The Hoi4 Mod That Changes Everything - Hearts Of Iron 4

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whoop whoop that's the sound of the man playing hoi4 how is it going my watery meat juice babies is it going good are you all right leave a like if you're all generic youtuber intro self-destructing five hey everybody welcome back to some more hearts of mine for today we are looking at a brand new spanking mod which uh it actually looks pretty damn good which is the calm before the storm oh jeez look this fella down here he's parking world war ii is about to happen park i saw a production just uploaded for the first time park i'm gonna hit the subscribe button so the calm before the storm mod is actually a month that takes us back three years before the start date of hoy fought in 1933 a fun year where uh well stuff started getting spicy in the world really oh my lord that's right baby we got herbert hoover inventor of the hoover vacuum man of the people man of the vacuum cleaner mr herbert hoover he did loads of good for america just uh welcome to the world in 1933 it doesn't look that different other than china china looks very different but somehow still a bigger mess oh look well you got the uh the communist chinese are still down here they've done their uh little long march yet and other than that and the americans still having more of control over the philippines i can't see too much that is different as far as i'm aware there is actually a whole bunch of new focus trees and some of them are supposed to be dynamic i could be wrong about that though haven't played this mod before but obviously in the uh world war two build-up mod gotta go ahead and play the big bad guy in the scenario and uh see what comes of it there we go the weimar republic one of the best places to buy a five-year-old in the world uh so we also do have a focus tree that has been reworked we have a bunch of stuff that's new and we need to go ahead and get doing question is though with the new focus tree uh exactly how will i be playing this will i be doing it historically or will i somehow um do a democratic germany play through do i really want to do that not really especially considering the fact that current guys in charge don't seem to have a lot of the power and uh we're not the most stable of governments right now but you know what just because we got some paramilitary death squads around the country doesn't mean we can't come back from it right hindenburg probably not all right obviously the treaty of versailles still being somewhat respected in our country so we don't have much of an army and uh well the navy doesn't it's not much of a navy what even are these that we're building are these coastal battleships i i don't know i want to be building whatever this is is it an actual battleship or why what is this all right so in this world we actually have no focus trees to do just yet but they will be unlocked as time goes on and every other nation also has a custom focus tree that is important so i might come back and try out another nation at some point if you guys want to see that but for now let's start the wild ride of germany oh well not not dong bay and i'm pretty sure yeah that's these guys right here so they yeah they've already done their invasion of manchuria i think that happened a few years before this and uh yeah they went in for dong bay too which um yeah i think they're gonna win that one all right we actually have a choice between uh everyone's least favorite person in the world and huginburg and just for the fact i'm not too sure what happened if i do this we're gonna go ahead and keep historical for now and hopefully yeah we got some focus trees to actually go through oh lord do we have a lot of focuses to go down thankfully a lot of these are only seven 14-day focuses and then up here we've got some more which i'll zero days for this one might as well do it okay immediately somebody's threatening austria and we got a brand new spanking name everyone i haven't got the man in charge just yet but still hanging on a little bit there hindenburg aren't you hey uh just uh stabilizing the nation oh i got a choice here i can either go ahead and get the church integrated i assume or i can just um get rid of the church and then draft the clergy i kind of like the idea of having the chaplains on the front line but you know you can't choose you're mad at his full church outfit you know you go to hell for that there we go we've uh we've got rid of everyone really against us at this point now it's time to get rid of our own people who are well they're not only against us but we'll just get carried over now before we go ahead and do our uh little focuses up here to rebuild military and the economy we're gonna go ahead and do the pro gamer move and withdrawal from the league of nations there you go we just did the uh german british naval treaty which lets us rearm a bit and uh the british are foolishly agreed to let us partially rearm our navy little do they know that we will do little do they know that we will completely re-arm and end germany not britannia well so little do they know that we will completely rearm and end germany not britannia shall rule i think what they meant to say was that in the end germany not britannia shall rule the waves you probably should fix that that makes it sound like my crappy boats are gonna blow up germany oh it looks like there's gonna be a bit of a push in uh austria to see if we can get them on the right side of history on the right side of his cave failed but we do get an option to threaten the austrians and declare war on them i don't know if that is a good idea all right i'm going to make a save and just see what happens if we do do this but i'm pretty sure italy will join in which case we will have to back out because we do not have the army to take the mum we can't beat the italians yeah yeah unfortunately not we can't take on the italians just yet but uh don't worry austria i've seen the future i will be back ah nice to see that uh getulio there he's got a a wonderfully blank face on him okay this is the moment we have been waiting for because hindenburg has hit the bucket it's the batman okay apparently the mexicans want my tanks sure i mean i didn't realize i had any but you have fun with them abelardo oh there was a small rise up in spain but i didn't last too long i