How to Start a FANTASTIC City in 2021! Top Tips & Best Mods in Cities Skylines

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welcome all you lovely viewers to a brand new series of city skylines with me biffer yes that's right new map new mods new assets new cup of tea what more do we need what delights await us on this map what form will our new city take what t-related city name will you amazing people invent from your amazing brains for our new amazing city i can't wait to find out this map named seahorse island archipelago by sedar will be linked in the description below along with my new updated mods and asset list which is a lot more trimmed back than it has been in the past no more jumpy game but has all of our favorite mods included too traffic manager i'm looking at you my friend with this series i'm aiming for more detail in the build and more collaboration with you fine folks in the comments section and the community posts on my channel yay youtube algorithm if you are new here please subscribe and hit the notification bell so you are kept fully up to date on the growth and expansion of our new and amazing beautiful city so what will be the name of this soon to be epic and fantastic creation perhaps as you have been enjoying these perfect panoramic shots of the map you have the start of an idea nestled in your head does the name somehow invoke thoughts of our favorite beverage tea if so then head down toward the comments section below tickle the old like button on this video on the way past if you please thanks and leave a comment with your tea inspired name suggestion in a few days i vow to take the top three voted names and put them in a youtube poll on a community page for the final vote this is feeling more like the x factor than city skylines and then our city shall thus be named so without any further ado let's begin and here we are this is our starting square on our brand new map look at this look at this place so much amazing stuff that we can build on i'm loving the look of these islands over here as well looking absolutely fantastic just imagining some of the things that we can build on some of these places i just think it looks beautiful beautiful beautiful look at that ready-made sort of port area when we get there very nice very nice and imagine this here look with all the high rise buildings ah looks amazing right so let's make a start how do we start a city in city skylines well let's just pause the game first of all um let us just draw this teeny tiny piece of road there we go to unlock all the other bits of road that we need so we've got this junction pre-made for us and it's coming down here but then we've got these roads going the wrong way on the sides here and i do have vanilla roads plus plus installed that's where we're going to be getting all of our new roads from but at the moment there are any sort of one new roads two lane two-way no parking yet quite small sort of road so what we're going to do is for the moment we'll stick to the basic road like this and we will draw this out along the coast here for our little starting area there we go that'll do nicely very good very good we obviously have to set up some water and electricity i am going to pop this fish right in the middle there which is fantastic and then our man we've got to do it we've got to do it it seems like it's the brand new thing that everybody is doing water pipes under the roads yes we can all thank city planner plays city building games it is just now a thing that we have to do everybody's doing it so the industry i am thinking is going to be this side we've got our railway line that runs through here and we can attach to the highway that is a two-way road which is nice um let's just see to attach to that though we're just going to use a bog standard road so let's just have a look here a second what i'm thinking is i want the road to run alongside the highway here and then we can build off of that so let's turn these on and see what we can do here there we go something like that that would be fantastic we're going to have to run some water pipes up there in a moment but the reason i'm doing that up there is because i'm going to put over here our first let's go off of there almost to the end we need to get some power and i am just going to go for a coal power plant and let's just pop that up there there we go excellent and then we're going to run across here some of our power lines there we go and we'll hook those up when we need to eventually these power lines won't be needed i'm sure they'll just all disappear so let us start off by filling all of this in and getting some people moving in there we go let's do that aha local power plant is online maybe i'll get my tv working again that sounds like a fantastic idea so let's hook this up to over here there we go brilliant and the power will go through so here are first houses being built in our city that as yet does not have a name and look at that view over the bridge that just looks absolutely beautiful so let's see what we get who's going to be the first person coming into our city i love these little designs in here as well just look absolutely stunning oh completely forgot about sewage of course yes we need that let us use the inland water treatment plant rather than messing up all of our water uh that can literally go right next to this for now until we get the time to uh yeah put everything in its own little areas so let's hook that up and hook that up you're gonna need some water so we might as well now carry this across to the other side and hook up with those water pipes there we go please don't complain it'll be fine we can put all of these down as well just to save us a bit of mula while everybody's moving in you must be happy you must be happy please be happy please be happy yes there we go unfortunately some of you are going to be unhappy because i have neglected to add in any other roads to build off which is what i'm going to do right now so let's just as we're just starting off we really want to fill these up as much as we can there we go that should do for now and then what i'm actually going to do i'm just going to change this i completely didn't put any thought into where to place these at the beginning and what i would like to do is have my commercial along the front here so i'm just going to adjust some