Fixing Chronic Traffic that's Backed Up Across the Map in Cities Skylines!

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer and here we are in new zealand and today we are doing a traffic fix because we built up our city we hit megalopolopolis we've unlocked the ability to unlock every single square in the entire map but in doing so we caused so much traffic so we built up this area and this area last time and this is all backing up this is all backing up this is all backing up all the way along here look at all these cars trying to get through and yeah we need to deal with this and i've got a few ideas in mind that's going to help oh my goodness me this goes even further than i thought that's going to help us to deal with this traffic oh wow it just keeps on going keeps on going good grief well i tell you what let's get some light on the matter there we go we can now see what is going on so yeah with all the expansion we did last episode and we had these these two blocks here um i also added some more houses around the outside of this area just along the front here and further down this main road and then over here on the other island is where our main bulk of the building was we've got these houses here and these houses here so overall this section over this side is okay these junctions yeah they're well used but they're not busy uh this bit over here is well used but moving nicely so that's good so it is really just this bit over here is now starting to back up into causing other problems as well so let's just take a look at what we've got going on so first of all the way out of this area here all of these people which is is that one big zone oh yeah this is one big zone these two here but we've got 2539 so i would say roughly two thirds in here or maybe half and half because we've got more businesses in this side but they're all coming out of this one little road up here which is now causing issues so what are we gonna do about that um i also would like to change what has now become this main road through here let's look at what options we've got at two new roads i would like a four lane here we go four lane two-way road so it's not bike unfortunately there isn't a four-lane small see this is this is gonna be massive this one look really wide uh what's that one there that's also really wide so yeah no bike versions unfortunately but i think this is gonna help so we're gonna upgrade these down here which is then going to give people more options to come on and off and to go yeah left or right or straight on depending on what they wish to do we're going to add dedicated turning lanes in to these along here and that there and then what have we got here see most of these people here are turning to come down here and getting stuck and we've also got some lanes switching in the middle here that might be just because we've just changed that road so i'm not going to worry about that so we're going to follow this down here what is it that's causing this to be an issue see they could get out there a lot quicker couldn't they have we got a stop sign there we've got a giveaway sign let's just check the in-game junctions yeah it's definitely a giveaway sign but i'm just wondering whether if we remove that and just said keep going whether that would help because there's not a lot of traffic coming around here what is the speed on here that's 40 that's 50 yeah generally i wouldn't i would want the roundabout a little bit slower just to help people get out i'm just wondering if even just a little change like that um i don't like the way it's stopping this traffic on here let's try that slightly differently instead let's remove that and just let the game think about it itself it's still going to sometimes make these guys stop but already we can see this has gone down and it might be that once that has started going down that it becomes less of an issue because then these guys can get out what i am going to do here is i'm going to put a time traffic light oh it's been so long since i've done a traffic fix i'm loving it so if we click on the time traffic lights and you've got control click quick setup and i'm going to do that so it's left control left click and we're going to have a set of timed lights in fact i'd like to watch those so let us click on there and click on there yeah there we go so now these guys and girls can get out and what i'm hoping it's not going to do is back up going the other ways too much now we need to be aware that we have got crossing traffic lights here and here but they don't seem to be causing too much of an issue because there's not that many people crossing over all at once the odd one here and there but now these are getting out look and it's not backing up as much down there tell you what let's do a view this way and we can just keep an eye on this traffic down here and see whether that can get out without all this backing up [Music] just while we're watching that i'm just going to change some of these here so we've got a dedicated right turn lane as if we left click that again we now get a dedicated left turn which i think is a better idea because that's the one that's crossing the trapping and perhaps has to wait a bit whereas the straight on and the right that can just keep going and that can be much better so here we've got the left turn that's crossing the traffic is the dedicated one and the other two go on so i'm gonna change that actually that one's okay um and that one's okay and this has got traffic lights at the end by the look of it yeah it has and we've got a bus stop right there um i'm going to move that back a spot just away from the junction we've got any other stops in here right no they're all