Can Multi-Roundabout Circle City have Perfect Traffic in Cities Skylines?

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hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines city fix with me biffer thank you very much for joining me here we have a brand new city unfortunately the last one was totally broken yes read my we might post on twitter if you want to see what was going on with that one but this one here i found on the steam workshop it is called atol and it's a lovely circle city and it was advertised as having no traffic so as soon as i see something like that i think you know what i bet i can break that city and then i bet i can fix it in ultra hard mode but this is looking pretty pretty cool i'm i'm uh yeah i'm looking at this in the middle and thinking that is certainly an interesting junction but it's working but what is the traffic in this city let's zoom out a bit and get some of the uh the facts and figures nearly 200 000 people in this city and the traffic is at 64 now hang on a second you're thinking that isn't that bad but you know what we do to fix up sorry let me say that again you know what we do to break a city before we fix it and so this has managed to be 65 i'm going to speak really clearly this time because last time i said this everyone got confused um they are using traffic despawning now this city was built 100 in vanilla so built with no mods they've obviously used some assets in the workshop but no mods at all so that means that they would have had the traffic set up the way that vanilla city skylines is which is as you can see on here easy mode despawning okay that is just the way the game works you still get traffic but not terrible traffic what we like to do on city fix is make it even harder and you can do this on your own cities to test it out so download traffic manager i have a preview version my button is reversed so don't get confused just read what the pop-up says i am going to click this which now means we're in a knee at knee needy spawning oh my knees they've been spawned we're in no despawning which is hard mode bigger traffic jam so if i just move that off of there look you can see it's not blue anymore so we're in hard mode now you only get hard mode traffic if you use traffic manager so if you do that yourself you can you can find out for yourselves and that means that nothing will be despawned if things start backing up the game won't say whoa hang on a sec we need to just help things along a little bit here we should remove some of that traffic for you no it will just let it build up build up back up back up and just keep going okay so that's what we've got no despawning hard mode let's close that so that is when you start to see the traffic going down let us put this into speed three and it's quite good actually because this is built without mods there's no like weird road connections and weird things going on but you've got everything you've got roads you've got trains you've got what's going on over here couple of things with no road access uh they seem to be working though but we might just i think a couple of i don't know quite why seems a couple of roads might have just got accidentally demo uh d moved on my words today removed or deleted if i do that that just gets close enough to give it road access so that fixes that but yeah we will start seeing things backing up which is what we want to see i'm just looking around see if there's any other things that for some reason don't have road access no it looks okay so let's just keep an eye on this what are we at 63 percent so i am gonna do a quick save game and then i'm gonna leave this running if i go like that and then we can see how bad it gets let's say in five minutes time right so some time has passed why don't we uh just take a look at what's going on here let's come out of that view and have a look at our traffic oh 29 good gravy and we can see where all the problem is this main road going through yeah that that heart that junction and all of these junctions over here are just like nope we are not happy with that 28 it is going down so let's see what is happening here well i can tell you a lot of what is happening here is lane lack of lane mathematics and weird roundabouts like this let me have a look what's going on here so basically i've heard people talk about these before and i have seen them which is the yeah instead of the roads joining on the outside where you'd expect the roads to come in they're joining on the inside instead so you're coming along it's going this way isn't it coming along here and the road traffic's leaving before the traffic comes on and that's the same with that one there so you know not a terribly horrendously bad idea um let's just take this one at the end here and just apply some standard traffic manager stuff to this now this map if i remember correctly was built like five years ago so no mods so let's just check actually have they got any traffic lights and things on this roundabout let's turn that off let's have a look at that one in junctions no they've got traffic lights oh that's the road underneath you won't worry about that yeah okay so some traffic manager stuff so i'm gonna hover over this one here priority signs control shift there we go it sees the roundabout left click and now it's saying give way to all the rows that are coming on that's also going to include these ones that are swinging around here and it's going to give you dedicated turning lanes so it does a lot of stuff and immediately we can start seeing that this is all moving a little bit better and there's a couple of weird things here where you're not getting dedicated turning lanes this is on the highway though so what i've just done wouldn't have affected that so select the lane arrows control left click and now we've got a dedicated left turn and the others go straight on we also don't have any lane mathematics here which i'll do on this junction it may not necessarily be necessary on all the junctions we've got three lanes one goes off so we could have that go down to two and then one comes back on again doing that would automatically give you a dedicated turn lane because the game would say oh this one goes down to the one lane these two carry on and what you can do then is when you've got traffic coming on here is you can use these lane connectors select the node and say you go there or control s and then everybody gets a lane coming on so nobody is in each other's way so a bit of lame mathematics i need to use