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hey guys my name is city I can welcome back to another see skyline experimental video where today I answered the question that nobody ever asked and that is can you turn poop into clean drinking water well we're gonna find out today so welcome back to another pointless city scale experiment video guys if you enjoyed this please if you smash that like button down below if you're under right here-there make sure you subscribe to notified when the next damn useless video comes out and again guys if you do enjoy it especially like we're down below so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna boiler tool and I'm then gonna create a nice large artificial man-made lake which we are gonna use to fill up with stinky delicious chocolatey goodness and if you don't want I'm referring to you guys then you're in the wrong neighborhood boys poop we're gonna create a delicious stream of poop and then at one end we're gonna have sewers dumping that chocolatey goodness inside of this little river and at the other end where the poop is flowing down to we're gonna have the pipes that suck up the drinking water for our residents now in between it we're gonna see if we can hopefully hopefully guys clean it all up now how is gonna work is we're gonna use the where is it every time I go to look for it I never I'm never able to see it or find it and I think sometimes it's in the garbage this here the floating garbage collector now technically it's made to kind of collect garbage out of the water but well it does it cleans up the water what was kind of pollution and you know turns into clean us so I'm money to place down like an army of those so before we do anything before we get set up and started I'm gonna want to delete this road and I'm not gonna build my civilization my little time a little city just yeah and so I can always borderline guarantee the clean drinking water actually I might build it at some point and then like you know kill them or off and eventually then you know get clean water so we'll do it step by step we'll do it step by step so this is currently high train sixty so if I go 160 to be kind of begin with and it puts us at this kind of a level slit up my brush size a little bit there so let's bring this all down let's make it nice and wide and then we'll go for a bigger brush size as well and then we'll go down this way so like this right now if I create a little you there we go and we're gonna fill up this little kind of section with all the goodness so let's kind of continue this going down as this is our little barrier right now there we go there we go and we'll end it all right it's got to be big enough to get all the poop in will end it about here there we go there we go in this a little bit too wide to my liking but this is where we're gonna filter it all in nicely anyway so we're gonna keep this little section there at its current terrain height and then we'll go straight from 160 with that height is there true 100 and in this little area here 100 might not be enough so I've got to kind of gradually down the land so it kind of starts to flow so if iced if I sweat new snag let's say swag if I snag this little section there and the kind of film that up and as we gain gonna and step by step will then go to 70 odd here bring that there and then bike rain a little staircase effect what we initially do it well what we kind of doing is making the water flow down step by step so it's going down in this direction now I need to kind of literally fill this all up so what I'm going to do is well it's a kind of need to kind of let it kind of like sink out through here so let me sink out to then if I continue there and create a nice that we you there we go please no inappropriate comments guys right I'm gonna try to do a little bit different yeah what am i doing so yeah one of these designs we're gonna brush size here and create these little kind of slips through so the water goes through these little creases and then we'll do one in the middle like that we'll do one there and then we both cut one just here so the water then felt was through those little cracks and goes into the basin there where we gonna create or suck up all of a clean drinking water that's what we're gonna try and do and that's what we're gonna try and do anyway so I think we'll start then up here and we'll place down now or at least get ready all of it so what I'll do first is I'm gonna place in a nice little water source and drop that down to about there right well fast-forward them there we go so we then have the water filling up so I can then place down exactly where I want my sewage outlets no problems no questions asked it pretty much is up running gets done we ain't gotta worry now I'm gonna keep buying these pieces of land right now all the way to the edge of the map which is just these two here because then what we're gonna do is when it comes out to here the water right it's gonna filter I mean my brush size a little bit more so it's gonna seep out so I can continually get the flow that's exactly what I need and then we're gonna set this down to zero so it's literally you can't go any lower and we'll do this just here there we go there up this little brush size and then we'll bring bring this all the way out so that kind of creates our little river in a sense and we also want to make sure so