I Changed World History Using 7 Strategy Games (CK3, EU4, VIC2, HOI4, AOC2, DEFCON, & Stellaris)

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so i'm going to simulate a new timeline of world history in seven different games each game is gonna represent a different era medieval renaissance present day and even a little bit into the future we're gonna know the faith each country is following what type of government each nation has their stance on voting and education even how cultures change around the world and we're gonna see a whole lot of places disappear as empires rise up so this is ck3 basically we're focused on the medieval ages this is where our timeline diverts away from this new timeline that we're about to create now i've done technically three mega campaigns full mega campaigns in the past previous winners have been sweden russia and i think rwanda so clearly with just that anyone has a chance anyone can win here so a couple decades have passed and already we've got a lot happening first of all mongolia is already here so uh horses in space i don't i'm not ready also something really terrible happened to like middle frankie i'm just calling the middle frankie also west frankie why is the accutane here aquitaine aquitaine say you say that umayyad's already kind of falling apart is that the vikings okay again my prediction's already kind of coming true i'm saying it right now either the vikings or mongolia might win this whole thing now their names will change as like nations get formed we could actually see a british empire forum or just like a france like frankie it might get dropped eventually east frankia obviously will become germany at some point if they survive i don't know maybe poland will get some revenge that's a sexy prussia already oh prussia the prussia stands they getting hard and there goes finland finland and estonia both have like really good times in ck3 i've noticed i remember sometimes you bring a nation into a new game though and they might have dominated the previous game but they'll just fall apart in another era like they just don't do as well so i guess let's not get our hopes up too much oh no it's getting even worse wait wait how did italy get annexed italy must have formed a union or something with byzantium hey we really might see the return of the roman empire eastern rome is going to reform the west also why is the pope going this hard this 72 year old man is not to be messed with he's uh he's having a time the time of his life his whole body too he's 72 but he knows his limitations that's good no life alert for him as always bulgaria has broken apart but oh look at these guys are over here too are these guys here oh oh my god is that ooh oh no oh empire yo it's getting lit in the baltics getting real lit over here lithuania's starting to get big so lester poland is here i'm really rooting for poland i want to see them win one of my mega campaigns at least one vikings of course are just destroying this area of the world and they're gonna do that for another like hundred years at least well bye-bye egypt egypt's gone also byzantium's looking like either they're gonna continue to grow or this is their big rival kazaria khazaria is the russia of this world for now this game loves to break empires apart east frankie demolishing denmark making sure it does not exist just confirming it does not exist for now for now at least also finland has southern sweden again don't get too happy if you see a nation do super good at least in this game if the wrong dynasty member dies it's all over they're going to completely fall apart alba has been almost completely banished to iceland they're just chilling in iceland that's scotland by the way and they will probably appear i think scotland scotland likes to defeat england but maybe that won't happen here east frankia is in london someone's got to get the germans out of london they tried this before this this is the first time they've been successful how's africa doing how is king kong who is king kong king of kong king of khan is just a nice 54 year old with a 24 year old wife only one coccubine not bad okay okay we've we've seen you know you get a lot more but you've only chosen one a concubine or consort is a lesser status than than a spouse that's nice that's nice i've yet to see sardinia form also pope still very scary serbia is in corsica they're even in iberia serb strong ooh is still there please ooh please oh my god i thought that said chad for a second there i almost lost my mind the great chad nation could still form i mean chad is here at least i think chad is a possibility in this game they got to like break apart somehow though damascus said damascus sid they've taken over is the new name so finland has kicked out a lot of sweden now they're the only ones here alba's starting to get territory back but they've been kicked out of ice and now it's west frankia and dublin who you guys standing west iceland or east iceland i say east iceland is now considered best iceland novgorod is here so we could see a russia i would be very surprised if we see russia in this game in the next one we might definitely though mongolians aren't going to do nothing i think siberia is going to give them a little bit of trouble yo maya's are still standing but they better watch it because there's a powerhouse coming for him the southern french people known as serbians are here and they might be kicking the umids out at some point i'm assuming the crusades were not successful there should be well maybe they were i don't know it's not really that successful at least so the queen of byzantium currently she is 30 and she's got some secrets she is probably illegitimate because her mama decided to uh hang out with some other dude she also attempted to uh take out her dad she tried to kill her dad died from his wounds uh he just i don't know how do we know it was just from his wounds so this byzantium queen don't play also she's now colonizing africa already she's getting a little bit of tunisia byzantine tunisia prussia's still here just kind of chilling prussia's probably not gonna come to like the third game that's usually when they really shine or at the end of the second game i've never seen the umayyad turn yellow also did they just annex west frankia whoa whoa whoa also they're in it what what did the umayyad empire do i think they got to be reuting oof oh man and this this is going to get crazy uh muslims are starting to take over taking over some very interesting spots in europe too keep in mind they also had to kick out all of the vikings which the vikings are kind of just being kicked out of everywhere wow the umayyad are even in cornwall they're in iceland they're in iceland safe to say they're at least at the moment the strongest nation right they're the favor to win but we have so long to go maybe siberia will just form russia they're gonna reverse colonize russia really broken up india but i i don't know maybe there's some powers that can come out of this sen i like sen always checking in on them they're still go they're still owing but mongolia is still here but they're just not doing anything all right so the umayyad has just become hispania and uh this is really bad for like all of western europe oh byzantium is still here this is disgusting this border gore is really gross border gore is the uh the thing that is going to make me never do this again i can't handle this gore i promise it gets better i promise meg campaigns they start off really bad it will get better because obviously there's only gonna be one person that controls all of the map at the end basically so it's pretty much between hispania byzantium and damascus sid nobody really has formed out of asia or india yet maybe it's still a little too early for that siberia looks pretty strong though and of course ooh very important so england is here and so is wales but whale that's a really different wales that's an irish wales they can handle this this doesn't look terrible i don't even know if i want to pronounce that i feel like i would probably be in trouble if i pronounced it well there you go india we got a couple places forming in sub-saharan africa shanghai darfur newbie don't look so good no mo oh man they're not hispania anymore oh these are civil upright these are like complex are they going to break apart the last second that would suck you just want to keep your empire like together before you go into the next game because the next game is going to be i think a lot more easier to manage xanthan looks disgusting this looks really bad bulgaria's here though yo we got a pirate byzantian king i think he's a pirate i would assume and he's a seducer it never stops him girls like pirates and he's scaly he's scaly he's covered in scaly patches on his skin attractive and i'm still a virgin his wife is a hunchback by the way so yeah cornwall has actually formed also we have more more ray in scotland definitely a big possibility that we don't actually see at germany here because east frankia looking like they might not even survive why is bulgaria in poland by the way what is happening with the pope yo this pope in a 12 20. he looks like a zombie please tell me oh he's scarred dang that now i feel bad i thought he was possessed oh he's scarred and he has lover's pocks sibling wait how does a pope has lo how does the pope have i don't even want to know bro never mind berman's band of what we got a band up here yo there's a band nation what band are they in what do you play the uh this flute oh he's wounded okay almost had a bad show it's the nation of perma band when you get permabanned this is where you go the only like nordic nation here is finland everything else i mean these are all northern nations i guess but modern-day nordic nation is still controlled by the umayyad this could be a really weird game for iceland i can tell oh my [ __ ] god it happens please can we get a union can we get an unit we have ooh is on the list of possibilities ooh and my nipples they can't take it they literally just dropped in this world saying hello man this is getting crazy oh we also have another band down here what is up with this band and then them for me in this purple color man backs bands and oo or ooh so many fan favorites i can already tell you guys probably don't even care about these other big nations wait why said said it you guys were here before now you're blue and you're in west frankia good the band is still here but they've been permabanned from this peninsula oof it's ugon no oh no oh it was the pagans wasn't it the pagans must have done this effort well we do have dong a lid dongo lid i guess that'll have to make up for the loss of ooh germany's mad i guess they they got angrier here roman is this raw are the romans i'm confused roman this is like the cheap off-brand roman ooh the umayyad king um he's got some interesting interesting things going on by the way he's a torturer and he smokes ganja and that uh he also he took out his brother he yidded his brother to take the throne this man watch this man crab rave time poland is here and that's a pretty nice poland i don't know who's going to stop poland especially since they're all the way in the back backs crete crete this little island oh my goodness this little island how did that happen crete just took over all of italy and all of africa a lot of africa what they're led by spineless black guard yo the greeks are coming back return of the spartans kind of they're not spartans but you know and there's also hell hellas on earth obviously something really bad happened to byzantium they were way stronger than before there's only one band that remains bozo band of janine that's actually pretty epic band game name oh wait a second no permaban still exists land of perma-bans still secretly here there's spheres man what is up with these nation names venice still lasts and here's tuscany but yeah the greek empire they have fallen big f for poland wow byzantium can't resist taking out poland they're gone too okay this game has got to stop playing with my emotions this is getting too wild west francia is back essex is back the umayyad are irish but also portugal also they're morocco the what you gotta choose one umayyad you can't be all three i love how like this nation was here in the very beginning and they like just dropped they just fell out for like hundreds of years now they're back and they're pretty strong so byzantium's gonna survive to the next game and they're looking okay they don't look amazing but they look okay akka bid is here also asia be wild i always look over here just to mourn ooh but dong there is donggulid dong golid and they are in chat actually i just realized dong and chad obviously this is uh kind of kind of crazy kind of wild doesn't look recognizable at all catholicism is completely gone i think just the pope has it and lillard the lid lalar lard lollies and here's culture around the world so that is uh obviously different it's pretty different greek has pretty much almost taken out italian completely there's really only italians here in venice dude that's a huge f for pizza we just lost pizza so this is the renaissance period of our timeline of history alternative history this is gonna be all about colonizing and uh taking land away fighting what else i guess they're gonna be making art they're probably gonna do art in the background we don't care about art so we have a massive empire still in iberia then there's byzantium and then there's whatever these things are but now they gotta worry about ming i don't know if these nations in asia are gonna be that good with scary ming here again we also have full access to the map so there's japan there's korea there's all this in like manchuria mongolia is now regular mongolia more modern i guess oh yeah and then there's this big beautiful quote-unquote untouched new worlds with nobody living here none at all completely open for colonizing i don't know i'm hoping that come on aztecs i need you to i need to get some technology