The One Where Biffa Details An Olympic Stadium He Built in Cities Skylines!

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer and look we've just hit level four on our little oil area i just wanted to show you that before we started recording and started diving into our episode this little teeny tiny area here is doing so well which is absolutely fantastic so yes welcome back here we are in new zealand and we've got a lot of exciting things planned for today um it's been a bit weird i haven't recorded for a week as i mentioned in my last episode um which you're gonna see tomorrow because i'm differ from the future from the past i'm from somewhere else yes because that's how it works in the land of youtube on the internet and so yeah you're going to be watching an episode on saturday and i'll be talking about taking a week off because of a little little procedure operation really isn't the word it wasn't that big a thing a little procedure on my tongue just to remove a little lump off the end which they've said is no problem at all i love watching this new station it's oh so many people coming to visit up here let's just watch this for a minute and it all went fine it all went okay still a little bit sore all the stitches fell out after a couple of days and um when they sort of i won't give any i won't give too many details i know not everybody likes that sort of thing but when they sort of took it off they just like burnt the end of a little machine so i've still got that sort of yeah so sometimes what i'm talking you might hear me not quite pronounce a word properly or something like that because my tongue is a bit odd but it'll all get back to normal i'm not overly concerned about it but yeah this thing is so busy it's like s's and t h is that same thing i'm used to not putting my tongue between my teeth to make that noise so i'm gonna convert back to a bit of cockney that thing that thing not a mean geezer all right there mate um yeah so we've had a couple of changes in the city since we last played a couple of things i fixed as well i don't know whether it was noticed in the last episode or not but this last little what's this called down here uh oil sludge pyrolysis plant man i'm really giving my tongue a workout today oh no that's what she said um is it wasn't inside the zone so i just extended that zone out there this oil area so yeah that's working fine this is great we've got tons of people coming down here to work because what i have done is i've removed from the game a mod which i think has been the mod that's been causing my stutter that i get which is the life cycle rebalance mod so it's changed a lot of things in the game we went through a huge death wave um between episodes and then it's all built back up again and it seems to be going okay and it's meant there's a lot more people available for work it's like change what have we got unemployment three percent i have to say that carefully yeah so that's been interesting um how many people have we got going to the university because we've been trying to get more people to come here that's maple gardens where's the university name there it is up here i haven't seen your suggestions for the names yet so wow loads more people going here so definitely the end of the year we are going to be going up a couple of jumps which is fine but what i've made sure to do because the life cycle rebalance mod did a load of things but one of them was it would stop death waves but you've also got now the child health care center and the elder care which can also balance out your uh births and deaths and all that sort of thing um so we'll look at death care and child care that's what i mean to look at birth weight 155 a week uh elder cares average lifespan 77 so the health is quite low though of the elders so we need to maybe take a look at that and overall the healthcare isn't the best just wondering why not um so this here actually i just threw this in every time i come to word it begins with a th i have to pause and say carefully i just threw this in so i could get more people to come down here we're gonna just rebuild that i'm just noticing on this chart here so yeah so we do have let's just have a look at is that a medical clinic yeah that's what i watch yeah i want to see where the medical clinics are so we do have one up there we have a couple here these are very light look there isn't a medical clinic in this sort of side of town so maybe let's squeeze one in here this is not the smallest one yeah we're gonna pop it in the middle here right opposite the train station and we're gonna take out that house there that is complaining about the noise which is coming from our train station so hopefully that will help these people in this area and then when we come around here we've got that one there that one there what about the other side of the river so that is pretty much covered are there these guys down here i think this is the that's a giant hospital isn't it yeah these ones down here aren't too happy we could squeeze one in right over here let's just do this do that there we go that's what i'm trying to do yeah if we squeeze one there that will help these guys see they're a bit sick because of the noise probably because of our cargo barge thing that is so really noisy flip you know that is noisy okay well never mind um and then if we just check and these guys have got loads of coverage so maybe that will help make a little bit of difference we'll see what happens there but yeah so that's what i've done as you can see i'm barely getting a stutter which is great every now and again a little one but nothing too much right back over here so yeah i haven't seen the episode that you've seen last year no i have seen it because i recorded it and what i'm trying to say is the last episode that i recorded hasn't gone out yet so i haven't seen your comments on all the names for things so we will get to these but i sort of threw this in here and i want to change it i don't like the way it looks and what i'm going to do is we'll keep the game running i'm going to dive into my districts and we are going to change all of this from the