of these and then i'm going to put my residential a little bit further back there we go and then what i don't want to do is destroy any of these trees along the front here so we're going to leave those as they are so let's fill all of that in there we go everyone's going to complain but that is fine and then we should be let's just go straight across there and get some houses in fantastic still haven't had any people turn up yet we're going to have all these houses i see a train going past up there all these houses and things oh oh oh i can see some cars coming down the highway is this oh it's not our first car he's coming up here to bring the coal by the look of it over here to our coal power plant he can see him coming around the mountain over the top thank you very much for delivering our coal deliveries we really really need it if you could drive a bit quicker thank you oh here we go this is it the first person coming in who's it going to be in our sports car going to the dale residence james roberts james thank you so much for being the first person to come and move in to one of our houses so you're going to park over there and then you're going to walk you're going to cycle wow you didn't even want to park outside your own house and it's this one here as well oh look at that brilliant not enough electricity well that's because it's not connected anymore it was connected a minute ago but then everybody decided to have their house demolished for commercial which i don't know who did that oh was that me i'm very sorry right we need to give them some jobs so let's grab our industrial zone and let's have a little think here what i'm going to do so again when we're starting out a city it is very much just sort of basic we want to make the money there we go not spend too much money while we're expanding because we could very quickly run out of money so that would not be good let me sort these roads out there we go forgot i turned off the toggle node snapping let's just make sure they've all got enough water if we run this down the road i think that he's gonna reach all the way back ah absolutely perfect and then just put a little bit of industry in there and see what we get excellent so at the minutes across from one side to the other they're all taking this junction here we've got this road over the top actually so it's not too bad yeah so that's okay and the highway is totally separate so that is good as well let us fill some of that in oh we need more industry so let's get another block in here and what is our first target what are we aiming for so aiming for 280 so then we can unlock all of these cool and good things let's see what we're going to get over here just some nice generic industry looking very sharp i have to say looking very good and there's a load of cars of people moving in oh they're loving it they are loving it brilliant now they've got some jobs they're very happy to come over here and uh move into our city perfect so we have some more needs so let's add some more roads over here um how shall we do that let's just pause it a second and have a look i feel like we could fit in another road there and that should be okay so let's get that one going and we'll fill that one in up to there i don't want anything on that side we'll leave that as it is and in fact i don't want anything here either there we go nice nice nice and then we need some roads over here i want to sort of follow this road around if i can so let's maybe destroy some of these houses sorry folks there we go that looks good enough let's add in some water pipes for these lovely people that are going to be living up here excellent and then i'm thinking maybe have these as houses here because nobody's going to want to live right up against this highway here but these as shops would work quite well so let us do that i'm going to leave that one there with some trees we'll fill in let's have a look not all of this i'm gonna go from there and then on this side we can just get the rest of that yeah that's good okay you move in there what is it with the waterworks shower with bottled water is getting a bit expensive well we've got plenty of water who hasn't got water i've no idea and we've got plenty of electricity my budget is down on all of those so maybe it's a response to that but we don't need it any higher uh we're doing absolutely fine and we are losing people and we're losing money everyone's going oh hang on oh is this one these aren't hooked up oh you know what that is don't you had accidentally turned off my node selector connector thing and none of these people had any water oh how are they doing up there yeah i bet this one's not connected either look whoops biffer makes a mistake is that going to work now yeah i'm so sorry people no wonder we've losing the load of money and no one's moving in i'd completely messed up that hadn't i while they're deciding that they're gonna all move back in again we're gonna make some money this time um i was gonna run a path but we can't even run a path over here yet can we so we literally just need to wait for us to hit our target hooray let's have a celebratory super tea little hamlet so ideally i don't want to take any loans at taxes i'm very happy to partake of those but now we have all sorts of other needs that the citizens didn't realize they needed like five minutes ago but now they really do so let us jump over to taxes we know that they're happy to be taxed 13 that is just a given and as it's the start of the city that is what we're going to do they are going to complain about trash very very soon this is quite cheap and easy i'm going to put it off of a side road don't think about the past don't worry about the future this moment has everything you need okay thank you whoever what was your name uh elizabeth smith oh i know she's talking about taking out the trash she already i was elizabeth smith and we can't even go and see her okay i don't know where she is let's pop that there we'll have that off a side road so it doesn't block up our main sort of drag over here and then at some point we can change that if we need to and we have more items down here so let's have a look healthcare they're going to want those i think a nice little local medical clinic would be fantastic so could i squeeze that in there i was going to keep that because of the trees but actually