Hearts of Iron 4, FLAWLESS! Go Ahead Macau My Day - ULTIMATE ACHIVEMENT GUIDE

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the provisional governor of China they have our blessing and there we go dong Yi we must rebuild the dong Empire own he's an economist extra production efficiency camp nice hey I'm feedback gaming and this is single player new game 1936 Portugal iron man regular with historical let's go this is hot supplying for the World War two a strategy game play any country in the world at a time in 1936 and conquer the world marvelous this is the most asked for achievement in heart sabayon for and currently the rarest achievement in hearts of iron for go ahead Macau my day great a collaboration government in China and own all Chinese states every single one of them including Hong Kong including one that won including all of this stuff that Japan owns we're gonna find the easiest way to get this mammoth achievement and this is a biggie I've had my coffee have you had your coffee have you had your tea get out get out I don't speak to you tea drinkers get out of here there you go now you're full of caffeine full of energy are ready to take on the entirety of China but first you must start with this green slither on the Iberian Peninsula let's go all right first of all games like the entirety of the Army is sign it the front line here and shift click on exercises to get them to level 3 first folks we are gonna go for is estado Nova we also can start with dropping a few military factories just the two in Porto we're gonna make naval dockyards we are gonna make two convoys just the tube I'm gonna set the entirety of our Navy merge you don't exercise it give it an admiral and get at least five naval XP so we can make bathtubs we are gonna do the bathtub strategy which involves pumping out hundreds of low quality crappy submarines research wise we're gonna go for the standard production as well as construction 5-speed let's go today's adventures we're gonna be following Auguste oh oh come on you just adding an O on the end he's August mr. August you are gonna be our leading man he is currently a cavalry officer I'm sorry dude there aren't gonna be any cavalry in this game I'll will be I've had a change of plan of course so just suddenly realize wow you know what's really awesome horses all of this general has gone mad we have five naval experience now we're gonna make some submarines this will do is the bathtub is born pop them out add them to our existing army and also we don't need support groups so we're gonna go for a little bit of artillery three two there and then fill out the rest put effect and we're gonna continue exercising our fleet so we get lots and lots of naval experience that's really important for the late game strategy time for a wedding all right we also going to form a spy agency go first one hundred fifty political power is going to be free trade to get all those juicy bonuses construction research factory output all of it and with that works incredibly well with the resources we start off the game with in this case lots of tungsten because everyone wants to buy that tungsten right right everyone and those gauges you just love in Romania and we're gonna go for disperse industry running out of fuel it's important tiny little bit from America just a tiny little bit is that enough it is enough we just need to import a little bit so we're filling our stockpile after the wedding is over we returned to the Dan Lind whom the lady safecracker well-groomed and the escape artist a lady of many traits and we'll start by building Intel in Spain all right now needs a bank lots and lots of political power we need 250 banked or what's coming up what is that that's coming up and have to wait and see destruction to we're also gonna move our entirety of our army to here not here this is a jungle your general will get sick August Oh unfortunately we'll get malaria and that's not good with all the boys here the reason we do a fall but line is that way we'd have to manually move them to ports we just want them all to move automatically because that's the beauty of hearts vying for right AI orders for the win Portuguese Guinea my favorite Guinea other than French Guinea or the worst Guinea and Equatorial Guinea the worst Guinea of them all and then there's also guinea pig up trouble in Spain building into network with the Nationalists monarchists uprising in Brazil so you got two choices here you can either boost Brazil I'm moving towards non-aligned which is a slope or assessment requires quite a lot of political power and that means they'll be no uprising and it'll automatically join your faction and eventually merge with Portugal alternatively we fire a civil war which turns out in this case is a lot faster and we just join the war mop up all the Brazilian rebellion and that's what we're gonna do and dispersed to and of Brazil monarchism is catching on August just chillin in the forests of Guinea Bissau with all level 3 regular horses ready for his expedition into Brazil it begins the insurrection front line big offensive order let's move all the boys over and take care of this classic pots of wine for civil war where there aren't enough divisions to hold the front line so you just walk around the AI and AI is ferociously bad at responding to this so watch this offensive aggressive just about to land control be to move to the front line quickly off they go next focus