international type of looking buildings now that we're the other side of the main road other side of the river spreading out into this area up here and i want to make this all self-sufficient building so we're going to do that there we go they're all going to disappear and come back as something new [Music] there we go all filling in which is good they've got electricity they've got water they've got all the stuff they need i've just removed these ones from down here that are right opposite the metro line kind of is gonna get pretty noisy and then what i want to do down here is add in oh i've got a new mod to tell you about as well let's add in some commercial buildings just along here oh i've got this problem again with my zone in no oh there's like a real delay on the zoning did you see that look doesn't do it straight away i right click to remove it i've got to wait for it to go and then i left click oh flipping mod i'll tell you what i love playing with mods but sometimes mods just absolutely drive me insane i've spent most of the morning trying to fix this stuttering problem and i thought i'd got to the bottom of it i'm going to remove that i don't want it going past that junction and then it took me ages anyway i found out the recycling mod seems to be the one that's causing the life cycle rebalance mod i should say seems to be the one that's causing the issue but we should see what happens but yeah something is now causing the zoning to go a bit weird i don't use that many mods i don't know what it is but anyway that's what we're going to do there we did have a huge need for residential we've got no need at the moment but what i want to do here let's have a look so they've got all access up to here uh let's just sort out the roads and things oh all recognized oh so it already got recognized so now let's just see what we need to get out to the next one let's have a look oh now we need what happened to all the flipping students that was up over 800 a second ago oh man yeah it's going to take a while for my city to sort of level out oh it's because i've removed all these houses i'm a bonus yeah that's that was my fault okay i'm gonna give all of these dedicated turning lanes we're gonna control left click have it not recorded for a week it's taking me a second to get my brain back in gear again yeah this is all oh that's not right is it i know what that is i think it's the intersection marking tool all the node controller is causing a bit of a hiccup yeah okay well we'll go with the flow we'll go with the flow and then these guys coming out of here i just want that to give way just so we can keep this main road going and i was going to sort of join that up to here somehow i know they've got a connection over there through this big junction uh maybe we won't maybe we'll just leave it as it is yeah anyway so that's going to keep filling up um obviously they need a little bit more commercial so let's pop some along the main road here just a bit like that and when you know whenever you want to you can fill in the zone there's no rush no rush you know how many recording videos here yeah there we go excellent that's where i want to go up to that there cool okay we'll leave that hopefully that'll take care of some of those needs um i don't think we've got in here everything we've got a medical clinic we've got a firehouse we've got a police station i saw elementary school elementary school two elementary schools over here okay that one's gonna go we don't have a police station police station yes we do excellent so we need a high school and then these will work their way through the system and get up to our university which is what we want um so that's covered that's covered that's covered that's covered that's covered university's only down the road buses we've got a bus that stops here how about a nice little park just to encourage growth and i bet we could squeeze a teeny tiny dog park in here just about without destroying the houses no we're going to end up destroying the house nevermind we'll pop it there they will grow back i'm sure and they will love it and that will make them happy excellent and then they've got access down here to go to our industry and all is good in the world and we're still making money fantastic okay another little fix that i wanted to do we're back over at this train station we're using before and the way it's set up i've got my stops on the outside and the idea is any other trains coming through that don't need to stop would take the center here we go good example yeah he's gone around the outside instead of straight through the center i don't know why that happens whether there's something that needs to be adjusted in a mod that i've got or something in vanilla that may work fine but what i can do is use the transport traffic manager mod i should say vehicle restrictions so if we click on here we now have the option of turning off the cargo trains on the outside all we got through just in time so even though it's only a visual thing the next time they come along they should take the middle with no problem at all so let me just keep an eye on this for a second and then it goes straight through the middle without stopping without getting in the way of all the other trains that it and he comes another one just to prove the points and that's fantastic so that might be worth doing on any other where does it come out it goes along here that's like hasn't got one that goes through the middle yes it has so we could probably do it on here as well let's just grab that actually we could just do a little test on here and see whether they take the middle on this one automatically or not let me just actually they won't because they're going to come down here aren't they then come up so we don't need to bother with that one no that's fine okay and then back over to our university area and i saw quite a few comments about our train station here and how i've put these lines together so if you look at it this way if you're a train coming say from the right hand side you can go straight through you can stop at any of these six stations here and then you can leave