Maximum Metro Trains To Save My City in Cities Skylines!

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so i've just added up all the people that are in these queues and it's over 4 000 already look at that whoa my goodness me [Music] hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me before here we are in new tealand and we've got a lot to do today so let's dive straight in so a couple of episodes ago we built this japanese inspired area here i also put a few chinese assets in there as well and thank you everybody for your support you've all said it just looks great and it all goes together well i'm pleased first time i've ever tried to do something like this and i do like i like the pop of color i think it looks fantastic the names were coming in thick and fast for this area but the main name that had been chosen is and we don't have a zone over here do we so oh yeah we do let's bring this all the way out to take in everything this side zip of the railway alarm we've got oak transit hub name there at the moment oh flippin egg auto save zipper t already we barely started game there we go and the name that was chosen by literally everybody was little tikiyo so instead of tokyo tko so let's pop that in and with a capital t there we go excellent great idea for a name for this area and then also over here where we built our big brained it area we hadn't actually got a name for that at the time but the best name that came in that i liked was i t there we go and that was by cake boy ryp so thank you for your suggestion so in the last episode we built this huge fishing area to deal with all the lack of goods pop-ups that we had over here oh are we getting a power problem we are getting a power problem let's very momentarily get distracted and see what's going on there we've got absolutely tons of power available what is going on with the auto set look it's doing it again it's set for every 20 minutes and it's done it again is there something fishy going on here i really don't know anyway is there a fire somewhere that's causing all of that to let's empty that out and there's not a fire over here in our power area no that's okay it doesn't seem to be any fires anywhere in our city so why is that a problem is it once again just a distance thing do you know what i think it might be what i'm gonna do is we're making some power over here is i might just try and connect this up with the mainland and i can just run this down this main road here for now and i think that might just help us with our problem i'm just trying to get to connect over here in the best way possible without messing effort in carp um so i think what i'm gonna do is i'm literally gonna bring it straight through the countryside and hook up to there and i'm hoping that as that's a bit nearer that's possibly solved the problem i'm sure there was a fire somewhere that was causing the issue anyway anyway anyway so we are still getting a few pop-ups i mean these are complaining about a lack of goods that is a long way away what we can do to help with that um is we can add in let's go to our fish again is the fish market because that will sell things directly to the customers and we can pop those around here actually you know what reading that correctly of course no it doesn't process them into goods that would be the fish factory that would sell them direct to consumers so on one hand that might fulfill their goods needs but then on the other hand that's not going to help these things here so what i'm actually going to do i'm going to scrap that idea i'm just going to put in here a little warehouse with some goods in so now we just need to find a little place for that maybe here in amongst the shops if we can find a small one one of these are quite small this one here there we go we can anakin that in in fact i'm going to take out this office block over here there we go excellent we're going to put that on field and we're going to put that on a commercial zone good so they will be brought in and hopefully help to alleviate that problem there some buildings are leaving because of without the goods which is a shame uh on no problem at all yeah we've got a couple around here that are complaining what about these ones down here yeah these are okay because then if we go back over here to our fishing island fisherman's island haven't had any name suggestions for this yet um i've made a couple of changes um which i'm not sure i'm actually helping we've got this little roundabout here to try and help these people keep going and what i'm gonna do is actually do that because not many people come around the back i just want these to keep on moving yeah i think that'll be better and then we've got this little connection here which is getting super super busy because we've got our waste transfer we've got these holding all of our fish in here as well so i'm gonna upgrade this road to a four lane road this one here i think is the one i want there we go just to give a bit more access we'll get dedicated turning lanes we'll get all the good stuff yeah and i think just on here as well we're gonna put some asymmetric roads in let's grab that one so asymmetric going into the junction even actually it could be this one would be better now we've got three ways to go coming in yeah i think that would be better and then if we just do dedicated turning lanes on all of that there we go so technically like nobody should have to stop although you're giving way i'm gonna make yeah we'll leave it like that we'll leave it like that and that will just keep going through and i think that'll be okay considering the amount of traffic that we're producing on here the amount of vehicles i should say with all of this going on this little bit of traffic is not too shabby i have to say uh yeah some of these are coming around here we could make them i'll tell you what we're going to do it's going to do right hand turn here only not that one that one there we go you're gonna have to turn around excellent so everybody else can come up around here and do that but all of these factories are filled with fish now i saw a few actually i would say i saw a few comments i didn't because the video hasn't released yet i saw a few comments on discord when