How to Troubleshoot Train Traffic & Fix it! (Cities Skylines)

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer and here we are in the city of new zealand and today we're going to be fixing some problems and we've got some other plans as well as you may have noticed we have an issue with our trains the trains are not moving oh dear for those of you that managed to catch my live stream that i did a couple of weeks ago uh just before my holiday just got back from a nice week holiday away uh yeah we did a live stream we did a load of stuff and at the end of the stream we found that we had this huge train problem so we are going to be trying to fix that and which is of course then causing this huge backup of vehicles down here because we've got our crossroad here which is then causing all sorts of problems in the city so we're going to get to fixing those uh talking about live streams let's just come down here and you may have caught my pre-competition red bull practice live stream yesterday where we took a look at one of the challenges uh that we are gonna be set if you don't know about that i will leave a link in the description below it's a competition between me quill 18 rt gaming and the spiffing brit sponsored by red ball gaming and yeah i'm really looking forward to that the event is this saturday the 21st and it's at 5 00 p.m bst so that's uk time um so obviously time zones will vary um but yeah come and check that out so there's going to be five different competitions leading to a sixth if you're one of the top two um who have been voted and all got all the points and however they're going to work it out yeah i'm just really excited looking forward to that so let us dive in to this humongous train issue that we have let's take a look at our percentage of traffic at the moment we come out of that menu so 71 it's not terrible we are as we know getting some backups here in our industry area um but in this view you can see there's red where all the trains are and what's going on so i'm trying to sort of find the end so it's here these trains that are going into the city we just click on one of these and click that yeah so any train on the right hand side is trying to go in these are trying to go out but obviously can't because of these guys blocking them in i hate it when that happens i know this isn't the overall cause of the problem but what i normally like to do there is do a giveaway and we've done that it's the one that's coming out that's the problem okay so we're going to follow these trains on the right down here and see where the problem is so they're going to go under the tunnel and round okay back to this view they're going to go along here along here this one i'm assuming is trying to go around the outside instead of through the middle even though it's going to be a freight train yeah i don't know why these don't bypass properly that should just bypass through the middle but hey whatever um so that's going to come around the outside this one here it's got a bit of a gap before the next one but okay that goes through there that goes through there that goes to there eventually we're gonna come to what is causing the issue and it comes along here right let's just have a look at this so these trains again are trying to come out to join that and they've sort of merged over the top of each other but they can't go anywhere anywhere anyway and then this one down here he's trying to go let's have a look he's trying to go straight on i'm assuming he can't oh is this one trying to come out okay yeah there we go so i'm just gonna put a giveaway here this again this isn't the overall problem we've already got a giveaway there that's why this train's waiting nicely so let's follow these along here whoa now this one here so he's going off oh okay he's trying to go there but this train is blocking him and this train's going that way but why is it such a big gap okay this tells me one thing look how close the trains can bunch together so let's see that gap there it's exactly the same as that gap there and exactly the same as that gap there i'm wondering whether all of this has been caused by this train he is not moving up he should be and he's blocking everything else from moving and then it's just gone from there we delete this train now this may not actually solve the issue straight off because there's gonna be so many other trains trying to go but now that we can see these are going let me just follow this one down look this right hand side is just empty this right hand side is empty i think you know that has got and this one's doing it as well look he's not moving up let's just have a quick look here we've got a node there and a node there so these nodes aren't any further apart i'm wondering what is going on there if i move this node over a little bit is he gonna move up and enter into there it's a bit odd isn't it oh he's going now oh there we go it might just be because there's another train in there now but now they're going now these are going and these are moving which means these can start coming in and out which means this is all going very slowly these trains are all heading out i think that might be it these ones here are being stupid now look move up your boneheads see i hate it when they do that i mean that is half my fault because this track here is not enough to hold one of these great big long trains and that is the same this side and this side i'm going to just do that and see whether that just makes a little bit more space and then here i'm going to hold control just see if we can wiggly fire that about actually i'll leave that like it is see whether that's just long enough see this one down here is nice and long actually it's plenty of space but this one gets right onto the