What If HOI4 Started In 1933?!

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what's going on everyone it's me i'm wearing a shirt rambler here and today we return to alpha god's sake why didn't i set this up you'd think you'd think by now but no hearts of iron four and we're doing a new mod oh god this is such a travesty what i don't know who's been saying this up we're playing the car before the storm mod which sets hoy 4 in 1933 and this is the beta 0.1 holocaun so it's a total overhaul mod for hearts of iron for and it features an in-depth and detailed scenario starting in 1933 featuring many new political options large new focus trees and high quality graphics according to the mod description so of course if you are happy to see the return of hearts of iron do comment like and click that subscribe button half of you aren't subscribed so if you do want more of this face in your sub box several times a week click subscribe 5000 likes for more hoy is always the baseline it's an arbitrary number but it engagement helps the channel just looks done in this portrait just absolutely done he's ready to go anger against the government you've got bitter loser economic crises yeah and this is the state of the world in 1933 i don't know what they mean by the pretty graphics maybe the new portraits and like the colors have changed a little bit which is quite nice i guess yeah yeah oh my goo china look at that whoa there they're in for a time aren't they crumbs so there are i think about a dozen nations with focus trees uh uk germany ussr us france japan remember and it's been a while since we've done a a game as as russia isn't it so shall we shall we give it a go yeah let's just let's just have a right i'd be tempted to play as the ymar republic i'm going to be typical and just go for go for weimar the vimer if you played the mod let me know your thoughts of it in the comments below i always just do the old germany's in peril i always do the initial run i don't really do a practice playthrough which is probably to buy detriment sometimes but hey ho no matter who you ask germany is in danger oh yeah he's nearly 90. why won't they let me retire okay so who remains the stp and the german center left okay and the center right hmm quite a situation indeed well what could we do nothing can't do a focus wow it's a very expansive focus tree isn't it the trees have all been reworked okay okay huh the amount of factories that you have certainly been nerfed uh oh oh bicycles and motorcycles siree bob i'm going to build them even if i don't need to uh however we are suffering uh quite a lot of uh negative factory output oh deary me i believe that's probably because we have the treaty of versailles the panamera economic crisis yeah there we go anger against the government [Music] all right hmm the national socialists have the popular support but mr hilton is clearly delusional and some are worried about the excesses of the potential chancellorship alternative alfred hughenberg and the n dndp might be a better choice let's go for a democratic candidate shall we i can always restart if this goes uh mr hindenburg denounces extremism okay we're sticking with the weimar republic huh oh dear i can reform or go for moderation oh my giddily the game is over for you essentially and now i have to redo all of it oh my god what a part i don't know what one to pick um eeny meeny miny moe let's go for zentrum shall we yeah after the death of gustav streisman the peoples the german people's party have moved significantly rightward there was stimsively a republican party many of his members barely accept it oh man i'm only a month in i'm gonna say it's intolerable hitler's rally in munich oh dear come on hindenburg you can pull this out general strike in essen i probably made the incorrect choice here haven't i they've had a there's a battle oh my who would have thought running a country would be so difficult eh shoot out with the essa oh my my stability is slowly on the on the downtrend whoopsie uh the german civil kerfuffle will be added in 0.2 for now a timed national spirit will be given as a penalty really so they've had a okay so be removed in 1935. maybe i should have gone down the regular tree if if but that is terrible zero percent stability things aren't going well all right i think where this this branch of the tree just doesn't finish at all i'm gonna i'm gonna redo it so i'm just gonna end up being uh regular germany uh it's gonna take me until 2105 to make a submarine be quicker if i did it myself i think i guess we'll just we'll just go down the normal route at least we know this will probably be complete ish so then that unlocks the focus tree okay and then i could immediately withdraw from the league of nations or i can do this yay right fire decree a fire in the oh okay so we're just we're just going ahead with a fire okay wow we're not having a good uh time here are we so far my my stability stability's still going down all right i'm going to try for one final run through and still go down the right but but not the like extreme right um because it unlocks more paths i think uh you don't have to be restricted by going down uh with mr hilter who do you think you are kidding mr if you think we're under anyone watch dad's army growing up it's quite a good show bro tell him your name pike yeah so here we go we go for the that one and then we go down to hughenberg and the autocratic deposits will become uh remove all the head of government ideas