i mentioned that i was using the mod to add fish to these brick warehouses and apparently sometimes it might not work and you can see that all of these are filled up with fish so that part of it works but the trucks going out to deliver the fish doesn't always work but if we have a look at this look owner shellfish oh that's coming from the fishing harbor let's see if we can actually find a truck that's taking fish out from a warehouse to a factory there we go look we got warehouse 2 is exporting fish so fish will leave the warehouses which is good but it's keeping everything humming along nicely and our money i don't know whether you've spotted it at all during this starting part of the video but we were up to plus 60 000 at one point prior to recording and our fishy business was up to almost 15 15 to 18 000 profit i mean it has just been going nuts i love it so then if we move away from this area back onto the island here look we can see this little semi sort of highway road is super busy which is great i'm just wondering whether we can add other access no i think they'll be okay and we've managed to get away with not having any rail on there for the cargo which is great um this little roundabout is working okay i would like to just uh change that and i would also like to which one of these no parking it's just upgrade these there we go like that and then we just need to do this again ctrl shift left click so giveaway size dedicated lanes this one isn't going anywhere we'll come back to that right and moving on back down here to our i.t area i mentioned about the monorail so we put the monorail in over here didn't we coming through little tko from one end to the other and people are using that and then i was going to connect it up over here but then i built all of this other stuff and got it all in the way um so i'm not entirely sure what we're gonna do here the majority of you said don't put it down this road and mess all of this up bring it sort of around the coast and up over the top and i'm just wondering whether we could do a little bit of maneuvering with what we've got here i wish i'd put a little bit thought into what i was i want a bit of a strip through here see this isn't gonna move let's just use the movement mod a minute how far could this go over without it looking weird i'll get rid of all of these these props and things so that building could literally go oh there we go it's got rid of the props automatically that could literally go up there that's sort of taking up a car parking space and that's okay and then could we squeak out the back of here just a basic monorail line so this one here let's grab that let's grab that that's going to go over the top actually if i anarchy that on so i could do that and that isn't even taking up any parking spaces that would be okay and then we could sort of turn anarchy off bring that sort of round here and then just basically try and get across here because on the other side i upgraded this road here so we've got the monorail that goes through there with the trees either side and then we'll sort of finish that down there i'm just thinking where can we go [Music] do you know what i think that looks okay uh let's just hook up this power again uh our temporary power line that we've got down here i deleted that yeah we'll just put that across there and not worry about it yeah there we go so that swings off there comes past the trees goes up and down a bit i'll try and sort of flatten that out up and over the highway scooches down it probably doesn't need to go that low actually so what we might just do there is yeah that seems better that's high enough for the road and then what we could do then is let's try this let's try this if we go in here and grab set slope mode and i'm going to say from here down to sort of over here and see whether let's just press enter that is at a height that makes sense so that's definitely a okay over there that's definitely okay over there and i think that's definitely okay down here oh man we've done it we have done it and then the only thing i'm gonna do is from here that actually select it there we go i'm not sure that yeah it's white so i think it was down to here look at that if it makes funny noises yeah okay that looks good to me excellent and then i'm just gonna do that and hope nobody gets electrified as they're going through it's actually going under the monorail no complaints from you people it is perfect okay let's just start the game up again and then this road over here we can just continue to upgrade how far down do i want this to go um because we're gonna have to put one of these up against the road aren't we does that look okay there with the trees no we'll remove the trees so we'll go for a bog standard road at one of these to you with what's that a bit of grass this one nope that's not a bit of grass bit of grass yep there we go and then that one and then we'll probably be able to connect these two i don't know i mean the one on the road just seems too big that one it's just too big a road hang on let's just let's just let's just let's just let's just try so if i pop that on there you're not gonna snap to that what's wrong with snapping to that you got some sort of problem with snap into my roads nothing to do with that is it yeah it doesn't want to snap to the end of that okay we snap to the end of this one so you might have to just move a few trees around yeah it does get a bit fat doesn't it but then this is quite large as well so maybe we can sort of make that work [Music] i think that's okay i think that fits in okay we've got to go from sort of four lane down to two lane at some point anyway so why not there and i think that that goes in nicely so what we're going to do now then is we're going to take this let's pop that back on let's pause the game because everyone's going to get confused we're going to drag that stop all the way over to there there we go done and then we're going to add some stops back into here so if we click that one and click that one that should be good is there any monorails coming down here yeah there's one let's catch him up i saw the comment telling me that these only hold 90 was the other ones hold 180 which is fine goodness me there are