How Car Parks in High Traffic Areas are Inescapable in Cities Skylines!

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hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here in antarctica yes that's right this is our vanilla unmodded city skyline series and you guys are along for the ride and i am loving it i have to say at the moment this is my favorite city to building i know new zealand has been with us for so long but i'm loving the extra challenges that comes with no mods and you guys and girls are helping me so much with all the little tweaks and things that we need to keep this thing going and it's looking great isn't it look at what we've built so far i am loving it so there's a couple of little changes that i wanted to put into place from the comments that you've told me about so the first one is let's come out of this view and go into our campus area was a fantastic name for our campus area so if we click on here this name was suggested by let me find uh the list of the names thomas leone thank you very much and i'm gonna paste this in because the name is so long oh is it not gonna fit in institute for cold environments and technical engineering oh it won't fit in okay what we'll do is we'll change tech there we go engineering oh look at that we'll just get it in so the institute for cold environment and tech engineering or i c e t e oh there's meant to be another word meant to be arts after that no i tell you what we're gonna do we're gonna we're gonna at the cold environment i'm gonna shorten all of this and tech engineering art is gonna fit in yes there we go or ice tea for short i love it oh look at that we can get the attractiveness up we can jump up another level nice so yeah that is a fantastic name and i'm just wondering let's have a quick look at our zones that we've got over here so what i'm gonna do then because we've got that name there is i'm going to put in another zone over here bing there we go and that's going to give us the name hickory park but this is going to be there we go ice tea the institute for cold environment what was it again institute for cold environments and technical engineering arts excellent so we're going to have everything in this little district here be named with that so and also i missed something that we can add to our institute for colon okay to ice t uh campus was if we jump into here right at the end of our list of things which we now have a few more things available to us since last episode is the police academy of course 93 000 and we've got the money i've just let the city run for like 10 minutes while i was preparing and we've suddenly got a load of money um yeah so the train up to be police officers keep an eye on the jail so it increases patrol car counts jail capacity and police department efficiency which is great and some extra student capacity so i'm just wondering whether it has that same effect where it would just chuck in a load of extra students just because we put it down so we've got 1 100 students uh how big is this oh my goodness this thing's huge if i could fit that along the front no i can't even fit that along there wow this thing this is like the biggest flipping thing known to mankind um [Music] okay we're going to need to do a little something different here let us grab what do i want here i want the paths along here with the trees i'm going to bring this all the way to the back and do that we're going to extend the zone which is this one to take in all of this section i'm going to see if i can get this running along the highway here let's jump back into that let's scroll this scroll all the way to the end oh it goes up against that way okay yeah i think we can do we're going to lose some trees yeah let's just remove let's just remove these trees from in here i mean we could just cover them up but i'm gonna remove them because if i don't i'm gonna get all the comments saying well you do realize they're gonna be underneath the road yeah i know nobody cares though hey there we go oh let's see what uh students it added if any 1699 not but a huge amount i don't think oh what to say quits petite but certainly got the attractiveness up a bit as well which we could do with actually increasing that um let us just pop some pipes in here for these lovely people we're gonna come up there and along there and we're going to bring that back around there we can it's not going to be all right you'll be happy with that yes you're going to be happy with that cool excellent oh look at that students are shooting up now that this is on oh so i think it has the same effect as i've spoken of before like in our forestry industry when you just need some more people to get to the next level to work in there just chuck a load of stuff down and every time you chuck something down it increases the jobs the worker positions but it actually throws in a load of workers as well so you can sort of cheese the system a bit but anywho we're not going to do any cheesing um let's just add some more while we're here let's just finish this off and add in some of the other things we've got and try and get our um try and get our place leveled up so which one have we gone up to before book club we've done uh trade school outsourced outdoor study now this is in the snow and i know people are going to go why are you placing that down but you know i think if you're indoors all the time you could wrap up and come out here and to be honest it looks just like a little park but i think you could wrap up here pretend there's like some heaters here and you could come and sit and enjoy your outdoor studying i don't think that's a bad idea um let's then just wrap some paths around that