track but it's going this is going this is going slowly i think that is possibly gonna sort everything out uh what i think i am gonna finally do is change this i love having this sort of thing where the trains go over the road but i think it's finally caused too many problems so what we're gonna do is just pause that there and have a look at what we've got so these trains are gonna have to go over the top let's just do that and that that'll get all the cars going and it's not really a huge amount of space here is there so i think what we're gonna have to do is move this one over a bit let's grab that i can't even see where the train line is there it is so we keep this going out straight here yeah and i'm gonna go like this and i want that to go up let's go up up and up up thank you kindly we're going to go up and i'm also going to turn off all my guidelines i'm going to go up a couple what up go up i'm pressing up nothing's happening now it's happening there we go we're gonna go there and then we're gonna go to there and i think that's gonna be okay and then this one here is also gonna start going up uh let's make that one straight oh okay let's turn that off there we go i know what it is is i've changed the keys that are doing things for me i want that still to go straight over there as close as possible like that less of a slope and then it's going to curve into there probably like that and then we'll get the move it mods and just help that out a bit i think that's going to be okay through that that's up and over the top not quite high enough okay let us oh man that is one flipping heck of a slope isn't it um i need to do something about this hold on oh i tell you what we could do because they're going on the right hand side they're going on the right hand side they want to join and go up that way which is oh using my brain you know you go away on holiday and trying to use your brain when you come back yeah they want to get over on that side so it needs to join that way anyway i'm just thinking whether it might just go over the top and join this side instead i think that might work a bit better so let's grab that let's put my guidelines back on let's put that back on there we go come on click thank you so we're gonna go there and that's gonna curve around and join there instead yeah i think that'd be better uh let me sort out all the trees and the slope and everything okay there we go the trees are removed so we are going to use the slope tool in the network multi tool and i've noticed a few other things we've been adding in here we've got create parallel mode and we've also got a range of circle mode which i don't think we've seen that one before but the one we're looking for is the set slope mode so i'm going to select that we're going to grab that one there and it's going to slope all the way from there that's a little bit better excellent and then this one down here will do the same so we're going to grab from that one there to that one there press enter that just lifts up a little bit and that goes over the highway enough so i think we're going to be okay that's going to get everybody under here moving which is good it also means perhaps we could just change our roads i'm going to grab that one there and we're going to upgrade all of these along here instead like that and let's have a little one at the end no that's fine and then i'm hoping that these are all going to go to the right place so what do we want we want this tool down here let's have a look yep there we go they're all going to go to the right place and i can never get used to the change in these icons there and then i want that we're going to put those let's move that down a bit so we're going to make the end straight which instantly makes it look much better uh sloped i think we need that anyway and then the offset i think just making the end straight you'll be okay wouldn't it yeah excellent i think that's fine we could do some other little funky stuff in there if we wanted to why are they i tell what we could do here actually if we delete that we could take this road here and we can just connect that let's toggle our node snapping that can go straight across there there we go we're not going to get that weird hawky bulky bit in the middle although they're doing a bit of u-turning at the moment they still think there's a separate little road there i could possibly tell them not to u-turn but it's not giving me the option to change anything so we'll leave that going that's fine we'll put a dedicated turning lane in there and i think that should very quickly sort out all of this car traffic at least coming down there so let's just keep an eye on that for a few moments okay it is moving which is good we've stopped that stupid u-turn thing there's just such a large amount of traffic trying to get in there we go look it's not backed up here anymore which is excellent that is just what we want to see now these trains are still causing an issue but they're still not going where we want to go so these are all heading up this way and i think we've got some sort of overlapping problem going on here as well um i'll just grab that overlapping train that's fine okay so you're going over the top you're wanting to join there so that is going to end up with a giveaway sign there these ones want to go out oh he's trying to go up and over the top but because we've just added this in it's blocked um so i am going to delete that train so now that one can get going i'm not sure what's happening with this little node here maybe we could just do a bit of node oh yeah we'll just touch it and it's fine okay excellent so now these are moving again let's just see they're going these are going which means these ones over here once they get through all