can we get some aliens down drop them down some nukes or something i would assume some of the best colonizers will be the umayyads since they just have all of this they're ready to go they have the most western parts of the eastern hemisphere i think the africans could colonize here too though they might be able to get to brazil i guess my updated nation that i think is gonna win probably well there's france france is not gonna win byzantium still looks the best here is actually the top a to forget about that so we've got this great nation the umayyad akabid damascus sid zee ming is byzantium okay yeah yeah byzantium i just want to see who technically is number one i don't know how bizantium's going to colonize from the middle part of this world i think this is the game where they're going to start to struggle we got brats in norway and sweden bratzberg that seems not right what are you guys doing that seems offensive the finnish kingdom also looking good they're looking pretty modern they gotta worry about upland or sweden kind oh there is a sweden though there's essex and england i don't even know what's happening is that bright no north umbrian land is that that is the umayyads have taken a big chunk just deep into modern day spain oof oh something bad's happening something really bad is happening byzantium's falling they started off number one i don't even know if they're gonna last by the end of this game they won't they might not make it to the next game i don't know i'm liking this tuscany though there's tuscany and also the tuscan balkans pollen is thick and ready for space hell is still here hell italy there's also helles in greek greece lands and here as well i don't know it's all hell it always has been dong dong gang i think i'm a part of don gang too they're just they have no coastal nothing coastal the mask is sid now going into ethiopia and dipping even they're going to have to fight off killwall though has a lot of madagascar like they normally like to do maybe i take this back in the last game i was talking about how maybe we'll see in india i don't know if we will actually we already have warlords in japan starting to form up let's see how fast they can unite i doubt we'll see a ming explosion i don't think you see ming explosions in mega campaigns siberia is still doing good and they can go and get all of this eventually they can get all of a lot of siberia come on aztecs you got it aztecs or mayans you got like a hundred years you better start going get ready to defend against all this all the brats are gone now it's just sweden dang it there's essex england scotland and the oh my britain what what kind of what are they burning right here they burning flags why is it so dark what happened it's all on fire well just iceland chills abbasid abbasid chills in iceland weird that iceland's not the one on fire with that volcano france is now pushing out some people from southern france although tuscan france looking pretty sexy too saxony in germany is now a thing we also have hanover in like southern sweden and denmark of course poland man poland i'm really hoping poland let this be your game poland hell is pushing byzantium just fell apart in the first 100 years of this game they're like almost non-existent we have an independent sicily they're not completely here by themselves they're kicking off more byzantiums i think there's three nations in india oof korea big oof they lost the north the best side oso kawa might be forming japan at some point we have the first colonizers and it's france and the umayyad what is that france antarctica what france antarctica pretty sure that's not an article but you know what i don't this is your world you do whatever you guys want they haven't landed anywhere else just yet you still have natives here in massachusetts chopping down trees i guess apparently that dude is looking wait a second that doesn't look like a native uh essex is taking over dutch land the lowlands as well wait a second so in this world do they say please come to french antarctica you're going to french antarctica that does sound more terrifying we have essex west indies they're the first to arrive in the caribbean oh did holland form holland has barbados okay poland is here they just don't look super powerful uh also still a big fight between essex england and scotland for the british isles umayyad britain still just chilling poland looking thick it's looking like poland could have maybe their best mega campaign yet there's also two sicilies who came from southern italy and grabbed greece too so hell is gone sardinian kingdom now this is what i've always wanted i've actually like dreamed about this nation an archipelago nation within the mediterranean i'm about to nut no dog ming is starting to have some trouble against yud ud yud i don't even know what that is iceland did it they finally made it to newfoundland we actually have an icelandic nation colonizing i i'm getting i'm getting way too excited right now so the iroquois tribe could give anyone else deciding to come here trying to form a little 13 colonies they might give him some trouble what happened to ireland three irelands who's already enough we have two now we got three okay so two sicilies just became cis well the pope is back i don't know why the pope is now back just demolishing things and the 13 colonies have been formed in florida kind of terrifying that's from england i believe and canada has already got their independence uh that that former abbasid they formed canada well that was quick they got their independence in like two years oh we should have morocco here morocco did pop out man iberia is like real bad real bad i like that venice still survives and this great nation too it's great so these swedish vikings had a great start and now it looks like they're coming back they're reforming abbasid reunited iceland unfortunately they lost canada oh what the hell whoa canada gone never mind we got newfoundland it's gonna be a weird western hemisphere it's basically all france and all england or essex all british at least we've got scottish alaska and also scottish california all right finally something's finally starting to happen in iberia whether it's morocco taking them all over leone is here tuscany continues to push forward the umayyad just have portugal oh the umai are almost dead did the umayyad not colonize anything or did they get some sort of independent colony new tuscan kingdom that's bad badass i mean it's not as good as uwu but oh yo yo gang is pretty cool too i guess i guess i'll take it return of a former winner rwanda be scared world you better be scared they've won before they'll win again so the commonwealth have formed also moldavia look at that oh they're getting crushed though england still hasn't been able to kick out essex completely england's focus on getting potato man of course england after potato man come on england you got to get back your own stuff first leave them alone we have russa maybe they can be russia manchu is uh being crushed by ming at this point and uh they didn't fully successfully take out korea we still got k-pop boys k-pop is still on the possibilities of futures in this world ming japan oof japan having some problems yeah ming got into japan all right so tuscany's like the big colonizers apparently french australia i'm pretty sure that's not a good combo french australians are not gonna be able to beat the emus either hey byzanti with a little bit of a comeback a slight comeback sicily still controls greece also the u mind will still live on they'll live on in argentina chile and argentina more people escape in argentina what else is new revolutionary commonwealth oof that means that's actually pretty good but they might get targeted by a big coalition we might see everyone surround the commonwealth to go after them ooh byzantium now taking out sicilies pushing sicilies out of greece the pope is now a thing the pope who had won province at the end of ck3 now has like half of italy there's still venice there's also revolutionary saxony i wonder if they're working together that's a big beautiful scottish alaska that's for sure and then essex mexico s exec mexican mexico is that how you say that new tuscan's kingdom is like my favorite thing though oyo has managed to make it to the mediterranean coastline at least maybe they can call it well no the colonization is over in this game if anything there's no there's no more condensation oh south africa there's a colony here in south africa oh wow there you go so these guys came down and just went after south africa that's cool tuscans are also in a lot alaska australia it could be alaska who knows we can call anything anything in this world the dutch have made it to of course they did gotta get those spices somehow there are some things that transcend alternative universes if you haven't noticed uh it is pretty massive that's a big audi and then tuscan australia which is actually new zealand cool poland has made it to hawaii good combo very good combo clearly aliens did not come down and give the aztecs nukes because uh well maybe they gave these guys some i i doubt it though england looks okay but they still have what what is that double revolutionary essex they don't even have an x there though so does that mean they're not revolutionary if there are two revolutions then they're not it cancels each other out right they're having a revolution against the revolution oh shoot and abbasid is gonna survive in iceland they're gonna make it this whole game i bet you they're gonna make it through all seven games or six revolutionary who who are you how'd you guys get here sweden's already won a game i need you to to move over sweden i need you to let revolutionary commonwealth take the w at least that'd be kind of cool that means poland and lithuania get the w still way too early to say byzantium still survives though just barely ah just barely they're okay they're doing all right everyone it's revolutionary revolutionary saxony revolutionary france revolutionary iberia oh no that's morocco iberia revolutionary moldavia why there's so many revolutions in this world ethiopia got their independence ethiopia is now here and you know there's some indian nations we don't have united india but these guys are really close they might as well be kind of malaya has come up into indochina started to take things out oh they're in nam oh boy be careful there trust me be careful this is a very interesting part of the world oceania could be anyone's game no independence here either ming never left japan ming still holds japan japan is very weak in this game also yeah no k-pop no k-pop who am i gonna stand now english iberia england is now portugal there's also english greenland i like that so canada got their independence louisiana got their independence and mexico we have completely independent north almost completely not really there's still the new tuscan kingdom and scottish alaska this is really thick louisiana wow we're making like one state extremely happy with this one they are going full-on rager mode in louisiana they could win this mega campaign also we've got cuba oh we got big sexy cuba they got all this a lot of islands now they just need to like grab some mainland start taking it over english colombia there's also mexican central america they like have to move around french mexico scottish california i like that scotland's still surviving even though they barely exist in europe no french antarctica now where am i supposed to go to i don't want to go to brazil i want to go to french antarctica we also have independent chile and paraguay those are the three independent nations in south america let's check the top eight malaya mexico i can't even read that louisiana then it's revolutionary revolutionary tuscan kingdom remember they they're revolting against that there's two nations revolting against the revolts revolutionary saxony revolutionary france revolutionary commonwealth and then just ming this is the most cursed top eight i don't think there's been a more cursed topic oof that's a weird america not gonna lie it's gonna make things interesting though in the east we have sunni the mayans also we have mexican uh mayan religion still of course informally known as french antarctica they are sunni because of course and so is they the same thing in chile orthodox still lives on with um tuscany yeah tuscany is the new like pusher because tuscany's out there colonizing a lot what is that what the hell is that i don't know what that is don't get too excited about one of these nations or even if a nation that you're rooting for no longer exists because they could always come back so this game victoria ii is all about the victorian era obviously and right here we're probably going to see at least one great no-no war conflict we could see multiple because i've done this before and we've seen like seven there could be like seven great wwe no no's we're also going to still see some colonization as you can see there are some uncolonized states that they got to go after nevada utah colorado then there's all this in africa so there is still a little bit left to be grabbed up and that means that somebody else could get a whole lot more power so in this game the top eight goes england revolutionary essex lombardi venice they changed their name revolutionary tuscan kingdom acabid france saxony and polish lithuanian so poland right now is number one as we've transferred to this new era poland could win the mega campaign it's still on the list of possibilities and big pink beautiful poland is looking better than ever i think i mean i i honestly i want them i just i'd love to see them win just for all they've been through let's let them win come on game come on universe i'm gonna say heading into this new game louisiana is gonna start to pull ahead here they got a lot of stuff to colonize that other people won't be able to get to also scottish north america scottish alaska formerly known as they need to get some stuff too if we