a load of people over here i had absolutely no idea um i came out of that view i wanted to be in that view can i click you line details click on that one and we can see where they're going because we've got the commuter destination mod so they're basically going from there to all the way down here and some are going to the it station as well but anyway that shows us 77 [Music] where were they all going yep they were going around there none there yet because we only just put those stops in and then coming back the other way 44 to 213 yeah so we definitely need to add more nanowell into there this one yeah so that's oak to mpa yeah so it's not oak to mpa anymore it's now npa2it so we just put i t i t to m p a we've got no that's not a light one is it yeah that is the right one i don't know why it's got five vehicles on it i thought it only had two but you can see look it's got five on here i'm just flying but most of them are filled up so i'm gonna put another three on there we'll get that up to eight and then hopefully that will be okay this guy just needs some power how far away is he he's close enough that we can do our sneaky little thing i like these boxes makes them look like they're little power distribution nodes hidden in the trees for powering our beautiful builds excellent excellent let's enjoy this route [Music] [Music] so [Music] there we go so that was a lovely little view there wasn't it let's see how the line is doing yeah there we go plenty that's fine i don't mind having a couple empty uh because we're about to get more people as time goes on what i did notice was the amount of people queuing down here for the trains look at this they are absolutely loving wherever these trains are going ah intercity train so people getting in and out of the city so let's just have a look i want to just wait for a train to come along here so i could wherever all the trains got see this is why there's so many people queuing have we got a problem with trains are they just all disappearing completely what okay there's no trains on the line going that way uh let's go back the other way okay we'll do it this way instead we'll look at our train lines that'll be easy yeah there is look there's a yellow train line that comes through here but there's hardly any trains actually i just can't see them at all uh on no problem at all let's have a look in here so that'll be this line here 11 vehicles where are my 11 vehicles oh mama i know what that's telling me darn it we have a train back up oh how i love train problems i'm just following these trains here these ones are trying to get out here then they're going round here then they're clogging up here and it's basically all of this cue going up this way going up this way then going into the tunnel let's just double double check i'm following on the right side yeah there we go and then they're all queuing up through here queueing up through there then they're queuing up down here is there an outside see that isn't even connected up what is going on here so you are trying to go up here where are you trying to go you're trying to come in well you can probably move in can't you but you can't because of this one okay and then these going up around here [Laughter] all messed up because they can't go in anywhere we don't have a bypass here which might be a good idea just to add in now that i've spotted it where the heck are we i've completely lost where we are primrose hills oh yeah we're right over here on the other side of the islands that we've made okay man haven't we got distracted from what we were doing originally um let us just pop in or can i fit a bypass through here i think if we're really clever we might be able to just just something like that so anybody that doesn't want to get in there i don't know what i'm going to do actually i'm going to make this a teeny teensy little bit longer we're going to go up to there and then we're going to curve it in like that and i think that's near enough that we can live with that let's just sort out the power there we go that goes back out again okay that's not going to solve the problem because these are all backing up on the right hand side that can't go anywhere these are my lines aren't they yeah primrose line oh there's so many cargo trains ah right so which way are you trying to go you're trying to go up here you're going up here but you're actually blocking i do need some tea to try and work this out [Music] so yet again these stupid flipping train ai things because then he can't come across so this one basically just wants to come up here but can't because of this one we're gonna end up going in the big loop in a minute back to where we started this is a big bypass for this but basically yeah this look these are trying to get in but they can't get in because these are trying to get out they're trying to get out and they can't all get out because of all the stuff that we saw before which then blocks this up so this guy here i mean he's not the sole cause of the entire problem because then this one's going to go in and it's going to happen again let's just speed the game up so at some point we're going to have to completely redo the train line again and just have an internal and an external line because basically these trains over here we just take a look at a few of these this one here taking goods to rock valley that is like an imaginary outside city to los palma to springwood what's this one vermont ports westward oh they're all like external flipping train things so we're making so many goods in our city that we we can send them outside the city which is great to make money but it means then we're getting a breakdown of everything within our city so i don't think that's something i'm gonna do today i'm hoping if i just let this run a little bit more oh you probably didn't notice i just moved this this over a bit just to try and help things get moving i'm just going to leave it for a while see if it sort of fixes itself okay left it running for uh not very long actually and i had to delete just one or two trains that had sort of come blocked uh in a weird place um so i just want to check uh let's just grab this one here and look at our line detail so we've got a lot of people at