these overhanging trees will be able to go as well and these are going they're leaving which is fine so this one can go so i think we just keep an eye on these little trains at the bottom here i think we might have also solved this issue here [Music] okay well yes and no this area would be okay if the rest was okay our trains have just absolutely clogged up again oh my goodness and i'm just watching all these new ones coming in oh my life yeah the car traffic's okay but they are just causing mayhem mayhem i tell you so okay let's just use a bit of sleuthing again so these are all trying to come in and these are also all trying to come in because of the way the the lines split here yeah it's like two separate lines isn't it and then once they get down here they just can't do it because these ones can't get out okay well let's follow these ones out then so that's this line under here uh when they get over here yeah they can't get through okay that makes sense because of this um this guy can't get through because of these i'm guessing that one is going to the right yep that's fine dear some of these some of these train junctions they've been a problem since i've started this map they're not i would say they're not really made for people that are using uh no despawning and seeing this is the problem we've got here look so this train's got to the end and wants to go but what's happening is he wants to come in and he wants to go in so what i'm thinking of doing is changing the outside connections on this map by using one way train rails instead so let's see if this helps right just pause the game for a moment i'm pretty sure um i don't have the mod that gives you like the extra outside connections whatever it's called but it seems that i can um attach these we're gonna bring that one down there let's take that to there and then if we attach that to there i mean it changes that to an in and an out piece of rail but this is only one way which is good so then if i upgrade can't create more outside connection out of city limits okay if i delete i won't let me delete that i've already saved my games and hopefully i'm not messing anything up if i just use the move it mod to get rid of that and then instead have this one coming in if we go like that so that is now one way in and that is one way out and they don't cross over whoa so now all the trains that we're trying to leave have all disappeared because of this new setup and i'm hoping these are going to work because there's no reason why they shouldn't let's just see oh no look all the trains are now this oh hang on oh he got a bit closer i'm wondering oh he spawned yes we've had a new train spawn here to come in let's just watch what happens to him here where's he gonna go nowhere um okay what have i done okay this is very odd um so he's spawn here he's happy to go over this rail but he doesn't move or go anywhere which is really strange i was hoping that i could just sort this problem by making these little one-way rails here but it just doesn't seem to like it and i don't know why oh oh another train just spawned behind him and now he's going look so they can spawn here and go which is great maybe it was just a case of giving it a bit of time ah right now we've got a passenger train that spawned and they're the ones that seem to be causing a problem okay we've got a second one i don't know why these are spawning on there oh they're coming in anyway and he's coming in anyway oh maybe this is the fix that we're waiting for so they're all leaving sorry no they're not they're all coming in oh nice so now all i want to see is trains leaving from this spot as well oh wrong button um let's come this oh okay they probably can't because of all the traffic uh i don't know what's going on to you you're blocking the thing you're blocking the thing it might just be that everyone's getting blocked and can't go that might be it but is that solved this bit here maybe we could go around the rest of the map and have a look and see where there's any other spots we can change so let's move up this way i think there's only one other train connection on this map if i remember correctly on the other side of the map what's that that'll be like a boat or a plane connection oh okay look here's a couple here and these are also having the same issue look this one wants to leave can't leave because of the two trains coming in all right let's do the same here cannot create more outside connections now why is it saying that there but it didn't say that before huh now that is odd yep turns out i do need the unlimited outside connection mod and it also i'm just going to see actually with that mod whether it just lets me connect that straight out there without it changing no it's still going to change into a um a normal railway line so i'm going to give that plenty of space like that that's fine we're going to move this one up to here there we go we'll just set all the height the same so then after a minute or two can i set the height on this one at the end no i'm not going to mess with that that should all start working okay let me do the same on this poor one over here as well [Music] there we go and if we set these the right way around there we go they won't cross over that is what we want i don't know what's going to happen we're going to unpause this and all these trains are going to disappear but new ones are going to appear so i want to just watch this for a few moments and make sure we do get trains going in and out and for those that have never seen it before this is what the outside of the map looks like people just arrive here and want to get in cars and trucks and they come over here and they want to get in trains so yeah let's just keep an eye on this yeah there we go it is