again but you can't come in from the right stop here and then come out and go to the left and head on into the city and of course that vice versa as well you can't come in from the left stop up here and then go out to the right and that was sort of deliberate i'm sort of mentally and i suppose emotionally as well but mentally splitting our whole area into two for the train so any trains on this side are always going to come in and stop on that side but they're never going to go all the way through to over here um if you want to go over here you've got to make a change and then continue on and i think that's fair to do that it's very rare that you'll get a train it'll go from i i know this is probably you know it's not as big as like say the uk or something but if you want to go from jono groats to land's end something along those lines uh you probably have to change you know birmingham or something like that wouldn't you so i think that's a fair way of setting this up right before we dive into expanding which we're going to have a look at as well in this episode we're sort of getting rolling brown out uh why are you complaining about the tax rate let's have a look tax is too high what the heck what are the taxes on let's have a look 12 12 12 13. okay yeah we'll drop that down to 12 and you i know you can have 12 without complaining so we'll do that yeah what have we got going on here we're just about in the green and that is at with my budget at 150 so maybe we could add a little something down here i was thinking about one of the water-based uh power things that's a geothermal plant ocean thermal energy conversion plant 480 watts so that's gonna literally more than double what we're producing at the moment that cost 6400 a week that is nuts i'm thinking perhaps about going for some geothermal power plants instead we could possibly squeeze a couple of those in this section here if we just do a little bit of stuff uh let's grab that road there and let's just build a road straight out to here yeah that'll work oh yeah i've got to tell you about the other mod i've got then we're going to add some of these in oh my goodness these rocks these rocks are going to be the death of me um let's just grab them there we go and let's just maneuver them over there and they'll be my problem for another day and then we're going to put a couple of these in right next to each other like that there we go very nice that should get our power way up excellent so i can put this back down to 100 hopefully there we go and still should be yep in the green nice that's excellent and i'm just going to put a little bit of a fence around here just to work complete this look there we go just tied is it up a bit very nice so yeah the other new mod that we've got it is called let me find the name of this as you can see on the screen it's called the better road toolbar and if we go to our road bar there we go you can see it separates all of our roads nicely into these sections so now it's so much easier to find all the different roads that we've got because so many times before i've wanted a certain road if i want asymmetrical i've had to use the find it mod to search for it i'm looking for a little one new road about to scroll through a huge list but they're now all separated out as you can see and it just makes it so much quicker and easier the only thing i don't like about it is it's moved all the bridges and piers from this dedicated one over here into these menus but i can understand why because it split them up you know based on the size of the road they've got so you know we'll go with that but i i love this one i'm going to add that to my collection and i think that's really going to help you as well if you want to go and grab it uh the link will be below okay so just taking a look at where we're at at the moment we need to get to 30 000 to unlock a another square so at the moment we can't go that much further we need to get another what's that just less than 8 000 so i think we need to expand a little bit more over here make use of this space and you'll be happy to know plenty of people coming back to the university which is great just double checking academic works we've got plenty of them cool so let's make a little bit more use of this space over here now i have built houses right by these junctions which is a bit annoying but there we go let's put that back on so i'm thinking we're going to come out there and we're going to stop short of the trees but it's going to mean i can zone all of this well you know when i say zone it all i mean press the button and then wait 10 minutes for it to zone you know the way things are going at the moment actually if we go a bit further i want to go out straight there and i'm going to delete that i might even delete that as well we'll just go through there like that yeah that'll be good and then this bit over here just wondering what to do with this end piece because this is sort of like a big main row but it's not actually going anywhere could i sort of put some mini junction on here or even have access just to go to the highway in that one direction that could be quite good if we carried on to say there and then using our handy dandy little thing here we grab our highway ramp and literally just go straight down here like that oh look at that rock that rock was living life on the edge there wasn't he oh i tell you like that even just to let that go out and then what we could do is we'll just change that around so i can pick that up there and then when i make that into a three lane still struggling uh fall out oh these are there's some different extra roads in here so where's my normal highway road now i don't know where everything is um oh yeah of course it's the normal highway one down here yeah there we go all right i might add that in there so we've got three lanes when they come out there we go we could use our lane connector to say you go there there we go so they get a lane each and then here we're going to use our node controller and we're going to say let's have a look let's have a look what we're trying to do here offset that a little bit excellent make ends