths because you can do that these little paths here but we are going to add in some more parts as we go along yeah i think it looks nice on that side we can expand it out this way as well as we go not forgetting we've got this highway access when we get there when we unlock this square so yeah that one's gone in there uh groundskeeping is pretty small so that could actually go anywhere so what we're going to do is we're going to grab this road and that is going to connect up to there that is also going to connect up to there let's do that let's give them a dedicated turning lanes control left click control left click let's do giveaway and give way yep there we go these are not too worried about i'm sort of viewing these as yeah smaller smaller side rows i'm not going to be busy we've got cycling added to all of these so i'm almost viewing them as if these were the parts we have got cars i could ban the hmm quit cars tea i'm thinking about that i'll think about that will we ban cars in this area it depends what else we put in here so let's see how we go and then we have drama club which again is another small one i'm thinking that could perhaps go by the study hall let's maybe uh add some of these parts in why is that one space already occupied is that too close let's turn off road guidelines i want to go there thank you now you'll let me do it well that's very kind of i'm going to go there and we're going to go there straight to look straight to me i think it's straight and that one's going to come up to over here and then go in there so then if we add in a drama club along the back we've got that big tree out the front is that okay yeah that looks okay oh we can hear the drama going on and they found that funny whatever that was which is good and then we can add our little groundskeeper building over there and then we've got space for making things look nice so let's have a look we could just run um i'm thinking do we have this as a park sort of area up here i tell you what i am going to do is i i'm gonna connect that road to here um i don't know where this goes at the moment up to our abandoned mine over here it looks like a cool amphitheater could we do something like that i don't know maybe now let's take a quick look so attractiveness is 150 out of 200 so we definitely need to beef this up a bit what other options do we have in here oh dormitories we don't have any dormitories yet maybe our dormitories could go sort of in this area over here so i'm thinking here we're gonna have a path coming down the back like that and then how big are these could we have these sort of going this way like that that looks nice with those other buildings there and it's going to be far enough away from this road which i believe is also going to come up here and i would like this road to connect to there but as a smaller road do we have that come out let's save the rock come on now and this one now come on isn't that difficult rocks there we go thank you very much uh so we draw that one out here yeah this is like a massive road do we really need that bigger road coming up here i don't think we do so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna downgrade this one yeah that's gonna be better we'll attach those up here straight please if you will thank you kindly we'll level these out so let's take that do it the same height as that just do that the same height as that there we go excellent but then i want that to curve around so we're going to take out one length there one length there and we'll do some kirby curvy yeah that's much better excellent and then we could always come off this road and go somewhere as well at the minute that road seems a bit pointless but we'll go with it we'll go with it so let's have a look there we go so we've got the attractiveness we need to get to the next level we need 500 students and we need two academic works that reminds me cinematography music or literature let's go for cinematography give a research grant cost fifty thousand yep we're gonna do that one and then we can also increase our chances of getting academic works i'm going to get up to fifty percent across ten thousand per academic staff a week so that's a hundred and that's fifty what the heck seriously is that really gonna cost me that much i'm gonna leave it on that and see how we go that doesn't sound right to me that sounds like a heck of a lot of money so minus six thousand a week wow i need to add something to my team is that true is that how let's drop this down to that and then let's run the game a little bit quicker and keep our eye on this figure here [Music] that figure is falling isn't it that figure is falling so i think that is and look up to like 30 000 a week again so i think we can afford a little bit here so let's go for what was that let's go for 50 percent uh 49 51 okay whatever 49 and see how we go and if we're still making some money we should be able to afford that that'll be good all right excellent so we've got the capacity i should double check that again where were we yes we've got the capacity excellent okay water i've got my problem meter thing turned off let me add our water pipe so we can see what the heck everybody's complaining about okay [Music] get all happy let's turn this on i'm going to allow intercity trains as well um how's our electricity going no electricity over here although it's not popping up as oh it is now popping up and not having the electricity okay you weren't doing that before um how can we attach this i think for now until we get some other things built around here we're just going to go straight over this highway and hook it into there that will do that'll be good so that's going to get everybody some electricity yes excellent now we're getting some trains coming in so these are taking people to los cruz and lake dale let's just see how these trains merge down here are you gonna wait for that one to go you are excellent that is looking good so we're now gonna have intercity trains and i would like to encourage more people to come here quickly so we're going to add in some train stops so let's go to trains let's go to train line so this first one over here on actually i'm going to start this end because i want