if we can so i'm gonna go there and oh it's not going to let me is it it's not going to let me go there and then it's going to hit over there so i'm going to do that yeah it's okay isn't it we can always add a little line of trees in there um i feel like i just whoa capital city excellent 28 000. we can unlock another square we've got ships universal education uh increased campus attractiveness by 20 oh they don't pay any fees do they we don't get any income okay and then we've got the university campus so we'll look at that harbour cargo harbor eco water treatment plant american football stadium an advanced inland water treatment plant excellent uh unique buildings we've got a lot of other ones to unlock achievement says loads of those okay what's the next one 38 000 and all sorts of power and stuff okay cool right let us just pop a couple of parts in there i want that behind there excellent what are we up to 300 out of 450 um so let's see so that was that one what's this one here trade school gymnasium that is just too big to pop in there and let's have that up against the path there try to call cafeteria is the one oh it goes the other way we could put that sideways like that and then what i'm gonna do is run not run a path along there with what i was gonna say and we'll do that yeah that's okay i like this sort of busy the busy path look i i like that um yeah we're up here aren't we we did that one yep and then we've got our trades called fountain which is quite small and that will fit i think we get that i'll tell you what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put the path in first like that and then we're gonna try and squeeze that in there yeah perfect that is that is perfect that is looking good if that doesn't take us over the limit 455 at 450 plenty of students plenty of works we are going to upgrade next time baby right let's just have a quick look at how this looks it's looking nice i like it i like it just checking out the views people are liking it they're coming in in their droves which is what we want to see oh doesn't the vanilla game look nice it really does nice cool looking thing and look at the reflection of that skyline look in the building that doesn't exist there's nothing there but anyway that's the way the game works cool right that is our university upgraded so another fantastic tip which i do appreciate these tips is for this area down here so we built our little transit hub place and we've got this one tram road that comes through the middle here and if we have a look at our lines there's so many trams i think well all the trams come through there so that's four tram lines which we haven't named yet oh people upgrading that's what i want to see and all these vehicles are all coming through this one line here um so we need to sort of help these people out a little bit there's just too many so what i'm gonna do is just pause a minute we're going to remove these trees from here and then i'm just going to see if i can run this alongside here so if i go like that we're going to end up losing some fences which is fine and then that goes into there and that goes into there perfect now i can move oh that stops already just decided to move i'm guessing there's a reason for that but we can do this we can move that one up to there let's have a look so that one goes oh we could have this side when they come in that way and that side when they go in that way that would make more sense wouldn't it so what i'm going to do i'm going to turn all of those off and we'll just look at these one at a time so the yellow one has done just that and we could probably move that actually i'm going to leave that on that side you have yellow on that side um and then we'll look at tram line number two so that goes in that way and i'm assuming it doesn't go the other way have we not got one that goes the other way what is this thing here this this one here can i grab it no what is that okay we'll come back to that one but anyway that one comes in that way i don't know what that is something's gone awry tram line five one i've accidentally clicked that's all it is okay delete tram line three so that comes in that way we're gonna move that one to this end and all the people are gonna run over we want our tram line back it's just over there and also these are big enough oh it doesn't quite get in off the street does it look all right we'll see how that goes we'll see how that goes i don't think i could move that over oh i want trouble tram this one i move it over to there it's going to jump all the way over to there yeah so we'll leave it there that'll be fine and then yield the purple one yeah see that one goes both ways and that's over here so we've got the yellow one on that side that one outside i think that's okay and that should be a lot better i just wanted to check this one here only goes one way i am wondering about another tram line in there going the other way i think that would be a good idea let me just do that um where should we start don't get confused let's start down here oh now i've lost track of what color i'm copying i think it's this one here or does it go somewhere else i think it just comes in here yeah and then back down here again yeah that's the one we found it we found it there we go i do like a clockwise and an anti-clockwise one they just they just balance each other out don't they cool let's just double check there we go so that one is i really should go through and do something about the colors on these but for now it's just going to be whatever random things i put on excellent okay oh the last thing i need to check on that one is how many trams that was this one it's going to