straight very good do i want to line these up along here yes i do so if i do that pick this one and do shift pick that one and say line up with that one actually we'll do it the other way we've learned that lesson before haven't we so i do shift get that one and line it up with that one that do it oh whatever it looks like it's lined up to me that will do and then i'm gonna use this and use one of our presets and add this in so that'll be this way one here the highway one joining two into three ah there we go absolutely perfect and i actually wanted to extend that a little bit more yeah there we go that's fine and then we'll do another one over here as well so that will be a preset three to two excellent we'll pop that one in perfect apply yeah and i think that looks okay there we go and that just gives them another way to get out of the city there as well i don't think we'll bother going the other way and i don't think we'll have it coming in because we've got this junction here yep that'll be fine right let's see we can fill this all in a little bit more down here [Music] okay so i'd like to use this little area over here let me just quickly do this there we go and that one there give way you give way you give way yeah i'd like to use this little area over here for a park so we've got a lot of built-up areas and houses and all that sort of stuff that would be good and also i've just had the thoughts i've got this main road going through here which is a bike road so i'm going to actually upgrade these side roads to all the bike roads as well there we go i think i got all of them that does mean that's taken away parking from all of this area so we might have to just perhaps put a little car park in somewhere but yeah i'd like a park in here so let's grab our park assets on which one we've got a large playground that could be good let's do something for the kids so is that in the center uh let me just count this up so one two three four one two three four and a bit so go four and a half that'll be in the center fantastic and then we can sort of build off of here with our paths although as i put it all down i think the change in parkify has changed down to paths and definite look never mind we shall make do oh they're back again look at that they just suddenly appeared okay we won't complain we won't complain [Music] [Music] there we go i think that's a nice little park there plenty of crossings so people can get over to it so let us just fill the rest of this in uh so ideally we want let's have a look we do have some need for commercial as well i'm gonna put some high density commercial spotted around in here in a few places but most of this is gonna be if it wants to fill in you know any time you like anytime you like don't mind me it's filling in even though the color's not there oh okay well that's interesting so it's obviously a visual bug i wonder if i could change menus and it shows again yeah not gonna show well not very handy really is it but there we go hopefully it'll come back at some point um what am i looking for here parking i know there was this mod added parking lot whether i could just pop a small parking lot in here oh it's back look at that yeah it's gonna do over here so i'm afraid you're gonna have to go let's turn that on let's put the lines on let's pop that across there let's remove that and all of that sorry sorry i know you've just moved in begging your pardon there we go it all disappears and we can just fill this in with some parking spaces you're not allowed to cut through it's for parking only there we go a little bit of parking for the area just wondering if i could use the node controller here to insert a crossing oh look at that that is absolutely perfect that's what i wanted there we go they can walk across there safely fantastic i'm liking that very good very good how's the expansion going darn it i didn't put my ah didn't put my zone over all of this did i so we're getting some weird houses coming in let us expand this area here there we go all the way down to the end excellent so they'll regrow and actually look like the proper eco houses that i wanted well this is weird as well i can't deform the terrain at all hmm oh hang on hang on oh i think it's delayed again isn't it like everything else so i'm right clicking here to get that height and then i wanna i'm left kicking now oh oh oh oh there it goes yeah something very weird is going on hmm okay well we'll try and just live with that for now what is the noise that you're complaining about is it this down here is it that noisy i don't think it's these buildings here really you're complaining because there's a bit of commercial right behind you i didn't think you would to be honest so i'll tell you what i'm going to do is i'm going to move the commercial over there then if you're going to complain we'll get rid of those eventually you know sometimes and yeah i think that'll be a lot better wow look at that we've just unlocked a new reputation level with our university we're now renowned and unlocked these things which is absolutely fantastic so we'll look at adding those at some point into our city so now it's a few days later and it's after the weekend i just took some time away to go and visit my family now that we're able to do that here in the uk yeah the last time i saw my parents december 2019 so it's been a while we normally go and see them sort of every six to eight weeks but uh obviously with kovid and everything that's been impossible but so glad we could spend the weekend together and with the rest of my family as well and yeah i'm back my tongue is also feeling a little bit better i can pronounce words it's getting better every day which is great so this has grown up here which is just looking fantastic i'm loving the look of this whoa and there's the sky excuse me wrong button and i'm thinking what can we do with this little area over here so i'm just sort of thinking a real world situation here what would you do you've got the very noisy but very handy uh metro going through here very noisy but very handy access to the highway so a plot of land with good access like that i