How To Fix Overcrowded Stops w/Transit Hierarchy in Cities Skylines!

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[Music] hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here in new zealand and we have a slew a slew i say of fixes from you lovely people out there that we are going to be doing today we're going to be looking at traffic all sorts of new and exciting things so the first thing we're going to do is over here by our new stadium i saw the comments saying that it was a missed opportunity to have a metro stop over here because we have our metro that comes from our big station with the train lines that go around all of our city bringing the people in and then it goes all the way down here and goes to our industry but nothing in between now i have tried trying to fit a elevated metro station in here is going to be tough because the standard ones that we had before our recent content creators pack uh this one's just like a ground level one um i've actually got anarchy on if i turn that off it will fit up against that road but it's going to be why is it letting me put it in without and oh i know what it is i've turned this off here look anyway let me put that in now no there we go but we need this road here because that's where the stadium butts up against it so if we just pause this for a second we've literally got this little tiny bit of space here so that won't be any good because the metro is actually the metro line will be where the road is really where the road is this is up in the air but it's just too wide look at that and it'll be like overhanging that road and there'll be some benches and things that will appear down here over the top of the road so that's no good so what i'm thinking is one of the new ones there's a very very thin one but unfortunately look it wants to snap to a road and go that way instead of going the other way so what i was thinking of doing is if we could put a road in here let's just grab a one new road pop a connection like in there and then see if we can snap this over the top of that i mean we should be able to it should snap to it but it's jumping to the other ones instead so what i'm going to do is i'm going to cheat it in sort of it's not cheating we've got mods we can use them uh okay i don't want to destroy all the houses while i'm doing this so let's put that road a little bit further back we're going to snap this onto here then we're going to use the move it mod and let's just see so the longer side it's got one longer side and one shorter side so actually i'll tell you what i'm going to do is i'm going to move this over a touch to say there stop snapping to nodes thank you very much and then i'm going to use the move it mod and pop that over the top of this and let's see if we can get this to work [Music] so how does that look oh it's still overlapping the roads it's got like these built-in trees okay if we come over this way a touch so the trees this side are on the pavement and the trees that sides oh man it's just actually that's it that would be fine and it's happy with the road connection and stuff so what we need to do is then join up our metro line again so we can do that [Music] i think that is looking okay i'm really pleased with that let's just grab this fence down here and sort of finish this off uh up to there yeah that's good we'll do the same from over here sort of up to there anything around the back need fixing look at that that is just fitted in there perfectly nice nice nice i mean i mean we could even bang cars on this little road here but i'm just gonna leave it we'll do giveaway there uh would you give way to coming through there would you dedicate your turning lanes why not yeah perfect i'm really pleased with that we'll do dedicated turning lanes there as well actually we're not gonna because are they gonna have trouble changing lane oh they can change lane at the nose that's okay and then all we need to do is then take our stop which is running through here and add the stops on the outside or the inside on this one although he just goes around the outside anyway okay that's fine so we'll have to stop this side and then we'll have to stop that side there we go fantastic and that is going to help bring even more people in these people all here will walk they will quite happily walk down to here that's no problem at all all of these over here and then as we get more people the further out we go they will certainly be brought in down to here so that is really cool i'm pleased with that thank you for that suggestion okay so while we are over in this area let us name our university had some fantastic suggestions from you lovely viewers out there uh the top one or the one i think it had second highest votes but it was the one i liked the most because it ties in with our varsity sports over here let's just get rid of that there we go which is gonna be the spartans we can't actually change that name but what we can do and this was from steve and he's got his local michigan state spartans and their nickname is sparty so the little spartan guy that's uh wandering around so this is gonna be sparty university there we go we can close that oh darn it let's do that again sparty university excellent i really like that so that means this little guy down here oh look at how many people are in here they're spartans so this is going to be dog running across that is going to be sparty and apparently this is true not apparently that spartan or sparta pronounced in greek is sparty so there we go fantastic wow we've got so many people coming up here how many visitors have we got here at the moment is there a way of actually seeing yes look 642 so it's obviously a match day going on we've been winning a lot earning a lot of money which is