Hearts of Iron 4 The Red World Mod Is Back And It's A BEAST

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what's going on everyone it's me goatee rambling here and today we're on hearts of iron four but oh you can't even zoom in i said hearthstone four while i'm still on my face ah ah the unprofessionalism that is me so this is the fan fork edition of the uh red world mod uh it sets the world in 2010 where uh soviets have won in the cold kerfuffle against the usa and now what we're going to see is the result of all of that stuff of which has happened this particular edition has been done by a lot of other modders that have come together to celebrate the life of the original creator of the mod who has passed away so kudos to them for making and improving on the original mod and keeping it alive in memory of kaiser 1871. i've had a few of you ask me to play this so that's what i'm gonna do and if you would like more content on the channel please do comment like and subscribe uh let's try and get again 5 000 likes for this about 50 of you aren't subscribed so if you would like to watch more incompetence with a goatee click that button oh here's a word from today's sponsor oh hello hiding in a cupboard won't help you protect your internet data but using nordvpn can that's right nordvpn have very kindly sponsored today's video if you're not currently a nordvpn customer it's your last chance to get 70 percent off the three-year deal for 3.49 a month and you get one month free that's a chunky discount i would usually use a vpn for when i'm traveling such as when i'm in airports to help protect my data but more recently i've been spending a lot more time indoors so you can use it to unlock netflix and your favorite entertainment websites so all you have to do is uh connect vpn to the usa and then you get access to the usa's netflix catalog noish a nordvpn is compatible with most operating systems like windows mac linux os and android there's a 30 day money back guarantee they've got five and a half thousand servers worldwide most impressive if you go to nordvpn.com alex the rambler you'll get access to the 70 off the three-year deal and you also help out the channel at the same time kind sponsors like nordvpn really do help keep the channel running so if you want to help support the channel and protect your internet data then go check it out cheers i'm gonna go back to my cupboard now so here is the uh current state of the world as we have you can see here the soviets still around um we have the german democratic republic which is red you have the french socialist state which is also red the italian union lo and behold it's red everything's red and there until you come to the uk which is in its own little only known little world the uk is seen by many as the last bastion of democracy in europe in lengthy talks of the irish government both sides agreed in the early 1980s to put aside their differences hmm and they have a whole queen elizabeth scottish tensions that never really goes away does it let her in our glorious queen has solved parliament she should now rule from decree oh my god i could storm buckingham palace the phoenix front craze you also have the soviet union what the crown putin assa probably not on a sponsored video alex probably not on a sponsored video i think i think i'm just going to go for the uk today the last time i did do one of these uh is when i had i had jeb bush although he's not in power at the moment but yeah we led jeb to victory and to control the usa and reunify that was that was good fun i remember doing that kind of in my hazy memories of hundreds of hoy4 videos anyway i'm just blabbling now let's get on with it let's play the uk and see if we can turn the world less red because my favorite color is green this updated version of red world is dedicated to tom uh who sadly passed away last year uh he is a dedicated and passionate person creating the entire mod out of his own ideas and working entire days and nights on new content we hope you all enjoy this fan fork in his memory this is for you that is a great dedication to clearly uh someone that was friends to a lot of people in the paradox community i don't think i'll do this justice somehow my apologies if i somehow balls this up uh but yeah oh i do want to let her in okay but let's go for british factories our industrial sector has taken a significant hit after the collapse of european democracy yes if we look at the factions you can see that wow it's quite powerful the democratic league seems a bit pointless just alaska canada and australia new zealand isn't even in it what oh my the winston junta i'm already preferring this tech tree to that of the millennium dawn mod it's just more streamlined that's what i prefer now i've gotten used to this stuff i don't like change i'm too well i'm getting too old for change four military factories yeah if um the uk's invaded right now they do not stand a chance in the heck of winning really do they so who is prime minister david owen he was a real politician he's still alive pretty old now though putin has been elected to yes so he's bob putin's now the most powerful man on the whole planet okay last night princess diana of wales left ireland on a private jet and arrived in london to see her son prince william oh my i wasn't expecting all of this law to be honest it seems like quite a quite an in-depth mod basic automated management or basic industrial automated man who do we want to get rid of which workers do we want to get made redundant oh my god you can say what you want about the british industry but we're building 1.5 rifles a day so don't want to brag or anything but it's pretty good the death of gorbachev all right me thinks putin might have had something to do with that so many events that's all going on let's get an ambitious union boss in as my second in command so i it increases my factory output so that's that's what i'm thinking three rifles a day well i've just doubled i've doubled the industry of production in the uk in a matter of months that's pretty impressive i have to say oh david owen has been assassinated a camouflage figure took two shots one hit the prime minister in the second