reckon this needs to be something that a lot of people are going to want to come and visit how about our football stadium now what i'm gonna do i have these ones here from the matchday dlc which has now been removed for some reason i've no idea why and that gives us access to these ones as you can see but i'm just gonna go and have a very quick look on the workshop to see if there are any other ones available and yeah see if there's something we've got that will fit in here i shall be right back actually just to correct myself the matchday dlc is available it's free it gives you a stadium in the match day mechanics it's the european stadium pack which is no longer available there we go i returned from the steam workshop and i found some stadiums but they are quite large so we're gonna we're gonna see if we can fit these darn things in here um let's have a look i quite like the look of this one here the tokyo olympic stadium and if i spin this around and sort of butt it up against the road so it goes blue we can see it okay let's do it this way there we go we can sort of see what it looks like that looks really cool i like that i don't think that one was ever actually built um i might be wrong on that one and the indoor stadium the allegiance which is also like a it's a roof stadium that is a little bit smaller i think that might fit in here easier than this one but i love the look of this one look at that so we might just need to rejigger this little area around here so i think what we're going to do is we're going to remove all of these houses i'm going to remove all of this along here not quite sure how we're going to get all this to match up but we'll we'll do our best and i'm going to put this right up against the road let's remove this zoning zoning be gone and yeah let's grab that and let's see what we can do okay there we go that's giving us some more space now we've got a bit of a road access situation going on here if i grab that one there i think we can bring that up underneath with only the small destruction of property and then i'm thinking we could also bring in a road over here let's come out supposedly occupied like that and i want this road to go right up against this if we can something like that and then let's just see if we can fit that in oh man it's just going to be so glimming tight so if we do that what do we then need to do we need to remove like all the highway move that all down we do have some space here let me just finagle this a little bit oh oh oh i think we've got it i think we've got it we're just going to pop it there and oh yeah perfect look there's not like a bit that sticks out the back yeah that is looking nice that is looking nice and then we can add this road back in down here and then we can put some roadways around this as well this is looking good okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh auto save quick sip of tea [Music] okay just fixing up this junction that we have here you go there where they merge on that's fine i'll do the intersection marking tool stuff quickly before i forget so that's a three to a two presets three to two there we go that should be straight in the right way round thank you very much then we'll grab our node controller and just extend that to 15 seems to be the good one and yeah that'll do that will do nicely thank you very much okay so this is looking good so far we've got some parking around here we've got the roads coming in and out plenty of access so we just need to do a little bit of detailing of this area [Music] [Music] [Music] okay here we go let's take a look at what we've got here i'm really pleased with the way this has turned out got a nice little park over the back here where they can go walkie walkies enjoy the rocks and the trees and all that sort of thing looking very nice not quite sure what to do with this little section here i'll probably come up with something but we've got access of course to the metro all the way over here and the train station which is thinks thinks what we're trying to say links and hooks became hinks there you go new word for you it hooks up and links up with the rest of the city and they can walk across here i might just need to put oh they're actually crossing over the road there so we obviously need to put a bit of pedestrianization in i can do that later that's fine uh we just need to sort out some of these roads and things so let's grab our tools that's going to give way that's going to give way that's going to give way that's going to have dedicated lanes yeah yep same there give way give way and then we've got this other road coming in here yeah we don't need dedicated lanes there it's not too busy there we go and that comes all the way around yeah that's working out okay i'm liking that and we've got some trees down here as well just i've done a ton of landscaping in here the people that put in this stadium to sort of make it fit into this piece of land this little parcel of land and i think that just looks absolutely fantastic i am liking that i need to work on the lod settings there i think for that but yeah i'm really pleased with that and then over here i think we can have a dense area of more population so we can get up to 30 000 which is what we need to unlock another square but for now i am really pleased with this so let me know what you think in the description below of course any suggestions you've got i'm always open to hearing those thank you very much for all of your continued support and maybe subscribe before you leave and then check out the next video on the screen have a fantastic day i will see you next time bye you
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 162,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, cities skylines top mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines how to start your city, cities skylines train stations, cities skylines bridges and piers, cities skylines campus, cities skylines olympic park
Id: yF370z4o5XQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 2sec (2342 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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