is gonna be promote the monarchy's cause of Portugal this is really bad very very bad and here we are grab those victory points opportunity to encircle of course you take it and then move for the victory points in the north as well oh no oh no in the meantime we're just gonna go for organization first and offensive doctoring for our Field Marshal August is happy with those changes he pushing north grab those victory points thanks research we're gonna go for is magnetic detonator for that extra 20% submarine attack now we are in this little uprising where class as defenders yes defensive war plus 30% war support so it means we can also go for Archer mobilization but the problem is when this little conflict ends we're gonna lose that war support and then we'll get a ticking timer to get off partial mobilization not good to avoid that like this war propaganda against Brazil and this will take up war support so we have the required 25% to keep on partial mobilization that is incredibly early partial mobilization there's always a good an opportunity to do an incircle man up one two and we did it oh and the war's over nevermind we got enough territories full army now could move back to Portugal and suddenly Orcas has a change of heart you know what horses don't even work that's right August thinks the horses are now trash let's go with infantry but this is what I mean because we were low 25% more support we now have this ticking timer demobilize our economy if we don't respond to this we're gonna get the dreadful strikes which as you can see that not read are very very painful but the good news is we're building war propaganda against a nation that doesn't actually exist anymore and as you can see is slowly ticking up our Wars so now you see these two bars increasing and you see that you're below war support and you're sweating we'll be getting a full support that is the question 20% 91 days left let's go for some superior firepower once again for a change we're also gonna go for interwar artillery one way of getting some extra guns is go to your Q PI territories and put them on local police force and this will give us a bunch of guns back how many do you say about 500 guns house worth it and then we go 25 war support and this is Debbie marked as completed people believe that we should be partially mobilized right now meanwhile manpower oh dear and finally the kingdom reunited for this incredibly broken national spirit political power amazing weekly manpower plus a thousand literally jaw-droppingly good and ticking war support this hands down might be the greatest national spirit in heart sublime for next advised we're gonna go for is the traditionalist theorists giving more political power and a little bit more extra Don lined the kingdom united beautiful with all those juicy cause we gained 400,000 manpower by previously we had zero and we only had a handful factories and now we have fifty so technically we considered a major power now alright so these are our main fighting forces on the front line and then we'll add some extra infantry just to pad out the front line and we'll train I don't know 16 more of these boys the focus we're gonna go now it's a deal with demonetized mr. auger says a little bit overloaded so what we're gonna do is give him a little bit of help with another another August okay and you were gonna be on the front line and you'll be on the front line - and you're gonna take the load of all these new divisions go the provisional governor of China they have our blessing and there we go dong Yi we must rebuild the dong Empire known he's an economist extra production efficiency camp nice this is one of these moments announcer vying for when I rubbed my head and I can't quite understand what I did differently last time around but this Gibbs is a war girl I guess every nation that is I had this ideology and that would usually be Spain but for some reason they're not aligned now I did my test run yesterday this exact version of the game and then they weren't non-aligned so in the meantime we're gonna without unreliable army and also we're gonna start developing our air force we've got four fighter one got the opportunity here to go for a financial expert minus 5% consumer goods taking the next step as well build some civilian factories which were building inside of Brazil let's modify this division slightly to give it a little bit more of a kick with a bit of artillery this is my production right now so primarily artillery artillery infantry a lot a on later on when we produced enough a little bit of trickle of support equipment we'll deal with that later on there when we go for reconnaissance over engineers let's work on that industry and we need that extra research lot desperately let's continue the public works Instituto superior to' technique go 20 with go exercise to level 3 I know we can start working towards radio attache to China very important for XP and also helping out China which is also gonna be crucial to this campaign you're gonna help join it and then we're gonna annex China yeah both the same game time for some AAA right it's time for industrial modernization before we do that though we need to make sure we go for disperse 3 so we'll go for that now and then we'll get the boosts a 4 and 4/5 you have that lots of extra production output and our only agent has been captured F on second thought we've got 100 naval XP let's get that next level of trade