fantastic oddly enough they're not cycling here even though there's cycle parts everywhere but there we go excellent so that is what our university is going to be called right moving on to another little fix and this is just something i spotted myself so when we set up these roundabouts down here uh they did have the crossings turned off um in the visual plane of existence but as we can see here people are still crossing and every now and again it will start backing up the traffic coming down here uh we already have houses down here and we have a park this side so putting a pedestrian bridge over the top isn't going to happen but what i'm going to do is use the junction restrictions here and we're going to say no crossing there but then what i am going to do is use the node controller and light swar between these two gates for our park we're gonna do that and then we're gonna add in a traffic light and have a crossing there so it's far enough back i think from the roundabout to not cause any problems but it means these people down here can cross over and to get to where they want to go as we can see there we go we're done for stopping letting them across and we can do a similar thing over here because we've got people crossing right across this junction which again doesn't visually look right it's too busy to have people crossing over here so on those sides i'm going to take that off and then again i'm going to put we've got this crossing here actually and that crossing down there i might just add in another one in the middle here right by this park is that too close whoa what the heck select no what is going on there oh man i'm gonna change this one can i delete that node no bend no oh no what is happened to the mode crossing u-turn custom it doesn't like it we'll put crossing in oh man oh fixed it there we go i just upgraded this piece of mode over here and it's uh fixed whatever it was that was going on there ignore that moving on yeah i think that's okay and if it gets too many too close to each other we can change things around but that's going to just help people get across this road without blocking the traffic and we've got this one here right by the stadium and so i'm going to stop people crossing over here as well so we'll just get that no crossing there no crossing there the side road's okay that's not too busy yeah i think that's okay excellent that's gonna help there i think people are doing it here as well so let me just sort out the rest of this roundabout there we go they're not blocking the traffic anymore and sparty over here who's walking a fair distance from where his job is over there attracting people to come in to let's just see whether we won that last game let's have a look there's still tons of people here it's one of those games that lasts for years against the rockfield lions yeah i think we'll do okay excellent so that was just another little fix what is next on the list so here we are over at teasing world and there's a little sort of issue that's cropping up that i'd like to fix so we get a lot of people at stopping out here it's not too bad at the moment but i've seen this rammed field with hundreds and hundreds of people we've got these green bus lines that is our shuttle so it basically goes from teasing world all the way down here to our hibiscus tea transfer and then it comes all the way down here to pick people up from aspen park which we haven't renamed yet and quite often you'll get buses backing up here backing up there and over here you'll get them backing up coming in and out like this because there's so many people i mean how many people have we got this one is that the stop we're at now 96 59 zero down there yeah so not too bad at the moment 110 so yeah i'm thinking we need to do a little change here we're just not oh and also how many buses are on here 18 buses so we i mean they're all pretty much ran by trying to get down here i think we just need to upgrade this mode of transport of taking people to these different things and what pops into my mind is a monorail and i want to see if that is possible to fit into here i haven't tested this and we've got a whole load of monorail options so let's see what we can do so let's just pause the game for the moment it means we're going to lose these bus lanes but you know that's fine so we're gonna upgrade this road down here uh with a monorail oh there we go we did that one as well um should i lose some fencing possibly we can sort that out afterwards don't worry i'm just wondering what i want the monorail to come down here and around as well i probably do so if we carry on down there and then we'll get this one way monorail over road oh goes over a road how does that look on there oh i see it does reach over the top but depending on how we set it up here as to whether it's going to connect properly or not that could actually be quite good let's just see if we could run this down here and i'll use a bit of anarchy afterwards to get this all to line up properly [Music] okay there we go so we get our loop going around and then this one down here i'm just wondering we might just change that to this road to be honest rather than trying to anarchy that over the top is it left the other one in there as well yes it has all right let me just sort this out okay i think we're okay round on that section it's fine um we just need to fix this because they're going to come in here go past actually they could come that way they're just going to end up crossing over each other that's the only thing can i get this if i use the move it mod very carefully get that to be a right angle oh get it to hook up yes there we go like that and can i do the same over here yep there we go so we've got two connections there which is fine this one