give it because that one has 15 because there's so many people this one's got four and there's already absolutely tons of people so i'm gonna put 10 on there and then we'll come back and see how that goes right okay oh look at the city at night look at the city at night so we want to expand a bit today as well now that we've taken care of those couple of things oh i missed some pipes so let's see which area we are going to expand into next so here we are over our sleepy forestry little village area wouldn't you love to live in something like this if you're working in the forestry area looks lovely doesn't it and then a stroll across the bridge into i can't remember we named this hillside park no that's not the name silver needle timber of course there we go now we need to improve our production of goods um i was just looking over here at our outside connections yeah this one here we are importing a ton of goods and we're not really making that many good so we go into this view so all of these places that are purple are wanting goods so we've got oh let's just turn that off from doing that there we go and let's go back to that so all of these commercial buildings are importing goods which makes sense that's what they want loads down here over here as well and it's spread out almost everywhere isn't it exporting goods so these are the places that would be making goods but we've set this up as forestry so these are making forestry products we don't actually have anyone in our city making goods apart from we've got this one over here as well let's just do that one there we go ain't y'all apart from uh a factory um over here and it's short on it's short on something so it's not actually making any but these special goods here do count towards goods so the fact that this needs oh now it's got no it doesn't have that thing on there let's just see whether that changes yeah it doesn't actually show it on there does it but that does export goods or make goods um so yeah we need to we can get this up now i think to level five and help with our planed timber problem so we do have some extra new things that we can add into here let's just have a look at our forestry industry yeah we've unlocked a load of things up here so these are all in fact we've unlocked everything which is great so maybe oh apart from the pulp mill which we'll get at level five so what have we got here engineered wood plant which is going to make for us timber which at the moment is only being made here in our sawmill so that's making 3968 units per week uh whereas this one will do 6400 and something and it is a little bit bigger so i'm wondering rather than removing that uh could we just extend our area and add that in somewhere over here i think we could we've got this little road that's coming up here why not let's continue that along there let's grab our i do like these little gravel roads for this plus they're impervious to snow so why the heck not um if we bring that along the back here we could just sort of connect that to there and this could even come down and connect to there and then we might just asymmetricalize the end piece which i think should be that way around there we go so they can go left and right let's just double check what we've got on here junction wise no that's okay and then this one up here i think we'll just leave it as it is yeah we'll be fine so we could just add another engineering wood plant oh it's not in the district uh that'll be this one so let's increase the district that should be fine there we go excellent so i'm just thinking maybe one of those will help to increase that we've got lots of stories lots of raw forestry products coming from these areas and then plain tim is going to go over to wherever we're storing that which is probably all the way over here paper uh this one no foster products plain timber there we go that one over there excellent i'm going to put that on filled because i want it all to go into there to be available for this thing so yeah we'll go for that but that will help yeah and i think i might just pop some storage next to that what about one of these large storage yeah there we go so that's going to keep the raw forestry products i'm going to put that on fill as well so it's right next door to this one ready to turn into plain timber i think that would be a good idea oh they need some water pipes yeah we can you know we can assist with that let's hook that back down to there and then the only last thing i want to do is just check what our job situation is so we've got 600 workers we need to get up to 800 to get to the next level the final level we're not importing anything which is good but we've only got 691 spaces so it's like another 109. um so what could we do to help with that i'm just wondering whether we do have another factory available to us the printing press ah that's gonna need paper and plastic and we're nowhere near plastic darn it okay so we're not gonna be adding that in but as we know we're going to need more paper we could add in another biomass pellet plant and which way do they go they go that direction so what i'm going to do here is let's grab this and see whether we can squeeze i think that should be okay to fit one in there no a little bit further out let's try that again why is that not letting me oh not an industry area well if that's what you're gonna be like i shall extend the industry area then so i'm thinking another two of these just make sure i pick the right one yeah there we go so that would be an extra 140 jobs which is way more than we need so that could just be everything so just wait for those to kick in in fact they're probably counted already are they yep