these stops here that want to go to places so this one here and as we have the commuter destination mod so the people that are queuing up for that yellow line are basically heading all the way over here onto no problem at all orlando heights alien rock park area that is a lot of people moving over there okay let's look at the next stop so 86 people they're not too many 132 this one and they're wanting to go sort of over this area back to over here and all over the place okay 417 at this one which is where we first started off looking so we can see most of those actually yeah look they're not coming over so they're here but they're not wanting to get up and down this load of islands they all want to come over to this side of the city okay and then we're back round to where we started again so i'm just wondering whether we could do something else to try and get people from the no problem at all train station hub thing npa over here to the main area now when we do have oh man we've got ferries and all that sort of thing hooked up but that isn't always the best one here look look where they want to get over there so the one thing that we could add that goes from one side to the other here reasonably easily is a metro and we're sort of getting to that point in the city where just putting everything above ground isn't always going to work so trying to do everything with trains in this pre-built train network i'll tell you what the next time i do a modded map it's not going to have all the roads and the rails all pre-built like this it was nice but you know i don't want to rip them all out and redo them and stuff like that so what i'm thinking is if we can get let's have a look at our metro that we've got in here so we do have a metro stop there um which does bring people up over here and of course connects to our tarantula uh there it is tarantula terminal whatever we name that so could we continue this metro line on this side because we've got the above ground metro here but keep this underground metro line going and if that just came straight across the water and curved into here so yeah this that we set up that's the topographical yeah the tko stop there little tko and then bring it over to here as well npa i think that would be quite good let's start here and work backwards so let's see where we can squeeze this in and i think this will be a very good way of doing this to really you know we've looked at where our major traffic points are coming from and to do something about that i'm just thinking we've got these rocks along here so i don't really want to build it into the rocks oh look at that little spot there oh look at that if i turn anarchy off it won't go in if i put anarchy on i don't think it's destroying anything it's just underneath that monorail that's why we needed anarchy but that's okay like that excellent right that is going to go there and then it's going to come [Music] all the way to here so where would be a good spot now we're getting so much transport in this area um over here i really want it sort of in the middle here would be good or even just here next to this carpet although a lot of cars are going to start coming out onto the side roads that is the only problem i mean we're going to end up heading across the water anyway so having it lost where i am having it right here opposite all of this stuff that's going on i think we'll be okay we'll lose a few a few trees and bushes there but that's not too bad then that's going to come up here and connect to that right let us get these i want that on tunnel mode let's get these connected up oh look at that that swings around perfectly from there to there yep excellent and then this one here where are we going to up there so let's just there it is right there so i want to try and get this as straight not as straight as possible but get it lined up so it's a reasonably straight route now so now i'm thinking do we continue some of these lines here that already come into here further down so let's just have a look at what we've got metro metro metro metro lines okay so we've got glass to t box that's the above ground one t to maple so we've got one that starts here let's just turn all of these off and all the names jumped out the way okay let's just follow these again so this one's above ground one uh that one is this blue one so where does that go okay so that stops there which i think is actually t to maple is doing the exact same route so we don't need metro line number nine and i think i remember seeing a load of comments about that as well so we're gonna delete that one there's only 14 people used it anyway so that's fine so i think t to maple is going to extend because then that is coming from tarantula yeah that's fine so let us oh forgot to turn it on again uh let's go back into here there we go so we've got that one on so what i'm going to do is just pause the game so we don't cause any problems i'm going to drag that so i'm holding left click using my middle mouse button to come out that is going to come all the way over to here there we go and then in the middle of these we're going to add more stop so we're going to click there so there and on the way back and that's going to come all the way up here and then there and on the way back as well did that actually add the stop in cannot find path what oh darn it you can find path because it's flipping going there all right hang on i'll let this run for a sec yeah so that one's okay why is this one saying no path even when oh there we go look i'll drag it over there it does it there we go okay little oddity excellent so that is now going to stop there and stop all of these on the way i just want to check so that one there right opposite the big stadium this one here opposite this big high density area in elizabeth square all the way up into angela station excellent so let's just check uh how many people so that was t to maple so 173 at the moment so this is right at the far end so that's this one this is what i want so nothing there nothing there 14 there and then 16 31 37 then it's going back the other way yep okay so i want to keep an eye on that and then we can always add more metro more metro yeah more metro that's why i was gonna change it to tram