spread out all over the place yeah and also what i'm going to do now this has been running for a few minutes there we go having the two lanes is so much better why did you oh you're an ambulance you can do what you like yeah because now we can fill up two lots oh is that oh there's traffic lights here as well i didn't realize no no no i don't want those i want giveaway giveaway for all the ones coming on it's because i changed this up to sort of a a higher in the tier list of roads yeah that one down there is okay because it's got four lanes it put in all those traffic lights so that should be better yeah what i was gonna do was i was just gonna change the length of time for these guys to come out so let's just see when that is what step that is there we go step number two so i'm going to stop that i'm going to edit stop number two and i'm basically just gonna up this so we're at three and eight i'm gonna change that to let's go six and twelve and then we'll save that so it's the minimum time at least it's gonna stay for six maximum it's going to be 12 so that's a few more ticks longer and we'll leave everything else generally speaking that should be okay it's going to go back to step one again there we go now we're at step two so what we should see is more cars being able to get out which i think is the case and we've got to balance that with the fact that they can get through the roundabout down here as well and then hopefully these guys going the other way yeah what i don't like here is they're changing lanes where we've got this extra little node here which i don't want them to do so i'm going to say here goes straight on and there's one actually this isn't so busy i'm going to delete that one there we go so they'll stack up double double wide here and not block each other in and yeah hopefully that is now going to start fixing this i'm going to zoom out a bit let's just keep an eye on this row of cars here and these two rows of cars here and the roundabout see how that goes yeah and there we go look already this down here is all cleared up it's literally backing up as far as here this one isn't backing up at all and neither is this one so i would say that little junction there is definitely fixed look all of these cars are getting through bar the last couple this tech lead t lorry didn't waste his turn come on now and then by the time the lights change there's about as many cars up to here and i think most of those are gonna get through so there we go that's fine that's good and for those of you that have never really seen me do a traffic fix before i haven't done one for a while in traffic manager i always have this set to no despawning hard mode so in vanilla you've got you know without mods you've got no choice of changing that it's always in despawn mode so for instance in this situation when you've got cars backing them all the way down the road like this and going down other roads the game will just make some cars disappear to solve the problem you still get traffic but not as bad because i like to make things hard um so yeah that is moving nicely so i'm wondering now whether i could put this back to how it should be because all these guys are going and they're stopping on the roundabout so if i do that there let's just speed it up a moment is that going to make this back up or have we managed to yeah that'll be fine now because there's hardly any traffic coming through here so it's never going to be too much here that i can't get through excellent what are we at 68 percent nice okay that's good i'm pleased with that all right let's go back to this view and see what's going on so the other big thing is all my gideon this is backed up so far it's gone all the way down the highway into this section down here but we can see where the problem is it is right here so let's just take a look what's going on now we do have two lanes here so when they come down they can pick left or right uh that shouldn't be i don't think there's any straight ons on there no okay so that's what we want left or right if they're gonna go straight on they can just stay on the highway so let's use the in-game tool so that's this one here the traffic routes and click this road i might already have that clicked yeah there we go so the big thing we've got is there's going to be no pedestrians oh there's some pedestrians actually but the biggest thing you can see is purple and pink which is public transport and cargo and private vehicles let's just take a look at our private vehicles so they are coming all the way down here all the way up there and then all the way back round into this area so is there a way we could do something about that why are you running out of power we have electricity available to you maybe let's just for now bump up our budget on power there we go and hopefully that will just give enough of a boost they're thinking about it yeah there we go so can we help these cars get to in here or these people get to in here rather than just using their cars because where are they all coming from i mean they're coming from i mean they're coming from yeah all the way in here they're coming from over here and then they're driving all the way down some are coming from down here yeah so i'm thinking some sort of public transport option here would be good so what do we have well we've got this train station here and we've got this monorail sorry above ground metro that stops outside the stadium stops down here for the work stops at our main station um so probably the biggest public transport option we've got coming out of here is our station so let's just have a look at our train line so we've got our green one here which comes along this way and stops over