Do You Really Need Postal Services in Your City? (Cities Skylines)

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this postal workers decided not to deliver post in the area around where they live they are traveling through the winky wonky intersection all the way down the highway now that is really interesting i had no idea they would do something like that [Music] hello everybody welcome back to city skylines with me biffer here in the city of new zealand now today we are going to be running an experiment during this episode so the question is how much of a difference to your city does the postal service make because i've realized just the other day i don't really have much of a postal service coverage in my city so i've been thinking i just want to level that out there we go i've been thinking that we need to run a little experiment to see so what i'm going to do is take some facts and figures from our city and see how much difference it makes adding in much better postal service coverage so which facts and figures are we going to be mostly interested in our city and then once we see the outcome of this at the end you can decide whether you would like to add these items into your city or whether you can just leave them not have them in your city at all so let's find out so first of all let's take a look at our info views and we have the post offices info view down here and as you can see anything that's red has a low efficiency coverage of postal workers and you know most of the city is pretty pretty rubbish look you can see red red red everywhere there's a few little spots of blue and we'll come to those in a moment but what do we already have in the city well this is where we first started building in our city and way back then biffa's brain remembered to put in at the odd post office so these post offices were send out the vans in a small little area so post vans in news 11 out of 11 and they will collect the post now my understanding is the post trucks then take that post over to the post sorting facility but anyway we have a post office here we have another one over here just tucked into this area so that's why you can see a little bit of blue even though there's still lots of bed around here which is interesting we'll come back to that um and then we move over here to tranquility points we have another post office there and then i think the last one we have is all the way over here here we go in the strawberry district are no problem at all there we go one more post office and we can get all the figures in there excellent so we have what was that four one two three and four and they're all taking the post over here to the post sorting facility uh without a post sorting facility uh your post offices would have to go in and out of the city themselves but they will bring all of the post over to here look there we go there is a post van transporting mail to west dale so that truck is taking the mail outside of the city very good very good we can see there unsorted mail sorted now so it's doing a good job plenty of capacity left but why do we want to increase the coverage in our city well the post collection has an effect on happiness of our citizens so we go over here to our citizen happiness tab and we can see that our citizens are pretty happy so i'm gonna take a screenshot of that screen there and we're gonna come back to compare at the end so the bluer the screen the more happier people are and pretty much everybody is almost in the last category so at the moment i would say even without fantastic postal coverage or pretty poor postal coverage let's be honest everybody is still pretty happy now why is happiness a benefit to us well happiness can help in the upgrade of buildings so let's have a look at our next info view of levels here we go and the darker the color the higher the level of the building so as we can see down here these are pretty dark these are pretty dark and we've got some light ones along the front and you can see on these graphs here we do have maybe two-thirds residential two-thirds commercial three-quarter industrial and maybe one-third offices are at the higher level and the rest are at you know low to medium sort of level now some of that will be to do with high-rise banning for instance over here in our new area primrose hills we haven't named this one yet we'll get to that later we have no tool buildings or whatever the uh let's have a quick look at the policies in the city planning high-rise ban over in this area and that will be the same for a lot of areas but we want to see how much of a difference that makes so let's also take a screenshot of that and we will compare that at the end so as well as increasing the happiness which has the knock-on effect of upgrading our buildings it also means that our citizens will pay more tax now at the moment our tax rates are all at 12 if we put those any higher there's generally some complaints and 12 is more or less seen as the figure that most people will pay but why not we'll take a screenshot of that as well and let's see whether at the end we can encourage people to pay more tax and maybe we'll compare that to our residential income our commercial income and our industry and office income as well and then finally with all of that going on will it increase our population at sixty thousand two hundred and two people with a nice steady in growth of uh in growth growth incoming you know what i mean of roughly 50 to 100 people a week yes so let's see how all of this goes so what i would like to test is finding one of our post offices that we already have placed and just seeing how far our postal trucks are willing to go this is quite a good example it almost seems like there is a round area of effect around here so let us grab okay let's have a look here so this is the post sorting facility is bringing mail to the post office and so what do those trucks look like let's take a look yeah there's so those are the big trucks like that excellent let's find one of the smaller postal vans here we go so he's returning to the facility he's unloaded all of his post so let's find one who's actually going out to deliver post aha he's just left so he's now picked up the post that these larger trucks have dropped off and he's going to deliver it around the area so let's follow this guy here and see how far he will travel and we can see as he goes along all the buildings that he's passing are changing color which is great and it's