oh he's also the same um let's just see if a little bit of finagling will get that to hook up and that's gonna go that way yeah that's fine excellent excellent excellent and then down here we can continue this along and then it's going to branch off down this road here so we can just use this normal one that's not going to connect there okay well we'll look at that in a moment let's continue this and i hope we don't break anything on the way okay and then we've got this which does like a one-way loop um yeah let's try this one way over the top and see how this works this time [Music] yeah it's done it but it has put no pillars in at all which is really weird and the pillars end up being sort of in the bus lane so yeah i don't think that's going to work for this this sort of setup is it there we go that fits in nicely round there i've got this to join up with a bit of move it mod finagling so now all we need is our stops in here and i want one right outside here so we're going to have to remember to put in our bus stops again i want this one with road um can i if i do that yeah and then i might just move it over a teeny tiny spot when we do that i'm gonna grab that turn that on and just sleeve slide it over yeah i think that's okay and then our bus stops can still be under there if we grab that and this and turn that on hopefully they're still there no they're not if it's gonna let me add it in do you know what we could do just here how about we do something a little bit different i don't know whether this is going to work or not but we're going to give it a go and then we get our bus stops and we're going to have them stop up here so that is going that way that is going that way as well what else have we got under here we got a lot of turning around and stuff going on here so they're coming down here going up there and going that way oh these are going the other direction aren't they which is fine what's that one that loops around under there i'm not quite sure what that one's doing there's no other let's just run the gamer in it and just see what happens so they're all going to do their mad dash run around here to get to the new place where the stops are i don't know where this lot will go in i tell you what it is i think some of the buses are using this little junction here as a turnaround spot and we're not going to let them do that we're going to say oh you know u-turns is on already huh how about we force them just to keep going through so you will get a lane each for different things and that can go straight on as well i don't want them automatically turning up there yeah and see whether that works better yeah there we go it's stopped the weird loopy loopy going on around there and these stops over here are fine so let's just plop those all back on again and yeah that's going to work much better so that's going to come off the main road and hopefully when they merge oh hang on a sec what was that there's a stop right here is that the same line as over there i think it is we don't need all of those look we've got these ones up here yeah that'll be good and then when they come back they come down here and stop in here anyway so yeah excellent then we're going to need a another monorail stop over here somewhere um do i want it on the main road right by the shop sort of quarter that to me would seem like a good idea and it could come around that way and go like that actually that means then we probably don't need the monorail going around there do we yeah i'm going to try and put it here let's just see whether that will fit let's put our that on and that on thank you kindly oh do you know what i think with a little bit of careful mouse movement oh man come on okay let's do it that way oh there we go perfect and then all we got to do then is grab this road and join that to that yay there we go am i happy with that because we had this sort of view of the oppression offices with the park and you can still see half of it there can't you hmm do you know what i'm not happy with that i'm going to move it down this way okay a little bit of finagling later we've managed to fit this one in here which is good and i'm thinking we don't even need this little loop around the back now so yeah let me just put that back to the roads it used to be which was these [Music] there we go so we've got that stop over here covering this area we've got the stop here by the hibiscus tea transfer and now we just need to try and squeeze one in down here by teasley world this is going to be a tough one and we do have the one that goes off the road that maybe we could sort of squeeze in could we squeeze it in around the back here somewhere or along here oh man we've got so much infrastructure and stuff what about this spot here could we use the one with the road down the side here by the car park if we move some rocks around oh do you know what i think we might be able to just do something here [Music] do you know what i think that fits in there really well right behind the car park connects up to that road no problem at all yeah i like that i think that's uh that's worked out well so now we just need to put our stop in so we're gonna have a monorail line going from there to there to here to there and back to here again and we can actually see where our line went yeah so we don't need this bit round here do we um do you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna downgrade that to where's our little bike road that we've been using over here this one over here so let's use the pika pika mod to grab that and don't wanna lose the parts let's change that back oh oh now we get a million trees everywhere [Music] okay let's use the movement mod just to sort this out there we go there we go and a fine yeah so the route there is