working you just need to make sure that when you've got your lines coming in and out here that where it connects it does that crossover thing so then the game can use either the left or the right uh line here as we know they do for trains coming in and out so i've just moved those down a bit with the movement mods i've done the same here and yeah that seems to be working all right so i'm going to go around and do all the other train connections in the city like that and to be honest that's probably just made all the trains disappear in the city that's just the way the game works when you delete and remove stuff there we go there's one going out but yeah so i'll run the game for a bit and then hopefully we should see that that along with the other fixes has solved any problems that we had so i'll be back with you in a moment okay so the trains coming in and out is working nicely they're not getting in each other's way but there's still a bit of an issue backing up we just sort of follow this into the city these are all trains coming in and they're all trains outside trains outside connection trains and because the rail network in our city was already built um there is no disconnect between cargo and passenger trains so you will see both on the rail and then what's happening here just to give you an idea of where we are so this is the glass box station over here and this should be one of only two i think that allows inter-city trains so these orange ones that are coming from outside and they're coming down here and they're coming to this junction now what you've got here is the option of going off on to this track underground and going to the other side which some will do from time to time um you can go straight ahead onto this track and head up here or you can come on to this track but also this sort of underneath bottom track here particularly this part as you can see there are trains that are coming around this way that are going to and from there we go perfect example to and from the other side of the map down here and they are blocking the trains that are coming in and all of these orange ones all want to go under here under the highway and into here so a couple of things i'm thinking of here at the moment as they come off of this line they're all coming off this one line and they're all spitting here splitting here and all of the intercity ones as you will notice will take this line here i think we just keep an eye on that for a moment and watch all the orange trains coming in not the ones going out so there we go he's taking that platform on this side and he's dropped his passengers off and disappeared or watch this one here there we go he's doing the same and they will just keep doing that the same so what i was thinking of doing is we could do possibly a couple of things here let's just look at our train stop so i'm going to move these ones down here and it won't let me do it jessica will have a hold shift because i've got that mod so if i come to uh let me go there i want to go over here and it won't let me oh there we go we did it that way there we go so we move that one over there and i'm going to move this purple one unfortunately that won't go any further um okay let's just hang on here a sec and see if we can just do another connection over here if i take that line from there to there like that that connects up okay yeah and that connects up okay i don't really want to do the same going the other way and then we should just be able to move both of these over one oh actually that could have just stayed there look that can i'm an idiot there you go that can stay there that can stay there and then we don't need this line here okay let's delete that again because it looks weird so that's going to leave this side here just for the orange trains uh the outside connection type trains so i just want to see how much of a difference that makes the other thing i was thinking of doing was to bring a line down here and sort of come up the middle in here and go out for all the other trains so they weren't all coming off on this same junction but let's just see whether this just speeds things up a bit look yeah see the orange ones now are getting it much quicker we know once they drop the people off at the top there they just despawn so it's just a matter of getting them in and getting them out actually that should be much much quicker okay let's do a little bit more troubleshooting so we've got the trains coming in and out smoothly it is moving along reasonably quickly but let's just take a look at the train lines here the line details so we've got loads and loads of people taking this yellow line and that yellow line just goes all the way over to the other side of the city and all the way down here to the university and all over the place so what i think is happening is we're getting so many trains coming in from outside the city and this is the only place they can go to because of the allow intercity trains option so i'm thinking maybe we can change that and allow some of them to come down here instead so how about oh we've got that one there we've also got this one over here which is a bit more central let's do that one let's allow intercity trains on here we've got nice access to the monorail there's buses and all sorts of things and that's more in the middle of the section that we're working on here because then what i want to see is whether some of these trains that aren't coming in and bringing all their passengers to over here will instead of going through there take this line and come down here to go over to this area the strawberry district on no problem at all getting a bit of perky jerkiness today as well ever since i've installed that um unlimited outside connections mod i hope that isn't