now I'll bring in water but every so often we'll go to then ten and then do ten there and then we'll go BAM we'll go to a twenty so we're gradually bringing this up to stop the flow of it going in then we'll do a 30 then we'll do a 40 and you can kind of see where this is going so that is 60 so we'll end this little basin section here as a 50 height there we go you can I see the water's coming in so hopefully we don't have any issues but we'll just ultimately see what happens we'll see what happens so that should then kind of disappear and flood out and by the constant flow that we get coming down here we should turn this little lake slash River whatever II want to call it into the opposite direction where then stuff flows out hmm we'll see we'll see right now so only a couple more water sources down so I can have that effect going on where the water gets pushed out so do one more there there we go so now let me simulate now for quite some time so I've got a constant bulge of water flowing all the way out and it is going in that direction once we know that's working we're then gonna replace and put down low to shoo us so it's all sewage water that's coming in that flows down will then set up our cleaning system to them where we can suck up the poop water over here is it gonna work I don't know but I'm gonna give me some time and then we'll see exactly what happens at that point so we've Natale all set up where the water quite a few low water sources right now and the water goes out quite rapidly cuts four here we have a flood wall little channel as it all flows now free we got like a look back wave tsunami coming through but that's literally how it now works so if I check out the water flow it literally look at look at them arrows are so freaking fast so now what I need to do is over time replace this clean water with sewage water with that as I like to call the chocolate goodness guys it's bit of well as as well as the chocolate in good this experiment so what we do is we pull this up and now we've got the water in the edge we got an easier way to kind of add all this stuff in so I've got like an auto clicker which allows you like you know rapidly click so I can then go around and place down as many as possible you see that guys you see a freaking genius this is sometimes I amaze myself with the pure genius that comes out of my brain right and the more replaced and the bear goes I mean as many as possible because this is what is gonna the walk the sewage coming out at this is gonna replace our water circles as as nobody calls them our water sources is what I'm trying to say so they all good answered there so there is quite a lot of them right now there is quite a lot of them and I just need them then cut them up so go do my best there we go we're getting somewhere we get in somewhere do this as much as possible again we're now get in somewhere we're getting somewhere boys I'm actually quite excited to see how much chocolate we're gonna be making and it is chocolate guys you can't eat it you can't eat it so all it's missing now than is power that is what is then missing for these to be turned on right okay okay okay so it's always good to do the little kind of wind turbines because you do get a lot of wind speed on these little banks that we've created now initially we're gonna get the huge amount of flooding that takes place look at look at the chocolate being made already guys but relays to settle down for a second and then we'll slowly start to remove the water sources in the middle once I'm confident enough that we're producing quite a bit so do you know what it's kind of celled itself quite nicely with what we're already pumping out right now so I think how many of a guy I've got five so let me remove these first two here so we've then gone I said with then gone with them gone yeah we'll see well it does differently you can see the two little lines there with the water sources are pumping out fresh clean water so we'll give you a moment or two to kind of let it see itself through but yeah this is gonna be very interesting I want this all turn into chocolate yeah boys nom nom nom now so that is a lot of sewage is pumping him I don't know if it's quite enough to kind of waters get rid of all of them we'll get rid of all of them and then see if it's enough sewage pumping now to you know provide enough water in this area it should be it should be but look at this right now it's it's total pure pollution so we'll see where this kind of amount of sewage now settles and then it's down to worse to kind of get things up and running so while I do them is what we'll slowly start to build our little bit of a town right now so we'll upgrade it this road here as the merge is from the highway well bring this up there we go and let's do a little crisscross so come down by 40 we'll build a small little town that is gonna be using that water source so let's start about let's have a look I'm gonna I was going to pick this spot here randomly and what was that across there that was 37 so it's not quite the amazing grid of going whiff and if you go up by 11 we can maximize our spacing there we go go out by number 30 up by 10 BAM number 30 there we go and now we're starting to get somewhere boys we're now officially starting to get somewhere so let's keep the momentum rocking and rolling there we go I'm not I don't really care about this little