here yeah there's a stop there and a stop there okay and then it comes up here and stops at this one so people are preferring to drive rather than jump on the train which is interesting to me you would think that they would drive to a train station yeah that is interesting you think they drive to a train station like for instance these guys coming from all the way up here i suppose where is their nearest train station they'd have to come off the highway wait there so actually that probably is quicker for them anyway so is there a way we could get these cars into here um we've got a way for them to come out but we haven't got a little slip road for them to get in could we do something about that well look we've got this slip road off here that comes this way could we use that to somehow go i've see only we could just do that over the top there and run in that would be perfect or could we have it like come up here over the top man this could be like super tight why don't we just give it a go and see what happens so if we're going to our highway roads we are going to take a highway ramp just going to pause this a minute and just see what we can get in here do you know what i'm actually going to do it with um let's have a look there we go that's what i'm looking for i want to put like a little raw road in here page up i don't want it to keep snapping so if we could do something like this okay let's turn off all of these things hmm let's start from there and then go up put some anarchy on try not to delete anything that we've got in here already yeah and then we could go over the top like this so it's a nice sort of curve that comes around we'll adjust the height on this later don't worry and then it can come back down again sort of here and then we've got access to over there and if we put this back on and maneuver that we'll get rid of all the trees and there we go excellent and then down here we could then just it's going to be a bit squeezy squeezy uh let us can i fit in there yeah let's get the move it mod and just move this bit of fence back to down here somewhere i'll sort that out a bit later and then i want this to come in and snap in here like that so they can come out of there come up walk just about get through okay let's upgrade this to this one we can start seeing what it looks like and there is gonna be some jiggly pokey needed okay that fence is gonna go that's fine this is gonna have to be lifted up that's okay that's gonna come down there to there okay so let's just tackle this one point at a time what have we got oh okay that is going to be oh it's going the wrong way as well there we go so if we can move oh man it's so tight under here i can't even get in so there's the pillow that's what i'm looking for so if we could move this back a little bit like that just set the height the same oh that is the height that's okay and then if we can just move this over a bit because we've got like that in the way there which is a little bit weird oh there we go excellent if we do that move this all over a bit now that moves off here as it should do let's get the height on here so if we sort of go up to that and up to that and then we'll slope that so we'll do that one that one that one and that one and then we'll say slope objects and i hope that's still oh that we've got that there let's move that off the highway let's see another oh it's the key wall there isn't it okay well that's not the end of the world hmm we could actually use that to our advantage and pop it on the key wall uh how high is that oh man that is never high enough is it that is nowhere near high enough okay let's uh just move these up a little bit more and just see how that goes yeah i think that is probably about as low here comes a tractor with the trailer on the end yeah i would say teeny tiny one two three four and then that'll be it yep that's high enough so that's gonna swing over there and now we've got access here and that literally could just go straight into there so if we grab put that on put that on ain't no and if we go like this we could literally just go straight into there so now we've got an in and out um and we could shake it all about and if we do that no thanks that's not what i want i want to say oh it's like coming in on the wrong side now on the wrong side isn't it so these are going to be crossing over well that's a bit annoying so i mean the other option is if we move this out a bit like this finagling finagling we could just pop a teeny tiny roundabout in there uh i want this button here that's not the smallest i could probably get smaller than that it's got to be like a really small round about one you yeah that'll do and if we go like that there we go so they're going to come in they are going gonna go around that way and it was all a bit back to front but if we swing that round a bit swing that round a bit swing that round a bit that's all of it nice and slopey i think that should be okay oh man i've completely lost the shape now the roundabout no [Music] okay that'll do that'll do i could finagle with that all day and then hopefully they will start using this so all we need now here is to give them a dedicated language coming off so control left click will be fine and i think that's it we'll go in the right direction isn't it yeah there we go look people are using it already so anybody wants to come over here is now going to start using this uh yeah we've got like crossings and all sorts there don't need crossings on there so let's just turn those off crossings no crossings no crossings oh buildings disappeared uh crossings no you've got crossings further down you can use crossings no crossings no any other crossings you want to get rid of