barely missed deputy pm williams my god shirley williams becomes all right shirley right so now we can do half mast 35 days and then we can either go down to let her in she just look rather annoyed there doesn't she uh or lock her out oh my gosh the queen storms parliament in the scene never to have occurred in hundreds of years her majesty barged into the houses of parliament accompanied by prince charles her security detail and various members of the house of lords with her motive unknown it's become increasingly clear that the queen is making her way towards our very own house of commons deemed unofficially illegal by british political society since the 1600s should we let her in let her in and the queen dissolves parliament my god the queen officially assumes power wow she's so happy about it look all right let's start threatening the conservatives all right churchill yeah let's threaten the conservatives still got the old scottish tensions but that's not affecting my political power too much yeah i think we're okay okay the social democrats have pledged support to the queen the queen and the father oh my gosh queenie what are you up to right i would empower the house of lords i guess the house of commons is a relic of an unstable uncertain past oh my goodness yeah the tech trees are just completely familiar with with the base game which i think like if you're trying mods for the first time it's actually quite nice to kind of keep it fairly the same they just changed the dates around for the like this is two 2010 cast fighter that's it which i think is it's fine oh and kate and william got married all right i could abolish the house of commons or just do a puppet parliament i'll do that i'll do the puppet parliament britain's old parliament created instability a new parliament under the queen's iron fist shall follow with true obedience parliament resumes his operations after the queen just turns it into a puppet one coalition oh all right yeah so far uh it doesn't look like anyone in europe's getting up to anything too cheeky i guess that might change as it goes on i do like chaos so what i'm gonna try and do try is the uh rather apt word i think is help free europe and let the queen take over all restore economic confidence give me them civilian factories why can't i spy on the people oh i would have had to purge the republicans very well we'll have a national royal holiday though yeah i find with a lot of mods they remove every nation's navies i don't know if they just haven't turned them into a workable navy yet i mean i've got 23 subs if that's any good i just don't really have an air force but i don't have enough factories to produce an air force so you know it's a catch-22 at the moment like the uk really not not a good spot to begin with in this mod to combat with oh no infantry brigade is still only what are these combat whips man the egyptian empire okay okay they have a pharaoh and they're invading libya okay oh i've passed the british security act that's what we want oh did my operative die oh the french found him damn it but okay fine i can spy on the people now so whatever oh ho ho ho a piece scotland or one union games national spirit english anger it's like it wants you to go down the more chaotic route because it's you get negative 300 political power if you appease scotland or if you just be like i'm coming for you you get 300 political powers so i'll just i'll just do that as always the actions i take in video games do not represent my views in real life just just just before people get upset soon scotland will be ours okay uh he just looks worried oh jim i'm sorry jim how many divisions do you have i don't think you have many do you so if i just strolled in would i even jim come on at least have one division to stop me oh let's rebuild scotland well that was unexpected to be honest i was expecting at least a bit of resistance bernie sanders has been inaugurated and immediately the american republic declared war on the commonwealth soviets are going to war with china oh putin what are you getting up to sir i'm just trying to get the days of glory her majesty once reigned over a magnificent empire stretching from the caribbean around the world to the pacific ocean the united kingdom will be known as the united kingdom just keep getting my submarines for when i attempt to hide to know my economy is not in the state to actually have any kind of conflict with anyone the old union jack has been raised okay the queen of northern ireland huh all right then soviets are going after japan now too they're very confident aren't they what's the spanish marriage oh kingdom of spain against event now leo windsor sure [Music] execute operation northern ireland for queenie and country that was easy still don't have any freaking army xp and i can't really afford to train my troops uh because i don't have enough equipment to cover the cost of training them soviets are now going after turkey too are they just going for a full world conquest but not oh oh yeah turkey's probably screwed actually never mind bernie won oh my god bernie conquered the south that's very improbable oh there we go operation green i guess sure i'm now going after ireland oh deary me spain did join us though nice so if i do decide to go after france we might have a hope in heck unlikely though i think i just need some freaking army xp man the greater american union well there we go bernie's bernie might unite aha the queen has restored the british monarchy's former title of queen of the united kingdom of great britain and ireland so now i go after ireland okay boom i am winning please give me more than one army xp that was fairly uh easy the egyptian empire i don't know what's going on around here to be honest oh i could strengthen the foreign office and then invite scandinavia to my faction maybe oh wow china's freaking going for it and the egyptian empire's no more i reckon china could do this that's going to be great for when i do my invasion of oh oh oh italian confederate why why would you make this i could demand somaliland so it seems the british tree is all focused on trying to retake part all parts of your empire when i think it should