or foramen oh my gosh change it to the dnvp currently they only have like six percent they're not popular at all are they but hindenburg's in charge of it so oh he's in charge of everything technically and then we can save the german farmer we can save the german industry we've got alton pollock all right customs union of austria already starting the eu well there we go expand military construction this focus tree is pretty dense uh then we can have like a new bismarck then hindenburg is dead you can either go for the fuhrer or the monarchy a true conservative party cannot afford to cooperate with dangerous liberals oh my god demonetized i promise one of these days i won't do a monarchist play-through but it is not this day i could work with the nsdap or i could just go alone oh yeah neither coalition is worth our time we rule alone good arrest arrest them all arrest hillary boom uh then i can meet with the junkers all right support us or i will crush you still holding on to power with four percent what size is our army nice tiddly oh we have no choice but to span the stalheim yeah extra seven percent stability nice okay uh then we do the old appeal to nfdap of voters sure i've got nine percent nine percent popularity now that's more than the dvp the institute for sexual research has closed down oh my god we're going to be back to where we were when i was in secondary school then my geography teacher putting a condom on a banana that was a weird lesson ah deutsche national falben frau fraud frap der deutsch nationale of fraulenbund oh all right or the german national women's league okay i can move against the pala military nice then they'll get rid of that oh yeah my stability's gonna grow says my recruitable population factor communism is gone processed values i guess i have to do all of these even though some of them give you negative um stability just just going through the motions oh destroy the national socialists and i'm now the german state i'm no longer the wyman republic fine then we can do the new bismarck alfred hoogenberg clearly possesses all the qualities that otto von bismarck ad all right if you say so i do rather like that all of the focuses have different kind of uh lengths of time so some of them are like 42 days some are 20 some are seven it works quite nicely you work through the true you work through the trees quite quite quickly so my party popularity's just increasing i think mainly because i'm banning everything else the economy somewhat recovers huzzah oh yeah all the decisions i was making was perfectly fine i'm just banning i think i'm banning every other party aren't i oh my goodly goo okay now hindenburg isn't dead yet so we can't we can't progress so i guess i'll save the german farmer you're welcome save the german industry let's go i really would like to get rid of that economic crisis hindenburg has gone the line of prussia led the country in both war and peace and his funeral will ensure that a great hero will be warned across the nation um crown prince wilhelm will be crowned kai's wilhelm oh we're holding a referendum that would abolish the office of the rights president restore the hans on oh oh i didn't i didn't even have a choice okay i guess we're getting oh hello erwin hello wilhelm okay um right i didn't even i didn't even have the option to do the fuhrer hughenberg couldn't even be made few how would i have even done that i didn't have a choice did i all right well after 16 years the deepest wishes of the german right has come true kaiser wilhelm the third now sits at the throne of germany but disappointing i didn't even get the choice maybe i've missed something somewhere but i probably have after nearly 30 days of work the dnvp government has created the new constitution of the german empire okay okay i'm the german empire again no one's stopping me why isn't anyone stopping me so i could actually deal with it hitler still poses a just kidding no he doesn't oh that's right i've arrested all of them haven't i so i guess he was going to die anyway so i wouldn't have needed to do all of these potentially let's do a hands-off approach to the economy get a couple of civilian factories how we doing okay our industry is slowly growing good oh okay um there's a bit of a kerfuffle going on in spain already in 1934 completely normal oh gosh i'm not even i really should be getting those give me the panzers give me the panzers okay let's do this the secret imperial police get them in then we'll do aristocratic restoration good i'll just do the old nobility anything to increase my stability really that's all i care about the mod is actually running really smoothly i guess like there aren't really any walls going on right so you wouldn't really expect it to struggle but yeah it's progressing quite nicely five speeds running running quite nice lower taxes yep i like low taxes uh oh oh i've got i've got uh yeah actually let's get let's get some stukas yeah i'm gonna try and work on getting an air force already base i i'm producing one a year so it's uh tough times big business is saved can we focus on the smaller business i guess i've saved farmers too right so i'm doing it for everyone and oh the economy has recovered that's what we wanted so that means we get rid of that boom and that's going to change our industry around oof baby yep i'm producing stuff normally now kind of oh i can finally build more than one factory at a time just just about i i think this mod is going to be really good for players