this one here that one so every time i click there's more crossings to turn off there we go i feel like i'm missing one over here somewhere this one no we've done that one we've done that one oh there's one there look ah there it is i got it i got it now these buildings are coming back that's fine i think that should be okay let's maneuver those and i want to put a big tree in the middle there we go let's grab that so that now should ease the amount of cars that want to go down that road hopefully that's the idea but we've still got to get these all to go first now this is a perfect example see all these cars down this red road here that was on vanilla the game would have despawned half of those but we like things hard so um what could we do here to try and help with this a bit i'm just wondering whether let's just have a look at how we've got set up here yeah we've got it giving way which is fine um we've got what i'm going to do is say no lane switching on quite a few of these so if any of them do want to go right which they don't want to then they could stack up there i might just pop in here you know just to help get things moving around about that's just going to be weird no let's not do that it's not going to work because the bridge and yeah what i'm going to do actually is turn off that and i'm just going to say keep going and i it's just going to be a mess until they're gone and in fact you know what i am going to do is i'm going to tell these guys to give way instead and you let these go so they can go down so let's see how that goes yeah unfortunately what is going to happen is this is all going to back up down here but these have nearly all gone look so as we know less cars are coming down here now what we can do is just put that back to these giveaway and these go and now this should clear up all the techniques there's so many of them to all the technique vans and the emergency vehicles that need to come through and this should not back up anymore now what i'm hoping hasn't happened is when we go and look at the road that we've put in the extra road and it's caused an issue i don't think that it would he just let the car flipping go what's your problem did i not set this up properly what do i do here oh i've got these um go straight through so i'm gonna do giveaway is this great oh it's all the emergency vehicles trying to force their way through okay fine fair enough so this yeah should now keep going and not be a problem and let's just come and check this extra road is clear as well there it is ah that's good see if it wasn't for this railway line that comes through here i would i would have done something with this junction and had the road come up there and then come down here or something like that but yeah i don't i don't mind i don't mind what we've got going on there that works out in my mind so let me just move some of these trees out the middle of the road there we go there we go there we go there we go done excellent so that's now helping everybody get into that and if we just go back to this tool again here the traffic routes click on this road there we go so now we can see all the people that were coming from over here that for some reason aren't taking public transport are now going down that road there and it's not causing any issues at all and the little mini death wave we're getting because of blocking all the services will be fine 76 excellent i can see we've got a little issue here but it's not too bad this is all okay yeah it's yeah these guys are changing lanes here what i want is when they come through this junction is to pick their lane and stick in it all the way along that road and not change lanes and that just helps things move so much better do you know what i mean it's only backing up to there that's like nothing and what i could even do to help move that along a bit quicker we say as you're coming through this junction don't stop and keep the junction clear because hardly any other cars come in just go through that junction i'll do it for both directions so then they will back up and also take up this space so it means when the lights change they're not driving from this line through they're driving from if they've sort of filled this up they're driving from here through it might just get them through a bit quicker yeah that's okay it's not blocking each other up as long as it's moving i'm happy with that 79 it is going up so that's okay this is okay that's okay this is just a well used train line this is looking a bit busy here what is going on so they're all coming off and they're all getting stuck here some want to go left so i want to go right they're blocking each other up okay so let's look at our two you three lane roads is there a yes asymmetrical three-lane road sort of this sort of color and what i'm going to do is i'm going to get the node controller i'm going to add an extra node sort of halfway down like that i don't want it as a crossing i just have it as a normal middle but it now means i can upgrade just one half of this road so we'll take our asymmetrical there we go oh john wonder might just do the other way the other way and actually we use this one do we not get the nice turn in the middle i thought we'd get a nice join in the middle there but obviously not okay well whatever we use that one so now we've got a left and a right lane if we set it up correctly so if we look at that there we go right lane left lane and this one over here they're all going onto the roundabout anyway so that's okay so hopefully that would just move a little bit better let's just keep an eye on this and see how it goes for a minute or two what i don't want is it backing up over here if anybody's going