i'm thinking what we're going to do is i'm going to move the trees so let's use the move it mods let's just select those and i'm going to shiftify those right over there because i like that little bunch of trees and we're going to get this and i'm going to put that right in there there we go with somebody pleased about that healthcare for everyone citizens flock to get treatment for various ailments flu shots there we go get in your shops that is very apt at the moment and now they're also going to be complaining about school we've got this old sort of european elementary style school building but i think we're going to go with this one i think that's going to fit in more with what we've got going on here i'm just looking at this little spot here hmm yeah what can we do with this little spot up here where i just put these trees that i wanted to keep i am going to join that road to that road and that's going to take up all the trees isn't it so let's do that and move them over here again there we go i'm going to pop that there yeah maya supports education that is what we want and all these people going to get edumacated over here which is fantastic we're starting to make a bit of money what's our next target after this one 550 so that's good so we've given them one of everything they need at the moment uh we can do campus areas yeah we're not going to do any of those just now so let's keep on going until we get to 550. i'm just wondering whether we don't need so many shops along here do we so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to remove [Music] any that aren't built up yet and we're going to turn them into residential because it's quite good to have your shops and residential mixed up and what you don't want is too much there we go they're upgrading nice what you don't want is too much commercial putting a strain on your industry and causing all sorts of imbalances uh in your in your city so yeah that's good i just wanted to change this here i'm gonna connect that over let's see if i can get in there there we go just so we can have that fill up with the house and it doesn't look odd there we go excellent right we need to expand um we're going to expand over this side as well and we're going to need to sort of change the road because again we've got this one-way road coming out and if you come over here that road goes off the thing there and doesn't even connect to anything it's not quite sure why too many people crowded i'm not quite sure why it has that but it does what other road options do we have we have this wide yeah we're getting into the big wide road i don't think we need those just yet and i want to keep things cheap so i'm gonna just upgrade some of that and i also want to just jump into traffic manager oh no look at that we've got easy mode on naughty biffer well we're going to turn that off we are going to have no despawning that is the way that we like to play and before i use traffic manager we're going to upgrade this we're going to use that there we go so we get two lanes in here that's fine i'm just wondering with the move it mod and whether we could just one two one two one two one two just move that back a tiny bit there we go now we can jump into traffic manager control shift left click there we go um as it's not the busiest roundabout ever i don't know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna take that out there and there shouldn't be any other problems anywhere no that's fine and then this road down here it's gonna sort of end up being a mini collector of sorts um but until we unlock [Music] a road that's got more lanes that's got no parking [Music] these are like very small one use i'm not gonna necessarily use those never one ways we may end up putting some sort of tram along here when we get there but for now that's okay what i am gonna do is on this option here hold shift let's have a look and it's going to go all the way down to the end there and it should put yeah giveaway signs coming into the road which is just what we want so let's have a look over here now over here i'm just thinking of popping in maybe just sort of a simple grid like structure let's see what we can do we want to just make the most of this space there we go that should do for now we could fit some sort of park in the middle of here i'm sure but let's make sure everybody has all the water pipes they need here we go i'm sure that city planner is going to get like 10 percent of the profit of every water pipe that's placed under a road something like that i'm sure i'm sure he's organized that there we go that's everybody covered over there let us save up some money we have no money at all i'm about to hit our next target anyway but yeah it's going to cost us 10 000 for that and it's gonna cost us another ten thousand for that we need twenty thousand do you know what i'm gonna do i didn't want to take a loan i'm gonna take a loan i just wanna get these guys moving in um just thinking actually let's go for this differently designed medical clinic we're gonna pop that there and then we're going to pop the school against this gap here and hopefully we'll be able to fit in the high school over here too and then what we're going to do is we're going to fill all of this in let's say shops in that one shops in that one along the back i am going to put some parts in here at some point i'll come back to that i'll come back to that so we're going to pop all of these in there we go down the side they're not too sure we'll see what happens and then of course they're going to want some electricity which is so close to being hooked up if i do that oh oh we've broken me line no i'm probably gonna break me line again is everybody fine don't panic don't panic are you back you're back you're back with us i've been running out of electricity oh i just spotted that just spotted that so let's up our budget let's just check i want to click up here electricity water they're both pretty low okay so let's let's up these to sort of here nice nice nice nice need some more jobs so we've got this space around here let's add something in snap a worthy village look at that so we're gonna get district policies another loan if we wish some policies to do with the services now they're gonna want oh suddenly we realize we have no police or fire we've got some industries self-sufficient buildings