interdiction keeping pouring oil and to you important enough where it turns green and that way you're in a good place did someone say 40 widths we're on our way all right we've got actually lots of excess guns I think I'll just pop them all into artillery for now right now we are gonna work towards more air but for now we need to get some naval dockyard for free and this isn't a perfect time to work on reconnaissance link goes without saying but when you annex Brazil you also get their Navy you should merge up into a big fat death stack next focus is gonna be submarine effort so we can get sub 3 research we won't produce an immediate labor is something for the future and also get some trade interdiction doctrine probably jumping per could disperse 5 it's a bit of a stretch even without all represent booze so let's go for construction tree using this opportunity to build a bunch of civilian factories let's all balance out the mass number of imports of oil and steel at the moment I start working our air now so oh gee ma give the boost for the light aircraft and then iris we have so much political parts or theorists i'ma go for the elusive gentlemen and also industrial concern we need advanced machine tools why because it allows us to progress down to the new industry an extra 10 percent construction you get a lot of construction boosts for Portugal you can stack so many constants is done and we'll just change that from an engineer to a reconnaissance there we go now we're balanced on support equipment engineers use twice as much support equipment than the reconnaissance that's why a nice and bounce now this army now can be converted over to the primary artillery division of that two reserve and this two elite and we'll give it a arms icon and then we say exercise everyone that's a sweet number when we have 30 civilian factories at our disposal this is the point where I like to start expanding into other industries other than civilian Alberto who is tough go for the light aircraft designer wait for the light aircraft Road be done and we can work on fire - now military research facilities is done extra search lot I know we've got fighter to a new industry to civilians an extra 10% construction we need 50% more attention before we can act and go Germany improved artillery let's start pumping those out and start working on the better upgrades as well all right we balance out our stockpiles now we can start working on fires we'll make a little bit of cash and a load of fires we can also go for advanced and light aircraft which makes our planes cheaper Poland's gone 42% world tension declared on the low lands 54% all right let's start justifying on Spain take claim territory we could do it in 95 days you guys on aggressive let's go go how many divisions do they have 11 to 23 infantry expert and we'll also go for the army offense when we've got the PP we'll start building a spy network we managed to rescue this guy and then we could start building a network inside of Spain meanwhile what is this Germany what's happened here submarine 3 don't mind if I do it's covering the production here make it on the Serbs put these support come to the top just cuz the aluminium shortage working on the fires and we're also working on the air support I think that will do for now we'll shrimp pump out lots of fires and we're making it with a backlog Tillery there we go let's actually get some doctrines Germany's struggling Belgians been holding them back for a while but no surprise Denmark Falls instantly whoops August it is your time to shine gentlemen we're ready to enter bow mr. August mr. mustache mr. cavalry officer is time for you to have a glorious victory under your belt let us go I got about the air wings too so I might want to put you to 100 and we're having a fighters to have make at least one Air Wing yep and then we attach them onto August close air support and air superiority chewing through those Spanish divisions almost effortless in the meantime what I'm going to do is justify on France as well 35 days perfect okay let us stop exercising and move back to base I'm gonna get convoy rated here so naval strike or aircrews and air we should bomb the subs hopefully effortlessly meanwhile the push out has been amazing just tearing through them oh now France has capitulated we're not actually justifying on them anymore okay justify again 30 days go go go and we have to still have boots for trade interdiction so keep progressing down that focused path that's around on the dred and this there we go get out and we take the entirety of the nation make a new front line on to BC France now we are gonna need a bunch of divisions just to hold the front line so what I'm gonna do is pump out at least 24 of you guys and we need to have 12 divisions holding this area of guyana i believe it's a guyana suriname yeah all of that deploy those boys to new armies got a guy who is an old guard he can old guard yeah Gibraltar make me proud I only got wounded but he took a bullet for the team what a god I thought I could be on voluntary only for long people we might need a little bit of a limited conscription just a little bit what a justification I'm free France disappeared again time to expand my spy agency form a cryptology Department and our spies one is gonna go into London and the other one will go into the north of England and Wales Turner I have not forgotten about you have a thousand old guns and a little bit