oh my brain today more vehicles anyway if we need it so i'm gonna let that run for a bit see how it goes and hopefully we'll end up attracting some of the people away from the extremely overloaded trains i've just been following what's been going on here so over npa on one side of the stop none on the other side uh one but if we come to over here um hang on let's go this way so that's oh and it's now 91 on one side and then 451 over here in little tikio so that is 451 people that would have found other ways to get around there we go they're absolutely flying through here which is just brilliant and then the other side we need to go up there to tarantula station there we go 448 and then back down the other side 81 there 145 there back to the glass one 662. so this is heading down to this island which is fantastic and then this side two and then we go back up the other way again to get 495. so to me that 500 this 495 here nearly 500 and that 600 and whatever it was up here let's go up and back down the other side again 506 okay uh whatever it was 660 there we go that is trying to get from here to here and back again so that is a lot of people that we're now taking off of this yellow one which have a look at these line details yeah look these numbers have dropped significantly and i would say we could now probably drop down the amount of trains that are on this line which is only going to help look some of these have got eight 22 16 well good grief let's drop that down by a couple what about this one here yeah yeah there's still quite a lot of weight in there but anyway that's definitely helped with that problem so i think now that we're starting to get metro over in this side i'm just wondering whether we could continue this metro down by our hubs at least so could we bring it from no problem at all over towards ties new world we've got a lot of people here that i'm sure would love to get on a metro which is again going to help with our traveling and let's have a look yeah i want it along here somewhere it's flat right next to this car park that's a tree that's built into the car parks that's going to be a problem i think these have been spread out like that what i'm going to do is pop it right there we're going to get rid of whoops there we go we're going to get rid of that building let's turn off anarchy yes we know that's okay so we're going to go to there and then i'm thinking we've got this little hub here i'd like to get one in here as well and i could just put that on the front if i anarchy that in and that would be perfect how would that do so that's people will get out of that and into their cards straight onto the main road which i really want to try and avoid this bit down here is so close that people could walk that could be the spot if that could go in there by anarchy that yeah that's below ground not caused any problems and that fits in nicely with a little park thing we've got going on that's fine and then let's have a look what have we got further along here of course we've got our zoo we've got alien rock park which people are going to want to visit so i would definitely say i'm just sort of looking overhead so there's a lot of people and we got the monorail so that's going to get the people sort of on the island from one end to the other but from off the island yeah i definitely think somewhere down here by the zoo would be great but this little car park here i tell you what we're going to bypass all of this this is going to be like a fast shuttle as the word was i was looking before and then we're going to come across to over here so i'm thinking maybe there and yes this is coming off of the main road no we're going to go there we're going to go there and then up to here and then it can always go across over there at some point so where could we fit one in here um i want it in the middle i mean all of this is pretty well connected lots of rows lots of walk-in space so i think just up here somewhere would be good if i could just pop that can i go here against there i want to go there like that slope too steep ah what is it that's making that too steep so i take that and lift that up to the same height as that note made no difference at all this goes down quite a lot okay let's lift that up and just see whether that helps nope do you know what i'm just gonna use the move it mod there's no reason why it can't go there we're gonna pop it right there it's all okay isn't it all below ground yep i think that looks perfectly fine let's just nudge that right up to that corner there excellent so that's going to connect to there and then we haven't built down here yet so let's just hook these things up i'm wondering this is just such a long run from there to there whether to add another one in here it just seems a bit silly not to because there's so many high-rise buildings in here and there's this spot here that sort of got a bit empty so i am i'm going to add one in why not why not let's give them let's give them more options there we go and then i think i'm just going to continue this line that we've got i've completely lost it now there it is this one here and we're just going to continue this line all the way to the end oh i can't because i didn't connect those two up no pop it back oh see i thought i'd broken it then we need to connect these two up don't we i hope this is all okay i've accidentally had node snapping turned off darn it well we're going to find out once i try and drag that stop to the end there we go what a mistake here to make and let's grab that so we're going to zoom out holding left click hold in left click will it go in yay there we go and now we can go along and just add a load of stops on here there we go and i think that's the one i took it for no it's this next one that was it that one there this one is along here yeah here we go this is the one and the stop soon there we go excellent and then everything else is okay nice let me get that running um and i just wanted to check let's go back to this view check that access is okay for everybody so access here is fine there we go look people are using it already they can come over the top get off the buses go there no problem at all pun intended then if we follow it along uh yeah this