only it's not a distance by the look of it so he's at 70 percent all of this going around the roundabout it's only when he passes other buildings and unloads his mail here he goes it's going to go down again that the figure starts going down and this one's heading out on the highway now that's interesting so this postal workers decided not to deliver post in the area around where they live they are traveling through the winky wonky intersection all the way down the highway past a whole nother area chai beach now that is really interesting i had no idea they would do something like that still going past earl grey gardens past the starting area of our map green tea square no way i thought they would just stick in a local area i think this is actually going to be harder to work out than i thought it was aha sugar cube square is this where you're going to be delivering it looks like it is you've decided to come all the way over to sugar cube square now that to me is fascinating so we can't say that each of these vehicles has an area of effect or each of the buildings has an air of effect it looks like they will be called out to anywhere that needs post will deliver until they get to 100 percent or zero deliver all their post and then they're gonna return to the facility again okay so that is actually gonna make it a little bit harder in working out what we're gonna do so it almost seems to me then with that information in my brain that we just need to keep placing down post office buildings until oh this is going to be weird until all the areas are happy like we don't have one on here see i bet let's just place one on here and see whether he will still leave the area to go and deliver somewhere else okay so here we go under mass transit postal services let's select a post office uh we can see that there is a noise uh around them which isn't very good is that actually a post office there no i don't think it was no okay excellent um so i'm just wondering where i mean i would sort of normally put it down here perhaps out of the way in our industry area so as not to upset the residents around here i think that would probably be the best idea what i was wondering was whether even just placing one down will make people happy or unhappy let's just pop it at the end here sorry to the people that live here yeah so we saw how far that spread that spread to quite a distance over there now there he goes look you can literally see him going out delivering post already so unsorted mouse they literally come with some mail already now that's interesting is this figure here tied in to all the other ones as well let's have a look so at the minute let's pause 38 000 unsorted mail what's this one over here 66 600 no so it's given a random figure in an area and all 11 post fans have gone out and i can't see any of them on the island are they all heading under here to come out and head off to somewhere else i bet they are let's just see if we see any coming out here there they go there's two of them and i bet a few more have already headed out there's another one excellent you cheeky so-and-so's not delivering posts in your local area um okay so how are we gonna fix this problem so of course there are mods that you can use where you can tell services to only service a certain area so obviously we've got our district over here and we could probably set i've never used that mod we could probably set this as a service to say only look after the guys and girls in hmp guilty area and so on around the city but i don't have that mod i don't really want to get into that i've looked into it before and i think they're possibly on little issues with it i might be wrong it might have changed now but now the question is how many post offices are we going to put around our city see these that are being happily dealt with even though we don't have well say happily some of these people on the main road have been visited even though we don't have a post office over here so how many do we need to put down to cover the whole city also worth keeping in mind i uh import and export uh figures as well which i didn't mention before i don't think that's gonna make a huge difference on the city but we'll take a screenshot i've just set this one just to show the mail and i'll export as well so i mean that's i would imagine just going to increase as we add more post offices so let us go around our city and i'm gonna put just as a starting figure look there must be a post van in here somewhere these are starting to change color i am gonna put a post office in each of our districts at least one and we'll see how much of a difference that makes so let's start over here in primrose i also don't think that the what is the air of effect of noise it's only 10 so that is not too shabby so i don't think anyone's gonna really complain at that but i think i'd rather get the happiness boost for everybody so can i squeeze this in right by the train station i can there we go that happiness boost goes across all of the city which is great then you're going to go out and start delivering our posts for us right so that's primrose hill why don't we just move it in a clockwise direction so over here we have the cedar district by the airport of course lots and lots of big buildings in here i'm assuming they have lots of postal needs so let's see where we can fit one of these in here okay here we go we've got a nice little slot over here at the back i think that would be the perfect place uh as those trucks will go out let's just zoom out and keep an eye on this area and see how much they cover this one if they do this first or if they just drive uh all over the place instead [Music] yep looks like most of them are leaving we can see them all coming down here they're all going they're not being forced to leave i have fixed this little area here so yeah i'm wondering while i'm doing this whether there is some sort of age attached to the postal needs you know this area over here has been waiting longer than that area so they will go over there first maybe something like that look at we literally sat here i can see the colors changing to blue which is great so more of our city is being covered nice okay so then we have our green tea fields farm now this is showing as a low efficiency i'm assuming these still have postal needs but i wouldn't put a post office over here in a farming area so i'm not going to do that but right next to it we have elizabeth square and up there we go