want the scottish to survive the pope's still going strong in italy then we have sicily with uh in croatia bosnia albania greece i don't even know what the sicily's doing in the last game we were having huge revolutions against revolutions and now everyone seems to be a little bit more chill look at this france france isn't a big fan of english portugal i think they might be coming after that saxony is basically gonna be this world's germany they might form germany though they definitely could in this game poland is still here again they're still holding on they have a couple colonies too they're just chilling in the pacific that's all they need honestly poland hawaii that's what i want in my you know what i don't even want to live in this generation anymore i want to live in this world now k-pop is not coming back if anything ming is going to probably take over all of the korean peninsula and maybe all of japan unless ude ud stops them which i don't know they don't look as strong as they were before tuscan new zealand with french french mexico i don't even what the [ __ ] french french mexico does that cancel out too since there's two frances there's they're not they're not french anymore this is just mexican australia i don't know french french mexico in australia eastern australia by the way and then they're also still battling out for actual new zealand i don't even know what's going because this is new zealand tuscan new zealand i don't know what are they doing remember when the vikings named the iceland greenland and the green islands iceland i feel like that's what they're doing to us now that's what tuscany and france is doing to us they're just pranking us bro byzantium still survives just uh you know they're chilling honestly they're not gonna win they're probably gonna get crushed by poland at any point yo poland's gonna become russia i can feel it look at this they're not gonna hold back poland poll lithuania let's give lithuania some credit to oof empire of mexico has grabbed up all those states nevada utah and colorado louisiana didn't get anything they got to get up here i think he was still looking good but english venezuela paraguay took a chunk out of like the heart of brazil a little bit looks like also chile got rid of the umayyads the umayyads no longer escaped to argentina we've got american pan nationalists rising up out of florida typical typical new tuscany still stands and looks good canada i think is going to get oofed at some point unless canada and the empire of mexico form a united coalition against louisiana ecuador confederation the ecuador confederation has arrived and i think they were forced to be released by brazil paraguay or chile must have yeeted brazil back and then they made him release this oh yo gang still stands all they gotta worry about ethiopia then there's congo who's just been kind of chilling this whole time we have france essex and this kingdom still in south africa uh yeah they're still they've been being kicked out a little bit though starting to get kicked out this is still disgusting i don't even want to look at this part of the map anymore england's still slowly pushing out essex revolutionary essex they're like the only revolutionary nation left scotland got a little piece of ireland over here i'm sorry scotland i'm sorry oh louisiana is starting to get some of this stuff i don't know if canada is i still go to this part of the map to mourn ooh and woo it's just i just i can't do it every time it makes me cry i have to pause the video told told a lid told a lid mong mao i forgot about mong mao that's a nation so there's some colonization of the sahara slightly how did the pope get to africa pope has had actually kind of one of the greatest games i think people are going to forget how good the pope did we left ck3 with one province and now they're out colonizing africa is this the same pope maybe this pope is related to the guy that had herpes polish lithuania probably still close to that number one spot at least top three right we have indians in siberia the indians have colonized siberia for some reason the the scary the scary part of bering strait essex asia also still here dutch still holds on to it is anyone wait oh malaya i think malaya might slowly start to conquer all of modern indonesia did byzantium get some of egypt i don't remember them having egypt before oh dong is back donggang gong gang rise up although they might get pushed out did french africa come out of nowhere i think they did oh man the french french really going hard to that imperialization england still has this part of portugal and a you know big chunk of spain oh no the tuscan kingdom revolutionary tuscan kingdoms are starting to get kicked out of catalonia saxony is basically germany but they're probably not going to form germany do they need some of this stuff poland is not gonna let germany form in this world poland's gonna come for some big revenge louisiana has all of this yeah canada didn't do much they didn't try to colonize this hey yo byzantium's got like modern algeria okay byzantium maybe they'll be okay oof yeah that great morovia this is how great they are now moldavia is still here though or moldavia is back i guess who's gonna unite the philippines hanover ming maybe ming oh ming has a huge chunk of the philippines i didn't even see that saxony was number one now they're number two but that's crazy because they don't look that powerful at all yeah they just have a ton of industrial power look at this industrial power compared to the third place nation ming at 91 saxony almost 2500 ming at 91 industrial power they also have a ton of prestige saxony so maybe germany isn't as weak maybe saxony would give polish to the winnie some trouble i like the way this uh conflict is phrased acquisition of congolese rwanda we're just acquiring this land it's all good no war crimes here damn byzantium oh my goodness all right so byzantium really hurt oh whoa oh yo why did the oyo nations never do that good pope still holds on to the people africa scottish north america became just colombia with the u oh no not with the u columbia with the u disgusting there's also english venezuela still down here they're not doing much and then there's scottish columbia here too in florida i forgot about that oh terra australia this is french australia landlocked inside of south america how did french australia get landlocked inside of south america also holland has the galapagos islands but anyways what i already hate this part of the map all right do you guys need to figure this thing out i think they're they're messing with us like they're not going to war because they're messing with us landlocked french australia also this isn't even french australia this is french mexico why is this happening please stop hey paul lithuania got down to the arabian peninsula somehow so they're doing some paralyzing of something really this part of asia really hasn't moved at all india still has this part of siberia but for the most part asia hasn't done anything they just chilling i thought uh malaya would at least get more islands or ming would continue to push people out how does taxi number two when they look like this again it just must be all that industrial power iberia once again has been just a terrible place to live in this universe never go to iberia in this universe france got galicia and most of northern spain morocco is here and then revolutionary tuscan kingdom still kind of is there byzantium africa still thing looking good oh oh byzantium did not keep the suez canal though the suez is controlled by france in this universe there's also tunis and uh what is that pink nation oh yeah whatever happened to perma band remember permaban some of those band nations that just popped up 500 years ago that was fun can we do that again poland is uh grabbing coastal territories around the world finland got its independence for a little bit but now there's scandinavian pan nationalists that take it all over acabid moved around somehow and they're they're pushing down so is this indian nation these this indian nation oh they're gonna get oofed they're getting taken out i think they're not gonna last up here oh boy post of the winning now has northern philippines so the polish are are pushing around ming surprisingly i thought ming was actually pretty powerful but since they've got 91 industrial power i guess not i keep looking forward to this map fixing itself this part of the map it ain't gonna happen california republic so this is independent from scotland i think right oh boy californians know england still controls greenland and uh the abbasid still controls the opposite abbasid controls iceland i kept seeing the 13 colonies pop up i had no idea it was this little small thing dividing mexico this colony is actually doing really good louisiana louisiana has reversed colonized all right so we have americans are they even americans louisiana's in africa dong is still going strong i like don kenya here in the uh horn of africa barely trying to survive with ethiopia just trying to stay you know chill scotland still has a little coastal part of africa oh tuscany has a lot of these islands in the atlantic poland is still here they they're gonna survive in the new world just barely they might eventually get kicked out let's check who's most literate in this world revolutionary and angria angria i'm not even literate clearly mantua and then california those are the three nations with 100 literacy somehow we've also created a world without communism or fascism none of it i don't know how that's possible there's always a couple of couple of baddies out there that are like hey let's try this that's going to make hoi 4 real weird is everyone gonna just be fighting everybody oof uh slavery is still used in a majority of the world though uh a massive majority it's outlawed in some places though it's half and half actually 50 50. they've all gone america mode they've all gone and it's it's all america it always has been there's no health care there's no health care in any nation and also no school system as well no education system there's also no max work hours in every single nation in the world you have to work oh oh that's nice louisiana has 14 hour work days thank you louisiana everywhere else doesn't have a max work limit you have to work forever and then and then of course you know with that since you have to work forever there's no minimum wage i don't even know where to begin in this world there's a population density the most populated places on earth germany has a lot of it then there's this part in france i'm guessing that's paris yep oh poland's got a lot of population huh that's a lot of red it's not deep dark red though whoa lot of people in egypt in byzantium egypt and then oh yo oyo sub-saharan africa a lot of people in madagascar how does many people get in madagascar so paris munich and london are the places with the most at least in europe with a million people damn alright ming oh my goodness that's bad okay there's two million everywhere in ming china being china that's that's one consistent in our alternative universe nothing in japan dang japan oh they got this is eight two point this is like almost a million wow china's gonna be rough china's gonna do that strategy they're not gonna have any factories they're just gonna be having sending people running at you look at how many people are in papua new guinea seems like a lot in papua new guinea no one's in australia or sorry french mexico and new zealand i guess i should say biggest place in south america would be paraguay and then all the population in north america is going straight to the new tuscan kingdom well dana's 2 million right there 2 million 2 million and 2 million okay so the new tuscan's kingdom they might not look like much but they've got a lot of people right here if anyone might be an underdog inside of north america but might win i think it could be the tuscans this nationality map mode is obviously insane right now i can't even really begin to tell you what's going on south italian northern italian obviously this orange is uh anglo-saxons empire mexico as one of the only places with anglo-saxon nationality oh yeah cuba also anglo-saxons forget about that remember this is all french but i don't know why brazil ended up being blue yeah this is like a bunch of french nationalities in south america and here are the great powers and their allies so poland allied to sweden pulled them in it was only sexy in moldavia we saw from the great conflicts france got a lot of homies france and byzantium on one team ming got a lot of friends oh ming is scary these are all friends of ming basically we still have the empire of china they're still holding down a lot of asia french mexico is in the sphere of influence of the 13 colonies i don't even again this part of the map oceania you're you're cancelled is this the empire of new mexico can we call it that because this is australia basically anyways they're following the new tuscan empire louisiana got a lot of strength too louisiana colombia canada they're all on a team but here's the top 16 going into the fourth game sweden is up there ud the pope the pope is in there that's crazy cuba byzantium acabid and venezuela barely even remember venezuela 13 colonies is in the top eight then we got england the ming empire ming looks way more powerful than that i bet you they are more powerful than that new tuscan kingdom louisiana france polish lithuania and now saxony is still number one saxony that weird ass weird skinny german empire is the number one country for now this fourth game focuses on ww2 at least ww2 in our timeline but this is actually going to be ww4 because they've already had three of those within the victorian era the saddest moment by far has still been the loss of uwu the oo and wu nations i don't know if i can take another one i don't want to lose oyo this is the part of the world that's causing mass chaos at least it did in the previous era i don't know