really be to try and topple the warsaw pact uh which the china's doing a grand old job of it looks like it's getting weaker and weaker by the second crumbs how many divisions does france have 1366 so they haven't taken any casualties really poland's taken quite a chunk yes just the soviets that are really uh suffering i think i'll be poised to help them fairly soon so spain comes in to assist us that should really help a chunk at least oh my agent's locked up they found her ah what can you do eh all right time to try and bring down oh the walls all packed but it looks like it looks like it's happening right just come on i'm surprised bernie isn't going after everyone else don't think anything's happening in south america yeah what surprise i wish i could see what was going on here but it's time to see what we can do let's go naval supremacy zero percent but i have 4885 supremacy they have 488 confused i am how don't i have superiority so if i reveal the intel does that then help it did it immediately so it's just a case of me not using the intel that i've got like decrypting that cipher so i just haven't done enough of this that stopped me from attacking spain not quite certainly got a lot of divisions on my border now though but we have aerial superiority and soon i might have some nukes tasty sure i'll invite china why not let's see what they're getting up to oh my god qatar want to join sure i am attempting to secure more of northern france and i've taken breast now we can just starve these out i would presume it's supply that i'm really struggling with unsurprisingly oh boy [Applause] i'm struggling my divisions are better than theirs so if i can just like push them back to this river tile and secure this river line i think i could hold for a while longer i just can't get aerial superiority with my current arsenal one thing uh this mod probably needs to add in is the ability to increase your war support i have no way of doing that because i am in an offensive war is it technically i don't know i feel like i'm standing up for peace in the world but i think china might be getting pushed back now or they're just stuck like imagine trying to just advance across here it's pretty gross i wonder if i tried a little advance would it go very well i'm gonna stop okay we've got the indian union on our side now so if we're actually a fairly large faction i just can't push wow that's gonna when that kicks off that's gonna be a a bit of a kerfuffle right over there uh over here i don't know what's going on to be honest um it's all a bit of a mess i think we probably outnumber our enemies seven million versus probably about four or five yeah the ai just follows me wherever i put my 200 planes so now we have area superiority can i just go for a little cheeky attack so my allies are now over stacking why is survion like this sometimes so apparently we have aerial superiority again uh so i'm just gonna nuke paris i've built the nukes we're gonna use them goodbye paris nice knowing you that seems like a larger explosion than i'm used to brussels fear me this is the only option i have really just to have a little gander and then just attack into the irradiated zone i guess nukes have always been a bit underwhelming in in hearts of iron haven't they like you'd expect them to be like a massive massive shock and aware against an enemy army but not really all right morocco's in now i had a focus that brought them into the war so i did it i hate the ai they've immediately caused my ah is there a way to order the ai and not to do that i would like to make that so well at least they're clearing up this invasion by italy down here but honestly this this doesn't seem like it's going to end oh and i just don't understand the navy stuff uh they have between like four and ten ships i don't understand how i lack sufficient intel of the english channel oh this is infuriating i think i'm just gonna let this run for a while see if the ai does anything to help me i'm gonna save it here and then just then just leave and have some lunch oh i'm getting some powered exoskeletons for my for my infantry nice let's see if that actually helps them at all as you can see we lost pretty much most of uh our mainland holdings don't know what to say to that apart from it was a big oof you can see that it's just it's just bonkers like i just i just can't do anything at the moment so i i i've got a plan that might change things oh wow is that bernie no oh leo gerard okay bernie's gone yeah the soviets have pushed china back they've pushed into spain and i can't get a beach head anywhere and now my allies have overstacked and i'm taking attrition again i've just left my allies to get wrecked i don't know what i meant to do to help them there to be honest immediately go in and just uh get rid of all of my all of my supply i'm just exacerbated air is sort of green and we're trading really well 8 to 35 so i can take those kind of casualties i'm trying to launch another invasion as you can see here just hit them just hit them everywhere i can ah no [Music] i think our country is doomed right my secret weapon i now have 240 combat with tank divisions so i'm hoping that they can just like storm in and yolo everyone that's my secret weapon have any of you ever got into games like this where there's just no way to push through the sheer amount of divisions that they send to you where are my two chonkas okay they can't beat my tanks take that airport then that reduces the amount of aircraft they can use bamboo what okay then they simply get 5000 aircraft in that air zone if i can just get green air everywhere it's brilliant it's amazing but i can't i cannot my main issue now is attrition wow 18 million casualties compared to the soviets how many factories do they have i just don't get it they must have their entire air force on this air region i mean so do i but still it's the ai come on now i now have four big boom tanks oh my trunkers come on chunky tanks you're gonna do me a solid and get me an encirclement in here all right big booms unleash hell oh yeah green air is king oh we might be getting pushed back why is that we still have green air see look like 26 divisions on one tile it's