and the crest district this has given us a nice little tour of our areas as well isn't it which is fantastic so let's see what we've got going on in here no post offices in here i mean it's a pretty big population in this area so almost 4 000 in that section almost fourth that's 8 000 people in that section i don't know i'm reckoning at least a couple of post offices one on each side maybe there we go we can see the effects spreading over there excellent so that's two we have in here now one there and one over here so let's just watch that and see whether that makes much of a difference already we can see the colors going look look there they go excellent excellent excellent will they reach as far as dean's square as that's a teeny tiny little district i'm going to sort of hope that gets covered by these two this section down here and sugar cube square i don't think that has a no the nearest post office is all the way over here and this is a very big area so over 5000 people there sparty hub uh maple gardens no which is the name that we're looking for sugarcube square i'm looking at the district names oh that's the university of course it is crest heights so four and a half thousand people there this is all shops so maybe perhaps over between these two would be a good one i'm gonna pop it over here as this seems right out on a limb you can come in and out on this way but yeah let's pop one over here as well and there we go we've got the perfect spot right down here there's no buildings around that one so i'm actually going to put some high density residential in there make sure the district is covering that yes it is there we go and they're going to start heading out and dealing with the post in this area and i'm hoping that's maybe going to overlap and cover some of this as well i'm actually thinking sugar cube square whoa what is going on with our water sewage treatment is very very low okay let's just quickly fix that um over in our industry areas where we've got all our sewage i think that's the pumping service eco advanced water inland treatment we could probably do with adding a little something like that okay we're gonna pop a couple of these over here let's grab that again there we go we'll hook those up and then hopefully that will cover there we go and there we go it should have electricity yep hopefully that will be everything we need yep there we go and then we just need some more water being made available as well over here there's no pollution along here at all this is just a sort of cargo type area so i'm gonna pop in a couple of these large water towers there we go and i'm pretty sure let's pop this on here that that is gonna be oh okay well we'll go to there we'll hook that one into there that is gonna be plenty of coverage so let's check that yeah we're fine excellent yeah so back to sugar cube square this is such a high density type area we really do have to have some postal services in here so i'm hoping we can find a nice little spot where we can slip one in without destroying anything else and yet here we go the perfect little spot over here between these two parts that come down excellent and then yeah everybody is happy the little trucks are going out and start servicing hopefully this immediately things start upgrading which is exactly what we want to see those little green arrows that are popping up there's another one there there we go there we go which is really good there's like two little things that are popping up which is interesting what if i could get to see what they are hmm let's wait and see if it happens again there we go look so it's like a little money one so i wonder that is something to do with the tax if you know what that is let me know in the comments below but there we go so i think between those two there this one here and that one over there hopefully we're gonna cover all of that now i'm looking at this section in the middle here of course this is a lot of population in here so yeah let's pop another one in over here as well there we go just pop that one in over there so i think between that we've got all of these areas over here covered so now we're coming down here to the industry area and of course i mean we do have the postal and we can see look some of these are turning blue so even industries have needs for post look there we go perfect example that is turning blue and these are like the little cargo storage containers so trucks are coming here so maybe we'll leave that for now we'll concentrate on the areas where there's more people now we do have a post office right here and we do have one right over here as well but they're still not sort of covering these here but i don't think we need another one there i'm thinking we possibly need another one over here so we've got one in tranquility point but not one on chai beach although that seems to be covered well what i'm doing here is maybe going for a little bit of realism as well so if we add one in this area then trucks from some of the other ones we've got aren't going to travel over here they're maybe going to stick more to their own area like these ones down here are doing a bit so let's see if we can pop one in shy beach oh and right on the end here there is just a spot that hasn't been zoned we're going to pop that one there there we go how far is that happen it's gonna reach oh almost all the way to the end excellent oh just spotted this needs rebuilding over here ah that's why we ran out of water the fire oh we've got far too much water no probably never mind so there we go all the trucks are gonna head out and yeah be interesting to see where these ones go i'm just gonna follow one of these well that's a station wagon so that won't be the one let's follow this one here he's got a hundred percent let's see what happens [Music] yeah there we go so he's heading off to a totally different area so i think yeah like i said if we have our areas covered then there's going to be less crossover okay so that is for now i think our main island covered i still wonder whether to put one extra one down here or with the farm yeah let's leave it like that let's leave it like that and see how that goes and let's move to no problem at all which has a few problems so we can see that down here already there they're changing color so this post office it seems like they stick to the main roads and don't go off the side road very often but i think one on this whole area which has a population of what have we got