of artillery monthly you have hold on boy you have to hold on will also expand by radio interception to build more cryptology development ok justification Frances ready I'm not gonna cry yet because these troops are still exercising but be she France and live and I will start justifying on you I'm all radio interception first upgrade shaved off a thousand days amazing alright we're all pretty much exercise now you guys just chill hope you'll eat the field marshals for that added bonus you and the other hand can exercise cos you're on the border of East France time to declare on France in the UK instantly Jones August brave assault on a Gibraltar begins the question is can he break it easy easy and we got the option to on the axis we should do that so Vichy France is not in the axis and are not fighting with the axis but they are guaranteed by Germany so it doesn't actually matter that I can justify and take them out as Germany can't declare on members of its own faction meanwhile in Guyana huh looks like we can just take all of it for free yeah man I will do that build go go Balto arms during the war we push in to Netherlands yes we can try and grab it for free but a lot of the time they'll just have a few divisions here nail deniers and have they this time he kind of it doesn't look like at the moment we can advance any further will cancel the problem lines make a new front line here because we're at war with all of them now and we can just zip towards the front line maybe we've captured one of the ports it looks like we might actually capture another one I want to progress towards getting more naval yards and also more research I'm gonna go for a powerful Merchant Marine and we're also gonna go for extensive conscription we don't need the manpower but we will need it to go for total mobilization which we do plan on doing when it's time to damage the British fleet now there's enemy ships here we'll continue to say do not go here and then we'll start bombing this region air security and naval strike more air crews ok let's talk our Navy so we have lots and lots of submarines we're gonna break off the extra external ships we might use us later on just for escorting convoys split these into 27 mm yeah 27 s put them on medium engagement medium repair priority split off and auto reinforce the automatically reinforce these sub police if they get damaged and we're gonna aim for here en here is that enough yeah 100% there covering Guyana here just to make sure reinforcements still come through we could cause them supply problems Cape Verde Plains always important because that's where all supplies and to go through right now we control this region here so they can't get into the Med unless they go to the Suez over the most part we're just playing the Atlantic game by taking out the convoys in the middle here we go the combo reading has begun the beginning of the Atlantic war for losing servers but we can pop them out pretty quickly so looking pretty good let's go for mechanical computing because this allows us to progress down more encryption and that's pushing to Vichy now they come out and have Java allies that means all the axis have declared on them so everyone's gonna eat them up oh and us a thank you for the land lease an unlikely ally turns out that the Americans hate the French who would have known particularly the Vichy French easy and put them on aggressive to don't work on some basic wages to make our own country better we are gonna be using them very soon I say very soon I mean exceptionally soon this is the breakthrough of your career mr. August this will make you not just a man not just a hero but a legend from here to here and plan he has meticulously thought through practically his entire lifetime Portuguese Galatia landing Cardiff every single detail thought through meanwhile breakthrough in South America The Forgotten Theatre of World War two this is a good idea that we captured this because lots of aluminium and we can take advantage of that cuz we need to import so much of it Vichy France is gone now we ask Germany please be generous give us everything okay they'll give us all of this I'll take it few upsides and a few downsize this means I'll need more equipment and manpower to garrison these areas the upside is I get more factories so you win some you lose you total mobilization alright done lots of sub damage now I think it's time to recall a lot on a bigger engine on the fire just so we can compete with the British fighters which are always gonna be an issue now we're gonna start hitting the bay of biscay all the submarines that position here and that's important because this is gonna be one of the main areas we to get naval supremacy this is the moment of truth with a merger all of our fleet under our admiral your burke and repair and we're gonna put you guys on strike force and go here and go here and here we go august this is your moment in the Sun you've been planning your whole life for this moment every meticulous detail planned out to perfection go and here we go we'll run into Cardiff and there's nobody here beautiful like all the divisions at home and tell them to come and now the objective is a bit wonky weird at the moment we do not have enough war contribution 8% that will not be enough to take what we need the reason we go to war with the UK and France is we need to get this and this well the truth is would just need all of war contribution I'm going