that really want to spend quite a lot of time building up still completely out of manpower though i think this is the treaty of the site how do i get rid of it oh i should probably start expanding military construction i'm looking and i don't see where to get rid of it leave the league of nations though goodbye yeah let's do the plebiscite in sarland the evil french hold key portion of our territory get out of here ah we want it back oh good it goes with me bam take that floss oh it's always gone after ethiopia we were almost at the point where uh the game would have started now but i i'm in a position where i'm still not i still don't think i'm in the best state this whole treaty of versailles thing really is just a drag you know i can protect the farmers completely okay success i guess inflation oh we cannot we cannot i can't begin official rearmament because i still have the treaty of versailles maybe it's an event oh oh oh oh oh oh no screw award more contracts i'm gonna re-militarize the rhineland haha give me i'm in no position to actually demand this by the way with the amount of troops that i have i would just get easily annihilated ha ha germany is back pachao now i'll put my 10 whole divisions on the border and just cry oh i just need to reintroduce conscription oh gosh freaking that was it i could have got rid of that ages ago i'm such a [ __ ] sometimes oh man it's that's me not reading properly where are my glasses i clearly need them oh i could have been building such a massive military my industry is so far behind what it would be normally oh this is bad man all of our 10 divisions we're going to change to infantry and mid we just don't have any manpower got a spanish revolution going on and what can i do nothing mate sorry you're on your own whatever goes on here whatever just leaving him to it oh catalonia has declared independence all right reintroduce conscription the treaty of a size dead the german military must receive a large expansion to serve as the arbiter of germany's will right we're going to start getting some manpower and really just like thrusting everywhere begin official rearmament oh boy it's gonna happen 68 000 troops ready for deployment great but yeah my economy is still in the bucket i thought i was doing really well but i don't know if this mod really nerfs you who knows anger against the government why are people still angry i've improved their situation so much oh it's the blood and soil and the privatization that really just screws my uncontrolled inflation oh god maybe i finish this tree that'll help but i don't know if i'm gonna be any threat to the world at all i'm certainly not at the moment okay germany's grand army 106 000. we're getting there we're getting there what's the size of my air force i hear you say well friendo oh my god this is pathetic 18 planes oh my god how long does it take me to build a freaking factory december oh people grow weary of a dictatorship i hate this oh man i'm so nerved i wonder how much testing this mod has had because i am struggling to build anything maybe it's just my choices may i i'd oh look at all that improve public opinion remove anger against the government and that will give me an extra 15 stability that's good we've improved our public opinion now we just coerce the churches with my negative political power stability goes up then we do the reich reborn which gives us extra stability again okay then i think we can move on to the earliest other bitties and properties and i do see what they mean now by the pretty graphics like these custom sim like you know national focuses and stuff do look very even goes in here it stretches the flag it stretches okay we've completed the entire tree now i need heat to expand the army this is the bad route i think this is probably the bad route too oh my gosh the crown is concerned about the treatment of the nobility law german's party members even have been left at the wayside hmm it'd be easier to give his majesty what he wants yes give it all to me kaiser wilhelm insults hugenberg i have been in politics for longer than you have ever controlled anything i don't know all right let's do a customs union with austria how does that sound public ral both the kaiser and the reich's canceler have snapped whoopsie sakai is a favor lost what's this childish fool ever done for us so we now put someone else in charge uh if i put gordella in the focus three changes again austria joins a custom union nothing happened it is clear the austrians cannot be pressured into joining the reich however the military option remains can i even take him that's the thing i need the factories like my industry is never going anywhere at this point we run we run in we annihilate them keep moving don't even have an air force my 18 planes fly my pretties only i have political power to change my conscription law walked into vienna that's the only way i'm going to be able to win is just by uh taking their tiles when they're too dumb to realize that they've left them undefended oh they've realized because i i can't delete them fairly in a normal war this is this is horrible getting the kaiser back was horrible for the uh for germany it seems well i have a few more factories now not that many though what widespread corruption gives me stability okay sure hungary's joined the pact of really joseph stalin's died and mikhail kalinin has taken over okay looks a little bit like trotsky but stalin is dead but you're going to try and stay popular oh