working no problem at all there we go so that probably means we're going to need a lot less buses here so what i'm going to do teasing world shuttle we're going to still have that going gives you a different option why's it gone up to 21 that was like 18 before wasn't it anyway we're gonna drop this right down to like five and we're gonna force we're not gonna force people but this is gonna be so much quicker to use that i reckon people are going to use this instead i don't even think we need the these roads around here do we that's just going to go straight along let's just turn the button off so we can see yeah it's just going to go straight along the main road there so let me change these roads as well so i'm going to keep an eye on this monorail see how many people are queuing up at these different stops and hopefully that is going to ease the burden on our buses that's a good thing to do for your cities if you see that there's a real need for people to move between one place and another and your current transportation options are just not cutting it look to upgrade them go up a level monorail you've got obviously trains and metro and things like that and yeah see how it all works all already some people there excellent [Music] and there we go back to the beginning again i just noticed a little dink that we need to fix at where it goes around the corner over here i don't know if that's just because these roads are too close together they all seem to be the same height i'll do that one that one it might be this node's a bit too close let's just yeah i bet that's it oh oh hold on hold on there we go sorry yeah that was it the nose was just a bit too close excellent that's fine we'll come back and check on that a little bit later okay another thing i've seen a lot of comments about here we are on no problem at all and i've got this blue bus line here that starts over at our hub and it goes round and it basically stops at all the main points in our area but it is a little bit horkey bulky it's a little bit all over the place um so we could probably do with just fixing that up so what i'm gonna do is change it maybe to a couple of bus lines instead of one it's this one here we've got a lot of passengers on it uh six buses is it managing to keep up maybe i mean we can see where these are going we've got this uh commuter destination mod so most of them these ones are going down here only a few are going up there and let's just look at the other stops yeah so that stopped there which is that one this one is bringing people so they're coming out of here i think crossing over and then they're getting the bus to go over there is there no connection between here and here i think it's some other is is this over the top but they're actually finding it quicker to walk to get a bus over there than to come over the top here which is a little bit odd i wonder whether we could just put another little path what's the sloping like here yeah it's not too bad maybe another little path over the top [Music] here [Music] we are going to build a rock garden one day we are going to have the most amazing rock garden you've ever seen actually we can connect up to that path there which connects up to that one there yeah that'll be good let's just maneuver that a little bit that'll be fine that goes straight over the top so maybe people will start using that because i can't move that tree i want to move it and they won't let me but anyway yeah maybe people start using that and coming over here but yeah let me just split this bus line i think into two which i think will work a lot better so if we go back into here um no problem at all we're gonna just delete it actually what i'm gonna do first is copy that there we go then we're going to delete it yep then we're going to pop in there we go a bus stop from here so create new line i'm going to go from there and then we're going to pop into these other areas down here on the way so we're going to stop in there and over here we have like schools and all sorts of stuff don't we yeah in this little spot here so if we go straight down that road into there and then how do i get back out again um okay we're going to change that it's going to go nope can i come down here okay there and then i want to go up round here to the park and then back out again and then back yeah i think that should be okay and then we're going to do a second one we'll do it over here a bit let's just change the color of that bus line 10 or just change that to [Music] slightly different shade of yellow and then we're going to do another one here which is going to come over this side of the city and i know we've got like a school and stuff over here so let's stop right outside the schools we're going to bypass all of that we've got a little park down here i mean people can walk to that so maybe let's just dive into this area and we'll put a stop this side because people were coming to that weren't we and then we'll go back another one for the school and then all the way back again yeah i know people are gonna still complain about that because people always complain about my bus lines but that is just the way of life ah let's just change that to green there we go and then i'm gonna rename these there we go no problem at all a and b and i'm just wondering whether i can yeah i think i'll leave them like that and we'll see how many people end up using those and whether that works a little bit better and then if they want to go any further they can jump on the train and use hibiscus tea transfer good okay so i've been playing around with this a bit just put some taxi stands and things in and there's still an absolute ton of people look you can see them all coming out of the train station here they all come and i'm all