zero in there myrtle square one thousand two hundred nearly oh so that's ten thousand initial together those are parks highland gardens is a park yeah so 11 12 000 people one little teeny tiny post office is not enough so i'm wondering whether to try and squeeze one down the front here somewhere as i said that this truck's coming along here look and dealing with all of those yeah i'm actually going to put him over here in this area because it's not zoned we have a few services down here let's put him on that side road there and again my thinking is you know they're going to travel hopefully between the two of those cover this island so there we go that will do for that one there and then over here in orlando heights sunset heights aspen park alien rock park and our zoo now this zoo is red i'm assuming they're not going to drive into the zoo because these are all paths so that's probably always going to stay red what would this area be named if i completely missed any names for that area but yeah with all the people that are on here i don't think we've got any post offices over here at all no we haven't so let's pick our most densely populated areas i think maybe one over here to help deal with all the industry would be good and there's some nice little spots look along the front maybe over here look next to whatever that is medical clinic that would be good we'll have one there and even though there's trucks coming over here i'm going to put one in the what would this area be names section there must be somewhere here where i can squeeze one in oh look right next to there would be good i'm going to destroy a house yeah sorry residents we're going to take out that one house there let's just make sure nothing else is gonna be zoned next to it yeah so i think between that one this one here and this is a huge built up area so definitely one over here as well although this gets pretty busy with the traffic but i just think yeah i think we could squeeze one in right on the end over here it's quiet yeah there we go why not so there we go excellent coverage on this area and then that's probably i'm sure they were all what's going on with the power power problems pam was just not reaching that far oh okay he's coming in it's going getting some brown outs we've got fires going on somewhere i don't think this figure's going up and down i think we woke up we probably just need a little bit more power yeah i'm just going to pop an advanced wind turbine over here i'm hoping it will connect to there it will excellent and just give a little bit of a boost over here yeah there we go that's okay and that's not spoiling any views or anything is it no that's fine that's okay i don't think that should be a problem at all okay so here we are at our lonely post office sorting facility this place is going to get super super busy i am worried about the traffic in this area so we may move it i'll see how that goes but we have gone from four post offices to 16 post offices we've quadrupled our post offices in new zealand yeah i think we're gonna have some problems here with the traffic um let's just take a quick look in this view we can see all the trucks coming and going and it is holding this up a lot i'm wondering whether the mayor of new zealand would say yeah we can delete you you were just me testing some stuff where the mayor of new zealand would say we've upgraded our infrastructure so much in this area that we can relocate our post sorting facility and i'm thinking over here somewhere perhaps where it is not so busy um let's just take a quick look at the size of that building yeah that was going to fit in there i'd have to flip the other way around and i'm still not sure and i want to squeeze that in here without touching the road would that fit in there no so we would need a whole new area now here actually coming off of this roundabout would be perfect it would have its own access to everywhere why don't we do that and we can finally get rid of what i can only be described as either a bird has gone smack into the ground and left its mark or a weird sort of airplane motif i don't know should we keep it i just think it's going to go anyway oh i decided to keep it i've moved it over there yes i can never get rid of anything so let's put a little upgrade in here i'm going to just keep things running in the background while we're doing this so yeah let's just go for standard two lane road no parking and let's have a look how we're going to do this i don't think we want to make it too complicated i mean we could literally come straight down like that to use this space over here this is where it's going to be uh two-way road no parking i think we'll use this one here oh that's a teeny tiny road isn't it i wouldn't realize that was a a small road well it was a two-year road but it's like a teeny tiny one you road okay well what i'm going to do anyway is upgrade this bit so it's got two coming out we'll leave this one and see what happens and then we can put it on that side they could come in they could drop off they could turn around the end and they could go knowing how busy this is going to be i'm thinking a very small little roundabout on the end there would actually probably help one new one-way road no parking let's do that just something like that to go around excellent and then let's just pause the game look at all these trucks i could just see them all coming in there we go look loads loads and loads of them let's take that and that is not going to fit like that because it goes the other way around oh actually i tell what we're going to do let's try that again it's going to be up against that road there all right let's just move some things down a bit here hold on let's do this we're going to pop it up against the side there oh seriously okay we're going to anarchy that in and then i'll move this bit make it a little bit smaller there we go that should be fine and then what i was thinking of doing here because they're going to come in and out of there now instead of over here um i think that's going to be okay they'll come down there they'll come out and then what i don't want them is to cross over this street i want them to go around turn around there and then come back out again so they don't get in each other's way but it might actually now i've done all that setup it might actually work okay um it's going to take a while for the truck to realize this place has moved and the other thing we could have a quick look