i need more tension oh that's annoying all right well let's try and demand the sudetenland with my 24 divisions i thought that the uk france had joined the allies but i guess they haven't maybe i can capitulate them before france comes in but i mean come on get them in place first before i answer deploy them cancel any future divisions because we clearly can't afford them and so i'm gonna be a war with france i can't garrison my ports well why not eh why not oh i i just know i've done this today and land that quickly uh there is literally no way that i can do this i i've i've gone through this event multiple times i only have my auto saved so i can't even go back my cancel my focus i will have to just refuse my stability goes down permanently um and i'm just gonna go after poland instead yeah this is the most nerfed i've ever seen germany bulgaria's joined the pact of rome everyone's joining them no one's joining me all right fine i would like territory please uh the summit begins with italy okay i would just say this deal works for us successful summit we've got a non-aggression pack of italy revolt in the ussr we've got a decent amount of divisions i will therefore recognize russia not that it really matters so the union's in a little bit of trouble they've got zero stability or war support whoa uh yeah i've never played a mod that's nerfed germany this much i don't know if if it's just my play style but i've never ever played germany and in 1939 uh been on less than 100 factories the polish republic has joined the allies uh i'm gonna have to switch to military factories but i i'm not really in a economic position too it's 15 world tension assassination attempt on the kaiser long live the kaiser and your stability just keeps going down okay the uk is just guaranteeing everyone brilliant oh well at least the king of henry's doing half action now there is no balancing to this whatsoever is there i can see why it's like a an alpha release oh okay it looks like the soviets are probably going to be okay russia appears to be on the way ooped russia asks for weapons i don't have any either i don't have any resources mate what do you want from me the kingdom of romania has joined the allies that's something you don't see every day it is impossible to get decent stability like i'm building up and building up and building up as quickly as i've been able to but it's just absolute [ __ ] see why can't i justify our nations but other nations can join factions and uk can guarantee people and strafing let's do a communique with danzig the polls have insulted us for too long no no no no i'm just gonna get uh the annex war goal against the french republic oh ironwool in here i will demand memo land can i have mammal go on son oh my god look at that haircut oh well we've got memo thank you the baltic alliance sure i'll take anyone all three of you want to join me come on in i could do with more divisions oh my god look at that look how many troops they've got on my border they've all joined me praise be i might be actually able to take out poland now but then i still got to take out the uk you can see my predicament that would be tempting to initiate the plan now um i think i might still go and try and get czechoslovakia first i shouldn't really be doing anything i should just be staying in my little little hole and not coming out my economy is simply pathetic i'm just gonna have to make a gamble soon and just hope i can do something but i i can assure italy cancels the non-aggression fact but uh yeah where you can't justify on any nations it leaves you in a very difficult choice i i would not recommend playing as germany in this mod at the moment at least not doing what i've been doing so maybe just don't do what i do but i don't think i've i don't think i've made too many mistakes but yeah it's 1940 this might be the most boring video i have ever released could you imagine yes i bet you could like the initial part was exciting just give me a little attention man just give me world tension i need it i need mobilization or death i've forgotten to even research tanks everyone just keeps getting stronger and stronger and stronger so i'm just going to dip a cookie in my tea and forget about it liberate slovenian voice sure why not oh kingdom of hungary accepts the proposal all right and yugoslavia folds good you can't say i haven't got more territory than i started because i have technically oh look at this modern blitzkrieg yet i have no no tankies to blitzkrieg with yay what a pathetic state my germany is i'm in july 1940 i've got to take a risk and try and take out france now i think well try and take them out i mean try and bait them into asking czechoslovakia into the war because there's no way i'm getting through otherwise okay [Music] why does that give me zero you just can't justify on nations it's dumb but they'll hopefully start taking casualties pretty soon we've been joined i will certainly take the italian volunteers tar very much lee i'm holding for now mole house is struggling though oh god damn that's basically the same as milhouse freaking milhouse okay let's deploy those eight that's all we're getting our friends in spain might have an interest in french land go on son go on jose jose the castle doesn't look alright a thousand two hundred and fifteen thousand so the french are emerging troops i just need to be able to keep holding spain presents conditions spanish republic joins the berlin axis i gain the national spirit which