through i want them to go through because at the minute as you can see it keeps backing up yeah it's not too bad you know what we could also do just to help this along is we're going to say look you need to give way there you need to give way and you need to give way these guys can just go and then when it comes down here you give way and then these guys can go i think that would be much better i'm also going to say this little bit here oh actually no it's fine the last nodes all the way along here which is a bit odd let's just move that up a bit oh that's okay look they're going through now what are we at 76 percent these here keep stopping look which they don't need to do so there's something that's going on there not stop signs okay so what we'll do is instead we'll say you just keep going there we go it's a very tight turn i mean they're probably a bit annoyed having to take that turn there but that's fine that'll be okay although yeah most annoying thing is is a lot of this traffic is coming from these really busy factories up here that are making us a whole load of money look how much money we're making and the only way in and out is this roundabout or this roundabout and they seem to be choosing this way just checking we haven't got any reasons why yeah i think what they're doing is they're coming through here and then they're coming down here to our best harvard lager harlow yes and that's what's happening look if we just use the tool again let's use our noggin and see who's coming through this road so obviously we know there's no private vehicles but trucks yeah millions of them yeah so they're all coming down here they're stopping off at the cargo and all of that so yeah if they take this road here they can't get through to there so actually there's a way of fixing that which i think might be a good idea we're going to take this road here and we're oh there we go and we're going to just connect that to there that is nearly straight anyway and then this one here i want that to connect sort of in there so it's a t junction yeah and then we might just find if i prioritize this road through here so then you give way you give way we might get more coming down here than coming through here so let's just go like that and keep an eye on these cars this side and whether we get more people coming down that side yeah i would say that's definitely better making sure it's splitting the traffic between these two uh entrances and exits means this isn't backing up over here anymore and this isn't backing up so that's actually working much much better what are we at let's have a look 75 percent it's like going up and going down what's going on over here okey pokey lane switching that's what's going on over here i'm gonna say no no pick your lane when you come out and then keep going and then this one give way yeah and then hopefully then they will just keep on going yes that's all moving red but moving red but moving oh look there's hardly any cars down here at all now red but moving red but moving we're okay let's get back over here again so that's okay only backing up a few this is okay this side here is backing up but again we've got that weird thing where they're walking your lane switching where we don't want them to and we're just going to stop it all the way along that road so we're not going to allow it there not going to allow it there so when you come in to this node whether it's coming down this road from the left or this road here you pick your lane and you stick in it then that means the cars can stack up too wide all the way between these two junctions so let's just keep an eye on that for a sec unless anybody changes their mind like you just saw the head and dives out there we go so when the cars can go they can go maybe not necessarily twice as fast but definitely a lot quicker and as long as this here doesn't back up to this node this junction i'm fine with that there's a lot of people coming off of this path here and jumping into their cars which is a little bit annoying but yeah that's fine there we go look that's gone down now look at that look at that one little change this one here is still i think it's just so busy because we're only giving them access to the highway through this one junction do you know what we should do we should give these guys some access to the highway down here somewhere we've got this here look at this oh of course of course completely forgot about that and oh my goodness me what target do we need to hit to unlock this square we don't oh which one is it uh is this one i can't tell which one it is this one here purchase for lots of money yeah there we go so if we add that is going in both directions so if we add that in over here somewhere so let's just change this a bit like we've got this one here i am going to grab that road there we're going to upgrade this main road coming through here and then that's going to come down this way and that's going to connect up to this one so we're going to grab that and that is going to go through there we have it nice and straight that'll be better point there we go there we go so they can come down there let's set up our turning lane so coming out of it because we're going to get a lot of cars now redirecting down the highway and coming off through here so we just got to think ahead so we've got this set up okay again dedicated turning lanes i want i don't is it going to protect it so that'd be protected right or i misusing the term i can't remember but as the uh actually i want it that way don't i protected no that's not right at all anyway you know what i mean where it's crossing the traffic gets its own lane and then the other two that move quicker don't uh we'll