it to come all the way down to here and i want to pick my platform i don't want it to go on that side we don't want to hit the middle because that's our bypass i want it to go here and then i want that to come down this line all the way around here and stop here and again we can pick our side has to be this one because it's going in this direction leave our middle there free for the bypass then that's going to go all the way around here and that one is going to come straight into i hope well let me pick that one on the outside and i can't go that way so yeah we'll go here even holding shift won't let me i haven't got that mod in but never mind that's fine and then we'll just go back again through that so this one's now gonna go on the other side and then we're going to go all the way around to our last one and complete that line excellent so what are we going to call that i don't know yet actually because you're going to give me a name for our university area obviously t related so yeah get down with that in the comments below give me some suggestions and this one here is going to come around outside the city limits to our two stops over here on no problem at all and orlando heights so this one is going to be this side of one of our other new stations we've put in that's going to come down this where this blue line is and stop here okay that has to be that side and it's going to go all the way outside the city limits come all the way around and come in at this side and then we'll just go back everybody's happy they're loving it they're loving it then we'll come back this way so now the stops on the other side let's go in the other way and then we'll complete that line there excellent so let us just again i know there's mods for automatically changing the color but i'm really trying to keep the amount of mods i've got down so something like that i'll just do it myself so that's got three trains and train line three has got five trains all right we'll leave it like that so that's now giving people in this area i know most of these won't go to university but that doesn't mean some of them won't remember when we looked at our policies before school's out oh it doesn't say on there oh only a small portion does say on there only a small portion will go to study in the university so we'll give them the option of grabbing our train from the hibiscus tea transfer all the people in no problem at all and then yeah from these other areas as well i am wondering whether we should shut this down or leave it going i'm gonna leave it going for now or am i no i tell you what i'm going to do i am going to turn that off and i know they're going to be unhappy but a lot of these have already upgraded so almost ah yeah they've already upgraded so hopefully we're going to get everybody coming over here because i want to get this up to level two as soon as possible so it's going to take a school year to get the two academic works and by then hopefully 500 students and then it will jump over to unlock more stuff which is cool so that is it so far we can pretty some of this up and i'm sort of thinking ahead as well into the future man we're losing so much money why are you complaining about water really okay we'll have a water park going down that boat there we go i'm thinking in the future as well we're gonna have more of these dormitories stacked up in this area so i want to leave this free but we could certainly add some parks along the front here so when you come out of this area here and walk along you can see the parks and i also want to upgrade our roads we want more cycling roads in here so what have we got four lane two-way road with bike lanes let's take a look at them yeah a nice wide path as well which is what we want so let's add those in hope it doesn't mess anything up nope we're fine uh we'll do that down there these have all got bike lanes they've all got bike lanes this one here goes to nowhere but you know what i'm going to upgrade this one to bike lanes as well why not and then a little roundabout we've got going on here i'm going to change that so we use the three lane no parking is there a three lane with bike lanes yep here we go three-lane one-way road with bike lanes uh these are from the vanilla plus plus mods uh not mod vanilla plus plus assets if you want to check those out for yourself let's grab that ctrl shift left click get that all set up again yeah much much better i'm liking that i'm liking that right we already have trains coming over here people are being dropped off which is great coming over to visit our central park and i'd like some more parks there's one thing i would actually like to add in here let's search in here yeah this thing here the grand library huge library so many books that no one has been able to read them all requirement for building the hadron collider and i do like the look of that a lot uh let's try that again there we go yeah will that fit in here that's going to be our park area will it for over here i bet it will i don't want it there let's put it here let's use anarchy and just see about squeezing that in we could move that forward a little bit yeah let's do that turn off snapping yeah just overlaps that extra wide walkway a tiny bit but that's okay i think that'll be okay excellent and i think that almost like a modern modern extension wing that's been added to our university campus area i think that looks fine yeah i'm happy with that and then i want some sort of park in here so what sort of park assets could we put in here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] is gonna flood everything place your bets now i really hope not i really hope not and we're at the top oh look at that perfect perfect [Music] okay so i've just changed that to a park in here i'm not 100 sure whether that's going to just give us some added bonuses around this area that is certainly going to increase the land value around here so uh let's click on that there we go so the land valley's gonna increase around there which is fine you know that's good that's not gonna change the university too much but definitely gonna have some more people coming to visit that now that we've set it up for a park so whatever we name this i will adjust