just it's just bonkers to try and find a decent path to attack through it's just like the nations have unlimited manpower yeah me doing those encirclements doesn't feel like i've done anything to them in fact they're still starting to push me back well there goes my coup that i was trying to do i just don't know how they have unlimited manpower i i'm i'm shocked i really want france to surrender does that trade convoy's being raided maybe i can capitulate france if i take leon i do not know oh you're joking 99 come on so what else do i need to take like one more city okay we go to dijon let's get some mustard ah oh wow yeah that could cause a bit of a problem for a lot of the encircled troops fantastic looks like we can mop up in spain all good there we're holding the italians at bay over here i think this is where i'm gonna have to realistically stop this uh video um as you can see it's just a stalemate again although in theory we have more fielded manpower it doesn't account for anything really uh we still got a similar number of divisions each um i don't know maybe i could try another naval invasion but yeah this has been going on for a long time it's going to probably take just as long to capitulate everyone and china has that very oh they've started moving divisions to their border now but yeah they just left their border completely open don't know why they did that but even my monster tanks can't seem to push through at the moment probably because i've nuked everywhere in this area and just for good measure we'll finish off with a big boom explosions uh i hope overall you've enjoyed this video if you did please do comment like and subscribe uh in future i'm gonna stick to doing scenarios which i think are more manageable i think i was probably a little bit ambitious in thinking that i could take down the entire warsaw pact in one video especially when they they had like almost a thousand divisions with me with my little 40. um yeah but it's tickly boo from me for now and hey we capitulated france so that's good right all right just an fyi it's the next day uh after i'd already said goodbye on this scenario and i'm getting frustrated with the amount of scenarios that i'm not able to finish so i'm just going to give this another try um we're in 2020 and uh aku has just been launched i managed to launch a coup and now we have monarchist france there's kind of listen up from the ashes and i'm just sending in my i have eight tank divisions now and that's luxembourg gone okay so we're making a bit of progress now the tanks are getting through and they can't stop them that's what i really needed which is just tons and tons of 40 combat with beefy beefy boys and that should be belgium about to go too so really i just needed to my patients have gone by the end of that scenario so i think that's so bad if i can be a bit more patient in the future i have a chance of actually completing scenarios a bit better who defunked it eh there we go benevolence have now capitulated oh oh yeah so that should give china a fighting chance oh no no no oh dear what's up uh yeah we're kind of going full on blitzkrieg here the kingdom of france appears to be becoming the kingdom of germany i also look a bit disheveled i've just got out the shower and i need to do this i need to complete this germany's gone can't believe it as soon as we launched that little coup in a in our sass lorraine everything changed taking it to moscow let's go oh and if you're wondering yes i'm aware i'm out of fuel but i can't do much about that right now i my trade convoys are still getting hammered everywhere poland's gone great we're going for it we are going not too sure about these borders pretty bonkers lombardi's capitulated romania's capitulated does that give me the oil yeah turns out i can nuke we can nuke them now there we go and i can nuke their capital crumbs i kind of point this in this game really on i mean it just destroys the infrastructure in the air bases but apart from that it doesn't really do that much no truck it to moscow let's do an isp shall we i am taking it to leningrad though they're not stopping me hey yeah we tanked it to leningrad uh moscow and that's here yeah pretty much we've capitulated um most of the soviets allies now and there's also a massive pocket uh up here then he just needs to be annihilated it's gonna be annoying if the kingdom of france gets all that war score because they've occupied oh no they've got nothing noish i'm just trying to zip around to various cities now it's almost over oh it's done oh my god can you believe it look at that oh oh the relief is palpable [Music] boing um yeah the b still's a mess i haven't really worked it i didn't really do it properly after all that but hey look the imperial alliance looks pretty good now eh germany we've turned it into like the hre i guess i will release russia i don't know where the ukraine is well i guess the soviet union continues to exist then because it but as my puppet all right well i think that i think that's where i can leave it today i did it huzzah [Laughter] all right that's it now hope you enjoyed leave a like comment subscribe to lou many thanks to onion ducks cutter stervik maximilian foreman wyatt green zechariah mosby tad house cobby was taken matt zuv vash juan p george dave d why the don valhalla halls yeah boy ryan jack troku jiggly crotch used beef sean young and logan whaley for being ridiculous from supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the patrons too
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 120,968
Rating: 4.9417043 out of 5
Keywords: Hearts of Iron 4 The Red World World Mod Is Back And It's A BEAST, hearts of iron 4, hoi4, red world, red world hoi4, red world hoi4 mod, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, isorrowproductions, drew durnil, hearts of iron iv, hoi iv, hearts, of, iron, four, grand strategy, paradox interactive, steam workshop, Red World fan fork, beast, hearts of iron 4 russia, hearts of iron 4 uk, hoi4 uk, ad
Id: kchvuEy3Ugc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 43sec (1723 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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