which are lovely yeah so we've got lots of nice things let's just pop that there that they're all gonna want right people are moving in we got an injection of cash there i think when we unlock the next level which is good um because they are all gonna need some stuff like this um the firehouse i do like this old-fashioned sort of firehouse here i want to put it where it's going to get access to everybody so i think along the front yeah along the side of this side road we're going to go there the city receives its first fire engine citizens feel safer than ever before there we go fantastic so they can head out to either side and they can head up over to here as well we are bound to have a fire at some point and then also police so again we've got let's just turn that off up there we've got this sort of like little countrified european police one but i prefer this one here so can we pop that somewhere which is also going to cover everybody i might just put that down here as well yeah so hopefully all of these will upgrade have we got footpaths yet no we need to reach 850 we're not far off you know what unique buildings do we have none we've unlocked unique buildings but it doesn't give us any to use oh it does you could build the statue of liberty and some parks if you had 280 000 but these ones over here no we've got to have oh yes i've reset all the unlocks as well because i've completely and absolutely nuked my entire city skyline installation to try and get rid of the stuttery problem that i used to get so all my assets went all my mods when absolutely everything went and the stuttering problem has gone as you can see but it means i have to unlock everything again well i'm quite happy to do that that is the plan so let's just have a look up here what have we got just looking at some of our trees cannot place any trees at the moment of course i could cheat them in um i could cheat them in with the movement mods but we're not going to do that so let's keep expanding as we can i've got 1317 so let's speed things up let's expand oh there we go barely a second later we've reached tinytown so now we get parks landscaping that is what i want i want to do some landscaping unlock a whole load of other stuff lots and lots of policies and paths and roads this is what i want key walls oh my goodness i mean there's so many things that get opened fences fantastic yep parks excellent that is what we want okay so we'll come back to some of those in a moment let me just pop this one more road in here make sure that these have got adequate water supply because i've heard people need water and i'm gonna add that in there and that in there and i'm also gonna do those two there because why the heck not okay so we need more of commercial residential but we're covered so that's okay well first of all then let me grab my path because what i would like to do is to give these all access to each other and across the highway as well so i'm just thinking before anybody moves in up here let's just pop in alongside here a path so we're going to go let's say up to there and then i want to go up and over so is that going to be high enough yes excellent we're going to go straight up and over like that there we go i think we are going to need to move that tree and this one as well there we go spot on excellent and then down the other side so at the minute there's nothing else here apart from this railway line eventually i imagine we're going to build in this section here but for now we haven't so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to go straight across the top like this this but it's already occupied is that like a lot higher oh it looks like that is a lot higher than darn it okay let's do that and if we go up another one put on the road guidelines and get that there will that go over the top it will cool beans so then we can slope that down to there yeah that's fine and then let's see how if i go straight across like that and then home and i can line that up to that junction there and i'm going to line it up to that junction home come on that junction there yep there we go so they can get across and hopefully lots of people will start using that the more people that are using that the less traffic there is going to be let's just shiftify some of these about a bit there we go oh and this one over here let's move that one you can get the other side there's plenty of space over there there we go so we've got all nice lights on it as well which is good and then what i want to do is along the back here we've got like this highway we've got trees here so that's going to sort of buffer the sound to a certain extent but i feel like we need to really run some sort of fence along here so let me just do that there we go i've just used the zoo fence along there i think that looks okay just adds that protective and hopefully sound barrier sort of thing along there as well i did draw that down here didn't i and it's disappeared okay i'll continue that in a moment but yeah that's looking much much better what needs do we have at the moment oh vast need for residential there we go and this is all filling in nicely and we passed 1 000 citizens which is absolutely fantastic 1400 is our next level when do we get transport 1400 well isn't that absolutely jolly let's continue this small little grid that we've got going over here right let's see what parks we have available to us there is one that i would like to put here by the school if i can find it here we go we've got the basketball court and the tennis court let's pop the basketball court in over here there we go that makes everybody happy and start to upgrade as well oh this is looking really nice this is looking really nice uh just checking out some of these buildings we've got very similar buildings popping up here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to delete that one and i'm going to delete that one and just see if we get something else grow in instead just so it looks a bit different whoa whoa hold up hold up electricity problems let's take a look water's fine electricity okay let's just pop that way up there and just see whether that is okay yep that's fantastic everybody's happy oh look at all the fog over here is atrocious oh people are using our walking path so what i want to do as well is attach these guys to a walking path over the