do the same there where it crosses the traffic zone lane same for this one and then where does it turn now it's going to go down this way i'm just going to do giveaway and give way as this is the main route through so i want the main route through to the highway to have its own lane and again it's that's where it's crossing the traffic and that's the same for this one yeah the same here as well and now what is that police car doing he's like i've changed my mind and then at the end here i would like an asymmetric road so they can sort of choose where they're going now we could even use one like this where it's got three lanes you've got the one lane that goes out but then you've got three so it can go left right and straight on which i don't think is a bad idea depending on how many cars start coming down here and then we'll see how that goes and then here i don't know what you're waiting for but i want you to keep going through and you and you're gonna give away and you're gonna give way and in the air i think that's okay and then they're coming down here to the highway let's put our camera mod on so we can move over into a square we don't own and they can literally go onto the main highway through the city or they can go underneath and come through this little setup and come out onto here oh excellent or they can cut through there so that is a quicker way to get down to our industrial area which is great why does that look weird is that just because of the way these roads are set up possibly there we go and that is great so it before everybody here would have had to have gone up there through this roundabout down there down there then onto the highway or we don't want to get over here it was whoops up there through this roundabout and then crossing over here and then into the mix but that should be so much better 80 percent is that is fantastic it's normally what i would aim for some sort of slowing down outside of our zone but that isn't something i would normally worry about that looks all okay that's red but moving that's red but moving that's all okay we're growing as well up to forty thousand that's all okay this is gonna start getting busier i have to keep an eye on this as i it's not optimized the way i would like it but it still works that's the trade line that's busy this is a lot look i mean ideally i'd like a way for these guys to get from here to over here so they don't have to go up and around which we could bring this road i don't there's enough room to get up and over there we have to sink all of this down we'll leave it as it is we'll leave it as it is because this isn't busy at all that's not busy this is not busy what about the other islands we're sort of ignoring that one our new area is fine that junction's okay that's red but it just means busy that's red but just moving and then the other side over here this is super busy yeah this is something we need to look at getting on and off this island because they get up to here and they're like backing up backing up do you know what we could put in here let's pop in a time traffic light and see how that goes whether that helps these people here and i want to see so they're number two i want to see how many of those get out and whether that helps okay if i do that view there like that watch all of these cars i mean they're backing up to here so let's just keep an eye on that and see whether they get out quicker better faster we'll start singing the song okay back in a sec quit sipping tea while i'm waiting [Music] yeah look there we go we can see already it's not backing up at all now they're getting that much quicker and this isn't backing up this way or this way it's getting a little bit busy here i mean this is a bad design this area i may end up changing it but if you remember i just put this underground road to sort of hide it out the way but unfortunately it comes right past this cargo area so cars are getting in each other's way so what i'm actually going to do is make this a bigger road uh two you two three that one there four lane oh we can't change that one need to touch it mods there we go now we can change it yeah so i might just do that one there as well what the heck whatever done no [Music] uh where's the road i can't see the underground bit of road there we go that's what i want i want this oh mamma mia what have i done [Music] okay there we go that sort of sorted it out uh let's just move these rocks out the way yeah there we go i think that's okay just got a couple of bushes here come on now out the road please and the road now thank you very much got these ones have i got the this turned off yeah there we go that's what it is so if i do move it mod above ground mode select that and go one one there we go it all goes excellent yeah they're not backing up here at all now this isn't backing up either way this is super busy this area but it's all moving and we're sort of like one one percent point off of being 80 percent so i'm thinking it's like these guys here keep stopping why are you stopping that you don't need to stop don't stop i want you to they've already got to keep going there's another node here with the keep going through a bit let's do that can you just keep going through and can anybody coming up here can you just give way i think it's because this node and this node are just too close together and i'm worried if i touch them i'm gonna break something it might only just need to be a tiny ah there we go look a tiny movement and now it all just keeps going that is much more like it and i bet this one's the same as well tiny movement tiny movement yep excellent good right we are so close to 80 i just want to make a little change here whenever a