if that's going to be the case here all i know is these two don't like each other as you can see the alliances from the previous game is still in here and this is the teams that are probably going to start the biggest fight so far i just really hope it cleans up some of these borders because i said that there was going to be a lot less border gore if there's still a shark ton i really don't like it this is going to be one of the strangest toy hoy4 games ever because uh the ideologies are mostly all the same like they're they're not crazy different there's no crazy radical ideal well there's a radical ideology but uh what the hell who is you mexico who would you guys i don't even know that is leia all right anyways yeah there's no no no ideologies that's gonna be strange the greatest empire of them all this is the nation i still think will win i wonder if they'll at least get newfoundland back though that'd be cool poland's kind of looking like they're in a sticky situation but i don't know if it's that bad i mean at least they have sweden on their side sweden is down for the alliance of polish lithuania if they were to win we'd have to put some swedes in space with them too in the uh polish space empire this is the thing i'm worried most about now this part of asia is not very industrialized they don't have a lot of factories yet but they got a ton of manpower and a lot of alliances they might even get more japan and manchuko they might join man this dude in shanna is super lifelike there's actually a bunch of just really interesting leaders everywhere we had a byzantian king pirate now we have a pirate moldavian president leader thing yo cuba if we're gonna talk about anybody electing some strange stuff what is this in cuba is that like a action figure why does he look like a little toy why did i even try it okay yo i'm rude for this guy let's root for this guy's world ruler i would vote for him in the u.n is that a thing in this world so saxony's changed their name in this game to the free state of saxony we'll see if it stays like that i guess they could technically become nono germany i hope they don't become nono germany but it is within the realm of possibilities obviously a lot has happened anything can happen here i just can't stop laughing these portraits i just they're too good all right adi all right i still don't know how to pronounce this this country's name i want to think it's a evolution of uwu in a way in my heart it began as uwu and then they formed this maybe that was the union maybe they did combine and they formed that oof malaya changed their name to chinese malaya that sucks what are you gonna do when you like or if if you break that alliance i think you did it because basically china owns you but what if like china goes away you still gonna have chinese malaya all eyes are on poland what does poland do and with all these allies and with all this strength they've got 6 million manpower and 61 factories a little bit less than i thought they would have by now their big rival saxony has a little bit more about the same manpower so maybe they are stronger i just don't get it because they don't look that powerful you know hey let's not judge a book by its cover i do that all the time and that is exactly why i have been horribly wrong at choosing who's going to win these mega campaigns i'm like super surprised when someone wins technically the new tuscan kingdom is even stronger with 8 million manpower and 93 factories but they're far from europe they're gonna have to take over their neighbors in north america oh we got flanders i didn't know that was a flanders here this is flanders and this is holland okay you guys gonna combine or what you should combined not that it really matters at this point but not only did the pope make a major comeback but just catholicism as a whole so will we see that continue to see that here maybe if they have a really good friend which uh currently they have no friends there is no friends at all so maybe they'll join somebody or maybe they'll go on their own just do their own thing culture north italian i guess this is the pope huh this is the papal states pope g and giannaro g and r yes gg gg a little scary to see someone with prepare the border especially in saxony so like i'm wondering is everyone gonna team up against the absolutionists they're the only ones that don't have elections i'm pretty sure that's well i don't know i'm not even gonna say anything because i feel like i'd say something stupid i do actually think ww4 will come out from just this rivalry or just rivalries in europe in general you know europe they do that they get mad they start fighting each other it probably just won't have anything to do with ideologies in general so it begins saxony is declared on hanover which is like denmark right wait did we know that england had a colonial empire am i now just realizing this england has english scotland as a collaboration government then there's scottish columbia it's a dominion of england killed or that that thing in uh ireland whatever that thing was spherically what are these names and then in venezuela they have that as a dominion as well not super powerful but that might make england stand up to someone like france for instance i think it's a pretty smart move for saxony to pick up this territory get him a little bit more coastal stuff cause uh revolutionary are there still revolutionary nations i thought we revolted against that are we doing revolutionary revolutionary revolutionary now so now we're back to just being rev evolutionary oh sweden is a puppet to polish lithuania oof so they would have to get their freedom if they won't have a chance of winning i don't think we're going to have a repeat in the first mega campaign in terms of w's and it's not even close hanover is dropping like flies all right so they're getting all this nice just realized that scotland still has their flag at least that's still a thing in this universe because some countries didn't bring that over i don't know what brazil's got going on but that's kind of cool different all right oh akabid wants to go to war with hormuz but they're being guaranteed their independence is being guaranteed by poland so you definitely don't want to do that but they're kind of considering it i think they're thinking about it don't do it bro don't do it don't dive in i am now just discovering there's a nation named ammirid okay that sounds like a computer graphics maker or something nvidia i don't know where they came from amd that's what i think it came from no one drew computer graphics i already know that's the top comment of this video ah yes the nation of accubid x17 like that one of course though not as much as dong oh england after morocco that's probably a pretty smart move they're gonna continue to expand in iberia why has iberia been the craziest region probably in the map or is it just me since ck3 this this has been crazy and another one saxony now going after the uh great nation great more of area moravia 16 world tension we're starting to get up there closer we get to 100 the closer this world is set on fire actually you know this is starting to look really familiar isn't this normally like austria and uh and you guys have always kind of been germany i wonder how powerful iceland is 16 factories oh be careful man that's that's scary 200 manpower wow wait why do they only have 200 manpower this that's not fair that's not cool did the volcano explode did i miss that volcano exploded and killed everyone starting to get a little nervous for lombard venice they changed their name to lombard venice i feel like saxony's gonna start to take over a lot of their smaller neighbors oh yeah flanders and holland probably screwed too japan has been looking like this since the second game and they haven't been able to do anything it's like they're not even trying i don't know i think they're just trying to survive they're trying to survive from china oh wait it's because of puppets i think japan became a puppet under china a long time ago oh wait no never mind they're not actually these are all their puppets they got a lot that's why they're so powerful chinese malay is one of them and here we go that's the probably the start of something really big poland after england did morocco start this is it because morocco needed help there it is morocco joined the alliance of poland that's nice helping your buddy out pretty sure poland does not care about morocco at all they're just trying to use this to their advantage good move paul you got to make this space somehow please and of course anyone goes after england scotland's going to help out their enemy should have known oh it's actually because england declared war on them for oh okay well this is getting uh pretty crazy already but at the same time england's not that powerful they do have a lot of help though in south america and central america not sure if there's gonna be much that oh yeah they're oh something's happening oh that's right scotland had a piece of peru a small piece they're they're getting kicked out though the polish and lithuanians arrived they have not arrived in scotland scotland just has to hold off for a little bit longer is this their navy what is the strongest navy the irish are helping out england i guess that's our irish kill dar there they're a puppet remember oh they've already united somewhat unless essex now maybe they can convince essex to join the post lithuanians right now they're not allied to anybody and they just have this random king with the crown nice i'm pretty sure this is what's gonna start this uh this big wwe i mean the polish english it's it's it just continues to snowball now the commonwealth better not get too crazy because uh they still gotta worry about saxony saxony and i guess moldavia they are on a team not sure i acknowledge this but we have scottish columbia scottish columbia missouri also scottish columbia michigan just you know for fun so that's pretty much the only place scotland exists anymore oh that's not good that is really not good saxxy isn't their own faction they're not going to join england that's so bad though now if you remember from that previous era polish lithuania continued to just wipe the floor with saxony is this when they finally get their revenge it was like three times in a row but now it's looking different wow this is bad sweden needs to come help if sweden doesn't come down because poland pull it away yeah they're fighting so many different fronts oh just imagine don't get them involved this would be very bad wait a second how's my favorite part of the map doing anything doing nothing okay fine again favorite part of the map well that's gonna be kind of a problem you don't want china to ever come after you not in this world they're going to send waves and waves of troops they're not going to have any weapons they're going to be running at you and you're not going to be able to stop them this actually might save poland i think about it all right yeah you definitely don't want to be england right now i mean you don't want to be england to go to asia at least or east europe the new world still looks good they're not too hostile except for that small spot in peru is that scotland yes it is it's still scotland why did scotland get so many inland territories they were just trying to get as far away from the english as possible i guess hey there you go oh yo helping out england i don't know how much oyo is going to be able to do but okay oh because tunis went after oyo why wait why'd you do that why would you that doesn't seem like a smart idea look at what they're facing now don't forget about french australia french australia is still here and they are involved be careful french australia doesn't give a [ __ ] about geography or wording in general titles naming so i'm pretty sure that people are loco they're going to mess you up in a fight wow just look at what tunisia is facing that's a f rip rip wow i didn't know is that bad okay but that's right they could be okay because they joined the polish lithuanians i'm just surprised that they're surviving in the african front oh posthumonian has an asian nation on their side what oh that's that's it don't underestimate how powerful the new tuscan kingdom is so at the very least tuscan america should be able to eliminate any alliance of england members in the western hemisphere i think they should be able to get down there oh they got to get a couple of spots here and there though and then then they can go down to brazil come to french antarctica well at least if you lose here england know that if we ended up taking this mega campaign to plague inc you probably would have won so maybe i'll give you like a spiritual w in your heart the next campaign i'll have to include plaguing somehow like maybe right before they go to space they first have to survive a crazy plague that seems realistic elon musk crying oh when did you guys join the alliance of england that's kind of a problem for polish lithuanians so now they have a pretty bad two-front war although they've really fixed a lot of it uh moldavia is gone they're starting to clean up saxony so that massive chinese alliance is still technically only fighting england they're not involved in like the chaos that's happening this way oh these guys aren't involved yet they're part of the alliance but they haven't decided to come in it's probably for the best don't mess with them i just realized the new tuscany kingdom is kind of like a lot of italian americans wet dream isn't it they must be loving this right now oh yeah let's not forget about the 13 colonies which is technically only like five colonies but yeah 13 maybe it is 13 if you count these little things oh no england's losing the panama canal it's over oh fidel is loving this you know fidel's loving this fidel is the one coming down there and taking out england's friends i don't even know fidel was a part of this oh are they a part of the tuscan alliance i think they are so they're the ones