top of this road so let's grab our walking path here and let's make it not too complicated there's a bit of a bit of a sort of a dip down here and also i bet we can probably get rid of our power cables now a bit yeah let's just sort this out oh someone's out of fruit sorry to hear that let's remove that and build that one into there and then this attaches somewhere else i just want to think where to run this one let's just run that one down there for now that should do and then we can have our little walking path i want to come over the top of this road so if we go say about there if i go up three is that going to be high enough let's do that no so let's go up another one i think it's the height of the this little slope oh there we go perfect that'll do and then we can slide it all the way down to there fantastic and then let's have a look let's slide that one down to over here if that will fit in excellent wow that is a bit hawkey bulky so let's use the move it mod we're going to grab that ctrl h make it the same size as that and then yeah that should be okay and people can walk across there if they wish i'm just wondering about having a walking path through the back here for these people to connect to let's use a gravel path it's probably going to mean losing some trees let's fill those in again there there we go and let's do this i'm going to move this road down here just a spot and that one there and i want to get a path up around the top here so let's see what we can do and what i'm going to do i wouldn't normally do this but i'm going to turn off collision so it actually puts all the trees still in the middle of the path because then i'm going to come back and i'm going to move them let's move this one down i'm going to move them either side of the path so we just don't lose them i'm probably going to lose this house here so i'm going to do that and then we'll turn it off again that's it we'll connect it up in a couple of strategic places so let's maybe come up through the middle here and then we'll curve that around and we'll get another connection over here let's do it right next to the school there we go excellent i thought that had connected but it hadn't so let's maybe go like this good good good that connects at the end there and there we go they can all walk around that's fine let's put these back in again now that the roads aren't going to move anymore there we go that should be okay yep that's looking okay and then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna use the move it mod and just move some of these trees around okay there we go so we've got the fencing and the path running down the other side of our city as well which is giving everybody access to all the different places they need to go to i don't believe we're able to charge money for all of that yet but at some point you never know we may do that but look lots of walk-in lots of walking around all down the path at the back here absolutely fantastic just sort of fenced in this school a little bit as well not the most secure fence ever but that's what we've got so we want to get to 1500 why don't we see if we can fill in this spot here and where have we got to the end of the square this spot um let's do this one here as this is more open yeah and we'll see what we can do okay the road grid's getting a bit out of shape here but what i'm just thinking we might do is i don't mind those two roads running alongside each other why not i feel like some sort of park it needs to be over here let's see what we've got oh that's a bit small i want something that maybe is gonna take up a little bit more space in there let's see this one here yeah this is the one that will fit if you pop a bit of anarchy on oh hang on hang on there we go and then use the move it mod just ever so slightly there we go yeah that looks nice that looks nice let's pop in the water for these fine folks okay excellent so that is filling out a bit now we do have a need for some more educated students uh we do have high schools available to us and there we go we have a boomtown which is going to give us some transportation bus taxi post all sorts of access to roads and things we will have a look at that in a little bit more detail and i want to pop in here there we go the perfect place for a high school there we go fantastic and what i'm going to do actually is remove these houses from here and i'm going to just sort of fence this off as if it was a proper high school there we go i think that little school area there is looking rather swish very nice very nice let's take a look over here how this is filled out not too shabby still some houses coming in and then we've just got this space over here on the other side of the highway but i think we're gonna have to buy another square before we start yeah doing that because that's out of city limits well let's see what options we've got if we buy this one we're pretty much getting that whole section but we actually want to think ahead to the future because we do have other industries available to us now farming and forestry industry so if we just come out of that menu there and take a look at our resources so what do we have okay so we've got lots of farming over here so i'm actually thinking that this is going to turn into a little farming patch over here so yeah let us buy that square [Music] [Music] [Music] so there we go that is the start of our brand new city don't forget i want to know the names that you are going to suggest for this city let me know in the comments below or if you see another one that you like give it a vote up please leave a thumbs up on this video as well that'll be really really helpful and i will see you next time for the next city skyline video take care have a fantastic day bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 554,343
Rating: 4.9588575 out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, cities skylines top mods, cities skylines episode 1, cities skylines ep 1, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, urban planning, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines what mods, cities skylines mods, cities skylines how to start your city, how to
Id: uwKJI5LogOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 32sec (2432 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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