there we go we've got space for 831 we only needed 800 so that should keep us going it does mean that this area is going to be getting super super busy it's okay i'm going to just upgrade a couple of these roads along here actually let's just grab our industry road i'm going to upgrade that we've got the asymmetricalness going on at the end in fact i tell you what we're going to do the asymmetricalness on this one that way coming out just to help and that one going up here and that one coming down i think that'll be good this one's already been done that one's been done this is just busy that's just pizza you got no water oh you have got water stop complaining there's plenty of water i think uh yes plenty of water no need to complain yes you're just looking at that area it's this bit here that's getting busy at the end so i think what we're going to do is we're going to say you have to stop and you have to stop i want these just to come out and go it's the fact that they're sort of across the front here as well it's a little bit annoying these buildings are sort of in the way i tell you what we're going to do is we're going to change the setup of the road here yeah i'm going to change this we're going to get this road here let's grab this one instead of having them there let's do this i'm going to bring that round like that yeah there we go and then we're going to just pause the game and we're going to unzone all of these here and just delete them okay that's quicker and then we're going to add them this side instead it's a shame they won't be a bit bigger it's still keeping some of the zoning from there just to keep them off of this road because it's slowing down the traffic now that this has become a sort of through road having these on both sides isn't a good idea and then we can just fill these in up here as well now what i would like to do is let's just have a quick look at our zoning so we've got in here all of this stuff set to as you can see they're forestry i'm just wondering whether we should get some normal industry just over here just to make some goods i'm going to set up a little area for that and we're going to see how it goes it's all going to come around the back here like so and it's going to hook up to this road over here as well so i'm going to take all of that in so no industry specialization it's going to be just flat normal industry and yeah i'm going to upgrade this road is going to get busy now so i'm going to make that asymmetrical at the end there we go like that and then how shall i do this now shall i do this i want this just sort of trying to make use of the space that we've got in here i think this will be okay and then we'll just have a couple of sections coming out of here so if we go like that there's only a couple of little gaps that we're not using i think that'll be okay and then we'll come along the back here connect that up and then we'll go up here connect that up and then we just need this as well oh so many pipes don't really need all of those but there we go and then this will all be industry and this will be as we said normal generic industry and i think that is just going to have to wait just put those back in i took out that's just the way it's going to have to be for our goods i mean we can import goods i'm gonna have a think about that because i know we said we're gonna make this city very green which we've been doing up to now but i am worried of our lack of goods and that's gonna start becoming a problem if there's something i'm missing other than the factories which we're going to be working our way towards for getting goods in and like i said i know we can't import them [Music] which via our road network is going to start causing us some traffic although we're sort of okay 89 percent um [Music] couple of little hot spots or trams but overall it's okay i'm just wondering whether because we've got this train line that comes in through here and goes up over here whether we could hook into that maybe we'll think about that another time but we'll let this we'll let this build away that's gonna slowly build up over a few minutes and hopefully that will help hey hey hey there we go our academic year report is in and we've managed to go up another level to renowned from recognize and give us some extra things her trade school academic statue number one it club trade school library school of tourism and travel and trade school commencement office excellent that is really good so we're gonna we're gonna ignore our university for a while i think we're we're doing okay oh man we've got lots of snow coming down everywhere i think if we just check out our education capacity oh man we've got absolutely tons of eligible wow i was actually thinking that our university was big enough apparently it isn't all of this area here well we'll we'll come back to that i will i think end up extending our university to over here somewhere okay so while the storm rages on i would like to do something down this little area here opposite our forestry industry we've got this railway line that comes through here i am going to sort this out at some point i don't know quite what i'm going to do but anyway and i'd like to give access down here to a nice leisure industry because we've got all these people over here that want somewhere to go and have fun and this seems to me like a piece of prime real estate along the waterfront so um maybe first of all we could try and put into here one of those nice new raised train stations that would fit in let's just take a look at what we've got so if we come along here and click on this we've got train hub so we've got this one here elevated dual island platform