oh man this is nice oh that's right i completely forgot new tuscany borders poland so maybe they're okay maybe they're friendly somewhat i mean for now at least they have a pretty big common enemy i'm sorry england i had no idea was this bad when did it even get this bad i didn't realize whatever so we kind of have the collapse of a nono germany situation right here in russia because uh china's coming from the east and poland is coming from the west and they're both i guess trying to meet in the middle they're both trying to grab as much land as possible because i mean these two are at least the strongest in the eastern hemisphere yo this is crazy they did i'm pretty sure they did just peace out right now you don't gotta man they're just gonna move through this is this too much i don't know why you did that but india is actually coming to the aid of england uh surprising this is definitely a different universe but um that was a bad idea because the alliance of china the alliance of the ming empire gonna crush there's a pretty big alliance still in the arabian peninsula but they're starting to yeah not do so well hey a little bit of action in indonesia it's a miracle chinese malaya coming in after what is that venezuela why is venezuela here wow that nation that just got no no germany the one that was being surrounded by poland and china uh persia this persian nation actually and it got split into three i don't know why they were they were given the middle half but okay actually it's pretty smart it's like a little uh neutral territory because they're the big rivals now i think i would think here we go paul lithuania is now going after france and byzantium they're part of the same alliance ooh and they're gonna have to fight a lot of africa since france was really down to imperialize africa they were like the only ones yes we have one french australia in northern south america but what about second french australia in northern south america i like this one is not enough while we're at it we might as well make a second french mexico i get wait we already have second french mexico third french mexico too is that even french mexico did i check yes it is that is french mexico and northern uh new zealand well here we go battle for north america tuscany mexico and cuba who has all of brazil versus louisiana and canada also the 13 wow this is a really even battle this is really huge because whoever wins here has a whole continent to themselves a whole hemisphere almost oh it's getting rough it's getting rough in europe poland has taken over everything france is like the last survivor revolutionary tuscan kingdom 2 they're just not doing much they actually might get killed wait a second i had no idea china was here in central america that could be a problem for whoever wins in this continent that actually might lead to a conflict this is really close actually kind of scary colombia and california is helping louisiana though oh the pope is actually on louisiana's side and so is is even tuscany even tuscany your home nation is on the opposite side damn that's some shade this is giving me some u.s british vibes you all couldn't put aside your differences not even in no no war 2 or no no war 4 i don't know india is so disgusting right now india is the war i can't even believe i thought that india would be united forgot that venezuela is also in saudi arabia love this love it not ugly at all ouch that new tuscan kingdom is facing a pretty big alliance i mean yeah they've got some friends here but i don't think it's enough oh yeah i didn't even check louisiana but there are nothing to be messed with 180 factories 7 million manpower bald man leader erwin vaughn oh wait that's tuscany's kingdom okay oh bald too he's fine he's bald that's how you know you got a good leader whoa look at this 13th colonies flag i didn't know it looked like that you have the stripes but then you have the flag of england in where the stars are did they use this before i'm confused how akabid is still here i don't know how that happened oh depressing we lost second french australia how dare they i like how just like we predicted with all this chaos iceland still chilling abbasid having a fun time just watching this is the swiss the swiss island of the world so after it was all said and done that this fourth massive fight was a brutal one and the map is still really ugly i'm so mad this is this is supposed to look so much better we basically have three big powers poland china and then whatever the hell is gonna happen with the western hemisphere i don't even know what's gonna happen i thought we'd see louisiana pull away but that is definitely not the case africa is still a huge mess but mostly controlled by poland i guess my money would be on poland right now but china's still super powerful so i guess this era is kind of the start of possibly a cold war i don't think there's going to be a cold war but this is the game that they would do it in it's the same year 1942 uh some months have passed of of peace that's not gonna last obviously if there was some sort of uh cold intense staring contest it'd be between poland and china they're the ones that probably are gonna spy on each other they're the ones that might be sending satellites into space preparing for that space travel at the end i still love how the western hemisphere is completely open to anybody and that's the thing we really gotta look at continents who is the most powerful nation on each continent because that's gonna determine the final game on earth at least in the final final game they're gonna be out in space and stuff so that's different let's keep the top three as surprise but at least in terms of the west the strongest nations are the 13 colonies louisiana and chile but they're all very close at least in terms of total score they're very close it's kind of like the playoffs like some nation is guaranteed a at least one slot from each continent all they have to do is like you know really flex right here make sure they they're looking good poland's really going to want to take out their dong you don't want this dong here or oyo just to make sure that they fully control africa that's going to help maybe china will finally clean up this part of the map this part that is just it's just messing with this at this point it doesn't want to fix itself so cursed it bothers me let's also not forget that louisiana has their own little african colony maybe they'll come up and mess with venice or tuscany even the pope i mean they're not that powerful it's fair game for everyone the alliances or factions do not follow us into this next era that's the important factor i think we got to keep in mind i think you'd be surprised at how many small nations could make a comeback especially with north america being so divided could we see california unite this continent oh that's terrifying pretty much just everyone's worst nightmare i think of most of the other states let's see if we can make that a reality just for the memes it would be pretty funny i feel like sweden is gonna have to backstab their big daddy at some point at least maybe they can get alliance with china that'd be messed up that'd be cold but that could ensure their survival i doubt that's gonna happen i'm pretty sure they're dead viking empire might finally fall we've been following them for so long you got this episode if anyone is gonna make their comeback it's you 799 troops look at those men they're growing the volcano didn't completely obliterate their military and the first fight between china and once again akabid akabid has i don't even know how they've survived for this long it's been kind of a miracle honestly i like how some of them have been with us for this whole time remember poland's kind of disappeared for a while then they changed their names they've had a bunch of different looks but acaba has been the whole time and and some some nations in india these guys i think i think and i'm not sure maybe i should stop remember there's also some fighting happening in india i wonder maybe these guys could attack and take advan i think someone might come in and start just steamrolling obviously the big one would be poland to do that but maybe not oh the pope going after venice and they have to kind of avoid tuscany oh tuscany's involved too malaya why is malaya here well what you doing why are you involved in this oh sweden is helping in the fight against china why would they be doing that they're only fighting china yeah okay so china is china might be in trouble a little bit what does it look like on ground level there's thousands of chinese troops moving throughout central asia but a big fight happening for india oh china is not letting go of india they're definitely losing this now paraguay and venezuela getting into it venezuela's gotta probably move down south if they want to have a chance of winning he's winning out of this south american continent we now have rebels in china not sure exactly what they're revolting for or oh that's 21 dudes that's not a revolt it's just a rowdy party that's just a bunch of karen's they got angry at managers there are new nations popping up in the northern parts of eastern europe and asia so china is having some difficulties you got all this fighting happening around you poland lithuania you gonna you gonna do anything you just you're just gonna chill nothing at all colombia is attacking is that are they attacking canada or i think colombia's attacking canada or vice versa kind of awkward louisiana's just chilling here not involved wow i was wrong surprisingly china did get kicked out of india at least this part of india oof colombia with the u oh man that's reminding me of ooh i'm reminded of more yous being destroyed because colombia ahead of you remember uh okay well they still survive they're just like here on this island okay louisiana's mobilizing louisiana might be doing something about this are you talking california don't attack california well the states do need to figure out who is best or will this world go to like a more og route 13 colonies is that the best state 13 colonies in mexico they are anglo-saxon remember they're anglo-saxon still did venice just eat the pope don't eat the pope the pope has been through so much he's been excommunicated himself to cars corsica and sardinia but but don't count him out he always all poland's moving in oh poland's moving in oh boy okay poland don't do it poland has the high ground don't try it ugh french mexico the alliance has finally been broken french mexico after new zealand new zealand of australia oh new zealand is now here though okay you know what i'm actually okay with that let french mexico control all of australia and then new zealand just control new zealand is that so much to ask so poland is only fighting akabid uh they're not at war china so this should be pretty simple for them i mean they've done it once before just don't mess it up this time canada finally now has left canada or alaska i think that looks good that looks okay they peaced out for it so it is confirmed there is and you know they let colombia with the you survive on these islands at least nothing is really happening from the paraguay venezuela war i think it's because of french australia french australia is kind of distracting this they're the buffer zone i guess oh french mexico having some trouble they're having a little bit of trouble what is it is the emus yeah y'all was laughing at the emus before french mexico but now you ain't laughing so much no more they're tough they're tough i'm just thinking like food wise what would french mexican food look like like burritos but with baguettes and since they're in australia they'd eat them upside down taco baguettes taco baguettes all right akabid i think finally got oofed they are no longer with us and actually china is still going after india they really like india that's that's actually smart so let's see if uh per permit van man gets uh taken out did you sing get some stuff what happened why are their borders looking so weird whoa morocco with a pretty sneaky invasion morocco got both in cornwall and in northern ireland when and how did they do that i think essex is having some issues they can't really defend himself nice move morocco i completely forgot you even existed to be honest 13 colonies now going for canada 1812 repeat of 1812 last time that was a stalemate let's see if that happens again china after malaya you know why it's because they're no longer chinese malaya if chinese malaya was still here if they didn't drop the chinese part they'd probably be okay they probably would have been saved oh akabid is still around they're just a small vassal basically landlocked great see poland lithuania acquired lands they they were just acquiring the acquisition of akabid you cannot destroy the pope you can't do it he's in he's immortal he's really immortal you can't take him out he was gone for a second now he's back once again invading venice and venice has got like nothing over here ooh tesco looks a lot more powerful than it might seem oh that's scary hold up oh my goodness china's finally done it china oops sorry oh my goodness japan has finally done it japan has kicked china off of their islands oh brunei too okay some real bad so they lost the philippines china is having some difficulties malaya is kicking them out also they never took this indian nation over japan don't do it japan not again japan japan last time you did this it was not cool wait a second there was no last time this is a different universe that's right okay well don't do it again japan stay away from one of these cities that one specifically don't go near that one oh my god north america oh north america okay so finally the big showdown louisiana versus the 13 colonies oh boy all right so let's see it looks like louisiana is doing okay kind of i mean 13 colonies getting deep in those territories is george washington leading you are you sailing across uh wait what year is it is there a christmas is is are you