going to be a problem we'll see how things go anyway so let's keep an eye on this little junction here at the minute no outside orange trains go down here let's see whether that changes oh oh here we go one of the first ones coming down here what i actually did as well is there any more coming down here was that no that's it he's heading this way uh what i actually did as well was turn on intercity trains in the nearest station as well let's just follow this line along here there we go this station whoa herky jerky this station here and i did reset and restart my city skylines i'm still getting the uh the stutterings not quite sure what that is but anyway so i've got intercity trains on on this one and the one over here just in case they want to use either so i'm thinking the way this is looking now this is running okay they do tend to slow down a bit through this node whether that's a an issue let's have a quick look at the speeds that we've got here all unlimited speeds that might just be a no too close to another node problem but i know what's going to happen here if i touch one of these nodes particularly with the uh this mod up here i'm going to cause a problem if i just maybe shiftify this a tiny bit we might just there we go look at that speed it up through there excellent i'm not going to worry about that little bit of missing asphalt and these ones are okay yeah so there we go i think that should be okay no traffic down here this is moving okay this is moving okay uh this is moving okay because we've taken that off of the road after you keep telling me all the time fine we've done it and what's our traffic at 82 i think that is very good so as i promised i went back and looked through the comments of just the last video this time i've got some other name suggestions we'll come back to and there's been some great suggestions for names and improvements on our little island here now first of all we are going to name it and i think we do have a zone over the top yeah here we go elizabeth square so excellent suggestion from brandon petrick i do hope that's uh your name pronounced correctly and he suggested entertainment island or entertainment island you can see how it's in there but then randy fortier said how about enter team [Music] i got empty months i think we've got it in there so between the two of them i think that was a fantastic suggestion so thank you for that and then also martin de bucciano suggested a cable car going across here which would be absolutely fantastic and i think that is a brilliant idea everyone's always crying out for cable cars and i uh rarely ever use them so if we pop the only problem you're gonna have is oh that'd be better is that the end of line one yes there we go that comes out the back like that there we go so i can walk straight out of there straight into the cable car then we can have that go over the water here over the ferries come through the middle of this and where's it gonna end are we gonna sort of try and fit it there or where all the way over here why not all the way over the park all the way to the end here yeah why not i think that'd be a good idea if we could fit that in against this road which means this rock actually i'm not going to relocate him to the rock the other rock place i'm going to pop in there and we're going to just move a couple of these trees there we go and we're going to pop this in it's going to have to be move it modded because i want it come on move it mod move it rod why is it not moving move it mods okay hang on let's try this again ah there we go there we go if i get to the plug-in right okay so we want that a little bit over there and then hopefully we can just let's just turn off that whiteness that's coming up and let's just see we can get this just to go right over the top oh that can go there that can go now the height's a bit off we can we can readjust that shame we can't put a curve in it but i think we've got to be careful how we do this if we go like that and like that i think that should be okay where are we gonna get the cable cars coming out of first i might need to just move a couple of trees yeah let's just shift defy this tree over here just that one oh there we go we're going we're going and is that high enough to get over the top of the boat all the herky jerkiness i really need to get that sorted out because it's it's wednesday and i'm going to be live streaming a bit later you would have already seen it my red bull practice i think that is just about tall enough let's have a look oh i think we're gonna say that that is just about tall enough for getting over there i think that's brilliant [Music] so there we go i think they were two fantastic suggestions for this area thank you very much for those apologies for the slightly shorter episode it is manic this week come back from holiday trying to get videos back on track again got my practice red bull competition metropolis live stream that you've already seen i've got the actual main event coming up on saturday it is going to be saturday 5 30 bst i think i'll put a link below anyway you're going to see me talk about it on twitter there'll be community posts if you're on my discord i'll tell you all about it on there really really looking forward to that so be sure to check that out so thank you for watching have a fantastic day i will see you all very soon bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 121,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines train traffic, cities skylines train traffic fix, cities skylines train traffic outside connection
Id: fWLoFSSQyto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 51sec (1911 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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