little kind of village I'm creating it's not even a village it is borderline little turn on make him right now isn't it and this want to get it all set up there we go so we'll just go for this for now it's a little bit funky but in there today I like a little bit of funk and we'll connect that's a bear that's there we can get away with that let's drop some water pipes down you can show how much I don't care about this with how terrible the designers there we go and let's fill it with residential all up here we'll get some high density commercial even though they need the education to kind of get that rockin and a-rollin and I do want to build some industrial area to provide them with enough jobs there we go let's kind of then take it so they're just gonna create a nice little industrial patch and where does this come down so I'm as I fill this little section there up and then we'll drop down a load of dirty industrial section just here and then we'll fill to this then section there with offices and they're gonna need water as well like I said I don't care about this this is just to provide this place with the water that they need we'll all want at this stage so let's give it a let's just go let's go through a solar plant area here into first that'll provide the power needed and then it just grow naturally so this Chuck oh just roughly goodness ain't doing too bad really it's just now you can see the gradient of the color change right now I don't need to place any more down than then there is this is amazing so let me hook up the sewage outlet and so in many ways we're gonna be producing more so that the town's got sewage it still needs to grow a little bit more to get what it needs but I can kind of add in the usual suspects stuff like the hospital or place down which is gonna be overrun in a few moments time the police in all we need what also is going to be overrun is the crematoriums so I'm gonna get a couple of these damn right now I've got some large capacities well go a little bit crazy and stuff like the schools and whatnot because I want to give them the education that they require require and high schools and then we'll just drop down a university and there's nothing really else I kind of need from the get-go that's gonna go garbage yeah I do need garbage so a place down our little garbage plan there there we go and all it's now missing so is what one power that is what's missing first so meters quickly BAM and there into there so power they will now have but that needs water so actually do I do for now for now we'll just drop down something like one of these little what they called again water towers there we go so the without provides the water and this little town can start growing normally naturally like it would do if you were playing a normal game but we're not playing a normal game and we might have a little bit too much sewage then we need right now so we're gonna have to get rid of some of this some of these sewage pipes so up to there wheeler will delete would delete a chunk just there and would delete a chunk just here okay so quite a few little chunks had deleted to reduce the amount of sewage outlets that we have we we producing too much chocolate goodness to what we can filter out but it's literally now just literally pure sewage that we're now taking out oh my goodness me this is crazy if I view from like this kind of angle it literally is it is crazy what we're about to do so much sewage that's going to be cleaned and turned into drinking water I mean if you think about in real life is that how normal sewage plants works you you take a poop you flush it down the toilet and it's somewhere down the line they clean that water up and and turn into drinking water that makes you want to stop drinking water full stop doesn't it it really does it really freakin does it's also amazing how in this place oh that's named clean this place wants any industrial there you go it's kept you all up real quick but now the sewage levels have dropped as you can see but that doesn't matter because we can continually add more and more as time goes on right is this place ready I don't know if this place is ready for what is about to go down oh my goodness me so yeah the over suppose we got right now they will sell they will eventually set them so we're gonna drop then some a couple of large pumping stations there we go that is gonna pump the chuckling goodness from its little lake and turn it well yeah and we've got to make sure that we clean it so if I just get down all the pipes needed give it the power that it then requires and needs and we'll hook it up to a town like normal it's gonna make its hand very sick that is what's initially gonna happen we already know this anyway we wouldn't know this so I wonder how much it'll also affect this place because we're sucking water up so means less what was going out hmm so in terms of water then we've got water available well it's not great water and it's literally gonna make everybody so sick so they make everybody sick right now and this hospital is gonna be overrun so healthcare look at the six citizens are starting to increase my healthcare is deteriorating so fast right now and you see here citizens are now sick that we knew this anyway we knew exactly what was gonna happen we know how this game works boys what you think we noobs right now we're noobs so now we need to clean it