maple gardens to be the same [Music] okay i think that's looking nice for now we're getting some people coming over here visiting which is what i want to see stop walking on the water who do you think you are yeah excellent look at that very nice very nice so how is this how is this all affecting our university let us take a look so we are oh we're getting close to our 500 needed students and i'm really hoping that we're going to hit our academic works that we need that'll be fantastic anything here we could do to help you no income no i need some income visiting scholars increase faculty bonus 25 percent increase faculty upkeep by 25 free lunch by one cent per student i think we could probably do that to be honest let's give them a free lunch and student health care by five cents a student increases their health why not let's do that as well and we are so close to hitting our target which is great how many people are coming in by the trains loads and loads of trains fantastic now with our metro i completely forgot to set up a metro line coming down to here didn't i so glad i just remembered that because i know that would have been all over the comments there we go so we are going to take the side one over here let's put that on so we can see what we're doing there we go that is going to come all the way down to here yep and then that is just gonna go all the way back again nothing too complicated about that one our first metro line in the city and it's gonna have uh two metros on there excellent and here's the first one the oh there it is oh is that going invisible well that is really weird isn't it that is really weird let's follow this to the end oh there we go we have our academic year report ah i didn't quite get our 500 we've got one academic work darn it oh hang on no we have unlocked the new thing hey i'm recognized to unrecognized but unlocked by new reputation level i'm confused oh no this is the stuff we start with i'm not confused at all that's what we had and we've got two toga parties okay excellent so it's going to take us another year isn't it to uh to get up to the next level can we find the toga parties i can never find those let's just see this no it's not invisible in there which is good um let's just follow that background again and see what happens that is very strange here it comes here it comes and it's fine yep just a glitch nothing to worry about okay cool oh and we've just passed our 500 limits students 500 out of 500 that is what we need we've got plenty capacity so now we just need our extra academic work once this year goes past and we'll unlock even more cool stuff [Music] so like i've just been sort of fiddling around doing some road markings as you just saw there on the roundabout and i just want to come up with this one here i'm trying to sort of use my use my imagination and try and get some road markings going if you've got bike lanes and if they sort of cross over each other they go in red i don't know i don't know whether that would be exactly how you do it in real life but i quite like that something a little bit different um so what i'm going to do is i'm going to save this as a preset and what are we going to call that bike uh three plus three plus two i need to get myself a naming convention don't i i mean three lanes here oh it's actually four lanes isn't it four four to two i just put four to two that'll be uh four to two uh there we go excellent this is only two lanes down here and then if we come over to this one oh what was the uh node controller settings on that 15.33 okay so if we turn off the road markings straighten it all out 15. i think actually i prefer 15 dead so let's adjust that to 15 yeah there we go excellent and then in here whoops we'll grab this one and we'll go to presets and we've got the bike one already selected we'll go yes please thank you very much uh apply yeah why not let's just give that a go so it's got protected lanes if you're turning on your bike it's got little dash lanes that sort of line up to where they should be going we've got give way over here which isn't quite the right size uh let's just adjust that one there it is so we'll do dash length oh there we go excellent and that one's fine yeah okay there we go and it definitely stands out anyway you're not gonna be running over any cyclists are you if you've got your eyeballs open excellent ah look at this handy water oh my goodness me what is burning down here the liberal arts ground keeping building is on fire but at least we've got that handy pond nearby so he can come and put it out for us thank you kindly what's all the comedic laughing there for i love it how well-timed was that that was absolutely brilliant they put it out that time it ain't funny stop laughing right okay so how is our university doing let's take a look oh 688 students that is absolutely fantastic so i'm hoping by the end of this year which isn't too long to go we'll get our next work and we'll be able to upgrade let's find out what happens yay i don't think we've got any more academic works no way ah that sucks we're still unrecognized oh with all of that money all of the uh we didn't give them a research grant we should have given them another one darn it [Music] [Music] so there we go the start of our new university hub i think it's looking great already so much more that we'll be able to do in the future so let me know in the comments below a name for this fantastic area i'm looking forward to unlocking the next level so we can continue to build it up and thank you very very much for all of your continued help and support in this series it's been fantastic so i wish you a happy day and i will see you all very soon take care bye you
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 187,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, cities skylines top mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines how to start your city, cities skylines train stations, cities skylines bridges and piers, cities skylines campus, cities skylines campus tutorial
Id: iH_uRjIPUO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 9sec (2049 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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