heading over here to get on the bus some of them are crossing over and going up here to the metro but i'm wondering why they're still they still rather would take the bus than the did i say metro i meant monorail i'm just wondering whether we could do with adding some more monorails in it it's the fact that it's not going as often enough we've got three let me just double it up to six 200 percent and see whether that makes a difference although a lot of these people here tell you what i'm gonna do actually so we can see the difference can i move these stops further apart if i could have one over here no it won't let me do it um i bet there's a way i could force it to do that if i grab is there a node in the middle there no there isn't if i make a node here don't break the road and then put that back to middle and then i grab another node here put that back to middle there we go and then i'm going to get the node controller now that we've got oh let's make it straight and we've got oh this one over here disappeared i think it has i think it's just they're too close together let's try it again hold on that one and i think it's remove this one again let's leave it as a cross in this time oh it's done it this time okay so now if i move that along and that along and then i'm hoping i can just move these one to there one to over here yeah now we've got different segments of road a bit too close perhaps but what we're gonna see there we go they're gonna split into two groups so now we can tell who's who so these red ones which has got the most passengers on ah right okay so this is making a little bit more sense now this route here is my hibiscus to orlando so it goes from the t transfer over here and as you can see it goes all the way around this area and if we use our tool that we've got let's find one of those red buses there is line details click on a stop with all the people in 329 there we go and we can see where all these people are heading to and this is the commuter destination mod is giving us that information so loads of them coming over to the school here got the great big symbol loads coming over here to the care home to the park yeah so that will make sense doesn't it to their hospital okay and that is the only way for them to get over to there so i'm just wondering whether we could just do a little something about that then could we perhaps add some sort of pathway is there a connection to the back here so we've got this along here looks like we could add some sort of pathway on here let's see what i can put together and we can see what it looks like what the heck well that's what that looks like that is not what i wanted [Music] wow look at that so many people coming out the back here and using this path now i've connected it down the front here as well so they've got a bit of access over here and over this side oh but man alive look how many people are coming up over the top that is what we want to see people walk in and using their legs and they can come down here and join this bus stop or walk along let's get these trees out of the road excuse me excuse me coming through coming through another cluster there we go so they're walking down that way crossing over and they're walking this way and crossing over that is absolutely brilliant and i've used this road here it's called the pnb pavement plus so pedestrians and bicycles go through separate lanes let's just zoom in a little bit and we can see pedestrians and bikeless bike bicyclists going in separate lanes love it so now let's go and have a look how that's affected our bus stops over here so let's come over this way so this is the red bus stop nowhere near as many as before um let's actually find a red bass i just saw one and that's not a red bust is it where's all the red buses gone oh i don't know uh we'll do it the old-fashioned way then won't be using the mods hibiscus to orlando that is the one we want thank you very much and i think this is the one yeah 112 and if we just come out of that view yeah still quite a few going over there but only 112 now as opposed to the 200 and what was it before 270 something like that i've seen it get as high as 300 so that is not too shabby at all okay just a little something else i've noticed a lot of cars coming out of here even though they've got all of these transport options available to them obviously the trains the taxis the buses the monorail the walking um intercity bus the ferry but they're still wanting to drive somewhere so where are they going well this little road here is actually built into this asset so what i used was the touch it mod touched that road and unlocked it i've already just done that off camera so now i can use this tool the traffic route and click on that road and see where they're all going and a lot of these private vehicles these purple ones and so some are deciding to drive down there they will some are coming down here most of them are going under this bridge here over to the highland district island which we haven't named yet a lot of them heading over here and i'm thinking why is that we've got a ferry stop right here and our ferry line if we have a look does go over there but actually if you look at it our ferry line when it goes out goes all the way up here to save the rock hashtag save the rock and then it comes all the way back then it goes in here and out again so yeah it's a long way around and it will just be quicker for them to drive so what i'm going to do is give them another option uh i'm going to do not ferry pathway what we're trying to do here ferry line we can use this side that hasn't been used yet and this is just going to be a direct backwards and forwards transfer from hibiscus tea transfer over to highland districts and then let's have a look