the anarchy mods there we go so we've got dedicated lane for going off and then we can say you go there for you coming in and you've sort of finished it there because that's the end of the highway so yeah that's fine well this is all blocking up because of this road under here i'm gonna come back to that one momentarily so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna follow this road all the way down and each of these junctions here i'm not going to change them i'm going to leave them as they are i think there's three there and then there's probably three on the other side and we'll make those same changes all my eyeballs and we'll see how that goes so let's get stuck in which actually once you've sort of got it in your brain what you're doing it's not that difficult is it to suddenly just change those two roads do the control shift click get we dedicated turn lanes and give way signs and then do the lame mathematics and yeah there's like three things per road i mean it's not solving the overall problem but yeah let me just whiz through and do the rest of these there we go and if we just sit and watch this for a moment you can see that everybody's got a lane coming on everybody's got a lane going off and it actually works really really well i mean they're doing a bit of lane switching right before this but it's working okay so that one's all right let's just move along to this one yeah that's okay i mean if it got much busier i'd say stop the lane switching right before but to be honest it's all going through really well let's have a look at this one yeah that one's cleared up and as soon as all this clears up it means other things can clear up as well that is good and we're going to go past the big one in the middle which actually isn't looking too bad already at the moment now this is looking super super busy because what are most of these people trying to do i'll tell you what we're gonna do let us have a look okay i'm gonna pick this bit here where it's super busy let's just slow this down we're going to use the in-game tool so let's pick this one pick that one and root we're going to pick this road there we go so that's going to show us where everybody's going so a few are coming off here but most are going on and we come down here a lot going off here and a lot of carrying on and then a lot of going off here so i'm assuming these brown ones are trucks by the way you've got the little thing up here it says trucks i'm assuming most of this is industry at the end oh commercial how is this set up so you've got you've got industry spaced around and then they're coming out so basically these guys here are coming to deliver to these guys over here so we might find after a while this does go down because this is sort of feeding back into this one under here yeah we'll see how that goes but i'll tell you what else we could do along here and so let's go back along here so we've done the roundabout we've done the roundabout you've got this main road that goes through here and again you've also got a similar problem let's have a quick uh sympathy so look at this junction something we'd like to sort here is dedicated turning lanes now you've got different ways of doing it if you want to do each one individually you could do this control left click dedicated turning lanes uh you've also got no giveaway signs and i would imagine that there is possibly traffic lights yeah not too interested in the traffic lights being there what i would rather have is that instead now if i do that i'm pretty sure that's going to turn off the traffic lights let's move it out of the way yeah it automatically turns the traffic lights off so that would work much better that would keep this main road flowing freely and you wouldn't get them stopping like this and then stopping like this but rather than do each junction on this i'm calling this main road here between the two roundabouts one road rather than doing each little junction individually you can do it all in one go so if we don't have anything selected on traffic manager and select this tool here can we do it with shift i think it will do that and then oh there we go yes so apply stop signed on connected roads this will apply yield or give way signs on collected connected roads this will apply all traffic rules for high priority roads which you can customize in the options and that will clear everything so i'm going to use this one here so what that should do there we go it's done it from end to end so first thing to check is just redo our roundabout one there we go and just redo the roundabout one well that one's okay let's give way so you can see it's done give way on all the connecting roads which is good like that it hasn't done the dedicated turning lanes and i believe there is an option you can change to fix that okay so if i'm right so let's just test this let's just take all of these giveaway signs off that we've just put on if i'm right we could do it this way instead so if we select the priority signs option here hold shift and again it selects that whole road and then look at our options and you've got quick setup high priority road stroke roundabouts and so if we do shift control click on there there we go again oh this time it's recognized there's a roundabout on the end ah that's what i was thinking about it's done our giveaway signed it hasn't done our dedicated turning lanes that one we did ourselves okay well it's not too difficult just to run through here and do that myself i'm assuming there's no quick option to do that but yeah that's fine so now these are not going to slow down as much let's come out of that mode there anyone coming on is going to give way these shouldn't slow down as much these should keep going and you can see it's the middle ones that are keeping going through here but you got dedicated lanes for those that want to come off so hopefully that will work a little bit better and this will clear down faster now something else i'm noticing as we head into this roundabout over here we've got a crossing so these cars can't get out because of all these people over here so i would certainly add some other ways of getting across the road here so these cars can get out and let's just maybe think about that for a moment where do they want to get to and from i think if we turn it around this way we're going to have to go underground so what i'm going to do so i'm going to remove that building there and that building there there we go excellent and then what we can do is we can turn