fighting during christmas oh paraguay oh no paraguay did you finally take out french australia i'm so depressed about that that's a big f that's probably one of the biggest f's we've seen so far i loved you like a brother dang why is french mexico still having problem who who is this there's rebels are there natives from australia rising up fighting the french mexicans of australia oh no no who is that don't don't tell me flanders flanders is attacking abbasid of iceland flanders leave alone flanders don't do it i know you're powerful but leave them what is happening to china why is this why is this going down they better be careful poland's gonna roll straight into china pretty soon take them all over wow wow i'm starting to get some very familiar vibes japan what'd you do here hito you in charge it's 1962. you waited a couple years in this universe a couple more decades oh no oh no what did you do china who did this oh man are we going to see an indian empire rise up please tell me indian empire please japan's mainly going after siberia for now they just need to get manchuk and oh manchoku is involved i think that yeah they're taking some stuff oh i think they just peaced out so never mind hey there was some movement down here between these african nations well kabu is uh that's a colony in south africa but they're expanding a little bit why is it worse now why did you guys just make it [ __ ] worse are you just messing with us still they weren't even really fighting they were doing this just to get on our nerves you decided to let rebels join the party there are now this this 200 stack of rebels oh and then also wang wang we need more of that okay wang i wangy guy and dong all right perfect combo let's get a union dong wang dong wang congo i don't know how the congo got over there but they are now attacking ethiopia did you move around cape of good hope to attack or did you get old borders or something i think you just wow you just completely obliterated ethiopia ouch that's not cool pope's still alive pope does not care he's gonna fight he's not he's probably just him out here honestly he's one that's him right there that two stack that's him and his car so from the peace deal louisiana took a lot of the states wow they made the borders look really ugly uh 13 colonies are still here and they're still looking okay but yeah louisiana got texas you know they wanted texas oh wow california also got this island so the colombia with the u was taken out 15 californians with their almond milk chilling on this island holding it down with their uh soy milk soy boys now china could be okay china might be able to get it back the problem is while china's doing all this they might be distracted if paul and lithuania decide to roll up on them in them i guess it would be in them california making their move against louisiana state on state action california vs louisiana i never really expected these two to be the final ones but greater louisiana i guess that's the important thing oh is canada involved canada's trying to fight too oh it's called no way no way california and canada i knew those fighters were working together i knew it i am not surprised okay china is just an emotional roller coaster right now for a second there they were kind of back now they are obviously not i think they still have a lot of troops let's just not worry about it it's still up in the air who knows they still also got this part of japan kicked out kind of united korea i like that for now manchuku oh no oh morocco morocco's now banished to cornwall and northern ireland f okay oh poland's oh poland is taking all of them out don't do it louisiana don't do it who's that who oh rebels is that utah mormons rising up mormon's not a fan of louisiana authority dictatorship wait are they i don't even know what they are oh there are some monarchies still left and uh one obviously being 13 colonies led by george washington in 1977. this is a fun universe i wonder if slavery and no health care and no education system if if that's still a thing i'm just gonna assume yeah ouch louisiana got rid of canada now luckily california's going with like a 300 spartan strategy since there's only one passage to get down the coast i think they're able to easily defend that's so weird thank you californians and 300 spartans not the right combo there's so many good jokes i could probably make about that instead of like tonight we dine in hell tonight we dine in in and out i don't know oh that's not even working wow the three the strategy didn't work that oh my goodness they're just going with the full-on soviet strategy louisianans rolling on through 65 you know they're suffering from so much attrition you cannot put hundreds of thousands of men in baja california hey they're still alive in alaska this they're keep looking oh they're not anymore all right yup ich is now a uh uh place now they they've joined us i thank you for joining us just in case we were unsure who actually controlled all of africa i think it's pretty much confirmed now french mexico has all of australia at least at the moment they are still fighting new zealand though there's still a big fight going on wow essex is back i don't know how there's all the absence the abstinence are pissed off about iceland which flanders that was flanders fault i don't know why you're taking it out on essex but whatever oh wow flanders is also going after cornwall messed up man flanders doing some naval invasions among some of the only territories still not in polish with the waning control is the pope because of course and he got all of the italian peninsula back don't mess with the pope he's like queen elizabeth in this universe like you can't get rid of him not that we're trying to get rid of queen okay i'm now on british government list so instead of taking all of canada louisiana has opted to take out all of california because you know they hate california passionately so they've revived canada and chosen to just take all of cali understandable i guess bharamid is now going after i probably butchered that uh now going after india they have become india look at me i am now india i have become india now i am the india now can't remember how that goes poland is now moving into north america interesting spot they're going to leave asia alone i think they're going to leave china for with fighting everyone they're trying to get this continent now oof oh no all right 13 colonies in louisiana you guys really need to start working together kind of maybe 13 colonies should do a purchase uh some sort of louisianan purchase that way you guys can unite kennedy's to help too everyone needs to fight off the polish lithuanians who are attacking from the north pole they've got santa on their side this is not fair he's somewhere up there elf armies oh tuscany took a little chunk out of venice but venice is still alive oh my goodness did they do it how did they do that there's no peace deal yet oh they still oh boy rebels who who's funding the rebels poland poland is definitely funny rebels look at all this oh this is rough speaking of funding rebels the mongolians are back mongol can we do a mongol invasion in the 1990s let's bring back mongol invasions haha haha poorest people china once again go after malaya maybe they'll hold it down like how sweden has casually been on the good side like they've they've been alive this whole time i don't know how they're still alive vikings are going to make it close lithuania will be able to uh integrate with the vikings in space polish viking space empire all right i was really hoping someone would come out on top in south america but it doesn't look like it it's going to be close we can only take one oh maybe they heard me i think they might have heard me okay thank you thank you one last battle someone come out on top we have a clear winner here louisiana is definitely taking north america they have stopped post lithuania from a huge invasion i don't know how they did that and i think china is actually surviving they don't look good they're they're limping into this final era but i think they will survive no dong no no dong no dong and we don't have wang anymore this is disturbing how is this still going on can you find a way to make peace somehow please also malaya going after papua new guinea george washington you very likely could have come out on top in north america but with that huge l you took to louisiana losing all this territory uh that's that's it for you you're done also chile's starting to give you a little bit of trouble from the caribbean that's not good okay well um there goes i think the one of the final ck-3 nations oh man they all just got eaten oh my goodness how much do you have poland luckily uh everyone's getting nuked soon the only way i could think to stop all this manpower doesn't do well usually against nukes it's now the year 2020 and let's look at the final scores it's pretty obvious which nation won each continent top 10 i guess this is more for just like bragging rights um this indian nation privet 13 colonies got nine eight for tuscany that's a very small nation they got eight oh japan passed them up though man japan you haven't done [ __ ] malaya was six sweden was fifth sweden you're not gonna be going to the next era but hey you got one victory and you got fifth here not bad china fourth so they're going to be going leading asia in louisiana leading north america chili what the chili in south america okay that's scary look at chili i thought they barely was going to make it in chile was by far the most dominant obviously number one is pretty clear wow french mexico is actually 22. they don't even count i'm sorry oceania isn't gonna be represented so who leaves earth in one piece well i guess in a way no one is going to leave earth in one piece as you're about to see because all of these continents are about to make each other go boom boom no no weapons will be launched and uh we'll see how everyone does chile has south america i guess they're united with paraguay china's out here which looks a lot better than they used to china's united a bit with asia here and poland lithuania obviously still has control over europe and africa and actually what i've done here is poland has europe lithuania has africa it i i don't know i thought it'd be funny isn't that funny it's stupid probably big old naval battle happening in the atlantic so this is uh like i said this is this is it who is going to win the battle for earth there's already huge air warfare happening over north america wow why does chile okay so chile's got a lot of stuff in the pacific and they're attacking off of mexico china is sending a bunch of stuff to the new world that's kind of messed up so china's not even worried about poland lithuania that could be a bad thing this world over the years has gathered up a lot of population louisiana city of new york 22 million oh boy and poland is the first ones to launch the nukes it's not going to be lithuania from africa it is poland that's real nice guys i guess they've been aggressive this whole time so that's cool oh that's nice poland decided to put a little uh radar in abbasid iceland or is it flanders still i can't remember they're launching off the coast of the atlantic so it is coming in now they can defend against this poland is trying to defend against these louisiana nukes oh manchester got hit manchester is the first city 2.5 million oof north america is getting wrecked right now oh san francisco 4.7 oh my goodness they're not holding anything back we're just jumping straight into this chili south america china's oh is everyone leaving china alone that's not good yo china is completely fine so far well somewhat somewhat there's some stuff happening a little bit here this is really gonna be all based on the eastern hemisphere i think the west is already kind of in big trouble that's nice china waited a little while to to launch they didn't launch immediately oh and they're launching off the arabian peninsula you're going straight for lithuanian africa let's see how ethiopia is it ethiopia wasn't the congo before poland eventually took that over either way and now major cities in north america are now all launching even though they've been pretty messed up so far i think so far the most casualties have come from the western hemisphere china and louisiana currently have negative points so it's definitely not a good start for them poland is number one at the moment but we haven't launched everything yet these are tactical no-no weapons these are launched tactically okay they're trying to be careful where exactly they're launching oof yeah this part of africa getting messed up they got slightly hit not a whole lot of okay that's a lot of cat never mind that's that's a pretty big amount is there anything over the pacific i don't think so everyone's just chilling yo french mexico is just chilling right here they're probably still fighting new zealand hey yo what the hell happened to new zealand that is disgusting that is a gross new zealand in this game you know so far it hasn't been too crazy i'm kind of proud of these nations i mean they let it fly but they haven't just completely obliterated all of humanity so that's nice it's kind of depressing to see it all go down after the all the eras that we've just watched everyone's gone look at this air force what are they doing what are these chinese bombers doing oh man these chinese uh this louisiana sub trying to subtly hide hide around these chinese fleet i think they're gonna make it they might be safe there's also some chili subs north america is not looking good there it goes okay so the launches are really coming from the eastern hemisphere the most and are they launching against each other no they're not pool lithuania kind of have a weird alliance china's going straight in after the west china really doesn't like louisiana apparently china you didn't even do anything with him if anything i thought it'd be poland poland might want their revenge i know they liked canada