train station which is good uh lots of parking and we've got this one elevated island platform train station so one of those would be good we don't have anything else in there do we then we've got our hubs of course um we've got train and metro metro in the city that's just buses yeah so maybe i would say how much do these costs oh we've got 776 000 we've got tons so that was up against the road oh that is just like almost absolutely perfect isn't it what about that one oh it's going to be this one then it just lines up perfectly and i think right in the middle here so let's just take out that pop that in the middle which i think is right there and then we'll get our line back and it is i would say it is so close it's like within within margins of error yeah i'm happy with that that is that is good for me so then i'm going to put another district in here and we've got this one that comes around there i'll tell you what we're going to do is we're going to bring this one along here yeah this is like a cool little thing i want to grab that as well there we go but i'm thinking this section here is going to be continuation of these houses and there's going to be some sort of transition um from one to the other so let me grab that and i think we'll actually take this in right up to the road yeah that'll be better like that excellent so this one over here what have we got emerson square uh let us know a cool name leisure related t related snow related something like that what are we going to go leisure yeah so we're going to get noise pollution commercial zones 24 7 night life and all that sort of stuff yeah i think that'd be it so we're going to go for that one there we go excellent so we've got a way to get here um so we just need to sort out this train line because it is a bit of a disaster the way it hooks down under there so could i do something like this instead oh darn it yeah i need to empty that to move it because i want this line to go across the top so i was going to move that down to here um and i know i mean people have told me this i could just destroy that with a um no not in that one there yeah with a collapse like right on there but i don't want to do that look there we go it's done already so we'll just move that over i'm going to say to there excellent thank you very much you can continue working on and i'm just going to have this come like straight across the top if i can yeah i can there we go and then this hooks into here so i'm going to take this out and see if we can just sort of curve that round to get that to there and make it look nice yeah there we go it's not perfect but it's better than it was and it's out the way while we build in this area here so we're gonna need some roads to get into this area um and i don't want to bring them in from here i'd like to have them come in i mean we could have it come in there but you don't want to drive past a transfer a trash facility to get into a cool new area we could right let's see what we can do so i'm thinking i do want some access from these roads here although it is going to end up making a crossroads we might remove those if the traffic gets too big um but we'll see we'll see how it goes i'm going to go with a nice tree-lined road and i'm going to end up with some sort of central plaza along here somewhere and let's go up to there and up to just trying to think how to sort of line this up so then if we come out over to the coast like that actually i didn't see what the angle was but i want to try and mirror that so what's that 127 let's make that 130 degrees like that and i'm going to do the same over here that's 128 and we'll do 130 just to get that sort of shape well here we go traffic is a traffic weather is kicking again kicking in again what i'm trying to say there we go let's get that over there and i'd like something here and i've been looking at the sort of things that we've got available so what's that department store we've already used no hang on what we got there winter market that's actually quite small statue of liberty no something nice and big temple complex oriental oh no i'm thinking a football stadium here would be pretty good now we've used some of these other ones numerous times before what's this one here stanford bridge we've never actually used that one being a spur supporter myself i just can't bring myself to put that in the city juventus i was just thinking what about ye oldie football stadium i think that let's just pause the game and pop that in there set by the riverside here i think that is going to be pretty good yeah why the heck not and then we can make this into a sort of plaza park type area down here so as we know with pretty much all the train stations there's always access to be had along the back i'm thinking we're going to go with this one here let's just pop that across there and i'm wondering whether that is actually going to kick in with access along the back i don't think it is you know can i draw that into there hmm i'm thinking that access is only around the front but i'll tell you what we'll do can we squeeze that under there yeah there we can so we're gonna do that not that one that is too close to the side that's fine we'll just have that one up there and these little buildings down there excellent so now we're getting into some park park stuff that's going to come up there that's going to come up there and i think we'll close that one off there as well so what could we pop in there or everyone's upgrading already what could we pop in the middle here and of course because we don't have parkify which is one of the mods i would use in new zealand i can't just pop any of these in here so these parts actually