at is the spawning points so we've got oh we said it's too far from the road for some type of vehicles now that's interesting i've literally just placed it up against the side of the road hmm that's a little bit odd let's give these guys some water there we go electricity should be fine yeah you're fine yeah very odd i mean i've literally just placed this down that shouldn't cause a problem i'm wondering that's to do with the fact that they're still going perhaps to the other one but what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna move those a little bit closer to the road uh like that and the same for this one and i think to be honest that'll probably fix itself once the trucks have stopped going to this spot over here which we know they will do for a while there we go oh he's getting confused he's turned around to come back let's just see what happens oh there we go i just saw some movement okay so i've changed this to a road with a median so now they have to come down here and turn around uh which is fine and we're just going to set this up um i don't want anybody giving way and then i want you just to go straight there and then when you come out you can just pick either one of those i also need to just check this which i've just thought about let's remove that that might be the reason why no one's coming over here and then we're there we go look they're all thinking about it now and then we'll just no let's do that we'll do the giveaway there and i think that should be okay why are you all turning down there you don't need to you know you can choose where you want to go when you get to this node so yeah it might be just because i've monkeyed with things and then we're going to do giveaway there so there's no traffic lights and i think once everybody's sorted themselves out there we go this will start working as intended so i will keep an eye on this so the idea now is we've got some free space over there all the traffic's going to come this way instead and i'm going to let the city run for what should we say about half an hour and then we can just look at the figures that we've taken and see whether what we've done has made much different so quadrupling from four up to 16 post offices hopefully has had a good effect on our city so i'll let this run and i will be back with you look no one's being forced to come down here anymore why are you coming down here oh they're using this as the turnaround instead of this i don't know i'll look into that anyway i'll be back with you in uh well half an hour for me about three seconds for you i just quickly before i do that look i've moved this spot closer because if you hover over this it gives an area of effect so i don't know whether that's the spawning points mod or what that is the problem is but look now i've moved the green one forward you can see trucks coming from that but not from the red one i'm going to move this forward and then suddenly this one's going to kick in as well there we go it's not red anymore and that will send trucks out we've obviously just sent them all out from the green spot but yeah maybe a little bug there i'm not entirely sure but now this is 100 working [Music] okay so the game has been running for i'd probably say about 40 minutes something like that so one of the other things we wanted to test before we do anything else is whether we could increase our tax rate um obviously we've got these figures down here which probably aren't going to change too much unless these things up here change so i am going to bump all of these up by one percent there we go and then we need to take a look around our city let's put it on fast speed for a moment or two just to see whether there are any complaints about tax and if we just sort of move around here there are no immediate complaints about tax over here on this side of the city that is good if you're complaining about noise that's kind of tough you're complaining about noise excellent that's really good what about over here hmpp guilty no complaints about tax that i can see over here let's maybe come around this way tranquility point everybody seems happy shy beach everybody's happy getting towards the first areas that we built in things are looking good oh i'm wondering whether we could go even higher everybody on the industry front is still pretty pleased yep no complaints around here excellent sugar cube square all right here we go carp our first complaint this shop over here and this small little supermarket oh some of these are kicking in ah okay maybe it's taken a little longer than i thought for this unhappiness to kick in let me just run the game for a minute right we are getting some complaints and the interesting thing is it's mostly the offices so let's just pause the game a moment it's offices over here that are complaining are no problem at all everybody else what's that there that's a little bit of commercial complaining i'm wondering whether we could get away with it on our residential but maybe not so much oh some of these guys see these guys i would expect to complain because the lower land value right over here that would make sense so maybe what we could do is tweak it a little bit and say oh all of these are complaining all of our high-density people here that is a shame i was thinking maybe let's just keep running the game oh somebody's upgraded somewhere it might be an end of year thing yeah now all of these are complaining all of these are complaining yeah i don't think we can have an oversee these are quite happy over here a few complaints over there but i don't think we can have a sweeping upgrade of taxes to the whole of our city it seems like yeah all of these down here complaints over here too many complaints to micromanage so that has answered that question unfortunately we cannot increase all of our tax rates altogether darn it there we go our population is creeping back up again now you may remember before we started doing this test our population was just over 60 000 and before we did that little test with the taxes it was just over 60 000. so without changing anything else the population stayed about the same let's check our coverage now here we go so the efficiency has gone through the roof there's a few little red spots so things like there's no saying that look i suppose there's some roads in here actually no there isn't is how did the postman or post woman get in here to this building the zoo souvenir shop maybe when they come over