to tell them to surround London but don't take it cuz there's a lot of cheeky was kind of an exploit I guess I am kind of still using the game mechanics I suppose but it is a bit cheeky where I'm about to do I also got our air wings as well here so we'll grab you attach them on to you and the planes can come over now and start doing some damage to put them on aggressive for just a little while to see them portion I'll keep a close eye on and make sure they don't take London we need to get an encirclement on London no no take London we could get around them but not take them there we go force around and then we will select four divisions just to make a wee encirclement but don't take London very important do not take it we need to get a lease of maybe 20 percent contribution before we can go any further but the moment things aren't going very good no you care trying to learn nothing good ever left behind some of my troops isn't it push them into the sea lads get out of here all right so here's the process we've got a full surround on the UK's capital of London they look very closely here our contribution is 11% if we push into them point a 3-speed so which is to keep kill the divisions that's hate to hold a few times because we don't want to actually get into London and we just want to push out the divisions to hold again now don't understand where this happens there were a 12% now but why aren't you standing on victory points and getting encircled that seems to add a lot to the contribution I think one hundred percent of the characters from that division that gets lost gets added to your total contribution in this case we just keep doing that over and over again and getting lots of juicy contribution we just wait for the UK to spawn new divisions we right-click we eat that division up press H and put back them into where they were before now we're at 13% you go don't push for any more line right now because we might actually capitulate the UK without taking London which is possible because each of these has worth like half victory point each land that doesn't have any specific victory point value though eventually we will capitulate them without that so at the moment just stay put and we need to eat every new division that appears in London 14% and one thing we could do now is because we've managed to do the impossible and get naval supremacy over the British we can convert these to actually a really good subdivision that's right one with lots of torpedo attack how many torpedoes can we put on this another one is almost triple the cost you know let's do it the super sub new division wipe it out 15% focus I'm gonna go for now is deal with F because this gives us a free justification on Japan and you probably wonder them right now hang on a second Japan Japan aren't they guaranteed by Germany Italy yep but we're on the same faction so it doesn't matter in a spam out naval dot yards now in all this area Iberia on power as many as we can Wow Colonia we can build seven okay which is built two can we end this here finally take the last province I think we can okay we ran out of time right now the Philippines has just been declared on by Japan I'm unlikely USA will join the Allies but no I've we got something to do with it and there we go we've got enough contribution now to take that which I will not name and Hong Kong I'm finally know if that is actually only we think we need thank goodness so now we can think a little bit outside the box and like what can we take further from here to make this mall worthwhile and my advice to you is try and take Vichy France because that we can push into this from this region and we can take all of Vichy but we could take the rubber from the East Indies that's probably gonna be really useful yeah we'll take that take maybe a bit North Africa to get that steel oh we could join the colonies oh oh wow a bit of southern England maybe no no southern England which ride-on theme left is Australia Yugoslavia and Poland okay we'll take a bit of northern Australia and okay we don't know the purpose of that war with France in the UK was just to take these to colonial station china and i just bought that i made a mistake and actually it's quite a big mistake as well for some reason when you go into occupied territories your Papa state doesn't actually exist but I mean it is here so it's in managed subjects the problem with managed subjects though is we can't return land to them because they're not in the occupied countries list in this list isn't Macau China just regular China if we return this to China it goes to nationalist China not our China the only way to give land to our China is in the peace conference that's the only way you can do it for some reason you can't do it to the occupied territories but you're breathing in that was a mistake now it wasn't a mistake the honest truth is we need to annex China regardless and we need Japan to lose this war and by looks of things are doing pretty good at the moment so let's see what we can do infrastructure for naval base and a full airport and what we'll do is move our troops over to this region one here and another one here let's get our spies into Japan yeah and yeah we're also gonna work on motorized and then finally go for logistics for the supply right the focus is complete and we can declare on Japan head don't bring your allies in cuz you to fight this war solo get get your Serbs on the road here here