i think are gonna end up getting removed so we can place some items around the outside yeah there's a few snow related things in here i think would fit very well uh let's have a skating rink in one corner and we're going to have a curling park in the other corner so it's ended up turning into like a sporty little complex yes i like those already people down here enjoying the rink that's what you want to see and people over here enjoying their curling are they going to come out another match probably at some point they'll come out and have a match i'm sure i'll tell you what probably doesn't help is the fact that nobody has got any heating so we're going to do that there we go electricity should be fine yeah that's jumped across okay excellent and then in the middle here which i'm deliberately putting off center i'm gonna put a little sledding park for the kiddly winkies to come and enjoy and i think that'll be nice excellent now we're going to start building up this area with some of our shopping so let's just take a look at the front over here so i'd like this to all be closed in with a key wall so we've got the fenced key wall over here i think they're switching it up with a tiered key wall um not quite sure how this is going to go i don't want to destroy any of this stuff that's been built in here already and also we're going to get a bit of a weird height difference going on okay i think this is going to take a little bit of jiggery pokery so let me see what i can do oh and of course we don't have that much soil available either yay yeah i don't think that's too bad that sort of stops there because we've got this thing built up and then let's see if we can continue this along here i think we are going to have to try and get this to the same height just so it looks okay so yeah i didn't realize the land slope down so much from one side to the other so i'm not quite sure if we're gonna leave that as high as it is so um let me just try a little bit of smoothie smoothie and see what we get [Music] [Music] there we go i don't think that's looking too shabby managed to get that underneath there as well and all the way around here dips down a bit here um but i think we might just leave that bit for now and see how it goes but yeah this bit over here i'm happy with the way that turned out excellent so now we can perhaps start putting some more roads in here where did our zone finish yeah it was there so if we take this sort of section i'm just going to slightly redo these zones now that we've got a road in there that is going to come down there that's our demarcation line oh just doing some stuff and we've had a sudden drop in our water availability and let's see what we've got available to us so this is the one i've been using the large water tower rather than the pumps and things and that's a treatment plant that's a treatment plant yeah so i think in another one of these where would be a good spot that is away from any pollution but uh i actually quite like i like to pop it in the middle here if we can so what i'm going to do is i'm going to pop it there and then we're going to put our pipe in i know we just lost lost the thing there but i'm not too worried about that that's going to come down there it's going to come there and then that's going to come across the bridge over here and connect up with everything else excellent and i'm wondering whether you need some power you probably do let's have a look oh it looks okay doesn't it that's fine does it need power operating normally doesn't need power cool that's good it does need power and it needs okay let's sort the power out um where are we going to so if we bring that in there okay without destroying anything and then eventually we start filling in this area we'll get the power jumping across but yep that's okay and it's struggling with the heating as well has there been a fire or something heating availability maybe just because we've been upgrading so much stuff that we just haven't got enough heating right okay so we need to expand this over here well actually now the temperature's rising a bit our heating is okay let's leave the expansion of that for now and concentrate on it looks like a man doesn't it look two little legs his arms up in the air and his head going away because he's really happy excellent now while we're building up this area i do think we need a car parking here in this little section here behind the train station to me would seem to be the place for a good car park and we know we've done that before we need to set up our own little zone in here there we go and then we're going to set that one to not this one i don't even know which one it is this one here organic and local produce buildings and then while we're working on this we can put some low density there we go uh i don't know what they are two by two uh not that one hang on two by two like that that's right isn't it uh how's that going to fit in here and then one at the end as well yes i have to wait for those to fill in oh look the fans are coming already look at that little wearing the red of their favorite team let's zoom out and have a look yeah it's all red in here isn't it we could change the color of this actually i was going to change to white for tottenham um but it wouldn't really stand out would it so i think we'll just leave it as it is for now so we can see where they are when is the next game third of the fifth so not very long ago antarctica fc versus rockfield fc and it's 20 39 i had no idea okay let's see if we can get a car park in here i'm going to do this off camera because you know what we do we've done it before so i'm going to run the game on the floor and every