grants me negative behind consumer goods i need it join me come on no are you serious mate oh you utter pillock you utter pillock why couldn't you just join when they didn't have troops on the border but no you have to and i'm giving them an economic aid that's the real like smarting oh now they join oh they're oh they're through they're through okay can't do any of these i can't do the manchester plan no but france though look at that casualty is racking up hey it's just this particular tile that i am uh really struggling on do we have area superiority yes good oh spain they're collapsing already [ __ ] hell how many freaking troops does france have okay well spain's dead we just need like italy to declare war on them now too they're reconciling greece what does that even mean i would like to know why czechoslovakia hasn't been called in is it because i have an army on the border i'll move them away and then i'll do like a psych so if i decided to go after belgium the war has come we have one goal victory at all costs they come sallying out at least that was the plan how many divisions does belgium have 40 like 40 divisions [ __ ] shouldn't be swearing but that is uh that was unexpected what kind of casualties they on they're already at 70 000 okay how they take an essen there's very little i can do i don't have the divisions to protect my cities belgium is pushing and pushing successfully i mean if i just try to do a bit of a cheeky advance it's not going to happen is it i mean i might take back my city we built this city we built this city on corpses yeah like my divisions are better than theirs in fact we could encircle a bunch of them hey we have well that's nine nine belgian divisions on the way out good oh no 17 16 how many was that was a good portion of their army okay um i've annihilated the belgian army we might be here a while i mean i could just try and bait them in again they must be out of manpower oh they don't know they're not okay well we pushed them we're overrun i'm overrunning them with my infantry apparently and uh now we go france hasn't reacted they've kept all of their divisions there if i'm able to do this i think i might capitulate them they i triumphed in france why is the ai so dumb oh let's start taking some territory now shall we i was not expecting that so i guess i'll now go on to uh pauline and take out poland this has gone a bit different to how i had envisaged not too long ago what's happened to spain's army though just don't call them in alex just don't call them in gain alex wargo against the polish republic i did not get said war goal i'll take my claim statement poland has a lot of divisions too this is border gore such border gore oh boy i think i'll do okay maybe against poland i don't know i just need this to happen quickly i called my allies why i called spain not good however it appears the ai are cycle charging me again wait yugoslavia is in the uh hungary has capitulated our romania's in the allies too i forgot about that yay italy's coming to save me thanks buddy ah far look at spain the utter incompetence of my allies never ceases to amaze me and the game has broken again um i guess i can't finish the scenario then right maybe third time's the charm maybe it's a shame if this does keep freezing yep it freezes on the march 14th as it tries to tick over um so i guess that's it unfortunately i don't have a previous save game to really go back to so my thoughts uh it's good it definitely needs a lot of work so does my like my webcam uh overall i enjoyed my time with the mod there are some frustrating things like you just can't build up a powerful germany at least from what i could see um but yeah it's definitely got promise i will hopefully come back to this mod once it's a bit more updated but if you did enjoy this basically me just clicking on things for however many hours i've been recording now um please do comment like and subscribe uh yeah it's got promised the mod just a shame that it freaking crashed and i can't continue it uh i imagine i probably would have won that war in the end i was getting powerful enough to do that so yeah i think that i probably would have beaten the allies and then called it a day after that um yeah hopefully had a good good good you got to see what the mods all about uh justin just just as like another start date really and a ton of new national focuses and other like tech trees and stuff but yeah i'll stop i'll stop waffling goodbye many thanks to onion ducks seth cutter stervik maximilian foreman wyatt green zechariah mosby tad house cobby was taken matt zuv vash juan p george dave d why the don valhalla halls yeah boy ryan [ __ ] jack troku jiggly crotch used beef sean young and logan whaley for being ridiculous from supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the patrons too
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 183,198
Rating: 4.9369259 out of 5
Keywords: What If HOI4 Started In 1933, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hoi4, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, Calm Before The Storm, calm before the storm mod, what, if, hoi iv, started, in, 1933, hoi4 mods, hoi4 new mods, hearts, of, iron, four, hearts of iron 4 germany, hoi4 germany, hoi4 germany mods, strategy games, grand strategy games, strategy, games
Id: 4CHfT21ViGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 52sec (1912 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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