before all right so it's getting they're they're launching everything at this point it's uh well maybe not everything but pretty close so things are being destroyed in russia keep in mind these fleets that are kind of hide in the atlantic there's really only the polish and lithuanian fleets that are chilling in the atlantic no one else has got anything i don't think you're gonna be able to stop all that i don't know how many anti-air uh devices you have but you're probably not gonna stop all that is does north america have a chance right now no north america is getting obliterated all right louisiana thanks thanks for obliterating my home louisiana you should let california win uh poland even launching a couple stuff here and there too is anyone chili's kind of flying under the radar maybe chile will survive africa doesn't look that bad oh my goodness poland actual poland moscow oof that's a lot of people that's a lot of goners london's okay paris is okay so western europe is kind of fine it's more mainly eastern europe that's getting hit they don't have to worry about the west too much because louisiana's not doing anything they control the atlantic ocean and africa for the most part doesn't have any radiation did get hit but there's not a whole lot of radiation over here that is a lot of chinese cities and uh oh leningrad got hit okay japan oh korea the thing is post the winner doesn't have any fleets like near asia louisiana is going to try to sneak this sub right off the coast and they're probably going to launch something from there a little secret launch and chile's doing the same thing both of the west is if there's a rivalry asia really doesn't like the western hemisphere and they're really just fighting amongst each other while uh poland and lithuania chill in africa and europe they're moving in a little bit closer this is a massive fleet i i and there's really no one that can stop them they still have defenses though louisiana has no defenses louisiana if anyone launches oh yeah so you can't stop that china is going to try to hit mexico chile chile mexico they still are also sending over chinese bombers as well i really thought that poland and lithuania were gonna get wrecked just because they were in the middle of the map i didn't think that there would be this huge naval conflict out in the pacific i swear it's french mexico has got something to do with this are they doing something they've got something to do with this we've been in like defcon 1 for like a good amount of time now they don't even care a couple of bombers flying over the atlantic still trying to hit little parts of brazil trying to get rid of these radar and silo systems i'm actually shocked they haven't completely utterly destroyed the world this world's still somewhat intact yeah there were a lot of uh there are a lot of no-no things that happened a whole lot of people that but this map usually looks completely green by the end these ais have kind of been peaceful it's kind of nice i've actually never seen this peaceful of a defcon game for the most part i mean peaceful is arguable millions are dead chilly gonna launch this yet or what did you launch louisiana i don't even know if they did really victory to poland so poland in europe has won the game but second place was lithuania as well i cannot believe this happened i am like genuinely in shock that they were so nice to each other like this i mean again the deaths is pretty rough uh it's definitely rough louisiana's 77 million i'm just saying that there's you know there's no radiation like the humanity will live on i think kind of except for these people obviously i think poland winning just got really lucky and they just they survived they did not take a lot of l's they had under 50 million nuked china had 60 and 94 million chile wasn't that bad either but they didn't do a lot of damage so china still had 20 nukes why did they still have 20 nukes they did not use it to their advantage that's been the story of this game china was there the whole time but they didn't really use their power poland got how many that kd ratio right there 102 and i'm assuming that mostly came because they wrecked north america the city of london has been reduced to only 2.3 million because 15 million are goners poor city of paris not too bad only half the city got snapped thanos snapped olin did you just break up germany for funsies look at this germany's east and west again they were just doing it for fun i guess hey switzerland you kept switzerland safe that's all i care about portugal didn't even get hit once that's a miracle how's the pope doing oh boy i hope the pope wasn't one of those hopefully he was in this city he probably wasn't he probably was in rome i hope he wasn't a part of that 4.6 million that uh bit the dust athens sofia belgrade those cities never got hit no doubt the ai definitely held back it's kind of it's kind of romantic it's kind of sweet i think they've all been through so much together they didn't want to go all out and take out everyone this city in south korea's seoul there's only 0.4 million left that city got messed up what were you doing is it was it your fault were you even playing this game this city got reduced to 0.3 million it's that it was that bad here pretty sure everyone's still just chilling in australia it's just the moves left though oh my goodness new york 20 oh jeez louisiana you did not protect us you barely protected okay chicago 0.4 oh wow nashville didn't get hit they kept country music assuming there is country music i don't know wow all right of course my home city got hit the worst there's only point there's only 100 000 people left in the city 10 million were taken out nobody hit seattle or portland they've been through enough i guess i like how canada doesn't even have cities they got one they got toronto i think and that's about it nothing else they hey they had actually they were trying to defend canada a lot they didn't defend anything else or things got blown up but yeah they tried with canada that's sweet africa barely got hit at all like a lot of cities all in africa africa's got number one continent and actually this is probably where they will build the space stuff space things for space obviously now humans are to take about a century or two to uh before they get to space they got to clean up the radiation and poland lithuania's gonna have to like uh you know control everything but the gap in the timeline will probably make sense now that we've seen all this happen did you guys even do anything with this i'm pretty sure they did but they should have sent way more that was their problem this chinese fleet is actually still looking pretty powerful there eventually have to be like some sort of major naval battle i think but there's just so many fleets these fleets are fine the abbasid icelandic empire still is a possibility and sweden was protected too look at that sweden up here nordic lands i like sweden they played a smart game just allied to the powerfulest person and you know hope for the best india has already been through a lot too i kind of feel bad that india got hit they it's been a rough time this whole video i honestly can't believe it has finally happened poland lithuania has won a game has won a mega campaign it's so beautiful it's almost like kind of too good to be true but they still have to survive in space so as the last 100 years or so have gone by slowly humans have figured out space travel and as you can see the world is still really radiation there's a lot of damage that damage was never really fixed that's exactly why they had to leave to space and they're gonna be fighting up against all the other mega campaign winners so sweden russia and rwanda so the pulse of the winning commonwealth was a democracy just like everyone was in that world kind of they're also environmentalists now since their entire world got nuked i mean kind of you know they were kind of nice about it you know we talked about it wasn't as bad as it could be and warrior culture because they never gave up i mean they were barely surviving all throughout ck3 that first era they just barely survived and then they really just destroyed it they are pretty heavy militarists as you probably could tell i mean they took over like the entire world baptized by nuclear fire this civilization has faced total annihilation and survived basically that's a that's a perfect description i didn't write this by the way devastated yet unbroken they have rebuilt civilization from the ashes of the old world now the previous mega campaign winners have been around for a while so humans have started to change as time and space has gone by this is rwanda looking great they are a mega corporation at least they will be in space i think they did have like heavy economic bonuses when we did that mega campaign then there's russia oh familiar russia of course dictatorship they they liked to do that also that's a familiar sign lizard putin that's right i forgot about that lizard putin female their militarist as well cutthroat politics also byzantine bureaucracy because uh they were like roman they were trying to form the roman thing in that video finally sweden who is the only other democracy this is a different sweden this is not the vassal the friend that paul lithuania had throughout most of the game in a different universe i guess they are it's an alternative sweden this is the first winner of any mega campaign ever so i'm thinking they might be pretty tough as always the winner of the campaign is starting in our solar system we have the sun mercury uh some space wait what the hell is that is that venus that doesn't look like venus oh yeah venus toxic world okay lies within poland lithuanian space and there's good old earth just as i remember it at least as it is now because like the nuclear fallout the ash all the horrible things that happened to the planet it's basically a tomb world because of all of the the nukes they did this not me you didn't have to drop them i guess everyone's lucky to even be around they could have nuked all of each other into extinction so we're kind of lucky that even one nation survived so they're going to want to get to mars mars has some resources and then slowly get outside of the asteroid belt which they kind of are oh yeah they're already is that europa they've already got a research station on the moon of jupiter i wasn't sure for a second there i don't know my space they have yet to reach uranus gas giant yes of course it is as the polish lithuanians slowly leave our solar system they will have to expand and explore the milky way galaxy because this is what this milky way galaxy looks like and this is where all the other alien civilizations are so uh they're gonna have to fight against all of these there's a big competition so looks like they've got sweden and rwanda kind of right next to them there's gonna be definitely a fight for these stars gonna be kind of jam-packed in there by the end of this game then big old russia that's already really terrifying because that's a lot of space there's a lot of solar systems for them to colonize i think we're gonna have a very realistic russia they're all by themselves now there are a few alien species that weren't a winner from previous videos this is what's known as a fallen empire this is like an older very ancient old civilization that has kind of collapsed think about it like star wars galaxy old a long time ago far far what is it again they're old okay they're they're not a part of the new crew and they are terrifying they look uh very gross very uncomfortable i'm uncomfortable they're fanatic xenophobes which means they are uh they're well basically they enslave other aliens they enslave stuff but it's all good they should leave the humans alone if you want to call them humans they don't look like humans anymore rwanda sweden russia so sweden is off to a quick start but they are running out of space fast like i said rwanda has all this stuff down here poland needs to kind of get it together remember this is not the same sweden this is not the same sweden this is a different sweden kind of but maybe it'll be like the reverse maybe sweden will make pole lithuania there of [ __ ] this time oof yeah that might definitely be the case uh polish of the way you only have 42 population versus sweden with 91 they have less planets under their control though habitable planets i guess technically rwanda is doing even worse slightly worse they're focused on making that walmart space empire though african walmart space empire do they got walmarts in africa oh my goodness they do according to massmart website the company currently has 232 wait as of 2010 they got a bunch now probably 400 stores in africa we're a walmart space empire this is already looking scary russia is already looking way too terrifying actually just zooming out please don't tell me poland's gonna get poland again don't smash poland into two great powers i think that very likely could happen oh poland don't please you've made it this far don't get smashed rwanda is so safe they can just keep going this way and doing whatever is selling i don't even know what they're selling maybe they're selling like socks but for these tentacles on their head something like no one else would buy mining drone expansion initiative what is that that is terrifying don't go where these guys are where are they hiding this is legit like that aliens movie this is something horrifying in space actually if you think about a lot of these things are pretty horrifying and that might be the most like some uh alien penguins alien bird things i love the pole lithuania is getting to all the nearby stars after the sun they went to alpha centauri and then sirius uh bernard starts i don't i guess there's not much valuable stuff there they don't have any other colonies but they are in alpha centauri with some stuff now since it's the future hopefully they can fix earth fixed all the damage they caused it looks pretty bad back there are you guys even