off the crossing here and there's a couple of ways we can do that i'm going to use the node controller mod i've got the unified ui mod up here which puts these three in the same little screen intersection marking tool pedestrian bridge builder and node controller of course we could have done pedestrian bridges underground on there that would have been another way of doing it but i wanted to use no control over something else as well so i'm gonna say let's make this a bit bigger to help them get out a little bit quicker and you'll notice this will start stretching so i'm gonna go to 20 and then i'm going to use this one here and say no crossing so that'll actually turn it off and stop cars going across there what are we at at the moment 50 percent mama mia so that's one way of doing it and again of course you've got people crossing over here perhaps have you maybe not so many so that's not too bad and then finally on this little main road we've got going between the two roundabouts what i don't want people to do is to start lane switching in the middle of one of these stretches of road so i put on here my lane connectors and you can see there's a node where the roads connect this one's got a node in the middle and look they're all getting hawkey bulky caught up so we're going to say here you go there straight through stick to your lane and they can always pick a different lane when they get to a node so like you can see these ones doing here they're coming along and they're picking a different one that is fine and all the other nodes are in the right place so that's no problem and now at the end what we should find is these cards get out a little bit quicker there we go they're not stopping for people wanting to cross anybody that wants to cross can take this path underneath so they're all good and yeah look this is all moving much much better along here it's not all blocked up which means other things won't get blocked up as well which is a big bonus all over the place now we're going to come back to the rows that are coming off the off the main road here in a moment but that is what i'd ideally like to do to all of these roads along here that are running underneath the highway it goes all the way up to the end up here so i can feel another montage coming on let me set all of those up the same as this one and then i'll be back with you and see what we need to do next now i normally like to zoom out when i do this so when i hold ctrl shift and click i can see what it's what it's doing and this one is going so far oh my goodness me that one goes from all the way from there to there with no other connections along here oh yeah it goes through this little roundabout thing here okay so we've got a lot to check on this one so let's do control shift left click on there double check this end that's fine for the roundabout all of these giveaway signs that's fine let me get down here yeah quality through give way on the roundabout yeah how are we gonna do this one because it's like a roundabout around the outside yeah i'm gonna do control shift click on that one and make this giveaway in the middle yeah we might come back to that and change that uh you can see you've got this main road through here then giving way to what's on the roundabout yeah we'll go with that for now you have giveaway signs all fine or fine or fine all the way along here up to here it's all fine yep so let me just add in the dedicated turning lanes there we go that's it from one side to the other and then just double double check that there's no nodes in the middle of roads like there is this one here so we'll get that one control s you go there so they're gonna pick the lane when they come in here or when they go out there that's just the way it's going to work much better and there's another one there if you go through there's going to be a few along here so that's another crossroads we'll take that one there i mean on these rows that aren't quite as busy you maybe don't have to necessarily be as brutal with it as i am but i'm just trying to make sure we don't get any problems in the future so and there we go we write down the end to this other roundabout again which i have to say is moving pretty smoothly so i'm pleased with that okay so this middle road here not too shabby i'm just checking this middle road here not too shabby still pretty busy up here but we'll i think this is going to be a special case you can see all the traffic what are we at let's come out of this view 54 yeah most of the traffic is up here so we will take a closer look at that in a bit okay so coming along here i'm going to do the same on this i've got crossings there see there isn't any crossings along here which is odd considering mods apparently weren't used on this come on click that one there so yeah crossings have been turned off down here and that's probably because i've done this isn't it i cut down the main road yes i forgot about that if i turn that off let's just look down this main road has it turned off the crossings everywhere it has what i tell you what we can do is maybe have the one that's right next to the the roundabout has the crossings and then maybe sort of skip every third one and let's say put the crossings back in you know in every third one or something so it isn't causing any huge issues on every single junction that would be an idea yeah there isn't any there we can put some on here yeah i'm gonna do that i'll just go along the road and sort of every third one as long as it isn't a big one like that a big road like that that's like six lanes in each direction i'll add them back on again but i'm definitely going to turn them off where you come on to the roundabout so if they want to cross over as long as the seed these have got crossings going that way these have got crossings going that way and these are crosses going that way and that way yeah so they can take other options to get to where they need to go okay so that should be this middle road now all set up there's not crossings on every junction there's certainly not crossings before you come on to a roundabout um the only other thing i wanted to change is if we use let's close that down use node controller and i'm going to put oh suddenly froze there for a second i'm going to put all of these at 20. coming in and out just so it's a little bit quicker i mean you could just do it on all of these coming in and out because 20 doesn't take up too much space but you can see it adds a better curve to the roundabout and i think