train comes in and drops off a whole ton of people this gets pretty chock-a-block and i i think it was in the last episode use the touch it mod to unlock this little road here and change it and i've got two lanes coming out so they can go left and right but i think i want to stop them crossing over this road um because it's just too busy so what i'm going to do is i'm gonna change that to a two lane two-way road with no parking there we go there's one road in one road out what are these guys doing down here i don't want anything going down here but buses hang on we'll come back to what we were doing um yeah if i take that one there and say no cars buses are fine taxis are fine trucks no uh there's no sos no if you you need help you need to drag yourself out here for an ambulance okay don't do that um and then down here we're gonna say you can go there you can go there and then you can go there so it's a straight coming out not getting in each other's way there's no nodes in the middle then here they will sort themselves out where they're gonna go so yeah we're gonna have to leave that as straight on and off what are these cars doing they're still cars trying to go up there don't go up there i just said anyway so then they'll come through and then if they need to turn around they'll come down here and use this which is fine and then i might just leave the rest of that as it is what are we at oh we're at 80 this is just such a busy busy junction i mean there are roundabouts nearby i wonder whether to do a similar thing here and stop them turning left and right and just make them keep going straight on just because it's so busy which means we could take that road take away the asymmetric road and actually we could just do a bit of hugo there and that should just keep everybody going straight and where they should go and just keep them and then if they come down here need to turn around not quite sure where they would go let's just i'm hoping they won't hook a ue in here they'll just carry on going down and turn around somewhere else and they could go up there and round here couldn't they which is not a bad idea uh this has ended up with traffic lights on at some point i don't want that although we did oh yeah we did that to keep this going didn't we how bad is the traffic under here yeah still a lot coming and going um why ideally what i want is this to hook up to this main road here so they're not coming out past this cargo doohickey simple barge harbor cargo thing or we could have it go into here and then up to there do you know what i think that would be a much better idea yeah let's just repurpose this here i don't know what's going on with that i tried to slope that so it wasn't anywhere near as bad and it still didn't do what i wanted it to do let's just raise that up a bit and we'll raise this one up a bit as well and then we need to do a little bit of terraforming around there and then we'll get this all sorted yeah that's all just a bit weird isn't it let's fix that as well there we go that's much better and then this is becoming a main road up here so i'm probably i mean i'm a little about i'm thinking what to do yeah what we'll do is we'll just try and deal with it with everybody that's coming on to us to give way and then these guys can come up here and then i do want an asymmetrical road at the end so we are going to take this one and as this isn't so busy and please make it stay like that we'll give them asymmetrical roads to come out and that bus stop there i'm not too concerned about it it may mean traffic lights here because this is now becoming sort of a semi main road sort of situation i'm gonna put that there as well and then i'm just gonna go dedicated turning lanes for this one crossing the traffic and the rest okay and we'll see whether that then helps this situation so it's literally just cargo trucks coming down here turning around at the end blocking each other up can i do hugo there and tell him just to go in a certain lane do you know what this needs is a teeny tiny roundabout okay there we go that runs a lot better once they've been down here picked up or dropped off the cargo they can just go around the roundabout and back out again and it's not being impacted by the cars coming from alcatraz island which is now connecting i've just gone straight past it over here and that's not causing any problems at all and everything's moving smoothly i've removed the time traffic lights from here we don't really need them they can just give way and that just keeps all of this moving and we must be at 80 we are 80 there we go that is it i think that is a flipping good traffic fix for our city everything's running smoothly which is just what we want to see so if you enjoyed this please be sure to subscribe and leave a like be sure to check out the other videos on the screen and be back very soon for our continuing build in our city here of new zealand and we've unlocked now haven't we all the squares megalopolopolis we can finally head over to here to start building our real high-density stuff using some of the new metro and train hubs and all that sort of thing really looking forward to getting my teeth into that cool have a good day see you soon take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 221,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines how to start your city, cities skylines bridges and piers, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines megalopolis, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city
Id: o7pwhaimP9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 14sec (2714 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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