guess i was just a um small sideshow for the coming storm really all right it's time to say adios he goes to that whole treaty of versailles business and uh i'll get the business really go we're getting up to the uh the normal part of well hoi4 now which is 1936 and the italians are doing their invasion of ethiopia it looks like they're having a bit of a fun time there too over here in germany though we are rebuilding the army we are rebuilding the navy which is going to be pretty god damn good with my carriers coming out and then the economy is starting to pick up too everything's going very fast and furious fury uh fiora fury all right i'm gonna pick between the tenocrats or the ortox and um personally while i don't want mr you know scoring anywhere near my government uh unfortunately he does come with some pretty good buffs which don't last too long compared to the the opposite ones but we need the buffs right now also just gonna keep spewing out some troops and then hopefully uh march into this area with the red lines around it unimpeded just testing out some uh new technology there you go actually get some free research buffs from helping out down here and i think it's gonna be over in record time because we encircled madrid and now i'm just rolling over the spanish in the meantime we re-militarize the rhineland and the french didn't do anything unless they're about to declare war on me in that case i'll see you around guys and with the last push on madrid that will be the end of the spanish civil war in 1937. have fun franco there you go we've gone ahead we've done the angelus on austria and we're getting a bit of land going we got an economy somewhere going and uh we're not ready for war anytime yet there we go they handed over the suit down land too we are still bluffing our way through this somehow there you go do i look like a man who would break a non-aggression pack poland do i oh i have the option to renew my non-aggression power poland i'll uh i'll put that on the next thing to do don't worry about it all right well i think there's no better time for this one well it's time for world war two all right so uh if you've ever you know know anything about history or watch for before you probably know where this is going so uh something i thought would happen is because obviously you're playing for three years extra essentially before the war kicks off is that the ai also has three years of building up and creating equipment which means uh there's hundreds of divisions everywhere oh yeah the belgians got 47 divisions just on that one tile i mean albeit you can still win this pretty easy you just gotta you know have better divisions and beat through them and kill them empire but um it is quite the sight to behold but because this is pretty much just world war ii at this point and uh i don't actually see much changing with the focus tree we are gonna do something different that's right we've traveled back in time you see because obviously we could go ahead and do a uh you know what we did last time we could also be still far right but this time go with the nationalists and that's because we get a brand new focus tree which um i don't know if i'm going to cover completely because a lot of it is the same by the looks but i am just going to have a quick look through it and then look at the democratic one so yes it's pretty much the same over here well the same kind of gist where you know you've got to cement your power but then down here is actually where i thought it would go where you bring back the monarchy so pretty much if you go down the nationalist route it's bringing back uh the monarchy or you can not bring about the monarchy and i'm assuming do nordicism [Music] okay but the one that interested me the most is what happens if you actually try to stay democratic and well i died for a second there so there's actually a couple different paths you can actually go down one of being um oh well you know you know you get a lot of fun stuff in here like uh free school meals for children you know school children that's pretty good you can expand union activity and uh what else we got oh yeah you know of course trade agreements with the lowlands we're essentially larping as a mother date germany apparently so yeah by the looks of it you're just a big friendly german blob in the middle of europe and uh also not a very stable one as no one's voting for you but uh you can go ahead and get rid of all the bad guys in the focus three like you know this one right here imagine if we did that irl that sold a lot of problems but yeah i might come back and give this one a go uh i don't know do people want to see more of this like i said it kind of gets a bit stale when the warfare actually kicks up because everyone's kind of well the ais has no chill you know they're constantly building and producing stuff too so everything's kind of like times 10. personally i'd quite like to give the soviets a go because they do have a very big focus tree a very reworked one uh the the italia soviet what's going on here yeah if i come back i think i'll check out the soviet tree uh let me know if you guys want to see that obviously or if you want to see me try out any other nation in this map that has a focus tree i'd be happy to do it um please just show off what happens up until world war two which is kind of the whole point of the mod but yeah i think we'll leave it off for there today uh there wasn't much action sorry about that i was simply just showing off the extra three years you get to essentially build up and have a bit more flavor and into your nation and whatnot but it's still very fun uh this is just a beta remember so it's not completely fleshed out yet but if you enjoy the video make sure to leave a like hit the subscribe button below and i've been your gravy daddy and you've been my gravy babies catch you around [Music] you
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 515,620
Rating: 4.9440327 out of 5
Keywords: isorrowproductions, hoi4, hearts of iron4, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, 1933 start date, 1933 mod hoi4, hoi4 1933, paradox interactive, hearts of iron 4 italy, hoi4 italy, italy, italian, hoi4 mod, hoi4 modding, hoi4 italian, roman empire, hoi4 roman empire
Id: HgBP-vaSJwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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