time something pops up there isn't a car park it will get deleted and when a car park does pop up we will make it a historical building like this one here oh sounds like the match is on let's see what's going on in here oh let's get a better view let's get a better view there we go i've no idea who's on which team we're flying in oh there we go we can slightly see which one's got the reds kit now oh i wonder what the score is going to be is anybody scored i think we've actually just scored we have it's one nil to us oh we're going up again no okay here we go again no okay i can see a bit of repetition in this uh in this tactic here maybe they want to switch it up a little bit because they're literally doing the same thing over and over again which if we lose might not be a good thing oh we've scored again i missed it i was waiting for the ball to come around the same way again yo was that a goal off the post no that was a goal three nil that is fantastic another one four nil oh my goodness me he's got a hat trick and one to spare i mean i gotta be honest if the other team can't beat us when we do exactly the same thing every single attack whose fault is that really um five nil and everybody's left five nil brilliant and then they all go look they're all heading off and we're heading out and hopefully uh jumping on the train some of them are guests let's see where they will go in so a lot of them are jumping in their cars which is slightly annoying because it means they're all getting in the way of everybody else okay and then where are they heading i'm just wondering whether we need any asymmetrical roads at the end here so coming out of here and here lots of people are walking and the traffic isn't that bad i would like to try and get a connection around the back here but i don't think this path can ever get close enough to be a connection to in here i just i don't know whether it just does it with this one or whether it was me uh let's see if we can get that any closer if it makes any difference it was this one wasn't it that's as close as it will go i mean if i put it there would that then connect it looks like it does so then if i just sort of go out like that on each side it looks like it connects we probably wait and see if anybody actually walks over there or not yeah i don't know we'll see we'll see anyway whether that whether that works but i'll put that back like that but yeah traffic's fine effort it's working well which is good okay so i'm hoping this will show us what we want we did and we got a load of money fantastic okay so while i'm waiting for these to come in i actually could do with adding in a train stop couldn't i um because we do have this station here and it could just run to there and back again we've got yeah no other stations set up yet and it's not that far but why not it's gonna just help people get over here let's just change the color of that there we go and one vehicle that should be fine i mean it's literally a shuttle run backwards and forwards we're almost there with these and then what i was going to do was set up a road along here which i did just do a minute ago and had to delete it because it made the car parks face the wrong way but then i'm going to put some more of these shops along there because a lot of things look like little burger little burger places and i don't know about you you must have been to a football match or a sporting event and as you're walking up to it you walk past all these little fast food vendors that do little bits and pieces you know grab some sushi grab a burger grab some fish and chips something like that so i think that's going to help to fill out this area yay we've got it the final one historical building excellent so now i can pop in the road across here that i wanted i was going to make this a one-way road yeah just because and then along here i'm gonna do the same thing like this and we're gonna see if we can get a whole load of different vendors to pop up in here like this one here yep we'll have that sawing lentils why not and whatever that one says i can't read it it's something cuisine we'll have that as well uh little outdoor seating thing i think we're gonna say no for that one there we go so we're just waiting for one more shot to pop in there but i think that looks nice and then we've got our parking at the front and we've got a little bit of entertainment for everybody all they're doing the curling now we actually see them throwing the curling things or are they just going to be walking on the ice they're just going to be walking on the ice and lots of people turning up for the next match as well i think that's looking good so that's sort of our centerpiece and then around that particularly on this side and over here we are then going to have our leisure buildings yes that's right i was just a bit unsure that what it was we decided on and i'm thinking of making this um a sort of a one-way system so we're going to run that along yeah let's run that along say to there and then where would that sort of meet if we went like that and then that became this way round as well uh like so and then this can be two-way excellent and then i'm wondering whether we end up with some sort of square in the middle um let's go for one no i don't want i want two way in here yeah something like that and then we can put a park in this spot yeah i think this small park is actually the best fit so if we pop that in there it still gets like the snow effect uh going on around it which is good and i don't think we're going to put any more parts in we're just going to leave the rest of this to be high density there we go all of this through here high density