that's just going to speed things up for people getting in and out of these which anything that speeds stuff up is just great isn't it we we could all do with that so let's add that in there and then add that in there there we go i'll do that one yep so let me just nip along here and do that on all of these roundabouts okay there we go that is good so let's see oh look at that the traffic's going down on this area already which is fantastic i'm just gonna help them out by saying please don't lane switch there or there so if you go there you go there you go there and hugo there and then what i'm gonna say if we pick say this one you can lane switch going up if you want to go up one yep and then this one straight on and then this one you can lane switch going down as well as straight and that just sort of spreads out the lane switching if it's a particularly busy junction now what's happening here is these cars are coming out going straight across to then take a lane here and also we've got a crossing here which is slowing things down let's turn that off there we go we've got crossings further down we haven't let's put some on there that'll be fine yeah they're gonna and we'll put some on here as well there we go that was the first word we did forgot about the crossings so that'll keep these moving they should move a bit easier i'm just wondering whether we could just use the node mod on here would it sort of mess things up if i did that oh look you can already see this has all gone down look at that it barely takes a minute or two and we've got crossings on this one here so let's just take those out and then there's plenty of crossings in other places so that's fine i'm going to use the no controller get no control i love it love it let's just sweep that up a bit just makes it like oh look at that look at that what are we at 66 it's jump right up mama mia that is fantastic so that's that one this main road's going okay this one here so we've still got some crossings over here is that set to 20 yes it is let's turn off those there no crossings no crossings let's put crossings on this one so here we've got the train which is causing problems so they're all just sat there now waiting for a train to come past yeah so we are gonna change that let us take out that train line there let's use the picker mods to grab that thank you very much and we'll come out of that view if we can nope you're not gonna let me gotta be in that view okay so we're good underground there we go couldn't quite tell when we were on the ground we'll go under there and then we're gonna have to delete a bit more of this we'll select and connect that there let's just line this up a little bit more there we go so they're not having to stop in the middle here which is great have we got the giveaway signs out properly here giveaway go through dedicated lanes yeah i think this is just a particularly busy intersection we've got a lot of cars coming through this way now also what you want to give people the option to do is we've been looking at going from i don't know which way you'd say this is where's the front of the city over here so we've been sort of looking at this road here going from east to west we haven't done this one going this way yet i'll have a look at that in a moment um but also anybody coming around any of these rings every single person has got to cross over this road which if it's particularly busy although it's going down a bit now could be quite hard but i'll tell you what i'm going gonna do yeah this is the section we're just looking at i'm just gonna watch this for a moment now that we've made those few changes and let's just see if the traffic on the roads coming onto this main road so these two at the bottom here these two at the top start to get a bit better and i've also missed crossing here so let me do that before i forget turn the crossing off so where's the next crossings all the way over there can they cross over these roads yes they can they can cross over those yet okay that's fine in fact i'm going to put them on this one and then i want this node here to get a bit bigger i don't know what i set the other ones at but let's just eyeball it and we'll do that one as well yeah so let's just keep an eye on this little stretch here and give it a couple of minutes and see what happens one thing i am thinking actually that's going to help these guys and girls down here is an asymmetric road because this is a one lane going each direction road so some of these coming out of here are going left and some are going to be going right so let us just grab one of these upgrade that and make sure the asymmetric roads are pointing out yeah so now you can see you've got a left and a right and if you just do that note this one here control left click uh oh they're straight on as well isn't there well i'll tell you what we're gonna do we'll grab all the slightly larger asymmetrical road fit in there it will but it's going to get rid of some of the traffic so i'll tell you what we'll leave it like that and we'll have the asymmetric road let's just face this way and click like that with the arrow one so we've got one for straight on and right and the other one for left yeah that should be okay this traffic's gone up here we could do the same on this one we can get under there i think that's going the right way is it no that way round there we go we'll do the same on this one if you zoom in so i can see yeah you got the two lanes coming out so that's those two those two and this one here we may as well and turn that around there we go so we've got extra lanes coming into this middle section which would definitely help and i think you know a lot of these along here could do with those asymmetric lanes so i'm gonna go along and i think i'm gonna upgrade some of those there we go look at that traffic's gone down on these roads already i mean i was just sort of thinking what you could do is stop traffic crossing over the middle sections because we've got these roundabouts so you could for instance take this road and say look you can only go right so if you're going to go right you'll go down here round around about and back up again you could do that but left as it is look that traffic's gone already 74 that is absolutely brilliant that is great so that is the what i would perhaps call the west at the east to west road whoops the game jumped i've lost it there we go east to west road so what about the north to south road how is that faring well if we just sort of have a look down