here to the uh side gate or the entrance it assigns a random we picked up the post from your building to parks and universities that's an interesting question but overall looking at the buildings so much more blue so much less red here we go than we had before there's a few parks that haven't been touched this is an old building that's broken down anyway but overall i would say that is pretty pretty good these like university buildings again oh there we go even our farming area has had its post picked up all the way over here in our little mountainside more or less covered so that is not bad at all you might find maybe adding one more in that just adds a whole load of extra trucks to the fleet but i think that will probably be okay one thing we can always do is in our post service we're actually at 101 percent and that teeny tiny extra amount adds a whole nother truck so i'm just going to leave that like that and i've done that on most other things as well as you can see so yeah our coverage has increased which is great so what about some of the other facts and figures we were talking about our happiness so perhaps we will have up on the screen what the happiness looked like before so as we can see the residential happiness has not changed uh the commercial happiness has not changed the office happiness has risen by one percent and the industrial happiness has not changed so even though postal work uh postal services increased the happiness overall our happiness was so high and it actually made no difference at all apart from the offices they're happier for getting all of their junk mail out to the tiwis living in new zealand so next we have this very dark info view here which is the levels of our building perhaps we'll pop up on the screen now at the levels we had before residential looks exactly the same commercial looks exactly the same offices we've had a decrease it looks like so an increase in mid level buildings a decrease in high density just a tiny amount there and industry looks exactly the same i'm wondering whether that is for some dead buildings perhaps maybe because we put the taxes up but i would say it's barely any difference at all so it's you know made next no difference to the levels in our city the side effect i what i reckon one of the things that might be a side effect to that is our city is such a well established city and we have such good coverage of everything else that all the buildings have already hit the high levels that they were going to hit so maybe postal services will help boost this and speed up increasing to higher levels and once they've got to the top levels and as far as they're going to go that is it so just very quickly looking at our tax levels here i'm just going to look at the overall figure at the bottom here so that has probably increased by about 800 so that's not too bad um you know that's a slight increase looking at our commercial zones 94 that's dropped ever so slightly maybe from me possibly taking out the odd building when i was placing the post office i tried not to but our industries increased by 800 600 something like that six seven eight yeah stomach along those lines anyway so negligible difference to the economy yeah we did increase didn't we some of this up here so maybe that has made a bit of a difference and then finally our outside connection so we're importing about half as much mail as we were before so what i think that means is before people wanted mail and the only place they could get it was from outside the city whereas now they have lots of other options of all the other post offices that we've placed around the city so they can call in their mail from there instead that's what i think that figure means so that's good you know we're being more self-sufficient um again as well with exporting we're not making so much mail than having nowhere to send it before was 857 now only 68 so again being more self-sufficient so that is a boost perhaps you could say um less outside traffic and of course there's one more thing to keep in mind for our postal services is the expenses now i didn't check these before but we've quadrupled haven't we the amount of post offices we've had so you can do the maths and that is just a straight expense it's a service that we give to the city that we don't make any money from that by the look of it they obviously don't pay for stamps and things so yeah that is an interesting thing to also take into consideration and then we have our city-wide policies which i am going to turn on so we have free wi-fi which the effects are reducing male accumulation by 15 cost two credits are building so i'm going to put that on so i'm thinking now that's going to mean the effect our buildings have on our city our post offices is going to increase because the male accumulation will be less so they can go further that's that's how i read that one and then automatic sorting as well increases mail capacity by 10 and cost 300 credits per or tea leaves 302 leaves per city post office building so we're going to pop that one on as well and maybe we'll see a little bit of an increase in the coverage of our city with those turned on so in conclusion what can we say about the post offices well it seems that they do make a little bit of difference here and there maybe a difference that would be more noticeable when you first start your cities they would help things to grow quicker perhaps to higher levels increase happiness but when you've got a well-established city such as new zealand it seems like you don't really really need them but i think for realism's sake and it's something in the game that we can play with it increases traffic it gives us more things to to deal with we are going to leave them in let me know what you think in the comments below is there anything i've missed anything i've misunderstood always happy to hear from you guys and girls in the comments if you've enjoyed this video please leave a like and subscribe for all the fantastic city skyline content that we have and something new perhaps coming next week as well aha watch out for that thanks everybody have a fantastic day bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 156,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines post office, cities skylines postal service
Id: HzL6lhhEk90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 36sec (2556 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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