was the next one over here by t uh teasing world yeah i was right so that is right there which is fantastic and we could just decorate this a tiny touch [Music] there we go that's fine yep so they've got plenty of access there that's okay following it along over here access is no problem there right by the bus the train that everything uh over here i mean people are already queuing up which is nice there we go yep let's have a few trees around here too and that will sort of help buffer any noise i mean it's all underground anyway but i just think it looks nice when you sort of do that yeah why not people queueing up there already and then over here a bit of a dip underground there but that's fine under the water i mean and then over here this is a bit sort of out on a limb isn't it if we've got anything being built here no we haven't so how about we just i'm gonna be careful of these rocks that we've got here i don't want those disappearing do we oh no we don't so let's just put in some offices just around here and i think we'll just leave that as it is look people are happily crossing over the street coming over here to use it excellent and then that's it we've got the end over here which is doing well [Music] wow there's so many people using this line it is absolutely nuts so no problem uh hibiscus tea transfer there's like another 1 401 there 502 11. so going up to here 1820 are coming from here and then down the other way 256 so all of these people want to head 940 want to head over down here and as we get to this end these are the new ones we put in oh my goodness that is just nuts i am going to just put this on well i was going to say the maximum it's got 15 we have 64. no i don't think we're going to do that have we got our budget up on our oh we have on our uh metro yeah i might have to look at that another time let us uh here we go 15 i mean 20 another five to try and keep up with that but that is just unbelievable so many people so i've just added up all the people that are in these queues because this is the amount of people that are actually traveling this is the amount of people actually waiting and it's over 4 000 already and all right i'm looking down here and these numbers have gone up wow i'm just wondering how high this is going to get and how many more metros we need to add to pick all the people up oh my goodness me okay i'm doing an experiment here seeing how many vehicles we can get how many metros we can get on here before it all blocks up but we can actually grab all these people we're up to 40 and this ends okay this end is okay it's this middle bit here i think this one this one is tarantula station no it's the glass box station anyway one of them was so we're getting there we're getting there i think it was this one here is torrential station yes that's actually gone down that was like a thousand so let me add a few more once it's all look at that whoa my goodness me oh my goodness me i'll be back with you in a sec [Music] well we're on the maximum amount of vehicles the maximum percentage plus the extra increase in our budget panel you can see when i added i loaded look you can see one added 10 because they're all bunched up they're taking ages to spread out so that was one group there and then this was another load of 10 they're just about spreading out i'm going to see how it goes whether just having this many on one line is even a good idea and going to work at all but i want this number here this is the biggest largest stop that's left which actually funnily enough isn't tarantula station so i'll keep this running and i will report back okay i'm just going to pause the game here um just to show you some facts and figures on the screen so have a look at what you can see tell me what you can see so first of all these are just taking flipping ages to spread out um they will get there some of these other ones have spread out we've still got some big stops 926 that's the glass box one but they're getting there and the amount of people that we've got a week is up to 1565. that is rising but look how much money we're making our weekly income 139 thousand i'm nearly a hundred and forty thousand now you might be saying oh i know what that is buffer that's because you're making so much money on your mass transit i'm not making any money on my mass transit because i've got free transport around my city i mean i get income on planes that is something you don't control and taxes but monorail whatever this is i don't think i do any of those buses buses i've got income of 15 somewhere one guy has just decided he's gonna pay whatever i say but trains i think you get a little bit from people from the outside i don't know that's like a glitch but everything else is zero we've got free public transport everywhere and i'm still making this is up to a nearly 140 000. i'm trying to sort of figure out where it's come from it's sort of hard to tell because when you get these breakdown of figures it's these massive figures but that's like expenses minus that i don't know what the difference is fishing is on a downer at the moment industries on and up i don't know anyway maybe it's some of this other stuff here oh public transportation tourism does this uh let's go back to here does that count free public transport for all citizens so does that mean that people from the outside of the city that are coming in tourists as they're also called are coming in more because of what we're doing and are paying more and that's maybe where it's all coming from i mean that's still not 162 000 wow that is just nuts i mean i'm gonna just leave that going myself and find out but i tell you what we're gonna have to finish that episode there because it's taking so long for these metros to spread out but there you go did you enjoy that episode i bet you did leave a like if you did be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on my next video and i'll see you soon have a great day take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 124,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines metro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 49sec (2629 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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