this is bad this is gonna be bad so if I check I mean you can see anyway but if I check the pollution before we go you can see it's it's lychee pure Brown we've got some clean stuff coming in but that's you know the fighting between the two bits of water in a way so let's try our best to clean this up so the water flow still pretty strong I'm happy with this so in the garbage then we have these floating garbage collectors so if I start by dropping one down in each of these little kind of outlets to begin with now they don't require any power anything like that so just on the on the basis of dropping that in nothing really changes you can see the average drinking water pollution is 76% now it's seventy five seventy free so don't know if they're actually doing any work or doing some good I don't know it's actually it is coming down a little bit hmm okay okay okay so let me drop then a couple more of these around so I don't have any key on so I can't like go crazy with the spam but I'm trying my best here so drop a load here so this is why I wanted these little kind of inlets here I can fill the water a lot better and I'm starting to see some of the lighter patches and I don't know whether that is because they are doing their job in cleaning operation rate only 50 squared B squared Li is I don't want it's called the world 50,000 units of war that's what I'll call it is what they can currently clean so my drinking pollution is now 50% almost 57 56 now am I thinking oh that's pretty good it's coming down in a real ideal world you want zero water pollution but I don't know if we're gonna quite get that I don't know probably probably not so it's flowing through pretty quick so I think that we need to turn this whole little sections here in sue these garbage collectors so let's turn on anarchy as I now go a little bit crazy and drop as many down as I possibly can in these little sections ignite help with the little Auto kicker so I have gone literally a walk so freaking crazy when it comes to these but this is what I think we need to do I think we need to go so freaking extreme let me are right now to get all this click oh my god would you look at that we've now started to see the light at the end that I mean it's still seeping through in certain areas but it's actually being cleaned it is actually starting to clean itself which this town is dead like it couldn't be any more dead than what it is right now my population is only at 2000 wow wow wow wow but you can still see little bits of pollution seeping through and whatnot but it's we gain there what's my pollution levels like now then so the average drinking water pollution is now at 20% it's a lot better than what it was well again you don't want to drink 20% pollutant war 20% flow in poops in a bottle of water that's like you buy a bottle of war and 20% of it it's got poo or 20% of it is poop we have it nd percent 80% is water so we're actually doing something right now we're making some progress and that will eventually dissolve CP and then you know merge with the clean stuff but it's still seeping through so as a few little bits and bobs and areas that we got to work on but that's gonna be really handy right now so now it's down to 9 percent 8 percent 6 percent we are have never seen it as low as it is right now but there's definitely still pollution we are managing to clean poop water and transfer into clean drinking water hmm so how is the health care system doing then so deaf care we've got the capacity for that it's the healthcare 1,400 residents are currently sick so we could slowly turn this around as time goes on you look at that you can even visually see how good we're doing that's amazing so what is then our pollution only two percent of water is polluted now we want to get to that magic number is zero percent so I need to get a few more down on the certain sides and areas where it's coming in so where it slightly seeps through that's what we need to kind of tackle it so with those on our place down let's see how this kind of works it so the water is still flowing wonderfully which is great that's the pollution right now we got a little bit of a slow patch there we're trying to move but the water is a bit it was almost there a little bit slow in that area but we are now getting through and how is everybody over here so people are still sick but that's also down to the fact that we're trying to get everyone sorted out we've got a got capacity of 700 and there's 900 currently ill so I might just kind of drop down extra Hospital it's a handle the backlog in sick residents the fact that the population is now growing again it shows us that we're kind of getting there we've kind of get in there right now pollution average drinking water pollution is 2% still it's more on this side here that's getting affected but I don't know if that's still the you know the bit of sewage says we still trying to wait for it to get out of here but we still have an a slight sliver of poo in the water right now so before I take us at the next stage and go crazy again with my garbage plants let me just kind of swim the traffic here so we can get the pedestrians and everybody moving in super quick there we go how we do we know it's a nearly four thousand populations and that is boding very very well for us the health care still have a couple of sick people but they should be getting tree as time