that is ferry line number five we'll just slightly change that there we go how many are we gonna get on there two i think that should be enough so when they arrive here from the depot let's have a look they're going to be coming down here somewhere they're going to be yellow in color is this one of them here no no no oh there we go i bet this is one they're not yellow in color of course can i change the color of them yeah there we go let us follow this is the one isn't it oh new teal and these no that is not the one at all maybe it's one of these two new uh yeah fairyline five there we go we're getting there in the end okay [Music] man it's getting busy in here good grief [Music] okay so let's see how many people start using these i'm guessing this is the other one a fairy line five yep there we go so let's take a look 50 passengers already let's take i'll tell you what so look at the line details so there's only four waiting there at the moment so he's going to pick up those and off they go but that's 50 cars already not on the road so that is brilliant so i'm going to let this run just for a few minutes keep an eye on this and see how many we get coming over here wanting to use the ferry we wanted to adjust the number a little bit look do you know what i am going to adjust the number i'm going to pop that up to three and we'll see how we go right so going back through some of the changes we've made now we can look at these stops over here and there's hardly anybody waiting so our what was it called hibiscus to orlando we had 10 buses on there and let's look how well used those buses are i mean there's just some of them are filled up some of them have hard grown any people on at all i know this stop is the one that's all the way over here which is then they're jumping on there to go around here so we may adjust slightly how we do our buses um but definitely i'm gonna go back to here we are gonna go down from 10 um and i reckon six would be absolutely plenty there and i'm gonna do the same for the green bus the t's new world shuttle five vehicles all of these stops are quite empty this one down here funnily enough where are they all going then so let's just use the commuter mod again so a lot of them are coming down here and a lot of them are going over here okay that makes sense again so they're coming down here taking our shuttle and they're getting dropped off here then they're either walking across what we've just put on here or they're getting the red bus to come around here but there's no direct route from here to over here unless we change something so we have this path here we have the path goes round there could we connect that path i mean you don't really want to be walking through this big industrial estate here do you no could we just connect it over here somewhere how about if we come out here i'm going to turn that off and i'm going to use freeform there we go and let's just see so we've got this road to get up and over well that's okay so we go to there and then okay so there we go now they can cross over here if they want they can walk down the road cross over here and then get onto this path that shimmies over this road shimmy's over the highway and then just comes down the end here and you can see there are quite a few people that are choosing to walk that way which is fantastic but we've still got 293 passengers here but if we zoom out not so many of them are now going over here so we have definitely made most of them choose to walk over here now the rest of them are just getting the bus down to this area it might just be that this far down is too far to walk i'm just wondering whether another monorail stop in the middle here look would actually help do you know what i think that is going to be what we're going to do can i use the pick a picker mod for that one i can pop that in there i can excellent we'll grab that road join that up to there that's good and then we'll do our stop there we go monorail so on that side and that side hopefully that's done it correctly it's always hard to tell on there well we'll soon see if the monorail stop on the way back he didn't stop did he yeah he's stopping and he's stopping excellent we've got it so that just might be the change that we needed we shall see what happens you know what i think some people just want to take the bus we've got 245 people here now um they're not going over here anymore which is good so that means they're walking and taking the path which is fantastic and because before they were going from the green line to over here to the red line and now that there's not that many coming down here so that means they're taking other options which is great and a few are just coming down to the t transfer and the train station that is absolutely fantastic so even though there's weight in 238 passengers i'm wondering whether some of those might be bugged out and they're never going to leave we shall see but that is i think a fantastic way to tweak and fix your city and get it using all these different transit options let me know what you think about our changes in the comments below subscribe if you're new and check out the next video on the screen as well have a fantastic day thanks for joining me bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 179,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, cities skylines top mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines how to start your city, cities skylines train stations, cities skylines bridges and piers, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines overcrowded bus stops
Id: I7ZapThULPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 0sec (2460 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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