trying if like civilian industries alloy research labs okay but fix the nuclear stuff yeah you're just gonna want to leave there population doesn't grow resources suck it costs a lot of things to keep people alive got a bad feeling this polish lithuanian swedish thing is gonna fall out at least in space you know there's probably swedes in there in the post lithuanian population so this is gonna get really awkward when they see like ikeas built in other planets when they say pewdiepie too oh my god we have pewdiepie too two abbas a lot of meatballs i can't handle it russia has closed borders with uh everyone that's a nice sign they're going to be very friendly oh wow you know what sweden and paul and lithuania have a defensive pack so they're kind of working together they are two democracies so i i guess sweden really doesn't like ideologies that aren't the same has cast a spell eye on everyone because of ideologies wait did you guys change your ideology or something i like their new name they're the democratic crusaders that's one way to look at it they'll also nuke you into oblivion if you don't follow sweden has found a wormhole or something along those lines something where i think i think that's a wormhole or they got shot across like from a black hole they're over here now you can do that they found something that transported them to this part of the galaxy now they're colonizing this way so now rwanda doesn't look as safe rwanda you might have been chilling too much selling too much of your head sock thingies that i was talking about oh poland and russia touching tips that's awkward that's getting weird all right poland is definitely getting smashed in this campaign they're getting smashed in between two empires doesn't mean they're not gonna survive they've basically been smashing between empires this entire video oh no we have our first human war war with only humans poland is fighting rwanda i think sweden is coming to help them poland lithuania and sweden versus rwanda they don't want what you're selling rwanda leave them alone i would assume sweden might be picking up some new systems here soon rwanda's borders might get uh eaten up a little bit so the galactic community has been founded whatever that means or at least it's about to the galactic community of course sweden russia rwanda and our winners russia is now a theocratic dictatorship that's fun when they get that spiritual seekers that might be something that they're slowly growing adopting as you'll see these species are gonna change a lot like for instance it's only been a hundred years and they have whatever the hell that is in charge that is their leader that don't look human to me you sure did you double check you might need to buy some glasses from rwanda because i don't know what that is 81 that's the problem the demographics slowly over time will change humans are mating with other things and they're now half humans in their empire rwanda has kept it pretty clean they're they're pretty pure i don't even know what sweden is sweden is something completely different now little colonies are starting to form all around the milky way galaxy rwanda found a wormhole that transported them over here not the best spot there they're going to be still kind of smashed russia of course looking scary but they got their own colony they got their own space alaska just don't sell it you might have resources there that you would have really needed in the future what are these reaver things they've been in the whole time why are these reavers allowed to stay holy crap what the hell is that thing it doesn't look good whatever that is pretty sure this is an advanced uh alien intergalactic are these aliens from a different galaxy that definitely doesn't look like anything i've ever seen oh my goodness they have massive rocket ships with laser beams oh no instead of the earth getting nuked the whole galaxy's about to get nuked speaking of uh that whole thing how is earth doing is earth doing better it's still their empire's capital at least they kept that the same terror victims what is that unrest on this colony caused pops to be victimized in a terror what is going on on earth what happened in the year 2330 never forget currently in basically space un enable council veto power whatever that is the red lead shield the reed lead shield a massive shield that's i guess going to protect them against pirates space creatures or the unknown they're also still trying to figure out if they want to ban sentient slave trade you know what you guys have been doing trade for the last like thousand years at least on earth i better not see poll lithuania vote against this because yahoos wouldn't be here without that sentient beings of any kind can no longer be sold on the slave market they gotta they gotta figure that out what they want to do with that currently russia is number one in the leaderboards then sweden then rwanda then pulled the damn pole of the wind is way down there 200 population compared to 300 800 500 but they got a lot of power you've made it so far paul you finally made it to space don't ruin it now pretty sure if i look hard enough one of these stars will be named at least they better be pol and lithuania better name one of these stars uwoo just to honor our first greatest medieval empire i know there's somewhere out there in our spirit oh that's not good that is not good this is a scary invasive species that has probably come from a different galaxy they also yielded sweden from this part of the milky way oh sweden's been getting yeted left and right oh sweden's actually one getting poland hey this is accurate maybe sweden can be the vassal actually one day human trade commission is this where all the slaves are being held maybe they passed that and then this this thing formed up okay so it's gotten so bad that sacred uh invasive species that they're all allied they're all in the pan galactic coalition and they're fighting whatever the hell that is wait no sorry not that uh that that has 2.6 million strength 2.6 million versus 3.6 k k wow wow wow what is that giant eyeball 69 69 don't bring that number up and while i look at its eye the leader is an architect at heart investing in more what the hell the leader does not shy away from conflict so this is the swarm it's just a massive eyeball a bunch of eyeballs this is like the most advanced technologically thing maybe they're like harnessing galaxies so all the former mega campaign winners are gonna have to fight this thing back push it back poor rwanda they're the one they gotta touch it first they're just trying to sell their cheap walmart products now they gotta fight whatever that thing is wait so yeah this human trade commission is like i think uh uprising or a revolt that happened it might have happened out of poland lithuania rwanda and sweden they just kind of did their own thing maybe they didn't like some of the laws that uh that were doing yeah are they southerners oof rwanda has been obliterated that is actually depressing okay well rwanda still has a couple colonies but the eyeball the eyeball is starting this the tentacles are stretching that's no let's stop also human trade commission has been taking some damage too it's gonna be up to poland lithuania and russia to fight against this they're the only ones that really look strong right now uh they are touching over here that could be a problem what about this fallen empire are you guys gonna do anything is it just chill space un is now coming together to figure out what they're going to do about this scourge massive empire thing is a threat to all life in the galaxy if we do not unite to stop them dude you were too late you already lost milky way walmart you're gonna lose uh ikea too you probably should have figured that out like earlier well at least this um galactic empire thing they're all pretty united i am descended when i look at that background that's what i'm thinking oh you guys gotta really get it together they still got a lot of firepower 2.6 million versus uh well poland's number one all right poland this is it this is your chance save the universe poland you finally made it to space this is the whole reason why you're trying to make it a space to save all the creatures in the galaxy now this is epic okay rwanda with a slight comeback and so is the human trade commission they're doing a bit better oh they look like actually did they win something because that scorned is kind of being uh like colonized off or there's weird bubbles ooh fallen empire getting oofed that's getting heated out of here russia definitely lost some planets that's for sure they don't look yeah i mean maybe they went out further maybe they extended themselves too far by the way all of these space empires have different sectors which act as like i guess states if you think of the empire as like a country they have like different states and sectors and clearly they have done it apparently uh the giant eyeball is nowhere to be found and the rest of the the rest of the galaxy has been colonized it's almost completely filled up rwanda ended up coming back that's kind of incredible human trade commission still doing their thing russia's looking thick oh the fallen empire came back wow so they they beat back the eyeball and everyone's just having a blast now everyone got these stars i hope they're all working together i don't know for sure though are you guys just gonna start fighting again you got a whole lot of people in this pan galactic coalition thing you had to use just about everyone to fight him back huh oh no but did poland lose their number one spot did poland sacrifice everything to save people because they were number one before they've fallen into third now poland once again changing a little bit they've got over 2 000 population only 17 planets how you only have 17 planets you look way bigger than that they have really created like this space eu though like migration treaties everyone's migrating to different places russia is still some spiritual seekers rwanda is some peaceful traitors right peaceful uh-huh sweden also spiritual secrets of secrets when did they become that yeah they kind of fell off they were doing much better before let's take one last look at the sun and most importantly the earth after spending thousands of years together with it what's it end up with what is all this crap what is what did you guys do to the system oh we had to clean this place up this place looks disgusting robot assembly uh ceased i see that you used earth for mostly building robots growth discouraged also still doesn't look that good i guess it does take like millions of years for radiation to go away whole lot of different creatures on here too what did you guys who are you bringing back polish lithuanians have been mating with a lot of different species out in the galaxy wait who did you guys elect who is this that you elected it's a cyborg but also charismatic and a frontier spirit yo you guys change a lot at least the majority of your country is still you know humans i guess i mean kind of not really a lot of you guys you're just robots now you've been producing a ton of robots so humans barely exist inside of pole lithuania i mean kind of they do they kind of do problem with robots is of course their high bandwidth yes throughout the galaxy though most humans in all of the empires are breeding with other things there are basically half humans everywhere with two world preferences humans you shouldn't build you shouldn't have built robots you should have listened to elon in terms of the original species they're of course the most russians in the world there's there's russians everywhere not surprising the swedes have actually been driven almost into extinction where are the swedes at what did you guys do to sweden this is actually really sad i keep scrolling and i can't find them the swedes have gone extinct even in the swedish empire there's almost none left sweden's all gone they mated with other species they're just gone there's more posthumanians than sweden's in sweden i don't know what to say oh at least this leader is psychic and russia has won the game this is a little depressing but i guess they all work together and poland's definitely saved all of uh the galaxy they they at least contributed wow it was kind of close paul anthony was two russia one i don't want to be a depressed hey at least you guys at least you guys made it to space that was your number one goal dang sweden barely even exists though at least at least you got second i'm just proud that we finally got a w let me know if you'd like to see another one in the future by subscribing that's the best way to show me also follow me on twitch if you want to see something like this more live i could do another one and have it all live i only did a part of this mega campaign live so it's twitch.tv forward slash journal i kind of do want to do this again that way we have five space empires maybe sweden will go extinct again and big thanks to douchebag scp foundation oh five counts plebeian tribute julius cheese can't think of a name fusion any manny seventy four one two three every time communism has been tried thousands aryan after hours luxembourg lovers mayonnaise incorporated falling like stones maxie g and elijah senpai
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 509,824
Rating: 4.9234195 out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, CK3, crusader kings 3, EU4, Europa Universalis 4, Victoria 2, Vic 2, HOI4, Hearts of Iron 4, Age of Civilization 2, AOC2, Defcon, Stellaris, CKIII, Crusader Kings III, EUIV, Europa Universalis IV, Victoria II, Vicky 2, HOIIV, Hearts of Iron IV, Age of Civ, Civilization, Age of Civilizations, Civilizations, 1 left, AI Only, Geography, World History, simulated, Games, Changed, Sim, strategy games, strategy, games, video games
Id: kWreLs1HTy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 57sec (5577 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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