specialized building so let's give them some heated pipes and then we will see what we're gonna get in here actually while this is growing i'm just going to make a few changes i feel like we need some pathways through here that's not going to work is it so if we turn off road guidelines i'm going to put that one there which means that building they'll have to regrow so people can walk from this side over to here um i also feel like there should be one is that like as close as i can get okay let's turn off road length nope let's leave that on and turn off grids that's the one i went like that nope i should be able to get that one in there there's no reason why not as close as i can there we go excellent so we've got that connection and then this one through here okay let's try that again no we're not gonna let me go to there it's literally in the grid okay no guidelines off no put it this way i'll do it myself there we go excellent all the way through the middle fantastic and i'm just looking at this area thinking you know we need something else on here as well i'm just wondering whether we could just pop the expo center over here it would mean just a little bit of land flattening because oh my goodness me that land is a bit off so if we do that and then we line that up let's see how's that going to go um yeah that'll be fine that's in the middle of that straight section and i think that will go really well and then we need to sort out the land down here yeah the lack of heating is becoming more more of an issue let's just take a look up here and see what we can do about that so we've been using the geothermal heating plants in this area um i'm just wondering whether we could what have we got that's a waste transfer facility i don't really want to disrupt what we've got going on over here although this bit here that's our tram network isn't it no okay so what about over here they don't give out any pollution do they let's just double check that no look no pollution for those so we could use this little spot up here so if we grab these roads and just continue that on there we go and then we could just pop let's have a look we have one there and one next to it as well just to make sure let's hook those both up there we go that'll be good and then the power is getting through to where the power needs to go until what we probably could do is delete both of those and use our power jumping trick with a little earthquake sensor we're gonna pop that it's gonna look like a little substation or something right there there we go excellent water jumps electricity availability fine heating availability fine just need a bit do a bit of do we do with the land over here all right this area is looking good it's humming there's a lot of people coming around this one-way system and having to stop because of all the people crossing over oh i know why he's stopping because this node is very close together we've got that naughty node too close to each other thing going on again do you know what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna delete that yes i am going to get um this which one do we use this one can't remember i'm going to upgrade that to go the other way like that i don't know it can't be a one-way road then can it what i'm going to do is gonna upgrade it to be that and then we're gonna put all of these on and we're gonna get as close as we can okay we can turn off road guidelines i don't want it to jump what can i turn off that'll stop it jumping that last little bit oh that was it there we go there we go they can still get up here to get to these shops and stuff but it's gonna stop there being two nodes too close together there we go and now the cars can go excellent i mean this is a very very busy area which is what i was expecting we lost our last match by the way i don't know what the score was but so we'll just let that traffic go down it may be that i stop it being a one-way road because it's actually a one-way road going the wrong way isn't it because i've got to cut across to get in yeah i'm going to stop that being a one-way road that was a bit stupid there we go that's pretty much filled in that is going to level up as time goes on we do need a bit more industry or offices and i like these to be all along the front here and maybe not there maybe over here as well just to sort of block this noise there are some complaints for noise over here but i mean they've gone now they've been cured of their worry about the noise and hopefully that will take care of that and then i might just pop some more high density right there and see how that goes yeah i'm getting a sneaky feeling we might need to do a little bit of traffic management around here because it is now getting super super busy down here but for now i think we're going to leave it at that because it's oh man this is taking so long to do but i've really enjoyed this episode let me know what you think about this area any hints and tips you've got in the comments below and names of course be back tomorrow for our modded series in new zealand and the day after we'll be back to vanilla snow antarctica again thanks very much have a great day take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 106,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to start your city, how to start a city in cities skylines, cities skylines no mods, cities skylines vanilla, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines how to start your first city, cities skylines vanilla lets play
Id: 9jaS1UQf3yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 55sec (3175 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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