goes on deaf care is only 100 now that are kind of dead which is also kind of crazy but it's looking pretty clean so what's the pollution like now still 2% we still got you know it's still slightly brown in some areas these over here still complaining so let's go a little bit more crazier than with this stuff so I'm gonna do some nice now widely spread areas this is costing me a fortune by the way it's a good job got unlimited money what do you mean place those on there but pushing this all the way over we try to minimize the amount of poop that seeps through and I think we've done a very good job so far damn there's so many floating garbage collectors let's get rid of these few here that I've misplaced well how many is there there we go let's get rid of a couple just there we're all good there let's get out of this mode then sir that then should hopefully stop those last little bits of the small little floaters that are getting through the system that should hopefully stop them we we spend in 1.9 million what's my budget like right now looking at 1.9 million just in garbage alone which is cleaning the water it's an expensive job guys it's a very expensive why they complain about there's not enough water coming through do I need to up the sewage oh I'm I need to kind of up the sewage there because the water levels are quite low but what's the pollution like now zero percent so even though those guys are slightly complaining still we have no poop in the water that's good that's real good so let's then take it up a notch let's get all these back in we have the line just there that we can utilize so these two here are in the wrong section but yeah a few extra pumps now pumping out more sewage so we'll see how that that goes then that should hopefully up the water line because it was originally quite high wasn't it and now it's quite low so we get this happening this time when you place them in they kind of like go a bit mental but let me should be able to push that down so we will see how this turns out by upping it we need more water cuz the town is dying let's get rid of this because I don't depend on this anymore or even to use that so war available we literally have nothing so we need to up then the amount of water going through the system we really do now we do have a nice big bulk of it coming through so I'm hoping at this new wave look how high this is can come through so I wonder if the pure additional volume of water we're now gonna pump through is gonna get cleaned at the same rate as the lower volume that we had that's gonna be interesting to find out I hope so if not we're placing down more floating garbage collectors that's what we're doing right now so I let it kind of push itself through and we'll see where we also with the additional sewage aka poop water now flowing through its enough even though it's not touching them it's still enough that they're sucking up water which is good which is real good right now which means the town is not only surviving but it's currently thriving right now it's doing really really well now this will complain a ton of educated workers and all that kind of jazz I could go ahead and just kind of place down stuff like this future plant which is the power this is for the tourists this is the pollution I'd ordered that one because Italy Rinka which is the one that does the education is this one isn't it yeah so that provided all the education levels required for all the businesses so they can shut up and leave your body alone right now it'll also upgrade and so more and more people move in which you know so quickly it means more and more people to use in the water but we have a free point nearly a four million okay let's just call it free billions to be on the safe side pumping capacity they're gonna get nowhere near it in this small space so I ain't gotta worry about that one bit I also have a fifteen million sewage capacity - I never give every built a sea that uses 15 million sewage capacity I mean I could be lying I probably have I don't know I don't know but even with that increased capacity of sewage water coming through the pollution oh look at that look at buyers percent we gain ground pollution is because the industrial area is now starting to grow over there but who cares about that look at this no poops in our drinking water and if that doesn't bring a tear to your eye guys I don't know what will we have now created a system where we turn purp water into clean affordable drinking water we've no it's it's natural flavorings very natural flavorings no additional you know artificial sugars sweeteners or anything like that in this water it's pure natural drinking water so the next time you go and grab a bottle of water or you have a nice little glass from your tap in your kitchen think of this little episode guys refreshing water hoping I still enjoy this if you did please smash that like button down below and until next time I'll see you all soon so good [Music]
Channel: SeniacTWO
Views: 1,432,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cities, Skylines, Cities Skylines, Cities Skylines Tutorial, building my own city, building, city, CREATED, POOP, TURNING POOP WATER INTO DRINKING WATER
Id: KBxKwE4Bkww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 33sec (2193 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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