here and all the most southern regions and split you boys off yo knees declared on the Soviet Union I'll keep them busy okay let's become the spymaster how many spies we get two extra ones good what we need to do is improve our naval department because we need to know where their ships are to intercept them not America will send us guns because we're fighting the Japanese together all right Ted are fair score and but you guys here this is the reserve fleet which we'll use just for defending convoys the fleet is gonna go to Macau and then they're gonna be naval striking the South China Sea start being a bit more aggressive with the substitue and able split off and also engage at high risk this means we'll start hitting maybe some light cruisers and destroyers as well they've also landed here which is a little bit frustrating all right we're starting to hit them now I'm getting more visibility on Japan as well there we go now we've got enough Intel to actually see where their fleets are and they're covering quite a wide range as well with lots of escort all right let's push these guys out get out of here Japan five spies building a network in Japan's mainland this will give us a juicy Intel were just about to decrypt them - hmm I bet this must be a bit of a surprise for them all of us some land namely oh wow easy landing no one's around and then all of a sudden oh wait hang on let's try a sneaky maneuver ROM Vietnam right into my favorite place outside Hashima gusto the infantry expert the liberator of the indonesian portuguese colonies from the japanese historical game by the way there we go the South Islands are liberated right stop exercising activate the plan I think this might be enough strike force in these three key areas where the naval invasion goes and off he goes I'm gonna lie guys I'm a little bit tense right now what we'll do is select all of our air force all of it actually onto you and do close air support an air superiority and we ever landed and there's nobody here can we perhaps some cities really quickly is that going to be possible you need to be on aggressive and go go go we'll leave in one division behind on the port we're not making that mistake again there's nobody here I think securing the ports is really good idea because that means they can't even land troops back into our own country yup to the airport's captured the victory points and air support has arrived as well Tokyo has been taken and it's practically over now we've got single companies and we're gonna add those on and it's over China has the most war scar so it was gobbled up all these areas I'm a bit nervous that someone else might take some parts of China so pass again are they've taken it anyway that's fine in that case it's just me so I can pop it Japan and then practically take the rest of Japan as well as my puppet state and here we are guys this is the final chapter I like to refer to this section the video as the grind which will very soon see why I think we should go for the safe approach here I'm gonna push directly through Indochina into mainland China all the spies land in to China every single one there we go build a network beautiful right let's not mess around bring everyone over so front line for August is here August and it's gonna go here we're not gonna bring the Germans in but we are gonna stay in the access the reason for that is it means they won't intervene and we have full control the alliance with our puppet state which is this guy proto Brazilian Chi I'm gonna make a frontline division that's just gonna have the sole purpose of holding so we're gonna up the reconnaissance I think that's practically a maybe a a now they're not gonna have any planes right so this is gonna be the reservist division and we make just a crap ton of these we're say 72 of you and the main weapon we need is artillery also our main division elk and our armored car reconnaissance which gives us extra +1 reconnaissance Wow Soviets had gone and the entirety of the Soviet Union goes to Germany all of it there's a recap on tech going for our doctrines for the extra-soft attack and we're gonna go for signal companies for the reinforcer a Microsoft attacked with guns and extra-soft attacked with the night vision as well all right that's just a PI on China 125 days okay it's time pop the air wings on August as security close air support let's start this off with a bang let's get our decryption bonus for 30 days go go put it on balance to begin with and then go alright we've also got our server so might as well use them just to eliminate the odd few Chinese ships so here we go call to arms they all want to join the war do not let them you need 100 percent of the war Scott to do this and also forgotten to bring in proto Brazilian China and the Guan sea click does not want to join you might because we've got so many divisions on the front line and they're worried that they can't win and to wait the owner of 60 days though is not good and breaking through you nan looks less and less likely the mountains are just credibly difficult surprisingly they've actually broken through I didn't think we'd be able to all right we have to man you just to find them they don't know either join in the war see if we can potentially grab Dahle and that might cause you nan to collapse will be really useful because it'll mean we can eliminate some divisions on the frontline it's worked oh wow and we've split them in half Dan