here i've done no work on these roads or roundabouts at all that is pretty much okay so i am not going to fiddle with that at all so what other hot spots do we have around the city we can see these are red just because they're busy there's not really much traffic going on we've got this mode along here let's just see what's happening with this one let's zoom in a tiny bit to this section so again we've got a railway crossing there which isn't causing too much of an issue we don't have any dedicated turning lanes down this whole section so one very quick fix it's just a control left click with the turning lanes tool and give them all dedicated turning lanes if you're not sure what i mean let's look at this junction here see all these lanes that one's going right and straight on that's going straight on that's going straight on and left obviously mirrored over here control left click you know got a dedicated turning lane for each direction so if we just go down here and do that particular junction this big control left click and that is i mean one like that you could put a little mini roundabout in there or you could just put in a time traffic light and this traffic manager makes it so easy control click automatically set up and let's just watch this for a few seconds it's got uh parts for the people crossing over as well parts for the cars there we go we'll let that go through a couple of sections and that should clear up a big junction like that and if you need to tweak the timing at all you can do but look at that that is so much better than it was and then what you might want to just do i mean i haven't done the main road shift ctrl shift click high priority mode i've done it now there we go so now we've got give way for all the roads coming on that should still have this yeah that's fine cool so let's just run down here and give all the dedicated turning lanes and that we're going to ignore because it's not too bad and then i'll be back with you in a second oh i'm going to do another you know it's not that busy there i'm not going to do a quick traffic light thing we'll leave it don't have to do quick traffic lights everywhere yeah i can see what you've done on some of these you are making them turn right instead of crossing over the road which is fine i don't think you necessarily have to do that now this one in here i would count that as one big roundabout if i do ctrl shift click on that yeah so the roads coming in give way it is a two-way road which is a bit unusual for a roundabout of course but yeah it just does give way for cars coming on i wouldn't say that's too much of a problem this here oh that's a medical center no that's fine what did i think i saw space elevator this gets a ton of passengers but as you can see they're coming out straight onto this roundabout not getting in each other's way and off they go that is pretty darn good i've got these ones here that are walking what i'm just thinking i might do is i might just add like a walking path from there to there can they cross from the inside yet what the heck where's my walking path i might accidentally put it underground well that's just not gonna do anything is it so let's try that again i think i press home and it makes it the right size yeah there we go so i'm gonna put that across there and i'm going to just add a crossing in um i can use the node controller mod for that there we go add a little crossing in there and they can walk cross over get to other places i'll look at that suddenly they're all walking out instead of taking their cars out so that's going to decrease the traffic on there let's just see whether it increases the traffic over here not so much because when you use the node controller to add a crossing it puts lights in and then they're going to start walking now walking for your people is something that not a lot of them can do because there's not that many parts but then you've got so many roads crossing over each other yeah i think they can walk around which is good now let's take a quick look oh man this round about here what's going on with that i'm going to say let's take a quick look at your mass transit let's just take another quick look with the node controller mods this one here we've already made that bigger i might just see they do keep stopping okay let's just say no lane switching there or there or there if you want to change lanes up one you can go up one there don't switch there and then if you want to go down one you can go down one here just stops them all getting into each other's way i'll send you down there i think we need another node switch so what i'm going to do is i'm going to say if you want to go down one you can go down one there i'm going to take that blue one out and then give you green you can go down one there so they can get off this lane here and then i might even because this is so busy say that you can just keep going you don't have to give way and just see whether that causes any issues there's not much coming down from this one yeah that's better just keeps it going nice okay so after all of that work what is the traffic at in our city well let's just zoom out a bit to this view that we had at the beginning and take a quick look so remember it was all red over here before and it's not too bad there's a couple of spots that have got a few cars sort of building up most of the reds is just busy roads we can see this is what i pause the game this is all moving um this is red but it's all moving what is the actual percentage out let's take a quick gander 73 so not terrible we have lost some population so you know what we do need a second episode on this city most definitely there's no problems with loading this one we've got no problem at all coming back to take a look at all the needs of the citizens the mass transit uh all of that we're going to take a look at and you can see as well we come out of this view yeah there's lots of needs and problems that we also need to fix apart from the traffic so if you want to see that don't forget to hit subscribe be back here for that one have a fantastic day and thank you for all of your continued support and i will see you very soon have a great day take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 209,425
Rating: 4.9340539 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to make money
Id: _I8S3HdZc2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 25sec (2185 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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