that's amazing and then we just clean up the mess part two is gonna be more difficult because the mountains have become even more dense it's all mountainous now where before some of them were hills at this point we need to push through the Gwangi cleek right now we can't push the mountains even with our support it's not gonna happen we build the infrastructure up though because I want to make sure that we're never gonna have supply problems we've got a Mon Guan Z let's go and everyone else can go to and we need to bring you into the war three and a half thousand planes of a sudden China they do not stand a chance the amount of air security I've got I'm really surprised the hardest part is gonna be breaking out the war lies then when we get into mainland China it should be a breeze the United States is just declared war on Italy and I have no idea why all right I'm leaving the axis I'm not involved in this the American Union is something to do with Canada maybe because Canada is a puppet of Italy it must be we take this last city here in Gwangi cleek they'll capitulate and then we'll offer all those divisions to work on another yep there we go progress it looks like August has made a breakthrough on the East Coast brewers in the center though is a little bit slow casualties 2.2 million losses for China I'm just shy of a million for myself as well the objective here ready frontline August is to secure the east coast line you sir mister blue general is to secure the center China has got chicken pox is this an omen for the future let's do a naval invasion into Korea if he goes oh no divisions here nice and go yeah buns are ready and off you go put them on balance this time got an encirclement on Seoul with a small bulge here little break here and that a massive push through across the coastline Korea is not looking too bad either we have met our objectives August has not let us down the champion of China Spain Britain and everywhere else August to now refer to it as August oh this is your last time to shine can you break the back or send to China yeah he looks like he can alright the final push aggressive everyone go go go and yeah 59% capitulated 60% 3.2 million we've lost two million so you know this wasn't as a clean win as it looks but what can you do how many find in mountains the next objective is Beijing you'll get it it's gonna charge now for the victory points eighty-eight percent 93 percent there we go China is broken thanks to our buddy August for making a tremendous push around the coastline it was amazing and the final mission is to take Taiwan this is where the rest of the victory points lie history repeating itself China versus China well Portuguese China versus of the China kind of Civil War kind of and evacuating to Taiwan hmm history the final landing 98 percent and we bro them it is over and now because our collaboration government has caused on all this territory they are now gonna take the territory just for themselves you know look they're taking territory by themselves so select proto Brazilian China and do take all states over and over again I am incredibly tense right now clicking this because I realized one miss click I could ruin the whole achievement I'm getting very very anxious right now and Communist China and Yunnan and the gwangae clique I'm clenching so badly right now this is probably yeah go Macau my day there we go and it goes without saying August you truly are the victor of Britain Spain and China you are now a field marshal and grats bro oh and one more thing there we go they built they had all of China wrong this was probably as painful I was 30 minutes of he'll be only they'll devised is if you do attempt this achievement don't expect to get it first time you probably have to practice a few things I think that the most part though I've got this guide down to a tee so if you follow it very closely you'll get it I think you'll get it guys I hope you enjoyed this video and if you want to give me a thank-you you can like subscribe and hit the bell if you've done that let me know below and I'll give you some love in the comments section guys I love you guys so much honestly you make my youtube channel and every view on this video means a lot to me you guys will hop into my discord iMacs even I chat on there all the time I love to hear from you guys the link is in the description good I currently guys at revenue has tanked the lockdown as totally frozen YouTube economy if you want to help me out the best thing you do in these dire times is become a patreon the link is in the description below thank you boys and girls bubbling [Music] you
Channel: FeedBackGaming
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Keywords: hearts of iron 4 macau my day, Hearts of Iron IV, HOI4, go ahead macau my day, lusitanian, hoi4 portugal, hoi4 china, hoi4 guide, hoi4 tutorial, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 1.9.1, hoi4 collaboration government, hoi4 la resistance guide, hoi4 la resistance tutorial, hearts, of, iron, macau, my, day, feedback, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron, hearts of iron 4 guide, how to play hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 tutorial, la resistance hoi4, hearts of iron 4 la resistance, hoi4 funny
Id: cuXHlsFZqQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 0sec (2160 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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